"Our Aim will be, the People's Rigid Maintain, Unatced 6y Power, and Unbribed by Grain" WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY. JULY 11, 1888. VOL NO. 17 VII. ' j "V "W ft " I NIGHTS SOLACE. REFLECTIONS BY S03IE BLOUNT. .resits in the IInh of Kluht and A msof Realms that are so Bright. yi the world. So today the morning was 4uicu rcueiais ana confederates were once more in the field and again was one on Seminary ridge and the other on Cem etery Hill. Nothing unusual occurred to break the great monotony until 4 o'clock when the Union men and the Confeder ates met once more at almost the same t -.iaroA th rhamhpr nf rest. I f-irm- of urV.tt.l-. u-. :: i j.ji ' TliPlin Has ClHtn." - 1 I b im.ii lllLJ 11UU jUUlCU.lll UCU.U1 y . -t 0f glory, that arose in his crimson combat 25 years ago. . vav has drifted away from the sky, I Gen. J. B. Gordon, of Georgia, whose F , .urnrtain of night hides in its folds of A MIXTURE. EDITORIAL ETCHINGS EUPHONI OUS LY ELUCIDATED. Numerous Newsy Notes and Many Merry Morsels Paragraphical! j Packed and Pithily Pointed. Ancient Greece Old butter Musical circles Whole notes. and the curtain eloquent speech set the crowd fairly crazy I -An , old fashioned trust "Trust to jarkness a care tired world, and bjds its every I yesterday afternoon, and made him the luck. peace release, and dream alone of heavenly most popular man in. the town afterward; Yes, what a blessed rest, what a was compelled by his official position to Harrison is really in a very bad fix. His platform indorses the Blair bill; he voted against it. His platform opposes Chinese emigration; he favors it. Next. . The Democrats in New York are talk ing about a big majority in that State next November. But few talk about less than k 20,000 and some sanguine souls go up as high as 100,000. When G rover Cleveland gets done with the Republican party this fall, it will look like the grind of a bark mill and be redolent with the odors of the grave. neaceful solace is blessed, glorious night. Associated Press representative in answer Under its quiet hush the, conflicts" of the to the question, " What was his opinion of 1 4. St.- nanxadil UUl 1.1 ' S 5, 1 J i .inthend. ana uulc ks wui uiw . mc re-uniun: nc saia. m send; the mind xiivests lisenoi care, "inis meeting was a great success, and I WJ rl fills its cnamoeis iiu cc utwsi. , u. ntc ic-umons ociween soldiers couia J xxiey can a man a crauit w nen no one a"" . i .in! I ...... .I... , a so for two hours we nave oeen suung occur yearly it would serve to cement the can turn mm. , ' , herein our window, enjoying this peace friendly feeling of the blue and the gray To lazy men- Half a loaf is the first d this rest and this beauty, for what is more closely, and to bind the North and start to no bread. 1 T . hoolitUn Thin VtK 44 1 4. A. I 1 J 1 I It's sneezy thing to catch cold and The bent pin generally carries its Drive on the hearse. Pint- I Secretarv Fairchild has been triads a An unpopular bill sticker The mos-1 Docter of Laws by Harvard, and Secretary quito. w hitner a Doctor of Laws by Yale. Both Hunger and a thrashing make many graduated from their respecive colleges in the same year, 1503. And the Irish vote of New York that . :!:,;n,r ,nd mnrP heillltiful than I SrttltH cn (Irmlw tViaf thora i.-rt.il Va core tranii"""-"' , . . mni. nwuiu a'maffnificent star lit night, when Heaven North and no Souths but one country i'self comes full in sight, and flings upon linked together by chains of indissoluble the bending skies, the radiance ot its twink-1 friendship. And there stood ready for Blaine will desert Harri son on account of his Know-Nothing rec ord. Harrison will soon wish that his rec ord had been burned years ago. IN HEXOBIAH. Transferred to the' Celestial Army after Life's last Battle has feea Fought. In that sadly bereaved home on Wed nesday July 4th a beloved form, purifed by the fiie of the Holy Spirit, was seen to em erge from the crucible of death with smil ing face, every feature ladiant with heav enly light, and reflecting in its calm repose the beauty and glory of the eternal world. But two weeks ago sweet little Daisy, ar rayed in tiny dress of white, and golden curls aglow with light flashed from heav en's richest crowns, wanderd away to pluck the bright flowers that bloom on Celestial Hills, and her returning footsteps we shall never, never hear, and oh! how sad, how terrible so soon to see the King of Terrors, with a mighty sweep of his raven wing, again enter that sorrow-stricken home, and lay his icy hand on our noble, generous, and beloved boy, Marion Ward, and with his all-devouring scythe cut the tender brittle thread of life, and lannrh Mm tntn -Bolts are very popular institutions Eternitv. His foibles were too few to re- is nothing more I Her Head is Level. own. lh eyes awe-inspiring than this clear, calm, serene, . i- 1 !i. 1- ... ...3.1. tranquil sky, emDiazonea a iv 1 now mi Bdva Lockwood in writing to a New those corniscant. ana nasning aves 01 York paper Qn the definition o manj says. light that are flung off from Heaven's own tMan is a comprehensive term embracing throbbing ocean of inexhaustible brilliancy. women." Shake, Bel va, shake. You mav God's magnificent hand witting is witnes- be a iittle daft on pou and she-suffrage, for sixty-seven years and a liberal sal sed there, and even an axneisi, looking up but r head in nQ gourd That's the atthosegrana aua uumm iByf'5S kind of a Compiehensive term" we are, "In the swim" of society the codfish is bound to read m meir onuiant ana xauit- and we m going tQ more q a compre. aristocracy should be able to hold their less grouping tne omnipotence 01 j cnovan, hensive term" hereafter than ever. Some and tremble with awe at the matchless how there j3 &omethinff about the "com wonders and splendid beauty of His work- prehensive term" business that enthuses a manship. man, and makes him willing to contribute And sitting here, watching the stars, and hu services for nothinff. jan is a com bathins our vision in their glimmering Vrehensive term embraci ne woman." You waves of spaikiing radiance we have been can your bustle he Bdva He cant brought into a sweet and blessed commun- help it He is built that way. He will ion with the loved ones who are gone, and embrace anything, from an opportunity to we nave tnus uvea over again me nours ui a Washington City debutante. And he the hallowed past, a nt time maeea 11 is doesn't deserve any particular claim or to get memory glances at those loved pas- credit. He':does It "on the same principle sengers in that mystic boat,' whose voice- that less pilot in leading them through the crys- member, and language Is inadequate to paint the many virtues which clustered around, and illuminated his pure and stain less life'shedding like the bright morning star rays of light and cheer and happiness on all withia his circle. To attempt to do this would deface, and mar the beauty, the grandeur, and sublimity of his young and tal channels of the river of .life. .And these glorious eyes of Heaven seem to be in per fect accord with our fitful, moody natures; for when joyous and happy the very stars seem to bend lovingly down in tender watchfulness. But when the heart is sad, the spirit bowed, the world cold, "the fire burned out on our hearts and hearths," these same stars look down with pitying gaze as we raise our " eyes in mute appeal for sympathy, and they seem to bid us hope on, and look to Him, and to feel that He, whose creative power brought into ex istence this beautiful world,is not unmindful of our happiness, and His ears are still open to our cries, and that He wiil bless and crown our weary hearts at last with the mercy-woven and love-entwined flowers of that everlasting peace and happiness which nd their fullest blcvm and richest fra grance in the golden sunlight, of radiant immortality. And so we have been dream Mg to-night of peaceful rest and blissful scenes amid the blest; we've seen the spot bere angels tread, and clasped again our sainted dead. X6n the star-built ladder of very night, we've climed to that fair orld of light, and with our loved ones strolled up there, and sipped love's nectar seet and rare. Yes, far from earth we've ken to-night, where all was sweet and all as bright ; a glorious dream indeed was Jurs for we have strolled in . Heavenly cowers. "Dogs delight to bark and bite, For God hath made them so." evervbodv nose it. 'J I T LI! t.! . - .v.io 0,uulu Thevhave aooeared simultaneous! v all on the dearest paper. over th. Korth n1 th ,vw Mnty Before arithmetic was invented people wumpism is not yet dead, nor does It multiplied on the face of the earth. I sleep- It 4s traveling the broad road that fre- A vice-Presidential nomination comes quently puts a man in a financial strait. high; but Morton had to have one. But Dom Pedro has raigned over Brazil I ne is "cb. and can afford it. He would give twice as much more for the vice-pres- promising manhood. As well might I idency itself. But , it belongs to Thurman essay to repaint the lil v, or add new sweet . j r I " .. . ana IS not IOr Sale. ness to the m r rlrhr lrtrncr tn thm To the Republican papers supporting J gorgeous splendors of the rainbow. Peace Cleveland aud Thurman already given, I to thy ashes, and sweet be thy sleep, noble, must be added Providence Journal, the brave, generous boy. While through the Springfield Republican, the New York I fragrant groves, and over verdant lawns, Evening Ppst, Harper's Weekly, and the and flowery landscapes of Paradise you New York Commercial Advertiser. I roam mav thv thouphts unfettered, and re. Tt. . - 1 - - 1 ' J r ine SaaaeSl oras or tongue or pen- . u rs r leased from the horrible nightmare nf rii- (ThArp'c tnn mnv rnmpn on,) nnf .nn,. MSiiawi 1 wiucoMIt lUUUlMll - O ' - 5T surely Demociatic and will show it in No- ease which once held them. in iron grasp. vember. It gives the Democrats c.ooo 8metImes nder back, and In the still more votes than the Republecans, to start silent watches of the;nifeht, hold sweet ..... . I 1," ...u un on. Then there is a floatine vote of from 1 """"""""" w" wlul ,,uutu 25,000 to 30,000 which bids fair to go tbT every joy and sorrow, and who in largely to the Democrats., death loves thee as in life. On the inmost -.Hen PlrUHvfa-MW, I of nis heart is -Indcllibly stamped monument. We are glad of it. Now let No matter how high an awning may be suspended, it is only, a shade above the street. men! The Chinese in New York have formed a club to work for "Hallison and Molten." iuore jnan .1,000 0000 men are em ployed by the various railway tines in Hhe United States. Oxford University, England, has an North Carolina raise a monument in mem But this acknowledgement of what she income worth having $326,000. It is not ory of those brave North Carolinians who knows about men comes with ill grace too much ejther. on the third day went fuither into the ene from Belva in her old age. Why didn't Xn a Leadville church there is thjs no- my's lins than any of Pickett's men went, she own up during the war of 1S12 when tice:" Please do not shoot the organist; he and fell with their faces to the foe she was a cozy young blonde, and could out waltz a Te::as pony? Why did she wait till now, w ien she smiles at us with her twenty-dollar teeth which look like an island of ivory in a sea of tan-colored wrin kles?. Why did she wait till the rheuma tism compelled her to wear number nines, and her once peach-colored face begins to look like a last year's bird's nest ? Yes, is doing his best." Gail Hamilton "figgered" on selecting 11 is siaiea upon reuaDie auinoncy mat 1 ounc ui iwms m mc nuc tiuusc unci 1 nam' be Glorv the teacher with a glass eye has at least iuarcn 4m next, vm sne win lodge eise one refractory pupil. Who will care for Sherman now? Won't the band please play "Johnny comes Marching Home?" thy fair face and manly form, and thy dear sacred memory is there enshrined, and like the bay tree shall forever bloom and flour ish in immortal greenl Oh! may we in this sad hour of affliction be able to say Thy will be done. ! Tis all for thy glory, and with sincerity of heart may we exclaim Not unto us O Lord, not unto us, but unto ' M. where. People can't get all they want in this world even if they are kin to a "Flo rentine Mosaic from Maine." Gail, old girl, you are left. Drive on the hearse. The wage workers in New York are STATE NEWS. Two thousand five hundred and nine Relva. -man is a romnrehensive term em- teen immigrants were landed at Castle c - iu luuppwKwa ' l 1 I i 1 1 1 r i i oracmg woman, duc you neean t De airaia . , . , . , . n 0 . - I . I making an emphatic stand against Boodle A 83,000 Mad Stone Given to a North with Republicans will go down New bQna fide name q men amon" Two thirds of the tobacco-plants in west- errj North Carolina have been killed by re cent frost. A census of Salisbury has been taken. It shows that the town has 4,159 inhabi tants, and increase since 1SS5 three years 0 755- Carolina Man. York bay to meet him. GETTYSBURG. Tne Reunion or The Bine And The Gray. Gettysburg, Pa., July 5. strange similarity between that of : There is a this day and USt twentv-five vefirs acrn Then , - o i armies of Meade and Lee confront , each oher in sullen silence. The first had ended in tK ApJatt of T?v. -uiub men U , a- f .t a 111c Ut LI1C StXUUU ended in the n and rr 1 oeen indecisive. True, Longstreet's ult 0n Little Round Top was unsuccess 1 and the Federals still held their orig- Position bat they were weak and bro- ottuu tne morning of the third day saw- All through in no way improved. j ua) wnicn was 10 aeciae ior great questions submitted to the James T. Long, of Pleasant Grove town ship, Alamance county, is the owner of a mad stone that has a curious history: Mr. Long, while conductdr of the N. C. R. R., met the former owner, Col. F. T. Weimer, a Union officer from Pennsylvania, on his way from Andersonvllle prison during the war in very destitute circumstances. Mr. Levi P. Morton has bought a pair of Harrison ponies. . He'll have to pony up a good deal in the next few months. i 1 , The latest fad among New York girls is getting up a collection of dummy cats for the house decoration. Judge Thurman says that the Repub acan ticket is a strong one, out that a W. T. Walker, candidate of the third the toilers. They will not vote for Chinese Partv for Governor, has challenged either Long contributed libeallv to his wants, and Democratic victory is sure about six weeks ago on learning of Mr. L's McKinley's little finger is wortk more The floods along the line of the Mexi can. Central Railroad appear to unpreced ented in that region fojr destructiveness. It is quite possible that the reports of loss of life are exaggerated, but the estimates range from 700 to 1,500. and the report from El Paso is that 1,000 bodies have the Republican or Democratic nominees to meet on a joint cinvass. The Bord of Assessors and Appraisers which met in Wilmington recently fixed the valuation of the Carolina Central Rail road at $4,536 per mile. An enthusiastic Young Men's Demo cratic Club was organized at Smithfield, I t 1 1 t .. :.u . 1 .1 recovered, The adobe houses of Silao and J Hremwn "u Leon were easily undermined and swept J - nolt present; u. aadier, secretary ; whereabouts, he made him a present of m Ohio now than a base ball park1 full of into ruins, and the water rose so rapidly W L' Woodall treasurer; S. S. Saser, one of the most powerful madstones In the I little foreakers. Poor foraker. wonu. WuuWua: u.uW N Bad news. It is given out that Dr. stone show that in has been used in more Burchard will support Cleveland and than 1,200 cases, xor uucs anu rapxu Thurman. Too bad. R. R. R. cows, horses, shakes, spiders, be, and did net fail to effect a cure in a single instance when applied before paroxysms had set in." The stone is of a tight cream color, two inches in diameter and weight two ounces. When the stone, is applied it is wet in warm water and bound tightly to the "Who's your candidate!" was asked long and loud of the Republicans. Their repl is now, "Hoosier candidate." ' ; The first lighthouse . in this continent was built at the entrance to Boston harbor on Little Brewster Island, in 171 5. William II., the new Emperor of Ger- that many of the ocenpants were over whelmed without realixing their danger. The Mexican Central Railroad has suf fered much, and 100 miles of it is said to chainnan executive committee. Johnson county reports several good working town ship clubs fully organized. The ex Confederate soldiers of Chjatham be inpassible. Thousand of people have I coanty will hold a re-union at Pittsboro on everthe lament of war silence reighed over two armies. At four o'clock, however est M?nal gun of Lee opened the. grat-andartU-ery du?l the worldhas ever seen, iansUnm thC column of Pickett's Virgin gleSere hurled back from the. bloody an tetr eroaro cannon and ra tle of mus y was never equalled in the history of wound from 6 to 30 hours, according to many, spent two years in learning to set the freshness of the bite the older the bite type and one year in a press room, the longer the time necessary. When the The chieF of one of the finest hotels stone is removed it is found to have ab- m the SOuth, which is widely known for sorbed a quantity of greenish blood or pus the excellence of its cuisine, is a woman, from the wound. The stone is then washed The Greenbackers of the West are clean in warm water and dried by a fire or dead get inst Harrison Q once de. m. r 1 f . " stove, ine iormer owner uas oilch clared thcm to be cranks and wanted an fused $5,000 for his treasure. He received a good revenue from it. The present own er will charge those who are able to pay the poor will not be turned away on ac count of proverty asylum built for them. Old Tippecanoe was a unique man in J one respedt. He was the only man named Harrison who ever was or ever will be President of the United States. In the great storm that devasted Staten Island Friday night, Ruffalo Bill's In dians, almost to a man, disrobed and en- ioved the shower bath the elements gave r. - . r them in awiui profusion. The pancake and water must take a back seat now. When Harrison's nomina tion hit the ground, it was found to have fallen the flattest thing in America. been rendered homeless and much proper ty has been destroyed. Texas is troubled with a plethora of cash. Its bonded indebtedness in only $4,. 500,000, w hich the holders will not ex change for the money, preferring to draw the interest; and there is in the State Treasury a surplus of more that $2,000, 000 The school fund has a surplus of $16,000,000, for nearly half of which no safe investment can be found. The far mcrs to whom the State has been selling its lands on forty years' time, with only 5 per cent,, in the hope that they would be very dilatoiy about paying the principle, are piling in the money in the overbur dened State Treasury. The counties are doing the same. To add to its misery the State has 30,000 acres of land yet to sell, which are bringing every year higher and higher price. Central Illinois, was visited by a flood, the worst since zSSo, and 10,000 acres in corn was put under water. the 1st Thursday in August next. The Record 6ays this re-union will probably be the grandest occasion ever know in Chath am. Senators Vance and Ransom and Governor Scales and Lieut. Got. Stedrnan will address the people. Twelve towns in North Carolina repor ted the death rate for April for the Bulle tin of the N. C. Board of Health for May The ratio was 14.5 in the 1,000 inhabitant. Asheville had 13.5; Durham 12.8;, Fay- etteville 6.9; Goldsboro 4-3; Henderson 24 x; New Bern 26.02; Oxford 8x; Ral eigh 15.2; Salisbury 16.S; Tarboro 14.4; Wilmington 17. 2; Washington 3.0. Senator John H. Reagan, of Texas, in response to an Invitation from Col. L. L. Polk, has consented to attend the Inter State Farmers' Cotton Convention in Ral eigh in August and deliver an address on "Inter-state transportation and its relation to agriculture." The Senator's address is looked forward to with much expectancy. Col. Polk thinks it probable that Senator Vance will be present Also.

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