I at . " uur JUm ym be, the People's Right Maintain Unaiced by Power, and Unbribedh rJ 7 J v . v0L. VII. WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAyTmay 16. 1888. 1 - . 1-7 t I A DOUBLE TRAGEDY. MUBOER AVENGED. SPEEDILY Character Riddled by . Desperate lynchers' Bullets Crime Widows and Orphans. Slakes Superintendent of the Experiment Farm n .leave to select the situation of the farm. This is regarded as a verv judicious selection, for Mr. Woodard is an educated intelligent practical farmer. And right "cic e would say we are glad to note the 0 nuxiu ui inose oi our young men who have pluck and back bone enough to become intel! . 1 i. j I -"- "o ui nic Again has our u, ---- soil, as tending to elevate and ennoble a- .i . fai-nhlf trarrprlv I ,ikf n thnn. I s u . " branui"- .iv-uiiuiui . empioymen s. The tPnHn A clap the startling announcement came has, to too t ' thafMr. Joshua A. Cox a peaceable and mers' sons .tojgive up the farm and become :seful citizen anu uuu, imnuerman ot second class clerks in sernnrf Blount's Creek, 16 miles from Washington stores, and in many instances upon failure tad been muiuc.u x. riulc,, an m that line to descend still to lower grades employee oi , ucus w employment and finallv to worthless brother. Bad blood for Cox had boiled in ness. There is no business mor. the veins of Frazier for some time past, dent, elevating and ennobling tWfuJ , i r. . " . i I . - . " s v..M.fc xjt. and on aaturuay aicci uuun, aucompaniea tne farmer, by that we mean, not the hun Kiwo iii-o, .. v.tx, urum piowmg and planting as of a century enrcreuv,- . .Hv. out mat intelligent study of the ffhich Cox refused, and then walked off to- science of farming by which the canarirv i- !.: ?11 n tot,- vnrHr. Hicfont T?n I r . ' r ' Faras ;-u, o.w x ia-. OI sous me value and anniicarlftn . . .... - . J . ... I A X - zier, . " zcrs, ine utilizing of the means in the reach ith rage, thought it d d strange oth- of every farmer, for making the most of eis could buy when he could not," and the necessaries and luxuries of life out of seizing a gun vnicn was m me nanas ot our own soil. Upon the nrodurf f W. one of his friends standing near, emptied soil every other industry is supported, the contests of both barrels, which literal- What our farmers want Is tn tWnt fiJ lr riddled Mr. Cox with buck shot, produc- and actut more the great and grand work mg aimobi hbwiu uwui. x iouci ncu i tney nave in hard. tnrougn uic uif uic House wn recommendation of the committee of Mr. H. Mac Cox, where his dothes appointed on permanent organization the were, imuMug ovv.i iun anu omj;c! i xunowmg omcers were elected - . A t v. ' j ' - ; OT"GERSOPTHE FARMERS INSTITUTE nowcvci, "v. iUtt, uut ut WJrti Woodard. Tr t u wiui me oiu ui vi.iwo, T. ttuic ujj, uuuuu i lreasurer him and carried him tQ a small dwelling vice presidents near the mill, where he was placed under! Jas. E. Farmer..... vi . ...... I A T- 1 ......... hwii. strong guard, preparatory to Dnnging him -orooKS A MIXTURE. EDITORIAL ETCIIIXGS EUPIIOXI OUSLY ELUCIDATED. The exquisitely beautiful and - charm wgly refined daughters of Col. Bob Inger m trc baia to oe even stronger atheists tnan their father. There, is an opinion in Chicago that Romero us Newsj Xote and Many V lIas 8tands a "er chance than Gray for ,5aIaPap.nlc,,y ine PIace- strife in Indiana -r rnrny roinwa. works against Gray. A pair of slippersTwo eels. A mountain rat, ten inches high, and A last resort The shoemaker's shop abQUt a foot Ion' "Ptured on the island -The purchase of a drama is mere buy pJ ! added to Central play. J Park (N. Y.) menagerie. The Methodist General Conference at New York decided against the admission of the female delegates. The matter was referred to the annual conferences. It is in tVi ViinViAot A sai.or genera!., fceU tired after a and uniust to ZTJT. j M Ull UdUUIll Ol his small stature. Because hmnnr 0 at notning ine theatrical oe little it isn't right to beliftl him w viuciiittu, - It.- . I Al 1! expected mat the-e will be anoth now: to make a Maltese cross Bv er eruption of Mount m m - w I stepping on his tail. but as we are The longest reign in history The de luge. One of the bright spots in existence is spot cash. A day's port. STATE-NEWS. com or o 4 T .... . csiivnis rni ' I VUtl frt llWA a uiiwiiicr na- Applause at the opera is cheap to be nal c&mPiS. the Vesuvius side show May 30th )tained for a song. won't be worth going to see. FBOSITIIE DEEP BLUE REATOTIIF GRAND OLD MorXTAIXS. An Honr Plea.anlly pnt With Oar llKhtfnI xtbanKft. Lenoir county has a boiling welL Rev. Dr. Stutton, of Raleigh, has a Bil ble over 300 years old. A canning factory has been incortv. rated at Tarboro with $15,000 capital. The New Bern Journal savs the onVin,i F. F. Vs. were the Five Foolish Virgins. October 16th, 17th, iSth and I Oth. hav been selected for holding the Stat. Fair -t Ralei2h. A Co-operative Industrial Canning Company was organized in Wilmington recently. The commencement' exercise of the Greensboro Female College takes place uuuunea ior a soncr. It is necessary to chop down a t h fore chopping it up? The woman question "What are von going to trim it with?" Whr rriora'c ...Sit .l' i ... " "vvo- wui meres a wav Yes, a way to break it. . - Matthew Arnold is to hare' a memori al in Westminister Abbey. ITnn T 1 -1 I . "U"-Ju"n iicnois nas introduced a bill a wise man in nothlpg perhaps more than 3350 " m the fact that he seldom publishes the . ' poetry he is noted to write now and then . Cat revival b in progress m the Bap- iui cnurcn at t ayetteville. There have been many converts. in his moments of relaxation. The introduction of Ptot Poteat's pro posed articles on "Religion in Science" ap pears in tne current number of the Bibli cal Recorder. The series will h ;ntrf. nt. The Winston post-office issued over S 1 2 . . wo in money orders and registered pack ages in one day last week. A moonshiner in Stokes countv manu- . . . . There seems to ho ,r,..; iaciurea recently forty gallons of whisk v If a girl were to swear at 'all she ment among the Demorrt from 4 bushels, of corn and ten boxef ...... bkiLKllld - wouio probably swear By Gum." - tives at Washington that Hon a v concentrated lye. a a & A iiir What we call our despair Is often onlv venson, of Illinois, should be the Demo. iac reek. ine paintul eagerness of unfed hope. crati; nomiee for the Vice-Presidency. Iowa is unanimous for Cleveland and ng and valuable bevond n HnKf tax reform. Roll on the rnlumn I 1 1 npra coon-ie .. a growing senti gistrate r S? oame9 .-"..Spring Hill! Moderation is the silken1 string run- The highest price brought by any fJl w wtott Old Fields. nln through the pearl chain of 11 virtue. Painng at a recent sale of modern French ceration in the county jail. A ma fMr?,r oHpH .lMca K r - i w r W1U ' leiOS. 6" pcan cnam ot 11 w. nnct cH-nMc of jffl Tas. R. WnoST t" "J?- "pictures in the fire" the rvw f.n . and German works In New York was $1.. 51 n7: ST 32:Z::: - see them when the te drs' " k one entitled Calum- -tic Convention of Ct er with heavy chains fastened to a nost J Uraves -Stantonsburg. well. ? ny, oy Vibert, the purchaser a Mr. Col- ia nownstruct iU deleg; x 1 1 - 1 line 1 rnv chmii . n a. , within the builJinar. Town rH mnminrr , I executive committee. When a poor girl marrie a rtrU ,,11 - I T.11 -r- . I . O I A T r T-v 1 1 . I I 1 .1 VLtn-?.n Jno- J. Hales, B. F. Lane. Goes nc him by the pet name of Rir. - rt,wuucr cionaio, wno was a Re-1 o tne uoidsboro section Wilmington has organized a street rail way company. Mr. J. D. Bellamy, Jrn U president, and Maj. Chas. M. Steadman, vice-president of the company. It is rather noticeable that the Demo cratic Convention of Cumberland countv ates as to the man they should support for Governor. company of masked men, adroitly eluded the sentinels and gained admission to. the temporary prison, and overpowering the guard, took possession of Fraizer.knocking wu uk irons, ana gagged and bound, drag ged him near to the exact spot where he s.ood when he fired the shot at his inno cent victim. Here a volly of gun and pis tol shots were emptied into his body, in stantly killing him and mutilating him al most beyond recognition, and then the lynchers dispersed, having done their work wmuch less time than it takes to tell the ry.-Washington Progress. FARMERS IX COlJirCII.. Wise and Sober and Wholesome lie. flections. W. B. Simms and L. F. Lucas. SUPT. OF EXPERIMENT FARM, W. F. Woodard. ADVISORY COMMITTEE. F. W. Barnes, A. B. Deans and Toshna xj. x turner. THE GRATE OF STEPHEN CABAR. RIS. Jndge Montgomery In the Concord Times. punucan United States Senator from Ar- u aDout a,n picked. It has been quite re kansas from 1S68 to 1871. has c-- munerative. Next week th- i9 1- effort, tTC ly ill axthe Hot St. Marc, in New York, be planted In corn or cotton, etlorts to make a 20-cent Uihce last FnMav if, ' x-u . .. . . wiigcsuoii 01 me xi ui ui warouna is rauier coming towards lungs ' the frnt in the matter of lynching. There The Singer sewing machine was a has not en a legal execution this year, money making arrangement. . A daughter et there five persons lynched, of the original Singer has an income of The Goldsboro Methodist Advance hav- qi2o,ooo a year. A: young French Duke mg been indefinitely suspended. It subscri- die?r "Another; Cuban Sozzle, after vain cigar draw. ' The man who minds his own business and constantly attends to it has all his time employed. -An apartment house which does not Whilst holding Chowan court, as a citi zen of Cabarrus I felt it to be a sacred duty to visit the grave of Stephen Cabarrus, for whom our good county was named. Af vield any profit must be classeH jimono. ,oc ;c l.. . .... . . ,,flfltffl I j"ot. inaiiicu tier. er ondai dress oers win oe supplied with the Statesville only cost 56,ooo. Methodist Advocate for the unexpired The Democratic nartv ?mC ni..-,c I terms. spirit and virtue. It is hard for an emntv been the uorr f ofo 1 . . -r-j t vwwc, iic xvcpuDii- xncrc wm oe estaDiished in Raleigh udg 10 siana upngnt. can, the partv of the mononol fete try A I in fl few ti-1-c o - 1 . 1 n . I. -i"""-" n wniiiicrwiai couege ior gardingthis latter class the experience of giving special instruction in type-writing sin?,nrF?dAaj !? the Court House Commis sioner of Agnculture for MnrtK nono Si3 CCh ful1 of wise suggestionsand cendfag from the nmnl ?s to the farmers. Foremost al ground of the C ' ,.inem was th'at -? wis toget operations. m conferences they have questions for jcwwa by ch to bring out the various "urrners on the Hiffr-onf c,k:4 iever ask a ter a pleasant ride of half a mile in a sail Ask him for meat for he'n giye you a cold the workingmen themselves should have short-hand, telegraohv. book.ken. Zl , I iu 1 4 L4 41 . . " " " -r--o Doai across r.aenton i$ay, 1 came to the wim pleasure. utugm mem wjsaom.- penmanship, old homestead of Stephen Cabarrus, now Truth is the most powerful thing in The Republicans claim that taxation canea "remoroKe. ' The North famllrn tm.. a f-n . Upon a gentle slope the world, since fiction can only please us in excess of national expenses, to the tune will proDably meet at Morehead riTh bay, I found the buri- by its resemblance to it of $140,000,000 yearly, it is a fruitful latter nart of T.,M- ' La ,4- ? Jt family, in full Throw awav idle hones - source of national prosperity. The farmer t9U r..t, . w asmngton or some n wch farme; Cabarrus together of plans7 of0 V1CW JL 7 f the t0Wn Eden- own aid thou at a for' thyself, wh has to 8el1 a cow lo Pa7 his part of it other Northern city tionc ?.tfr ton. The graveyard is much neglected, while iM In thv J don't see it in that light uu 9ugglCQ mat in .f. , . T' - V 1 . . " The Cane-Fear V.x. . ,r. i . 4 subuf aucr rail road make a fine showing In the matter of to Europe in eight hours has been inmr. 'V 4wr l"c ended April 30th. v,.' o 4 , I r " wi x iie & vu 4 w 4 iiAii 41xlci my own nearx, as the blushing maiden confessed when her lover proposed marriage. ft . m m It is estimated that there was a de. Pneumac tube company that pro crease of $8,000,000 in the public deht dur- 1,0868 to blow P8860 under the ocean mg the month of March. rs are interested, chief of which h,,.. " . - method ? 156 "What is the best ween u raisbgr manure?" He stated J ,1101 8cessfully do that without ionZ u WC cannot have stock without wrage; hence tu . . . . uc" raeinoa ot raising merrs c7 Cluef subJect for the far. -nthr011- """pin. 8!v,v i hleh to cure that end. He preserv.f ?UStrUction of siIos f the o ?fensi1 of the value orated in h Stck' He was-wrrob- ard,oneofemenU J Mn Wato Passive 7 Ur intelli&ent and ofal.' rmers- ring the absence n;""" aPPointed 10n f a Farm on permanent or- untv tu ail"crs- institute for the 7 AneassemWo 11 Jas S v was entertainea Dy dom w " dard' which words of wis- bene5t MeoU!tered a"d frm which much f hede. "d derived were they only UUW . ciea 0n bV the farmers. In a speech is what the Mirror his co Urged UPn the farmers t0 P11 Plenty?1' "For" said he, tif we have erand8hCOrnMe will have plenty of fod lof UCkS' and,as a consequence, plen xth c and meat ; fat hoSs and S0041 oId be attaine?lina HamS This 'end 0811001 cotton C bj the "rt&age-guano-all- nttai -8tem f farming-" 'We Will not STlY tf rt- grown up with briars and vines, but I found the grave with difficulty, enclosed with brick, covered with a large marble slab. After brushing the trash and dust off, 4old mortality" like, I disciphered the following inscription: "In memory of Ste phen Cabarrus, who departed this life 14th day of August, 180S. Aged 54 years." Dogs are excluded from good society This inscription was all. The old man- m warm weather because they insist in sion was burned a few years ago. It was weanng such loud pants. a lovely place when well kept I went to the family burial ground of airy, well-furnished bedroom for a gentle- eluding the Dart cut off hvtw v,l ' .1 Tl 4 J 41 .... I 4 1.-- I 4 11 I " - 44 mc j uiiuoiwiis, ail u mere wumn me spaci I " iwcivc iuul square 01 twenty-nve ieet square are the graves of The wood cuts of the Chief fustice Samuel Johnston, member of Congress, elect do not represent a brainy fellow. But governor ot tne atate, United States Sen- phrenology may be a humbug. n4 A T .. r 4 1 o . r I x. juugc x ic oupicme wurt 01 While the astute Tllafne writ V,?, T4 North Carolina; James Iredell, Sr., an As- tprs from nvpr th RM 4, WM - - - ---- " ' " WWW fcAAV VrA&AAVS WtV pew wags his jaw over the land. The man in the moon- has one advan passenger cars will travel like a cannon ball and will be quite safe and comfortable. Bishop Whittle has been twenty years the Bishop of the Episcopal church in. Vir ginia. He was born in Mecklenburg coun ty in 1821. He was educated In vif; .4- C, UWI. uas -a nne, and has lived in that State all his life in give even a -synopsis .of Mr. K r, 1 ... krferf , ccn inut say that nt was in harm Rt and ony, with the views of all motion Walter Woodard waslected sociate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States; James Iredell, Jr., Judge of the Superior Courts and Gover nor of North Carolina, and Senator Wil son, a Northern Senator, who came to vis it his friend, Senator Johnston, and died on the visit Thus there are two United Senators, two Govei nors and an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Uni ted States gently sleeping so closely to- riss thinks that the North Carolina delega gether. "We doubt if in the United State on will go for Blaine. It is not improba so many graves of distinguished men can ble- 1 t 1 I uc xyunu in so smaii a compass. The new Chief Justice is said to be an "l'uuwou" me nrsc governor old school Democrat We hope this is ot JNorth Carolina, is buried on Albemarle trne. He will not favor consolidation or iound, about two miles from the others. Federal school teaching in the States. the story of Senator Wilson's life is a That much Is certain. sad one. After his term as Senator haH expired he was imprisoned for debt in a -Ex-Minister Morton is back from Eu Northern jail, and when released from I Saw BIaine- He Mvs that if prison, he came to visit his friend. Sena- Blame is nominated he will accept Of tor Johnston, and, as stated above,' died! course, of course, who ever doubted it? In 1884 Blaine received 182 electoral votes and Cleveland 21937 majority. In 18SS, with his good, honest, patriotic re cord, Cleveland ought to beat the badly 'tattooed man" from Maine at least' 100 votes. The popular vote was 4,848,334 for Blaine, and 4,911,087 for Cleveland a majority of 62,683. It ought to be a half tage over ins terrestrial brothers; the ful- million this year. Mr. Tilden carried the ler he gets the more brilliant he is. country by 156,900 over all candidate and The news from Washington is that the 250,707 over Hayes. drift is towards Blaine. His followers are confident of his nomination. Good. The Raleigh Signal's editor, Mr. Har- iiere. No Blaine's "particulars." It is now said that Blaine is in the hands of his friends. Truly has actions and his letters, which have been published, show him to be a real enigma. As we have said before, we believe he wants the nomination for the presidency. And we opine that his conduct has been deliberate ly planned with a view to securing the nomination. It looks very much like he thinks there is a powerful sentiment in his behalf in the country, and thinking this, he has thus maneuvered to get the nomina tion in such a way as to make the impres sion he didn't want it; and that in accep ting it he would show his devotion by a great condescension. He thinks so much of himself. They were $31,188 In excess of those dur ing the previous year. Rev. C. F. Deems, D. D will deliver the annual address at Livingston College, Salisbury, May 16th. The baccauleate sermon will be by Rev. J. W. Bonm of Poughkeepsie, N. Y May 13. Mr. George A. Ramsey, of Pender coun ty, has perfected arragemenU to build a railroad frow Burgaw, on the Wilmington 6c Weldon Railroad to Jacksonville, Ons low county. The road will be twenty, eight miles longnd will be built this sum mer. The great celebration of the battle of Guilford Court House has come and gone. The only speech that was specially pre pared for the occasion was that of Judge Shenck. It is represented to have been elaborate, learned, able and eloquent We are gratified to leard that the distinguished speaker proved to the satisfaction of his auditors, that the stigma of cowardice, which in tradition and history has attached to the North Carolina malitia on that cru cial day of conflict, was wiped out by a careful and complete unfolding of hitherto neglected facts. 'How you brudder Ben?" "Me?" "Lor sister Charity, poor I r sure's you born, 1 i wid de rheumatis a creeping all about same as a tame, snake." "Chile, buy Salvation Oil dey cure sarten. , The shorter the tunnel the sweeter kiss. SC thf cough the harder the cure. Dr Bull s Cough Syrup has broken many stubborn coughs.

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