REOK "Our Aim icill be, the People's Right Maintain, . Unaiced by Power, and Unbribed by Gain" 70L VII. WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 26. 1888. NO. 23 SUNDERED. she whispered, "I snore in my sleep," and, then with a gasp, she swooned away. And, then with a long drawn sigh of re- . cni.'. SERIOUS St'EXE lief, he rushed iuto th H - I - r At .... ... 01 tne night, happy in the thought that his lTare Been Seen in Wll- fl,t Friday Evening:. OU future peaceful sleep had escaped so great a blight. tnnd lovers were standing at the ..t .,nrf which clustered the int i alliau LEAF ?--e . f i x..i I r mred memories or a iwy, atciui Some Short Seasonable Reflections. -ren trie aayu uimtu . iiSuu r- ro trouble or grief coming to The bloom upon the alder and the tassel nerfect harmony of a placid and n the corn are faded alike and gone. The Aii existence. But all was changed, fringed gentian rough husk encased is JSU- cSEthlvn stood beside the man she loved brown and dust begrimmed. The sear and A MIXTURE. EDITORIAL ETCHINGS EUPHONI OUSLY ELUCIDATED. Numerous Newsy Notes and Many - Merry Morsels Para&raphically Packed and Pithily Poitned. ' Drawers of water Marine artists. A little shaver A baker's apprentice. Poverty is not a sin, but twice as bad. A man who has no mind will not change it. H the memory of what had been yellow leaf is falling at every gust of the eto her with cruel, crushing force, and autumn wind, and eddies down a Jimp and th mUtv oortals of a futiue that lifeless coverlet to a soft bed on mother -i utterlv dark and cheerless there earth, where it mingles with the clay be onlv the black wreaths of desolation neath the heel of friend and foe. We sat oair And then, as "the crickets all by an open window; it was but yesterday, Xrt'hern ere singing, and the mur- and we watched a majestic stalk as it great rurou5 breathing of a stoccato cow was ly swayed its delightful burden, arose, he aivav to t'..e westward on the singing whose beauty was scarce undimmed by the bszesofthe night, she put her arms zephyr or rougher visitations from the 'a hi rprk. and as he stood there, a sweet drops of kingly Neptune. It was 'TJu"U j - 1 i - - r-t-w prisoner in the dimpled chains of the last of a noble race, the last rose o ive, she spoke to him as she had never Summer, in whose open countenance still 'en before. clung the flesh tints of nature. Between ' Yoa know I love you, Harold," she its beauty spots of roseate pink peeped vlove vou with a deathless passion roguishly talismanic flashes of unearthly time can never assuage, and as the hue- Th(? busy bee that gathers sweets ices oo wearily .by with leaden feet your from every flower the livelong day is fully tore will ever be bright in rav heart, your sated with this lucious banquet of ihis ire for me a shrine at which I shall ever pale-faced rose upon whom the hectic flush t , . ii a! i , rt art VwrrVinor rn fr l-ic crrn1 ?tc cpil Lfonnio. l Know mat vou are gooa anu v ...n rw... -r cmoi-fv rmnrpHpe i innw and set the stop watch of death. It was a fiat vour love would shield and protect me lovely and a stately dame long days ago far ever ar.d ever, and that in that love I But the bee stole in and robbed that rose fcaldfind the peace and contentment that of its sweets aud lefa stin2 in their stead iervdri standing on the threshold of wo- wither up the glowing bud and give it nan'so lonz for that indefinable, my ster- food for luiet thought and unobtrusive sor ious passion that throws about the cold, flat row- Robbed we might say, by that pirate facts of life the glamor ofann stic dream- bee- To-day we sat by the same window, kadthat we feel but cannot see. But such vine clad and hiSh arched bJ emerald bow- teKMvnnthP T love vou too well, ers, and see that same dear rose whose life Harcla, to ever knowingly cause you one instant of p: we have watched for many months and i . i i - j l in. nnn therefore. T snv to vou. wnose exigence aas Deen u guiuen .u , j-,. . ; with the stars that deck the our responsive heart, ine rose is languia, heavens lookln- down noon me with the xz aroops, ana, oenmng low-, toucnes uic I r 1 a 1 r 1 it. voice of nature savins in, every fading IOUi earm irom v nose Buy emuratc it " " I t. i n xi .1 fower and trembline leaf that autumn has cannot nse T snv it .nlpmnlv. tenrfullv. merabie caravan swept trom our gaze oy J J . ii - I- 1 a ind for the last time, that I cannot be your me coia slCKie 01 ume ana Sarnerea 10 na wtfe," and weeping in a mad, passionate ture's &olden Sranar' the Past' StranSe w, as if all the chewing gum in the thoughts arise in us, for we know full well OO ..... 1 1 .1 . rr At til Korid Avas eone. she threw herself in a mat tne slcKle tnac culs on me rose WU1 4 1 I take us. ,ach year it sweeps away tne me 1 I f - J 1 - i.1 1 4. 11 r-s at his feet and moaned nitifullv. rose' eacn -vear oou orin " I..... j In an instant Harold had iumoed over tms lime Sra nairs crceP in anQ ve are tcr feet and was kneeling beside her. "Why fadinS like the fallinS ltaf and soon must cajoa not marry me?" he asked. "What Wk " "uure ' ' J stheobstflplfl of u-vh vo ct- cn'm vs. earth, the last sad rite of man enously?' "Do not ask me" she said. "Do not seek la make yourself miserable,perhaps for life. "But I demand an answer," he said. To tne Tllairied. Married life is not all made up of sun shine ard peace. Shadows will sometimes wamg herself slowly, and sitting there darken the domestic horizon; the sun will one foot, Ethlyn McNulty looks up at j often hide behind a cloud which apparent The moonlight stealing through the ly has no silver living. But do not fret waacnes of the trees above them is not over it. Make ur vour mind to start anew. than the tace of the girl upon Begrin a white new leaf in your book of ex "ca it falls so gently, and in her eyes perience, and try to forget the blots and erc is a look of haunting fear that is piti- erasures on the last one. Above all things, uu lIJLCllblLy. preserve sacred the privaces of your house, can only tell vou," she murmured, heart and married life. No good is gained "e? fiftally his agonized entreaties had by imparting to relative or friend the sor- lu0v.e1 er to speech, "that our marriage rows and disappointments you endure; and uld render your life one of constant sooner or later you are sure to regi et mak- ery; that it is better we should Dart ino-such a confidence. There are few who Cmv than commit an error which eternity can be trusted with the secrets of your jGe could efface. You will never know daily life; there are few who will not 0ff I love you never know the dreadful whisper the story of vour marital difficul- 7 u.v that this separation is causing me. ties to some "dear confidential friend," and knows I would greet death with smil- soon your private affairs are freely dis- novr anC out:stretced arms to-morrow, cussed by all your acquaintences, and com- jJ'ou are lost to me forever, for mented upon without stint, furnishing food . life without j-our love, your pres- for gossip over . many a tea table. Build Ij'ur kisses but an unceasing torture? your own quiet world, not allowing your oved you less, if vour love were not dearest earthly friend to be the confidant of in my heart as something to be aught that concerns your domestic peace. 'uinnpd e,.- t u l -1- I this. Build a little, fence of trust around to day. The girl who won't be won, remains one. There is a short rye crop in Central Eu rope. Deaf old age is, after all, the 4'hev" day of youth. The more cowardly a man, the more of a liar he is. There are 76,000,000 acres, of corn in this connty. He that lives in danger; society avoids many dangers. In this world it is not what we take up that makes us rich. Do the pages at Washington constitute American history?. Muiscal dicky birds no doubt prefer the "Song of tqe Shirt." The new-born Prinee of Greece will be named Christopher. Smallpox has again made its appearence in the City of Mexico. Philadelphia eats forty-four tons of pie every day in the year. Russia does not recognize Italy's right to annex Massowah, Africa. The English wheat crop this year will be one third under that of 1SS7. The new silver vault of the Treasury now contains 240 tons of silver dollars. Thirty-seven men' have executed in St. Louis for the crime of murder. Prussia has a surplus' in her treasury not only large but rapidly increasing. The wine crop of California for this year has been estimated at 15,000,000 gallons The greater portiun of Florence Wis., was wiped out by fire Saturday morning A hew Keely Motor Company is to be formed with a capital stock of $12,000,000 A propensity to hope and joy is real riches; one to tear and sorrow is real pov erty. Anv fplinnr that takas a man awav from his home is a traitor to the house hold. Enthusiam is the genius of sincerity, and truth accomplishes no victories with out it. About 15,000,000 cottonwood tres have been planted in South West Kansas this year. The more originality you have in your selves, the more you can see in other peo ple. Much learning shows how little mortal know; much wealth how little worldlings enjoy. Last year Italy sent 120,00 emigrants to South America, an average of 10,000 a month. Our assaying twenty per cent, pure tin has been found in quantity Northwest Gen. Harrison belongs to lhat lame, selfish, fossilized school of political econ omist who are out of place in a wide awake intelligent, progressive century. Life is history, not poetry. It consists mainly of little things, rarelv illuminated byflashss of great heroism, rarely broken by great danger or demanding. great exertions. The Voice, a Republican paper edited by a negro who votes for Democrat ought ances. to be whipped. What ought to be done with a white man who votes for a negro. The New York Herald says it is so oifficult to get Cleveland to sign a bill that I Three tobacco factories are being has the slightest smell of jobbery about it I in Oxford. that people have begun to call himm Old Veto. The fact that Mr. Blaine was greatly as tonished at his party holding its own in Maine shows that his party is not as con fident of electing Mr. Harrison as it pre tended to be. It is rumored that Adam Forepaugh STATE NEWS. FR03I THE DEEP BLUE SEA TO THE CRAXD OLD MOVXTALX. An Hour Flemsaatljr Spent With Our Delightful Exchango. Edgecombe ha thirteen farmers alii- A china factory is soon to bo started at Sanford. ' - ' built High Point will soon have slectric lights in that town. 1 Casewell county 'will vote en her railroad October 30th. The Cabarrus county fair opens at Con cord on October 9th. Goldsboro's artesian well has reached a will take the stump for Cleveland and d th o two hundred and sixt feeU fi 1 1 : ui i r- 1 r ' Thurman M. Depew will be of grest use to him in such a case The Bostonians imprisoned a man for attempting to preach on the common. They seem to have more, for Wilmington has sent over five hundred dollars to the Jacksonville sufferers. Oxford has three., raihoads, two banks, thirty new brick stores and electric lights. The Oxford Orphan Asylum has two that wonderful common than for religion, hundred and forty children under its care. Bryant Whitehead died at his home near Halifax on Sunday last, in the 85th year of his age. Tom Evans declines to run on the cold ater ticket for the Legislature in Rock ingham. Twenty-eight thousand nine hundred- Democratic low tariff principles did not righten Maine Democrats. Their nom inse received the largest vote in the late election a Democratic candidate ever re ceivec in the State. The New York Star says the Republi cans are thinking of giving up Indiana and New Jersey to the Democrats and and eiSht' P0"nds f dried fruit have been concentrating all their strength on New York. The plan is to flood that State with money. The opening of the Augusta Exposition has been deferred from the the 10th cf October to the 5th of November when it will begin one of the biggest things in the way of a show ever seen in the South. The flood, disastrous as it has been, has in no degree dampened the ardor of the 0 Augusta people with respect to their great enterprises. How any man not above an idiot can believe that you can make people more contented, more prosperous, actually rich er by taxing them in their food, raiment, bed clothing, building materials, furniture, means of transporation, passes all comper hension. And yet that is indeed the sim ple burden of Harrison's creed a poor affair at best. The Democratic party has a leader wor thy of its grand record and traditions, and one whose banner points straight onward to a glorious victory. The ranks are closed up, and the onward march is taken up with fresh vigor that will end only when the polls close on the evening of November 6th. Let the clash of aims be heard all along the lines. shipped from Jonesboro this season. 1 The business men of New Bern have organized a "Winter Resort Association of New Bern" for the purpose of securing visitors. i We see that one hundred girls and young ladies called on Mr. Harrison the other day. Are he and the Third party about to come together on the female suffrage question. The Holston annual conference of the M. E. Church South will meet at Asheville on Wednesday, October 3d, Bishop Har grove presiding. ; A correspondenf of the News and Ob server from Gatesville gives a graphic ac count of a terrible eyclone which passed over that section last Monday. It destroyed crops, tore down fences and completely demolished several houses. Durham will, on October 10th, nth and 1 2th, have a grand exposition. She will. make the grandest effort a town ever made to attract people in order to show to the world what she has accomplished in the short period of her existence. It .will be such a display and such a cencourse of people as was never before seen in North Carolina. After straining every nerve, working the U1iinnff t , . t mure, 1 wouia not tane 1 r wrong,! Know,to aiiow rnis - .uaiucr my wnoie Dcm rr hnr it MI pleaded with . v-i"iwnon, out now j. uemanu r to wreck one life than two, and so I say good bv," and, lifting her pure J face to his, Ethlyn kissed him . uie nps and turned to go lie exclaimed. '"'10; is my right," and, drawing himself '?r0udlv h. J 1.- 1 ky. uiukc nis leix suspenuer. ou speak truly replied the girl. Vn tnationof my action is due you. I ' then, that I am a victim of heredity." n ?Vhat?"asked Harold. . VJr ha, 1-. How lie Returned Home. T. respect?" he demands, his 'Stinst Saysthe girl, steadying herself hfr.ipntne laP?eIof his at, and,, resting on the top part of his left ear, j old pants. v ve got a hat. He had been gone from the paternal roof for six months left home in the -first bloom of summer, with a simple smile upon his brow and a pickaxe in his hand. The ' Black HiUs his destination ; fane and glory and gold the goal.: A summer spent amid the auriferous -ocks industry, perseverance and a rare knowledge of chemistry and nineralotrv. his useful tools in addition to Georgia. The Turkish government has just bor rowed $7,500,000 on the new fisheries and silk taxes. The cleanness and purity of one's mind is never better proved than in discovering its own faults at first view. The prat'ee of all ages and all countries hath been to do honor to those who are invested with public authority. Books are the food of youth, the delight of old age, the ornament of prosperity, the refuge and comfort of adversity. The largest market for the purchase and sale of mules is St. Louis, where the trade reaches $6,000,000 a year. Atlanta comes nextwith a trade of $2,000,000. A nobleness and elevation of mind, to- the oickaxe. Results are such that he is nnKlrl trt retnrn snnner thrm his most I . . , . 11 j w aether with firmness of constitution, gives sanguine expectations had allowed him to Seuicr WL"U1"1 . m ' &. dream of doing. Almost home, he pauses outside the town until nightfall and sends to his wait ing, expectant parents the following sug- lustre and dignity to the aspect, and makes the soul, as it were, shine through the body. Do not fret. It is only adds to .vour bur- den. To work hard is very well; but to We Jearn thit Mr. Walker met with a very cool reception at Wadesboro last week. A very small crowd came out to Blaine enthusiasm for all it is worth, play- hear himoniy about a dozen whites, who mg upon the mismtormation ol large num- went from curiosity. At the end of hU bers of people in regard to the fisheries speech he for all who were ,n dispute, and doing their very best to get of the third to Q and give up a "iree trace panic, tne Republicans him thcir names One white man and two have barley succeeded in carrying Maine negroes stepped up. This represents the above their average presidential year ma- third party in Anson COUnty! jority. I e learn irom xne i'onsmoutn tnter-prise-Times that work will be commenced 000 idle men in the United States. How ..r cw,rtiv rn thr- nwn m,i n,,turr railroad from Driver's store to Tarboro, free trade that reduced them to idelness, making connection with the Old Western and it has oeen dinned into our ears for Branch or Belt road at Driver's store, the last quarter of a century that protect- The contract was signed bv Messrs. ion protects. If it protects American la- Harper, Bruce & Co. to' grade the entire bor, how is it that a million American la- line yesterday mornbg. They propose to work a large force, and- the contract calls uririnr m o in,-.- KUni-ot oni r?ir of i work hard and worry, too, is more than human nature can bear. borers go unprotected? John Nichols votes against the Mills biil, the Democratic measure for reduction of taxation for the stopage of unnecess ary taxation and rearrangement of the tax ation that is necessary so that it may bear upon all with equal weight or as nearly so as possible and and so that it may not be as now a tax upon the many for the benefit of a few. Here is a serpent lying at full length in the sun. The light glints from its brilliant scales. Its glided mail is shimmering with green and gold. It is a thing of beauty. The child sees it and crept toward it. But it is a rod with a. head on the other end. The child grasps it, and the wily snake glides up and strikes. So with sin. It is a glided rod, but it has a head on other end. Beautiful it is mayhap, but grasp it and the other end flies around and drives its angs into vour marrow. for the completion of the grading by the first of next April .. Great damage has resulted on the low lmd farms along the Roanoke, Nottoway ". Blackwater and other rivers, the cotton and corn crops being submerged and destroyed and live stock, barns, outhouses, cut lum ber, cord "wood, bridges, fences, &c, swept away by the floods, which have never be fore been equally disastrous. The rise in . the Roanoke river was thirty-seven feet higher than ever known before and over, flowed the low country three miles from :ts banks. The greatest destruction to the farmers is on this river. Many dwellings were submerged and swept away with the barns and outhouses. Crops were fifteen feet under water. Many fine plantations are utterly mined, and it is estimated that the loss by floods this season will rea.-h $1,000,000.