- " ' - ' - - i v "Our -4ini will be, the People's Eight Maintain, Unawed by Potcer, and Unbrjbed by Gdin." WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27. 1888. VOL VII. NO. 15 CHICAGO. SATIONAI. BEPUBLICAN CONTENTION. to with great attention. Gresham's nomination was seconded by Davis, of Minnesota ; Lynch, of Mississip pi; McCail, of Massachusets, and Rector, of Texas. Gov. Porter then made a bow to the audience and was riven a warm re . Distinguished Gathering of Prom- Ception. The Gresham men in the galler v h inflnential Politicians. I. . . . . . , jen - - i les cnea out ine name oi tneir iavonie it twelve o'clock on Tuesday last Chair-1 when Gov. Porter mentioned Harrison as -n Tones of the National Republican Ex-1 Indiana's choice to which he responded jcutive Committee called the Convention I with emphasis that he voiced the unani rder and named the Hon. Mr. Thurs'- I mous and earnest sentiment of the Indi- . - . " I J 1 f . ? r of Nebraska, ot temporary cnairman. i ana aeiegauon m presenting ex-5enator Thurston LOOK, uie wiiiui, auu aiicr i "unown iuuuc. Aine a graceful speech,, announced that I oalllnger, of New Hampshire, also sec rivention was reaay to enect a per- i onaea me nomination oi oenerai Harrison. jnent organization. There were two j The first really striking scene in the Con c-of delegates from Virginia; one .under J vention so far, was precipitated by the Mihone and the other under Wise. A menuon ot the name of Blaine by Gallinger ver wrande ensued, and the harshest,! at the close of his speech. The galleries - . - . . I ... . itles were applied with relentless hate j ana many ot the delegates sprang to their a m . I An4 S .1 i bitterness. Alter consiaeraDie wrang-1 anu unouieo ior neany a minute. ?-rand uproar and confusion the Conven-1 Flags were waved and the demonstration con adjourned to meet on Wednesday at finally become realty imposing. There clock when the permanent organiza- J was no other second to Mr. Harrison's would be affected. J nomination and the secretary proceeded second day. - calling the roll of States, and Iowa having II V . . t-m . ifpr maved had been offered Governor oecn reacnea jir. wepourn, ot mat State, TJr of Ohio, chairman of the commit- amid loud applause, ascended the platform s. t 4.1 i t. I and placed in nomination Senator Wm. B. 2oa permanent uigauiiULiuii men eic- . - vdun the platform, and read the unah- "". curing nepDiirn s speech every report of the committee. He was reference to-Allispn was hailed with en e3 an enthusiastic reception by the au- thusiasm by the friends of the Iowa states-A-and as he stated that M. M. Estee! man and the speaker himself was compli- i California, was selected for permanent rented with a round of applause as he AAman of the convention. . the cheering closea nis presentation speech, broke forth afresh.' Gov. Foster proceeded The ro11 of States was continued and read the list of vice presidents as selec- when New York was called, the delegra- dbv various State delegations. The re- uon irom mac atate arose ai'd led the ap- port was adopted without dissent and the plause which greeted Hiscock as he pro i-ointcd Gov. Foster, of Ohio, Senator ceeded to place Chuncey M. Depew ir Falev, of Nevada, and 'Mr. George B. sorrow, for that sweet smile oi innocence will no more greet him, and those loving little hands, as they were wont to do, will make no more boquets of beautiful flowers. Scarcely eight years of age,' her ideas of Heaven and her Saviour were indeed remarkable, and far in . advance of her tender years. To those of maturer age her conversations on these subjects were truly beautiful, and touching. Ex treroe modesty added to a gentle and ami able disposition were among the many lovely graces which adorned and beauti fied her j'oung life. She was indeed fair to behold, with face and form of exquisite beauty, intellect bright as brightest star in Angel's crown, and heart and son! sweet and pure as perfume wafted from Elysian Fields. While in robes of spotless white with victor's crown, 6he walks the golden streets and in boat of pearl sails over the crystal river little Daisy will think of him who loved her tenderly,, and as best he could contributed to her earthly joy. By the help of God in the sweet Bye and Bye he will meet thee Daisey at the Beautiful Gates never more to part, and with trans porting rapture thy own little Angel hand shall lead him through the shining conrts up to the Heavenly Throne. JJ. A MIXTURE. nomination. from New in as ne ciosea every man .r i . . Sloan, of New York, a committee to escort "um 1 orK rose Q gave three Estee to the platform from his seat in the cneers tor he avnte son, and the cheers California delegation. When Mr. Estee fre re-echoed back from the galleres appeared and was introduced by the chair interest. the Convention applauded with enthusi When demonstration finally came cx to an ena, the unio delegate gave way to When quiet had been" 'restored, Mr. Es- Pennsylvania, and Adjutant Gen. Hastings tee said: "Gentlemen of the. Con vention, I tiaak you in the name of the States and Territories of the Pacific coatt, as well from my own heart for the distin gihed honor that vou have seen fit to ranfer upon me. I appreciate to the ful Ifct extent the grave responsibilities de was presented to the convention to present the name of Senator John Sherman. He was given a rousing welcome as he pro ceeded to put Ohio's favorite innomina tion. THIRD DAY. The convention met and after some pre- on me, and; it being a Republican liminary business the first ballot was taken, Convention I shall ask in all things, its and resulted as follows: Tolvincr C2riiable judgement and its candid and Ernest support. "Gentleman of the convention: Folio w g so illustrous a gentleman as vour tem porary chairman,-I shall not attempt to de sin you by any lengthened speech. I only want to say to you that we live so krfrom the centre of the Republic over the Pacinc "Shore, that J cannot even who your nominee is going to be. lighter.) Of course, you all know. I kT krther to you gentleman, that I am able to say exactly what your platform 1 Be, but people of the country have oedits sentiments and the rattle of the ish i-ae was nearj oniy Uv0 weeks "P-rom Oregon. God willing, next No aber you will hear from Cleveland's V?ornattox ail over this great Republ Fplaused. Friends and gentleman to: 1C. Of "'entior., aeain thanking von for 4.;jh honor you have conferred upon se-and impressing you with- the belief, all mv and soul that our duiies 2:6 of the gravest and most sol umn char- 5u.and truslinS om the depth of my - tnat every act may. be done to pro- 'e tne est interest of our common " - ,and advance the great Republi- partJ" 1 will now call for the next or- business. Applause. THIRD DAY. , . convention was called to order Im&n stated that the next order of itfeSSwas a call of the States, for the First ballot Alger 84, Allison 72, Har rison 79, Hawley 13, Ingajls 2S, Pheips 25, Rusk 25, Sherman 229, Blaine 33, Lincoln 3, McKinley 2. Second ballot Alger 116, Depew 99, Gresham 106, Phelps iS, Shermroi 247 Lincoln 2, Allison, 75, Harrison 91, In galls 16, Rusk 20, Blaine 35, McKinley 3. Third ballot Alger 122, Depew 90, Harrison 74, Phelps 5, Lincoln 2, Sherman 244, Miller 2, Allison SS, Gresham 123, Ruck 16, Blaine 35, McKinley Si. FORTH DAY. The convention met on Monday nnd held three ballots. Alger 137, Allison 73, Gresham 91, Har rison 231, Sherman 244, Foraker 1, Blaine 40, Fred Grant 1, McKinley 12. Alger, i2o;.Biaine, 15; Gresham, 91: Lincoln, 2; Sherman, 237; Hammond, 1; Allison, 76; Foraker, 1; Harrison, 2S7: McKinley, 16. . Harrison 544, Sherman 1 iS. Alger 100, Gresham 50, Blaine 5, McKenley, 4. Levi P. Morton of New York, was nom inated for Vice President. EDITORIAL ETCHINGS EUPnOXI OUSLY ELUCIDATED. Numerous Newsy Notes and Many Merry Morsels Paragraphically Packed and Pithily Pointed. IN MEMORIAM. A Beautiful Flower Transplanted from Earth to Heaven. 0r t!iA T-.,, .: r r tor lhe Presidencv j )r the Prpc.TPnrv A I ilwmn were called without response. "ne California delegation, whose po- as well knoAvn, asked the conven er Pass California on the roll-call for ,ent. Warner, of Connecticut. Conr lrnn! A. mm m hoh iCV-ULUt was caiiea, presentea 8epjjgliurtber remarks, the name of Jo led,, ftawley. When Illinois was cal- ' IT! 1 1 1 n-i-. . " Ui expectancy broke out which fcd $t0 a sout of greeting, when Leon pre.611 stePped upon the platform to o name of Walter Q. Gresham. u:." spoke '"HO with great deliberation At ten minutes' past three, p. m., Satur day, June 23rd, surrounded by her loved ones, the spirit of little Daisey, youngest daughter of Dr. D. G. "TV. and E. A. Ward, released from its frail, earthly tenement, winged its flight to realms of light and life eternal, and is now sweetly resting, free from pain and sorrow, on the bosom of Him who said "Suffer the children to come unto me and forbid them not, for such is the kingdom of Heaven." This dear, precious child was the light, and joy, the hope and consolation of that home now shrouded in darkness. To the writer of these lines, who would offer a feeble tribute to her sacred memory, and would lay upon the little mound that marks her last resting place, a chaplet wo ven from affection's brightest flowers, she On the road to recovery overtaking the thief who borrowed your watch. General Boulanger's wife and daugh ter are believers in woman suffrage. If a oung man feels that his life is a blank, he should try to fill it out and. have it sworn to. It is but reasonable to suppose that the machinery in a paper mill is run by a stat ionary engine. - r - " HrT Curiously enough, after the perchaser had paid for his gun, he said he would like to have it charged. Queen Elizabeth, of Roumania, was educted by Mile. Lavatey, the neice of the eelebrated physiognomist. President Diaz, of Mexico, is worth about one million dollars, and he lives in modest, unassuming style. "Nothing is ever really lost," says Walt Whitman. But what becomes of night's sleep which is lost? n - Rosa Bonheur, the Famous French artist, goes about on sketching tours clad in trousers and a cutaway coat. General Wade Hampton says he ex pected to be killed in every fight he went into, and he was in 134 of thm. UI will and devise," says the million aire and when he is dead and his heirs de vise ways to circumvent his will. The two sides of a knife handle are like two belles gallanted by one beau be cause they have a blade betwecd them. George W. Westinghouse, who lias mads a fortune out of the air brake, is to huild a $1,000,000 house at Lenox, Mass. A Sam is always a him, bat a hymn is I is not always a Psalm. This ought to help while away the Te Deum of a Sunday af ternoon. ! The remains of an aboriginal giant have been unearthed near Newark, N. J. He was about eight feet tall and had a s;ar on the back of his head. At Tilton, Ills., there was a man who lived out doors under an umbrella all last winter, even when the thermometer touched 22 degs. below. The Empress of Japan is rapidly be coming proficient on the piano. She takes lessons and practices several hours a day, both her teachers being Germans. No fewer than eight Kg transatlantic steamers, with 2000 European tourists, sailed past Sandy Hook on Saturday and turned their prows towards the rising sun. There is a "United Labor" ticket in the field, though we dont believe the fact is generally known. Robert H. Cowdry, was precious beyond the power of lan- ut any attempt at artificial orato- , euage to express. He loved her with ten- id whij6 0Uld heard a11 over the hall I derest affection, and now that she is sleep V.. "e did not often m the Convention, he was listened Unrn nnri lacerated, and filled ivith d,pcf On the 17th of July there is to be held in San Fi ancisco a great convention of teachers. . It is expected that 10,000 will be present How many will North Caroli na send? ' Kansas has a genuine philanthropist. Stephen Richardson, of Harvey county, has planted three miles of peach trees on the public high ways for the benefit of the travelers. The medical treatment of Don Pddro, the 6ick Brazilian Emperor, is peculiar. The patient is fed on black coffee and giv en occasional small doses of strichnine as a nerve tonic Look out for the seventeen year lo custs. Phey are reported as the mischief in Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Indibna, Sec. They appeared in 1854 and again in 1S71. It is understood that President Cleve land and his wife will take an Ohio trip the first week in September. They are to start the ball rolling at the Ohio Centen nial Exposition. Ladv Buchan, whose death at Lon don, England, is recorded at the age of 91 years, was one of the last surviving per sons who had a distinct recollection of Na poleon the Great. i A Indiana woman recently fell heir to $300,000. Soon afterwards she gave the entire amount to a man to marry her. He was an editoi. Brethren, we come high, but they must have us. Marshall Feld, the Chicago dry goods merchant, has a fortune of $30,000,000. He is the most successful dealer in dry goods in this country since the days of A. T. Stewart, of New York. Ireland has nearly or quite 2,000,000 less of inhabitants than it had decades ago. This has been caused by the Victorian pol icy of coercion and injustice. Last year SOjOOo of its inhabitants pulled up and sought other lands. Prince William, who by the death of his father yesterday, becomes Emperor of Germany, is 27 years of age, is married and has three children. He is said to be veiy popular with the masses. They rath er fear that, as he has never been through any wars, he will not be as careful to guard them as those who have preceeded him on the throne. Frank James, the ex-bandit, last week attended a meeting of the Supreme Lodge of the Knights of Pythias, in Cincinnati, to which he was a delegate from Texas. When Neal Dow and Gov. St. John start a bar room in partnership, and Bob Inger soil organizes a weekly prayer meeting, people need not be surprised. This is an age of surprises. - The foundation of the Congressional Library building, now being erected at Washington, D. C, will be required to stand a pressure of two and one-half tons per squars foot. It was deemed of the ut most importance to test every foot o ground supporting ' the foundation walls, For this purpose a traveling testing ma chine was constructed. f The game in England now in Tory circles is to boycot Mr. Gladstone socially Ladies will not inc ite him any longer to dinner. The foes of Ireland hate him for the enemies he has made. The attempt to injure or wound the grand old man by such littleness will prove a'jortive. There was a certain English King who seated himself by the ocean i-ide to keep back the tide, but on it swept disregardful of royalty The Gladstone tidal wave is advancing and it is likely to sweep away Toryism. The New York Herald has this com ment upon the action of the Democratic National Convention: Cleveland and Thurman have been nominated. It is an ideal ticket. The Democrats are happy, and justly so. Indiana will soon recover from her Gray, and the blazing bandana, like another star spankled banner will wave proudly over the land of the free and the home of the brave. It is as good a platform as was ever adopted by a conven tion clear, straightforward and without a quibble. The red bandannas are made for the most pait in Scotland and England. There is high tax upon them and they cost twice j as mush in the United States at they do in J Canada. They are made in Rhode Island we see it mentioned that the An Hoar Pleasantly Spent ITlth Onr Delightful Exchange. STATE NEWS. ROM THE DEEP BLUE SEA TO THE GRAND OLD nOUXTAIXSL Statesville will have r wheat fair in Au gust. Peace Insiitute turned out seventeen graduates this year. The capacity of the Charlotte cotton seed oil mills is to be double. ' ... ' The State Board of Pharmacy will meet at Goldsboro on August the 6th. Capt'Exum Lewis, of Weldon, a bro- her oi Gen. W. G. Lewis, Is dead. Raleigh has a rew park named Brooks- ville, and it is said to be a thing of beauty. Thirty-two graduates was turned- oat rom Greensboro Female "college last week. At Durham last week four negros were convicted - of- rape and sentenced to be . hanged. Over SoOjOOO young shad have recently . been placed in the Cape Fear river at Fay etteville. A baby born in Charlotte last week re ceived the name of Rose Cleveland Thur man Fowle Holt Democrat. Her father is : a Democrat from 'way back. Bishop Lyman sailed from Europe yes ereay. He will attend the Lambeth con ference in London in July and afterward will make his regular visition to the Euro pean mision of the Episcopal church, of which he has charge. In the death of Mr. James Dickson Mc Lean at Laurinburg that town lost a most valuable, excellent citizen and the State a loyal, true son. He was, we suppose, about fifty years of age and a leading mer- chant as well as a man of quiet benevo lence. A bill has passed the Senate providing : for an increase of the malitia appropriation from $400,000 to $900,000. If it gets through the House, North Carolina will be in luck, and will have something over $15,- 000 yearly, available in advance for quar termaster's stores. . : It is with deep regret that we chronicle the death of Col. Wm. Hoocks at his resi dence near Fremont last week. The death was sudden but no man who knew him well can doubt that he was ready. Col. Hooks was a-out 77 years of age and for forty years has been the leading man of his section. The Wadesboro silk mill is an accom plished fact. On Monday last the first finished silk ever made in the South was shipped by Mr. George Singleton. This is ' another industry added to the already large list in our State and shows conclu sively that North Carolina is capable of fil ling up the list of mau factories. The C. F. & Y. V. Railway, reaching from Mount Airy, Surry coanty, to Ben nettsville, S. C, a distance of 225 miles, is already a big thi.ig. I low: much more, when in addition to its branches to Mill boro on the south and Madison on the north it finds its tide-water outlet at Wil mington. It will then cover about 325 miles with its cross ties and rails. big thing. The Democratic State Executive Com mittee held a meeting in Raleigh last week. Most of the candidates for the State offices were present and a plan of campaign was mapped out It was decided to begin the canvass regularly August ist. In July there will be a series of ratification meet ings on an extensive scale, to follow one another in succes-ion. Millie Christiana, the two headed night ingale is spending the summer at her resi dence in Welche6 Creek township, six miles from Whiteville. Millie is one of the most wonderful "freaks of Nature" on record. She has two well developed heads, four arms, one bedy, and four legs. She has travelled in almost every civilized country in the world; is abo-it' thirty-five years old, well educated, ar.d speaks flu ently several different languages. of Illinois, and W. H. Wakefield, of Kan sas, are the candidates for President and S j n(j v u,c x iiuCiiu f . Ciyde print workg have received orers for The population of Pans is now 2,344,- i 2,000,000, and 300 extra har.ds are at work- 450. The population for the department 1 Thus early does the very name of Thur of the Seine is 2,961,089 an increase of j man help the industries. But the . time 600,000 in ten years. In Napoleon's time ', will come when the bandanna of tax reduc the population w as but 631,585, or less j tion will cut down the prices half way and many American cities. then the people will rejoice. u I see a star, Eve's fimt bom, in whos tMin" rrmtc t Aomrt twiHcrHt that hrincn eth pain. For aches of head, neuralgia, cut, aud bruise, try Salvation Oil these will vou lose. . - "How can Mrs. Smith wear such hand velvet coat?" "My dear child, don't you know her husband saves docters bills by using Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for chil- i a i