-liRIROIRio "Our tcffl &e, Ae Peopfe's Maintain, utiaiced by Power, and TTnhrihtui h.. ,,. w 7 . . v uui rh. VOL vii. MARRIAGE, wilson; north Carolina. Wednesday, august i. 1888. i . NO. 20 The Wmy it Works THE SWEET A3TD BLESSED AND GOD-GIVEX ESTATE. . r. Reflections by One Who lias felt lis Raptures, and Sipped iu perfect Ecstaoy the Sweet est-of the Sweets. Last year we nareH - X J w&AlwP Beside the restless sea : I held in mine your tiny hands, I drew you close to me. I marked your blushes come and go, J. he sigh, the smile, the tear; The words you whispered soft and low Were music to my ear. We two were dreaming love's young dream .Beside the murmuring sea; A MIXTURE. tuuuitlAL ETCHINGS EFPITOvr. OUSI.Y ELUCIDATED. Numerous Newsy- Merry Morsels Packed and Pithily Pointed. Notes and Many Paraffraphlcally Mania, truly and rightly considered, cjt doubtless be productive of great hap- Your presence made the whole earth seem -greater than it is possible to obtain A. paradise to me. - csder any circumstances ; but it makes one We said our love would never change, dder to think ot the end ot so many of Would no abatement know t!:e beautiful imaginings of the young and While life should last! It seems so strange fcppr heart. "V V e look around the world, I Twas just a year ago Once more we pace the yellow sands Beside the summer sea "; I do not hold your tiny hands, You do not cling to me. I do not press you to my heart, Nnr Vise t'i"iiiy- c rafter death the married pair melt into w I 7 7 . , . We are strolling twenty yards apart oar.?el. It is, on the contrary, frequent- . QZ , , . For we are married now. The Bewitching Laugh of Women, id brieve over the holiest tie that can ex tern earth, and this because people do not contract it fr om motives sufficiently high. It is, or should be, a bone to exist through iy that complete union of souls so !TJt beautifully typified in the Arabian belief, t Arizen inro a mereiv spnjsin nn ai Cr0t:e of convenience or of gain. A gentle Kin carries because he is in want of a lafr to rule his household, to receive tSs friends, and in fact, by a superior house keeper. A lady leaves the cherished A bad fit Epileptic. A hard case The coffin. A rising man The aeronaut. A versatile genius The poet. Down in the mouth The tongue. From pole to pole A clothes line. Fills an aching void The dentist. A bad spell of weather W-e-a-t h-e-r. ihe latest out The boy kept school. The anatomy of melancholy is boiled old hen. The proper caper Sauce for boiled mutton. An electric experiment Repeating at the polls. Gen Joseph E Johnson is Si years old. The Emperor of Japan is opposed to dancing: ; Ex-Empress Charlotte of Mexico is said FROM THE DEEP STATE NEWS. her after An office that seeks the man is the po lice office. A women has not a natural grace more Dewitcnmg than a sweet laugh. It is like the sound of flutes on the water. It leaps from her heart in a clear. sDarklinr rill cers is o's. . j a. t r i i ..I ' I iffineaw uic icui ncr xinarea, ana ail and the heart that hears it feels as if hnth. fcat has been most dear to her, simply for ed in the cool, exhilarating soring ArH i name and a ring. - How few ever think so of the smile. A beautiful smile is tn of the moral and intellectual qualities of the female countenance what the sunbeams their future companions? Not are they is to the landscape. It embellishes an in- noale-mmded or generous, but are they ferior face, and redeems an ulv one nchiOrnandsome.'' A eUtA . i ah good guts are to be valued, but sure u,uSC 4 UK uuuu uuu nearr. are more the mouth break into a smile on one side, on the wine till it was red pcuuigvi mcreiy pnysicai attributes, the other remaining passive and unmoved -.L. .L ..I'll r i i I - ' oruKaagimeroigoiaana silver. Let for this imparts an air of deceit and grotes icoiiv wuwacr nat love really is. it queness to the fact. A disagreeable lauh kno.amere semsh londness; it is a gem or smile distorts the lines of beautv. nnH .j . , . i oi me purest water, unchanged by time or more repulsive than a frown. ThPrP rjcurnstahcesjit is enternal in its nature; many kinds of smilesi each having distinr- aad beautiful as are the things said of it, tive characters: some announce nP at the rate of Sr-ono n wir ) are ,ess man the teeling itself. The and sweetness; others betray sarcasm, bit wboia mat narbors it in the fullest and temessandnrMp-snmP r,ftr, tu M.,s l X 1 uw.ii.il Lilli, Lraest sense has rprpiv n hoot-oni.. onnxo k i s .t; "wnviuf liwulw ut iiitu laiiguiiuiig tenaerness; & living on like the sun through srood others brighten it bv their hrillinnt nn , lJ1 Lilc . LuiiLuui vivacitv. iiazincr nnn nncmor ffnrUVl.: ... . .- , - i & juter mais. When this sun first before a mirror cannot aid in acouirin i-aesupon the heart, it seems as if ahih- beautiful smiles half so well as to turn the "Dnnk to me only with thine gneiss a-d far brighter existent Three more blast furnaces to Ks. The earth . .U"""1C" "um " iciieyuon oi evu, ana tfl "1U'C LU u". is illumined and beautified bv . ..o xiCci woKea so Deautriui, the thoughts. never so blue, the birds sing more mel- 1S are Half the pepper sold by New York gro- The silent watches of the night are not Waterburys. When barge meets barge then comes the tug of commerce. Mournful numbers A balance on the wrong side of the sheet. Monody on a toper,s nose It looked up- The rifle, though not sociable in its hab its, rarely goes off by itself. When the captain wants to stop the ves sel, does he hoist a stay-sail? New York City real estate is increasing The Egyption government expended $75jooq boring for oil and got none. Even the truth itself is not ahvavs vera cious. It lies at the bottom of a well. A Geologist's reauest to his best tHri w w i e all sweet ojous,v, the trees wave more gladly in the weeze. "8 season, the early' summer of life, to most who are endowed with im- on, but it is often as fleeting as the ungnt,- joyous days of earth's summer . tyerY woman should learn that "oener.homeis, there her duties lie; snould make that home a little She ''J Wh COme within its magic. jnouid be ever willing to add to its t and elegance, and never forget to in? 3ot Without Blemish. "Irene, hear me one moment lanrer. cost $700,000 are to be erected at Biimingham. When is a lamp in a window like a tombstone? When it is set for a late hus- hand. The speaker was a young man with Scientists say that the potato rot comes Prettiest, and to meet with a lov- a wildly appealing look and an inchoate once ln ten years every decayed as it mustache. were "Irene," he continued, "If all the wealth A young bachelor is an old fellow, and of jdevotion that moved Leander to swim some women is always trying to get even the Kellespoint that burned in the breast witn him. isurnR 10 its loiuest nights, sent the blood ciety question. We answer: It depends puismg through the marble form of Gal- on the liver, ates at the biding of Pygmalion, and Corolh in the immortal sonsrs of Tom "One good turn deserves another" was never srw-lren of tl- mnor n11if ot tUia ir-.i- ' ...w. u sru., r . 1 "' t L -' " "mne the huRhaml M h ,U, cu. tuc -Sgregaica anecuon 01 001- time of the VM fl. bliViCt. tllC I , , . ., , , . I - J uje around ,..1 ... lomon for his thnnsnnrf wirpc Ti-r .rno- I -V I II lm C-ni ft- A. 1 m I - -- - wvww I lusmrowntneivy. ' ! , . 1 iinsriish canitalists are lipmminr wr-UA Trz rPn nnnn nnp r avoi vwk- v. 1 - a j- ij . 4, . ' over big investments in America wuuiu iccuiy icurcbcnt me emotion witn . , which you have inspired me. Since ! Prom1 to make them millions. have known you, Irene, life has had but 11 was a New York tramP who was one purpose, and aim. Heaven itself r c"cu UJ u policeman s ciud, mat re would be" marked, "I was rapped in slumber. lP.- , " "as inrown tne ivy a,lT.P. aCed the Precious jewels of iaitn and to be dying Eighteen rolling mills have shut down within a week. A union of photographer workmen has been organized. The Queen of Sweden is teaehing peasantry how to cook. Mrs. John Drew, of Philadelphia, been on the stage 61 years. Phil D. Armour, the Chiagoan, returned f.om Europe. Mrs. Barnard-Beere, the English actress. is tall and very handsome- Mrs. Oscar Wilde wears the same "best" dress through the season. The skull of Donizetti, the composer is one of the Bologna exhibition. Shaking hands has made Mrs. Cleve land's right hand longer than the left. Archibald Forbs, the celebrated news paper correspondent, is dangerously ill. John X. Lewis, a colored Boston tailor, does a buisness of $1,000,000 a year. Senator Ingalls has been freqnently mis taken for Frank James, the ex-bandit. The condition of Europe appears to promise a prolonged continuation of peace. The bill to establish a Department of Labor has passed both houses of Congress. It is reported that the charges against Mr. Parneli emanated from a mysterious wo man. The Republicans are making ready for an active, vigorous campaign in Ten nessee. While the Emperor of Brazil was in Milan his estimated expenses were 40o'ooo frances. Thurman reads until 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning, and then sleeps until well toward noon. A band of Apaches went on the war path in Southern Arizona and butchered many settleres. Carl Schurz amuses himself in Berlin, and passed a good part of his time in the Zoological Garden. Miss Agusta de Grasse Stevens, a young American woman, has made for herself a place in London literary life. Five hundred Chinese in New York, all "iciiu nauibon, naa a Dig excursion They shut out Christian Chinamen. BLUE SEA TA TUT GBAXD OLD MOrXTAIXS. An Hoar Plemaantljr Spent Win Oar Delightral Exchanges. Wilmington is elated over the sbrting of her street cars lines. 5 Raleigh has a colored infant six weeks has ld with twent-v teeth. There are 1,600 negro Knights of Labor has in Edgl cmobe county. Gov. Scales will go into the banking" buisness in Greensboro after the expiration of his term. A cotton factoiy company has been incorporated at Tarboro w ith a capital stock of $100,000. The work of the buil ding will be begun at once. It is stated that an Elizabeth City lawyer produced a cabbage that weighs eighteen pounds and measures four feet accross. A large cabbage or a large lie. The Kinston Free Press says; there is a law suit in Lenoir county over about fifty ccnts worth of land, a difference about iS inches in the length of a boundary line. The Davidson Dispatch says that recent ly a Lexington merchant received a letter from a gentleman in Randolph who want ed to know the price of frine shicens. The Shelby Aurora says a Lincoln coun ty farmer has a 14-year-old daughter rejoic ing in 240 lbs. Jlis nearest neighbor has a daughter sixteen years old weishin pounds. The thirty-fourth annual meeting of the stockholders of the Atlantic and North Caroliha Railroad Company will be held at Morehead City, N. 0., on Thursday, the' second day of August, iSSS. Mrs. R. N. Johnson, of Chatham, lias in her possession a powder can which was carried through the revolutionary war by her grandfather, Raford Boon. It is of tin cylindrical in shaped, and holds about one pint. I or 230 The survey of the entire route of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad between Wilmington and Favettevllle was completed by Chief Engineer Roer P. Atkinson, last Friday, and the grading- is now going on at both ends of the line. A moument to the memory of Mathew Stach, the first missionary of the Moravian church in America, was dedicated in Pr. Harrison's name spelt backward reads syth county on the loth instant. He Wt "No, sir. 'Rah!" This Is a patent adjust- Germany for Greenland in 1733, where he able anagram which can be used by either resided for over twenty years. He then part-v came to North Carolina and died in For- Mrs. John Burnner, of Pennsylvania, s-vth county, who has just celebrated her 101st birthday, Oxford is on a healthy, substantial boom." wears a lace cap on which are embroidered Fourteen commodious brick stores are in the figures from 1 up to 1 10. process of construction. A corresnonrfenf of the Raleigh News Observer says the Oxford and Durham road will be built a good wife's love. Funny Freaks. In ;rver And right at this juncture, she stopped Our lady gossip says the reason why tall his gushing ebulition of rhapsodical emo- men best succeed in matrimony is because tions by saying "Gussie, are you in pain? all sinsible women favor Hymen. e ho,. , It . ...... I court 7 eaks here Jn Mecklenburg 1 never saw sucn an awlUl' temWe. aSon- It is no new thing for a popular man to .mther are too common to rmw mnS look upon your face before. Your be bai antanTT . ous reaks thebriI saw aous Charlotte Obse suspenders must be too tight and- over , ,uc 100 common to crow mii. , er, in this county, who lives irQm am- cf 1.-1 . . I But before she finished (Ins was crone iscpmi- . 1 "Cttl" or doqv ot water. -iUy Rfrj ... I ...1 !L. J 1 ! . 1 t I 4 "won hie fmnf .4. 4. tti. 1 liuuc uui uuu uic uarKness 01 ms oiacK i t . . . . . . -uuiu sicp atociocK ... . j 01 ms parior 10 tne ny ne iorgot to state banqueted at a hotel, yet some people would call it a modern inn ovation. When the spider described the beauties "orninc 0,, with and canght a mess of fish Pahyand Policeman Scott heard him that it as furnished on the installment It is a very flat failure when yon try to get up enthusiasm over the British Civil Service Reform System in the South. It within the next twenty days. The engine that 1 is too unreoublirnn. nnrfen-.rrt,v fo- f v, has crossed Tar river and is now at Stein's. 1 , j .uunnvvium, liiC 1 1 South. 12 miles from Oxford. The iron bridge I T" f r The largest private library in the coun try is owned by George H. Bancroft, the The Piedmont Air Line, of the Rich historian, and is in his San Francisco home, mond and Danville connect!on, advertises It consists of 50,000 volumes and is valued double daily trains, with through Pullman at $200,000. palace cars, to all Summer resorts in West- Harrison hn ever Keen i-nn,..n ; ts ern North Carolina. Ticket for sale at A. IV t I 111UI' ana as the bitter foe of the laboring man, and especially railroad men. The Union printers and all the rail road men are or ganizing against Harrison, and the laboring men of every trade are rapidly falling into a hook and line. He mutter to himself "I'll be blame if these Cm ri,. r .. . I "Ti1rrt l lk. l 11 " a. i Ul-UI tne tosr, which was un- " kw- uic must aurupt na.... .. w- v . 1 ... . . . . . ' "wv thif . . . I ivflv rt KTrtnninor a fellnw whom tha HiH ' morning. i Charlotte I rr:o " y, "v. and; E rirtfn ... . I . . T 1 11 t t Uq , tLie 01 whiskey were recently c A icuow ieu ner ne loves . " losether :ut t n. I ner, eth u "igiiu 111 me s ne bottle was still full and the Silent Forces of Nature. plan. Gen. W. C. Wickham.of Virginia, whose death has been announced, was a gallant Confederate. He turned Republican but was too honest to swallow Mahone. He was born in 1821. There are 320,000 specie of insects in .1 . -iciiu&L5 sav mere is i nr t j.. . ... . .... '"similar roc ----- - -- x,ir. x-roinncuiy sat at tne Dreaktast table wl. -wurecora. I A ua. t JS U-ng about chirten Cfc luf. . .r. u ."'"w uiujursca pon- the world, and if you lie down in the urn 11 An rA . . ' ucrousij as ioiiows: XU 411 uai lUtLC llilVC J'nlnQ -vears old. The hen was old lady by her mother on Piar.. "u5 aav eCfc.,i . -' dna the wedding took chi v Ve:Irs ago- A ew davs oldhJ en ha swooped down on u, ,an(1tookher awav. She was k TJnQ' In abouUwo hours the urned -4tu t, .n . . "Omt " -ne hen. I. na .. ... " - "It is the silent forcess of nature that are most potent The silent stream runs deepest; the silent power of solar heat! brings forth the flower and grain ; the silent moon heaps up the ocean tides, and" "The silent sow gets the most swill," said Jf rotundity's wife, helping him .ut as Not the Kind. hehesitateed for smiles and SDiiled soft rou ... "1C "cn. iiis DeaK i v;iri rr us . 1 Vl1 ad his tal . . "" fcsa v" " u"y oosom. "VAC lll. . Tl nlM ' m H , . -' utut aiiu le turned . ... ,and after " coun OId hen tfj "Ingmoret a i uu-wn v . ui you nave a nan- nder he seized an som. crentleman?" Pretrv rf rl nttn ,-i--nrv -. a a i " ' e" - iieW awav f?fV lTrA. T . A at- ...Uv'J 4. I t I Vl Q v Vn fntinH nn car.nl nncinn. "j "m - X nviiul n liv u nAllt it ilOlTlCiy I w muu vi ov'kiw ai one?" I various depths in the same nighborhood. brageous wood this summer, for a noon day nap, they will be happy to entertin you by thier distinguished presence. European nations have already appropri ated about 6,500,000 of the 11,000,000 square miles of Africa, and as the Great Desert occupies 2,300,000 square miles, only about 2,500,000 square miles remain to be scrambled for. A human skull was disinterred by well diggers in Haskell county, Kan., recently at a depth of 135 feet beneath the earth's surface. Remains of fish and sea reptiles all stations on roads connecting with the Richmond and Danville system. Fuller in formation will be given by W.A.Turk, G. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. Mr. D. J. McMillan, of Soiith Wash- line. The best politicians now agree that Mngton, Pender' county, seems to have Harrison can not carry his own State, solved the problem as to profitable fruit Sometimes it takes a man's sins a long culture in this section of North Carolina. time to find him out, but they generally He expect to add 10,000 trees to his pres- catch up with him when he becomes a can- ent large orchards next falL and is enlarg- didate. We sympathise with this great ln his whole buisnes every year. He' man's grand son just as we do with every has received this season for peaches $1.50 unfortunate but even our sympathy can- to $5.75 per crate of 24 quarts, not save him. " A pressing invitation will be extended Tennessee and Alabama hold State to Judge Thurman to visit Durham on the elections in August, Arkansas has an elect- occasion of the tobacco exposition to be ion on the 3rb of Septemher, and Vermont held in that place in October next. The on the 4th of September, and Maine on the committee for the purpose will wait on the 10th. Georgia's State election is in Octo- uO!d Roman" lin person. As the State fair ber. These are the only States that have comes off about the same time, an effort election prior to the presidential date in also be var de to induce him to attend. November. Of the six named four are Auother errins brother ha mm, w- certainly Democratic and two maybe set to the fold. It is F. B. LofUn, Esq of down as certainly Republican. In 18S0, Lenoir County. Heformalyleft the Re however, Plaisted was eleted Governor of publican party last week and joined a Dem- 1U4inco ine Iuslon 01 democrats and ocrat club at Kinston, saving that he would Greenbackers. When Indiana and Ohio hereafter eive his! alleHanre tr th i,-. where "October States" what excitement ocracy. He at one Ume represented his dis there was over the returns from those trict in the State Senate. ItL thhf States- I that other Republicans will follow him. - i