"Our Aim icill be, the People's Right Maintain, Unaued by Power, apd Unhribed by Gain." VOL- VI. WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNSDAY. JANUARY 18. 1888. fjlH GUITAR MANIA Sf.fnVDAWXISO AFFECTION. .Generally Developed by Loug oll and Swinging: on the Gate There is a time in the life of every boy he is taken with the fever to learn to ithe guitar. The fever comes on the time that he first falls in love and that Is at tne gc 1 At fourteen he is in love to .-mntom. h an extent that it actually makes him i to carry it around. He has been - . 1 nliiflivo O reading novels m wnicn wide . - Spaniard or an Italian lover, dressed in fantastic costume, who takes a guitar and i in tVi nnvfl. and .goes i to serenade mc -- ...nrlntu nrl tli rnws 9 ki&s the comes to uic mmuu... : .the lover, and then comes down herself, aid they, Uliygag. on the grass and talk mtrh mid. and the bov foreign iovc ,r , vinVs that is about tne nnes. suicmc umi he ever read of and he decided to obtain a It is some days betore ne wouio dare speak to his father about it. His -other has noticed that ne nas noi seemea well lately, and as she has watched him moping and sighing around, she has felt that he is having his young me sappea away by study, or that worms are feeding on his damask stomach. The old man, ho has been there knows that the kid is in love, and his receipt Would be weeding onions, or carrying in coal, but the good mother's tender heart is touched and she consents to the guitar schene, and shortly afterward there is a weird, ghostly sound coming from the attic that is a cross be tween the aeolian music of a breeze singing through a wire screen, and a couple of cats tuning up for a goosebury-bush sym phony in E flat with boot-jack bouquets. The guitar 'period is one of the most criti cal periods in the life of a boy. If he suc ceeds in learning to play a tune, and his voce becomes trained to such an extent that he can sing without being frightened at the noise, then he is gone. From that out he becomes a dude, whose soul ambi- lion is to be called upon to sing, and he will try to look sweet, and he will sing love songs at private parties, w ith his hand in his bosom and think the ladies yearn for him, when they feel as though they would like to take him across their knees, and caress him with a press-board. However, a boy wants to be attended to at the gui tar period, and shown the folly of it, or he will hate himself forever after. When pa rents find it coming on they should con sult each other, and take prompt action, or the boy that is their pride will go through life singing through his nose, "Odly Padzy Blossom," or "Oh, Cub, oh, cub th be, the Boon is Beebin 1 cr a THE SMACK IN SCHOOL. A district school not far away, Mid Berkshire hills one Winters day, "as hnmming with its wonted noise Vf three score mingled girls and boys. Some few upon their tasks intent, Jt more on fertive mischief bent ne while the masters downward look rt as fastened on a copy book. f hen suddenly behind his back 7e sharp and clear a rousing smack 1 ere the batterv of bliss off in one trememdous kiss. . T?at f that?" the startled master cries, tfutthis," a little imp replies, If William Willeth, if you pleath, 1 him kith Thuthana Heath." - Jtth frown to make a statue thrill. iri'ikaSter thundered, "Hither Will." u hung his head in fear and shame "u 10 lne awful presence came. 5 1 smile suppressed and briscle upraised e threatner faltered, "I'm amazed CiuvVTy b5g2est pupu 8hould ui"r of an act so rue. th-f hole 8ek 8ch boot V1! genut vou t& 4t.' -IdS 5116 herslV'obbed the W. aat mean to be so bad." 1 Z !enLSusan shook her curls' AnS thll 1 was afraid of girls dn't stand It sir, at all. I ktoST nd kissed her on the pot: ht .h?TI ougfct to. not. ithou T ,-v nr looks boo ho "tooght she kind a wUhed me to." at XT my. 15j Juu"g married rmmlo Viva tt?!1, together for four years HlDhChlldren' whom they have named led f n,.have given the last one, we copartnership. Women Worth Their Weight In Gold. Mrs. John Minturn is worth $2,000,000. Mrs. Kate Terry is worth nearly $6,000, 000. V ' Mrs. John Jacob Astor is worth about $8,000,000. Mrs. Edwin Stevens, of New York, has $15,000,000. Mrs. Hetty Greene, of New York, is worth $40,000,000 . Mrs. Thomas A. Scott counts her wealth at $5,000,000. Mrs. Robert Goelet, worth $3,000,000, owes her fortune to hard ware. Mrs. Tayne, the widow of the patent medicine man, is worth $3,000,000. ' Mrs. Marshal O. Roberts 'is the eight million aire widow of a mining king. Mrs. Martin Bates was left $1,500,000. man who built the first railroad in Russia, has $4,000,000. Mrs. Joseph Harrison, the widow of the man who built the first railroad in Russia has $4,000,000. Mrs. Jane Brown, received from her husband's estate about $4,000,000, which was accumulated is banking. Mrs. Josephine M. Aver, who gets her money from patent medicine, is estimated to be worth from $4,000,000 to $5,000,009. Willi 11 jr to Correct. He walked into the office the other morning, looking pretty much like a man dissatisfied with general results "Can I see the editor?" he inquired. He was directed to the foot of. the throne. "Good morning, sir," he began gruffly, "MorninV grunted the editor. "I came in," he preceeded, "to tell you of a misprint in the paper." "What is it?" "Well, I sent a notice . around here that my friend Smith had just been married, and your infernal compositor got it, Mr. Smith has just been martyred.' ..tTL 11 i :, a s I "UE i, vju tan mai it misLiiiui, uu ,uu 1 6 r - . .-.T . T" 1 I X 1 - 1 . 1 . I well, l aon 1, ana x navc. raiscu mat r-omnnsitnf's wairps. " If roll don't ' like it I send Smith-rouPa to met ten years irom i . . ,j Tn u-..f I now, and if he wants it corrected. 1 11 have it done." The visitor departed to see Smith. So True. The chastisement of Heaven are often disguised blessings. The afflictions of the body is not frequently in human experi ence the sweetest cordial to the soul. The ministry of the suffering verj often brings I 1 1 & : A iUa ftrA rtnune I 1 1.! t . 1U0 -.!! a A nnunc I joy ana consoiaiiuu iu ic biu u wjo.uo wiaer tne ga.ewa 10 si. . . .. . .1 ,.I TS..I , . . . .. 1 visitations,, whether upon the individual, I the community or upon the whole people, if viewed in the right way, may prove the greatest of benefactions, for it may lead to the salvation of the soul, the purifying and regenerating of society, and the "recalling ofa whole people to" God, whom hence- forth they will honor and reverence and obey. So calamities, when justly consid- ered, are not unmixed evils, and are not always manifestations of an irrevocable Di- vine displeasure. The way of thorns and jagged stones may end in flowery meads and glorious mountain tops with eternal sun-bursts and heavenly fruitions. Conjag-l Tests. When the honey moon is over and ac quaintance molds the lover to a sense of t t sober fitness and tne seamy-sioeo reai ; When tlie glow has left the fever and he turns an unbeliever, how he 'wanders as ne ponders on ine iraimy ui iuci: - . v . J . Then he sees it, is the passion for the wil- lltl: Ileal Jk. uiuoiuii - ,- .-w rn-rfriid in oassion's heedless sight. When his ardor turns' a question of his power ot digestion, or wnicn 01 mem retiring shall put out the vexing light. W.h.e" flr'ii, halfwho shiyers with an unproductive ire.- She discerns through coughs ard sneezing, tion ah depends on who constructs the j.u u -----..-v - fros, nv ihat attc kitchen fire. "Look at that dirty little boy, mamma. n "Yes, my son." "Why, h is just black. How I hate a dirty boy. "You shouldn't hate any body. You kn9w we are all made out of dust, and one little boy is just the same as another in the sight- Well," interrupted the urchin, conclu sively, "he must have feeen made out of coal dust." A MIXTURE. EDITORIAL ETCHINGS ' EUPHONI OUSLY ELUCIDATED. ill Numerous Newsy Notes and 3fmny Merry Morsels . Paragraphleally Packed and Pithily Pointed. -A head wind A sneeze. A nervous man Tim Idilr. , A stubborn man Will Full. . A match game Incendiarism. . t - u I "Ahem !' exclaimed the needle. A learned man Ed. U. Cation. A dangerous man Ddn O'Mite. A fine looking man I Jan-Some. Justifiable homicide-sleighing girls. A calculating man Matthew .Matics. Capital measures -Taking rich nxn. . The centre of gravity-An English ioke --M ' Mrs. Cleveland wearr number three shoes. . ' I A bill reduciner letter nostape to one I cent is prop0sed. 0 , J 1 Circus tumblers are afflicted with a vaulting amDition. A galley slave the fellow who has three girls at a time. - An antarctic expedition will start from England in the Spring. The home rule question Who is to get UP and light the fire? - r A roadbed Is for the convenience of wheels when they are tiredi The man who minds his own business as he ought to is seldom idle. "No," said the hack driver, "I can't stop, my business is driving.1 Money is so tight now that some peo- pie haven't even any loose change. . "All flesh is grass," but some' people disnlar more irreenness -than others. . i , ' o . . 1 T1 - f xnerr arc miny-eigm wiaowi ox revo- l .i lutionarv 'soldiers on the tvnsion l!stiL. I t :re :s a ouarrv. out of which we are to ....... . mouid and chisel and complete a character. No Metaphysician ever felt the defi- ciency of language so much as the grate- "1- The man who is slow to express an opinion might just as well send it by freight. When hope is disappointed and bias- ted, submission should be a virtue, not a'j necegsjt K UCI ItlCIC VVlltt A lUW'IKtk Ul3 Utl, OkaitU- . 1 " . It is estimated that the railroads of the country spend $36,000,000 per year on 1 I wooaen cross-ues. It is better to have thorns in the flesh with grace to endure them than to have no thornes and no grace. He who does a base thing in zeal for hjs friend, burns the golden thread that ties their hearts together. .iTo him who waits doth all things come n , the but he who hustles llv th Senator Jones, of Nevada, is preparing to reply to Sherman's flapdoodle Tariff Time, makes all things even. The rich man can have ice in the summer and the poor man in the winter. ;Frank Fallour, a rich man at Wheel- . , ing, Va has been arrested for arson. penalty is hanging if convicted. The I - -. ( . 1 . . The most disagreeable weather is yet I to come. January and February are usu - ali qoct that anv other months. I . ' I There, a farmer within four miles of Lincoln'. 111., -ho appear, to be parttcu- larly fitted to become a professional juror. I t . i . k --i... . . m k . . mc uiar t pruuuLu inn jii " -vt- 000,000, about $20,000,000 more than the wheat yidld. Buying an honest colored voter and having him subsequently sell out to the other party on election day is a case of ; black ingratitude. In Ireland the liberty of the press U gone, ine censorsnip wOW of Russia. England has a great many -. ti 1- .1 . sins to answer for. There now. Nearly half of the Sena- tors "have no hair on the top ot the head where it ought to grow." That is a long way to say they are bawl. The Legislature of Georgia has re fused to grant the usual aid to the Colored University. This comes of the unwise ag itation of co-education of the races. Henry Irving's New York engage ment will bring him in $100,000. Speak ing other men's words and uslngtheir brains pays better than using your own. The Booth-Barrett combination se cured $44; 1 66.50 by its two week in Phila delphia. "Othello' was. the biggest night $3657.50. "Hamlet was closed up, , -The Queen Regent of Spain is gaining a strong hold on the affections of her sub jects, and is said to be a woman of wonder ful charms of manner and great administra tive ability. Two bright New Jersey young wo men, dissatisfied with the money they made teaching invested $50 in poultry. The first year their profit were $1,000, the second $3,000. v A dispatch from Galvestan, Texas, says that the new-born infant of Mr., and Mrs. L W. Gibbings, of that city, U the fi"8 fdris vouchsafed to that Gibbings fam- Uy for over one hundred and twenty years. " , Miss Cleveland, a second cousin of the President, is the author of "See-Saw, by ! one of 'Em." The book is a story of De- partment life, and the characters are thinly disguised Michiganders under assumed names. President Cleveland has made $20,000 by the increase of the value of "Red Top," the country place be bought near Wash ington. Secretary Whitney has done bet- ter, having realized a profit, it is reported, of $90,000 by the sale of land he bougnt in the vicinity, Money is so abundant with many peo- pie that they really do not know what to do with it. . At an art sale in London on the 8th inst onc Picture for mJ man $50,000, ana anomer iur neariy- - . , , jr- , sum.. Others fetched $27,000 and more ' ' ' sum. .".' a c a. :t....t iv;u:-, I sons 01 true rciiucuicuL muiuui. iiuuiumg 4. .-. . . . Mm into his own nature; nor can anyone live in an atmosphere of sympathy and good- will without feeling his emotions stirred with love and interest in his fellow men. Notwithstanding the boasted salubrity of the climate of California, the death rate in San Fancisco last year was nearly1 18 per ijooo. The z) motic "diseases were es- rjeciallv nrevalent and fatal, diphtheria and R . drainage is rhartred with the trouble. 1 0- o ' benator Kansom has introduced a Din to establish a light-house at Diamond Shoals,fiftcen miles from Hatteras, and said f 1 1 on introducing 1 in nis usuai granu way : "There would be few better or more glo. rious days in human history than the day when the dark horrors of Hatteras should overcome by the illumination of hu- man Rcienci- Napoleon was a great novel reader, He laid his hand on all sorts and devoured them. Macauley was very fond of novels, and Charles Darwin loved and read them Is. , . , 5 cnui"K " usl U1".' literary excellence. An orator who recently addressed the Louisiana Sugar, Planters' Association on the "Great American Mule," began his ef fort with these words: "I do not propose to enter into the history of the mule; he is with us and has come to stay. Neither 1 m horsc nor donkey, he is the mugwump of 1 the animal kingdom by nature a kicker and ncver a gwayback. I 1 I tk. --- e-.-f m-iMm at AW. e,.ita thl, VI4r ,. , womln. she doe. nct uke hcr seat at the Uble, because she I is a woman, but olavs over the shoulders Lf the men. betUnc her 100 franc bilLas 1 " imperturbably as she would so many sobs. She is described as being altogether un lovely In person and careless and slouchy in hcr dress. She is a Greek by birth.. We have 7,640,000 persons engaged in aericuiture in the United States. This interest employs over twice as many per sons as any other industry, and it has more 1 - tha twk U ital of othet and at tfce baHot ,t ,. vote than all th -others nut to trether. Whv should the ... 1 o 4 honest, toiling farmers of this country ask J yea, have to beg Congress and State leg- J islatures f or laws favorable to their inter ests? . STATE NEWS. FttOM THE DEEP BLUE SEA TO THE GBAND OLD MOUNTAINS. An Hour Pleasantly Spent TTlth Onr Delli-ttttal Excnaaros. The Hickory Press Is now an eight page paper. The actual increase In the taxable value of property in the State is $7,324,000. , M-.J. C Haigh, Jr has recently been appointed Notary Public by the Governor. The revenue receipts in Durham on to bacco during the past year were $486, 383,66. Col.'Lcftwitch, of Greensboro, It now trying to have the old Egypt mine put " In operation again. Rer, T. J. Gat Us, agent of colportage of the North Carolina conference,' has made Durham his headquarters. The business portion of the. town , of Beaufort was destroyed by fire out he night of the 3rd inst. Loss about $75,000. The Fayetteville Oil Mills are daily re jeiving Urge quanities of seed, and ship Vng lots of cotton seed meal - to points south. Some one in North" Carolina last year killed a hog' that weighed 1,300 pounds.. The largest this winter thus far reported is less than 650 pounds. William Marshall, son of Mr. J. W. Mar shall, died at his father's home in Scotland Neck at 1 o'clock p. m., December 28th, 1887 aged 24 years and 11 months. .Hon. John W. Graham, of Hillsboro, was recnntly married to Miss Maggie Bai ley, of Tallahassee, Fla. The bride was a niece of Dr. J. W.J. Hawkins, of Raleigh. , The Atlantic Coast Line, at the request of the merchants of Wilmington, will give excursion rate tickets on Thursday of each week for the uext 30 days as an experi ment. During the last two weeks twenty-seven far mei.' al Hances have orc-nlzed - and equiped in the State, and twenty others have reported to the general secretary their readiness for equipment. Commissioner of .Immigration .-Patrick reports that during the year just ended two thousand immigrants, mainly from Pennsylvania and New England, came into North Carolina, settling mainly west of Raleigh. An immense amount of sorghum syrup was made in this State the past year. In some counties in the wester part of the rState as much as twenty-five hundred gal lons were made, and the most of it is as erorvrl ax anv Imnnrt pA mnlfl& e- j - i " ' Charles M. Cooke, chairman of the ex ecutive committe of Wake Forest College has been officially notified to call his com mitte together at once to take action in re gard to the chair of chemistry made "va cant by the death of Dr. Jas. R. Duggan. During tne year' 1887 there have been established in this State 12 carriages and wagon works, 27 cigar and tobacco facto ries, 26 cotton and woolen mills (the State leading in this branch) 31 flouer and grist mills, 31 railroads, 9 street railway- and 67 wood working establishments. From the Winston papers it Is learned that Mr Jack Hicks will be given his old position of engineer on the Raleigh pass enger train. Mr. 1 licks was put oown some time ago on the account' of his defi cient education, but since has applied him self diligenly and has learned to read and write and passed a satisfactory examina tion. Mr. Hicks is between 50 and 60 years old, and deserves msch credit for the success he has met with in studying. . One day. this week Miss Laurah Wood a young lad.7" living In the Buckleiberrj t section of Inoir county, shot and killed a deer in the yard of her home. There was a chase going on, and Miss Wood saw that the deer was making to pass through the yard whereupon she got her brother's gun out of the house and shot tue animal as it passed, the accuracy of her aim resulted as above stated. Miss Wood is a splendid type of physical womanhood, and' has a wide circle of friends, who will read this item with real enjoyment. ,v Salvation Oil routs and banished all bod llv nain instantly, and costs only ?5 cts per bottle. . . MA bull in a china shop is out of place' but a bottle of Dr. Bull's Tough Syrup In the china closet is in its place. For croup, bronchitis, sore chests, and col? s it is prompt and efficacious remedy.