-"tcueu oy tram. VOL VII. bis MRS. A War Relict. 28. 1888. t0G iSD- SADLY NEGLECTED WOU AX. The following is a copy of a w vw e neid at McCoul's farm, ne Spotsylvania, C, H. The mn-r o u: A MIXTURE. NO. 2 .(last has a Kind and Sympathet jf Word Spoken in Her Defense. 0b was a wonderfully afflicted man, but a partial compensation for it he has had the sympathy of the human race for four enated from near i the leUer is written has grown veHoW ;u age, and, where folded has been carefully sewed together. J The genuineness of the latter is fully at. tested hv . . J fK 77 ,Mawwub PeoPIe among them the finder. It is hi,hiv . r "itcicsungana The paper on which EDITKIAI. ETCHINGS ErpHOxi OUSLT ELUCIDATED. fy Morsels Paragraphical!, Packed and Pithily Pointed. nomen have much m'r ;,....!... than men. The eirl wi.h .hi ZTT i . . " -uiv3i ruse- bud mouth can hold from fo,,. in-Ji clothespins between her iaw -The Brotherhood of Locomotive en gtneers, it is said, have a fund of $S6o,ooa STATE NEWS. FBOoJlIDEI:PBLrE "EATOTIIF GUAXD OLD MOCXTAIX. can raise in an hour $3,610,000. An Honr Pica organization, well offi- illlrVlJ Wllh era- thousand years, cut it has not been so with Job's wife. No body has ever spoken a kind word of her. On the contrary, she been held npjorty centimes as a horrible example. But for all that we are confi dent the poor woman deserves a better nlace in history than she has ever occu- pied H she was sour-tempered she had 1 . J nlA J 1 1 enoug" wgic i ouu migc to iicr dispo sition, he was made to drink the dregs from every bitter cup, and it is probable that she bore her troubles w ith about as much equanimity as the average woman would do. In the first place she was sud denly reduced from luxury Uo penury. Any unfortunate woman who has this or deal knows just the frame of mind'poor Mrs. Job was in. In the next place she s bereft of her children. There is no grief so burdensome as that . which falls upon a mouiers neart when the grave hides her children from her sight In ad dition to this accumulation of sorrows, she was left with an invalid husband on her hands. Job was covered with boils, and experience has taught us that there Is no more exasperating patient than a man w ith i boil on him. There are w i ves, and good wives, too, in the Christian land of ours whose lives have been made most misera ble for days and weeks at a time bv a hus band with one boil. Just think, then, what this poor woman had to endure with a hus band with perhaps from five hundred to a inouna dous on him ! is it anv wonder J that the woman encouraged her husband to to-mate his existence? Iheonlv wonder siat she didn't cut her own t hroa' in dis- F- isut these were nor all the tmnW.-c that Job's wife had to bear. rer husband's U 1. ... . . - - nrc;Mf tame on a a young lady evidently bent on marrying her dear Henry : My Dear Henry; I embrace this here opportunity to Ict jou knough as how I had a spell of aiger and I does hope thease fue lines mav find you enjoying the same Gods blessing vvry dont you rite a sweate line to tell suf- numb- about 25,000, nv oh Hen" " "H Detroit CUi l $77, ny on Hennv mv cuafo i t I i r it , " j --- "ciiny my turtle I mantactorie r "TPng my deer deer Henny -There Bustles continue to shrink. A man overboard !--The editor. Su7ZyC PrCSident Was J'ears old last -iNew imported tailor gowns are simpli city itself. The child laborers of Ni New York city 000,000 months. Buvers my poor sole is lon t ' f. I . . - "owns m life Michigan. Wi I J M III I" III t V II SWOilta vn T t . -. r ' lllia - x neer mm singing yankee oudle as he comes from his plow now Oh my Henny do come home and lets et They This shows a stron cered. I .;.ror r redenck works as hard " "cu monument will be erected w mCr oetore him, despite his mala- bccn dy. To the remonstrances of his nbv.iJ Mr- Pritchard raised , cians h rni;.e .... T.r v" t.u . . m ox ncc 5 w Iuc; x cannot do what T v ? . 1 - wiin it." ...w0?w, umoer lands are beinff nnA1. 1 . ... 5 .jr .wugniDjr northwestern lumbeV men. Recoids show they have purchased a quarter million acres during the last six of houses owned by the rail months. RiiioK - - ... . 1 . 7 a,c' pnnapany from I Iast week. coun- The Landmark says this is Trwir. icniai year. It 1788. cen- was cut off from Rowan in married .u,c ti present hut rpma n your lovin game leg. Liffhtninp- .m .' . . I . ? . w" ice in the Mrs. Grant. IT iaf, u u 7 c.-. fcitme piace -it doesn't have tn Uc , ullU uc wrote the ireasurer. ' . i it rrt nw J a "wwa Vi vrant, ana he sues for a shar. A fire at Chadborne destoyed a number wy company Up to date about sixty ot the ninety-.! Gea Badean has brmtoht I sKrr i .L . . . n me estate hare settled IK. KATHTRUN AvTrrnrv To f " -AVUtlJ P S part sekkurt -Nankeen is a dull veil ! of,henmfif. Z; Wl". 'ra s,,are ..'. PIWr to build , k-i. L. . . ' "m "su. vjranc. on th nfhi i - -wv wi nign tavor the comincr .m. . I hsnH to- t . MW,UU' cnurcn. & Durham wants a public P-rW r-.j. Doro a savings bank. hand, says Badean was mpn.i ki. when a physician loses his skill if n,f. amanuensis. , urally follows that he is out of practice -It isannoun ut.. Mrs. W. H v,u.u..!u . , I deWtiVi rii . -? I The new railroad fmm xc . 7ppV Rl0.t u , , . '""'"""i, OI Hew r,C8cni name Of Edwin i. i . muiw 10 Al .ma rased a nue houcn i orK. is snendino- o i . . ... I H. Fftlei- v i now comnlrtH t ..i.l. t & " wawu in ASneviiie. I mrti uiy, ai me Wat nnal D. . .. r w ""n ii - - puuucan convention. Tr. Fitler'. i-t w IV- & N. C. Kisings are treated Pollv does 1 w ,.WC es nlm gQme tunes when he gets a little Antnnv you love me I ,vont whip ,ou indeed nor duty. M ' d "S 1 wont look at anv K- r . : wv bkj m. wont. lJad I W l i dy says I must eet ma'rieH h,.,,,.. r u.... . ' Color and white very stvlish a long already. So no more " - the light fabrics of summer no more at present KAT i y are got the VIM to i."m And tnnt- fusion of the house tor siv weeks at a time. Other wnmn in,i ... ..v..., guuu "uiiien, W I It. ,"ae nan to endure the same affliction and they can very easily account for M Jobs exhibition of bad temper. Job got wuh the three visitors himself, and jet he didn't have to uait on them, to uF u.eir rooms, to w ipe the tobacco m tram the parlor carpet evefv dav, to : "t'UJl ine they carried in on their and to submit to the thousand a-d me annoyances, that, a male visitor rfves "C "peeper. It is about time that nfcbodv was raising a voice in defense of lte, and saying a kind word for the W- .... '"omanuho frr W u-:,....,- . .... - , l iv has suffered the 1(1 nncomplainin orr, a' dav. W swings of ears unjust criticism silence. There r many Job's wives in the worM e meet them . Q. .1. -. n()f- v:t,.m u- 1 nev mav -have husbands with boils on UwiV bod- -meyhave hushpr, w ho . 1 oevemgs.Thev have husbands who "cseihsli enough tnj ; bnv;nai . , rt -4VJ,t-a11 meir time to -P S part thurd Atv pen is bad my ink is pale my love for you shall never fail for I Icnny is my own true love My pidfiin duck and M.-tle dove " K A TlLDEN" P S Noty Beny Mothers dead and Timoth fever, lovin Xotv Bennv I fiirgotto sav as how that ir - wilt KJll niy big toe dont hurt as it use to did. so once your wife as it is to be sends 2 kisses and say farewell, yours till dea'h do us pan. ' KAT wear. Very few long garments are seen for spring wear, every thins- beW infmu- short. - It is now asserted that President Gar land left stocks and bonds of the value f Gloves that button or lace ud the arm So no more at presen from your P""6 JUSt nOW in more request tnan the Ion. Kathrun An ousquetair gloves. There were more than 2,000 persons present on Monday night at the Pearson meeting in Wilmington. After all, it is perhaps appropriate that physicians' prescriptions should by writen in Latin, a dead language. HOW would it work for nuiililll surrragasts to colonize and govern the ter- mory of Man's I Land? A lot in Denver that was purchased settler for $5 and a revolver. MATRIMOSY. mci iur a man tn snffpr claim to d!stnr4(n u . . 10 Jac mac neowns unny-six pairs of suspenders. cciy, ine motor humbug, is to be mpeiieu by the court to divulge the aw- lul "secret" he has been making his back, ers believe through the years that he has been in possession of. But suppose he re fuses? How can y6u force him? A San Francisco girl, aged eighteen, visiting friends in Roxbury. Mass- inviteH a lady to go with her to the bath room to see her cie. She took poison anH found suffering the greatest aronv. She died and gave no reason for her act . TM . r . . .c panned remains of a buffalo of great size were dug up at Belleville, Kan. recently Dy workmen who were excava ting for a coal shaift. Tne remains were found at a depth of 6 feet belows the earth' surface and were-in-a fine state of preservation. In single blessedness the rubs of fortune, by an earltr vfv aK some nrettv vr tn h All . 0 w iiJO UUUU CS. --1 J -1 10 woo, to tk.. ' V""U11' "llllOUL COnSU frinrr Portion of, hat time of right belongs in nio coin nan inn t ,:! ed Wlth the cares anH K..., r ifj v wo Ul hfcnnn,.:. .BCl-no -mpathv. And fee in u-M gln' and some of them are " noon. A 1 L ' . a . Anu oy proposing end them? wed. JJ moifT:a?d.i,1v' a form to sv he's free . .w.w an inue ins a oactielor, poor man Is pUgued with -'tis a consumation iouoreoiy to be wised. To t ...1 T1....1 . , ... . l" cu i-einaps a tamtlv! Ah. there's the rh. . ' H r or m me marriage state u-htMr-. . - - w WO 11144V When he has taken to himself a wife .Must give him pause: there's th rni . ,. - ..v. n.OIJtl.1 I hit ni'il-u.. ...I.U . e ... iiuiH.3 t-cuucitv 01 so ion' a life ror w no would bear the washerwoman' crimes , ri 1 .. 1 . inenui oniess shirt the stocking full of 1. 1 o - " noies. Tl r ., ' me pangs 01 collars with a saalitp TK 1.1.T; i.. , . . "ni v, i..s Accpcr s sins, the cats mis- aeeas, TU ' : . - ...c.e iS seno.-.s reports in re,rarH 1n emperor fredencks condition, and his re covery is regarded as impossible. In view of his preference for a "Shin ing mark," it is a little stance that death doesn t capture more bootblacks. T . r l i. " 1 .... x .cMuirm Cleveland s waist measure fifty-six inches. No wonder he is anvion about the reduction of the surnlus 1 Senator Vance is writinir a series of ar. tides for the Baltimore Sun on the -Nee,! of the Nation."" Number one appeared in the issue of Monday l,st We have not been able to read it as yet. It is devoted to showing up the fallacy of the Protec tive idea. -There are various incentive to noetrv- It was a gentleman who had stepped on a po.ecat in the country who wrote: "Now the wild rose blossoms o'er the little, trreen grave where mv coat and trousers lie and the farmer t lis me he thinks I'll save bv digging for them in Julv." -Miss Mary anderson is now pavinr the penalty of over work. .She is said to be in really delicate health and her friends are a half miles of Monroe. Engineers have calculated that there ar. uw'000 wn of coal accessible in tke Dan river coal fields in this State. Five hundred convicts have been hired to work on the Carolina, TCnoxville and Western railroad at $i2.r0 per month. Gov. Scales has been 'selected to pr.. side at the session of the NaUo'nal Presby terian Assembly to be held in Philadelphia May 24th. The Vidette says the nein-o are Montgomery county by wairon lo.. will form a colony in the neirrhhorh Kockmgham. ; The County Commissioners, unoni. turn, hav e ordered an election to oe held in Raleigh on the Local Option question on the first Mondav in June. Quite a large force of laborers U now. employed at hecity rock siry, h getting out BelRW blocks for extensive street pav mg operations in Raleigh. There is a natural rock house in Sw.in cotmty w hich is used as a church. Seats have been placed in it by the citizensof ,he vicimty and regular services conducted. While plowing a cotton fielH h .u. j day. Jack Reinhard. of stumbled over a vein of gold. He has ueeu onercti -,20,000 for it, but refu sell. ises to And strange evaporation of his brandy When he himself might his quietus mr the orders of the swimming dele-ate. The German daily newspaper havin v.v. a.6.,01. uituiauon in the world is nuh. oiiietnc mol,0 iibiiea m Xew York, nor in 1th a nlain nr1A 3 1T1 f i.l J f- o wouia cham bers keep And errowl and fret e lob SBllt the drenH of - f vuitoj uaucsmen s ni c (The housekeeping expenses, from whose doom No Benedict escapes) puzzles the will C ' 1 t r . oc..ooiot herring are strikinz in t. r,,,, ... I ' . ward the American shore. The, obeved toglve .'ZZLJ - o o LiillCo f i . OI ooairy. prostration. The strain upon her breaks he down at 31 years old. The Washington (D. C.) Star, inde- nendenf. in cruol!n r pi . t , ... vp.,, WA onerman s pros Do Y on Ow e Vs. Dou owe ...L! . ill t . . . - WUPr lf ou do ranahumnvftH..i.... . 'Wian:"dsin,dus:if''otyo..owe. ... " u pre it; 1: . W$ PnH. - to even an 5nw.:.r U COSts -money to t--iiiK rnct chac W uueof ihebrarn k A. . LW .here mivelv. we thin!- t , ininiici .o It0!" an-vbod throat, Wbam, uu sendin -- wn- , because it to a lot in February the increase in the earn! pects for the Presidential nnmin,, . - - ...t.iui.iuii MVS ..u. over tne correspond- l anone is ready to espouse his caue inT month for tR5?- t : r: - . .. r 0 ' . ww " v per. cent. ginia, ana that bergeant-at-Arms of When a washermoman chanires her the U- S- Senate, W. P. Canadav. intend i t 3 1 j ,. . . ut resiaence one may ask her -r lu ',5-au a sona Sherman de elation to Phi A y 1 A I w S- V- I w vill vna makes him rather bear the ill he hoc she hansrs out now" witho.,r c;.i. cago f rom North CarnUnn I hnn flu- trt tU,.- u4. 1. 'I i- ! W rdence SiTJrr"- -The bab-'- King of Spain is said to be "The predomina.mg interest in Xorth And thus we see most desnernts Hirtnti. afflicted with aponlex.-. an Iieredilarv ji. Carolina is agriculture. Accordin - to th m x vuiiviio 1 j 1 - - wn tni account too often end in smoke, sease ot nis mother's family, the HapsburrS. 1 censu5 ot lbbo of the 400,000 persons And promises apparentlv of P-ranite Are broken like the crust of apple pie, And ladies brinjr "action." A Useful Lesson. It is said that a hive of 40,000 bees makes only one pound of honey daily; and to do this thej must glean from 3,500,000 clover blooms. What an example of patient in dustry! This, however, is not their vir. TU lie . - - ' average me 01 a Dee is not over the prince sn,lr. "i- -t, u . , . Six weeks, and consenneritlv W " " " Keep si- J W.....J . V.11.1 live off the hardly accumulated store. They A Tli:.: . . man wno went hshincr with Lincoln htty years ago threatens to sue the Century Magazine for not printing his pic ture. Ti r . . I uc iv b are now conspini.g to defeat the Democrats in Congress. Of course you know the R's- Republicans and Ran dalites. Prince Bismarck predict that war will not take place in Europe until 1892. When wn ""nee, the vear m vour Vfji,,. - mini hiJ'Iron, r J . 1 . . pcnu ineir lives lor each others. To spend your days revolving the question. "What shall it profit me," is to dwindle 5cied se,, u are r a wai ter a I To m n t- f - 1 . reda . ,uin remorse. 'c ' ",CU1U,S cnjoyaDie toothers ou a . J.' don 1 think for a n, " . low the live of a bee. as small as that is. ver fhi, hav, Inquent ln an enormo us sala- e cnnt... . . "IVJ Jde!innn ; ucled to hunt each anH subscribe defi 'oer until hematic .. Sim lS tK:. US ... 1 and urbe USa,!d mil tickets, on QnJ a. "7 takes with him a wishes. CUCketS'as sweetening their cup of sorrow, lightening their burdens, brightening their path is like the bee; to imitate him "who gave himself for us." The doctor w ho rejoices at clean prem- j ises and good gardens loves his neighbor J as nimseii. lence and listen. lne-r rench transatlantic steamship company has furnished its large fleet with complete apparatus for "dropping oil on the waves during bad weather, There are lots of men in this country lut t ... """uu"1 -rc ior monev, but they feel just like using a postage stamp over aeain ti liic iiik nas just touched one corner. It is stated the indebtness of the far mers of Georgia decreased 15 per cent, last en gaged in all occupations in this State 360 - 000 were exclusively engaged in agricul ture, while of the balance, a large majority were dependent upon or in some measure connected w ith that industry. At Macon, Ga., a few days ago, there was a meeting of "northern capitalists, at which a land and timber company was or- ganized. This company has n.in-h mi f 20,000 to 30,000 acres of finely timbered The State Convention of the Prohibi- tiom.ts of Norn, Carolina, will be held in Greensboro, May 10th, to nominate dates for State officers and elect delegates to the national convention. The Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Co whose headquarters are in Raleigh, have just purchased two more vcrv laVge and powerful engines, extension fronts, 18 inch cylinders. They are brinmn un their 1 ling stock to a high state of perfection. We learn from the Wilmington Star that the grand jury of the Criminal Court returned a 'true bill' against John S. Bis sett, engineer on the Wilmington & WeI don Railroad, who had charge of the loco motive of the train w hich struck and killed Mr. Southerla , county, on Smiths Creek bridge, a short time ao The case was continued until May ternTof Court and the defendent gave bond in the sum of $300 for his appearance. W. N. Jones. Esq., the head of the IJU. reati of Labor Statistics, is mapping out his worK ior the current year. He U Qw se curing the names of all the employee and enployers in the State. His next report will contain many new features and will ;je a volume hi unusual interest and value The Charlotte Chronicle says: A party of about fifty colored people came into the city yesterday- from Concord, and other land in Jasper and neighboring counties of Parties came in from different ola Jeortria olnnn I, 1: .. r . , : 1 year in consequence of grow ing more sup plies at home. Raie VOUr Own hoar an A Ihominv. Georgia, along the line of the Covington & -Macon road, which will be colonized by nonnern and western people,- developed and made to yield a big revenue. Thousands of people will regret to hear of the death of North Carolina's most distinguised missionary, Rev. D. Matthew T. Yates. He had been in China for for. ty years, was a man of God, a man of many labors, a man of great personal wonn. tic was born in Wake county and was graduated at Wake Forest Collet The Baptists of this country probablv never hid a more useful, a more eminent missionary in foreign lands. ces. mak ing a colony of 100. The crowd will !,-,. this evening for California, chaperoned br Pegleg Williams, of Lauinburg. The dark- ies are said to have the California feaver in an alarming degree, in the face ,h- gloomy reports sent back here by those ww nave preceded them. A remarkably handome to be the-moving spirit in a philanthropical movement in R ussia to that countr, i,K n.:,. yur OI , b vougnorrup. In chronic and stubborn cases of neural OH SItUd rhcumat"" SalvatSn S2 oLhe ST'1 destroyer of the age. Price only 25 cent. t