"Our AimdU be, tin People' Right Maintain, wmm,x U. lUCI UnU KJlfJt SX, UTf UUIA. VOL- VI. WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA WEDNESDAY. MARCH 14, 1888. NO. 52 WONDERFUL BAlin5 BBOKE2C HECK. Him Great Iateonvenleatee, 1 1 8 -V.nH C.use Hl Death. ferrT Baldwin, of Birmingham, Ala., fillve . J , Himself "worth rh h6 aoes uut " . it Vig nas nau me - ..... i ninnr crm nw all tne ulk-iui , . broken called out: "I see them!" and fell back dead. His wife was com Dletelv orostrated at this terrible ending to her hopes. Med ical aid was summoned and an electric bat tery was applied, but the doctors finally decided that the man was indeed dead this time. Last nieht the erief-stricken wife left her old Georgia home, near Atlanta. with the body. Augustine Inquirer. cent, tti to science and making over $too, the process. What adds to th tiAnss wdra pr is that many umci . . 1 1 .-1 as well as tne cervical vwicuiac, j when he was "v.. he was dving and left him to nature several hours. As he was a very strong nA health v man, he pulled through, and -o, ranks with Alexis St. Martin, the mat th - gide door to his stomach. Terrr E. Baldwin was born in New York aT in 1853. andjn 1887 was yard master ,t Birmingham, Ala for the Louisville ..a Kashvllle railroad. Before daylight of March 19 he was standing in a caboose on s .Me track, when a runaway engine came down the track at terrific speed, and struck the train to which the caboose was at tached; he fell to the track and the engine md dx cars ran over him, breaking his jjght kz in tw plcc lcft lc and fivc rX besides snapping the sixth cervical tertebrae (of the neck) and splintering the joint between the sixth and beventh verti fcte. All his clothes were torn off and a tery ugly hole was made in his side. He wu taken home and laid on a bed to die as fee doctors said he must In a few minutes. But when at the end of six hours he was fcund to be breathing stronger. Doctors GucUe,Copeland and Barclay determined upon a leries ot experiments to save his ffe. in whkh they were finally suscessful. liter resetting as many of the bone as jwible, thev encased him wholly in a fxtcr ol paHs frame, and thus firmly tightened he lay on a rubber mattress filed with water for four months. After Jul he lay two months in ed.s For..four: Teen days-he was totally blind, and for six aontha was on It occasionally conscious: iKen hU recovery began to be noticeable Attn daj to day. Dr. A. J. Baxter, of Chicago, designed tor him a corset, reaching from the hips to the back of the neck, and holding his body Irmly in position ; at the top of it a flexi le bar of steel is attached, which rises above his head, and to this wired a "jury fcik," which kolds his head up. The weight of the head thus rests upon the kips. The experiment of removing the k has been tried, but the head at once 5iifcs upon the spinal column, the neck be-. g useless, and he relapses into a coma e condition. Nor can he He down, and tkonly sleep he get is the short naps in chair. His right arm is useless, but the kfc is strong enough to handle a cane and to other services, and he can walk with fctle assistance. His wife accompanies everywhere, and by cheerful and Pleasant ways lightens greatly the burden ms iife. To say that his case astonishes the doctor&s putting it mildly, and he . "seived the proceeds of many lectures medical circles, and obtained $75,000 SM from the railroad company. How lie Explained It. A certain Judge made a reputation for being explicit, and he deserved it as the following will show. Suit was brought before him by Smith against Jones upon a promissory note given for a horse. Jones defence was a failure of consideration, he asserting that at the time of the purchase the horse had the glanders, of which it died, and that Smith knew it. Smith re plied that the horse. did not have the glan ders, but had the distemper, and that Jones knew it when he bought it. The judge charged the jury: "Gentlemen of the jury, pay your atten tion to the charge of the court. You have already made one mistrial of this case be cause you did not pay attention to the charge of the court, and I don't want you to do it a gain, I inter d to make it so clear to you this time that you cannot possibly make any mistake. This suit is given upon a note for a promissory horse. hope you understand that. Now, if you find that at the time of the sale Smith had the glanders and Jones knew it Jones can not recover. That is clear gentlemen. will state it again. If you find that at the time of the ale Jones had the distemper and Smith knew it, them Smith cannot possibly recover. But, gentlemen, I will 6tate it a third time, so tliat you cannot possibly make a mistake. If, at the time of the sale. Smith had the glanders and Jones had the - distemper and the hoi se knew it, then neither Smith, Jones or the horse can recover. Let the record be giv en to the jury." The jury that sat on this story, told by Mr. Call's colleague, found no difficulty whatever in reaching a verdict. A MIXTURE. EDITORIAL ETCHINGS EUPHONI- OU8LY ELUCIDATED. . Numerous Newsy Notes and Many Merry Morsels Paragraphleally Packed and Pithily Pointed. Every trial ad Js to our strength. The greatest fool of all is he who fools himself. Why is it that the rising generation rises late? A LIMPSE OF HEAVEN. to Br atnvw . u luaawntrfinrnva 9 er being pronounced dead. Jhere is considerable excitement in a su ISOmi m!l . . . ..ta uul over tne oeatn ot a. r-smith. Last Monday he died, to all ftweet'PoSatoes. Now is the time to prepare for a big yield of this excellent crop. You don't want rich land, but you want it loose, well drained and generous. Break it deep now. Go into the woods and rake up woods mould, decayed vegetable matter, and when practicable put in a generous pro portion of pine 6traw. Lay off your rows three feet tlx inces. with a turn plow, run ning two furrows cacfi way so as to clear the furrows each way so as to clear the furrow broad and deep. Put in your rat ings from the woods. Tf you have any leached or unleached ashes about the pre mises, sprinkle them on the Takings in the furrow at the rate of 300 to 400 pounds per acre. Run one furrow with the turn nlow and cover the manure. Let it lie 1 until about a week before .the 6lips are ready to transplant. Throw up the beds on this furrow smoothly and nicely. Put tne slips 16 incjies apart. Do not set them out when the ground is wet We prefer dry weathei for this work. Cutivate well, and yoo will gatner a spienaia crop 01 ex cellent potatoes. ! An Anthem. ances, after calmly bidding adieu to kth " "e was then dressed grave, and on Tuesday prepara- ncre made fnr t tne services a thumping on the m was heard. th jjvj , ' wan uum ou, omitn hat un fnic;n ion and dismay. He was at once .ved to hie kj t bourc L nome, and in a tew - .v. me worse ior mis Le?rience' Mr-Smith sa3rs he . 10 Heaven anri c,.. Wn lme f thCm friends whom he had ian Thev shook their heads ""crto h:c - 4e5uons, and pointed to wolt Ivinsr onn tj. i ' lian v. uc name of his wife, him- v. Chlldren. who were alive. His HetftU. W' 8eemed partially erased. V , "aerous ory of his other 1 dr" 6trange world, and its mc. reS f curisity-seekera to Utl Wednesday he suddenly A 6ailor, who had been to a cathedral and had heard some very fine music, was descanting particularly upon an anthem which 'gave him much pleasure. His ship mate listened for a time and then said : "I say. Bill, what's a hanthem?" "What!" replied Bill, do you mean to say you don't know what a hanthem is?" "Not me." "Well then I'll tell yer. If I was to tell yer, Ere, Bill, give me that 'andspike,' that wouldn't be a hanthem. But was I to say, Bill, Bill, Bill, give, give, give me that. Bill give me, give me that hand, give me that handspike, spike, spike. Bill, give, give me that, that, hand, handspike, hand, handspike, spike, spike, spike. Ah-men, Ah-hem. Billjrfvcmethathandspike spike. Ah-men,' why, that would be a hanthem. The Biff Prise Flffht. and ex- re- Sullivan, the champion of America, and Mitchell, the champion of England, fought a prize fight in France on Saturday which lasted three hours and thirteen minutes. It was decided a draw, both were badly punished. t -Gratitude preserves old friendship and pictures new. Drop your bad habits and they can not lower you. This is the year when the girls leap and the men fly. It is a clothes rub for the washer wo man on Monday. Those who go for berries should not retreat from briars. The wedding ring is woman's sphere and also man's fear. One grateful man does an injury to all who stand in need of aid. It takes a great deal of pluck to get the features off a live goose. Genius beckons a man up, and if he at tempts to Climb will held him. Think of a daily issuing 34 pages. Such was the World for Sunday. It is the dry goods clerk who most frequently sales under false colors. The world is a comedy to those who think; a tragedy to those who feel. Prosperity is no just scale; adversity is the only balance to weigh friends. 1888 is but little over1 a fraction of time, anyhow one and three eights. New York has a new and elegant theatre known as the New Broadway. There are growing fears in London for the safety of the explorer Stanley. The whale and the school girl are the great sources of blubber in thk country. v The sooner you cut loose from one who deceives you the better off you will be. The man who is 6low to express an opinion might just as well send it by freight. They raise vegetable tallow in Aus tralia. There's the place to laugh and grow fat. A show spoken of as a rare enter tainment" proved to be a performance not well done. They are building basements on the thermometers to be shipped to Dakota and Minnesota. -Tramp, meeting dude on the stree: "Say, young teller, can't vou give a poor gentleman a few pennies." A physician says: "If a child does not thrive on fresh milk, boil it." This is too severe. Why not whip it? Vanderbilt has hired a Parisian cook at $10,000, and the pick of the larder. This sort, of folly aids Socialism. Soloman, when he gave the famous Judgment, was the first man who ever pro posed to 6plit the difference. In Arkansas squirrels are so plentiful that the are sold by the bushel. They are geneielly shot by the barrel. For the past two years everything has been at sixes and sevens. But this year we hope to str8en things out. There are two kinds of clubs, social and constabulary, and they are both effica cious in knocking a man out. Hearts are flowers; they -remain open to the softly-falling dew, but shut up in the violent downpoor of rain. Women in Washington Territory can vote. Those who take advantage of the privilege are called ballot girls. The best mechanic in the world can't make a pair of boots that are ail right. One of them is bound to be left. We often see the words "John Boyle A sea-green glaiw vase has heen found at Bologna. It beau the world what some butchers will put into their bologna. More than 10.000,00a eggs are carried into New York each week. One mteht be tempted to think this is an ova supply. John L. Sullivan once drove a street car in New York city for two dollar a day, and his overcoat rivalled that of Jo seph's for its many colors. The astonishing statement is recorded that Justice Gray has drawn 1,000 French novels from the Congressional - library since his accession to the Supreme Bench. Abel Willard, of Wisconsin, who is 89 pears of age, after having been toothless for manj years is now growing a fine et of new teeth. He feels as if he was a child again. Nothing good bursts forth all at once. The lightning may dart out of"a black cloud ; but the day sends his bright heralds' before him to prepare the world for his coming. A book agent tried to sell a Pittsburg woman a volume entitled, "The Art of Speech" yesterday, but she cast such a withering look upon him that the wretch slunk away in shame. A sportsman is a man who spends all day away from his business; $2 for pow der and shot, and comes home at night tired, hungry and uglv, dragjng a four teen cent rabbit by the ears. --The oldest arm-chair in the world is the throne of Queen Hatafu, who flour ished in Egypt 1,600 years B. C. It is made of ebonv, and is .beautifully carved. It is now in the British Museum. In Augusta, Ga the other day a tree was cut in the forest at 6 o'clock in the morning and by night it had been turned into printed papers and the people were reading in them the news of the day. A scientist 6ivs: uIf the lind were flat r tened out the sea would be two miles deep all over the world." If any man is caught flattening out the land; shoot him on the spot. A great many of tVs can't swim. The three Euing brother of Law. renceburg, Ind., were born together fiftv- four years ago. They are the oldest, larg est and best looking triplets in the United States. Their combined weight is 716 pounds, the lightest being 225 pounds, and the heaviest 248 pounds. Speaker Carlisle likes the new Tariff bill and says it is a good one and he thinks it will pass. He says it is a fair one and has hcen prrpaed with car. lie says if it is defeated the Democrats will appeal to the country upon the issue and ask that a Congress be chosen that will reduce rev enue much more than the bill proposes to STATE NKWS. FROM TOE DEEP flLUE REA TO TUX CBAXD OLD HOUXTAIXS. AnJIonr Pleasantly Hpent Tith O Xellft-htrnl Exchange. do, In the present House of Representa tives there are 83 Federal soldiers. They all belong to the Crand Armv of the Re gublic. There are 14 Democrats, but they do not wear the button. All the Kansas delegation were in the Federal army. Iowa has 8 out of 11. Ohio has 14 of 21. Indiana has 7 of 13. Pennsylvania has 9 of 27. New York has 8 of 34. ' Money is low in New York. Last week the average on calls was 2 and for time 3 per cent. In 1887, the gross returns on 104 railroads were $726,333,000. Im provements amounted to 86 millions. For the first week in February the aggregate net increase on 73 roads was 10.54 percent. New York jobbing dry goods trade was good and steady. Values, firm. Probably the most expensive opera cloak worn this winter belongs to Miss Leiter, who is equally at home fn New York and Washington, and who is heiress to $70,000,000, Her cloak is in white moire plush, brocaded in silver, out-lined with silver chord, and trimmed with white goat's fur. Its value does not depends, however, on the material or make, but on Salem and Winston are to have street cars Shaw University, of Raleigh, for colored, has 400 students. Pneumonia has been very prevalent in the Halifax section. Wake Forest College Is to have Improved gas works and water works. Rev. G. Pearson's first service la Wilmington will be held on Sunday night March the iSth. A State Surday School Convention win be held in Raleigh, commencing March 2 1 st instn continuing three -days. - The Young Men's Christian Associa tion has been permanently organized Ik Durham with a membership of sixtv-eight. The Atlantic Hotel, at Mo re head City has been leased to Mr. Chas. Beerman, proprietor of the Kimball House, Atlanta, Georgia. The Intelligencer says that a car load of negroes, men and women, left Wades bo ro for Arkansas a few days ago, and more are tO follow. i Miss Julia Minor, aged about 87, an elect lady and long a Presbyterian, died recent ly at the residence of Col. James S. Amis at Oxford. MissJuliaC. Patton, of North Caroli na, in the General Land. Office at Wash ington, has been promoted from a $960 to a $1,000 position. The Morganton Land and Improvement Company have invited Bill Nye to spend a month In Morganton, the coming sunv mer as their guest The Hon. Ridden T Bennett has been selected to deliver the addre&V ory memo rial day, Mav loth, .a Raleigh, the subject being General Juniv.s C- Daniel. - - The commenccmehtxcrciWsof the Sa. lem Female . Academy w ill lake place on 5th and 6ih ol June. There are thirty -ont, joung ladies in the graduation class. Rev. J. C. Price has declined the ap pointment tendered him to be minister to Liberia upon the ground that his race can not spare him from the great educational work he is doing for them. Col. Janes 11. Ruffin, died at his home at Demopolis Ala., week before last. CoL Ruffin was a brother of the late Chief Jus tice Ruffin, of North afolina, and at one time represented Caswell county in the Legislature. He was about 90 years old, The Hon. John Robinson, Commis sioner of Agriculture, has issued circular to the farmers of Lenoir county inviting them to meet with and aid him in the es tablishment of a Farmers Institute and to elect a Superintendent of a County Exper iment Farm atKinston March 13th. The Henderson News says that during eighteen days in the month of February, 1888, Cooper, the Napoleon of North Caro lina Tobacco trade, sold over eighty-four thousand pounds of tobacco. This too, when both the roads and the weather were unfavorable to a great extent. Where is the market or the house can beat this within North Carolina's borders? The action of Wilmington in voting one hundred thousand dollars to the capital stock of the Wilmington, Onslow and East Carolina Railroad Company, togeth er with the ten thousand voted by Grant township of Pender county and the sixty thousand voted by Onslow county insures the construction, of the road from Wil mington to New River in Onslow county. We are requested to announce for the the jewelled clasps which are ranked at benefit of ex-Confederate soldiers, and high figures, being in anique gold set with j others who may be interested, that-the price a large pearl. f Moore's Roster of North Carolina State The committee of Territories of the . Troops has been reduced and can now be STBAIfCJE. It's the strangest thing, methinks, That a maiden crimps and prinks Till she wins her beau-ideal of the lads, And then doesn't care a snap If he sees herin a wrap f And a wornout pair of slippers qI her aad a. House will present a report enabling the people Dakota, Montana, Washington and New Mexico to form State governments. O'Reilly" in the papers, but we never hear j and to be admitted into the union on an whether John has done it or not J equality with the other States. The Broth- It has been averred that a lady with a erhood of Engineers Iteld a meeting in diamond ring will scratch her nose in a , New York on Sunday last, when resolu- given period four times as often as other Lwomen. There is a general feeling of content ment among the Chinese laundry men over the trade of 1887. Some ot them have saved up $75 and are going back to China to lire In ease and luxury all their Ule. tions were adopted expressing full sympa thy for their brethren engaged in the strike on the Burlington system, and threatening to extend the strike to all connecting lines unless the difficulty Is settled within a rea sonable time upon a lair and reasonable bast had, by express, per set of four volumes, at $1,00; bv mail, per set of four volumes, at $1.70. All orders must be addressed to J. C. Birdsong, State Librarian, accompan ied by, the cash. When will the average citizen stop spending his hard earnings on dgars and tobacco? Give it up? Well, when he finds he can do without tobacco and dgars, but not without Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Salvation Oil, the greatest pain cure on earth, is compounded of purest drugs. It is guaranteed to contain nothing of a pois onous character. Only 35 cents a bottle.

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