"Owr im trill be, the People Right Maintain, Unaiced by Power, and UrMbed by Gain." VOL VII. WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY.; JUNE 13. 1888. NO. 13 ST. LOUIS. F GREAT DEMOCRATIC Jl'ATIOX- -he "tfan of Destiny? and the '3fo. blest Roman of them all" make the Strongest ikkci A dispatch from St. Louis says that the ly greeted his reference to Mr. Barrtum and the Dem ocratic party to obtain control of the reins of the Government being especially well received by the whole assemblage." (They applauded.) The references to the name of Cleveland provoked enthusiasm when ever they occurred in . the chairman's re marks. At the conclusion of his speech Mr. Collins was again roundly and warm- A MIXTURE. EDITORIAL ETCHINGS EUPHOST OCSLY ELUCIDATED. . Numerous Newsy Note and Many Kerry Morsels Pararraphieally Packed and Pithily Pointed. Democratic National Convention began to gather in early hours ot me morning, al though the gavel of . Chairman Barnum, 0 the national committee, did not an nounce its opening until noon. As early as 8 o'clock the great nave of the hall was full to overflowing and long before noon tea thousand faces gazed on the high ros trum reserved for the President of the con vention, as yet empty, but with it gleam ing white silver gavel, the gift of the Ne vada delegation, full of curious interest for Mr. McKenzle, of Kentucky, moved to suspend the rules and to nominate G rover Cleveland for President by acclimation. The chair put the question and there was returned from the convention a thun dering chaos of yeas. . The chair therefore announced that G ro ver Cleveland having received a unani mous vote was the candidate of the Dem ocratic party for the office of President of the United States. When the nomination of Cleveland was the expectant uiuimu. - announced by the chairman another scene of portions of the exposition building stnke wIldeusmcuin theTOnventi one at once wun muuumu xu w w but the delegates and spectators were too long shape, relieved upon, either side by nearly exhausted to'sustam prolonged a balconies reaching back two hundred feet, scene that whi h folIowed Douhertv's above which, stretching entirely around gpeech the auditorium is a broad over-hanging Mr. Voorhees, of Indiana, moved that gaUery. An ample stage reaches from the the convention take a recess until 10 rearof the chairman s piauorm ny xeei o'clock to-morrow. The committee on to the east wall of the hall and accommo- resolutions WOuld not. he said, reoort this dates 440 of the gathered leaders of the afternoon and the convention would have National Democracy, who thus are ena- to be here to-morrow mornine- and the in- bled to over look the officers, delegates and terVe'ning time could be used for securing spectators, l ne decorations are simpie out harmonv and success of the Democratic effective. partv. At 12:1? the vast assemblage was si- " ... lencedby a stroke from the gavel of Chair- "x- man Barnum and the Democratic Convert- At otciocic tne convention assembled tion of 1S88 was formally in session. The and after, preliminary remarks Allen G. chairman introduced" Bishop J. B. Gran- Thurman-was placed in nomination for berrv of St Louis, who opened the pro- Vice President by Mr. Tarpey in a very ceedtogs with prayer. He rendered devout cioouem, ana aDie speecn m wnicn tne thanks for the many benefits which this spienaia services ot "the noblest Koman country had received f-om the hands of of .them all T was stinngly reviewed. Sen- Providence. Prayed for a continuance of ator vornees put in nomination Gor Gray, those bounties and called down the divine of Indiana in a grand and masterly speech. blessin?upon the President and all those Balloting bepn and pretty soon it was as- An old sore Neuralgia.- . 5 A fancy bird a coxcombeJ' No man Is a hero to hla hired help. 1 It Is what is thrown away that costs.' -Variety' is just as cheep -as monotony. A man is not whole till he takes a bet ter half. . -".-- 1' rr a Why is It that the rising generation rises late? , ; .. . " The Sultan of Turkey, gets $7,500,000 per annum. i A woman is never lovelier, than when she is asleep. - - V An error gracefully acknowledged is a victory won. ; The Shah Persia has a private fortune of $27,500,000. - United Senator Dawes is a living- pic ture of Garfield. ; Every moment has Its duty. When you come to it pass. Charity gives itself riches, but covet iousness hoards itself poor; Take care of the truth and the lies will take care of themselves. , General Crook, the Indian fighler, has been thirty-six years in the survice. Henry T. Coxweil, the seventy-year old balloonist, has made 700 ascents. Edison, the enventor, says he would give all his fame to recover his hearing. It is not your posterity but your ac tions, that will perpetuate your -memory. The Sultan of Morocco has purcharsed six cannons from the Kruppa for $200,000. Act well at the . moment, and you all eterni- The bonanza proprietors of the Neva da bank, Mackar and Flood, have settled accounts," paying ex-Senator Fair $2,000, 000. . . J t ' He that cannot forgive others, breaks the bridge over which he must pass him self for every man has need to be for given. ' Abdul Huk, who entered the English Government survice in India at $150 a month, has saved $2,500,060 In six or sev en years. . . ' i Some 350,000 boxes of oranges were shipped from Florida to New Vork during the season beginning with November and closing with April. , : It is said that C. A. DanVs royalty of I lluA in . , . I scheme will be consummated. ys wnu on eacn volume 01 ine American Cyclopedia has yielded Mr. Dana over $100,000. . The vices of old age hare the stiffness of it, too; andas .it is the unfittest time to learn in, so the unfitness of It to unlearn will be found much greater. Time is indeed, the theatre and seat of illusion ; nothing Is so ductile and elastic. The mind stretches an hour to a ,centufyi and dwarfs an age to an hour. The Queen of Sweeden Is just now at Bournemouth, England. She rides daily on a small ana gentle donkey, and is at tended by two or. three men servents. A Monumental statue of Lord Bea- consfield Is to be erected at Madistone. England, which place he represented in Parliament more than fifty years ago. in authority. The Chair then stated that, certained thatThurman was decidedly in the have performed a good f. ctlon to s acting under the authority conferred upon liwok Gray was withdrawn,' and ty. V;. 1 ; V W I?- 4 : s n- -Mm th Xatfenal nemorratIc-T?om-' ThuTOan:.vai then declared to be the" un in,'l ulvlcXHn t it him by the National Democratic-, Uom tcittee, he would present to the Conven tion the names of the persons selected by the committee to preside over and officer the temporary organization of the conven tion, As the Secretary read the name of S. M. animous choice of the convention for sec- j ond place on National ': Democratic ticket. CHAPEL 1111.1. COMJfEXCEMEXT. Jadf;e Clark's Fine Oration. Arrived at "the Hil" the party was dis- When you have learned to listen, you have acquired the rudiments of a good ed ucation. " The beam of the. benevolent eye giv- eth value to the bountv which the hand dispenses. The injury of prodigality leads to this, that he who will not economize will have to agonize. , He who steals a little steals with the same wish as he who steals much, but with less power. It is with antiquity as with ancestry ; General Lord Wolsely has told Par liament that 100,000 armed men might capture England. The house in which General Grant was born in now on exhibition in Cincin nati under canvas. The ex-Empress Eugenie, of France, STATE NEWS. FROM TOE DEEP BLUE SEA. TO TIIF OBAXD OLD MorXTAIX S. An Hoar Pleasantly 8pnt With Onr Itoliffhtrnl Exenances. Four negros have been arretted at Dur ham for a brutal assult upon a colored wo man from Granville county. ' The authorities of Wake forest College are to elect a Processor of Chemistry and Physics at their meeting this month. The proposition to nominate Governor Scales for Congress In 5th district Is meet ing with favor, and It Is thought the The C. F. & Y. V. shops at Fayetteville are turning out some fine work, having just finished a mall and express car that would do credit to any Northern manufac tory. Professor Sambo rn thinks that seven teen pounds of good oat stnw and three pounds of cottonseed meal are worth as miich as twenty-five pounds of good hay for feeding steers. The farmers of the ten cotten States will hold an Inter-State Convention In Raleigh during the month of August next which will be one of the most gigantic, affairs over held In the State. The Berlin beer drinkers are the fastest Irf Europe. In a certain saloon there, a mechanical lion roars when a new. cask is White, of California, as Temporary Chair man, the convention greeted it with cheers tributed among the various hotels and asimlso greeted the name of F. O. Prince, boarding houses and the delightfully hos of Massachusetts, as Secretary. The read- pitable homes ot the village. At 11 ing of the list of officers having been con- o'clock the College bell rang for the open- eluded, the choice of the committee was ing of the exercise and the trustees and al ratified bv the unanimous vote of the con- "irmi formed in column at the New East vention. The Chairman appointed Messrs. building and marched to Memorial Hall, nations are proud of the one and individu- C. S. Bryce, of Ohio, and F, W. Dawson, where a large number of the yery best peo- als of the other, ?f South Carolina, as the committe to con- pie. of the State had assembled and were P. Duplex, a colored Justice of the luctMr. White to the platform. . Having admiring the beautiful proportions of the peace, has been elected Mayor of Wheat taken the chair, the new presiding officer I finest hall in the South and the appropn- iandf California. -- "-4. . . I as greeted with another round of ap- ateness ot tne great numoer ot taoiets on ff QU feh tQ the architect of your n! 1 - - .... .. I it 1 1 i -IL. i.1 J' 1 I J J tcana cneers. Mr. White then aa- inc ail! iu u.c mcmury 01 uic uuua- iwn fortune break into another fellow's tfessed the ConvenUon. Although Mr. guished dead who went out into the world wfth ft crow bar "lute had requested by way of preface, from the walls of the University. Presi- ttat during the delivery of his speech, the dent Battle announced that Mr. Hayne convention should preserve silence, he was Davis, of the Di. Society, would introduce frequently interrupted by applause and the orator of the day, Hon. Walter Clark, once or twice was compelled to stop until and Mr. Davis advanced and performed the applause had died away. - He spoke Ms pleasant duty In appropriate terms and tth distinctness and could be heard all I In a manner most creditable. "ver the hall. When he mentioned the I "Judge Clark addressed himself particu- ne of President Cloveland the conven- ly to the young gentlemen of the two lit- will again be Queen Victoria's guest at Os uon arose to its feet and with waving hats erary societies and referred in the outset to borne this bummer. -anil . . 1 i riTTf 1 . - . "ucnng handkerchiefs -cheered fori tne vaiue 01 me university, wnose sons, 1 Deaths In New York city average several seconds. - I sent into the world, had responded nobly I twentv-six to the thousand. In London 1. 1 AKer appointment of the usual com-1 to every demand. He spoke with gratifi- twenty to the thousand. cation of the increased interest in educa-1 Hay and oats in Indiana have suffered tion to oe ODservea on every siae in tne rom draught, while cornfields are being btate and ,01 the great work the various colleges of the State are doing. The pos sibilities stretching out before, the young men of the day are magnificent. These young men have to face the 20th century which , is to be marked by tremendous strides and urged on the young men be fore him the importance of devotion 'to duty in ail Its phases, at every step. Duty settees the Convention adjourned to meet n to-morrow at 10 o'clock. . SECOXD DAV. l :o:22 the convention was called to q r' Prayer was offered by Rev. J. A. een, of Missouri, who especially invoked 1Vlne jessing upon the members of the vention who had been entrusted by the rple of States of the Union with the 'finance of '-pttbing like important duty. ' When quiet had been restored, nnan Whue said: Thanking you for flavors 1 , To. iiave extenaea 10 me ana indulgence accorded me so far in the ,dingso this great convention, I ?easure in introducing to you your ent presiding officer, Hon. Patrick 0l2ns, of Massachusetts. Mr. White Passed over to Mr. Collins the silver ti ?resented by the Colorado delega a retired. There was another burst Pplause, and when it had subsided Mr. ""cu me convenuoa. ivir. devasted by cut worms We must not hope wholly to change their original tempers, nor the melancholy sportive, without spoiling them. It would take Aladden's wonderful lamp to find a Republican candidate's boom after it was two days old. One of the greatest causes of trouble tapped, and that incites m. rut 1 r ill I - j rtr4crn Viav mala Kitt mA I f iuwh! wub witb - waiiiivuu auu 1 ti . . X w IMIUUVt UUIU Ult OUliC tf Xfain fa mm i . Ul the perchase money, $23,000 Is paid. T tT J " " nowever, . - 7 . . shipped the past week, 6500 of pitch pine An cresting copy ot -rickwlck" in lumbcr l4tSOO tu ol cyprc ,umber( anJ V"Biui pans was recently som iorx5o. X8 sucks of SDalr Umber.- to Mln- Tf n Vm finf rTmr tm V.A I ' j u Vi 1 - ' xnea:txor the erection of the publics was presented bv Dickens to Marr Ho- c puoucs 1 ouuaing at Ashevtlle, N. C not having been sighrd br the oresident within th- -Owing to the Emperor Frederick's tcn days limit precribed bv the ron.Htntinn dissatisfactton with his present Cabinet and has become a law without the President's ni reiusai 10 puonsn tne uumquenniai approvaU and the building will -be eretcd. A-anuiag wua ninei, ensuu inermany 1 .Wrtrt j..,!,, ... v-W - is probable. i.P1 "pldly on the Dur- i . - 1 litiiucisun rauroaa. . ivoout halt It was while staying In the late Mai-1 the line has been graded and is now ready thew Arnolds house at Harrow,. England, for the sills and iron. Track laying has al that Prince Thomas of Savoy, Duke of ready been commenced at the Oxford end Genoa, received and declined the offer of and is being pushed forward with all posVi- the crown of ipaln. ble speed. .-. 1 The Norfolk and Western Railroad The Supreme court recently held In the Company Is to construct a new iron bridge I case of Owen vs. Owen that a woman who of the latest and most substantial design I killed her husband and is now In the peni accross the Southern branch of the Eliza-1 tentiary for life for the crime, is entitled to oeth nver at isortois at the cost ot $100, aower in her husband's real estate. There 1 000. was no case like it and no law mi!cinfr I "o f w 1 tiin 9 Oil JU a - Dr. Wm. J. Moore, one of the oldest " WA ouc" " crgency. physicians of Norfolk, is dead. He grad- Peter M. Wilson, Esq., secretarv of the uated at the University of Pensylvania in State Agricultural Society, informs us that 1841. During the war he was surgeon in the premium list is now In the hands of charge of army hospitals In Richmond and the printers and will be Issued shortly. Liberty. . l he premiums at the coming: fair will be -California is proud of her record for made larSer than ever before, especially iSSt. Three- h.inrlred miW of new mil. ",c cimum. - un agricultural products. road were laid, the assessed value of prop-1 regulations governing corapeUtion. of erty increased $132,000,000, the wine and m uc uusiamiaiiy as iat- brandy product was larger, 50,000,000 J 3rear pounds of canned goods and 3S.009.000 The Charlotte Chronicle of yesterday green fruits were shipped, and there never I says: Our new railroad to Weldon is an is- was such a year of tourists. sued fact It Is to be built and no time is 1 ..... . It has been calculated that the sun is I SoulS 10 06 lot about It. A meeting of nearly 93,000,000 miles from the earth, and the raUroid committe of the Chamber of it is so laree that if a number of words the v"1,ucrcc wa ncia 7eteniay, and the size of ours were held together like beads contract for the survey of the entire line on a string it would reoulre io of these from Charlotte to Weldon, was rfven out to eirdle it around in one line. It would Cap' Jno' S' Webb chIc engineer of the taVe t.itoioo of our worlds to occuora 8 company, secured the contract. ' ' lTTf . ... . space equal to the whole size of the sun. "c " w lurnwn rus own men and Is to be gin work on or oetore the first day of J. lie uciivciiiiicc ui uic rruuyiciuin I July. General Assembly on the creation of I Adam, contained in the report the bodv The Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Rail adopted with respect to the Woodrow mat- roau sccms raDe,n prosporous condition ter. was as follows : "It is the iudraient of m me annual meeting of the Stock the General Assemblv that Adam's bodv r0" everything was found to be an ex ficipJ 8pke in a ver' clear tone and suf- - to enaoie htm to be heard y portion of the halt He was fre- crrupted with loud applause, I was his theme and he dwelt upon it with in this world Is the habit that people have eloquence and' beautiful illustration, at the of talking faster than they think. same time enforcing the lessons he placed j Faithfulness is a higher . attainment before his hearers most forcibly. His ad-1 than mere 'success; and, unlike success, it dress was a very fine one indeed and M ill J within the reach of every man. live doubtless as it should in the minas ot Tf a man hope not for that which buf- those who heard him long alter the e .er- a.. . he shall not find it: for it is past cises 01 tne cay snail nave oeen iorgouen. feearching for and pa8t finding out TJio ctiomr rmn -if Cuba- owfnrr to nro. Husband-Mary, I'll never be able to . ... f prepare my lecture while you're doing so & ww.. w- was directly fashioned by the Almighty God out of the dust of the ground without any natural animal parentage of any kind. The wisdom of God prompted him to re cellent condition. The management h fine. An exchange says: No one who has an opportunity, as did the reporter, of not ing the workings of this road in all its de- of his action therein has not been revealed." veal the fact while the inscrutable mode Partments, can fail to be impressed with its admirable and efficent manegement; the affability of its officers, who do not think that uniform courtesy to the public incom patible with proper 1 dispatch of business; and, lasty, the splendid future of usefulness and good fortune which is before the Cape A curious calculation has been made giving the work of the heart in mileage Presuming that the blood was thrown out of the heart at each pulsation in the pro- j portion of 69 strokes per minute, and at Fear & Yadkin Vallev Rail the assumed force of 9 feet the mileage of wav. ever much talking and all the kids are yelling. When do you' deliver your lecture? To-night , Whatis.it about? The ideal Christian home. ' More than 10,000,000 eggs are car- the blood through the body might be tak- Ld us be thankful that any poor suffcr- en at 207 yards per minute, 7 miles per er can bu with 25 cents a bottle of Salva- 1 tion Oil. j year, or 5,i50,SSo milc-s in a lifetime of S4 ried into New York each week. One; years. The number of beats of tne heart mltrht be temoted to think this an ova sup- in the same lonff life would reach the o 1 . . r ply. grand total of 2,869,776,000. Vennors predications, though in the main pretty accurate, are not infallible. D. Bulls Cough Syrup was never known to fail to cure a cough.

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