"Our .4im will be, the People's Right Maintain, Unawed by Power, and Unfribed by Gain.' VOL- VL- WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 7. 1888. NO. 51 HAPPINESS. 0ET CANNOT PUBCHASE IT. n-iT found in the Bleaaed Prom? tse Bell Ion Hakes. i. ikten All the weaun ana an - uie wealth and all and aii the splendors and the ex-1 ediction of peace upon her head and in her il., of this world dyed Into your! heart. & . .im amimrt vnur Amilder cannot i' pv.w .... fnr a single moment. The gayest iLrobe Will utter no voice of condolence day of trouble and darkness. That Ln is grandly dressed, and on she, bo U wrapped in the robe of a Saviour s Ihteousness. The home may be very tumble, the nai may t.j frock ma be very coarse; but the halo In Heaven settles in the room when she wears and the faintest touch of the resurrec fon angel -will change that garment into rtiment so exceeding white, so as no fuller a earth could whiten it. We come to you eung women, to-day, to say . that this iorld cannot make you happy. We know it fes bright world with glorious sunshine, and bird orchestra, and the wrathiest ware it foam wreath, and the coldest midnight ts flaming aurora; but God will put out ' .n hc iMits with the blast of his own ftli UiVv . - nostril, and the glories of this world will jensh In the final conflagration. " You iH never be .happy until you get your 'n foreiven and allow Christ Jesus to full nossession of your soul. He will J your friend in every perplexity. He will be your comfort in every trial. r He till be your defender in every strait, e do ot ask you to bring, like Mary, the spices to the sepulchre of a dead Christ, but to ferlng your all to the feet of a living Jesus, wte wnri t ware. His look is love. His ... I His smile t land Is help. His touch is life. fc Heaven. Oh, come, then, in nocks ana poups. Come, like the south wind over tab of myrrh. Come, like the morning ht tripping over the m o u n t i a ni Wreathe all vour affections on Christ's , set all your gems in Chrii coro jour all your voices into Christ so g, , pour alt your tad let this Sabbath air rustle with the ings of angels, and the towers of God -ring out the news of souls saved. This world it fancied pearl may crave. Tie nut the pearl for me; -. Twill dim its luster in the grave, Twill perish in the sea. 'But there's a pearl of price untold. Which never can be bought with gold; 0, that's the pearl for roe. ; What lie Discovered. A -hand8omel y. dressed young woman titered a crowded street car. A long whiskered old fellow, wearing a dingy touch hat and a suit of homespun clothes, jot up and said: "Mtes, take my seat. I don't look as "ell as ihese here gentlemen" nodding at veral men "but I've diskivered that r?e got more politeness." The young woman sat down without ever thanking the old fellow, and slighljr linking at a woman whom she knew, whispered: "How do you like my gallant country sier? Don't you think he would cut quite a figure in a dime museum ?" "Miss," said the old fellow with a smile clearly bespoke his ignorance of the unladylike ridicule, "I believe I left my Pocket book thar on the seat. Will you Please get up a minit?" The young woman got up. The old fel- sat down, and stroking his whiskers, Marked: B'lieve I'll keep on setting here, Miss, 'SlOOd UD RO rrU U Ji cil Liic uime- museum sorter tired. I've got a more politeness than these eentle' n but I've diskivered that I ain't got so ch sense." the 61,1 Who Help. Mother. There ic her 9,i 21 ' and we love to think of 'cr and talk 1 th - comes in late l; liitlc COmpan who ears a pret anxietr J minSled responsibility and eem her youih whom the others forJ TeP!"d n and lot to for many cr. Iah bhe 15 girl who helps moth- Ue aint e0Wn hme she is a blessed lit UA. cmforter. She takes unfin- at th m Ured finSers lhat 8ta. "urn; ner Strontr finirpr ! 1 Wh!Ch the 8rar haired, white Ptnotht "cr lean s and is rested. She k' " WUh the ngwingj with Son a "5 wnn a cheerf ul con- ----6V.114, companionsmp that some girls "do not think worth while waiting on only mother. And when there comes a day when 6he must bend, as girls must often bend, over the old, wornout bodyEtf her mother, lying unheeding in her coffin, rough hands folded, her long disquiet mejged in rest, something very sweet will be. mingled wih her loss, and girl wno helped mother will nndaben- ASLEEP RETEX TEARS. A Farmers Cartons AC3letlon tFhlcn Followed an Attack of Fever. A Utica "(Minn.) telegram says: Her man Haines has slept almost continually for seven years. He has been treated in a dozen different ways, but' no one has been able to break his protracted slumber. Pow erful electric batteries have been applied to his body, the only effect being a contrac tion of the muscles. Haines is now forty ty nine years old, and ten years ago was a prosperous farmer in St Clair county, I1L At that time he was hale and hearty, his weight being 180 pounds. In 1877 he was stricken with fever and ague,and in the spring of 1880 moved to St Charles, Winona county, when he was brought to Utica. A few moths after his arrival in this State he fell asleep, and he has lived is this strange condition for more than seven vears. In the snmmer of 1884 he awoke one morning, arose, from his bed, put on his clothes, and went about his work. When told that he had slumbered four years he grew indignant and Would not believe that he had slept more than a night until led before a mirror and shown his long black hair and oeard and sunken cheeks and eves. For a month his health and habits seemed perfect He went to bed at . ... ... tne usual nour, slept tnrougn the night, and arose with the lark In August, 1884, his wife became very ill, and Haines was obliged to deprive him self of needed rest. One night, while tak ing her a cup of tea, he suddenly fell asleep, dropped the Cup, sank to the floor,' and had to be taken b hi bed,lrom which he has never since risen. He lies on his back, breathes naturally, and suffers little pain; but is wasting away. His weight is now less than ninety pounds, and he is no longer able to move himself in bed. - About 11 o'clock ' everv. evening he awakes for five or six minutes, during which time he is hurriedly given a soft boileJ egg, a little soup, and a swallow or two of coffee, his onlv nourishment. He is extremely nervous during hi brief wak ing intervals, but. his conversation indicates that his mind is not beclouded. No medi cine has passed his Hps for two vears. ' His children are bright and healthy. THE SUBSCRIBERS SOLILOQUY. To pay or not to pay, that is tht question Whether tis better for me to refuse To take a local paper and deprive My family from reading all the news,' Or pay up promptly what the printer asks And, by such payment, cheer him? No pay, no paper- Then no more shall 1 1 be posted on the news . And local haps throughout the town, And divers topics 'tis a consummation That I have long feared. To pay, or stop? To stop! perchance to lose ay, there's the rub; For in that stop no interest do I take In any of the affairs that move the town, And such a shuffling off of all that's good Must make me pause. There the respect Which every editor maintains for those Who come down with the cash and ne'er delay To settle up "that little bill." For who would bear The pointed squibs and pungent paragraph Which far too oft reflect upon a man Who fails to settle his subscription bill? I'll haste me now unto the editor. And, with my purse plethoric in my hand, Will settle up in full, one year from date, By paying to him from my ready cash The sum which is his due. His 8 ered Premise. "Rambo," said reason vou drink Baldwin, "what is the your beer and whiskey through a straw nowadays?" I promised my dear little wife last New Year's day, replied Rambo, feelingly, that I would never touch my lips to the in oxicating cup again, and my word, Baldwin." I'm a man of His Heaon. Father: "Aint you going to work?" Lazy son: "Guess not" ul don't under stand how anv body can loaf such weather as this. '1 Why, it is a real pleasure to work now." "I know'it but I don't want to give myself up too much to mere enjoyment." A MIXTURE. EDITORIAL ETCIinfGR EFPnOWI- OUSLY ELUCIDATED. Knmerons Newsy Notes and Hany Parasjraphleally Merry . Harsels Packed and Pithily Pointed. Genius invents, talent applies. A stronghold Theull dog's. We feel keenest Abe joy we never come to. i Cupid is always shooting and forever - 1 making Mrs. . During 18S7 more than 6,000 houses were buit in Baltimore. " The people of the Territory of Dakota believe in a future State. Thev only who eo without know tfuely what it is to have. Charity thinketh no evil. Charity never got up a comic valentipe. How few are- those ,who really under stand what the mind is good for. It. is the naked and hungry who can tell you best the good of food and raiment In Buffalo a Sunday walking match is called a "sacred hoof concert." Many a homely, unattractive girl gets a husband on account of her pa-value. If the oU price of coal will return al will be forgiven and no questions asked. How to carve a turkey with perfect ease and self-possession do it by proxy. It is the glazier who can always be de pended upon to take panes with his work. St Louis is making, big preparations for the National Democratic Convention. If a man wants to give a helping hand to a struggling young man, let him slip in four aces. ..." Total visible supply of cotton for the world 2,907,850 bales; crop in sight 6,195,- 094 bales. ? The Treasury department uses 1 8,000 towels a month, and tll the surplus is not wiped out. Shopping is too much of a sweet buy and buy for the frugral husband. It cloys on the taste. A Reading steel mill suspended Fri day throw ing nearly three hundred men out of employment. The bankers talk of forming a union. It will be a sort of dough-nation. Well, perhaps they knead it The real '-boy wonder" is the youth who would rather saw a stick of wood than haul a sled five miles. Collecting old silver is now the popu lar rage. Others besides burglars find it pleasant employment . Mary Crosby, of Wilmington, Del., has been married seven timss. She seems to be a Mary-go-round. Riches do not always bring happiness, but they often hold it long enough for a fellow to put salt on its tail. ; A woman isn't fit to have a baby who doesn't know how to hold it ; and this is as true of a tongue as of a baby. - The girls in Brittany are not allowed to sell their hair. In this country the girls don't have to, as it's a sell itself. Bitter strife prevails between Milwau kee brewers and their men. In other words, they are at larger heads. -"What is that you like about that girl?" asked one young man of another. "My arm," was the brief reply. Girls shouldn't whistle. It reveals to the young men that they have wind enough to make excellent scolds. Self-control lies at the foundation of character. He that does not control him self must be controlled by others. It is calculated by a careful Darwin ian theorist that the fourth generation in Minnesota will be born with fur on. A proverb is, "Ask a pig to dinner and he will put his feet on the table." ect not teblc Frank Hurd says that he has no doubt that Ohio will go solid in the Convention for Cleveland and straight out free wool. It has been settles that LIbby prison is to be removed to Chicago. The first in stallment of the purchase money has been paid. The , cultured maiden from Boston wrote to her : friend that she had been to hear Mr. Joseph Emmett sing "Pique-a bout" -An obituary notice contains the touch ing Intelligence that the deceased had ac cumulated a little money and ten children. The naval vessels, in course of con struction at Cramp's shipyard, Philadel phia, are reported as favorably progressing. The scientists have taught that insects have their affections, and now some one knows a mosquito that was mashed on a young lady. . . A Western girl has a pet bear, which she- says, can not hug any two young men in that vicinity. There is trouble bre win for that animal. The champion widow lives in Iowa. She sees that the graves of eleven hus bands are kept green. She takes no note of men but their loss. "Suddenly he gave a start,? is the newer and more fashionable way of begin ning a love story. He had been sitting on a carpet tack probably. Small pox is reported to be terribly prevalent in the island of Cuba, and it is estimated that six thousand deaths have occurred in eight months. A man and his wife had a little diffi culty fn the kitchen the other day, and presently matters became so quiet that you could hear a rolling pin drop. "Another man thrown out of a good position 1" remarked Crimson beak, as he saw a neighbor on the opposite side of the street slip and fall on the ice. A Rtcoe Conkline I'lub has been formed in Buffalo, N. Y., with the inten tion of boomine the ex-Senator for the Presidency. Look out nowl Where there is abuse there aught to be clamor; because it is better to have our slumbers broken by the fire-bell than to perish amid flames in our bed. A Detroit woman has succeeded in obtaining a divorce In twenty -four hours. A prominent sporting man offers to back her for $500 against all comers. i-Whv ..not let the lawyers settle the coal difficulty ifThev know all abou Oike and Blackstone. Jf the coal dealers do know as much about Littleton. . The Emperor William celebrates his 9 1 st birth day next month a every sol dier in the great German army wi-1 be pre sented with the Kaiser's biography. : The business of the London postffice is of such magnitude that the present post master ceneral has saved $ 1 5,000 a vear in sealing wax and twine expenses alone. If the Moorish custom of rubbing Cayenne pepper on the lips of women who told scandal were revived what a trade the Cincinnatti spice dealers would do. The little farm house in which Horace Greely was hoi n, together with 129 acres of farm land, is to be sold at auction at Amherest N. H for taxes amounting to $20.25. "I'd like to cuff you, -ou voung ras cal !" exclaimed an irate man who had been target for the lad'a snowball. " Yer would, ehl Well, collar me fust and cuff me afterward, old man." -Mr. Blaine is about to visit Rome. Rome is the 6cene of the career and un timely end of that well known magnetic statesman, Hon. J. Csear, and it will be a place full of interest to Mr. Blain. . The Duke of Marlborough has pur chased a steam fire engine and personally drills his servants once a week for the pro tection of "Blenhem," the historic mansion he inherited from his great ancestor. A redwood tree recently felled hear H umbo id, Col., measured 16 feet in diame ter one way and 20 feet in the other at the stump. It was 200 feet long, tapering to a diameter of 8 feet, and contained enough timber to construct a small villiage. The Presbyterians of the United States will in May celebrate the centennial exis tence of that church in this country. The church was organized in 1788 with 16 Presbyteries, 177 ministers, 419 churches and 10,000 members. It has to-day in its three b rancher 389 Presbyteries, 8,333 min isters, 1 1,212 churches or parishes and 750, 000 members. The "negro exodus" scheme seems to have died still-born. The most prominent and intelligent colored men of the country have denounced it and if it is received with fevor by the negros anywhere it must be those of the North. Perhaps it was a cunningly devised scheme to get rid of the negroes in that , section, and especially in Kansas, where there are a number of them in wretched circumstances. STATE NEWS. roon the deep blue re a to tup ghaxd old boustaihh. An Hoar PleMaatl jr Kpent With On ZtellKhtTal Exenai Tarboro is to have a town hall Tarboro desires a canning factory. Tarboro is evry anxious for a gymnasi um Goldsboro has fifteen lawyers and elev en doctors. Grace St. M. E. church at Wilmington, is being rapidly built The Sampson Guards of Clinton, N. C number forty men, rank and file. The Wilmington papers are booming the town on the railroad subscriptions. The Presbyterians are endeavoring to establish a church at Falkland, Pitt county. Measles rage as an epidemic In WUming. ton and is also prevailing in. the country around. Mr. W. P. Toomer was elected cashier of the Savings Bank of Wilmington on Friday last The petition to Congress for Tar river . fishing creek appropriation has been sent to Senator Ransom. Elizabeth City wants a canning factory and a savings bank. Both are convenient in large cities and towns. There is a man residing in Lenoir coun ty, named Lewis Pippin, who is over a hundred years old an d-has been married seven times. A stock company with a capital of $25, 000 has been organized at Henderson for the establishment af the sash, door and blind factory. The Winston Daily says: There are three street railways In operation in the State, nine cities and town are lighted with electricity, and nine have waterworks sys tems in operation. . The Goldsboro Argus-says: A census of!- thte city would show . fifteen lawrrrs andf - , ' .... t eleven doctors and still it remains a solemn fact that Goldsboro is one of the healthiest and most peaceable ekies in the State. ' Many features of amusement are pronV' ised at the C-aven county Fair, March 13, 14 and 15. A tournament parade of th best fire department in the State, glass ball and clay pigeon shooting, and various oth er things. On Saturday last Capt W. H. Kitchen, of Scotland Neck, got into, an altercation with Mr. Haddry, which resulted in blow during which a young boy, brother, we be lieve, cut Mr. Kitchen in the back twice with a knife. Cleveland county h noted for the nu merical of its churches, which number by actual count 62. Thev are as follows: Methodists of all kinds, 34; Baptist 23; Presbyterians, 3 ; Lutherans, 1 ; Episcopa lians, 1. Ground was broken to-day by the East Carolina Land and Railway Company, on their proposed road from Newbern to Ons low county. The first dirt was thrown by President Bryan, of the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad, who is also a director in the new company. The first timber for the erection of the new assembly building at Morehead City, was placed in position on Monday last and -the work from now out will be rapidly proceeded with. The building will be ready in each and every particular for the session of the assembly in June. Judge Walter Clark has accepted the in vitation to deliver the commencement ad dress at the University of the State " on the 6th of June. Judge Clark has proven himself to be a forcible writer and an inde pendent thinker, and we are satisfied his address will be strong, practical and in structive. A peculiar deposit which resembles clay in pliability, but which, when exposed to the air, becomes as hard as granit, lias been discovered at the base of Bear Mountain, near Taylorsviile, N. C. Blocks of it have been dug out and used for all the purposes of stone with success, and it is proposed to build nouses with it. '' Nothing but superlative merit can ac count for the phenomenal reputation achieved by Salvation Oil. It kills pain. Price 25 sents. The Darwinian theory perplexes the multitude. They object to decendants from monkeys. But not even a baby ob jects to Dr. Bulls Cough Syt up.