"Our Aim trill be, the People's Right Maintain, Unawed by Ppicer, and Unbribed by Gain." VOL- VI. WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNSDAY, JANUARY 25. 1888. NO. 45 A LIFE'S ' . yonnsr vrD IX THE COM SCHOOL- OF BITTEB KPEBIEKCE. WOOSI WH W vmwv and Happy. wn H"w the Ana;ihe-Threadel titerr f Bitter Dleappotntmeat. tp dear old mother earth is wrapped in lnC ll IT- .111 of deep sweet sieep. uw mi i! A flood, of thought comes Bris We'9 a mantle ...., thinsr is: W andfsitting alone, thinking of the nment and future, I find myself lwhT so much sorrow is often -,dedin cne short life. My thoughts fvback to the dear old past when I was a abpy. child, knowing , nothing of sorrow l bitter disappointment, whdh life was a bappv dream. I built air castles. OhI r life was to be one of bliss, joy and ,nk borrow, hate and strife were to find no entrance there; what a glorious life it astobe! yet they were . only, air castles 9nd doomed to fall in the dust to "become utter ruins. I look back to-night and a .... ' rc- OT-tr line ixrVtCkn T c ff deep, bitter crv csi. v ... - - u m fond hopes Diasiea iaia iow m rains. Then to the present, with all its heartaches and yearnings, its "Might have kens-" I think, how have I born it so . 1 1 A. - M A. lona? I have tnea nara not 10 murmur at mvtot, vet "It is hard sometimes to be pa tient, to suffer and still be strong.'-' I have seen happiness lying almost in my reach, if I could only have grasped it; I could not, let it glide by, j-egardless of the fierce ruleand wild appeal my" heart made. Poor heart, you must hush, be still ; per. haps some day you .will learn never to throb faster; poor, aching heart, hush vour moans and pleadings. Death is has tening on. What is death? Only a short struggle, and then deep, sweet, dreamless "sleep, that is rest, sweet rest, free from all yearnings and bitter pangs of disappoint ment So more passionate ' tears - to be shed in the lonely hours, no more heart aches, no more cries and. prayers to God for strength to crush down the longings of our poor tired heart that cries aloud, and struggles wildly like a captive bird against - the prison bars that shut it off from happi ness and freedom. Only a little while be fore the life will close. The future ! what does it hold? Only a repetition of the pre sent with perhaps more misery. God help those who are heart-sick and weary that long so intensely, to hear a few words of tender endearment, long to feel a loved one's arms thrown around them and hear sweet words of comfort whispered, that would surely make life more worth the living. God, help those who have none to caress them, small wonder that they should grow cold and careless.' Every true m?Ji or woman longs for something to pet and ove; if they have no one, they will often grow cold, careless, perhaps satirical. hen there are loved ones near, who now their affection for you, vour. heart will surely feel .lighter, pleasant thoughts will fill vour busy brain crowding out the , waones. God in His mercy will vet Hess His unhappy children, for troubles are of ten sent to try their faith and fit them for a lighter home. Yet it is hard to be situ that words of praise or endearment dom come to our ears. Husbands, show mi,. 1- rave lor your wife, let her feel she is n... . to ot your heart; pet, caress her, she 'I neVPr lnn, ...1 -1. l J -..ivjy, mien sne nas numoreu !u enough. Parents, love your children, haye -vu ever thought how they miss pse uttle caresses and pet names you so 0 -en bestowed upon them in their baby lce is short, . make them happy -de you can, when the angel of death walked along life's pathway, those with whom we took sweet counsel and dropped from our 6lde, where are they but just be yond us not far away, it may be very near us in the heaven of light and love. Is there anything to alarm us In the thought of the invisible? We think not Oft-times when the head is weary with the heartaches of this world, and is resting on the pillow, there comes whispers of joy from the spirit land, which drop into the heart thoughts of the sublime and "glorious, as if some angel's wing had passed over the brow, and some dear little one sat by the pillow and com muned with the soul to raise the affections towards the other and better world. a mixture; EDITOBIAI XTCniWcb ' EUPHOCT. OUSLT ELUCIDATED. Inntnu Vtwij Ntlf and JXay Merry Hersela Pararaphleallj Packed and Pithily Tlate. am- The Depths of the Sea. The greatest known depth of the ocean is mid way between the Island of Tristan d'Acunha and the mouth of the Rio de la Plata. The bottom was here reached at a depth of 46,236 feet, or eight and three- A neck-and-neck race Giraffes. Concealing the truth--Lying In bush. . An early closing ordinance "Shut the door."- One hundred womert ride tricicles in Washington. -) A man who docs business on a large scale a coal leader. 7. r , ." A skillful cook is the most popular of all interior decorators.-; 'j- ' The signs of war may yet be discerned on the European horizonv . The mother with twin boys know what fourths miles, exceeding by more than 17,- (it is to toil from son to son. STATE NEWS. niOH THE DEEP DZ.UE SEA TO TOE OLD BOUHTAIIS. ' The boy who quails at the sight of a mustard plaster b the same lad that goes fearlessly forth to tackle a bee's nest with a handful of willow switches. A Boston surgeon has extracted the nerves from a man's cheek. What busln-1 ess nouse uie patent. Intends to serve as 1 " apeat vrisa oar commerfeal trY!r U not ttA Delightful Exehaapea. t . . ... r-penencc leacnes many imngs, pro- There are 272 Farmers' Alliances In the mineni among wnicn, to a man is tnat it is 1 state. safer, to run your chance with a bajky mule than to dictate to a woman on wash day. ' "Humph!" grumbled the dock, UI don't know of any one whois harder worked that I am: twenty-four hours a day year In and year out." struck. Both sides in the Reading strike still The Baptist Church of Clayton has called Rev. Dr. Harrell to be its pastor. The Tobacco Plant says Durham has upright, eloquent, consecrated preachers." The first cotton ever raised in North And then it Carolina was planted in a field near Ral eigh. Representative Simmons has introduced holdout and no sign of compromise is a hil for the erection of a public building 000 feet the height of Mount Everest, the InVthe of New- crossing loftiest mountain in the world. North Atlantic Ocean, South foundland, soundings have been made to depth of 4,580 fathoms, or 27,480 feet; while depths equalling 34,000 feet, or six and one-half miles, are reported South of the Bermunda Islands. lhe average depth of the Pacific Ocean, between Japan urally follows that he is out of practice. Thousands of tourists are Niagara river on the ice bridge. Ernesto Rossi, the v eminent Italian tragedian, is publishing his memoirs. We are all fortune-tellers. That is, we can tell a fortune when we see it. When a physican loses his skill it nat- mining towns Sunday, the Most import ant at Reading. 5lr. Wilfrid Blount repeats his state ment that Mr. Balfour said last fall that he The West Market Street Methodist Church, of Greensboro, has raised $500 to buy a new bell. Durham has four banks, two newspa- and California, is a little over 2,000 fath oms: between Chile and the Sandwich Island, 2,500 fathoms, and between, Chile and New Zealand, 1,500 fathoms. The average depth of all the oceans is from 2, 000 to 3,000 fathoms. J ant Like 'Xi The following conversation, hard by a reporter-on the street is suggestive: Women are the best detectors of coun terfeits when the counterfeits are not men. The price of rubber goods remain very firm. One would think that it would be elastic. "Westward the 'star of empire takes his way" but he frequently walks nome again on the ties. It is said now that the storms follow the steel rail tracks. ! Such is the theory of 'Are you still tugging away at 4.hose the Safety Valve. gloves of yours?" Yes, dear." V "You know it disgusts me to see you walking through the streets making your j toilet." -, "Does it, deaf?" W hy, do you know that I would just Fred D. Grant is to be appointed Quarantine Commissioner, to succeed Thomas C. Piatt. J I In matters of conscience first thoughts are best; in matters of prodence ' last thoughts are best. The man who can never get a day off . . 11; 1. 1 as soon see you puiung on.y"r- the chap who has "thirty days" from the mgs m ;ne street as your gioves. Hce court d "Most men would, was ail sne saui, ana he had nothing else to say. , She XTmu KlddlBff Him. " "Tight money," murmured the un fortunate in the police court as he paid the usual fine and costs. A law prohibiting the intemperate would inprison six of the physically week- I pcrsi one tobacco journal and three tobac- est Irish leaders, Mr. Balfour.says the story co warehouses. I is a ridiculous fabrication. It is calculated that colored people pay The Pacific is not always pacific The on $4,000,000, worth of propertr in other day it got itself into a perfect fury North Carolina. and dashed its waves clean over the top of The Tarboro fertilizer factory is now Tillamook lighthouse, which is hearly two running on full time, with a capacity of hundred feet above the level. fifty tons per day. In his valedictory the retiring editor Congressman Henderson is reported to and proprietor of a Nevada Journal says: the effect that he preferred to be Congress- "Thanking an ever-indulgent public for man to Governor. not having mobbed me long since. I am There is to a book-sellers' convention sincerely theirs to serve," etc for North cj on February 22nd, M. de -Lesseps maintains that the either'in Raleigh or Greensboro. Panama canal will be made available for c L. Rcege q BaltimorCj e transit of the vessels in 1890, by means of ted Proessor Chemistry at Wake For immense metallic locks, which Engineer e .t colIcgc tQ 6uccecd Df Effel has been ordered to censtruct. , . -' " , ...... The Durham Tobacco Plant has entered -There are moments in hfe when past upon a new volume and anothcr jear of events like winged shuttles, dart to and usefulnes8. M lt reach man Ug fro before us, and by their incessant move- presen( agC ments weave a web which we ourselves, In a greater or less degree, have spun and put :Thc Young Men's Christian Association upon the loom. 7 " throughrout the State" seem to be meeting -Mrs.- M. Hurley, of San Frandsco Wltn umve 8ucceM- In Charlotte they who is one hundrednd five vears old, has have a vcr ,arSe building, left alone in the world, with no one tp look The Newberne Journal says: "We learn after in her old age, having recedtly lost a that recently Mr. L,'. F. Tillcry, formerly son, aged eighty, and a .daughter, who. was telegraph operator here, but now of Rocky sixty-eight at the time of her death. Mount, who is vkiting his father In law, Th sneerh of Senator Vane In favor Mr'" Geret Vvne of Havelock, went OUt Sarcasticus and his wife were going to hoarding of wealth might prevent money . . . . I frrt m hpcnmi n rr ticrVit the opera. "Will you please go in and get " & my goats off the dressing table?" said Mrs. We send 1,000,000 barrels apples every Sarcasticus. year to foreign-nations, and won't take any "Your goats?" queried the puzzied Sar- "sass" in return either, casticus; "what fangle have you women . The Crown Prince's case is now hope got now?" less, although -you will see occasionally a "I'll show you," snapped the wife, as she more encouraging report sailed away and soon returned putting on It does not a schoolboy long to her gloves. evince a love for division, proveded an- "A re those what you mean? Why, 1 other ooy owns the apple. During the past thirty days the price call those kids." "I used to," replied Mrs. .Sarcasticus, "but they are getting so old I am ashamed to any longer." He took the hint. Regardless of Cost. of real estate in Anniston, Ala., has ad vanced from 15 to 20 per cent. It is sad to see family relics sold at auction but the most painful thing under the hammer is generally your thumb nail. Statistics show that girls who work ia a match factory do not get married any "Young man," he asked "what is your amhition in life?" "To get rich, sir," replied the young quicker than those who work at other pla man, lighting a fresh cigar. im But while vou I What is the dofferense between J O - 1 are trying to get rich aren't you spending country school a Efood deal of money?" "Oh, I don't mind the expenses, I'm willing to get rich regardless of cost. SHT. had ;our loved ones, vou will wish vou remember! tv. Sn 10 kte' the sealed 15ps wiU - eed the kisses you rain upon them; closed ees will have opehed upon scenes. If we :had the power to Y'nto the heart, in manv, no doubt, 0u'd be found the following "lines: - friends, I pray to-niht. The? "Ct yur kisscs f".mT dead, cold brow 1y 7ZJ ls loneIT, let me feel them now. .- ilv faiffently m: 1 am traTel "o ' tenn? feet are Piercei "with iaany a thorn. iTi h' ieart3 estranSed; forgire, I plead, tfreamless rest is mine, I sfaalLnot need e tenderness for which I long to-night." A Save Cate far Te.elaaehe. J master &nd Britannia? One rules the wave and the other waves the rule. It U no use for a piano to be i-quare or upright. Mr. Taltnage 6aying that there will Heaven. is authority for be none of them in . -1- 1 r - y: 1 Doctor1 Blake, of tae lanoon wcwwi Society, in a recent lecture said that k was perfectly useless te extract teeth because they ached, as any case of the toothache except those connected with rheumatiajn mav oe insianuv tmw wv- The rnot dull aid sickening t-aud is that produced by the dropping of aa old fashioned copper cent inte a church contri- i bution box. The difference between the sun and a re art ar Ired Qaea. Alum reduced to an impalpable pewder, 3 man's nose is one is the center of the solar drachams,; nilrou. spirit, 7 drachams; mix system and the other the sctnter 01 tne nu and anniv to the tooth. The remedy ls so man system simple that it is certainly with trying. J A MATTER BBCT. arBiLCJhaTe P8 fro us but where ttaw" JU6t bejond the invisible. And I ho d" mothere who educated us they.ted and comforted us, where are V 1 Wond the line of the invisi- i.wo ui UUI 11TCB. uia.i There will We three eclipses of the sun in 1888, but you need not get out your smoked glass, as they will not be visible in North Carolina. onA, u,tmArA miprants from IS el fort. I'm really very blue to-night, . . I . . rioVo lact Ti,.. For somehow things have not gone right, r ranee, icu " 7 ---j SHE. And all the world seems dark to me. So I'm a little "Sad-you-see." There are; France is increasing signs that iraigration from HE. My eyes have ekher.lost their sight, Or else quite dimly burns the light, For other sect you ne'er can be,. Sirce you are always "Phar-i-see.? Several Bulgarian mH&ary 'officials, Government oflcials and teachers have been arrested cn the charge of oonspiriag 1 againt Prince Fredinaad. of the abolition of the whiskey, beer, wine, apple-jack, tobacco, cigars and cigarettetax is well worth reading. It is an able speech throughout, and in his accustomed clear and excellent style. Senator Yance al ways makes strong Speeches. A colored woman, the wife of Willie Ellis, of Albany, gave birth to twin boys. They are said to have weighed the enor mous amount of thirty-seven pounds, one turning the scales at twenty pounds, the other at seventeen, the heaviest babies ever known. Mother and children are do ing well. The forest lane's of the United States, excluding Alaska, embrances 500,001,000 acres, or 28 per cent of the entire area. The farmers own about 38 per cent of the forest area, or some 185,000,000 aeres. The rest is oned by tailroad corporations, mine owners, charcoal burners, tanneries, lumberman and speculators. The estimated expenses of the Chicago police department for the present year are $1,550,000, which, the Macon Telegraph says, is more than the total income of the State of. Georgia. The amount spent by Chicago on her public school system an nually is over five times as much as the entire sehool fund of Georgia. .- The Farm and Home has had a care fully prepared statement made of the money in this country and finds the ac tural money of the country i thus about 1917 millions of dollars, of which nearly one-third is locked up in the treasury, over one-eighth is absorbed by the national banks 1050 millions are in "di culation, of which amount we have $1.75. The man who first used the torpedo in navel warfare died a few days ago in Georgetown, D. C. Francis Edgar Shen pard came of sn old North Carolina fam ily, was educated at the Annapolis Naval School, and at lhe outbreak of and war en tered the Confederate navy. Just twenty five years ago thb ssonth Sheppard blew up United States gunboat Cairo on Miskis kippi by means of an old fashioned torpedo. Captaia Sheppard watched theexplosion from the bank of tne river, and declared that torpedo warfare was cowardly. He never again set a torpedo. with a little son of Mr. Vyne fqr a hunt. In some way young Vyne's gun went off unexpectedly and a great part of the load lodged in Mr. Tillery's back and shoulder. The shot, fortunately were small and Mr. Tillery was not seriously hurt, but we learn that his wounds were quite painful. He ha many friends in the city who svm- pathize with him." There is an old lady living in the north ern part of Stokes county, aged about 70 years, who never saw a railroad, a cook stove, a sewing machine or an organ. She has not been on the public road but once in ten years. She lives within one-half of a mile of her brother-in-law, and has not visited him once in four years, has not vis ited her brothers and sisters, ho live tut a short distance away, in twenty-five years. She does not employ a cook, or wash wo man, spins and weaves, and makes her own' clothing, besides doing the work of a fami ly of four, and thinks there is no place like home. The Watchman says "Salisbury to-day is very different from the Salisbury of five years ago. Six denominations are repre sented here by a place of worship ; Presby terian, Methodiut, Baptist, Lutherian, Epis copal and Catholic. All have Sunda schools attached and are well attended The press consists of four papers, the Her ald, Truth, Press and Watchman. There is also a colored caper printed here under the auspices of Livingstone College, The Star of Zion. We have three tobacco warehouses, four large plug tobacco manu factories, ith a big capacity, another to be built in the spring, and two f moking tobac co factories. The full capital stock for two cotton factories has been subscribed by our home capitalists within the last two months, and the erection of both mills will bebpgun as soon as the spring opens." Three Cs. There are three c's that seize the children and carry them off. The three c's are colds, coughs, and croup. Mothers! Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup saves the little eaes lives! - If men are suffering tortures with tooth ache they ould not try to smile and look cool and handsome, flow much wiser to j ease the pain with a bottle of 8alvation Oil. Price 25 cents.

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