' THE JOKER'S BUDGET. THE FUNNIEST THINGS THE HU- MOIUSTS ARE SAYING. Supposing a Case A Gentle Hint A Successful Office Tommy and Ills Mamma Be Still, Sweet One, Etc., Etc SINCERE. Addle meets Dawdle, whose engage ment has just been announced, Addle (loquitur) I cawnt congratu late you,old feller, because I don't know the lady; you know; and I cawn't con grawtuiate the lady, because I do know you, deah by, don't you know. hv mmmw - mmm i - - i V Ji.r ; in iii : : 'A CEASE BEPrSETO. A COMFORTING ASSURANCE. Blackville Dentist (having labored earnestly, but in vain, for a considerable period) "Hoi' on, Ephr'm, hoi' on! She's a-comin. I yeah de -bones a cracklin. You jes res' easy 'n ef my strength on'y don't gin way, I'll hab her outen dar io' you's a hour older." Harper's Bazar. THE SIGN. A citizen recently drove out to a bridge at Seymour, Conn. At the toll gate was a young woman with strong nt tractions for a white horse, and the cit izen thought he might safely quiz her a little. She answered all his questions demurely and with no apparent thought of malice; but when, having had his lit tlfl ink Tifi rfskpd her what it post to ro over the bridge, the answer came back: "If you could read that sign, you'd see for yourself. Hog, one cent; jackass two. Give us two cents.'" A SUPPOSITITIOUS CASE. A woman on Lafayette street east rushed out the other day and informed a policeman that she had seen a big dog crawl under her barn, and she believed the animal mad. The officer went around by way of the alley, accompanied 'by the usual 1 crowd, and after peeking and peering for some time he shot three bullets under the, barn to scare the dog out. After the third shot a movement was heard, and .presently the long end of a colored man crawled into view. After backing out and brushing the dirt out of his eyes he added: "Was it me you was shooting at" VI .supposed it was a dog under there, " replied the officer. "Wall, sab, dean you nebber 'spose no mo. Its dangerous." And he showed a bullet hole in his cap and another in his coat as proof of the accuracy of , the officer's aim. He had crawled under after a rabbit which had escaped from a neighbor. . "It's all right," he said, as the officer apologized, "but lloan' you 'spose no mo. You jist keep right down to cole facts. Dis 'sposin' around ar' what gits pussons into serus trouble." Detroit Free Press. A GENTLE HINT. It was nearly midnight, and she was gazing dreamily into the tire. "A penny for your thoughts, Miss Clara," he said, airily. "I was thinking, Mr. Sampson," she replied, "how very much annoyed pajm was to-day over the amount of last month's gas bill." And then presently he left without giving her the penny. A PULI.. Dnring a Second Adventist baptism which took place in a town that bordered upon our ConnecticutRiver.the minister, after having walked in a number of yards with the person to be baptized, turned to the people on the shore and snid: "Please sing somo appropriate hymn." At which an overzealous sister piped up the hymn, "Pull to the shore." Springfield Union. - A HARD CASE. A West Philndelphian who has been patronizing a chirpy German's saloon on Lancaster avenue for a number of years, dropped in the other morning, as usual. The host was leaning up against the bar looking as cheerless as a tombstone. Hello, Fritz," said the visitor, "what's the matter with you V "Ah, inein frent." i replied me saioon Keeper, with, a sad shake of the head, "I never knowed vat vas mesfortune yet alretty till now. Dis morning my wife had twins, and I vas Tefused my license." Philadelphia Press. COMING BACK. Tourist My physician has advised me to locate where I may get the South "wind. Does it ever blow here? s Native Well, sir, I may say as you're lucky to have come to this place. The South wind always blows here. Tourist Always? But it seems to be blowing from the North now. XTof m, if u. ; ' that direction, but it's the South wind. It's coming back, you know. Bins uim ' pjn Republican. Be still, ead heart, and cease repining; Behind the clouds is the Run still shining. Thy fate ia the common fate of all "Der's boon' ter be days when dey can't play ball." ' Some days must be dark and' dreary. Minneapolis Tribune. A CHANGE. "Good morning, Mr. Dallywag. Changing your boarding place again V "Yes." "What is the matter now ? I thought you were nicely fixed." "Well, so I was; but I got a week in arrears on my board and my landlord served me coffee this morning in a fancy cup, with gilt lettering on it that read; Thlnk of me!' I paid my bill and .got out. You can bet I wouldn't put up with such base hints for pay as that was." Chicago Ledger. DELICATELY PUT. Mr. Auger Er aw what have you got there, Miss Keene? . Miss Keene It is Mr. Goodform's card, Mr. Auger. . Mr. Auger Ah, is he a particular friend of yours, may I awskf Miss Keene Why, yes; I like him better than any other man I can think of just now. He makes such delight fully short calls. THE IiECTURER'S HOME. Husband Mary, I'll never be able to prepare my lecture while you're doing so much talking aud all the kids are yelling. "When do you deliver your lecture ?" "To-night.", - "What is it about ?" "The ideal Christian home." Nebras ka State Journal. "I DETERMINED. Gunningham Once for all," Clara, will you forgive me? -I can't bear to give you up for so trivial a reason. , Clara No, Henry; nothing but a very strong will power a power stronger than my own would make me change my determination, and (as Henry turns away) Heaven knows you've got it, Henry ! ONLY A IilTTIiE TIME. They were at the front gate in the moonlight, and he had asked her to be his wife. With outstretched hands and a throbbing heart he awaited her ans wer. - "George," she said, in a nervous whis per,, "you must give me time you must give me time." "How long," he hoarsely asked, "a day, a week, a month, a year ?" "No no, George," x as she quickly scanned the sky, "only until the moon gets behind a cloud. " The Epocli. A reason. Mrs. Gorham Ware Henry, I wish you would please not smoke around the house any more. ? Mr. Gorham Ware Why, my loye, you've cften said you rather fancied a goodciirar! Mrs. Gorham Ware I know it, dear, but the cook objects, and I'd like to keep our name out of the courts, you know. AN ORPHAN ASYLUM. Bobby and Flossie were playing "boarding house," with Flossie in the role of applicant. "Have you parents?" inquired Bobby, witli great stiffness of manner. "ies, sir, two," replied Flossie, tim idly. "Sorry, ma'am, but we never take any children who have parents." Philadcl phia Times. A OREAT PITY. "There," said Mrs. Abelyer, after she had concluded, "that is the first time I've sung for over a year, except when I sung to baby." "Oh, then the baby does have the lwmefit of your voice?" asked Pendleton, wishing, of course, to say something, if it wasn't so bright. ' "Yes; I have to sing him to sleep, you know." ' . "Ah, my dear Mrs. Abelyer, what a pity it is that as wo grow older we lose the ability to go to sleep when somebody is singing." Boston Transcript. " Then let the moon usurp the rule of day, A nd winkin? taper show the sun h.s way; For what my senses can perceive, I need no revs at on to believe- ,. Ladies suffering Troin anr of tue?? or ailments peculiar to their sex. and will use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription accord-in-to directions, will experience fignnine revfiutUm in the benefit they will wceive. it is a p. sitive cure for the must complicated and obstinate ae of leucorrhea. excessive flow ins, painful menstruation, unnatural sup pression, prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak back, 'female weakness. anteversion, retroversion, bearing down Mnsations,chrpnic congestion, inflammation and ulceration or tne womb, inflammation, pain and tendetness ia ovaries, accompanied withlnternal heat. " Ak inward dignity of character, which, once acquired and righteously maintain ed, nothingno, not the hardest drudg ery nor the direst poverty can vanquish. If afflicted with sore eve aw Dr. Isavs TTnmp. on Eye-Water. Dnwrrfit gell at 25c per pottla. The court is like the sea everything depends upon the wind. . Kewi Abat Tswb. It Is the current report about town that Kemp's Balsam' for the Throat and Lungs is making some remarkable cures with people who are troubled with Coughs. Asthma, Bron chitis and Consumption. Any druggist will give you a trial bottle free t eoL It is guar anteed to relieve and cute. Large bottles, 0 cents and SI. . "I want to thank you," writes a voting man to B. F. Johns .n fr Oo Richmond, fo. placing me in a position by which I am en abled to m ke money faster than I ever dirt before." This is but a sample extract of tne many hundred of Himilar lettfiM receive 1 by the above firm. See their advertisement In another column. Fob SrrxuL Rates for advertising in this piper apply to the publisher of the paper. F EJI M r. M JT Sacramentoavetaed th lvT, -V nnai'.n il... ., ---Ill W yi -; -' lilt Vpif -- f have n the rest of u,; "M abundance ot flj k ndPanV?!i;r pood iraUr, fuel to Jf v sSVH be had for the cutting. 9 7 trw .f-tt and land to be hd at It O . r a actual value. N0 boom pricei V h. r The whol Sbte of Cal foS inAt the rer 18S7, outside of onJ?-J niento shippel 27.476 awih." Y Sacramento. Pal. N' Kral st. A;-, TH15 laPER rrrr l,m,Tn, wri Lecture on j!! "ROUGH ON RATS." ,0a TO preserve the richness of color or delicacy of tint of your sum mer dresses, make suds of hot water and Ivory Soap, allow to cool until lukewarm, -then wash your dresses in the solution. Ordi nary soaps contain too much alkali, which in a short time bleaches the color and destroys its beauty. Prof. Silliman, of Yale College, says, "The Ivory Soap can not injure the most delicate fabric." A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the ' Ivory' j" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. . Copyright 18S6. by Procter & Gamble. Tn flei.r out. f-Ui Kiiitm iijit w-... -o-; us K.. put a 15c. box of it in a pint of beuiae ud BED BUGSfrrs ere vices where fcrea.se cannot be aroliL r &c For two or three nights kVv gprintle Rough oj Rats drr.AF II powder, in, about and down the Binic,arainpipe. nrrj rn First thing inUCCILCO ina mormcff wasa u au away j down the drain pipe, when all ' the insects from srarret to cellar will disappear. The secret is in WATER BUGStts house they must drink during the night For Potato Burs. Insects on Vines, etc.. a table spoonful of the powder, ell n A i ft m r a shaken in a keg of water, and nUAwilCv applied with sprinkling pot, spray syrinW or ' whuk broom. Keep it well stirred op. IV 25c. and 51 Boies. Act. size. See full dire tions with boxes. GROUND SQUIRRELS, RABBIT8, Sparrows, Gophers, Chipmnnki cleared out by Rough on Rats. See dimtiom ROUGH ON MALARIA K Ferer and Ague, ChiUa, higher than a kl, ft ) at Druggists, or prepaid by Ex. for $ua . 8. wnxs, Jersey City, S. J. Rlnip'e DHIc GrTf English Goatuil DldEl O rlllSi Rheumatic Remetfi Oral Box, 34) ronmi, 14 . !!i'a-!!!ii..i)!;riihhiten;n PROPRIETOR 0r 6) 50 For a case of Catarrh in the Head which they cannot cure. CENTS. rS GATARKiH m THE HEAD. SYMPTOMS OP THE DISEASE. Dull, heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges falling from the head into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid; the eyes are weak : there is ringing in the ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to clear the throat, expectoration of offensive mat ter, together with "Scabs from ulcers ; the voice ia changed and has a "nasal twang"; the breath is offensive: smell and taste impaired; there is a sensation of dizziness, with mental depres sion, a hacking cough and general debility. Only a few of the above-named symptoms are likely to bo present in any one case. Thousands of cases annually, without manifesting half of the above symptoms, result in consumption, and end in the grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive and dangerous, less understood, or more unsuccessfully treated by physicians. Lf II TM 1 J . tt - -1 ... fl ....,,, O-.tn. I x uu a-muve an evil, nrvte at, it CQISHOH 5EHSE 1 rsSLVi GS'SSfi J'iSA TRFJITWFBT D weakness, impurity, or otherwise faulty InutlfiiUlla I condition of T.hft KVRtpm In nttomntinir tr cure the disease our chief aim must be directed to th removal of that cause. The more we sco of this odious disease, and we treat successfully thousands of cases an nually at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, the more do we realize the importance of combining with the use of a local, soothing and healing application, a thorough and persistent inter nal use of blood-cleansing and tonio medicines. In curing catarrh and all the various diseases with uHIEF 1 rtiich it is so frequently complicated, as throat. wuuv;uitti, uuu juug uiscases, wuan Bxomacn, ca tarrhal deafness, weak or inflamed eyes, impure blood, scrofulous and syphilitic taints, the wonder ful Dowers and virtues of Dr. Pinron'R flnlrlnn fvl leal Discovery cannot be too strongly extolled. ' It has a specific r fCOFTRIGHT, .1887. effect upon the lining mucous membranes of the nasal and otber air-passages, promoting the natural secretion of their follicles ana glands, thereby softening the diseased and thickened mcniDrane, and restoring it to its natural, thin, delicate, moist, healthy con dition. As a blood-purifler. it is unsurpassed. As those di which complicate catarrh are diseases of the lining mucous mem branes, or of the blood, it will readily be seen why this medicine is so well calculated to cure them. Reliance. Afl a local application for healing the diseased koncB tion in the head. Dr. Safe's Catarrh Remedy is beyona all comparison the best preparation ever invf! It is mild and pleasant to use, producing no emamiiK or pain, and containing no strong, irritating, ortu- TMa TtpmMlT 18 a power ful antiseptic, and speedily destroys all bad smell which ' panics so many cases of catarrh, thus affording great comion. those who suffer from this disease. Local llGEHT. Peblukent Cures. The Golden. Medical Discovery is the Mtural not only cleanses, purifies, regulates,and duji .... v. iv,- otonrinrfl. sou quers throat, bronchial, and lung comphcno whpn anr Rtich PxlrfL but. from its specif effects upon the lining membrane of the nasal passages, " r materially in restoring the diseased, thickened, or ulceratt-a brane to a healthy condition, and thus eradicates the oj Whcn a cure is effected in this manner it i permaneni. Both Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and :Jt Catarrh Remedy are sold by druggists the world" over. j $1.00, six bottles for 85.00. DrfBage's Catarrh Bemedy 50 ceo-, balf-dozen bottles $2JX). t, .... to A complete Treatise on Catarrh, giving valuable hmta" clothing, diet, and other matters of importance. he ma post-paid to any address, on receipt of a 2-cent postage sa1' Address, World's Dispensary Medical Awc JWO. OOO J1H1I1 PREPARED FOB THE E2?EMT. Incensed Citizen. Be you the editor of this here paper ? Editor Hist ! no, I W not ! I am an Anarchist, waiting for him with this dynamite bomb ! (I. C. vanishes.) Pack. NO STATUTE. BobleyJnstice can move quietly when she wants to. Here's a fellow 6tole some silver-plated ware, and the same day he was sent up for ten years. Wiggins Ten years! I wonder what he d have got if he had stolen a rail, road? - Bobley Got oft", of course. What do you suppose the Statute of Limita tions waa invented fori - " : rrr. 1 i yr i mmmmmm i i vj i f i TBI Sold by Druggists. 23 Cont3 a Vial. BEING PURELY VEGETAEEE, Dr. Piercers Pellets operato without disturbance to tne system, diet, or occupation. Put up in glass Vials, hermetically mcd. Always fresh and relia-2.;-:Mta fin" laxative, alterative, or active purgative, they give the most perfect satisfaction. Wr The original llTTLE .LIVER PILLS. PURELY VEGETABLE ! PERFECTLY HAR2H ' Am a ItYVER, PHX, they are Unequaled ! SMAT,T.T,RT, CHEAPEST, EASIEST TO r'AJ Beware of Imitations, which contain Poisonous Minerals. Always a Dr. Pierce's PeUets, which are little sugar-ooatea tone, or Anti-bHious Granules. ONE PELLET A DOSE. Billons Headache, Dizziness, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derange ments of the stomach and bowels, are promptly re lieved and permanently cured by the use of Dr power over so great a variety of diseases, it may .rcTSaJ, oot rruthfuUy be said that their action upon the system Is univt iana or tissue escaping their sanative influence. csnfllT0 MannVtnred bj WORLD'S DISPE5S1BT XIDICH ISSW

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