"Our Aim icill be, the Peoples Riyht Maintain, Uiuiiced by Power, and Unfribed by Gain" VOL VII- WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1888, NO. 5 HEART THROBS. .TTIIK 'NOBLE rniF.TIIIIF.Br WAY KId mow they turn oub tflGUT TO DAY. IM.i: ASUIII.S OF POVERTY." Simple Joy Undreamed or by ttie Wealthy uud Worldly. When husband and wife are true-hearted, there is no greater aid to happiness than a few derrivations and hardships at -t nil Ihlnff doth SO bright tnj cnmmnnrm r,t .K..J- o-. i;f f flli A MIXTURE. editorial irrniiNGH EITPIIOM. OINLY ELUCIDATED. 'ear, and only sweetest 111 u i c " It is a great thing for each to realize lhat he or bhe is sacrificing something for the T-re peerless Mirror has just closed its other. The wife came with emptv hands -Volume a-d has begun another vear. to the husband who had no rich gifts to be- n,..y was tne sweet 1 , mow; out wruie sne is struggling and sav- V . . .t- i: T 1. ... ... .. .. .. tng, and he 1 timing and denying himself, the consciousness of doing it for the other's t . Z mr raolnrc 1 rl1t n ! 1 . ho&5- lcclir' N''"s saKe comers a nappmess notmng can equal, "hetf under the magic spell of its purity of it wih be in more prosperous days alone, 'houffkkrcano oul lR triumphant strains perhaps, that both will realize the pleas :.c mire wit and humor the harae ures of the novertv thev pndnrH in onth eai3 DV 1 i 1 "i , 1 in niai ifrauu new nuuse: mere is nomine c- - - o n f Knrth ( n ml inn Tntir- time it touches the deep er?.. . sat merr laugnier. v,Khlrs over ncin uu" !. --aM:RROR whos reflections are ever l-c"& harp whose notes beat time and -'.inharmon- with the noblest aspira- ' n F"ids without a rival because , n--r dare attempt to wander in the '-Id occupied by the peerless, silver. waeJ, brilliant and versatile Henry 3!ouat.-The Courier. With the versatile, crginal, and only Henry Blount at its helm, the Son MIRROR, one of the brightest gems a tar heel literature, has entered upon its venth volume, arid like the glittenng ainbeans that come glimmering down throat the cloudless skies, scatters "sun 'Abe and rotes" wheresoever it goeth. Each number is filled with choicest selec tions and pearls of thought from a poetical mind, ever and anon sparkling with those rarigated scenes which ' are paintt d upon the landscape of existence. Long may it !ive in the homes of the free and the landj f the brave. Patriot. ' The Wilson Mirror has entered its lacking that taste can devise or wealth pro cure. Yet amidst tne splendors and de lights, the hearts of both the wife's often est, without loubt will turn with wistful affection ,to the little home of old time, poverty stricken and inconvenient as it was. The hardships and discomforts en dured within its walls have passed away like mist before the sunshine, and memory Nnmeronn Xewny Notew and Many Merry . MurMelM I'ttrasrttphlcally Packed and .Pithily Pointed. onlv recalls the delights of contriving, j pie learned by wrote managing and arranging. The fun enjoyed over amateur attempts at carpeting and surprises in coohery. The brief, sweet holidays stolen from weeks of toil, saved for o anxiously and looked for so eagerly. These and a hundred other simple joys are the pleasures of poverty, in fact, un dreamed of by the rich and worldly. Tried by fire-Lard. Rabid transit Mad dog on a fly. Lilian Olcott, the actress, is dead. A dry subject An Egvptian mummy. Shake-spear experts The early Ro mans. The point in question An interroga tion point. A marked effect The work of a ship ping clerk. Gould and Bennct seem to be in the saddle, too. A tug is the only thing that has its tows behind. The garden making season comes saddest of the ear. In the days of manuscript books peo 1 Marriage. The foundation of every good govern ment is the familv. The bet and most prosperous country is that which has the greatest number of happy firesides. 'Hie seventh volume, and mav it live to clebrate : holiest insti .ution among men is marriage. rent times seven anniversaries and be mthe future what it has been in the past, irdBro. Blount will go down with bright and 'shining laurels in great profusion. rhe Mirror should be in every house inj North Carolina, and each member of each family should devote at 'east one hour a iay in persuing its columns. Oh, for more Henry Blounts to drive the quills in North Carolina. Enterprise. The Wilson Mirror has,, commenced is seventh volume. W e never feel equal to sain about the Mirror all it deserves. Henry Blount's style of writing is une qualled by any editor in the State and he stands alone in his mastery of beautiful tvord painting. A subject that passes through his hands is bea itified and en riched bv being ilothed in purest, poetic olorin;s, and the Mirror every week carrie with it thoughts pleasing 'and en trancing. Reflector. The first number of the seventh volume of the Wilson Mirror came to our table to-day. Six years old! We congratulate brother Blount. The Mirror scatters sun shine and the best of cheer wherever it Ss. Each number contains the most brilliant gems of a poetical mind, and al- make one feel better for having read hn. Recorder. ' That excellent paper, the Wilson Mir has entered upon its seventh year. Jts eekIy visits are like a ray of sunshine, jnd it is eagerly sought for "by our typos. J bright, cherry and inimitable writ gs makes it welcome at every fireside. may it and its noble-hearted and gif W editor live. Fayetteville Journal. The Wilson Mirror has entered upon ; seventh vlume. To-day it stands with- PCCr North Carolina journalism, wish for Bro. Blount and tFu Mir- lutuhCfUlIC8t. measure of access in the re- May it live and nmvr on Maintain the hfch stnr uLtv w . a niuvil lb lias i-Charlotte Ooserver ' aW Wlsoa.MxRoR, one of our most nth f XCha I eek closed its manV U sh or the MlRROR Blountm0re ear8 f 8UCCe8 and for "enry ithelm111 mre 'ears o usefulness at but on. iV Dut one Mirror and nce. r-V Blo"nt.MethoJist Ad- I has taken the race of countless ages to come up loathe condition of marriage. wThout it there would be no civilization, no human advancement, no life worth liv ing for, life is a failure to any woman who has not secured the love and adora tion of some good man. .Life is a mocke ry to any' man, no matter whether he be a mendicant or monarch, who has not won the heart of some worthy woman. With out love and marriage, all the priceless joys of this life would be as ashes on the lips of the childien of men. Home, Sweet Home. "Home is the residence not merely of the body but of the heart ; it is a place for the affections to unfold and develop them selves; for children to love and learn, and play in; for husband arid wife to toil smil ingly together and make life a blessing. The object of all ambition should ba to be happy at home; if we are not happy there, we cannot be happy elsewhere. It is the best proof of the virtues of a family circle to see a happy fireside. Sd Vn happy. imitable h- that brilIiant and in naPDm,u "".I lhe minded and ireek an ! Uenr-V Blount- began last rsof tW ' "fulness, anc all , the chaste anrt ko...:r..i -i c success u,v- l ""uiicjuxi Senis.-Vim h attend that talented V,1Ilan'6portlims. "George, there is a sadness and melan m 4 - cholv in your eyes to-nigm, ann your cheeks seem blanched.' t4Yes,Naomi,I am far from being happy." "Confide in me, dearest. Let me share your sorrow. Have the buffetings of this cruel world cast a gloom over your soul?" "Yes, my ownt sweet da ling, my last suspender button has just bursted off and I don't see how I will be able to get out of this crowd of ladies." Different Tastes. "I can imagine," said the poet, dreamily, as he toyed with a Charlotte Russe, "that Aphrodite originally rose from one of these at some love feast of the immortal gods on high Olympus. I always think bo when I see one of them." "Well, I do not," said nis companion ; "whenever I see one of them I feel like dipping a leather brush in it and having a close shave. It would make a shampoo, for the foam" But the bard had fainted. Ieap Tear. most R " ne of the brightest, best "Do you know, Edward," said she ten dealy, "I do not care for wealth. True af fection is hat. I seek. Love in a cottage is my best ideal." . "And. right you are, too, Alice," said Ed e at 1 ward, wannlv. "Come, can't we make an agreement about that? You furnish the cottage and I'll provide all the love you " NonK o .?lln8 ?'eeWles .published 5me PPort h Hnd Reserves a hand V crWn' U citize". May its fu- want. Kh prosperity. Herald. each way. Railroads will carrv troops to the en campment in July for two cents a mile In month of sun, so live that months of rain shall be happy. When hour glasses were in use peo pie had a rattling time. City directory estimates give St. Louis a population of 449,160. The flour of the family you will often find becomes college bred. We've all heard of the angry seas, and that's why the waters pout. The only dairy which does not use water to excess is the dromedary. "My first purchase is my ' last said a cobbler, who was just starting Id business. The average pill re embles B;mquo's ghost in one particular. It will not down. The advent" of the base bail season opens .again the quickest avenue to fame. . --It. doesn't-abbreviate a three months note to have the endorser make a minute of it. The burglars who raided an entire town seem to have had. an eye on Congress. If there is any one who should be "wrapped in slumber" it is the man who snores. Vermont Republicans are strong for Blaine. The tattooed man is coming to the front. Baltimore has just organized a line of steamers to plv between that city and Charleston. Men who love the piping time of peace should inflate their lungs in their utmost fullness now. The plea of the woman's rights wo men is that women may be everywhere, safe at home. The silver lining to the obstructionist cloud obstructionists generally get in their own way. Territories will' be admitted on their merits when Congressmen are elected on the same basis. Henry George's display play for posi tion is play for what Henry George seems to need most of. They say that Depew will make a dif ferent speech every night if elected on an after-dinner platform. Should Mr, Blaine land in this coun try exactly at convention time it would be by the purest chance. Blaine men in New York political clubs show a disposition to renew the fight against the mugwumps: Bitter strife prevails between Milwau kee brewers and their men. In other words, they are at largerheacts-. If the pen is mightier thaw the sword, we wonder why it doesn't turn orr some of the poets and stab them to death. Mrs. Amanda hwlambs, of Atlanta, whose fortune is estimated at $400,000, is the richest colored woman in the South. King Humbert has signed a decree o establish Italian consulates in Denver, Col. Philadelphia, Pa., and New Orleans, La. Nothing is more annoying to a youug man who has a bunch of keys at the end of his watch chain, than to be asked wha. time it is. First critic: "Did you hear Mr. False note break on that hih tone just now?" Second critic; "Yes: that's what I call I murder on the high C" Representative Mills has gone to For tress Monroe and Old Point Comfort for a few days to recuperate his health. People who complain that the world grows no better are generally those who are doing what thev can to make it worse. MUs Cora Belle Fellows, a white wo man of Washington. D. C has married a Sioux Indian. We hope she is Sioux -ted. ' A special dispatch from Montevideo reports the loss of the steamer Rio Janerio. The steamer had 1 20 passengers on board. The little girl who was told that the white cow gave the milk was justified in asking didn't the brown cow give the choc olate. A case is before the New York Su-, preme Court that was hegun in 1S14 74 years ago. It is about an insurance com pany. In the tender relations of cultured men it is but seldom that deeds can com pensate for words or a tone for offences of speech. Captain Paul Bovnton on Saturday started on an 800 mile swim down the Ohio from Wheeling, W. Va., to Cairo, Illinois. Dr. J. G. Armstrong, of Atlanta, is to appear in a new role. He is to organize classes for the study of dramatic literature and oratory. The man who has not anything to boast of but his illstrious ancestors is like a potato -the only good belonging to him is under ground. -In the decis'on of political questions majorities rule; but, unfortunately, the majority of votes often represents the mi nority of brains. - John A. Logan, son of the late Gen eral, has been arrested at Newcastle, Penn., for shooting a striking quarryman, an Ital ian, named Nocera. Attempts to hold land league meetings in Ireland led to serious conflicts between the police and tenantry, in which many persons were injured. Men are moral alchemists; it rests with themselves to change their momen s into golden hours or to let them burn out the slags in a furnace. The famous breeding stallion, Hambie tonian, owned bv Joseph Woods, of K'nox- ville, Tenn., died in Fimira, N. Y-, yester day, aged thirty vear. - The failure of the Republican Senate of New York to assist Gov. Hill in re forming the quarantine commission is dis gusting the New York public. Customer (in the restaurant): The last time I was here, waiter, I found a hair in my soup. Are you sure this is all rijht? Waiter (confidentially): Yes, sah. Idon'e took 'em all out. Any head of a house, who has ever stepped on a piece a wet soap at the top of the cellar stairs, will thoroughly agree with all the conclusions drawn by Darwirt in his "Descent of Man." STATK NliWS. FBOM tiit nr.r.p ni.rr. re a to tup CillAXD OLD noi'XTAIXM. An Hour Fleaftantljr Nnent TTItn Oir Dellcutful i:ictiaaKf. more On the 15th of July next, a scries of public services Will begin at Marietta, in commemoration of the establishment of the first civil government of the North west Territory a hundred years before. The late J. V Drexel paid at the rate of $14,000,000 per acre for the lot of land on which stands the Drexel building, cor ner of Wall and Broad streets, New York, and yet it proved a remunerative invest ment. Judge Clark has written a letter to Dr. W. R. Wood, of Halifax, declining to en ter into the contest for the gubernatorial nomination. This narrows the contest down to Lt. Gov. Steadman and Judge Fowle. William A. Stuart and his son Henrv, of Russell county, Va., now have 3,500 head of cattle on their great Russell ranch 45,000 acres, and sell from 1,300 to 1,400 head every fall. They have 2,200 acres in blue grass. The" first State Democratic Conven tion of 18SS has just been held at Pendle ton, Oregon. President Cleveland was unanimously endorsed, and a delegation solidly in favor of his renomination will be sent to St. Louis. During the past year $93,000 has been realized from cabbages shipped from Wythe county, Va., in car load lots alone. In addition it is estimated that the rail roads realized about $24,000 from "the freight on the cabbages. This is a hand some sum to go to one county for an In fant industry." There is now 2S Farmers' Alliances in Cumberland count v. The oidest grave in the Moravian giavc- yeard, isaiem, is dated 1770. . It has been definitely dociJed to hold the Muifreesboro fairj November 6-9, The Riedsille Weeklv savs wheat has not been so low in one hundred years. The cornet band at Lexington have re ceived a five hundred dollar set of instru ments. Among the curiosities at the Newbern fair was a family clock of Gov. Tryon 150 years old. TheTwin-Citv Daily wants the people of Winston to prepare for a big tobacco fair this fall. In the River and Harbor bill the Cape Fear River gets $100,000 and Beaufort gets $35ooo. The Wadesboro Improvement Associa tion is the name of a new organization in Wadesboro. Great benefit is expected to come from its laborers. Judge Clark declines to allow his name to go before the State Democratic Conven tion as candidate for Governor. He has published a letter to this effect. Mr. Fred Stowe, of Gilford county, who was bitten by a n.ad dog las: week, sent to Charlotte for a madsxne and applied it to the wound with satisfactory results. Durham last week shipped: Smoking tobacco, 69 855 pounds, worth $23,297.14; cigarettes, 10,034.700, worth $33,114-41. Revenue receipts for the month of March Summer tourists .are expected to be numerous in A&heville this. Sum.- mer than ever before, and applications for rooms at the hotels and boarding houses are already pouring' in., i . ( Adjutant General Jones announces thst he has secured rates over .all the roads in the State two-thirds of a cent per mile, round trip, for the encampment of the State Guard this summer. Wake's board of education apportioned $24.13800, that amount being equal to $1.50 lor each of 16,092 children. This, we believe is the largest appointment ever made in any countv In the State. Jacob harp, the New York boodlcr, has cheated the law and made an apeal to a higher court. He died about 9,20 p. m. on the 5th inst., thus checked in a vicious career, and his punishment, incomplete, was a significant warning to others fri the same stripe. '" The annual meeting of the State Medi cal Association will be held in Fayette ville, begining on the 8th of May. A call ' has been sent out to the leading men in the State who are interested in microscopy, to meet at lhat time for the purpose of forming a permanent organization. Cardinal Gibbons will go to Ashville, N. C, to attend the conference there and at Hot Springs on April 25, of Southern Catholic Bishops to discuss methods of promoting migration to the South- The Western Catholic Colonization Society Is in sympathy with the movement, and will do all in its powej to make a success. Acting on a rumor that the Richmond & Danville railroad contemplated the re moval of the workshops of tlieir system from Manchester, the chamber of com merce of Charlotte have offered a donation of suitable gronnds, $20,000 In money and the exemption of the property from all municipal taxation as an Inducement for their removal thither. James Spencer, formerly of the Ashe boro hotel, attempted to foard Uwharrie last week while it was verr high- He had a twelve year old son with him who dis played true heroism. After they had been carried down stream some distance, and the horse drowned, the boy got ashore, but seeing his father unable to twim, he went in after him and succeeded in saving his life at the last moment. Hermann U up to many trick ; but he wili never take in as much, as Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in its big raid on coughs or colds. We indorse all the proprietors have said re'aiive to the merits of Salvation Oil. It Is nonparieL