"Owr Aim will be, the People's Rigid Maintain tt y t. .. t i rr i t . uiuzutu uy srower, ana uwsnueu oy Lruln. VOL- VI. WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 29. 1888. NO. 50 OUR COUNTRY. KBltUANT AND MAGNIFICENT iD DREAM fits Grand and Growing and Rap iiJ ExPndlu6T Power and Possi-Hlitle- The earth is throbbing from zone to under the restless activity and power of info"- JNcver lias mc wui iu w Hiicsscu such a grand achievement and glorious tri omph of intellect and genius. A little ten fear -old boy living off in the country who eerer saw a railroad, has no conception of a printing press, street cars, electric lights, m lights, telegraphs or telephones. Yet he mav live to see the curves in our rail roads "abandoned and enveloped in grass, and magnificent air-line trunk railways, ribboned with three, four, six, steel tracks, ver which a hundred trains shall go thun dering along dailv at the rate of sixty to one hundred miles per hour,, with no wood, no coal, no fire, no water about the ennne. He may live to see the great met ropolitan dailies duplicated simultaneously in all the leadiing cities of this country and of the world. He may live to see the da when the telegraph will be discarded and ignored, as being too slow and too tedi ous. He will doubtless live to see the tel egraph brought to such perfection that it will virtually annihilate space. He may Ere to see the day when friends livevon epposite sides of the ; continent may, by means of photographic processes, be brought face to1 face and look each other in the eve, as they talk through the tele phone, as freely and fluently as it sitting together. He may live ' to see the day irhen an agent of the weather bureau, lo- caled at Raleigh, will inform the central . fficeat Washington that a drought pre vails in a given section of the State, and that agent will be ordered to give it rain and it will be done. The possibilities of humm genius and scientific achievement hare never vet been fathomed. SIX MARRIED MEN. latOne of Them Knew How a Wo- - man Pats on a Corset. Atthis juncture the coroner desired to show to the jury the direction taken by the ball, and for this purpose'produced the cor set worn by Mrs. Burkhart at the time of me tragedy. "You see," said he, and here hedrewthe corset around his waste vii h lace in front; "the ball must have gonj; in j from behind. No, that can't be eit her for j the doctor says the ball went in in front, j Confound it, I've got it on wrong. Ah! '. this way." (Here the coroner put the cor- j set on upside doCvn") "Now, you see ! (pointing to the hole in the garment, which ! icu over his hip,) the ball must haxe gont in here. No, that can't be either, for-" Here Mr. Mather, the handsome man on the juiy, broke in. "Dr. Stillman," ad he, "you've got that corset on wrong." ere Dr. Stillman blushed like a peony. well," said he, "I've been married twice !y 1 uSht to "know how to rig a corset." "es,"said Mr. Mather, "but you don't. had it right in the fiist place. The jj-wgs go in front and the ladieg clagp them together at the back. Don't I know ? think I ought to. I have been married. u you doubt it, look here (pointing to the "jess at the top.) How do you suppose that' going to filled up unless you put it I SUP-p-pct?" iTKof ' : J t- o.jii on as oo - That," said Dr. Still- an, w-hy that goes over the hips." "No, don't," said, Mr. Mather, "that fullness J somewhere else-this wav" and Mr. "ner indicated where he thought the Alness out to go. "ere another juryman discovered that tinman had the corset on bottom side P- "Doctor," said he, "put it eray." . on the oth- Then the doctor put it on it reverse or- thP'KV.h the laces in front- Th!s brought bullet hole directly over the tails of his ther'1" think'" Said Mr- Mfher, "that gullet went in there, doctor." don't think it did," was the reply. Z 1UU mig' funny-six - cu men n u: - . oom and not one that;" 9 now to Put on a woman's corset." Consolation. ter rrow cornes, and sorrow is always bit- uara to endure, but divine comfort nes with if .,-1 i j visj ei with lt- ;X.wrron . wf umcM in our uiiuuncss. wi ndK U1s,ea angel irom me door, j a heavenly comfort is so rich and expe. rience being held close to the heart of Christ and consoled by his sweet love that it more than compensates for the sor row. It -was the Master'himself who said: "Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted."' He certainly meant that God's comfort is so great a blessing j that it is well worth while to mourn just to enjoy it; that those who do not mourn miss one of the richest, sweetest beatitudes of divine love. Night draws on with its dk and .,s - bu, when in deepens over us ten thousand stars flash out; the stars are rich compenr sation for the darkness. So it is when sor row comes; we shudder at its coming, but we pass under its shadows, and heavenly comforts, which we had not seen before, appear glowing in silver splendor above our heads In the bright summer days clouds gather and blot out the beauty of the sky and fill the air with ominous gloom and fierce lightenings and terrific thunderpeals; but out of the clouds rain pours down to refresh the thirsty earth and to give new life to the flowers and the plants. So it is. also, with the clouds of trial whose black folds oft times gather above us in our fair summer days of glad ness; there is compensation in the bles sings they bring to our lives. A Leap Tear Tarn. Clylie: "Harry ybii must have noticed that you havegrown very dear to me. I 1 - it is useless to longer conceal the truth, my darling -Iloveyo!" Harry (turns pale and trembles): "It is so sudden. Miss Jones, r.xcuse mv agita tion, but I must have time ro think." Clytie: "Then you bid me hope, my an gel? Oh, rapture!' - Harry (blushing coquettishiy behind his whiskers): UI have . not said that. Really Miss Jones I must refer you to ma." . Clvtie: "Cruel, cruel one. Whv have you awakened this pleasing hope in un bosom if'onlv to blast it? Consider, mv love. . - Wili-nothing move you to mercy? Bestow upon me this little hand and make me the happiest of maidens." Harry: "Alas! I cannot be. I-esteem mSn,.v as a mend, Miss Jones, but j forgive me if I pain you I do not love you. (Hold out his hand.) Uut 1 will al wavs be a brother to you." She throws herself with a dispairing wail on his bosom, kisses him passionately and rushes into the dark, dark world con- vinced that leap ear is a fraud. r Sympathy, We think the hardest thing for human nature to bear is lack of svmpathv.One can endure privation, poverty, disappointment, trial, in almost any form, if there is only one loyal human being to whom we can turn our tearful eves, and sav: Isn't this hard. Nor need there be a verbial reply: The slightest hand pressure; a quick responsive moistening of the eye ; an arm slid around the waste ; an echoing sigh ; a touch of the- lips to the throbbing forehead. What hea ven is in these mute tokens How they bridge over the yawning gulf of despair! How fair, when the tempest lulls, do they span it with hope's rainbow ! True, the clouds may return the chill mist the darkness ; but the bright, warm tints have been there! More than angelic are these ! soul responses. Eternity shall show it, when they over whom the shadows of great trouble fell, till wrong almost seemed right, shall, with these their earth saviour, serenely untangle the life-web, every fibre of which is spun by the hand of Infinity Love. V The Trials of u Deer "Absalom," said Mrs. Ferguson, as she bathed her husbands aching head the next morning, "you promised -me solemnly the first of the year that you wouldn't drink any more, and this is your third spree in less than three weeks. You have done this same thing every January for the last ten years. I've lost all faith in you. You are not a man you're an animal." I know it, Mary Jane," replied Fergu son. "I know it. I'm a deer. I shed my helms once a year and they grow right on Tfo Snen Battle. Tramp--"Can't you give a poor man something to eat? I got shot in the war and canJ work" Woman-"Where was "In the spinal column, mum." There was no "such battle "Go 'way 1 fought" A MIXTURE. EDITORIAL ETCHINGS EUPHONI OUSLY ELUCIDATED. Ifnmerons TTewsy Note and Many Jlerry Morsels Paratrrapbleallj Packed and Pithily Pointed." ' ; ' ' - - The school question Please, may I R'wout. v Sin may be clasped so close we cannot see its face. 5 A piller of the church A pious apothecary. - Men who are a great deal run after fugitives from justice. ? , r, The fireman of a, locomotive generally has a "tender" disposition. f -Absence destroys trifling intimaces, but it invigorates strong ones. Fame comes only v, hen deserved, and then it is as inevitable as destiny. ... The clergyman may not be much dl a carpenter, but is a pretty good joiner,' The lightening-rod agent's motto "Spare the rod arid spoil the propeity." The innocence of the intention abates nothing of the mischief of the example. The thing that a woman knows best is how some other woman ought to dress. --A country editor having received a gift of doughnuts, thanks the "doughnor." Holiness is love welling up in the heart, and pouring fourth crystal st-eams. Senator Chandler has the smallest head in the Senate, and the fullest of mis chief. "Bessie, what scratched your arm in that way ?" "A u nt M artha, I hit it with the cat." ' ' , r I Mr. W. W. Corcoran is very ill and it is feared that his death may occur at ant' moment. , V " f-There is nothing-jthiXjo ite.fiQes Jhe face and mind as the presence of great thoughts. Simon Cameron is the litest and strongest accession 10 the Rosooe Conk ling boom. A man who has health and brains and can't find a livelihood in the world, doesn't deserve to stay here. .The nomination of Commodore Braine to be Rear Admiral, was confirmed bv the Senate Thursday. "Can't you work?" asked a lady of a tramp. "I don't know, ma'am. I used to, but I'm out of practice." The best part of our knowledge is that which te ches us where knowledge leaves off and ignorance begins. "A New Jersey man has invented a stove to carry in the hat." Wanted to util ize a stove pipe probabl-. Idleness is the hot bed of temptation, the cradle of disease, the waster of time, the canker-worm of felicity. One of the greatest causes of trouble in this world is the habit people have of talking faster than they think. An impression seems to be gaining ground that .the German Crown Prince's Condition is well nigh hopeless. , "Why do I live?" is the title of a re cent poem. A perusal compels us to give up the problem as unanswerable. Maud S. is said to have a stride of fif teen feet. How a prize fighternust envy her when the police are after him. Col. Cash, the noted South Carolina duelist, has been strcken with paralysis and his case is thought to be hopeless. . - We do not see what it is that a clock should be ashamed of, that it should be constantly striking its face with its hand. The property of the Metropolitan Mu seum in New York is valued at $1,900,000 exclusive of Miss Catherine Wolfs bequest. Now comes the time when the man who turned over a new leaf turns it back again to look for something that he forgot It would be the most natural thing in the world for the young business man to put the letters of the "dove" in his pigeon holes. "How are collections to-day?" asked a man of a collector yesterday. "Slow, very slow; can't even collect my thoughts," was the reply. . Rev. T. C. Price, the well-known col- ored preacher, teacher and lecturer, has been named by the President as Minister to Liberia. Energy will do anything that can be done in this world, and no talent, no cir cumstances, no opportunities will make a man without it. . A South Carolina paper tells i a far mer in U at State who has been at the plow for sixt v -eight years. 'It is time to call the old man to dinner. Raspberry jam is now made of 6tewed tomatoes and hay seed. Give them little time and they will make white clover hon ey out of bone phosphate. It is idleness that creates impossibili tfes; and when men care not to do a thing, they shelter themselves under a persua sion that it cannot be done. "Johnny," said the Sunday school teacher, "what is your duty to your neigh bors?" "To ask them to tea as soon as they get settled," said Johnnv. Landlord "Come, Sepp, that is the tenth match I've seen you strike. What have you lost?" Sepp "I'm looking for a match that I've dropped on the floor." Irving gathered in $00,000 from the Bostonians in four weeks A good actor in this country has a golden field to reap richer "than Orixa's gems and Golconka's wealth." Seventy years in the army is a record but few men ever made. Gen. Harney on last Monday celebrated such an anniversa ry. He used to be regarded as the great Indian fighter The public look upon the college yell as a useless accomplishment, but in later vears, when some of the boys get into the ! ihnerant fish business they find it comes in powerful handy. Conversation opens ou- views, and gives our families a-more vigorous plav; it puts us upon turning our notions on every f-ide, and holds them up to a liht that discovers latent flaw s. Gen. Sheridan has himself set at rest the question as o any possibility of his be coming a candidate for. the Presidency. He sa s he would not accept the nomina tion if made and tendered to him. A building has been begun on Broad way, New York, by Austin Corbin, which will be the tallest for its width in the coun try. The front is only twenty-two feet, yet it will be eight stories in height. -The Knights of Pathias were organ ized on February 19, 1864, twenty four years ago, in Washington City by Justice H. Rathbone. They have now 3,000 sub ordinate lodges and over 200,000 members. Depot Master: "Don't you see that sigh? 'Gentlemen not allowed to smoke in this room." Seedy individual: "It doesn't apply 10 me." Depot Master: "Why-not." Seedy individual: "Because I'm no gentle- man. - & war in earnest. France is equipping her fleet and her arsenals are busy. 1 here is a rumor in Loudon that the Tory Govern ment will come out with an anti-Russian policy. , The Republicans are dreadfully grieved because Mr. Cleveland will not be presented to the Democratic Cenven tion. They know that if he was td say so he would mean it; and they fear that his nomination means his election. Mr Boutelle's resolutions in regard to flags captured during the late "rebellion" so called, is a boomerang. The Secretary of War has replied, elaborately, showing that the only flags given out was under a Republican administration and by Repub lican officials. Some critics are like chimney sweeps; they put out the fire below, or frighten the swallows from their nests above; they scrape a long time in the chimney, cover themselves with soot, and bring nothing away but a bag of cinders, and then sing from the top of the house as if they had built it. Mount Vernon, 111., has suffered terri bly from a cyclone. The town has been laid low and almost entirely destroyed. Nearly 300 buildings, brick and frame, were ruined, and some 1,500 people made homeless. Thirty-five were killed out right and many others severely injured. It was all over in 30 minutes. Theodore Tilton is living in a remote quarter of Paris in by no means affluent circumstances. His dress is almost shabby and with his hair hanging about his shoul ders he presents a peculiar appearance as he walks about the streets of the French capital. He does a little IftteTary work now and then, but writes with no regulari STATE NEWS. FROM THE DEEP BLUE REA TO TIU OKAXD OLD HOIXTAISS. An Honr Pleasantly Spent With Oar Itellffhtfal Exehang-es. Winston is shipping tobacco to England direct. Good for Henderson. She has organized a chamber of commer:e. Blooming peach trees at Goldsboro. Green pears up at Beaufort. An Arab woman was killed by a train near Wilmington last week. North Carolina has 57 public libraries, aggregating 158,050 volumes. Dr. F. M. Rountree, a very prominent physician of Kinston, is dead. The F riends chool at New Garden will soon change its name to Guilford College. Rich gold ore has been discovered on the land of Mr. W. B. Walker in Moore county. - Chatham county has 50 postoffices which is more than any other save Randolqh which is 64. n Lieut. Winslow in his report to the Gov- ernor for the fiscal year ending Nov. 20th, last, places the cost of the ovster survey at ?II494-I5- Mr. L. W. Pridgen, near Point Caswell Pender county, has a pig several months old that was born .without feet or eyes, and is thrh ing. Mr.Jno S Cunningham, of North Caro lina, is.the largest bright tobacco planter ir the world. This year he will -plant' over one and a half million hills. It i proposed to exhibit the skeleton of a whale which was captured at Beaufort last week, at the New'bern oyster, fish and game fair on the 13th, i4th and 15th of March. ' y - The -North .Carolina -CaP Cmnpanv, of -Raleigh, has begun operations on its con tract to furnish freight cars to the Monroe Aflanta railway, a part of the Seaboard system. A Fish, Ovstc-and Game Fair at New Berne, N. C. is to be held on the 13th 14th and 15th March. Special rates have been made nvpr .ill roil in the State .... iaillUllu aim steamooat line The Carolina spoke and handle work c Charlotte are now running on full time and shipments of rims, spokes, handles, &c., are being shipped to many part of this and other countries. 1 . Jno. Page, seventeen years old, cut hit father's throat in Greenville, N. C last week, because his father required him t cease visiting until he recovered from an in- ; iccuous aisease with which he was buffer ing. I Parties .who bought what s known a Dig swamp" in Robeson county, contain, ing 60,000 acres', are running a. canal through it. Thd canal is thirty feet wide and will be used for drainage and transpor tation. A couple of Mormon elders have g6rte to Davie county to begin the work of mak ing converts to their faith. It is reported that many Mormon missionaries will ar rive in various sections of the South in the next few months. Besides a ful exhibit of fish, oysters and game.at the Craven County Fair of 13th 14th and 15, there will be shown native woods, farm products, live stock and poul tr), marl, antique relics, fancy works and art. Many valuable premiums are to be of fered. - Cleveland county is noted for the num erical strength of its churches, which num. ber by actual count sixty-three. They are as follows: Methodists of all kinds, 34; Baptists of all kinds, 23; Presbyterians re joice in three; Lutherans one, and Episco palians one In Shelby. The election of Jonn S. Cunningham, Esq., of Person county, as oresident of the great convention of the farmers of North Carolina and Virginia, recently held at Danville, was a graceful and well merited acknowledgement of the part that gentle man has taken in the building "up of the great tobacco interests. Rub the "painful points" thoroughly, when afflicted with neuralgia with Salva tion Oil, the great pain annihilator. Price 25 cents a bottle. Dr. Bulls Cough Syrup cures croupy cough fhat sounds so like nails driven Into the childs coffin.

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