Ml V RE Our Aim will be, the People's RigTa Maintain, Unawed by Power, and Unbribed by Gain WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 8. 1888. NO. 21 A SERMON. fEW FACTS ABOUT KISSES. Hrt' Trembling on the Lip Yl TbrllHng with Delight. Kissing is an ecstacy. It goes "by favor, . goer through favored and favorite tiiat electrifying subtlety that no Ian V, can express, says the London Satur J Review. It is a science as old as cre 7 Eve learned it in Paradise from an with a white fur collar and wings of JjLwho taught her ail its beauties, vir 1 md varieties. A kiss has as many di ctions as the world has people. In ev J grade of society there is kissing. Go there you will, to w hat country or among , hat people, and you are tolerably sure of facilities for kissing. A kiss tnauig is the seal of affection. Byron valued a kiss bvits strength, and measured its strength frits length, but the mensuration of kisses tent out of fashion long ago. De Levis ok a kiss the door that opens the citadel of the heart, and poet and people of all us have found mysterious virtue, bitter, set magic and elixirs, and lotions of gnster or less potency, but the acme of tanaa happiness, wrote a poetess, is that we may kiss whom we please and please Thorn you kiss. A kiss to be a success must have mutual interest; there must be i reciprocity in the operation, or somebody suffers the punishment of disgust. Kiss ing an unwilling pair of lips is as mean a rxtorv as robbing a bird's nest, and kising too willing ones is about as un fragrant a pastime as making bouquets of dande lions. . At the start the average man makes a botch of kissing. The beauty of a kiss lies in its impulsiveness and . its impressibility nor is it possible to make the first one too brief. There is danger in the attempt to I make the, initial kiss complete. The girl won't have it. There is too much audaci oas avarice about it. The thing to do is to go at the fair creature's lips slowly, so as cot to frighten her. It is to be expected tat she will draw them away from the post of attack, but instead of retreat the ti for heroism to do is to kiss on some place-the cheek, the temple, behind her eroron the hair. A womans fancies are a bunching as the trees of the forest, and however unsatisfactory to the swain the displaced kiss may have been, it will, if kit to itself, make the recipient wondrous indulgent next time. She will caress the spot where your lips, have been, look at the p'ace with a hand glass, and dream of the one who placed it there. When sufficient progress has been made in lovmaking to varrent the ideal" kiss, take it methodically, kh both hands and "the gentle "touch that love can teach." Let the left arm go about not her neck, to wrinkle a crepelisse niche-but about her shoulders. Take chin in the ricrht hanA allowing the --3"- O Liree fingers to touch the pretty white frjoat, holding the face with the thumb forefinger, which will form a sort of for love's conquest. Move her head 10 one side and a little backward, and ap- foachmg so as to make the quartet of lips escn'be the diameters of an imaginary Huare, kiss her twirp th srnnd double 'ength of its very short predecessor. A double kiss is a clew to a man's cul Only the uncouth, ill-bred lover fountains of moon light. But fairest where all were fair, peerless in the exuber ance of her trinmphant victory was the wife the bride of the day, the heroine of tne night. Never had she looked so sur passingly beautiful a veritable queen of the Faries, as dainty as a drop of dew, as piercing to the eye as a flash of light Her dress was a sheen of wonderful mingling of misty lace, with '.he sheen of satin and glimmering showers of pearl; diamonds glitters on her bodice, like sunlight on white foam; her jewels flashed gloriously on her round white throat and in her tinv shell-like ears, white masses of her golden hair, were coiled to the top of her small head, and these caught by a pearl circlet of rose brilliance, yet more lustrous than the light of the gems she wove was the deep ardent glory of her eyes, dark as night and luminous as stars; more delicate than the filmy robes that draped her was the pure, pearl like whiteness of her neck, just sufficiently displayed to be graceful, without suggesting immodesty, for Ital ian women do not uncover their bosoms for the casual inspections of strangers, as is the custom of the English and Ger man sisters : they know well enough that any lady venturing to wear a "decollette" dress would find it impossible to obtain ad mittance to a Court ball at the Palazzo Quirinale. She would be looked upon as one of questionable class, and no matter how high her rank and station, would run the risk of ejection ; as at One time it did unfort unately happen to an English Peeress who, ignorant of Italian customs, went to an evening reception in Rome arrayed in very low bodice. Her remonstrances were in vain; she was politely but firmly refuses admittanc ; though told she might gain her point by changing her costume. A MIXTURE." Boston University has women in its highest governing board. Mrs Cornelius Vanderbilt spent $i 25,000 EDITOXHAL ETCHINGS XfJPHONI- on the fittings of one room OUSLT ELUCIDATED. flnmerni Newsy Nates and Many Merry Morsels Pararraphleally Packed and Pithily Painted. Bank examiners Burglars. Turkey wants a $1,000,000 loan: A pull with the hair The barber. ' Of all shoes a felt shoe is least felt A woman's board The Washboard. Never refuse a favor; say, "I'll see. Musicians find their work in playing. Uninvited guests are welcome to leave. A liquor Trust putting it on the slate. A cold water-party The street sprinkler. Men count the consequences; women don't. When a donkey laughs it suggests laugh ing ass. . . It is only fly women who can talk on the ceiling. A sea captain is usually the mainstay of his family. A girl, sixteen years old, has been arrest ed for forgery. New blood in a paper is likely to quick en its circulation. A mule is not necessarily an artist be cause he can draw. "Mary had a Little Lamb." Eddie has translated the following well known lines into four different languages in order to gratify the demands of our nu merous readers. , ENGLISH. Mary had a little lamb, Its fleece was white as snow, -And everywhere that Mary went. The lamb was sure to go. FRENCH. La Petite Marie had le june nuttong, Ze wool was blanchee as ze snow, And everywhere la bell Marie went, Le june muttong was sure to go. CHINESE. Wum gal named Mol had lamb, Fleace all samee whitee snow, Evly place Moll gal walkee, Ba-ba hoppee long too. ( ) RMAN. Dot Mary haf got ein leedle schaf, Mit hair shust like some wool, Urid all de place dot girl did vent, Dot schaf go like ein fool. IRISH. Mary had a little shape, And the wool was white entirely Ah' whenever Mary wauld sthir he stumps, That vounsr shape would follow her complately. Eddie's Effusion. , Th, as he learned to court by units. gentleman wbii Viae haA tt crnnA' fnr- Enempnt ' ..... . . Jn, whatever may be. the numerical . Ue f the intermediates Th well-bred ji - - ants sharp, snapping kisses that pop U(, but. still pop. A kiss on the ls the kiss of a poet' Tenderness is Rev tne "Ps press the eyeiias. ",,v- is spoken when the brow is and protecting love when the Mmpearled. Nothing can sanctify "UUOve. withnnt -MrH thp Ru'ert- Psare unsavory and unwholesome. L,3rr Dr.srnr PTniv WEDDING SCENE. OF A 4dlle Correl, the Brilliant and PUshed Novelist. ball opened brillianUv: The rooms :S ftlQ !l -suincentlv decorated, and the soft 01 a tK., j , 1 '"uusauu lamps snone on a splendor almost befitting the court r O . . . !! n,. me ot the stateliest nobles of b3 MthV.ere present their breasts glitter-nor- ewelled orders and ribbons of een a'nme of the loveliest women to be thePol4hTinth- worIdflitted across. ?HUing ?'oors' !ke a poet's dream of s phs, lnat jive on rvers amj hi Of, 1. Mrs. Sam Randall is said to be the plain est dressed woman in Washington. Mme. Wilson, the daughter of President Grevey, of France, is coming to New York. In Japan 128 new schools and societies for girls and women were established dur ing last year. " The Royal Uuiversity of Ireland lately conferred the degree of master of arts on five young women. Swarms of Chinese are landing in Brit ish Columbia and stealing across the bor der into the United States. The pin factories of England, France Holland and Germany are said to turn out 77,000,000 million pins daily. Girls go to school every day lugging twenty pounds of scholastic literature and wearing a three foot bustle." Mr. Hiram Sibley, the well known cap, italist' raillroad and telegraph magnafe died at his home at Rochestry, X. Y. You see a good deal of advice in the pa pers now about raising small fruit and none about raising small potatoes. Vassar College has confered the degree of LL. D. on Mrs. Catherine L. Franklin, a Fellow of Johns Hopkins University. Queen Victory has sent to the Glas gow exhibition two table napkins man- The Bell Telephone Company is paying ufactured from yarn spun from her own 26 per cent dividends. Judge Thurman will make a campaign speech in Brooklyn in September. Mrs. Cleveland has received two sixty- pound watermelons from Georgia. The property valuation this year for the City of New York is $1,500,000,000. Five-eights of the flour imported into Brazil comes from the United States. It is traveling the broad road that fre quently puts a man in flanncjial strait; Let us honor and respect the busy bee. Once full, he makes straight for home. lhe livery horse is not so much ot a hands. The one story frame cabin in which Andrew Johnson served his apprenticeship as a tailor is still standing in Columbia, Tenn New Orleans has a teachers benevolent association with a good bank account. Its investment is now a question with the members. A young woman at Beloit, Kan., was recently paid the bounty on the scalps of nine young wolves which she captured while herding cattle Miss Leoiine Daniels, of Athens, La., while preparing for her wedding:, became charger as the chap who keeps the stable, suddenly ill and died about the hour she No use urging doctors to get' up s trust. 1 was to have been married. It is pretty much all trust with them now. Florida promises to become a lar pro An engine holds many horses in its ducer of opium. Sixteen plants will pro power, and yet is content to go by steam. I duce an ounce, and an acre of poppies will All men are born free and equal, accord- yeild $1,000 worth of opium iug to law; but all of them do not stay that J Scientists say there is no plant that does way. 4 not serve as food for some animal, but the Ithaca, N. Y., has been incorporated as onl artide used as food from the min a city, lrutn ltnacase ior congratuia-j v-" "-"'6""" tion. Mrs. M. D. McGregor of Neenah. Wis.. i w No matter how high anwning may be is to receive $75,000 as one of the heirs of suspended, it is only a shade above the tfte Lawrence lowsiy Chase estate, which efrPpf has just been settled in the courts of -L-i 11 4i- England. iuiiK siiUK.cs are 211 me jjj. r cnus gu anyhow when they wish to shake any- Eddie came in the office with, a sweet blush on 'his sad face, and when we asked him what ailed him he trembling handed us the followering solful effusion on the glories that attend apic-nic: In pic-nic garb we'll amble forth and sit beneath the trees and have our hides all chopped and hacked 'with stings of hum blebees. We'll gay ly don our linen coats and thin seersucker pants, and sit beside the gurgling stream while o'er us crawl the aunts. We'll swallow pic-nic lem onade to moisten down our grub, which people make by soaking one cheap lemon in a tub. The guileless lemon we shall eat, devour the clammy pie, and sit on bowls of custard while a tear bedims our eye. We'll tip the mustard in the jam, the peper in the tea, and try with all our might to show that we are filled with glee Then let us to the pic-nic hie, our basket in our handstand homeward come filled up with woe and leaves and dust and sand thing. Red clouds at sunrise indicate a storm, so does a cloud in your wife's face at day light. New York and Pensylvania farmers have advanced the prtce of milk to 4 cents a quart. Davitt, the House Ruler, challenges the Brittish Government to arrest Parnell and himself. There are tender-hearted men in the sa loon business. sometimes bartender- hearted. Professional! v predestrians would " A New Orleans Judge suggests that all juries be abolished save in criminal cases. He contends that the saving in expenses wouia oe immense ana that the people would be better satisfied. Dr. A. Y. P. Gafrett, an eminent phy- sican of Washington City, died of heart failure. He was the family physican of President Davis and all his cabinet durinsr the war, and was recntly elected pres ident of the American Medical Associa tion. .L,asi weeic senator Kansom was again chosen a member of the National Execu tive Committee. Senators Ransom and Gorman are the only Suthern men on this Only a Little Time. They were at the front gate in the moon light and he asked her to be his wife. With outstretched arms and a throbbing heart he awaited her answer. 'George" she said, in a nervous whisper, you must give me time. "How long?" he hoarsely asked, a day, a w eek, a month, a year? "No no. George," and she quickly scanned the sky, 'only until the moon gets behind a cloud." please the public better to taiK on ratner committee. There are three Northen Sen than often. ators on the committee. The remaining A Florida planter has contracted to fur members on the committee are Northen nish a New York dealer with 1,000,000 and Western men of splendid buisness cap cabbages this year. acitv and in a position to control consid Parts of the big Nova Scotia rait have eraole amounrof money. been found 1000 miles from the spot where The attempts of Republican organs to it was broken up last fall. make it appear that their cause is the cause Take vour wife to church in the morn- ol the workingman are all right in a Re- ine and you may take another fellow's for publican sense, so far as their efforts are ice cream in the evening. Swarms of Chinese are landing in Brit ish Columbia and stealing accross the bor der into the United States. in line of truth and fairness, but when they go beyond all semblance of truth and are manifestly and openly unfair they exceed even political license. The Chicago convention seems to have STATE NEWS. FBOH THE DEEP BLUE SEA TO THE GRAND OLD XXOUNTAINft. cAnfY n Wachintrtnn Territorv. ha . . , , . 1 , , been in great part controlled by renegades grown to the extent of eight hundred , T c 6 ... . and restless spirts. Leonard Swett, J.i-a 1inrc cinrp Tamiarv I. Chauncey Depew, Estee, Hiscockand The people of the United State now company were all active Greeleyites as have $645,000,000 more in their hands against General Grant in 1S72, but seem than they had seven years ago. novr to have complete control of the Re Hon. Geo. V. H. Lothrop, of Detroit, publican party. Can anyone rightfully Mich., has tendered his resignation on ac- claim that the present organization U the count of the severity to the Russian cli-J party of Lincon! Seward. Summer and mat The President has eexcepted it with Chase? As well compare pigmies to an expression of his regret. ' giunts. An Hear Pleasant ly Spent With Oar Deiltatmi Exchanges. Hog cholera is raging in Sampson county. The Danbury Iron mines are developing wonderfully. Charlotte has a colored hospiral which kept up by the whites. A great many terrapins and turtles are being shipped from the New Bern section. The New York, Pa. Ice Machine com pany is erecting an Ice factory at Dur ham. The manufacturing coropo rations of Charlotte pa v taxes on worth - . . . - of property. Sam C. White's appeal bond was filed and accepted Saturday afternoon, and he was released from confinement. Mrs. Alice A. wife of Mr. John T. Moore, a most exemplary christian women died Thursday morning in Rocky Mount. A large majrity of the vote of Pitt coun y in the Congressional Convention will be cast for Hon. T. G. Skinner, savs the Reflector. Dick Johnson a painter is in jail at Lumbertion on a charge of polygamy. Hoconfeses to the best of his knowledge, having fifteen wives. ' Major Conyers, the excellent and able Superintendent of pnblic Instruction of Nash county, is Vice President of the North Carolina Teachers Association. Hon. B. H: Bann, J. N. Holding and R. A. P. Cooley addressed a meeting of Cleveland and Fowl Club at Wake Forest last week, and made a fine impression. The Searost Railroad Company will in a few days begin the erection of a hand some and commodious depot building at Wrightsvilie, to be located over the marsh and abutting on the main land. A wealthy and experienced New Jersey manufacturer hosiery has perchased the Long Island co.ton mills, Catawba, N. C. This is another indication of the Southward movement of manufacturing industries. The Fayetteville Observer says the trucking buisness in that section is steadily growing, and that the growers found it necessary to form a society for their mutual protection, so they met last week and eleetO ed officers. In Ashevilleon Monday last, of Typhoid fever Mr. Abram, son of Mr. Dan iel Abram of Rockv Mount Mr. Abram was a young man very highly esteemed among all his friends and acquaintances in Rocky Mount. . Mr. Henry Talbert, of Cabarrus county, has given the Charlotte Chronicle a curi osity in the shape of a mushroom. Its growth was peculiar and it was calcu lated to deceive any one who would not examine it closely. From Oxford it is learned there has been perpetrated one fo the most horrible mur ders in the history of Granville county. The murderers were lodge in jail yesterday, making fifteen thefe to be tried for their lives at the next term of the court. Wilmington criminal court has beaten the most speedy cae of "Jersey justic" David Herring stole an ox 9 a. m., and by noon he was sentenced to ten vears hard labor in the penitentiary. That will break one negro from stealing for awhile, at least On 2 1 Rt of August the Southern Inter State Farmers Convention will meet at Raleigh. This is an interestlug meet ing and may be important The State Alliance is to meet at Raleigh also on 14th prox. This is a growing and powerful body, already numbering more than 1,000 sub-Alliances. The great Wake County murder mys tery case has been made clear and the prisoner held in jail and supposed to be Scolt Partin turns out to be Robert Leeson Porter, a real son of the Emerald Isle, who had be.n in the U. S. Army, and dis charged as unfit for the duties of a soldier. Solicitor Argo was zealous and anxious to get at the true facts in the matter and wrote to numerous parties in relation to it, and finally unearthed the record of the prisoner's history. The Secretary of War and the Of ficers in the Army under which the pris oner said he had serv ed, written to. as well i as the United States consul at Dublin. i

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