fflROH ft Owr -4im will be, the People's Right Maintain, Unawed by Power, and Unbribed by Gain" VII. WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 22, 1888. NO. 23 Ml i r. i i DISCONTENT. SPIRIT FOREVER RESTLESS. chives s Hard Sweet Best to y"bnt nods It Hot in a World There comes a time in the life of every u he devoutly wishes for a change. C be a merchant he sorrowfully casts eves towards the banker, as thatjindivid 'carelessly rools by in his. carriage. e banker with outstanding loans arid Rations, rides by the neat trim cottage J the independent laborer, and would Mr exchange his luxurious surrounding the peace of mind that", -the poor man Ihtto possess. The poor laborer can see pleasure in his lot and he turns with a from the sight of the sleek, well S-ssed politician, who, since the election by him unnoticed. The politician . i-j unr- Arrrc ?ntr thp littlp iw- jjSalCOi iium ulur " - J (rrown church and listens in envy to & acred word as preached by the pure ktf, blue eyed minister, who reflects in fcgand gestures the love of a pure, un hand immaculate Saviour. His life jiiiilits wire-pulling and scheming, its jpvals and promises he would gladly jive for the peace and contentment 61 this cr, and jet the mild, pure, blue-eyed par- is is not content; he would fain change cs with any man. His congregation is Sera!, unjust, miserly. It does not even fxkthe Lord for the gift of such a man, let oa the contrary speaks fretfully,'ill-tem-pe-edly, growlingly, in order -that it may Seep lain humble. He is afraid, that if he leams that he is a man of ability that they rHihaveJo raise his salary and they would rather lie, play the hypocrite, do anything tat is mean rather than draw an extra cent from their wellfilled purses. They spead hundreds of dollars' for their enjoy ments, ar.d cents for their religion. The poor parson is aware of this and devoutly wishes that the Lord had called him to some other work. Thus the world rolls on. Erervbody believes every boy else happier himself. The spirit of ' dissatisfaction s erernvhere abroad and causes man to pe himself trouble over nothing. The man who is content with his lot is the fcethat owns one in a cemetery and occu Fs it, for there alone the restless waves of life will sleep in peaceful calm, for Death 2 soothe all strife in its sweet and bless- Their First Dinner. GOD's CiLOKY A Printed in Nature's Beauteous The wild flower is scenting the breeze, re the butterfly is revelling in a paradise eets, andlhe lark is teaching her nest- "v weir tirst hymn of praise. See . now God leaves his imnress look uo into ail liiviaaiuic uauu lias pa.nn.- deeply, beautifully blue, while the Blookinzliorht unon nil hpnpnth itsra- track, see then how God has flung his siorn onJ u-t, n "--' iitLCii ilia iianic. - vj Jtcio-V, fn j. i eposes the peaceful herds upon its of turf, when the moon, like a pearl en, is scattering the lucid corusca te its silvery car, as tho'.a shower of USt of diamonds mc cnrinlr liner thf 3S air, and the starrv hosts that re- in her train are serenelv floatiner amid rf a - Adulations of sublimated ether .--u.icci ana, Know mere is a --ic la an e very w Here present Presiding deity the mountain en tries .....- n :ts sunlit grandeur, there is in the sunshine and his song is sue.- ihe flying storm bears'him . jr ioias then his chanot is v 0ud and his voice is the thunder. fcn rd old oc1 receives w tiicn me wmas are nis C Itn which h icVioc f Ka ,,.c';nfn 0r fens them to repose while the wot Ashing waters proclaim him Al- When He stood upon the moun-JeC-rJed his name in characters of Us heaven-pointing peak when r J! i Upon the storms hanging in the inhndg ver th? e rth He left h . e lainbow a a i tt . tin i.'. eeP He fpread it as a mirror be- ed!t0h0ldin far off reflection the H w reaIm' From earth' h..e as carpetted for His footstool tWn'hich He haih sky-curtained for ngot jj. of his name and the Mody or156 is borne in the minSIed Sres. huran tongues and angelic They had just returned from their wed ding tour, and were to have their first din ner in their own home. "Well, Percy dear," she said sweetly, atter breakfast, "what shall we have for dinner?" "My, dear, anything you like." "But I shall like anything you iike, my little rosebud." "And I shall like any thing you like, you precious old boy." "Well, what shall we have, dear?" "What ever you want, darling." "But I want to please you Iovey." "And I wantj to please you precious." "You old darling!" "You blessed old precious." "But what shall we have?" "No, for you!" "But I'm so afraid I'll order something yon dou't like." I'll like any thing you'll like darling." "Truly, Percy?" "Truly, my darling." "Because I'd feel so badly I'd just cry if I had anything you didn't like. Do you like roast beef ?" i "Do you?" "I asked you first, dearie." "What if I don't care for it?" ' "Then we'll never have a pound of it in the house." "You little darling!" "But do you like it?" "Do you?" "Oh, Percy, you naughty old boy. How am I ever to get what yon like if you go on like this?" And I do want to please you." "Please yourself and j'ou'll be sure to please. me." "Then we'll have the beef?" "If you say so, lovely." "But I don't say so." "It shall be just as my own lovey-dovey, lifey-wifey says." "No. Just as my own treasure boy says." - "What if I say beef?" "Then I shall say beef too." . "Well then I love roast beef." i'SodoI." "Oh ! I'm so glad." "So am I." "You old darling!" "You precious!" Oaly the Force of Habit. No reply. "Is the draft too strong?,, No reply. "Shall I shut the door?" No reply. "Think Cleveland will be re-elected?" No reply. , - "Awful fire in New York last night?" No reply. "Shaveyou pretty close?" No reply. "Getting verv warm now?" No replv. "That was a very heavy thunder storm last njgnt?" No reply. "Shampoo?" No reply. "Tri my our hair up a little?" No reply v "Briliiantine on the moustache?" No reply. "Bay rum?" . No reply. Then the country barber, who was all alone in his breezy shop, sat down greatly refreshed. He had been shaving himself. A MIXTURE. EDITORIAL ETCHINGS EUPIIOXI- OU8LT ELUCIDATED. Numerous Newsy Notes and Many Merry Morsels , Faraffraphlemlly Packed and Pithily Pointed. An ill-word Sick. Dies by degrees the sun-struck man. The living skeleton is generally born poor. The Czar of Russia is a great fisher man. No-table means noted. Not-able means thrifty. Electric execution is more shocking than hanging. General Harrison is five feet five inches in statnre. When man buys a cradle . he pays bed rock prices. t Free wool means cheaper clothing, laboring men. . ' Down with the "Trusts' and the. Repnb lican pajty. " The Germans are solid a gainst Harri son. Ex-Queen Isabella, of spain, is an accom plished instrumentalist. Chinese and pauper labor must go, sas the Democratic party. Harrison has an awkward record on tariff and currency questions. The chicken crop is largest just after feeding time. The dog star isva meaty planet, but a shooting star is meteor. Miss Annie Dickinson will take an active part in the Presidential campaign. A good oyster is sometimes called a na tive a bad one is certainly a settler. Its no use urging with an amateur phot ographer he has views of his own. Cardinal Mannnig is eighty -years old, but rises five o'clock every movnlng. ' Cleveland is trusted by ail the farmer, Forever And Ever. I think of all thou art to me, I dream of what thou cans't not be, My life is cursed with thoughts of thee, Forever and forever. My heart is full of grief and woe ; I see thy face whePer I go I wonld alas! it were not so, ". Forever and forever! Perchance if we had never met, I had been spared this mad regret, This endless striving to forget. ' Forever and forever! Perchance if thou wert far away, Did I not see thee day by day. I might again be blithe and gay, Forever and forever. Ah no; I could not bear the pain, Of never seeing thee again; I cling to thee with might and main Forever and forever! ; Ah, leave me not! I love but thee! Blessing or curse, which'er thou be, Oh, be as thou has been to me, Forever and forever! the buisness man, the laborer. It is said that Harrison's home county will give Cleveland 1,000 majority. Thurman says the Chinese must go, while Harrison says he must come. Frank James, the reformed bandit, has a pointed chin, and along, aquiline nose. Cleveland is out and out opposed to pau per labor. Remember this, working men. Hanilton Disstonthe Philadelphia saw maker, has his life insured for $500,000 . Rose Elizabeth Cleveland will go to Europe next year to pursue her literary studies. Senator Tom Palmer, of Michigan, has the proud satisfaction of making his own butter. Pinkerton puts down strikes with Spring field rifles. And so does Ben Harrison When protection is highst labor is low est. Does this speak much in favor of protection? A young Madras Brahmin speaks of his marriage as "the eternal knot of sorrow tied." The thunder will knock out many a base ball player whom the pitcher couldn't touch. Let every man'devote a dollar's worth of time against Harrison in November next. "Steve Elkins, the cattle fiend of New Mexico, is for Harrison." That will help to kill him. " Alaska's a fur counrry, isn't it, piofes sor?" "Yes," replied the urofelsor, coldly, "it is qu'te distant" Two of the greatest arts in this -world are: To keep a polish on a silk hat, and off the shoulders of a frock coat. Ex-Governor Berry, of New Hampshire, is ninety-three years old. He is almost as active as ever. - Calvin S. Brice, the new Chairman of the Democratic National Executive Com mittee, is forty two years old. Some of our colleges hesitate about giv ing degrees to women, but certainly a woman is well fitted for an Ma. ; The Rev. Warren A. Candler, who has just been chosen President of Emory Col lege, Ga., is only thirty-two years old. Prize-Fighting should be prohibited in the celestial Empire for fear that some of the Chinamen will get their heads bro ken. Mr. Carl Schurz has been collecting ma- terial In the Berlin archives bearing on the history of the American Civil war. Florida Is passing through a furnace fo afflicetion, with a yeow fever epi demic. The fall of the Roman Empire must have occured during the wet season. At least history tells us that there was a great reign fall. , If Harrison is elected, Blaine will be Secretary of JState and the power behind the throne. But why ponder upon im possibilities. Preston H. Leslie, who was appointed from Kentucky to be Governor of Mon tana, has a Bible-class in the Baptist Sunday-school at Helena. The youth Enperor of China rises at 3 o'clock in the morning, breakfasts at six, dines at noon, sups at three o'clock and goes to bed by six. "A sea surpent has been discovered off the Rhode Island beach twice as long as a tug." Again the question arises does pro hibition prohibit? "Mrs. H. V. Bronson, of Ponsylvania, O., has raised for the present campaigh the largest flag used in that part of the coun try for William Henry Harrison in 1840." But William isn't running. . Harrison recommended the use of bul lets for working men out west when they struck for higher.wages and something to eat. Stirkers will use ballots in Novem ber for the defeat of Harrison. The average tariff tax to each family is over $45.00 per year. At this rate how long would it take a poor man to buy him a house with the money the protective war tariff locks up yearly in the vaults at Washington. ' Miss . Daisy Hampton, General Wade Hampton's daughter, is a famous pedes train. She recentl) walked from her home to Charteston, S. C, a distance of 145 miles, and made on one day a record of twenty five miles. Represenentative Randall, who has just been so 111 from the effects of eating too much ice-cream, is 59 years of age and the best preserved man in Congress. He is now serving his twenty-six consecuti year in the House of Representatives. A well-known newspaper correspondent in describing General Harrison to a friend, says: "He is a small man, with a large head and full beard and whiskers." This 1 accords with the statement, that Harrison, if elected, will be physically the smallest man who has ever occupied the Presiden tial chair. Chattanooga last week established quar antine against Jacksonville and all yellow fever infected points. A car load of Jacksonville refugees, who were en route to Chattanooga, were met at the depot by the Mavor and Board of Health and not permitted to remain over. They went North. "Is the editor-m-chiet in?" asked a stranger as he sauntered into the city reporter's room at eight o'clock In the morning. "No, sire," replied the janitor kindlv, "he does not come down so early Is there anything I can do for you?" "Per haps so. I am connected with the po etical deoertment of the paper?" "I empty the waste baskets, sir." "Maw, how I perspire!' Liear me, Clara, don't let me hear you use that vul T-V A. gar expression again. -uo you want me to say sweat?" "No, you wretched vulgarian: you must say you are 'bedewed with heat.' TfrV first thing you know nennle will say we haven't grot no style r 4 about us. Yellov Fevor seems to be gaining Komethinsr of a foothold in Florida. The o the town of Jacksonville is excited and heroic measures are being adopted to pre vent an epidemsc A grand exodus of the timid members of the community has taken place and rigid quarantining against the enfected town will now ba the order- Recently Queen Victoria has contracted the habit of carrying household cats along with her when she moves from one castle to the another. The transportation of cats has, therefore, become quite a fashionable craze in England, no family of the least pretensions considering it in good form to appear at a railway-station without an ample basket containing the domestic felines. The aping of royalty even in the most absurd and silly customs is one of those things that is not destined to die out soon. Of cours the cat craze is liable at any moment to invade the ranks of our American noblisty. STATE NEWS. FBOH TUX DEEP IXEUE SEA TO THE GRAND OLD MOUNTAIN. An Honr Pleasaafljr Spent With Oar Dellrutmi Exchanges. Ashville has had a lot of new to baccoon the market. The taxable property of Durham in creased last year $429,856. The reports from the crops throughout the State are favorable. The North Carolina Tobacco Associa tion meets in Morehead on the 2SU1 Inst. The Hon. Thomas D. Johnston has been re-nominated for Congress in the 9th destnet. The Corner-stone of the Agricultural anb Mechanical college will be laid on the 22nd inst Evangelist Pearson will begin a meet ing in Winston on the First of Septem ber. - Mr. Wm. Burgess, of Wake, was killed by lightning last week while attending to tiis stock. The North Carolina Teacher for June iSSS is to hand, abounding as usual with he choicest readiug matter of the most valuable kind. Hon. Adrian H. Van Bockkelcn, one of the most prominent citizens of Wilming ton, died at his home in that city at 2 o'clock on Monday morning last, aged 69 years. A Miss Almond, of Stanly county, while standing in the door during the thun der storm of last Thursday evening was killed by lightening. The road from Cameron to Carthage has O been completed, and trains are running from Raleigh through to Carthage. Rev. J. H. Anderson, of Rockingham, nominee for the Senate on the Third par ty ticket, has resigned, says he is a Demo crat. . It is report ;d S. W. Hearn, whe pur chased the Observer Publishing Company's plant will begin the publication of a daily paper at Raleigh. The Candidates are making speeches to large crowds in the centeral and western parts of the State. Reports from all sec tions are cheering. The dates for joints canvass between Fowle and Dockery are from August 27th of September 22nd. They are mostly in the central portion of the State. Five negroes hung a white man a few days ago in Hendersou county. Before hanging him they beat him nearly to death. They have all been arrested and lodged in jail. NOTES BY THE WAT. Concluded From East Week. After spending a pleasant night In Greensboro we proceed to Hickory where we met our quandam pastor Rev. Joseph E Carter, than whom there is no more genial compmion devout christian, ear nest worker in his master' vineyard, or more polished, ornate, eleoquent preacher of the word. It was our pleasure to hear again his dulcet strains in proclamation of the gospel, on Sunday night In which he demonstrated from the history of Gideons band that it is not by might or the power of man but by the power of God that Sal vation Cometh, and victory is assured. Returning he stopped over in Raleigh to attend the meeting of Trustees of Wake Forest College to assist in the election of Professor of Modern Languages which resultee In the election of Prof. B. F. Sledd of Virginia, Who was highly recommended to the Board by the faculty of Washington Lee University John Hopkins Universitr and numerous friends of the College inter ested in the professor. We mildly sugges ted that some of our own alumni ought to be brought to the front, and put to work in our own School but as has before been re marked North Carolina boys are honored abroad, while North Carolina institutions honor those of other States. While such course may be unjust to our own people, yet Wake Forest is honored and placed perhaps on a higher plane by having distinguished sons of Virginia enrolled among its profes sors. We boast several already how many more we may have, depends upon the va cancies made and to be filled- Let North Carolina be heard from in Newa Mexico Nebraska, California and other States of progress and push. G. W. B. (

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