i M mom "Our Aim trill be, the People's Right Maintain, Unawed by Power, and Unbribed by, Gain." WILSON. NRTH CARLINA. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1888. NO. 23 0h vii. OUR ADVICE. ,E DEAR OIBM OF NORTH 1 CABOUKA mvei Them all and De- xneir Future Happiness. sadvise you. Advice costs noth .jjierefore it is more freely given than j know nothing whatever of . . tnwhirh nurs i& hps- j- therefore it is peculiarly vumauic luar us: Don't say you "Yes" to tan simplv because he swears he t j i.lre rii tn marrvhlm. ,TIv- frou anu jv" " ' ! 'T f n,m(r lives are yearly stranded Ser shipwrecked, ruined, turned to ntrlonff arawiiucai.ii, uya w-t.it u'ci 1ylo . ... toescape the stigma ot oia maiaism. thousand-fold, die the wrmkledest uffljid that ever ran a menagerie of black jud furnished a target ior ni orea t tongues, than doom yourselves to Ifrczen hell of unhappy wifehood. infinitely, incalculably better be to the grave with a cheek which r&saiatt Hp ever pressed in fond caress, ija vait througn tne long, oar, aismai aightof married uncongenialty and gleet." Thoroughly test and study him & asks vpu to entrust your earthly hap- j yourself, your all, to his keeping. ; t)-j) this sure plummet ui womaniy uis- gsent into his nature, and learn now t and pure its waters are. Find out i-fierhe has a heart; many a thing that jasesforit in these days is only a gizzard; gcraone though genuine, would be too sil and despicable for an average wharf 's carcass. Be sure that he loves you tjh the full strength of a broad, full, man- jieart, whose ample treasures of affection in cot been squandered, fritted away on iscore of indiscriminate objects. Half of tie so called "loves" of earth is only "likes a:d liking isn't loving. Don't marry a itanvho merely likes jiou. "The love that feds together, in sweet and blissful union tiro kindred souls and bodies, is the Eighty, deathless, resistless affection that Ires but for its object; that makes a dayof fcace seem eternity ; that glows and pws while life endures; and, unquenched k Death's dread, rolling tide, rises to shine fcever, with brighter and purer radiance a die changeless skies of Paradise Beyond It deifies the creature of its adoration, and flings a halo of heavenly beauty and g!orr around things that, to other eyes eea common place and dull. True love is heroic It defies danger, challenges fate toi-steeth, and braves death itself without ishudder or a murmur. The who wouldn't, 2 necessary, charge straight into the open of perdition for you far enough, at H to get his eyebrows singed, doesn't you as he should. There can be no S&e about it. No wordy protestations needed. Every movement, act and i, will tell you all you need to know. Hjoa are deceived, the fault is your own; were better for you that , a dozen 7 ton grinstones were swung to your "tband you were cast into the middle of Atlantic Ocean. Selah. . LIFE LIKE.' Row the old Plau Works. anyone who has ever "sparked" krgot those delicious hours ? Will heart ever .grow so cold and hard that fllnotmelta little, as he remembers 7ce he held a little white hand, toyed J1 curls, and heard her whisper, a little longer; it lacs a whole hour Q da folks, notified that it was jto go to bed at eight o'clock, and bribed with a cert to Pe""11 him" be tucked away at sundown. rHe 8 UP the path, one eye on the dog h M1C Other on the nM man" -who didn't anv trv-k n-n ... j ov.il, Eavca Aauik iv wor, and it was opened and he was then went to talking about the donation visit to be given the preacher, and he care lessly droped his hand on hers his right hand, while his left arm sneaked along the sofa to get behind her shoulders. She pretended not to notice it, and he looked, down at his boots and wanted to know If she thought mutton tallow rottted out boots faster than lard and lampblack. She couldn't say but she had an idea that it did He had just commenced to lock fingers with her when she discovered something ailed the lamp. She arose and turned the light down a half making the room look dim. It took him five minutes to get hold of her fingers again, and she pretended to want to draw her hand away all the t'me. After a long pause, he lowered his voice to a whisper, and said he didn't see what made folks love each other. She hugged up to him and admitted her ignorance. He said that he could name a dozen young men who were going to get married right away and his left arm fell down and gave her a hug. Then he went over lo look out of the window to make sure that it was or was not going to rain, and com ing back, he turned the light down a little more, and then sat down and wanted to know if she didn't want to rest her head on his shoulder. Ah ! me ! we have been there, and who of us care a cent when the clock strikes twelve one two, and we five miles from home, the old man fast asleep, the watch dbg gone a Visiting, and the handsomest girl in the country rest ing her head on our shoulder. Selah. - Getting Kid of a Dog With Dynamite Old Blobs got tired of having the dog arcund, a useless beast, although affection ate, and taking him out in a vacant lot, he tied a half pound can of dynamite to his tail and lit out for a safe place to see the explosion. The devoted, loving animal followed his master closely, and the faster went the cur with the fuse hissing behind him. Just about this time the thought crossed Blob's mind that he ought to have tied the dog; but he did not stop to consider it. Just as he lost his wind and picked up a stone to persuade the dog to leave, the thing went off. It was a success. Portions of the late Mr. Blobs are arriving daily from the different counties and the f unctal services will be held when the returns are all in. The dog is dead. Space. Oh! boundless space hast thou an end, Where vision bids adieu, Do "Worlds" like ours in splendor wind, Their ways beyond the blue. Who designed they emensity, Or hast thou always been, An empty stretch tf vanity Unknown by youths fair dream. Doth age adorn thy void span, Hath time an age for thee, Or art thou withinthyself, One vast eternity. to the parlor. He said he couldn't ut a minute though he didn't mean -ie until three o'clock. He went ' $kvd sat down on the sofa, so as not fcjn voice- Then the conversa ged, and he played with his hat. oied with the sofa tidv. He finally Qtt has a beautiful evening, and replied er grandfarther predicted a rain as Said he guessed it wouldn't 10 W m0n wasn,t crooked enough Sa powder horn on the end, and she VI w lt ouid either. This mut Pinning: for Sympathy. Benedict I bequeath every dollar to my wife. Have you got that down ? Lawyer yes. Dying Benedict On condition that she marries within a year. Lawyer But why insist on that?" Dying Benedist Because I want some body to be sorry I died. A Calamity. The re-election to Congress of Thomas B. Reed of Maine, .must be regarded as a national calamity. Mr. Reed has been one of the most unflagging foes of tariff reform in the Fiftieth Cogress. He is bril liant, eloquent and ans-rnpulous, and de voted to the service of monopoly. He is a vounger Blaine. A MIXTURE. EDITORIAL ETCHINGS EtTPHOXI OUSLY ELUCIDATED. Numerous Newsy Notes and Many Kerry Morsels Paragraphical!? Packed and PlthlljPoltned. A leader of men is often a follow her. Never says dye The man who wears a Wig. - - What burns to keep a secret ? Sealing wax. worn out Rubber over- ttnder pi. i. seen Bill t "Jons-lately. She hadn't S and be didn't want to. They Nigf o mtv iu give tawi eh-rfUr-age' and he wanted to know if A Fact. A good many aspiring; and perspiring Republican patriotis of high and low de gree before the present presidential contest is inded will have to have their shoddy trousers shortened to keep out of the wet They have no Noah to build them an ark of safety. He got It Mixed. A merchant received the following uni que order a few days since: "Mr. B , pleas sen me $i worth shoogar, and $i worth coffy, some small nales. My wife had a baby last nite, and also two padlocks i and a monkev rench." Invariably shoes. Room for apprehension A dentist's ante chamber. In what color can a secret best be kept ? In violet (inviolate). To young men: It is better to be fast asleep than fast awake. A dentist ought to make an excellent river pilot, having made a study of snages. The printers would like copy right too. It would save them a good deal of trouble. It is said that twenty thousand people have left Jacksonville in the last six weeks. Savannah is now the largest cotton port in the United Statet and Norfolk the next. A poet should nver be twitted about his inspiration, for that is a 6oar subject to him. The eternal fitness of things is ihown by a sailor who is the main stay of . his aged mother. A bill has been intorduced in Congress to reduce letter postage to one cent an ounce. The oyster has had four solid months of rest his little bed. Now let us retaliate upon him. The out-put of the Pennsylvania anthra cite coal mines for the month of August 4,097,564 tons. Congress has passed the bill appropria ting $100,006 for the relief of yellow fever sufferers. , . ' It was a woman who saw the first snake, but since then the men have attended to that sort of thing. Your shoulders to the wheel Democrats, from this date hence till the sun goes down on election day. The loss to English holders by the drop in Milwaukee & St. Paul stocks is estimated at nine million dollars. The reason that birds clean out a fruit tree so quicklv is that they take the fruit away a peck at a time. Speaking about Congressmen at large the roll call shows that a good many of them are that way now. The Senate still retains the retalisation bill in committee, and it is thought it will not be reported this session. 'Tis said the Republican managers are becoming alarmed at the condition of polit ical affairs in the northwest. A man charged with murder was taken from the jail at Cuba, Mo., early Sunday morning and hung by a mob. A fat man is more likely to fume and fret with impatience than a lean one. He thinks lt may reduce his wait. Mr. Charllsle has been renominated for Congress by acclamation by the Democ racy of the sixth Kentucky district. Good hoesewives put away their choice articles in lavender, but a servant girl should keep her character inviolate. Mr. T. M. Gruelle, editor of the India napolis Labor Signal says, Cleveland will carry I ndiana by 10,000 majority The number of cases of yellow fever in Jacksonville has reached about 2,500 There have been nearly 300 deaths. Hon Samuel J. Randall has been re nominated to Congress by the Dem crats from the third Pennsylvania district. The baby King of Spain has the cholera j-t.im Probablv this is owinsr to the w neglience of his Minister 01 tne in tenor. We pity tho young fellow who wants to vote, but will lack a day of being twenty one on election day. He must feel lack-a daysical. The outlook in Michigan for the Dem ocrats is thought to be cheering. Such are the reports that come to headquarters in New York. Kentucky claims to have the largest man in the world one Hansen Craig, who weighs 792 pounds. His mother and father were both verv small. It 1 said that Pattf twenty-four perfor mances at Buenos. Ayres brought In $370, 873- It was announced a few days ago that a flour trust had been formed. Now comes the news that the price of flour has been raised sixteen cents a barrel. It Is an old su peris tltion among actors that they die in groups of three. Names of Davidge, Wallack and Warren may be mentioned In this connection. Libbey Prison, In Richmond, Va, was sold at auction recently, and purchased by a Cincinnati man for $1 1,000; he expect to sell it to a Richmond syndicate. With coal being constantly advanced Jin price, and wheat also going up, It is to be hoped that the coolness of the past sum mer presages a comparately mild winter. They say Harrison is studying the Volapuk language so he can "cuss" Blaine for what he said about trusts and no body will know that he is using bad words. The woman of, Minnesota are trying to have a law passed compelling young men to "declare their Intentions" within four weeks after paying their first visit to young ladies. A bill has been introduced In Congress offering $100,000 for discovery of cause of yellow fever, with certain means of ef fecting its prevention or materitl modification. If the Weather Bureau will just turn the cyclone it has had in training for a week past into a genuine frost and locate it at Jacksonville, Florida, thousands will call it blessed. Henry Watterson says the Democrats of Connecticut and Rhode Island are hap py aud the Republicans are cursing. He has Deen stumping those States aud is well posted. The Republican managers are hard up for funds, and their plan just adopted of charging fifty cents admision to hear Jim Blaine speak on the isues of the campaign knocks the-boy cold. Bishop Mclntyre says John Wesley made two serious mistakes in his life, viz : marrying hastily and meddling in poli tics. Two of about as daugerous things as a man could fall a victim to. The Mississippi Valley Medical Associa tion, in sesion at St. Louis, declares that yellow fever is not contagious in the ordin ary sense of the term, and expresses other opinions concerning it which are in opposi tion to generally accepted theories. A monument to the Confederate dead buried at Staunton, Va., was unveiled last week in the preseuce of five thousand per sons; addresses were delivered by several distinguished Confederate officers. At Vienna, last year, 363 Jews became Christians, and another paper says that "at no period since the first century have convereions from Judrism to Christanity been so frequent as they are at present" A journalist has returned to Washington from a trip of observation in, the West. He sums up: no Democratic beyond Illinois Good enough. He thinks Illinoise wil go Democratic. Better, It must be a great comfort to the farmer to know that when he takes a load of wheat to towu free trade England makes the price, but when he "wants to buy a rea per the high tariff fixes the price. Jay Gould pays his phvsician, Dr. Wil liam Munn, $20,000 a year,, and has a con tract with him at that rate to run twenty years, unless Mr. Gould dies at an earlier date. This is about the most extensive job of contract doctoring on record. Some Idea of the immensity ot the can vass in Pennsylvania may be formed when It Is stated that Thursday there were fif teen hundred Democratic meetings in that State, two hundred alone belngr held in Philadelphia. The custom house officers at Philadel phia seized ninety -one bales of wool, im ported by a merchant of that city the other day and found a pair of fine English blan kets in each one. This merchant will now be in favor of free wool we suppose. The New York World says: "The steamship Eturia, which is the swiftest vessel on the ocean, has beaten her own record. On the last trip over, she made an average of 460 miles per day. From Liverpool to New York in less lhan a week is the rule now. And yet salt-water navi- ' gatiori is in its infancy ! " STATE NEWS. FTtOM THE DEEP BLUE SEA TO THE GRAND OLD MOUNTAIN. Hour Pleasaatly Spent With Oar Dells-ntrul Exchanges. Rev. Mr. Pearson did Winston. a good work in A china factory is soon to be started Sanford. at Magnolia trees are in bloom at the Fed eral cemetery. There are now 2S0 Inmates of the insane asylum here. Wilmington has posponed her gala week till November x 2th. The Charlotte Cotton Seed Oil Mills will double their capacity. There are 760 premiums to be completed for at the State Fair this year. In Durham 28 per cent of the populutlon is employed in manufactories. There is an attendance of 1,692 children in the Raleigh graded schools. A colored man fell dead while walking along the street in Charlotte last week. There have been 216 new postoffices established in the State since January 1. An effort is being made to make the Atlantic hotel at Morehead a winter resort . Now there are more than 1,200 Alliances in this State with a membership of 60,000 The Methodist Conference meets in New Berne on November the twenty- eight. Citizens of Gulford county receive $2, 174 a ye?r from the government as pen sions. The cornor stone of a new Moravian chapel, to cost $8,000 was laid in Winston last week. Ground has been broken in Greens boro for the erection of a new Natioal Bank building. - ; A negro named Abe Mebane killed an other negro named Chas. Jones in Hills boro last Thursday Robt. Tucker,- white, stabbed and killed Weldon Davis, colored, at Warren Plains last Friday night. Bv the first day of November trains will be running throughr from Charleston to Rutherfordton. There are now 1,196 organizations of the Farmers Alliance In the State with a membership of over 48,000. The Episcopalians will build a new church at Davidson College. Two thou sand dollars have been raised for the purpose. The Governor's Guard will be at the Virginia Exposition on the 23d of October and will compete for the prize at the infan try drill. By the building of the Durham and Ox ford railroad ' the distance by rail from " Durham to Richmond h?s been shortened 84 J miles. Mr. W. G. Burkhead is at last a can didate for office. J. W. Tatum comes down from the Third Party ticket as candidate for the Legislature, and Mr. Burkhead is put In his place. The Wilmington Star fund for the yel low fever sufferers at Jacksonville has reached $1,013.13. Greensboro lias given $785; Charlotte, $460; Ashville, $879: Durham and Winston have also made It is stated upon the authority of the roadmaster that the road now being built from Monroe to Atlanta will ba fin ished as far as Chester, S. C by October 15th, and will be opened for business a few days thereafter. Some snake killing. Frank Ludlum and William Charliles, while dipping tur pentine tree other day InWhiteOak swamp, . cu.llnn. nnm I- rmntv ran uf) with a huge nest of rattle snakes and killed fourteen of the snakes, four of them very large rattlers. The report to the Agrirulturai Depart ment show 312 factories in the State. The reports are incomplete. Only 60 tobacco factories are reported. There are five funiture factories In Ashe county. In Riehmond county there are 8 cotton fac tories, in Alamance 15, In Rockingham 1 there are 20 tobacco factories.