"Our Aim will be, the People's 'Right Maintain, Unawed by Power, dndUnbribed by Gain." WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA.. WEDNESDAY. MAY 2. 1888. NO. 7 y lj '- w - TRUE HEROES. 10OSE WHO FIGHT THEIR BAT t Heap Their Glorious Triumph in Blissful Immortality. : through the town on their way South then, and like a flash I ketched my muse. Most of the boys in blue were goin to Dixie's land, and I just took the inspiration on the I jump ana wrote up my song about "Way Down South in Dixie's Land." "Well, sir, she took from the start, and in less'n a week everybody, and especially every sol- Tnthe thronged thoroughfares of busy, dier, was a singin'.her. i r A tVin eilont- noorth. I ..TJ ..t T I ' - t 1 J Ipitating me, aiuuuu n.v. ..-.-. n.- uui mc &u..g a in prouuesi oi is "via 1 e and in the noisy marts of trafic, tu- Dan Tucker.' I got 'er from a Georgia ultand competition, we see mem, await- nigger not exactly as fie told.it to me, .1ot;nr -larinn Deal nor thrillinp" I Ytwt witH tVlf main tnnrrf-rlienfe Vrtiii-f ino-nosuuiu""" r o q -w, ..w.,v., v,.. . ,,npt blast to prompt to auty ana nero- jMoney." JNo, never made a cent out of ic struggle. Alone ana unaiaea tney piot nor: not a red. Jiut I had lots of fun rd nlan and fearlessly cnarge tne toe Lordy! how: the boys, the old timers jjq Hie Out IliC uikiuui iu n itiivao iuv. i irnok Ui ,.n uv.au aitu gvilv HUn U3CU IL? m.rirding, and no whisper ot approval save sing her in the 'walk-round' at the close of that of conscience, iney marai iunaru, uic ouo. jnt psnaw, i ve Deen on earth rinrot who may follow to swell the three times, 'an I wish I could make a C-lllo ' . . . .. .. . . .. . ranks and intimidate tbe foe; the plan is tourth trip if 1 could have the good ole theirs, the toil is theirs, and the victory or days back again. When I wrote 'Sich t defeat will be theirs, and little they reck Gitten Up-Stairs' an' I give her to the boys whether the world's huzzas or jeers re- an they sung her the first night I'd a-flew ward the sacrifices, lhere are martyrs up in the air only for being held down by whose anguish heaves are never written, for my gallusses. Among other songs I turVied manv triumph that win no garland of ivy out was 'Old Joe 'Goin' Over the Moun or itiurci licit- 4ti- w w l wv wiwm uiju Aanu world's dull ear through silver trumpet. Jim.'" Meet vou never in your daily perigrina L-inn fnrms with calms brow and Be ..Kind to the Agretl. UUU3"-"o a , - I .. . 1 1 A 1 I misty eyes and Druisea nearts, ana see you The loneliness of age! How few think A-MIXTURE. EDITORIAL ETCHINGS EUIIIONI- OUSLT ELUCIDATED. Nnmerons Jfewsy Xotes and Many Merry- Morsels Paragrapbically Packed and Pithily Pointed. The age of a tree Is determined by the number of its rings, but it is not safe to ap ply this rule to the bejeweied overripe maiden or the overgrown monopoly. Physician (to patient): "Your case is a very serious one, sir, and I think a consul tation had better be held." Patient (too sick to care for any thing): "Very well, doctor; have as many accomplices as you like. : " - , ; . r-"I began with nothing," boasted a mil lionaire who had made his money in crook STATE NEWS. FROM THE DEEP BIXE SEA TO TIIF GRAND OLD MOUNTAINS. Beef-canning is a put up job. A foul tip A rooster's comb. A shady set A groap of trees. A paper hanger sticks to his business, ed ways. "And that is the condition in The last thing in shoes The wearer's which you have left those who dealt with heel. ' ' you," was the blunt . response of a by- Out on a btrike-A defective lucifer stander- , - match. . , I A beautiful efrl in San Francisco has three days. 1 These pretty girls turn out to be mighty wide awake sometimes when their eyes seem to be shut. "What is your employment?", asked his Honor of a prisoner arraigned for va- Song of the emancipated debtor-"Ye Srancy the other day. "Walking, sir." do not sneak as, we pass by." "Where do you walk?" "Well, that's ac- "All roads lead to roam," remarked a cording to which way the policeman is tramp, studying a guide board. coming from." . - The mathematician's favorite season is "How many of you are there?" asked the sum-mer. The milkman's is the spring, a voice from an upper window of a party The cold wave flag carries a black of "waits." "Four," was the reply. "Divide -The telephone operator has a perpetu- n sound asleep for seventy-lhr, alholler-dav ' WeI1 don,t fool with her, boys. : j Sleepy Hollow "Good-night!" ov the telephone. . c , For weighs thatare dark commend us to the coa locales. . This is for blonchi- lozenge in the centre. tis. - . - . - . A sailor is a lightning change man. In a twinkling he can" turn into a ham- little here below." that among you," said a voice, as a bucket of water fell, like the gentle dews from heaven, on those beneath. An Austrian Major of cavalry writes to a prominent American soldier, that it is believed by every body that war with Rifs- I sia is iust ahead. He savs thev are all zero too otten lor . . - sleeping on their arms and any night the buffle call of boots and saddles mav sound. See that vour animals are made com- , . . ' tastes have naturally . v . . ' -u, Hls best Slrl vas out walking with the currents of love and. reason? Who in grown apart. They share but little in th rQ Jnt - : f him, and he shot a beautiful -plumaged tearful supplication clasped. the hand of the common with others. The future of this ie zero Poln , , . bird. "Oh, John! how could you kill the old physician-and importuned for the po- life ha8.jiothingQ .inspire their ambition Afie P" l,, dear creature?" kWh.y, Susie.. thought am? in snencc is uener uwu sue vs-iu iut. .no hmmai fnr iw loct vimi on(i u-hicnor. ,L . . i i . : . i etn a tart reniv. - urtLi .. j u..ur..i n..- iui o" " i me energies oi omers nas no inspiration . ' t i-um juu ucm, gwa, muuguuui icuun. ings of the grave-clothes told that the for them. They necessarily, to a great ex- "Don't dance" young men should par- General Adam Badean must have ob coras oi lire were loosemngr woman, tent, iive in a world of their own, with aKe o1 "noP mueis. . u migm luoncaw that even if Bacon did write lhe this is your pathetic ministry of love and which those around them are not familiar. their limbs a little- : nlavs of Shakespeare he did not jro around mercy, and we know you by the sorrow- The communings of their hearts are A Greek's wedding ceremony lasts all after the latter's death claiming the work brand, the lustreless eye and bowed form. Uvith the scenes of the past and the com- day. The duration of the divorce cere- as his own, and demanding a w hack at the We know vou, too, with your, mask, for pani0ns of other years who have long ago mony isn't stated. profits. Notwithstanding his name Bacon were seen those inward weepings that pasSed away. Lover and friends have The do is not much of a pedestrian, never did act porkv. leave no impress upon feature. We have been taken from them, and their acquain- but he can make an unlimited number of Tf . tK.f nrek aH.i. tances laid in darkness. The forms they lans in ,i vprv short snace. . - . ? .t... . .r ... j iv nnanciers. ims is iust aooui an iruc nothing, and hear you naught but the din o this and treat with due tenderness and of the great life tumult around? Ah, consideration those who have out lived young man, who .was it when worn with their generation, and wohse early compan . rt J cf 511 t-t Hrl v vicri 1 wir I ' j j . i . . ioii anu ".t"" -a- j i ions anu inenas nave oeen taicen trom fevered couch till the lamp in Heaven I them! Unable to engage in the activities mock. went out and rosy flushings in the East of life they are no longer brought in con- . CMan wants but litt warmed up the hills and valleys? Whose tact and sympathy with those around But he ee'ts it below ze gentle nana sprcuu uic ;Sut uiaHcijr lu them, and no tie of common interest and comfort shield the burning orbs when lever ragea mutual dependence binds them together. and wild delirium threatened to stagnate Their views and Who in neara tnose smothered sighs and groans that never well up from the great heart- admired and loved are gone; the eyes, that deeps when you look down silently upon looked into theirs with the tenderest affec me nome where pearl atter pearl you are tion, are sightless, and the voice that missing from the love chain. Go on with Uheered and stirred their souls have long your patient, ceaseless toilings, , though been silent. Their early world, of hope earth s wise and great ones cannot see the and jQy has become a desolation, and they gadiational conflict. Your dumb lips tell sit in -silence contemplating the ruin that no tail of weariness, want and woe, and has been wroght. They have but little to men cannot see through the sunshine that interest them in this world. They are is Hooding the world how footsore and .0nly waitinr till the shadows nandweary and heart wounded you are af- When a fire in a kitchen stove goes as the statement that all crows are white. out it often leaves undone those things Hand a five-dollar bill to the fair occupant which it should have done. of a bazaar at a church fair, and see how An investigator has come to the con- much change you get back. O no, wo- rhiKion that women have a larerer oronor- men are not financiers! O no. . A tion ot Drown eyes man men. rvrriA r,A A -ith to-rinr. " VS 111V w mmmj j Thousand-dollar clerks who live at the Grindstone," gaid Kiljordan; "the bill of rate of ten are the ones from whom the fare will just suit you. Calves brains is safe combination should be kept. the principal dish." "I'll come, Kiljordan," "That remains to be seen," is what the said Grindstone, "in order that you may Are a little longer grown," ter so many battle shocks. It is well they to pass on to the reunion that awaits them, young laby remarked when she left some- have one man at the table who can eat cannot see the end "of the Ions working and the fflad srreetinzs of those thev love, thing on the plate "for manners." calves brains without making a cannibal w wi a mi i - t i ana waiting and doubtinsr, but ansrels see it all ar.d are satisfied. There will be more sapphire dawns and sunset revelations for the gay and happy before your toiling is over and you pass behind the veil; rest a little now in the noontide heats and wait for the cool of the eventide. Work, work, work; twilight's shadows are settling upon thf errant ... - L ii ill I T m n i l-n n m h -. . A . n n v Who would not do what he can to cheer the loneliness of age, to smooth their path way, and comfort them in their declining years. A Big: Dinner. A "tropical dinner" which cost $175 per cover, exclusive of wine and music, was toiler are too weary to do more now than Siven hY one of New York's millionaires -it don by the wayside and fold your hvh wanted to make a sPlurSe- Twenty urea hands for that lon rest you are need- courses were served. 1 nere was no ciotn There is nothing under the face of the 01 "mcii. skv that can be quite so stuck up as a sheet a ladv sent a luxurious easv chair of postage stamps when it ties to. back to the factory three times to have the It is a great honor to be a rear admiral seat made "a little softer," then "a little but, curiously enough, we never hear of a harder," and so on. Finally it suited her reer general or a rear high private. exactly, and she paid for it. The chair 1 . m,,cf seal nau not ueen loutucu. ims is uic elapse before the next row of three fingers will stand in line designate the year. The coat-tail flirtation in the latest. A way our mothers fooled our fathers when their shirts did hot fit. The colored voters in West Virginia lng. DAX EMETT, THE MINSTREL. Pleasant Recollections of His Early Days. Dan Emmet, the once renowned and suc cessful minstrel is living in Chicago in pov erty. An emissary of the News of that city ho called on him a few days ago found a i ver-haned old gentleman-whose face is "Kdw-ith crow's feet, whose nose is be Jning.a bit pinched, and whose hands have grown yellow and thin. He is se v-enty-three vears old, and he began the gger business" nearly sixty years ago. "an Emmet is the author of -'Dixie," and ., 16 follows the account of the orisrin of inspiration: .V, Ane way I come to write that song was ethis: Along in the fore part of the war bod mmstrel ,busmess was at the top. Any yho could sing a 'nigger song was lUre of Rood money. I was with Jere Rant's Minstrels in New York in them 7S on Forty-second and then on Forty. tUrth street. - Weil, one night Jere came me and says: 'Dan. vet mp nn a new nS; make her catchy and noisy.' I told "im I CQnl J V ; j' 'a.! 1 ' T on the table; a palm leaf fan was laid be- means, "I have spoken to your father." fore each guest, and on these the plates There is a certain corset factory that restetl. The individual decorations at each turns ont two corsets a minute. This is a plate cost $30; the favors cost as much striking illustration of haste making waist. more and, the menu-cards cost $10 each. A bouquet of ten strawberries, costing $ 5, was placed before each guest. The truf flies were imoorted from France. There was a miniature lake, with gorgeous tropi cal trimmings, on the table. Roman punch was served in oranges hanging'on an orange tree, the pulp having been so wrinkled coat-tail bearing dusty toe-marks are said to be in open revolt because of the failure of their white Republican allies to recognize them. They have determined to act independently. An address has been issued by them. There are 10,000 negro voters. Independent colored clubs are be ing formed in many parts of the State. Miss Hampton, daughter of Gen. Wade Hampton, says Harper's Bazar, has joined the ranks of the professional nurses in New York. She is said to be unusual- An Hoar Pleasantly Spent With Onr Dellffhtrni Exchanges. Durham county jail is tenantless. The prospect for a good wheat crop are encouraging. Winston wants to hold a local option election in June. The jail of Carteret county has been empty nearly two years. The late freshets have done considerable damage all over the East. The next show of the Wake county Cat tle Club is to be held May 15. The Raleigh Stone hurled at editor Hearn intensively became his'n. - - ' The Lumberton Light Infanty lias been assigned to the 2nd regiment. . There are thirty-four inmates of the Thompson Orphanage near Charlotte. A hundred and fifty dollar cow died In Clinton from overdose of raw potatoes. The State Medical . Society meets this year at Fayettevillc, on the Sth of May. In one night in Wilmington $S,soo were raised for the Y. M. C. A.; at that place. Nurserymen in Guildford county sold $goo,ooo worth of fruit trees this season. Salisbury brick making factory is turn ing out from 25,000 to 30,000 brick a day. The Cumberland Agricultural Society is out of debt with a balance of S 189.25 on hand. On Thursday last fire destroyed twenty thouaand dollars worth of property in Wadesboro. - Seven million six, hundred and fifty-six thousand cigarrettes, valueti at $25000, were shipped from Duke's factory in four days. The Wilmington papers report that the khad catch in the Cape Fear is thirty-three and a third per cent larger this season than it ever was. ' All stations of the A. & N. C. road w ill soon be connected by telephone with the general offices at New Bern for the benefit of truckers. The District Conference of the M. E. Church South for WaTenton District will begin its session in same place on Wednes day the 16 of May. The Sunday school conference of War renton District, M. E. Church, South, will convene in the town of Littleton on the 7th day of June next. Alice Brown, a colored woman, will be hanged at -Whiteville, Columbus county, next July, for the murder of an oktnian known as Esquire George. Mr. J. M. Price, who lives in Rocking ham county, ten miles north of Madison, has discovered gold on his land, and is ju bilant over the pospects of a fortune. We learn that the Grand Jury, of Moore county found a true bill j-esterday against the editor of the Sanford Express, charg ing him with - libel against Judge Fred. Phillips. We learn from the Raleigh Visitor that the Clerk of the Superior Court of Frank lin county, Mr. A. W. Pearce, was indic ted In fdur or five cases, charged with era- deftly removed that the guests could pick any doubt, their own fruit. The dinner is the talk of When you see two dogs growling and uppertendom. getting ready to fight, remember that it is ' ' - ' . ',. only a joint debate, and the liveliest dog Couldn't See It. will get away with the joint. t u u ;r,nr t n Honkev L It was'the young tailor who said, rc- a iicai w ui t o - Of all dark traits that disfigure the hu man race, that of wishing to belittle or de grade the character of another is the low est. - Sometimes it is hard to tell whether a man U firm in orincinle -or simply obsti- - f-- - - I a . - 1 , 1 1 1 nate but the man himself never expresses Mj capaoie, ana nen sne nmsnes ner I . 1 1 lf J A .1 O t course mere sne wiu return 10 mc ouuui, party at B 's," said a Parson ville man "Are to his neighbor. "So I urderstand," was the reply. you going?" ' "Of course I am," said the Parsonville man; "thev couldn't have the party with out me!" And he couldn't make out what the oth er fellow was laughing' at. Could do her. and after the shnur T seyed home thinking about what I'd n e- The soldier boys were marching The girls have formed .a "kiss trust," and now the boys are talking of, prosecu ting them under the law which prohibits the forestalling of necessaries of life. ferring to a rival for tne anection or a young lady, that he thought he knew enough to be able to cut him out. Yes," said Smith, "when the United States gives away lands to railroad corpo rations it sinks to the level of a colporteur." "How is that?" asked Jones. "Because it becomes a tract distributor." A girl who weighs one hundred and twenty pounds and has thirty thousand dollars in her own right, no matter how homely, unattractive or cross-tempered she may be, is worth her weight in gold. where she will not only practice her pro fession but instruct in the art of nursing. Perhaps the most curious battalion in any army is the Norwegian corps of ska ters. These corps are composed of picked men aimed with rifles, which they use with great precision. The skates used are admirably adapted tor traveling over rough and broken ice and frozen snow, be in six inches broad and between nine and ten inches long; The soldiers can be manoeuvered upon the ice or over the snow fields of the mountains with a rapidity equal to that of the best trained cavalry. As an Instance of the speed they attain it is stated that a messenger attached to the corps has accomplished 120 miles in eigh teen hours and a half over a mountainous country. bezzlement. '',.-- ! The water in which potatoes are boiling should be salted and drained off from them the moment they are cooked through. If this is not done the potatoes absorb the wa ter and becomes soggy. A tenant of Mr. James Taylor planta tion ciught in Deep River a few days ago, a mud turtle that weighed thirty-two and a half pounds, wliich sold for 75 cents a pound. A fine dish Indeed and equaled only by the magnificent price paid for1 it. Four years ago a wagon factory at Hick ory, N. C-, had a capacity of 500 wagons a years. It is now turning out wagons at the rate of 6,000 a years and is successfully competing throughout the South with the products of Northern and Western facto-' ries. The ghost at the white house U said to walk half of every night, but he could do double that amount of work, if he was'nt afraid of the morning air, and knew that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cured all kinds of troublesome coughs" and colds. - She stood at the gait in the late Spring twilight, and when she said good-buy, she felt i.euralgia kiss her rosy cheek ; but she only smiled, for she had Salvation Oil, the gratest cure on earth for pain.

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