"Our Aim trill be, the People's Rigid Maintain, Unawed by Power, and Unbribed by Gain" WILSON. NRTH CARLJNA. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 24. 1888. NO. 23 TWO-FOLD TEST. INTERESTING STOUT. MlrrAP bT F.arneit 'ffBte Hart. few -weeks had elapsed after e old man cannot account for. "Hello things look black," echoed a dozen voices. x "Oh ! I don't know," whereupon Zeno would make a pretence of quelling the inquiries that he had provoked. With two such active agents it is a small wonder that the name of Henrv Al. ti-ff Aiw" . i sion mat nan nirnprtn hpn rinthMf n Mr. Wilson having occasion to look thfi immael!atft VMtnrA Af . , ,t" . . u: k ,t,.,j I r " .w ' sOIflC pipers 1 ut, ; mwcu ah r that was accustomed to some . J .n ftnrutr Hr9wr recess m a mw v. rT" thjntr was instantly removed from I ksk and a thorough search made but and truth should be loaded with the lags of Infamy and disgrace. And what, shall the dishonored name of Henry Alston be linked with the hea venly Innocence of Alice Vincent?,Heaven thw missincr article could not I . . . . jjpui-"- - ixorDia. foucd. " ... . . One after another of the girl's friends & old genucmou, vv ui uaa ycu u.c 8UspectIng the reiation that existed between . . , them would with the utmost kindness en- l which to defray the expenses of his r-w 4. eAeisA tew Vi Qnm . I Vio r9rfr TirViAro 7prrt woe cn'ercu j'ww' ..a Iiraiting him with a look of uncontrolable Uish visible on his aged tace. I i can't do a thing to-day Zeno, I have ' 4 nearly a thousand dollars in hard cash has been taken from my room," said the i - i . - i x: . 1 I., ftip noorest laborer on his extensive tons.'" "What does this mean?" askeed Zeno, aj never knew you to lose a cent you treat her to break off all connnectlons with Henrv Alston. Alice wo aid calmly reply: -Henrv has dore as much by leaving without my knowledge nor have I the slightest idea where he has gone." Yet she did not for one moment doubt the fidelity of her lover nor did she believe, notwithstanding the evidence against him, that he was guilty of the heinous crime with Which he was charged. Having known and loved Henry Alston for vears and hnvincr found him n rrnA& didn't acconnt for before. Indeed you q vhtue ghe deemed ft u ip I nv eiLCCUiui r uuiui iuuiui,! ouu i . ... . . ' . - " iincompauDie witn nature to commit so aoata ago you lost your vaiuauie occre- . , . . liness of her character loved and pittied while all censured and cbndemned. Still there was one among her friends who belived, or professed to believe in the innocence of Henry Alston. "Do not heed these reports," he would say, "they are false. Henry was truly a. noble ooy and justly worth the love of any woman." Among the multitude of Henry's accus ers when she found a man who knew and trusted as she did, who consoled and com forted her in her grief, was it more than natural that she should come, to love and arr and now this sum. Ah! I'll be even with the theif, I'll atch him," and Mr. Wilson clenched his teeth with desperate determination I fear you will not succeed as well as ... i r 11 -J T tirst 1 1 1 TOU UunK ior, saiu mrs. vv usou wnu iiuu heard the above conversation in an adjoin ing room. The theif is well out of the way by now (or the money w as taken a month ago as sere as 1 am named J-.ucy Wilson, l was re witness to the theft. "What do vou mean ? You, my wife al low me to be robbed without opening your lips," said Mr. Wilson springing from his cbir in a passion of unutterable fury. -Tell me the rascal who dared " uHeary Alston" calmly interrupted his itife. ' - ;: - v "It is false, I will not believe it though joe are my wife," replied Mr. Wilson. 'Your are at liberty to use your own peasure, answered Mrs. Wilson tuning leave the room. "Stop, stop, come back, I spoke too tastily, forgive me dear and give me an ac cost of the whole affair," said Mr. Wilson tis temper perceptibly abating. Well it is not much when told and ould never have aroused the least suspi caa had not Henry suddenly disappeared fcdthe monevbeen linarrmintnhlv lost." w J "On the day you, Henry and Zeno left is house .together the boys walked down street while you rode into the country, ifcw minutes later Henry returned, and :'.ered the counting room. I ws in the ""ary and the door between the rooms T Fly open, he did not see me, but I ed him for several minutes, he gazed into the drawer, then taking some out," placed it in f is pocket and left the room." "It it asKea eno. . il'00ks dart T mncf nnnface " elA Ua ' aa shaking his head dubouslv, 'but oDie,manly boy, I am loath to . believe Loath A MIXTURE. EDITOSIAI. ETCHUfOS EUPHOJfl- OUSLT ELUCIDATED. ICnmervaa Hewar Sot wl ISmnr Merry XXmtmIs Parrrsphlellx Pack mm Pitbllr Poitnl. London is to have an electric railway. Carl Schurz is still at Kiel, Germany. The crops m France exceed all expecta tions. " : The rye crop of Europe Is considerably short. Congress adjourned on "Saturday and it was the longest session on record. STATE NEWS. m - x nere is a row in trie domestic camp of the BUine family. MrsJ. G .B. Jr. , is I rBOH THE DEEP Binr SEA TO THE about to sue her fath-er-in-law for alienat ing her husband affeetions. She claims damages in the sum of $100,000, It is the history of presidential elections that the more dty tickets there may be in the field the greater will be the vote that Is called out, every ballot carrying the national candidates) as well as the local nominees. It will be so In iSSS, and all the better for Cleveland and Hill GXXAXD OLD XXOFSTTATX. Aa Hoar PUasaatlx Bpat With Oar Dllshtrl The apple crop i reported short. Davidson College has 92 students. The dome of the capltol has been paint ed white. confide io Zeno Wilson as a brother ? TO BE CONTINUED. SAM JONES OX MARRIAGE. A Few Thoughtful reflections. tO believe it." unrrroA Mrc Wil. 'H,.. t ... c 1 ever told you a false- hood ?" "Keep things quiet. I am the , - "ijurea. 1 can not expose him ri'0ve him oc : 1 ... . . lL Ilc were my own sort great temptation and he was so But ... . ""withstanding Ir. Wilson's in- 10 Keep things quiet, his wife with cf'J? t0nsue of gossiP confided to each . maie acquaintances the disgrace , "inner in Avhirh Hr,-, a i t,' her husband's kindness and -gener- uUca -Mr. Wilson has nQ ins.ght fa- aCter but "jnever take my advice. earned him of this a. thousand .or Zeno he would " unhesitatingly " Als1 tHe Club; "ur old Uow Hen r he0n is dreadfully missed. Wonder tatfc u no: g'-e us a farewell address. ern , a most deplorable condition iosSesn Cats esr would be the imme- "It is putting money above manhood and womanhood. This is a besetting sin. When a father puts a premium of a hun dred thausand dollars upon his daughter the. young man esteem the fortune abo'e the girl, and wherever money is put above manhood vou weaken the whole buisness and let down the foundation upon which society rests and happy married life must be based. The old father says: My children shan't undergo the hardships that I did.' The old goose don't know that the hardships he underwent made him what he is. Take the average girl. She will get up at 9 in the morning and call her servant. She will tie one endjof her corset string to the bed-post and get the negro hold of the other end, and see-saw until she gets herself as near as shs can into the shape of a wasp. She goes down stairs; the breakfast is all over, and it disarranges everything for her to have her breakfast, and then it not as good as the other break fast, and she will raise cain with the house girl, for she has the disposition of a wasp as well as the shape of one. She has thrown herself out of shape until her vital organs are no more where God put them than if a'Chinaman had built her. And by and by this girl, along with the money her father gives her, gets married, and she is to be a mother to the boys and girls of this country, and by the time she is thirty she is pale and haggared and worn out mental ly and physically. Then she spends the balance of her time making her husband unhappy and her home unpleasat. "The" girl marries if she is let alone the fellow she loves, if he is a bootblack or her father's carrage driver. More boys are hunting rich girls than' girls hunting rich bovs. Mormons are flocking Into Wyoming in great numbers. r There are only three crutch factories in the United States. ' Three million women in the United States work for money. 5 If you want high taxes you can get it by voting a Republican ticket. The honey crop of the Country is below the average,this season. V - A Chinaman is refused naturalizatiou pa pers by St. Louis Judge. A canal will soon be built between the Black and Caspian Seas. . .. Inventor Edison says he has found a sure cure for yellow fever. If you want low taxes you can get it by voting the Democratic ticket. Heavy lesses have occurred to cranberry growers from the server frosts. The Czar and Czarina have declined to receive Queen Natalie of Servia. "The epidemic is dying out" is the glad message that comes from Jacksonville. An eagle carries off the six-year-old child of a Kansas farmer and devours it. There are about 25,000 persons engaged in the manufacture of cigars in New York Citv. ' ?-. 1. The Brotderhood Lomotive Firemen have decided to amalgamate with the Knights of labor. ' , There are 2500 persons employed by the 131 firms effgaged in the wagon making in dustry in Philadelphia, Cuban troops are under arms to suppress arexpected riot among the 25,000 striking cigai makers in Havana. On the pay rolls of the Pennsylvania system of railways there are constantly the names of 50,000 employes. Republican principles illsutrated at Chi cago: "Reduce the poor man's loaf that rich men may loaf in buisness." ' The baskets for peaches are made in Laurel, Del., and the workmen and work women get eighty cents a hundred. It is said that when Blaine heard thai Hill was to reply to him, recollection of Ben Hill overcame him, and he had to re tire for refreshments. Mr. Blaine admits that Indiana is the closest Northern State. But this don't begin to describe tne situation. Indiana is tumultuously Democratic. It is a little monotonous every day that the Democratic prospect is brlgnter, but we must vindicate the truth of history and stand up to the racket, monotony or no montony. Harrison is disgusted with his own town, the city , of Indianapolis. At the great Republican mass meeting all the honors were paid to Blaine, and Harrison became disgruntled and left without ceremony. Wilmington has been directly exporting Americans have the good habit of go- cotton. , Ing to college. It fs said, as to the learn- Wilmington seems to be troubled . with ea nations, inai m tnis .country one man I UUl itA.1 a. in every 200 takes a collegs education; n Germany one m every 600. The grade of general intelligence h higher in the United States than In any other country on the globe. New York politics are all in a muddle and nobody can tell what the result will be. Grant is the nominee of Tarn many Hewitt of County Democracy, Erhardt of the Republicans, and Coogan of Labor. Nevertheless all the eyidence go to show that the city will vote overwhelmingly in favor of Cleveland and Thurman. We failed to note that Rev. J. L. M. Cur ry, late Minister to Spain, had been re elected General Agent of the Pebody Ed ucationa Fund. He is . an able man, a fine speaker, an eloquent preacher, and if Jhe will not stick to the ministry, of which he is really an ornament, we are glad to. see him in charge of the Peabody Fund. Tha aberage price paid the average Iowa "schoolmam" by the year is S2 1 2 45. Presuming that her board and washing The premium list for the Silver City fair bout. j The Raleigh street car lines are being extended. Work is being pushed on the Wllkes bororoad. A tribe of wild Indians b promised at Rocky Mount Fair. Around Lexington heavy shipments of dried fruit are being made. In and around .New Berne are forty manufacturers employing 500 hands. Senator Vance Vpbke to five thousand people in Charlotte Saturday night. A private letter from Surry concludes: "We are going to down Brower up here." Hurrah for Surrv. Old Rockingham has fallen into line. and reports say she will give Morehead an old fashioned 800 majority. At the Durham Exposition there was a re-union ot r.x-iontederate veterans costs her about S3 perweek and her cloth- especially of the sixth regiment. ing and incidentals $50 more, she will then have a surplus of $645 to build up a bank account, which in twenty years of hard word would amount to a little more than $i2o. There are about twenty millions of work- The shipments of fish over the A. & N. C. R. are so large as to necessitate the running of an additional fish car. - One of the most successful farmers of Iredell county, N C,is a Russian nobleman who was exiled in iSao because of his Do ing people in this country, and only about mical principles one in every imrxeen 01 mem nnu em- t ploy merit", in- highly "protectediduslries, , The political news form Nash is of a: and they get lower average Wages than cheering character. It is believed that those who are at work in the unprotected the. enUre Democatic ticket will receive industries. Does high protection protect, majorities varying irom 50 to 300. then? Yes, it protects but not labor or wages. It protects the capitalists, like Carnegie, and makes their exorbitant prof its solid. There are still on the pension rolls of the Government over 800 men who served in the war of 18 1 2. That war ended seventy- Carry the news down the line. Many of the Democrats of old Guilford, who wandered astray, after false gods in '86 are returning to their first love. Charlotte is the only city in the world of its size that has a self-supporting street railway. The steet car service in Char- three years ago, and there were about 50,- iotte is efficient, and reaches just about 000 men who were recognized as having everywhere, had a pensionable part in it. Taking these . u t - Track laving has begun on the Durham fitruies as a basis a Boston newsoaoer man calculates that if the same proportion of end o the Durham-Henderson railway me uurnam anu orinern, as is cal led. Some twenty miles of the Henderson veterans of the war of 1 S6 1 survive for a like period, there will be as late as 193 some 16,000 survivors. , end have been btult. Consumption Surely Cared. "Pk . c irom the club. y He nr.v Alston, I loved him as a 4mJ - nearly a thousand dollars j To the Editor-Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured: 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy eree to any of your read ers who have consumption if they will send me their express and post office address. Respectfully, T. A SLOCUM, M. C, 1S1 Pearl St., New Yonc. Less than fifty years ago there was not a photographic camera in the world; to-day there are 15,000 photographic establish ments, to say nothing of the thousands of amateur outfits, in the United States. Gradmother Heaton, of Virginia, 111 is doubtless the only person living in the United States born in the famous Tower of London.' She is eighty-one years old, and her parents were employed in the grim old prison when she was born. " . , Probably the happiest period in life most frequently is In middle age, when the aeger passions of youth are cooled, and the infir mities of age not yet begun, as we see tha the shadows which are at morning and eve ning so large almost entirely disappear at midday. , Father, the paper says you officiated at the wedding clad in the traditional garb of the clergy." What does .traditional mean?" "Traditional, my son," replied the poor minister, as he looked at his cheap uit of black with a sigh, "refers to thin that have been 'handed down. A negro preacher of the Baptist De nomingtion, who claims that he was capt tured on the Congo1 river, in Central Af rica, onlv eight years ago where he had hitherto lived the life of a Cannibal, has been lecturing on Africa and preaching in the colored church in Seaboard for the There have been three great centers whence life has radiated; three metropoli tan exponents: Rome left ns a legacy of law that is even yet the basis of the code of the most enlightened nations. Greece was the mother of arts, eloquence, and the mo dels fche left are the standards to-dav. But from Jerusalem and Jiidea went forth the past week grandess conceptions of moral and religi- J The North Carolina Conference of the truth, before which all ethical teachings Merhodist Episcopal Church South will p'ales its splendor. All other systems of meet in New Berne on the 2Sth day of morals or religioo shine, at best, like ' the Nov. and be in session one week. This bo moon, with a light borrowed from the sun. dy is composed of about two hundred and Peach farmes in Deleware not infrequen- fiy ministers and one hundred lay dele tly contain 15,000 trees, and some years &te makinS a total o three hunJred ago one farmer alone was said to own 100,- and fifty perKns. 000 trees. Benjamin Biggs, the governor The hying of iron on the Scotland Neck of Delaware, owns at least a dozen peach and Greenville road has reached Goose farmes in Delaware and Maryland.- The Nest, about three miles from the William great shipping point on the penisular of ston and the trestles are nearly all finish Delaware and Maryland is Wyoming, ed. Contrasts have been made for the a village of Kent couny, Delaware, and of grading of the road to Greenville and w e the chief growers is the Rev. J. S. Willis, learn that it is the intention of the Atlan a muscular Methodist preacher, famous tic Coas Line to complete the road to the for his fine physique, his daring pulpit ut- J latter place at as early a date as possible. terances and his love of horseflesh. Mr. Blaine's Detriot speech was unwor thy of his high position in the country. It was more dimagogical and less intellect ual than any of his previous utter inces. It had not even the merit of a single start ling expression. It was simply an address that would have disgraced a speaker at a ward meeting. It lacked even originality or audacity, for it was a mere rehash of current falsehoods and calumnies which Mr. Blaine must have known to be false and calumnious, unless his brief journey ing abroad has rendered him . oblivious to current events at home. The distance is about twenty-three miles. Work on the Chowan and Southern road is progressing very rapidly. The contract for the bridge across Roanoke river has been made and work is now being done preparatory to building the piers. Great trees are being driven down in the bed of the river for foundations. One hundred mules have been taken down to Mr. Alex ander's farm near Palmyra and will be used in building the embankment on this side of the river. A large number of hands is also employed. They have gone into camp and expect to remain in camp six months.