Our Aim will be, the People's Right Maintain, Unatced by Power, and Unbribed by Gfctn." WILSON. NRTH CARLINA. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 31. 1888. NO, 23 jjt TWO-FOLD TEST. STOUT. you know I love you? and he pressed her hand warmly In his own, and gazed with such a . look of unutterable love on his handsome face Into her lustrous brown eyes; "can't you love me just a little?" A stranger had, unnoticed, appeared at the door which was partly open iust in tell me Zeno and tell me truthful- time to hear Zeno's words. "I will wait - h Mirror br Earnest requires cd that it will wither and ultimately ft in the arid desert of forgetfullness." "Then you think that I am forgotten, sid Alice -sadly. r- tl think Henry Alston" has but but " A, MIXTURE. EDITOniAI ETcnurcs EUPTJOTII. OVILT KLVCXDATED. . Uonr Is trulltv? cl I U- U. T (f - .1 . . you inuifc n - w irei auonci uuurc a emer, nc inougnr. ;.nf of Zeno Wilson who be-1 "Zeno. renTM AHr irrtii oclr m tn lH 1UC I ' 1 jv IV qui'" a iH"" I w" uLtic, a uu cn'j, a 00 more Jl office, "- viv- v.ut c&prca. ,frtn's mvsterious disappearance. I Henrv. the fjrifl H""' " 1 r o - ' v " v w.w CwPllatiW V - -"V ..w 1 tumi pUMlCU UlC UOOr OpcU -than you are. Whatever, may have and stood before them. " t Unnlnr Tr Wllmn en I It A Tri 1. 1 I 1.4c reason iui caiui6 u t mwjii, xic cxcuumea, "you Ctlv it is possible that he might be I promised to love and trust me always." Is Aa but for treating you, his betroth- this all the fidelity there is in woman ?" and, .. ? 1 nn.4aM. I ft. t 4.1 it 1 1 i, ' j 14 he has it is wiupiy. umauuutture. wuiuuig uum kiicin, wufccu nasuiy away, "1 j i .... mt.K I unu u.-. 1 i.t 1 1 1 a t iiSocome y I vyil iicmjr tuuic uacK. picaueu Alice, nnlr one besides myself who be-1 recognizing her long lost lover. "Go m him innocent." Zeno, bring him back, tell him what uToomUCh! Van a saj tuu iiiucil iu i meant. , re 0 a man who would willingly win "All right my little girl ; try and compose woman's affection only to disappoint I yourself," and Zeno hastened to overtake r hones and blight her happiness ?" Henry Alston. Mice blushed but was silent, so Zeno J Hold on old fellow, don't be in such a - 1 1 I 1 1 , ... .imed:- uurry. an i you snaKe nanas witn your "Henry Alston is well aware tnat a wo- oia cnumr ana Alice, you nave just heard 's love is like a most delicate plant the words that decided my destiny, wishes constant care to make it " speaK wun you." "Thanks, but be pleas id to inform Miss Vincent that I have urgent business with Mr. Wilson." You and Alice were old friends I be lieve, I am sure you thought she was a perfect treasure. Call to see her before you . .1 laitrV T ...III V. n 1 i. J! But what Zeno, you exasperate me ana x 4 iwuuj juu uj cuciiumg iwavs do when I speak to you of Henry the first invitation to our marriage to you.'' &ough you profess to have unbounded "Thank you," coldly answered Henry," esadence in his honor." but here we are at Mr. Wilson's. Will you "If Henry Alston belongs to to that high come in?" ' hpe of perfection in which you place him No 1 return to mY little sweetheart is highly inconsistent with his nature to but wU1 see yu aSain soon." gas he has. For 'affection that hopes ttThis is the -most infernal business I cd endures and is patient,' belongs only to ever engaged in," muttered Zeno to him Ihepast and romance; and no rational self when again he was alone. "I am ter ra of the nineteenth century would ex- ribIe afraid Henry is going to raise a row, jt a woman 10 love him for years" witlv he is already mad as Lucifer. Thanks to oatonewordof encouragement." . Alice Yincent I haven't taken a drink in "Well but you don't know his motives,'" thTee ears but I must have something re?!ieJ Alice." ' - to steady me nowj "then visiting 'Stone's Motives, motives," sneered Zeno. "I saloorrprcmiptly, put his words into execu- bowif I was in his" but suddenly check- tlon: " himself; "the mail has arrived and I Mr- Wilson received Henry with the ut- . 1? 1 ?. C TT!I tl J T T rl see if there are any letters ." most curmauiy, ir uson saia rienry, Zeno Wilson was a distant relative of let me explain my conduct and humbly A3ce Vincent's and he has become o ask your pardon." fed, considerate and attentive and she "You have wrorged me deeply my boy barjig but few friends, loved and treated and 11 1 rePaid r kindness but you have him as a brother wholly unconscious until oeen lorgivcn. i aiu my oest to , aovthat he loved her with the ardent de- guard your " Totion of a lover 441 know but let me exPlain 1 was weak' hat the deuce could Henry Alston ever to be tempted by your money and I have meant?" thought Zeno, "I could acknowledge it now with shame," and the &ke the very life out of his miserable manl-v feIlow dropped his head and slightly Wr fortrifflins with Alice," but as if sud- colored, but added, Henry ; "I was ambiti- aaly recalling something; "his leaving ors and v. orse still, he said bitterly , desper- srved me a good turn in one way and if I fmison if you could see the aa convince Alice that he does not care woman you love wearing away her preci- t her, it will serve me good turn num- cious life that was dearer to you than your sertwo. own soul and you utterly unable to help, "Hpnr c ,j u Ti ... u then would you know how fearfully strong Henry was a fine old boy I know, he wag temtation. j Ieft you to reven! anottake the money but I surely do not myself from committiug a blacker crime." he intends to marry Alice. He no "Now my cherished design is completed tobt think Kh h,. frnHAn ?rr, nc h and I have a home as well as a heart to of- hshprin , . . ,lt , fer Alice. I find her faithless to me and s her long ago, and Alice ought to have breathing words of iove to another, to seenoughtoknow it. At all events Zeno Wilson." e must and shall be mine," and having "By jove boy ! What do you mean? Mr. Wilson's house he poured his Don't you know Alice Vincent does not -feoubip w i. , , r , intend to marry z,eno. exciaimea mr. 3le into In imp p'c psr-whn hv nn I ..... .. J WWII .l 111. "I heard Alice say that she loved him." 'Tut. tut. "Faint heart never won fair lady, Alice only loves him as a cousin. Believe me Henry she is true to you." "But Zeno has asked me to his wed ding." He was jesting to tease you or it's a lie, ' said Mr. Wilson emphatically. "At all events it seems wiser to trust my own ears than your impressions , so I shall leave on the next. train never to see again the alluring sweetness of her treacherous smile." Come come, going to give up alter five Humeroua 2fwy Htea and But XXrry I2rsla Paraffraphlealljr Packed a ad Pithily Poltned. The hop crop In England Is a failure. The yield of celery this fall Is exception ally large. They are putting an elevator fn the Washington Monument. ' Russia is talking of Interfering in the Afghan disturbances. . . The marriage of the Emperor ot China will cost over $6,000,000. Associate Supreme Court Justice Stan ley Matthews Is convelescenU Girls are employed as shingle packers in the mills at Bay City, Mich. Affect not little shifts or subterfuges to avoid the force of an argument. Act well at the moment, and you have performed a good action to all eternity. Great Britain mines 16,000,000 tons of iron pei year and imports 3,000,000 tons. It is estimated that eight millions of um brellas are made in this country annually. The Indianapolis Car Works are turn ing cars out at the rate of twenty-hve per day. A lie has no legs and can't stand; but it has strong wings and can fly far and wide. . . Does not every well-informed man know that the increase in price of home manufactures, produced by a high tariff does not go into the pockets of laboring men, but only tends to swell the profits of others. A negroe who was fishing from the over hanging branches of an Immense tree at the Savannah river had the misfortune to fall Into the stream, tree and all, and float- down the river 350 miles before he was rescued. His captors immediately named him "The Dark Secret" A desperate effort Is being made to pros titute the billot In North Carolina' by the STATE NEWS. 9 YIUC DEU BX.ITE SKA TO BA3TD OLD HOUXTA.I9. X3aor Plaasaatlx Bpasti TTltB.1 Xtollghtfot Kxeliaarasw The Asheville Citizen jsays was born with two tongues at ville. :' child liayt- As we are Informed, Warren is the only Republicans.- They will use money free- country In the State which has no-Demo- ly. It is Morton's cherished Idea to capture Ucket In the fieId and wlch haahad no the State if possible. Every honest man I campaign. should spurn this corruption of free voters! The Sixth Annual Convention of the and bury the Republican party too deep I Woman's Christian Temperance Union of for resurrection. North Carolina will be held in Winston We have a Democratic President, aNov. xst, 2ndand 3rd. . , Democrrtic Cabinet a Democratic! We erather from our exchange that Mr. House, a Senate which is on the verge of Walker of the Republican annex, Is having being Democratic and now we have a rather a lonesome time during his canvas. Democratic Chief Justice. And still the He will feel still more lonesome on Novem- country is safe. People are going on ber 7th. attending to business as usual, and every The Charlotte Observer says John T. body seems to be happy. Corlew, formerly superintendent of The registration is running uptre menously in New York. It will reach 1 m m neariy 300,000. xnis is well tor our Grover. A big vote in New York aways that city is York citv now res- s, approved of his suit. hat are you making yourself a fool that girl for?" calmly asked Mr. Wil 501 Zeno vou know she will not marry jou. don't know anvthing of the kind, eil I caw save you the trouble of a re 7. You take m v advice and let that girl Jankyou " replied Zeno with feigned ness. for his is pride-was deeply wound- years of perseverance. TT lnvs Alice Vincent but am too in- lr. ... ' I . ... 1 . CK kon, noticing this, regretted hav- dependent to as ner 10 marry 50 plamI- and observed: -1 he Mf Wi,son and t'urnln j from S to the door saw m your conduct for the oast three I annarpntlv lifeless and covered with . - r UWIW pr.. '"as been gratifying to me, but you j blood borne in by several men, -H""-e me ooy Henry Alston was." in some points of character I hope ?J never be," replied Zeno perfectly in .d as he left the room. . eno knew that if he made a declara- love to Aliceand then fc hand TO BE COXTIXUED. Consumption Surely Cured. formally ask- I To the Editor-Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands JPromnrmmarriagehe WOuld recdve L hopeless cases have been permanently f nipt re lectin n I T lnvr1 her and I . . . ... . . j vttle rejection. He loved her and bJrUlinS t0 wait, to show her every at- 1. J until she would be convinced that V TV011 abundantlv would unconsd- htf ei.v never was 1 a lover more W I1, Rentle and persistent; but three ater he dared to ask ; "Now Alice cured. 1 shall be glad to sena two roiu of my remedy eree to any of your read ers who have consumption if they will send me their express and post office address. Respectfully, " . I T. A SLOCUM, M. C, i3i Pearl St New York. The desire of more and more rises by a natural gradation to most, and after that to all. Ice skates are going to be cheap this winter, as several of the patents have just run out. The happiness or unhapplness of old age is often nothing but the extract of a past life. ' " Fo the first six months of 1888 the English railways killed 165 people and in jured 957. . , The injury to prodigalty leads to this, that he who will not economize will have to agonize. Hope is like the sun, which as we jour ney towards it casts the shadow of our bur den behind us. In the United States 640,000 women are employed in manufactories, and 530, 000 in audries. Paterson, N.J. may be called the Lyons of American, for it manufactures silk and other fine goods. Culture is not knowledge. A man may possess carpenter's tools and not be able to build a house. It ill corresponds with a profession of friendship to refuse assistance to a friend in the time of need. . A young couple who were married at Narragansett Peir, Mass., took their wed ding tour in a balloon. King Kalakaua, of the Sandwich Island, goes to Melbourne, Australia, next month to attend the Exposition. The South American skunk has been introduced into Australia with aview of exterminating the rabbet pest. The bronze .statue of the poet Long fellow, erected by his fellow townsmen of Portland, Me., has been unveiled. Ths honors paid to Judge Thurman, wherever he goes, prove that he hasthe hearts of workingmen and will receive their votes. There are some things that are so often reDeated that thev become tiresome; 1 . nevertheless we repeat "have tered?" On last Saturday Jefferson M. Levy, of New York, offered to bet that Cleveland and Thurman will carry Iowa, and found no takers. In 1 856 John Dudley, of Minneapolis, bought a tract of land near that citv for i ?oo. A few davs ago he sold it for $200,000. There Is a Labor party and a Labor candidal, but workingmen everywhere are turning to Cleveland and Thurman as their truest and best friends. Every great battle has its decisive mo ment, and a single divison, a single brigade, regiment, a single soldier, may precipitate that moment and bring disaster or success. Let every man see to t that he stands in his pl--.ee, and he will be a Stonewall in de fence of right, his country and his home. the graded schools of a waiter in a New taurant. The Cherokee Indians, about i,Soo in means an increased democratic maioritv. I number, who have a home in western Harrison will have to "come down to North Carolina, will remove to their re- . to Harlem river." with a maioritv of servation in the Indian territory in No- , - - 1 at least So.ooo if he -Is to carry, the vember. 1 State. ... 1 Th nrfViprn trtis.t ari thrnwluor j - No single little thing, has happened much money Into the First District, the since the Chicago convention to set the Fourth Distrct and the Fifth District in teeth of the republlcau organs so much on order to secure Republican Congressmen. edge as Mr. Blaine V open defense of the They propose to defeat Skinner, Bunn trusts. There is no parrying the fact and Morehead. - 11 that the trusts depend for their existence A dispatch from Durham yesterday says: on high protective tariff duties, and why The great meeting couducted here by Sam should the grand old party disown its own Jones is growing in intrest till enthusiasm Children. I trnmvK no Tvtinds Ponle enminer here The biggest city in area' in the United on every train to hear the evangelist. States is New Orleans, with 96,000 acres wan conversions are aircaay reponea. Its population is only 216,000 New York The case involving the liabilty of North with more than six times that population, Carolina in the matter of the special tax' has only 26,401' acres. - After "New Or- bounds has been indefintely postponed by leans, in geographical size, comes Phlla- the L. S. Supreme court because of the delDhia. 4.2.So6 acres: St. Louis. 10.000: illness of Justice Matthews. The Court A ' t ' T ' I r San Francisco. 26.880: New York. 96.jm? desired the case to be heard bv a full , t r j - if 7 1 Boston, 23,703; Chicago, 23,040; Cincin bench. nati, 15,360; Baltimore, 7,665. The great iron ore and copper wealth A recent letter form a erentleman vistinff surrounding Murphy, N. C. is now in a the Argentine Republic shows how little i known of th imnortanr of that A mpH. has voted $50,000 tO aid in building a road can neighbor. There are banks in Beunos from Chattanooga to Murply, and this it Avreswithacaoitaltrreater than anv in ISW,Q insures u. construction. I x c . . t thP TTnitPd States, and orrunvina hnildinoK UPC" uPwrew uic.uii.wuUui .. 7 r,- o- finer than anything in Philadelphia. The Provincial Bank, with a capital of $33. Evangelist Sam Jones is creating a stir 000.000 and deposits of $67,000,000, does in Durham. Arrangements have been vou regis - a buisness only exceeded by two banks in the world. Twenty-three daily papers are published in Bennos Ayres, more than either New York or London. At the close of last year the whites of foreign descent in this country numbered about 2S,ooo,ooo, and of American descent 24,000,000. The line dividing the two stocks is drawn at the year 1790, as a con venient and proper point, because at that time the political and social orgonization of the country was fairly settled, and the first census taken. The foreign stock now per ponderates, though saventeen years ago it was but little more than half the native stock. ' The Mail and Express declares that no train in the world averages a mile a min nte. including stops. There are many that average much higher than a mile a minute between stations,over long distances. There is no train that can becalled the fastest in the world, because some trains develop their remarkable speed over short courses, while other expresses, traveling hundreds of miles, show even greater speed at points, but do not present as high an average over the entire distance. The fastest short distance express in the world is what as the forty-five minute train, between Balti more and Washington, over the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. It goes over from Baltimore to Washington in the middle of the morning and returns in the middle of the afternoon, ft is a veritable thun derbolt, and usually consists of engine, two first-class passenger coaches and a parlor car. The 45 minute train covers the 40 miles of its journey, from station plat form to station platform, at an average speed of 53.33 miles per hour. The real speeed average in the elea country, be tween the . wo cities, i about 70 miles per hour. made-for him to soon visit Trinity College. Some of the remarks from this", renowned 1 gentleman spoken at Durham may be pro- they are not in accord with our per, but views. . A correspondent to the News&Observer says there is a Henry Clay Whig living in Halifax county who, with his sons, will poll seven votes for Judge -Fowle and the Democratic ticket. Their average height is 6 feet 2 inches and average weight 186 pounds. A younger son (16 yeas old) Is 6 feet 2 inches tall. A . North Carolina is -ncjt'boasful, yet she has enough to fill the measure of a na tion's tame. In war the valor of her sons was only equaled by the virtue of her daughters; and in peace her children bring her honors won on rugged fields of daily toil and treasures found by star eyed science in he fair do wmian. The Wilmington &Wedon Railroad Co., have had a branch road surveyed from Tarboro via Snow Hill to Kinston, and we understand intend building it soon. The road if built will open up a large section of country, and will be a great benefit to the people along the line. This Company never takes holt of an tning of the kind unless they mean busi ness, and we hope that they will suc ceed in buildtnd this much needed road. The Progressive Farmer, of this week, says: Somerset Vhla at Durham, the new palatial residence of Mr. Julian S. Corr, President of the Durham Bull Todacco Company, which, when finished, will be the most magnificent private residence In the whole South, is rapidly approach ing completion. The chandallcrs for thU gorgeous builbing, alone, cot the snm of $5,000, and the carpets, furniture and hinging cost the sum ot $25,000.