"9? ASm, be te People's Right Maintain. , w" ' vitui iicu iy trCU7i VOVH. WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA. W"EDNfeSDAY, APRIL Id ifipft ' """TICTPT THEORY I MHtSABTED Wlri "l L MATE NEWS. - xhe NOBLE BRETHREN SAY ltD HOw TFTEY TI7RX OUR IUU1 TO DAY. things doth so bright J IV appar aml n" sweetest music do we bear. Two years am tn.n j- And sull great griefs with me abide: l can t forrf tV.of i when you and your sweet love were here. EDITORIAL ETCHINGS EUPHOXI. .fv vrci w . vj9,x LUCIDATEO. Yes. VOU did mila , . . jjjjt iixc so orient. You chased away gloom's dirkest night; YOU Ushered in 1 ntf . . .locc M Irror has iust closed its And made it shine with Hea ltiepir i -"-y h volume and has begun another year. You did sweet halm . . r.-.A vcn the sweet Psalmist of Israel. I And stopped tH ' ASi-'1" I "v 4. every woe; A?fhe Mirror to North Carolina Jour- Mkou tore "P weeds and planted flowers sro. At one time it touches the deep- . M ulose m.eavenly bowers est, holiest feeling of its readers, holding You were so good and kind to me im under the magic spell of its purity of ihat ffe was thrilled with ecstacy ; again b; its pure wit and humor the same w -bubbles over with merr laughter. Y"r srnles did gild the darkest shade ..x!por whose reflection are ever V!.? 8.bkc.k .curtan ever made : iiis a. r or came they like the rionlintr silver tree, a harp whose notes beat time and That night shoots from her sterry quiver. Wn in harmony with the noblest aspira- Xr L It stands without a rival hWSSS other dare attempt to wander in the And left hehind c vv, ' field occupied by the peerless, silver-1 As that which marks the sunbeams 'flow, brilliant and versatile Henry v,., , . ' I A M If QIC LII 1 I If- 59 TVT1S V I S"V A O fcW Ul 1U V W Xnmerons Newsy Notes and Many .b t r ffionnt The Courier. Like that - i 'ty- - auuvci u-ith the versatile, ordinal, and onlv J0":"1111' a heaven down on earth 4U Henry Blount at It, helm, th'e 6nowlng '"an's wondrous worth. Wiienn Mirror, one of the bnprhteKt wmc 1 You lit mv lite with Mo,rv ' . o o I T a ,, -'hid ucaiii jntarneei ui.ciiu.uic, cxiicrcu upon its 1 7 wr t uwn gieams: seventh volume, and like the glittering a s swet as VhTt tir.1?? ... .. . , i 6tii ticor. sunbeams that come ehmmenner down I - . through the cloudless skies, scatters "sun- I TU were.to5 Pure on earth to stay Mneind roses" wheresoever it th. nu f1 ! Each number is filled with choicest Kelo. I A . 'uot lto wiigiitcst gem. tions and pearls of thought from a poetical T . . c , . , minrl ivpr and anon snarltHncr txritVi tl-.-.r. in leaty bpnng while bifds were sinirlnff. , "I fc i loV'S Rati HMtri . .1. varisated scenes which are painted unon For Hpph r,u0j , n tte landscape of existence. Lone mav if I And I was left so sad anrf Inn o J I ..,. Jive ia the homes of the free and the land A ut ... i w uuu w iLii uroKen wintr oi the brave. Patriot. Whose throat TU nr.M- . ' . I Ue DlCtS in Its nxxrn rtrM.' nc ..libuu iuirror nas entered itsl,. r . .. "iw(;iiigHay seventh volume, and may it live Celebrate IoneUne8s of T sad day. seventy times seven anniversaries and be Yes snadows dark fell on my life in the future what it has been in the past Whfr feaven tok you, noble wife ; . " Ann I nava Kiun 2M 1 t I iBro. Blount w 1 go down with bright Sinre JXT' u iurn M . . . , . uuw wun ongnt bincejou torn my embrace were torn rod shining laurels in great profusion. " - . ' . ... - The Mirror should be in everv house in As the sea shell sadly keeps tab Carojin and each member of each gTtfvou Jannly should devote at least one hour a Who were my heart's own precious home. day in Dersutntr itc in1nmn ru r Worth Carolina. Enterprise. And,my sad heart doth still repeat The Wilson Mirror has commenced Ihose sonSs o Iov that were so sweet. And with bowed heart I wait In peace Till death shall one day give release; And then on wings of love I'll fti T . . , . . . J jlx, lucci my angei in tne sky. --Still up In arms The Inft- Ytn t . -"S -' To wait and be patient soothes manv O f4n. I The man lives twice who lives the fircf k me well. " A draughtsman is "eenerallv a dMU tag man. ... . 11 f Sealed proposalA Mormon's offer f mamage. Marriage is the ' hitching DOSt nn tVi road of life. n, An appropriate weddincr 4ft wnM a match safe. H A sad mis-take To marrv a cirl when she is crying; -;'T. No man can ever rise' above that at which he aims. --Brussels has the lowest death-rate of any city in Europe. In matrimonial affairs love freouentlv goes out with the tide. Noah's voyage is scacely more famous A. . . , ... And angels beckoned you a wav Noah's voyage is scj roses wheresoever ,t goeth. Death bought a welcome dowflfrom them than the widow Wu.e er is filled with choicest selec- And my heart lost its brightest rem creuse. s seventh volume. We never feel en,ia1 W)lTlg aDOUt the MIRROR fill It HeervM IT enry Ulount's stvle of writ W U v - O (tU.tllprl K.- n.. . , . 1 "j cuuor in tne state and he stands alone in his mastery of beautiful rtd ln that realm I' reap the bliss ora pamtins. A subiert tha ecoo i.ncscels OI wnicH you sowed in this: togh his hands is henutin.n I Vr;" P" "OWCIs .u Pted here riched by heW H. ; 1 r " "V " " "F were" with sweetest cheer. wlorins and th ' 7 Oh how trtfnortmg that will be carriekt . S fam thY6b Heaven cheered by thee; nesvuth it thoughts pleasino- anrl The nmsrvrt ti,, w J trancing. Reflector. ' And thouehts float Out on rnnhirp'c v-ivpc I o v . M . WO ft- . I - e nrst number of the seventh volume Oh blessed dream, oh Wessed hope, -viihun 3HRROR came to our table I AnouMn miil tne snadows 1 now grope; oix VP!irC rui Mr ... me ions misseo cneer wi Be Minn pH v c congratulate And T will then he tcfl r" t0-. Six vnarc nUl . - - c congratuiat) "other Blount Th m wn.n.uK btaners sun and the best of cheer wherever it ft frrto V number contains the most Wilson, N. C, April 9th. Religion. Legal inconsistency Callincr pages of foolscap "brief!" The purchase of a weddinrr' rinrr denominated a "buy-cicle." " Danville-Va has taken a census and now has I0,6oo Inhabitants. The newest trust is a hnnev ff There may be some cell about it, though - Charles Stetson, the well known Astor House manager of forty years ago. is dead. The are onlv fortv.fi in the Unitedatesigt tWfalk tike six- The men who established the UrA trust will have a soft thing in hand in sum mer. . It is now said that over a million anA - - iiivii m.au a half of people perUhed by the floods in vnina. Judge: Madame, what is tOur a?e? a one: Your honor, I leave that td the mer cy ot tne court He that shoots best mav soYrttime miss the mark; but he that shoots not at allxati fleter hit it. "Apple green will be the spring col- , oayo a usiiwn note, ic wwt also be the summer cholera. There is no life of a man, faithfully re corded, buj is a heroic poem of its sort, rhymed or unrhymed To secure a contented spirit, measure your desires by your fortunes, not vour - - r m mm iortunes oy your desires A young lady, asked hi vk lor -If not yourself, who had you rather' .icu, sweeuy and modestly, "Yours A St. Louis man wants w cause his wife snores, whistles, smokes, and "cnn. one evidently rnA- - . , . J a. UUblMmjC in If an untruth is only a day old it is 11 t . a iic; 11 1. is a year old it is called afalsenood; but if it Is a' century old It Is t 1 . . 1 . cupic nave been known to talk against gambling all their lives, on every possible occasion, and then, after alL to fro uu gci marnea. According to the Baltimore Xf a.,, turers Record North Carolina invested $3,000,000 in new cnterorises fmm th 9 A w. MV 40fc uaijr IO pni ISu Both Troy and Liberal Turners m strong in their criUdsms of John Bright's speech at Birmingham. He bitter enemy of the South. "Is Mrs. Fullbloom a widow She s a widower." "A widower! How cn that be?" "She's been a widow twice. Once more will make her a widowest" ', Until a Chief TusUce shall be annoint. ed, Justice Miller will be acting Chief, an4 vMuwai 1111c is oeoior associate Justice. All writs and other papers are thus signed by him. 9 - --A man who has lived in If innesota r ten vears cove ! t . - FIIO"J""I BLtrE REATOTDf ORA3r OLD WOrXTAf An f "tljr Rg.e .vtlh There are 616 farmers ni, State. m The "bird law" went Into tr .v. 1st Inst. A new military comnanv nM..tu In Ashevllle last week. We learn that a numher ...t.i. hard coal has been discovered i tii, county. A colored man named 1ja t died near Nahunta, N. C, last week, age The seacoast railwav 9 wn-. which Is prindpallv for e,ri, .-t.. , ' being rapidly built. There Is talk Of the C V JCr V V rt road company building a branch road from Walnut t. . ...... wic 10 vnicesboro. Engineers have calculated that t 40,000,000 tons of coal accessible in the flnn TJ I . . ' vivcr coai neids In this State, Ocracoke inlet is to he deenen ..... . .... "r-"-' "v u admit of the passage of larger vessel, to WSChfn . a. I . .M..SUJn no pomis on ramlico sound. 7 pwiitai mina, and at-1 "c rciigion 01 nnst is present ai . ill H roai w . . r . - a t . . w. .v- ucLter ior navincr re?H 1 cvenasuner reaoience. it ronntem oil Cm" Recorder. I tronV.1. Tuct f ji- j fp- I X - kSOfUW- "Client naner xtr:i line PlllOW OI SlCKness. it ratrhea in the x x-, un. 11 unon iUJR- 4 , " v nas entered upon its seventh vp curtains, and perfumes the stifling' air. It Weekly vi&itc ar ' .. I sweetens the run of hitter mprlin'na scdiri. Cd ra 01 sunsmne, r "'kU'""v' Its b ' 7 uSht for by our typos. tnrows a filow on the gloom of the -,3 nght cherry and inimitable writ- turned lattice. It .is balm for the aching T "-es it welcome 1 side, and a soft bandaere for the temnle w j in. It lifted Samuel Ruther a revelry of spiritual delicrht O"- The religion of Christ is present and ere. by perils scene and kerosene. The characters of men nlaced in Inurpr stations of life are more useful as beinj ...... imitable by greater members. There is a native light in every man, The vn!lfl .l-iJ" .. fri. "M MVCU n Minnesota: f"S rwvi Wftie ior the Kepublican for ten years says that when he went tHeTe J party has "DafiU-i L- Rlit 'fl 1 v the country was peopled by reds WhJ. s 3UUl, o! K a white, but now there are all whites with- hereon .WTernor PIy written out a red. - - -A -It takes the Laplanders sixteen days eled to get married, but it don't talce uL .Q.f. xr-Jf. " . .nt o 01(1 Wlnstoa twenty-four hours for many of them to in 1 conclude that it was sixteen days, worse Hon K P - n h . than wasted. "on' P- BatS has formerly acccp- -In Berlin and .in St. Petersburg the detiver opinion is held that the Republic of France State d ddf!?.on W.torj of s in danger. Whether L 'rl Stat Supreme Court. vh Cabinet can restore. eonndenceand soUdity ; oytr fifteen fruit canning e. remains to be seen. tabllshments already reported fhNprth" t. i u xi . Carolina. Thev 'L.'JL -. .K , -""womat a man in St. Paul who . " ,MM y oxh owns a fish pond, has tamed a large trout I rainS an Pital. so that it comes at his. call, eats from his fu- B Andrcws out betwecnN hand and shows its delight by turning nd fifteen thousand dollars of! somersaults out of the water. 1 Thundy to ciUzens of WiIkeboro for -Ingallsis trying to explain away his elftens7 f0r lhc WiIkc" railroad assault upon Hantfock anH forii- .L SKn i t- . I Sruiitii f T cicome at everv fir; 6,uc uii "6 "lay it n ;f- I I . . . . cfnnrv iirifk noi'n T- C: 1 (.j ' 11 "UDie-nearced and cif-1 D,-""5 . u. x. micu oamuci xxumer -vuior v t I r i :. while he was in physical Favettfulil i ,ue Wilson Mirror r, ... while he was in physical agonies. It venth volume. To-day it stands with- Richard Baxter untiI; in the midst .North Carolina journalism tompucauon or aiseases as per- 7 wish for Bro. Blount and th Mir? hapS n other'man ever offered, he wrote t . measure .v i nu n 'Olarp v . . "--css mine , ,. , . . . J I X jv.l.. UUAJUIl O UUIIUll u ever . , l . . . . me ugnt oi ine snmning gates ot tne snining cny. f The Poor Editor. ntab tnl w i n prOSPer and ever he Al .s" standard which it has vnanotte Ooserver. WikAr, AT la'n-j KKOR one of our moct .-ucu exchanges lat i , volume W ' ClSed itS more I'Ukkor unt tr earS f Success and r Henry . 11 many mr. . . . 7 . v. curs or iicBfir, . i . M- A here is hf one H c "RROR and ance. enrj Blount-;MethoJist Ad- Ittlitable hum that briIliant and in- PPchabie 1506110 mirded and 'CVPrr.. . Jal OI UKefiiliioo.. 1 -11 ? ccesc .S!e and beatHul rejoice at WiS. attnds tha talented ? Mm! h nC f the brigMest, best CaroW,ng7?k,ies publd VkI" by its CSerTeS a h&nd' . -u with nmm:.. ' a wuhprosp.-Herald.ask. One of our Western exchanges says that a practical revivalist requested . all in the congregation who paid their debts to rise. The rising was general. After they had taken their seats a call was made for those who didn't pay their debts, and one solitary individual arose, who explained that he was the editor, and could not, because the rest of the congregation were owing him their subscriptions. - " A Modest Request. Farmer's daughter: 4I suppo&e you want my father to take you in for the sea son?" Tramp: "No, miss, if you will kindly sew a shirt onto this button, that's all I 0 j ........ discovering to him the first lines of duty in a. ft ' . m me common notions oi good and evil. Sullivan, the most eminent Bostonian, ts on his return voyage from England, wnere ne iaiiea to gather fresh laurels. No age is content with its own entar. and the age of children is the happiest if iney oniy naa tne wisdom to understand 11. It now appears that the statement of a sea captain that the Esquimaux were dy- re ... mg on wun scurvy was merely a salt rheu- mor. The London police are guarding "bloody" Balfour .'against assassination. "Tis conscience that makes cowards of us all." . Sameness in dress does not always look well. The man who wears a shiny silk hat does not want a shiny coat to go with it. "Professor,'' said a graduate, trying to be pathetic at parting, "I am indebted to vpu for all I know." "Pray do not men tion such a tnne,".ivaa the unflattering re- piy. He, with emotion. "Now dearest that you nave accepted my proposal, let us seal i ..-Jf V. o Ck. : . i : " tb a ivioa uut ail a uutiUCSt "Whst'g the uxe? vwiviiiui Liirr i two Democratic Generals. Tntraiii! u. I pccia excursion rates have alren4v heard from the Grand Armv Pct. rt.. teen "red for everybody who win that speech will not down. Tt u J tend the encampment of the State fWj that will haunt him to the grave. at Wrightsville in July. Over 1,200 sol- -Speaker Carlisle is spoken of " W1" m P- probable nominee to fill the vacancy on A f Trade en organized m the United States Supreme Court hen.h Taroro, which includes merchants, far. caused by the death of Chief Tustire viJ mers d a11 persons eligible and favor.. Should such nomination be made by the bl P08 to the advancement and im- President, Ingalls will become green with provement of the Pe. rage, and his frothing will be something ' n the 25th day of Aoril the. win w - fa I . ' " vw awful to hold. meetiner at Hot Snrltlr m r . of leading railroads officials, mott of the the Supreme Court, served G. Si J Governers of the Southern Sutes. an1 copy of a complaint in a suit for some 0thCr Prominent frentleman, to devise way $150,000 against the State, brought by ? Promotinff immigaUon to the Southern Polt.o. nnj t- ? v -.- J Stat en this At nt v xts. . . auu xaans, 01 iNew York, on a c- iis6ippi river, count iron solcLthe Chatham railroad com- George E. Leach, a loyal North Caro pany in 1868. The case will be h- ? Una, and naUve of Pitthrm ru.u the Supreme Court but who has been engaged in large bus- Jay Gould is no longer the sphinx of Pcration New York City, has d Wall street He is just now talking at a rcccntI to tnm to his niUve State, live rate, in fact he fills every day about He wU1 kc charge ot the Bellerue Hotel, two columes of every newspaper published High Fointf o wWch he is owner and win in New York. He still insists that the at- """i"4 U 1x1 magnificent style. . tempt to have him indicted is nothing short .ev. Dr. T. H. Pritchard has been ap- of a blackmailing scheme The reunion of the survivor of tK- - w W4 VW Army of the Potomac with those of the A f X" . 1 . r. . . pointed one of the delegates to the Worlds Missionary Conference, to be held in Lon don,, June oth to 10th. 18SS. ThU u high compliment and worthily bestowed Army of Northern Virginia, on th high compliment and worthilv htns versary days of Gettysburg, will thfc v, 1716 recipient of it Is worthy of the 'rr,l as usual, be an occasion of trreat interet distinglihed and warmly beloved oreach. and instruction. With Geonre William crs in thc Statc- "e will reflect credit. n Custis to deliver the oration. Gro p,, doubt uPn his naUve Carolina whlrh sons Lathrop as the poet, and BUhop Pot: Ioves welL ' ! ter the host of the dav. the arranm.., The Tuesdavs Wilm;. ' --a - 1 j ......... jtuii oiar says ontf.epart of ths Union veterans will he that the sermon of Mr. Pr. ?.. rurfot nrA U i ... A r .v.., .uu Mlcjr WJII oe matched, no "c 01 great power and interest doubt, by those of their guests from the II was uPn the Holy Spirit There were South. supposed to be not far f, . , Charles Dudly Warner when asked and outside of the Tabernacle. There s opinion of the Republican nolirJ. were 8a COnvervionc n c-: j 1 . way, his opinion of the Republican ooliti cal situation said: I considered Ttlain. out pf the Presidential race before he wrote . . ... nis letter ot declination. People do not like to fight old battles over aerain. and that would have been the result of the nomina! tion of Blaine. I regard Mr. Sherman as the strongest man the Repnblicans can nominate. 1 nave just been in Washing ton, where I met a great many Senators and Representatives, and Mr. Sherman Vrtir Inst Vioa k... . .. . ... wcurtfjsccmcs to nave the preference. In the I .unin thinks thei cepted, and there's k need 01 sealed pro-: East there is strong feeling for Sherman. f?r American h oosala. k 0 it , 1 iizzt the enormous dcmai $ ' without any great enthusiasm." . I Dr. Bull's Cough Sylr. w a were 84 convervions. On Fr4,t there were 71. On Monday morning there were probably 1,500 persons at the Bible study. It was on the work of the Holy Spirit It was one of the best and that ex hausts praise. Salvation Oil - - n--'"- it way to rntlf10'11 alIa8 the innv mation, and, b- remorintr .aw.. apermenent cure. 25 cts. ' Mr. Ruskln thfnV rW. t. . ' m ji v CJU XB Jure for American art bat he hardly rea- "cnana over here for

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