Our Aim icill bet the People's RigM Maintain, Unaiced by Power, and Unbribed by Gain" . vol vn: WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 25. 1888. r NO. 6 BLESSED UNION. for rilT PRECIOUS MARRIAGE IX TJ ICU THERE IS XO DIVORCE. the Love or Our BlessedJSavlour 1(pth Forever un ptrangement. When Christ takes a soul into His love He puts upon it a marriage ring. Now vtis not a whim of ours: "And I will tettoth thee unto Me forever; yea, I will betroth thee unto Me in righteousness, and : judgment, and in loving kindness, and in mercies." At the wedding altar the bridegroom puts a ring upon the hand of the bride, signifying love and faithfulness. Trouble may come upon the household, and the carpets may go, everything else njargo-the last thing that goes is the wedding ring, for it is considered sacred. In the burial hour it is withdrawn from hand and kept m a casket, and sometimes the box is opened on an anniversary "day, md as vou look at that ring you see under its arch a long procession of precious mem ories. Within the golden -circle of that rinT there is room for a thousand sweet re collections to revolve, and you think of the .rreat contrast between the hour when, at the close of the "Wedding March," under the flashing lights and amid the aroma of orange blossoms, and set that ring on the round finger of the plump hand, and that other hour when, at the close of the ex haustive watching, when you knew that the soul had fled, you took from the hand, which gave back no responsive clasp, from that emaciated finger, the ring that she had worn so long and worn so well. On some anniversary day you take up that ring, and you repolish it until all the old lustre comes back, and you can see in it the flush of eyes that long ago ceased to weep. Oh, it is not an unmeaning thing when we tell you that when Christ receives a soul into his keeping he puts on it a mar riage ring. He endows you from that-rao- ment with all his wealth. You are . one Christ and the soul one in sympathy, one in affection and one in hope. There is no power in earth or hell to ef fect a divorcement after Christ and the soul are united. Other kings have turned out their companions when they got weary of them, and sent them adrift from the pal ace gate. Ahasuerue banished Vashti; Napoleon forsook Josephine; but Christ is the husband that is true-forever. Having loved you once, He loves you to the end. Did they not try to divorce Margarette, the Scotch girl, from Jesus? They said: "You must give up your religion ". She said: "I can't give up my religion." And so they took her down to the beach of the and they drove in a stake at the lower watermark, and they fastened her to it, expecting as the tide came up her faith would fail. The tide began to rise, and tame up higher, and to the girdle, and to the hp, and in the last moment, just as the ave was washing her soul into glory, she "tea the praises of Jesus. V. no, you cannot separate a soul from It is an everlasting marriage e,and storm, and darkness cannot do Js it too much exultation for a man -- uusl unci nsnps ilrp nnrcp vac Cr.v Out to-dav: "I am nersnridpH tha ne tW u. , . r "tlgnt. nor Hpnth nr.i- nrmrinqli t, . or Powers, nor things present, nor shall an ther creature of God Lord?" mouthed children who would like to befoul your little ones. It will not do to keep our boys and girls in the house to make hem house plants ; they must have fresh air and recreation. God save vour chil- m dren frqm the scathing, blasting, damning influence of the streets! We know of no SeD.lrnto . t v , "1C irom trie love hlch is ! -L . , . 16 m Christ Tesus. mv- O'beto God are marri a , . . . . a rrj "ey are Douna Dy a chain r'n Hnk, and that one link, the golden with 0neofGod' 8 everlasting love. TE UREATII OF SOXC- An4lOW Ils r inrlchts Ex Is -A MIXTURE. EDITORIAL ETCHINGS EUPIIONI. OUSEY ELUCIDATED. counteracting influence but the power of christian culture and example.. Hold before your. little ones the pure life of Jesus; let that name be the word that shall exercise evil from their hearts. Give to your in struction al the fascination of music, morn ing, noon and night; let it be Jesus, the cradle song. ' Tuis is important if your children grow up; but perhaps they may not. Their pathway may be short. Jesus may be wanting that child. Then there will be a soundless step in the dwelling, and the youthful pulse will begin to flutter and the Jittle iianes will be lifted for help. You cannot help. And a erreat aeronv will pinch at your heart, and the cradle will be empty, and your soul will be empty. No little feet standing on the stairs. No toy scattered on the carpet. No strange and wondering questions. No upturned face, with laughing blue eyes, come for a kiss, but only a grave, and a wreath of white blossoms on the top of it. The Heavenly Shepherd will take that lamb safely any how, whether you have been faithful or unfaithful, but would it not have been pleasanter if you could have heard from those lips the praises of Christ? We never read anything more beautiful than this about a child's departure: uShe folded her hand, kissed her mother good-bye, sang her hymn, turned her face to the wall, said her little prayer, and then died." Songs in the night! Songs in the night! For the sick, who have no one to turn the hot pillow, no one to put the taper on the stand, no one to put ice on the temple, or pour out the soothing anodyne, or utter one cheerful word yet, songs in the night! For the poor, who freeze in the winter's cold and swelter in the summer's heat, and munch the' hard crust that bleed the sore gums, and shiver under blankets that can not any longer be patched, and tremble be cause rent day is come and they may be set out on the sidewalk. Christ in the everlasting song. The very best singers sometimes get tired ; the strongest throats sometime get weary, and many who sang very sweetly do not sing now, but we hope by the grace of God we will, after a while, go up and sing the prai ses of Christ where we will never be wea ry. You know that there are some songs that are especially appropriate for the home circle. They stir the soul, they start the tears, they turn the heart in on itself and keep sounding after the tune has stopped, like some cathedral bell which, long after the tap of the brazen tongue has ceased, keeps throbbing on the air. Well, it will be a home song in heaven, all the sweeter because those who sang with us in the domestic circle on earth shall join that great haimony above where all is peace and all is love. ' v Numerous Newsy Notes ana Many Merry Morsels Paragraphlcally Packed and Pithily Pointed. The True "Wife. It is tence. not so much what teh vour Zi. Vhat JU formay them." " "wuurei as what you sing to evevhethm" has winSs and can fly Tears 9f, ne Snored and M!. w Vou are talk Peat son: dead. worn out his fifty; and "Old Mor- Oftime we have seen a tall ship glide by against the tide as if drawn by some ivisi ble tow line with a hundred strong arms pulling it. Her sails unfilled, her stream ers drooping, she had neither side wheel or stern wheel; still she moved on stately in sorene triumph with her own life. But we knew that on the other side of the ship, hidden beneath the great bulk that swam so majestically, there was a little toilsome steaming, with a heart of fire and arms of iron, that was tugging it bravely on, and we knew that if the little steam tug un twined her arms and left the ship, it would wallow and roll about, and drift hither and thither, and go off with the fluent tide, no man knows whither. And so we have known more than one genius, high-decked, full-freighted, idle-sailed, gay-pennoned but that for the bare, toiling arms and brave, warmbeating- heart of the faithful liitle wife, that nestles close to him, so that no wind or wave could part them, he would have gone down with the stream and have been heard of no more. Phlcol in n . . f 1 .' Vfti,, "ion ll4 (.ULUllti mnu-; tne tombstone, your Sttndchildren m . . , onew afternoon vou sing to your Oh 1 atheredat your knee. sacred? nl-V knew Ihe power of littV ' how much of tener would Lw. ue be Fathered an n i . l ait wui Jesu, , :uia chime e Wan caceuDon ... . ume counteracting influ- - moren. The v with the songs of Jour ePaefP! mt the street he tep ptation. There are foul- try. moment Sound Sense. Carlyle once asked as Edenburg student, tnc tho Ktnrv in the Milwaukee Sen- nil" j m T"l, tinel, what he was studying for. lhe youth replied that he had not quite made .,n his mind. There was a sudden light- A cold dealer The ice man. Beats the awl The machinery. A stable character The groom. . A host in himself The landlord. A scratch race Barn yard fowls. Always ready to go bale Cotton bro kers. A promising band The engat ement ring. A gang of desperadoes is a preying band. - The toney girlThe soprano of the choir. The two European B's Bismarck and Boulanger. Dispensers of charity are permitted to carry alms. ' " There will be no eclipse of the honey moon this year. France is just now suffering from a violent Boulanger craze. Lord Salisbury thinks the European rulers are united for peace. Instead of electric wires their victims seem to be going under ground. The Envelop Trust does not appear to bear the stamp of public approval. In a Michigan town there is a girl whose height is six feet nine inches. A Michigan girl has found 2,125 four leaved clovers, and is not married yet. . It was the lady you thought was go ing to swoon who had a faint suspicion. Mr. Conkling is' now pronounced out danger and is on a fair road to recoverv When she mikes upV'fier mind to get mar ried you may wager she stoops to conquer. The Tangier , tangle ' was caused by Americans leasing mosque improved es tate. The latest figures show that there are 16,447,990 Sunday School - scholars in the world. Emperor Frederick is using his privy purse to relieve the sufferers by the flood at Posen. --The steamer Enterprise is back at Tangier, and may escape capture by be having itself. A Paris paper says: "The people of St. Louis, D. T., are dving of a disease called the blizzards." ' ' .1 Democrats in Congress should stand by their Tariff bill. The Democrats at home are all right. Austin, Texas, wants the President to visit it on the occasion of the international and interstate drill. The first syllable of Bismarck's auto graph is always illegible, but he can plain ly make his marck. Senator Ingalls has been censured by Brooklyn Post No. 443. It calls upon him to retract his slanders. One of the teachers recently asked a pupil what lb stood for. "Elbows, I guess," was the unexpected reply. "I'm stuck on that girl," said the court plaster. " v ell, she breaks me all up, too," remarked the peanut candy. Sam Jones k a level headed politician. He says Cleveland is certian to be nomina ted, and that Ingalls is an ass A cotemporary says: "This is the age of brass." Over in the Canadian colony they say : "This is age of steal A labor writer asks: "What luxury can the common ditch-digger claim as his own?" Dear man, he can take pick The Transcript speaks of the turtle as "takinsr a leadincr part at dinners." We thought he generally appeared as a supe There were 600 converts m a great re vival held recently in Charleston, S. C , conducted by Rev. Mr. Eatman, an evan gelist. Boston's leading citizen, John Sulli van, the big bruiser is mad. He challen ges the world to fight him at $5,000 to ning flash of the old Scotchman's eye, a j $10,000 a side. Boston must turn out td sudden pullirg down of the shaggy eje- brows, and the stern lace grew T- hs said: "The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder; a waif, a fi.:., r,r man. Have a purpose in . - 1 t J .A rail - m "T a . 1 life if it is onlv to km ana aiviae au bc ree Speecn. uui mat 10 nac uec spcccn. oxen well, but'have a purpose; and having , Bufc that privilege seems to be reserved for it. throw such strength- of mind and mus- cle Into your works as God has given you.' Englishmen. receive him. P. O'Brien, M. P., gets three months in jail for his speech on the Sth of Janua ry last. And England pretends io have Minister: "Well, Bobby, what do you want to be when you grow up?" Bobby (suffering from parental discipline): "An orphan." "I can't go to jail," sain a funny va grant, "I have no time." "The court pro vides that," said the Judge. "I give you ten days." . So far this section of Congress about 9,000 bills have been introduced in the House. Of the bills passed 1 27 were pub lic and 222 private. Lord Randolph Churchill, is a speech at Birmingham, is very enthusiastic in his praise of the Tory party ,and thinks they are solid and lasting. . "Look out!" he exclaimed, suddenly, there's ice under that snow." "Yes," said she, as he restored her tenderly to the per pendicular, "I tumbled to it." Stranger (to workman driving railway spikes): Are you working for the con tractoaof this road? Pat: No sor; Oi'm working fer the extender av it. , The Democrats had big victories on Tuesday at elections held in Albany and Cohoes, N . Y., and in Jersey City, N. J. They litterally swept the field. It is in the highest degree improper and unjust to ridicule a man on account of his small stature. Because he happens to be little it isn't right to belittle him. Wealth is more evenly divided in Eng land than in the United States, although it is a Monarchy and our land is a Republic. The Chancellor's budget shows this. Mayonnaise dressing, made with the yolks of two raw eggs, stirred wtth the best olive oil, added drop by drop, is the foundation of the best salad dressirTg. There is fear expressed in London of an invasion if Boulanger should become Dictator of France. Bismarck thinks a Dictatorship quite probable in Francel During the first three months of this year 5,000 more immigrants arrived at New York than in the same time last yean There were 28,945 arrivals in March. The hen, fool though she is considered, possesses in a marked degree the faculty of making much out of little. Feed her corn by the pint and she eats it by the peck. The Secretary of the State of South Carolina, Z. W. Leitmer, aged 59, died suddenly of disease of the heart at Colum bia, while he was preparing for church. Senator Gray, Minister Phelps, Secre tary Bayard, Speaker Carlisle, Judge Cool ey and Judge Jackson are all named tor the Chief Justiceship in the public prints. The Democrats have gained a big vic tory in Albany, N. Y., and in the city of Cohoes In 18S4 Swinburne, Rep., car ried Albany by 2,500 majority for Con gress. - A year ago Saratoga, Kan., was' a flourishing town of 2,500 inhabitants. Now it has but 150 and is fast becoming smaller. A boom(erang) in real estate caused the collapse. The original elements are earth, air, fire and water. Fire is the most destructive and water is the most powerful. Fire water, therefore, forms a combination that is a teaser. Boulanger is immensely popular, as will be seen by his vote in the Department of Nord held on 15th inst.: Gen. Boulan ger received 172,272 votes, Foucart 75,SSi, and Moreau 9,643. Bishop Beckwith, a native, we think, of Raleigh, N. C, but now of Georgia, has been spending some months in travel m travel in the Holy Land. He has returned much improved in health. ' Rise early, exercise freely in the open air, and do not sleep in the daytime Eat light suppers, and retire at a regular hour. Sponge the body with tepid water, and rnb brisklv with a course towel. Mr. Matthew Arnold, the noted poet, scholar critic and theologian, whose article on "Civilization of the United States," at tracted, such marked attention, died sud denly in Lsverpool, from heart disease. The life of a young man in Reading, Pa., has been seriously endangered by lead poisoning, contracted by kissing a girl's rouge-painted cheeks. Had he kissed her lips he might have lost his life in an explo sion of natural gas. Editors as a rule are kind hearted and liberal. An exchange tells of a subscriber to a paper who died and left fourteen years subscription unpaid. The editor appeared at. the grave when the lid was being screwed down for the last time and put In a linen duster, a palm leaf fan and a re ceipt for making ice. STATE NEWS.' FROM THE DEEP BLUE SEA TO Till" SR,IND OLD MOUNTAINS. An Hour Pleasantly Spent With Onr Dellchtrnl Exchanses. Plymouth jail has been burned. The Statcsville Mail comes out for pro hibition. There are 37 bonded goverment distiller ies in Iredell county. Eleven prisoners escaped from Nash County jail last week. There are now fifteen cotton factories in construction in the State. 1 The Grand Lodge of Odd, Fellows will meet in Greensboro on the Sth of May. About four miles have been graded on the railroad from Stokesdale to Madison. Gov. Scales is expected to be present at the railroad celebration at Mt. Airy, May ist A panther is reported to have been seen near Cascade, Stokes county, a few days ago. The business men of Thomasville are agitating the question of starting a cotton factory. The post office at High Point has just been promoted to third-class, and thus be comes a salaried office. It is rumored in militery circles that a mor ement is on foot to organize a cavalry company in Reidsville. Rev. W. S. Creesy, of Wilmington, commenced a series of meetings In her church on last Sunday .night It is claimed that North Carolina is far ahead of Virginia in the matter of advance ment in agricultural interests. ' - Washington county truckers complain that seed potatoes rotted in the ground, and the crops will be a failure. W. ' W.' Nichols caught ixb shad in Neuse river, in two days last week. This is the largest catch we have heard of. " The High Point Entergrise says that George T. Leach has arrived with his fami ly from New York and is working a great transformation in the Bellevue Hotel. The Smithfield Hearald says, Mr. E. W. Pou, Jr.., will deliver the address at the an niuersary of Olive Bianch Lodge, No. 37, I. O. O. FM of Smithfield, on the 7th of May next Colonel J. M. Leach, Jr., is to be mar ried in July, savs the Thomasville Gazette, to one of the most accomplished daughters of Virginia, Miss Lucy Green, of Culpeper county. In Halifax, on the 14th instant, passed away quietly and peacefully one of North Carolina's oldest and most worthy sonc, Dr. Edwin T. Clark, is the ninety-first year of his age. The Governor has authorized an ex change of courts between JudgesMontgom ery and Connor, by which the former is to hold the April term of Cabarrus Vnd the May term of Rowan, and the latter the spring terms Dare Tyrrel and Hyde. There will be more truck raised this year in the eastern part of the State than there has been for many years past Peas and vegetables are being nearly ready for ship ment, and truck farmers are making a good thing of their business this year. A steel chisel that was left under the present State Capitol, when it was built in 1833, was found sound a few days ago by the plumbers who were employed in put ting the steam-heating. The chisel is in perfect state of preservation and looks as if had only been in use for a few days. The Wilmington people are looking out for Summer resorts. They are making im mense preparations. A railroad to Riehts ville sound will be completed by June, so one can "run down to the Sound" in a few minutes and come back when he pleases. But the latest chartering of a sidewheel steamer that will from 600 to Soo passen gers at the rate of sixteen miles per ,houi to run between Wilmington and Carolina Beach and Southport . I am one of the oldest horseshoers in the town, and I have used your Salvation Oil for cracked heels, mange, and sand cracks with horses; it gives perfect satisfaction. Chas. W. Lee. 414 W. Baltimore Street, Balto Md. A Methodist preacher hinted that it would be nice to go to Europe, as his throat . trouble wa getting worse, but the good deacons sent for a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, and consequently now enjoy a good sermon. )