r "Tm W3r Q)M MffiMOiT "Our Aim icill be, the People's Eight Maintain, Unaiced by Power, and Unbribed by Gain.' VOL- VII. WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 9. 1888. NO. 8 SWEET SPRING. K,fORr STAY AMID THE WOODS 5 AXDFLOWERS. . ,,oW he Heart iu Adoration AJUt Most Sweetly np to Celestial Bowers There is, in the early days of spring, a beaut and freshness which the other sea- 5 do not present. The life that has been Numbering through dreary winter is in 9 time infused witn new vigor me oers -rladden us with their presence and i a 1 Un4f rf tVc f roAC 1 e Ir ? r nr nerfume, ana uie uuuj fo-h w ith blossom and leaf inspire confi dence in the coming harvest. The whole scene one bus' activity as weU as beau v Bads rushing out with leaf and fra grant flower ; roots pumping up supplies of Ia? to feed the growth of vegetation; balmy breezes wafting perfume from dis tant groves; and birds on the wing to con struct their nests, making the woods vocal vith sons of gladness, as they work. n-o murmuring brooks go laughing over roots and shoals, through green clad banks b whose clear depths the silver scaled fish snort anil, leap in "dumb joy;" the skies bend over mother earth with the fostering care of paternal kindness, while the solar orb distributes brightness and beauty over land and sea. How beautiful, lovely and , charming, is this South land when clad in the bridal robed of vernal Spring. But why the change the coming and depart ure of the seasons? Why should the earth spread upon her brown floor the figured carpet of variegated colors?, Why. do the clouds pour their watery " treasures upon the sprouting seeds and springing grass? Whv do the orchards blossom in beauty and bend with golden fruit? hy do the cooling breezes blow, and the sparkling streams flow? "Why does the radiant lu minary open the door of the East and hang his beaming lamp in the blue hall of Heaven? Why does the earth wheel on her axis, bringing with such precision and regularity night and day? Why should oar Heavenly Father move all those va ried and mighty forces of nature? He Sires i vocal organs to the birds that they may make music to regale the ear 'of his human creatures He fills the waters and i:e.ds with food to supply the want of man. All nature moves from the bud and and root to the flower and fruit to fill the wor.a with needed sruifts for man. With David we are readv to sav: "Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not all' his benefits. Who redeemeth thv life from destruction, who crowneth thee with lov i"g kindness and tender mercies." It is a Por specimen of a man who can wade through the benefactions of earth and not taye his heart throb and beat with the pul sations of gratitude? All these useful. "Murom, delicious, sublime things; things grateful to the taste, the touch, the smell, tr U . - u ear, the sight, the mind. Pleasant "ghts and shadows, sweet perfumes and pounds, golden grains and luscious fruits, ciy res, forms, flowers, grass, land- 7 fl0ig rivers, cataracts, moun ns' lakes oceans, skies, coming in multi "men no man can compute, call for gs of ceaseless praise. Truly has our eavenly Father done enough 'to draw us 10 himself, in the beautiful world which he has tvinJ. r uc Ior our enjoyment. He has aornedit with sapphire splendors, carpe green, curtained it with golden x.u.gea lt Ulth vine clad hniS) an(j Ofened it with healthful ,nl Mnt,ns sustenance. If u i -.. rMi' would only view it I we would see and fee'l that the "ave falen to us in pleasant places." with ever increasing delight upon the vi sion of our sunny home, and yet with an impertinence that has filled me with a de lirious unrest. Let the dav be soon, verv soon, Henrietta, when vou take posses sion of that home as its queen. Around you will bloom the beautiful flowers that gladden the Southern lanscape. Orange groves, bending down with the luscious fruit, are on every side. Figs, bananas, the incomparable Le Conte pear, the Pock lington grape, the Turner raspberry, which under the genial rays of a Florida sun, at tain a size and flavor unknown elsewhere, the useful and wholesome okra, the " "Young man!" thundered old Mr. Gar side, entering the apartment and striding wrathfully toward Marcellus Hankinson, "in the guise of an honerable man, preten ding to be the son of an old college friend, you have gained access to this house. You have trambled upon its hospitality and abused the confidence reposed in you by a 'trusting girl. I oyer heard your last words as I passed the door and I recognized their meaning. No Florida emigrant agent," vociferated the thoroughly aroused old man grasping the youth by the collar and propelling him rapidly toward the door, "can ply his iniquitous calling under this roof. Get out!" And with nervous haste voung Hankin son got out, assisted to some entent by Mr. Garside, and up the dimly lighted street he fled, his form quickly vanishing in the gloom, while the wind moaned drearily. The Three Things Needed. A MIXTURE. EDITORIAL ETCHINGS EUPHONI OUSLY ELUCIDATED. Numerous Newsy Merry Morsels Packed aud Pithily Pointed. Perhaps some of the people who are looking for nice, fat jobs could be accom modated if they would apply at a lard ren dering establishment. We seldom regret having been too Notes and Many ' " w " "" Paragraphically I often repent having been too violent, too v Use both brain and brawn. He that dies pays all debts. . Regimen is better that wisdom. Poverty is hard, but debt is horrible. Ingersoll is to deliver an oration on Conklin. The public What the true man most wants, of a wife is her companionship, sympathy and love. The way of life has many dreary places in it, and man needs a companion with him. A man is sometimes overtaken with mis- ortune ; he meets with failure and defeat, trials and temptations beset him, and he needs one to stand by and sympathize. He has some stern battles to fight with pover- y, with enemies, and with sin, and he needs a woman who, as he puts an arm around her, feels that he has something to fight for, will help him fight; who will put her lips to his ear and whisper words of counsel, and her hand to his heart and im part new inspiration. All through life through storm and sunshine, conflict and victory, through adverse and favorable winds man needs a woman's love. The heart yearns for it. A sister's and moth er's love will hardly supply the need. Yet many seek nothing further than house work. Justly enough, half of these get nothing more. The other half, surprised above measure, obtain more than they sought. Their wives surprise them by giving a nobler idea of marriage, and dis- closing a treasury of courage, sympathy and love. precipitate, or too proud. A physician, says an exchange, uses a tuning fork in the treatment of neuralgia. If it's the pitch.he want's we don't see w hv he doesn't use a pitch-fork. "Do you rectify mistakes here?" asked a srentleman as he stemmed into a dru store. "Yes, sir, we do, if the patient is will surely sour on the s"ll alive," replied the urbane clerk. venegar trust. s ' A London drucrtrist has hit the nnnti . -woo I I Dr. J. C. Aver's widow is reported to lar taste for good bargains. In his win be worth $2;,ooo,ooo. - i dows he displays a card that reads: "Come -Our deeds determine us, aV much as in and Set twelve emetics for one shilling. we determine our deeds. As we are bound not to inflict unnec- Mrs. Logan is out for Gen. Alger, of essary sufferinSs n animals, so we are MiV1-i?crin fr.r Prptont uuiijjcu iu u ci i ait inai lenos xo aaa w me 0 ., v. . . . . ,. . , .... sorrow. ana trials ot our common commu 1 outii is in danger until it learns to J look UDOn debts as furiev , , . 1 xnacwnicnwe require with the most The parlor is probablv the most fre-1 ,.. . quented of all court rooms. , . j ' n nail, Vtttutu 1U11U11C U9UUI1) r r...t . . . j o"- "j i'r'.'"v, ' more careiui oi it man those who nave in- new coat may cover a wire dumrov. ' herited one rnnce Bismarck, declines to be a a school teacher recently asked her Duke. But is a Duke higher than a prince? dass the question: "What is a pilot?" If you just itch for anything, you may I The smart boy answered: "It is a lot where be able to get it by scratching around live- they grow pie-plant," and was sent to the lv. ' foot of the class, The Atlantic machine works, of Bos- A Chicago dude blused and ran into a ton, Mass., were burned Thursday. Loss stairway when he saw a party of ladies STATE NEWS. FROM THE DEEP BLUE RE A TO TIIF GRAND OLD MOUNTAINS. $150,000. Ingall's own - district has sent anti-In galls delegates to the National Republican Convention. The Prince of Wales was, for the fif ieth time, installed as ree Masons. It reads a trifle paradoxical to see a cargo of salt cod noticed under the head of resh arrivals. Rochefort is a dangerous fellow. He is trying to run Socialist candidates against he Parisian Deputies. Two heads are better than one, espe cially for a mart who wants to go round the country with a circus. Death of a Remarkable Woman. Miss Sarah L. Moore died at the resi dence of Col. J. D.' Cameron in Ashville on the 26th April iSSS. Miss Moore was born on the 15th of Oct. 1795, in Bruns wick county, North Carolina. 5he was consequently at the date of her death 72 years, 6 months, and 11 days old. She was the daughter of Judge Alfred Moore who was appointed Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States by President John 'Adams, in 1799, and the only man ever appointed from the State. Her re mains were taken to the old plantation in Orange county, near Hillsboro, known as Moore field, for interment, on the 27th, and deposited on the 28th of April 188S. This plantation was bought by Judge Moore in 1790 and has been in the family ever since The mother of Henry Clay was born on this plantation. La us: liter. A BGIITED DREAM. Ana y It Was so Rudely Broken. fiie f oung Mr. Hankinson, uture looks very bright before us, Th 1... cisa. r'J' e-ves ot Miss Garside fell in lnS contusion beneath the ardent the devoted youth, and her only fcnc(TaS a soft "Sh that fi"ed the si t0 p.. "h drilling elequence and seemed Perfu 0m ner Parted lips a grateful perr at intoxicated the senses and oik . the aPartment as with the sensu- vu Pint-.. . .n wncntai aream 01 pa.ru. uise tt0ur lenC o11 reij --"jjicii .. me autiful Southern at awaits home," enraptured youns ii.- T i. . Ho. in me rronirn ltivn- cuce of a Pi -j , 1 that ri . l0nda plantation, under a sky WU"aiS lhat of ItaIv' we shaU set up ou"r 5 and p Vou r enates. Form the moment " fromist,d tQ be m.ne j have dweU coming down the street. He had forgot ten his cane and could not meet them in such a nude state. "Paddy," says a joker, "why don't you get your ears cropped, they are entirely Grand Master of t0 lon for a man?" "And yours," re- plied Pat, "ought to be lengthened, they are too short for an ass." To diveit at any time a troublesome fancy, run to thy books. They presently fix thee to them," and drive dull care from thy thoughts. They always meet thee with the same kindness. The late Dr. Agnewhad no confidence in newspaper reports of old people. He was positive that no one can live to 100 years. Alas, tor the newspapers it theem- The Italian government has been no- inent Doctor was correct. tified that Kin John of Abyssinia has re opened negotiations for peace. The Indiana State Democratic Con vention has endorsed Cleveland for Presi dent and Gray for Vice-President. Shermanism is about on its last legs. The Sherman "boom" is suffering from a The Catawba Democratic County Con- vention in rinsintr resolutions endorses Cleveland's admistration, declares in favor of tariff revision and the abolition of the internal revenue system. In the blizzard country. Man, point ing musingly over the hills and far away: lYes, I came West to look after my prop- There Laughter shuts the mouth of malice and opens the brow of kindness. WThether it discovers-the gums of infancy, or age, the grinders of folly, or the pearls of beauty ; whether it racks the sides or deforms the countenance of vulgarity; or deep lines the visasre, or moistens the eye 01 rennement in all its phases, and on all faces, com forting, relaxing, overwhelming, convuls ing, throughing the human form in happy shaking and quaking, a laugh is a glorious thing. There is no .remorse in it. It leaves no sting except to the sides, and that soon goes off. . " 'Old Tongue" is the name of the sa cred white elephant, and it is thought that the Siamese dignitary was henpecked and j named the elephant in honor his of w ife. The Richmond State clearly Intimates that the Virginia Democrats were very in sincere when they adopted the Roanoke Republican platlorm. threatened and complete callapse Bub Doble, who trained Dexter, the erty. I am looking after it now. great trotter, is now developing the speed I goes the house and barn!" ot another phenomenon in Chicago. . -"There is something about vou, Mr. It is a notable fact that however clean-1 Secondshelf, which tells me that you must ly seamen may be on the water they have have had a heart-history !" and she gazed a decided dislike of beinsr washed ashore. I upon him with intense, soulful eves. "No. 1 -A man was killed in New York re- rn'm," he said: "I ain't just right there, cently, by an electric light being low. He Dut " s only cigarettes.. touched the loop in the lamp and fell dead. "Will you love me when I'm old?" Ex-Senator McDonald's open letter 6an2 the ancient soubrette. "How old?" to the Indiana Democracy will not, it is came in a shnll voice trom the gallery. thought, have much effect on Indiana poli- The singer did not reply, but the audience lCSm " ' , I smiled when the curtain dropped, showing -The Family of Secretary Endicott a century plant in full bloom. deny the reported engagement of Miss benatwr Voorhees knows how to make Endicott to Hon. Jos. Chamberlin, of Eng- a decimation that declines. He writes a jan(j. ' I Tennessee friend that he is not a candidate -Judge Stanley Matthews, of the Uni. for Vice President, will not be, would un- ted States Supreme Court, is to deliver the ucl " V- - '. 1 j ij . " r 1 . 1 . . ... ' 1 t - cko 1 ana wouia not serve 11 eieciea address at the 1 ale Law bchool commenc-1 ment ' Joe Johnston has been elected an hon- nrt.,i,r,ruthnncrht tohnlottincrtn orary member.of a Grand Army post in o n.Vtnin Hp talks n if thr A mw-wv..m-. ;... v,u4 wwu6iL rvtmuHe brewing between France and Wonder if Ingalls, the bitter, the malig nant, the hater 01 the south, could beelec Itally. The new babe born to Mr. and Mrs. Sluo-er Sullivan is said to be a bouncer. And why shouldn't a son of a prize fighter be a "bouncer." The London Chronicle announced the approaching marriage of Mr. Joseph Chamberlin to Miss Endicott, whom he met in America. . A gossiping exchange reveals the se cret that there are 18,000 more women than men in Boston. The Hub is evident ly hard up for felloes. Mr. Robert G. Ingersoll has been cho sen to deliver the memorial in the New York Assembly chamber in honor of the late Roscoe Conkling. ted to membership in that post? The news from London is full of en couragement to the friends of Ireland. The British Tory Ministry that was so confi dent and jubilant only a few- weeks ago, is now alarmed at the coarse of events. It begins to dawn upon their infatuated and blinded understandings that coercion can- not win and that their Government is threatened seriously with a downfall God speed the day ! An Hour Pleasantly Spent With Onr Delightful Exchanges. A man is now suing for the ground that Graver, Cleveland county, stands on. Wilmington has a society for the pre vention of cruelty to animals, with a mem bership of Co. A flock of ravens visited Danbury a few days ago and were a source of considera ble attraction. A bald eagle was killed near Reidsville a few- days ago which measured five feet from tip to tip. The Patriot tells us that Greensboro has a firm doing business under the name of Dav & Knight. A military company, bearing the histri- .... onic name of the "Cabarrus Black Boys," has beta organized at Concord. To make tins shine, wash in hot soap- suds, dip a dampened cloth in fine sifted coal ashes, then polish with dry ashes. The Asheville Cilizen savs that about 300 negroes have left Buncombe county for California for the past two months. Dr. Edwin Ronthaler has resigned as principal ot the Salem Female Academy. Rev. John H Clewell will be his successor. Help the wife or daughter to get a row of sweet peas planted on the warm side of the garden fence, on the earliest possible day. The Wilmingtonians have- purchased a lot, we learn from the .Messenger, on which to build a home for the Y. M. C. A of that citv. The strike of the laborers employed in grading the Vinston-Wilksboro Railroad has been adjusted and work has been re sumed. - , , A colored woman , named Cora .Wright was sentenced by judge Graves at Edge combe county Superior Court last week, to be hanged on the 2nd of November next, for infanticide. At the Convention of the Democrats at Plymouth the Hon. D. G. Fowle wa strongly endorsed for Governor, and Mr. W. D. Pruden for Associate Justice of Su preme Couit, though the delegates will go in convention uninstructed. Mr. Thomas Starbuck, a strict Quaker, who attendent, church twice a week, near New Garden, had a dog that always ac companied him. It is said that now since Mr. Starbuck's death, the dog continues to be a regular attendant at the religious ser vices. North Carolina loses one of its most lov- al and accomplished sens in the transplant ing of Rev. W. S. Lacy from Jonesboro, -N. C. to Norfork, Va. He will leave be hind a host of warm friends who will fol low him with their best wishes for his fu ture success ane happiness. The anual senior speaking at Wake For est College took place on Triday night. From parties who were in attendance it is learned that the occasion was largely at tended and wasmost interesting and enjoy able. The speaking of the graduating class was especiilly creditable. Well, here is another one from Chatham county : Abnor Dorsett, a negro living in Hickory Mountain township, has probably the largest head in the State. It is thirty tow inches in circumference and makes him somewhat "top-heavy," for at times w hen the head topples over to one side he is obliged to push it back in position with his hands. It is pronounced that Prof. W. L. Poteat, of Wake Forest College, is to contribute to the Raleigh Biblical Recorder, the' able organ of the NorthCaroIina Baptists, and better now than it has been in many years, "a series of articles, the subject of which will be Riligion in Science. Prof. Poteat is well known as one of the most progressive scientists of the country, lie is a deep and careful thinker, and in view of the fact that many articles nf a skeptical nature are being printed with a view, to establishing a conflict between the Bible and science, The Republican drift with respect to j Prar Poteat's articles should be read bv the nomination for the Presidency, so far 1 evervbodv. at least as may be gathered from the elec-! " ' tion of delegates to the National Conven- Our readers are lequested to use Salva tion, as far as this has proceeded, is clearly j tion Oil for all pain. It i a ure cure, towards Blaine, notwithstanding the later's 1 Pnce 25 cents. ! declination. Well, we suppose Mr. Cleve- j - , , drink?" asked a seedy looking chap of are- land would as soon beat the plumepi. xr0: arA;rrv 1; it enough to "Can you give me ten cents for a ink ?" asked a seedv looking chap of a re- I ported. "Certainly," replied the reporter, Knight as he would any other less thor- j no- that Dr. Buli's Cough Syrup cure ' brint on your drink." ! oughlv tattooed man.' . coughs and colds. V Xi V

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