V. mU) "Our Aim will 6e, tfie People's Right Maintain, Umwed by Forcer, and Unbribed by Gain" V0L VII. WILSON. NRTH CARLINA. WEDNESDAY; OCTOBER 17, 1888. NO. 23 F . T' THE TWO-FOLD TEST. AX INTERESTING STORY. tfritten for the Mirror by Earnes Hart. t'Whv don't you lock - that drawer ?" aid Mrs. Wiibon. to her husband after see der him deposit some important papers in his desk. t : Why should I, Lucy ? Have npt I tept money here for twenty years without akev," answered Mr. Wilson. Yes but remember you are nearly sixty Tears old and no longer capable of protect "fctr vour own property," replied his wife. i'OId and feeble though I am I yet have fflr trusty little life guard Henry, and there is not a fellow in town who would care to grapple with him." "Henry"" is still a boy and it does not seen reasonable to suppose that he will jealously guard property when he knows he will not inherit a single dime. You piece in that boy the utmost confidence " "And according to my opinion he is a bor to confide in" interrupted Mr. Wil son. "Well do as you like," replied his wife "it is not imppsible that you may regret it," and unable to convince her husband she left the room. - : A few minutes later the door opened and Henry Alston announced ; "Zeno wishes to speak with you Mr. Wilson, he , is waiting in the parlor." "All right, all right" he said rising from his chair, "the voung rascal wants money to lift him through a gambling-scrape. I wonder what will be the end of that boy. Here Henry answer this letter, you will find the bills to enclose in this drawer." Henry Alston was young, talented and ambitious but he ppsessed no property and long years of patient untiring study were required to accomplish his plans. He had been for some months employed by a dis tant relative av private secreta Henry had won the unlimited , confidence of his employer. Mr. Wilson nad many peculiarities but none made so forcible an impression on Henry's mind as the excessive carelessness display ed in leaving drawers unlocked, bills scatteiedon the desk, and important docu ments crammed away behind the desk or table. The letter answered and the billls en closed, Henry thought with the open drawer before him, "of all this abundance how little it would take to make me happy. Mr. Wilson would never know it" but suddenly checking himself he violently pushed the drawer in. 4iYhy, what is this noise ?" asked Mr. Wilson, entering the room. "Xothing,only closing this drawer jarred iheroom." "Henry give this check to Zeno, I don't )oow what will become of that boy when begets my money in his clutches," and tte old man shook his head despairingly. Lncle Wilson is the most hard fisted oMvillian out of jail," remarked Zeno as ttenry gave him the check. fcV hat is the good of being young, hand me and wealthy if a felllow can't indulge k taste of champagne, or wine, or lose a dollars on the fleetness of a horse and sottetimes make a rash deal with kings or eens without being threatened with dis heritance. 4,Come, Zeno come, don't be so gloomy Wend meant it all for your good." God, by joye, what a Job's comporter are. Don't speak one word of c'onso- t!n. I am head and -ears in debt and s. holding the check in his hand, will ardly begin to pay out.' Don't you feel uWe thirsty, come in vand I will" drink .Tour heath in a glass of Stone's best. " o thank you answered Henry and ?roceeded to the post office. That boy is a perfect numskull but I dare he win appreciate my condescension hen I become master of the old miser's te. I wish the old fellow would be ommodating and drop off . with heart ase about to-night muttered Zeno as he red Stone's saloon. ker mailing some letters Henry passed J the telegraph offic; which was in an H0lning room. tijll- 1 am 80 Slad to fiee you," said lit e Alice Vincent, a delicate girl with o- Qreamv bro wn eyes rising to meet JAnd how do you succeed with tele- asked and pressed her hand 1 aiim lhinhisown and held it there le longer than simple courtesy would 3 r. t have required. " "Oh splendidly but I feel little tired just now," she answered. "I know you are, Alice and it is a pity to wear your sweet little life away in" "Come Henry," interrupted Alice, "you must not talk so; I am not often tired and besides it may not last always." "Heaven being my helper it shall not Alice, but I can't do a thing now, trust me and be patient a few years." "Why, don't you sit down Henry ,you al ways seem in such a hurry ?" "You know the old adage duty before pleasure ; good bye, will see you again soon," and Henry hurriedly left the room before manifesting the deep emotion he could no longer restrain. "Oh God protect my darling, my all, or, show me some way to do it," was the ear nest prayer of his heart as he passed again into the street. "It is worse than death to see her day after day" he continued, growing paler and weaker by a constant strain too severe for her nerves, and I entirely powerless to prevent it," and he clenched his fist in the utter helpleness of despair. "In vain did he rack his brain for a a speedy fulfillment of his plans. Years weary .restlesss years were required but be fore then a little green mound might con ceal all that was dear in life to him," and he involuntarily shuddered as the thought passed through his mind. Ere he was aware he found himself again in Mr. Wilson's counting room while the temptation to possess a few of his old friend's dollars presented itself with tenfold foree." "Can it be wrong he asked him self ? It is the only way of saving my earling's life," but he suddenly replied the dea for Alice he knew would rather die than purchase life with such a ransom. Henry's nerves were strung to the high est tension, his honor was receiv ing the severest test it would ever know, his character hence forth must inevitably bear the stamp of a villian or be cloth ed inthenost refined nobility of a hero. Before censuring Henry Alston too se verely let those who have loved with the firery impetuosity of youth, ask themselves have there not been moments w hen under the passionate influence of love they would have relinquished tame, honor, yea even lift itself for the object of their adoration. When the panorama of youthful fancy passess fro n life it tempers the vehemence of affection ana while a man of thirty loves not with the intensity of youth his choice is made with far more discretion. "I can never stand this, never" and ris ing abruptly from the chair Henry thrust his hand into the drawer and took there from a small envelope, placed it in his vest pocket and walked rapidly to the telegraph office. "What back again so soon Henry" asked Alice. What is the matter ? You look as if you were unwell." "I am a little nervous close; the door and come here. I have something important to say," answered Henry. "Alice," he asked a little confused, "can you love and trust and belive me true." "Yes, but do compose yourself and tell me what is the matter ?" "Oh! nothing, nothing just promise to love and trust me always." "I promise Henry." "Then good bye my little girl" and whispered sadly to himself perhaps for always. Henry Alston did not return to Mr. Wilson's that night nor on the following day. And days lengthened into weeks and weeks into months, but still nothing was heard from hin. TO BE CONTINUED. Democratic Voters or the United Statos. To the' The Graphic Publishing Company issues two Democratic newspapers the Daily Graphic and the Weekly Giaphic. ihey are recognized throughout the United States as most loyal and consistent support ers of the Democratic party. Both papers are staunch, supporters of the National and State Administrations. The Daily and Weekly Graphic circulates in every State and Territory of the Union. The Daily Graphic is published at $9,000 per annum, and The Weekly is published at $2.50 per annum. The recently issued address of the Na tional Democratic Committee to the peo ple of the United States sets forth in plain language its pressiong need of funds for the legitimate expeses of thisv campaign. Nev er has money been subscribed more lifter- all v, but never has there been such a de mand for tariff decuments. Millions of these have been primed and circulated at great expense. Millions more" must be distributed, and the money to pay for them must be raised. In view of the urgent need for campaign funds the publishers of THE GRAPHIC have decided to make the following offer to the Democratic voters of the United States: To every subscriber to the WEEKLY GRAPHIC between now and November 6 the paper will not only be mailed for one year, but ONE HALF of the subscription price ($1.25) will be immediately sent to the National Democratic Committee, and acknowledged by it. Now, then, how does this strike you You receive the Weekly Edition of the best Democratic, as well as the best Daily Illustrated, paper in the country at its regular subscription price for one year dating from October i, iSSS, and you help your party to perpetuate the principles of Democracy and Tariff Reform. Our Cartoons by Nast, the great carica turist, are alone worth the price of the pa per. - - Send aloug a subscription for the Week ly Graphic by next mail, getting the paper at its regular subscription price, which also contributes $i25 to the Campaign Fund. We want 100,000 scriptions iu 30 days, and we expect, with your prompt and vig orous support, to get them, and ycur names will go down to posterity in the columns THE GRAPHIC as good Democrats and good men of buisness. . i Address all communication American Graphic Company, 39 & 41 Park Place, New York. A MIXTURE. EDITORIAL ETCHINGS EUPHOM OCSLT ELUCIDATED. Nnmerona Newsy Notes and Many -MeTry midrsels Trt"Sphically Packed and Pitbily Poitned. Excessive labor is wrong. In a nutshell Sweet meats. Worth its weight in Gold. Born to rule A book-keeper. Notes of the day Sight drafts. One ass calls another ' long ears." He "whoops em up" The cooper. Deal with those who are fortunate. Wages in China are two cent a day. Silence is the fence around wisdom. No man is impatient with his creditors. Awaittng its turn A buck wheat cake. The cock and the owl both await day light, i The soldiers fight and the Kings are A beetle can carry twenty times its own weight, heroes. The weakness of the walls invites the burglar. Truth is heavy, therefore few care to carry it. The bent of many a man's inclination is crooked. Calumny is like coal ; if it does not burn it will soil". Every utterance creates some kind of an impression. Many weaknesses of human nature are distorted virtues. Keep your conscience but not your farm void of a fence. The wisest fellow we think are those who agree with us. Real glory springs from the silent con quest of ourselves. Thirty million tree have been planted in Kansas this year. Lame men have running expenses the same as other folks. , Strange to say,' elasticity has its greatest snap when it's "broke." ... The bottom of a gun barrel is always a good baie for a charge. The c lief disease of a miser is attacks of tightr ess of the chest. The credit gained by a lie lasts only un til the truth comes out. - New envelopes have the gum on the lower part of the envelope. Our acts make or mar us ; we are the children of our own deeds. A little up-town boy is so fond of whip, ped cream that he licks the dish. the man who gives honor to the place. He who does not engage in the quarrels of others will have few of his own. Paste diamonds are so called because people get stuck on them so often. 1 When a physician loses his skill it nat urally follows that he is out of practice. Shakespear advised his readers to throw physic to the dogs. He is silent about cats. Big Head is the name of a prominent Sioux Chief. His 6ioux-de nym as it were. Ben Shott is the most appropriate name of a candidate for Corner, in Cincinnati. Ohio. The herring sardine packers of Maine will cure and pack 55,000,000 hering this ve..r. Snow fell to the depth of six inches during Tuesday night in western On tario. A petroleum engine is now being exhi bited in England, and is attracting a great deal of attention. The length of pipe laid in Pari for the distribution of power by compressed alr already exceeds thirty miles. The tusk of a gigantic mastodon, meas uring thirteen feet six inches, has been found in a well near Bismaick, Dakota. It is said to be unsafe to'strike a match within a half mile of the great gas and oil gusher that has burst out at Montpelier. Ind. Coral has felt the whim of fashion, and its importation has fallen off in the last three years as rapidly as that of amber has risen. xviore man $500,000,000 wortn or min eral products came from the mines of this nation last year, according to the repot just issued. r The oldest rose tree in the world is at lielcersneim, ijermany. Its history can be traced back to 1079, and it was quite a bush then. The Balloon Societv of London have given Professor Baldwin their approval, stating that his parachute will be useful for war balloons. A colored woman who recently went insane at Atlanta, Ga., imagined that the sun had perched itself on her head and she could not shake it off. Lireat is main is Decerning more or a money lending than a shop keeping nation, They are building fewer shops but are making more money bags. curing me momn 01 August 1.5,000 umbrellas were tett in tne railway carnages 01 tne united Kingdom, and 07,000011- iticiii auitics ui mi 6uri wcic iwsu The Duluth Paragraph sagely remarks tUot tU ivprro li!irKpre rWc nor h-citnt to scrape an acquaintance. He doesn't hesitate to cut an old friend, either. The fastest train service in the world are in the United States. Next comes Eng- land, next France, next Germany. After that it is a scramble, with no choice. Do not let your overweening modesty prevent you from recording your own good deeds. A real estate man lost a for tune once through an unrecording his deed. We understand the Sioux will require a fioux more days' consideration of the treraty before they can make up their minds definitely as to what they will dioux. Whioux! Jay Gould's collection of engravings is one of the finest in the country. One of them, valued at $10,000 and accrued in terest. was made bv the American Bank Note company. Th kit TCentiirtv rmintis. of Harlan Knott, Bell, Leslie, Lucy and Fletcher have no church within their limits, yet the State gives each year many thousand dol lars to foreign missions. Under the last census of France there were reported in that Republic 190 persons who were living at.the age of one hundred years or more, and 12,153 who .ere more than ninety years old. The South has gained 18,000 miles of railroad track within eignt years, at a cost of $750,000,000. The increase of the cropst iron and other products of that section has been in equal proportion. Some of the maufacturers of Indiana are discharging those of their employers who propoie yoting for Cleveland. That is hardly the way to make the heir of his grandfather popular with the working-men The place honors not the man ; 'tis STATE NEWS. FROM THE DEEP BLUE SEA TO THE GRAND OLD MOUNTAIN. An Hoar Pleasaatly Spent With Onr Delightful Exchanges. It snowed in Charlotte on Oct. 2nd. Frosts have done damage to tobacco in this State. The crop prospect around Wake Forest is very gloomy. . ' At the Raleigh graded school 1,692 chil dren attend. The Wilmington Light Infatry has 100 active members. Military schools are to be started at Fre mont and Fair Blaff. A lawyer, Jas B. Words, of Iredejl.is in the penitentiary for forgery. The Farmers' Alliace has established a cotton buying office in Charlotte. In two weeks Mr. Pearson made be tween 450'and 5oocon versions in Winston. In Durham iast week, John Nunn (colored) shot and killed Fisher Hsnderson, (colored). A portrait in oil of the late Chief Jusflce Nash was presented to the Supreme Court last week. Mr. B. A. Hampton, of Rutherford county, was waylaid last week by four men and robed of $115. A. M. Baker, of New Berne, has ma'de an assignment for the benefit of creditors. Liabilities, $15,000. The Durham Tobacco Plant published a very attractive eight page Exposition edi- ition of that paper last Saturday. The Stat s Board of Pharmacy will meet m RaleighJTuesday and Wednesday of Fair week, for the purpose of examing appli cants for license as druggists. In 1SS0 the population of 'Durham ,100; now it is estimated at 8,000. was The assessed value 01 real estate then was $984,000, for this year it is $4,300,000. Mrs J. B. Philips the estimable wife of the Candidate for the House of Representa- tive in Nash county, died very suddenly last week at her home near Battleboro. We see from the News-Observer that Mr.J. S. Carr, of Durham, will in a few days donate Si,6oo to the Students Aid fund at Wake horest Lo P!re. -iTiis is a most generous gift and one worthy of the lmiiaUOn OI OinerS. I " A. . " . 1. Mr. B. H. Bunn, candidate for Congress, spoke at Clifton's Mill on Wednesday and at Cypress Chapel on Thurseay. From those who were present we learn that his speeches were excellent and did much good for the cause. Col Polk, the secretary of the State Farmers Alliance, says that the member ship is now considerably over 59,000, and the order is daily increasing. There are about 1,200 organizations in the State. Tne trial of Cross and White, president and cashier of the late State National Bank, consumed almost the entire time of the Wake Superior Court last week. The jury returned a verdict of guilty of forgery, and Cross was sentenced to six, and White to five years on the pubiic roads. The sixty-fifth annual session of the Hoiston Conference of the - Methodist Episcopal church, South, convened in Ashevilte, Oct. 3rd, Bishop Hargrove pre. 1 siding. v . m. coraen was elected secre tary. Two hundred and thirty -seven delegates, clerical and lay, wee present. A little son , of Mr. Hamp Austin, of Mecklenberg county, . was smothered last week In a pile of cotton seed. The boy and his little sister were playing in a pile of seed, when the boy noticed a. hole ' in the pile and the little fellow crawled into it. His sister not dreaming of any danger, proceeded to pen him up by piling seed in the hole. Governor Sca4es is still in Greensboro, where he now spends much of hi time 4tsetting his house in order" for retirement from the political arena at the end of his term. The Governor says he I heartily tired of official harness, ana looks forward to comparative ease in the private walks of life. The best wishes of all the good pxpe of Norih Carolina will follow him

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