" Our Aim trill be, the People' $ Right Maintain, w jiuacu - iKCT, U7iu i;tviucu uy train. VOL VII. WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 4. 1888. NO. 3 1 THE BIG STEAL. TfATIOAL BASK HOMED 8?Ifs PBESIDET AND OASHIEH. , i-h Plamged in Wildest DIimT jier lb Conduct of two of it. Beat A MIXTURE. EDITOMAL, ETCHINGS EUPHOSI" OUSIiX ELUCIDATED. We announced in our last issue that C. rss, President of the State National Lk, and Sam C. hit its cashier, had Lco'unded with a large amount of money, !a that many people had been ruined hv No one can tell the amount sto- The current statement is that the ount is $250,000. . Some say $350,000. abscounders have done their work well They are believed to have long ago deall their arrangements and "salted down" their funds, so Ill-gotten. - They even got a large sum of money which ame by express Saturday and took It vith them. They left in the bank, it U said only $3,50Q in notes, enough for the paying teller's use, so that he would not have to go into the safe. There are a thousand rumors afloat about the matter. There is a feeling of in tense indignation against both the defaul ters. It was learned that one of them had told his family that he would be in Canada Monday. -Both men probably got to Mon treal early Monday morning. Both men are said to have acted strang le for a week or so, and to have: driven away every afternoon from the rear of the bank, so a policeman said. A careful examination will be made, arid not until then, will the precise amount be known. But no one estimates it now at less than $250)00. The new directors are very sore over their loss. - One Wake county farmer had $50,000 in the bank, another $16,000. "The State only a small sum . on deposit there. The county had only 16,000, it is learned. - '- There is no panie ; no run, or signs of a ran on the other, banks. They are solid, they are trusted. . '''' . LETTER FROM ROCKY MOUNTS name of. that gallant radical fighter and conquerer, Henry Clay Bourne. On be half of Democracy of a sister county I de sire to pen an endorsation. As an evi dence of his worth to his party, and the es teem in which he is held, several of our staunch Democratic newspapers have en-1 Numerous Newsy Notes, and XXany dorsed him with one accord. . The day of 1876 are yet Unforgotteru The men who redeemed our beloved State from . Radical rulej are jret remembered, and "will be till Democracy 6hall have ceased to exist. Henry Clay Bourne was captain general of a solid and gallant Edge- Merry Morsels ParffrpMes)lly Packed and Pithily Pointed. -A pointef 6n pork Th pig's nose. The path of duty Through the Cus tom House. A, week feature in the calendar Eve- combe force. If in that year twenty white rjr seven days. men In that county failed to go to the polls The King Sweden will visit Itally and V ' and vote the Democrat ticket ten years in- J Spain in April. vesication have failed to show it. In re- It no 8urprise to know that cogmuon ox uourne s gauanr. service in hopltal u iiuuppHed. mai campaign ana laier ones mat caused personal sacrifices, I assert that to him the State Democracy is much indebted. He is a pleasing and powerful speaker upon George Westinghouse, Jr., inventor of the air brake, is worth $9,000,000. This is, perhaps, the largest fortune ever made out of wind. A Texas woman has invented a pie safe, but that is not what this country is aching for. A safe pie is the howling need o,f the hour, . The steamer experiment, o! the Clyde Line, had a hole torn In her bottom and State sank in seven feet o! water, near North river bar, N. C. The hay press was invented by a wo man, which leads a wag to suggest that she got the idea from a desire to be hugged once. STATE NEWS. FIIOH TIXE DEEP BLUE SEA TO TZXF GXUUCD OLD MOUNTAINS An XXonr Pleasantly Spent TTltn Oar Delight fnj Cxcfeftp?, There are. 55 farmers1 alliances in the Milton has a bank and now wants anoth er railroad. There are 37 bonded distilleries in Ire dell county. Randolph county has not issued a liquor license in seventeen years. There will be a celebration at Guilford political issues, and he would do good cam- doubtedly cracked wheat. A blind man H. H. Singleton, of To- cooa. Ga is able to tell the denonination of a bank note by feeling it, and can count 8"" on May 5th. xue carucai panncriup mcuuoucu w money as rapwiy as a bank cleric I in me csiatesvine jail mere are seven the Bible is Jerry Co. -Speaker Carlisle is said to be the lead- prtwnen argi with murder. ine most insane ot me cereals is un- ng horse in the race for the Chief Justice- There is not a white voter in Robeson ship. Jenks, of Pennsylvania, Is also spoke I county that cannot read or write. paign work! I know that our transmon-1 The barber is t ane Democrats would give practical and theory of rotation of crops, substantial applause to his canvass, and The men who marry most frequently would gladly hail an eastern brother on for monev are the ministers. . w - 1 . . whose forehead the mark of Democratic victory is Bo(u)rne. I must not omit to ' speak of a man in this county who stands upon a strong plat form of plinciples and friends. Benjamin H. Bunn, by his steadfast adherance to a tirm Deuever in the 01 xavoraDiy. secretary uayara is spoiten i The ladies of Greensboro. N. C are trr. of also. The man selected ought to be a Ing to raise $5,000 to esUblish a hospital. Krwuawycr. The population of ML Airy has increased The Delaware river is filled with float-1 from one to three thousand in the past ing ice from the mountains, an unusual I year. r rri i il. I T ,n n The North Carolina crop report indicates The shad season will necessarily be post- that the U8ual trop of tobacco will puncu tor several wccks ana wui prooaDiy i pjjmtpjj not reach its hefcrht hefore M av t. 1 . . . ' , I A contract has already been given for -Advices from the Congo river up to machinery for the cotton oi, min at anuarv 2. l rnnrain nn innnpr nWK irnm 1 - J I l artxjro. A rich deposit of silver has been dis covered in Scott county, Ky. The poet who scratches for fame should use a pen that scratches. Another blizzard set in a few days ago Democratic principles, and fair dealing in in the uPPer Peninsula of Michigan. . m .... . . I a . a . vl me protession to which he is an honor, poet sings: "A mue xurmer on i Stanly. It was thought there that he was will wear a crown worthy the confidence shall - find resL" Keep him moving. . too far up the river for news of him to be and love of his people. He will be the Over 500,000 acres of Southern tim- received by way of the Congo, and that he nominee for Congress in the metropolitan her land have been sold since January 1. would next be heard of from Zanzibar, district. ' Randolph county, has 64 postoffices the In 1886. Russia in Europe had 8772. This writer has it from reliable anthority iarge8t number of any county in the State. 900 population. On the 4th of July 1887, that the Honorable C. M. Cooke is not a candidate now for the nomination his many friends sought to give him In the last contesL , - It is, therefore, thought now that the only name to be presented for the consid- Mr. Geo. W. Vanderbilt, of New York, is In Hendersonville, it Is said, looking out for a site for a big hotel. Greensboro'Female College will gradu- i ate thirty-two young ladies at the annual Commencement In June. The Citizen is informed that half the eration of the forth coming Congressional Convention will be - the name that Nash millionaire, spends $50,000 a year on his county will present to" meet an enthusias-1 racing stable. Uc endorsement. ' ' ? - Great dam t!2e was done to wheat and tne population of the United states was fruits throuerhout Illinois recently bv sleeL estimated to be 60,000,000. The German a I . I 1- il f I. ' a . .... -Ex-Gor John T. Hoffman, of New EmP' put at 46,882,7.2. France at 37.- "'3'"?""; ork U dead ln London of hart dUea. 'WH8- Gre' Britttan Irell', 36,- """ Calamitous "Id. 1 i I Of f . . 25,1 15 ana liaiy ai 39,301,032. 1 ?ce nm 01 ust lecember there have l icss inaa 1,71x7 young men ana 6 4 y York aged 6cw o . r- t t t. iv. i:x ccumu. vWiSc icri, u c wwurnw i , - . - .7, Hnr Ht ,U ... 50U young women are now in me colleges i ..w.v w Polities Discussed ft y an Able Interesting: Writer. - and -white man was in. Reidsrelle last nromised their lives to the cause nf .Chris. I week who wore a hearrl thf trmrhA nV1 Tni . r 1 1 1 1 . . .1 I I . xneieiiow mat nas oeen leaving me ltiAnitv amonfr hc!athen 1 rtn.Tnirn rt rhpm ixmii r rpid 17 fnr o fi it. I ti ii t . ..... .w7 xne citizens or newnern inn turmund. when candidates from nominating conven- shortly to shut it. Dear Mr. Blount, A plow, or hoe, or any agricultural implement not in use is likely to become unfit for service. This appears with almost equal force to the mind. A regular newspaper writer has no ex rae for infringing on copy-rights'. This does not apply so much to the occasional unom de plume" under the column-heading "correspondence." . "Nom de plumes" are not untrequent political years. They, advocate what is po iiticallj known as "vox populi." (Politi cs are sensitive sometimes of this latin combination.) These birds I mean the "plumed" ones carry certain news to cer places for certain candidates. If I mav be called one of those birds I propose scarry certain news to certain places for enam people who are the peoples candi ues, by these presents. Every leap year a President of the Uni d States is elected. It has been soever teethe "Father of his country" made it in these years the fairer sex are per mitted to take the fair sex to hops and the (excuse little h in spelling). And - J exert wonderful influence, too. In South land,they make Democrats of ?s and men. There is mlir-v nmnnthp J and women and they put it into poli eery four years. They did it when T elected Cleveland, and they will do it When Cleveland was elected and grated he was . not married, but he rt lt wouId "ever do to remain rresid 1 hVe Said Wh should aain ent Now, ith your permission, I Proceed to nmwl I n0p TT uur next vjover- iiDer. ' " De me choice o the people, iduc C0nvent? vi.j j man . " " ciuuicuf anu - tny to fill the place. ChA man is eith Steadman. Fowle. S yarr, Alexander, Cox. Cooke. Ma- Jrvis or Hu . ami t . . s ur som other whose 1 1 1 w . . .xave accidental! v omitted. ntTrmUSt PrOCeed to business. The rnev r rciary ot state, and Uni ,L!nera1' M lively be retained. tehait., ore' Proceed to nominate on theL.U.d?f democrats, who le d- r the POSiUon Of Auditor in -foment of our Rtof " gecomlvo State government. "v "ie mother of coun- est men and falth- ex-State, presents the tions are born. Let peace and harmony everywhere prevail, " and faithful Demo- - crats the aims will avail. I am told by the winds that aie gently waving political plumes that Nash county will go Democratic in this year of grave three hundred at least. . The crops are promising, and the f ai mers are looking ahead to cotton-chopping and tobacco-curing, and most of them will be able soon to pay for your good paper back rations, too. "Vox Populi." labor before me end of this year. ing section are taking steps to organize the Rev. Dr. Hoge, of Richmond, has Fair Association into a permanent institu- been invited by the citezens of Louisville I tion. .- 1 wV wv....w ...o of.iv.iu.u .vwimw w.i t. vuii- 1 ne lessees ot the Atlantic hti at go to the Rocky federate Soldier" in that city soon in the Morehead City have already received over ars cheaper than interest of the monumant cause. The in- eight hundred applications for rooms dur. vitation came through bov. L.ee. Dr. W the coming season - 1 I . I Hon. Ijaniel U. r nalp ha antoH Vi without loss of character, but the shoplifter tion. - . invitation to deliver the Annual Addres8 is universally abhorred. -The Academy at Pekin has got up an at the closing exercises of Salen High Ihe woman who can control her encyciopjeuia m 100,000 volumes, we School in Sampson county. A . .1 1 1 A 1 l1 ' I J It. 1- I L I- A. .1 T I tongue is greater man ne wno caKein a t a.uuw wnai iiappcns wine Japanese Extensive washouts near Kansas City, Mo., have caused railway trains to be de layed since Friday. A New Yorker can mountains and tackle bears he can on Wall street. Union Meetings. The Tar River Association will be held at Scotland Neck, N C , April 26-29, iSSS: ORDER OF EXERCISES. . Thursday. 7:30 p. m.. Service of Song. 8 :oo p. m., Sermon by T. J. Taylor, of Warren ton. Friday. 9:30 a. m., Prayer and praise. 10:00 a. m., organization. 10:30 a m., "Permanency in the pastorial relation," J. city. She is also scarcer. "You are chokin my fingers," com plained a little tot to its mother, who was holding its hand too tightly. "Ot what did you say they convicted the doctor?" "Well, I don't know exactly, but I suppose it was purgery." The philosopher say s : "Wise men hes itate. Perhaps that is why so few men are in haste to pay their bills. Over nine hundred convicts are idle at book agent who goes around soliciting sub scribers for encyclopaedic in 160,000 vol umes, one to be delivered every other week, but in this country he would be killed several times a day. Judge Waite was the ninth to sit as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Of these the South furn ished the second, John Rutledge, of South Carolina; John Marshall, of Virginia, and Roger B. Tartey, of Maryland. Judge Marshall served for Solid blocks of stone 10x15 feet are be ing furnished by the Wadesboro Brown Stone Company, for the Maryland State House at Annapolis. Each block is valued at $500.' The Danville & North Carolina Railroad Company, whose line is intended to form a junction with the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley road at Madison, N. C, has also been organized. A plant of 2,000 spindles for making 34 years: Tud2eTanev carPet warPs Purchased and will W. Wildman, of Greenville, n .00 a. m.. Auburn Prison in cousequence of the ex- for 2Q years, and Judge Waite for 14 years. put operation near Weaver's on sermon by Ueorge J. Uowell, ot Hamilton, naustion ot me appropriation. T , . . 1 iroaa nver as soon as aaam ana necessary 2:30 p. m "Our villages and country Odd isn't it but oeoDle who nass t-jpi...i.p t r- .... building can be erected. P5 Iiidffe Charles F. Griso. of Georma. will in neighborhoods: how they are to be sup- their lives, so to speak, on beds of down, aH probability be elected Speaker of the Th colored people of Halifax are agita plied with the preaching of the gospel, J. seldom tret down in the mouth. " Hrtllc oitK,rh xt r rw f tcw Vm-v tated at the disappearance of one of their . Ml - 1 g T 1 I I ' ' I 1 ma . . AucKer, oi oreenvuie, ana v.. murium, Givinff sliDDers to dereymen has cone and Mr. Breckinridge, of Kentuckv. and Pcners. tie weni 10 ioojc alter a fare In of Raleigh. 4:00 p. m. "The religious 1, Tne disobedient children Mr. Hatch, of Wisconsin. ill have friends thc wood and nevcr e no . . 1 1 t 1 ! I I I A newspaper: us piace ana u, vuue m our . them just the gam however tQ egs thdr claim8 It knQwn tftat the denominational work, W. B. Morton, of 0u1! .uJprnt a Wflt ndmirer of Snw Weldon, and C. T. Bailey, of Raleigh. . . A. - . c rsrifeio ' . 0 East with the rm determination of finding t-ariisie. 7:30 p. m. service of song :oo p. m, q zt the Great. -The State of Texas has a larger area sermon by T. P. Lide, of Wilson. . 6 Saturday.-:3o a. m., Prayer and -Who says poker is losing ground in of Square miles than any European coun- praise. 10:00 a. at, "The higher educa- in Europe? Florence and Italy proudly try save Russia. It has 262 290 sqxiare tion of young men: what the present cri- boasts that she will soon hold four queens, miles. Austna is the largest of European sis requires of the BapUsts in relation there- -Gov. Lee and wife have been called powers except Russia and it has but 240,- to C. E. Taylor and C. S. Farriss, of back to Richmond from Florida by the ill- 94 uare miles. Germany has 21 1 .49, WakeForest 11:00 a. m., seYman by J. ness of Miss Ellen Lee, their oldest daugh- and France 20177. Texas U f too large a and ought to be cut up into at least three coiponagc; t yu.j xne man vnu iia in i amonff the States. It has 48,580 square tance, u uurnara aim A-J 7" jou I llli DUea up in iu Dcarwui ACiuuui gci 1 .. ..a i i 1 t I , , . , l . .t r ?i I miles- up mUSCie enougn IO ongn up inc aaraii j coal. ' I trace of him can be found. Dr. B. F. Dixon, superintendent of the Oxford Orphan Asylum has bought the Goldsboro broom factory and will remove it to Oxford, where it will be operated as an industrial feature of the Asylum. Black well's Durham Co-operative To bacco Company 6ince 1883 has produced more than 1 7,000,000 pounds of smoking tobacco, paid $1,500,000 internal revenue tax and consumed about 55,000,000 pounds of leaf tobacco. p. m., "A closer union among ennsuans 01 different denominations: is it attainable or desirable?" T. P. Lide and J. A. Leslie. Sunday. oxx a. m., Sunday school ex ercises. 11 :oo a. m. and 8:00 p. m, preach ing. " A Great Edltor;Demd. "SPrett. v 1 . Ex-Gov. William Dorsheimer editor of the New York Star is no more. He left New York March. 15th and was then in perfect health. , He was accompanied only by Mrs. Dorsheimer. They were on their way to Florida when he took a slight cold and died in Savannah, Ga. . ' The perforation at the stub end of a check, my dear boy, indicate precisely where the check won't tear when you pull on it. It makes a great difference to a young man who is courting a girl whether she -Rev. Dr. Moses J. Hoge, the greatest living Presbyterian speaker no doubt, is to deliver in May at Louisville, Kya sermon I on the Catholicity of Presbyterianism. I This is the Presbyterian Centennial year. In Way, in the city of Philadelphia, there is to be a gathering of intellectual forces. Among the southern speakers are such dic tates a great interest in his welfare or his tlnguished and able mcn M Dn HogCi Dl: tareWCll. D.ln,.. nrloant PmcjnriWi The remains of the 158 Confederate W. C. P. Breckenridge, of Kentucky, and soldiers buried at Newport News, Va, are Mr. J. R. Tucker, of Virginia. It the to be removed to Hollywood Cemetery, North can eclipse these gentlemen' it; will Richmond. have to do better than ever before. The Charlotte & Weldon Railroad it will be bunt. Dr. McAden, CoL Wro. Johnson and the large number of business men of Charlotte, engaged in the enteprlse, mean business. They are not fooling about the matter. A remarkably handsome woman is said to be the moving spirit in a philanthropi cal mveoment in l ussia to supply the poor of that country with JJr. Hull's Cough rup. Sy- In chronic and stubborn cases of neural gia, gout, and rheumatism use Sal ration OiL et is the. gratest pain-destroyer of the age. Price only 25 cents.