x rrrs "Our Aim. will be, the People's Right ' Maintain, Unawed by Power, aM Uvbribed by Gain." vol VII. WILSON. NORTH CARLINA. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 7. 1888. NO. 23 jflE" TWO-FOLD TEST. 0 iyTEBESTISG STOUT. jreat heaven! how did this happen?' Henry. in a fight" answered one .of the men I ijjgbj to render the necessary assist- jjjO was lor wmcuuic. uituMisbiuus auu ererything was arranged for his com a was explained that Zeno was ex- jy anxious to rent a horse for the af Uon from Mr. Stone, who refused upon 3 ground that they were all engaged, jet upon Zeno being intoxicated began and abusing Mr. Stone and a hand land fight ensued. tffhat" asked Mr. Wilson, "has Zeno drinking again i' m m t k W r-i . yes" replied one ot tne men, jur. atone jsaiuch surprised for Zeno has not been ie saloon for three years before to-day. -.was evidently much annoyed when he Sered." Much annoyed," repeated Mr. Wil- - ,rhat can be the matter with the 3) lncle, uncle," called Zeno returning to -acfrusness. What my boy ? answered Mr. Wilson cJ was instantly at his side. - irw am I?" What does all this aa? "Oh yes I remember, there is such .M-ninmv chest. I am dying:, uncle. p J WW ffbere is Henry Alston ?" He is here. Do you want to see him ?" sied Mr. Wilson tenderly. Yes, Uncle I have been a terrible boy bciiriU you forgive mq now that I am dy band-he hesitated and covered his face ih his hands. I have fearfully wronged Eenry Alston." flenry Alston." Yes it was not Henry who took the - - ttcaeybut but " But what Zeno, Henry has just ac bowledged that he did," said Mr. Wilson beading eentlv over him to catch each ion! for although he did not admire nor had fee slightest patience with him, but now fat he was suffering, perhaps dying, pity dominated over every other emo fim. "What Mr. Wilson," asked Henrv.enter cjthe room. "Confessed that you took the money." Great Heavens ! Mr. Wilson what do foumean? I never touched a dime that as not my own. Do you my friend ac cuse me of such a crime? asked Henry thoroughly indignant. "But my boy you admited that you we guilty" said Mr. Wilson laying his fc-d on Henry's shoulder. "Never, never" Henry vehemently pro ved shaking off his hand as if it had ki a serpent "I was not even aware any money had been stolen. "Uncle," said Zeno who had made sev- attempts to speak without being heard, "I took the money. Can you ever forgive Oh Henry can you?" and Zeno ex 'g his hand toward him. v "No, you cursed villian, replied Henry kfcly, "you cast your infamous conduct fcie andand rob me of my future wife, Ij3 humble yourself to ask for pardon. Would you not do ?" "Henry for God sake have some pity," d Mr. Wilson. "Pity" mockingly repeated Henry. Do demons in the lowest depths of perdi 3We pity? I tell you" turning to J10 his eyes glaring with unutterable "it is the utmost that I can do to Jfo from crushing with my heel the ut of your miserable bosom.", "Henry, Zeno is dving," said Mr. Wil- Jta sooner he meets the inevitable de- for his uprincipled deeds the bet observed Henrv. "and as l can irf hasten nor alter his doom I will Mrs. Wilson dispatched messages to ' Alice ! Vincent whom she, as did every one in town believed to be his betrothed. At first Alice refused to come. An hour later however she received a note saying, if you wish to see Zeno alive come at once." "Henry still 'held Zeno's hand when Alice entered, but, on seeing her, dropped it and walked to the opposite side of the room and Alice being veiled did not recog nize him. . "My dear, dear, cousin," exclaimed Alice kneeling beside Zeno. "God bless you my darling," whispered Zeno "but you would despise me if you knew how baselv I have acted." "No never, what is it Zeno." "Henry, Alice has never promised to be my wife and believe me she loves you truly." "Henry." "Alice," and ere she was aware she stood before her long lost lover.' Here the doctor entered, announcing that, "this is really too much excitement, the poor boy must rest." So Alice and Henry left the room and Mrs. Wilson assuring them they should hear from Zeno, wended their way to the little telegraph office where the necessary explanations followed. littTt a. m w nai was it airs, w uson saw you take from the drawer ? asked Alice. "Only a letter that I had forgotten to mail." 44 A nrl U'liv AA vam rnf wrrlfA f tn Henry."' "I wanted to know how entirely I could trust you darling.' Zeno recovered after a long and painful illness during which he was carefully nursed both by Henry and Alice. Now Uticle said Zeno one day shortly after the quiet but happy marriage of Henry Alston and Alice Vincent." "I can never repay Henry for the injury I have Inflicted but would like to oner him some remuneration but know too well he would never accept anything from me. That is right Zeno,. I intended doing that very thing .before, Henry left." A MIXTURE. EDITOIXIAJL ETCHINGS CUPXX02TI OTJSI.T ELUCIDATED. Hmrry HaitmU Far capble ally Packed mm Pithily plta4. Cholera prevails in the Philippine Id- lands. Jay Gould says his health no longer wor ries him. . t Patti, the great singer, is writing her au tobiography. The King of Portugal is a translator of Shakepeare. J - Four German frigates have been ordered off to Zazibar. - V ,.-.. The attempt to organize a grave-stoue trust has failed. ' Thousands drink themselves to death be fore one dies of thirst. The line of life is a fagged diagonal be tween dutv and desire. M. de Glers, the Prime Minister of Rus sia, has been fifty years In the diplomatic service of his conn try. Since he got back alive the Emperor of Brazil is receiving all sorts of manifesta tions of the people's joy. Baron Huene, of the Russian Imperial Guards has married a daughter ox-Minister Lathrop, of Detroit. -uo, sometimes at least, allow your mother to know better than you do; she was educated before you were born. A Paris firm has produced glass for I window panes. The pores are too fine to admit a draught, but they assist in ventilation. In an attempt after equality, a ma STATE NEWS. rnoa the deep blue sea to tzxs OBAJfD OUft BOITHTAIS. Uaar Plaaaaatljr Sat With Oar Dtllratrnl Exchaaff. M59 North Carolina has at present convicts, of which 70 are women. Thousands of people from the surround ing towns and counties visited Durham to hear Rev. Sam Jones. Senator Vance is to make an address at or woman cannot grow less; the ignorant I "nailing of the Shotwell monument, must be raised to the level of their su periors. . The German Emperor on his rides at the army manoeuvres is accompanied bv a I mounted soldier, carrying an imperial pur ple standard on a lance. Mr. Gladstone has recommenced his j autumnal recreation of tree fellinsr. He Minneapolis bakers fix the price of bread prefers to cut oaks, and leaves the sycamores for younger hands. at seven cents a loaf. Ability involves responsibility; power to its last particle is duty. There will be national exhibition in Palermo, Italy, in 1S91. Promises may get friends, but 'tis Per formances that keep them. . Lady I'udley, the famous English beau ty, is as white as pond lily. England and Italy havefomed a mari time alliauce against France. , A man who does things not in a hurry, besides the comfort of it makes less mis takes and blunders, and has also more time to correct those which he does make. sometime early in November. About two hundred and fifty persons have given their names for church mem bership as a result of the Sam Jones meet ing: Bituminous coal has been discovered in Orange country near the Durham couuty line. A stock company will be formed and a careful exploration made. The next annual session of the North Carolina State Grange will meet in the town of Kinston, Ns C , on the 2nd Tues day in December next. We learn that Colonel Davis and his cadets will attend the FayetteYille Fair which takes place on November the 14th, and continues for three days. Messrs Stamps and Primrose waived an examination and gave bond for their ap pearance at court in the sum of $300 each short pithy sermon to the soul. The Canadian Government has ordered a survey of the St. Clair River. The Rnssian Czar is soon to make a visit to Jerusalem and its holy places. Mrs. Cleveland has her fall outing in the Ad irondact. Wisconsin cranberries have been dam- "I conjectured as much, and it was jeal- aged twenty-five per cent, by frost. It is said that Master Workman Pow- derly, of the K. of Ln who has for some time past been studying law, will soon make application for admission to the bar. A prominent woman lawyer of Ohio is Miss Florence Cronise, of Tiffin. She has I on the charges made by Cross. Amanofintegrityvill never listen to been in active pratice for fifteen years. Mr. Wm. nU if-i rw.n and has secured a competence and a large Nash county, has a piece of bacon of his A crave, wherever found, , preaches a I list of cients. I The industrial development of the South u d t0 perfectly sound and sweet. during the present year has been enormous. I The North Carolina Conference of the Alabama leads with an investment so far Southern Methodist Episcopal Church, this year, of over fourteen millions in fac tories, fouuderies &c The Farmers' State Alliance of Geor- gia have authorized the Starting of an ex change, with a stock capital of one million dollars. The exchange is to sell the far- been making use of ously of Henry's growings favor with my incapacity to meet certain debts contracted b v gambling that prompted me to enter your private counting-room while 'you were away from home and aunt busy in the kitchen and "Say no more and I trust that you may profit by this experience.' "About Alice Vincent. I did not at first intend to win her from Henry. I deeply Extensixe opium smuggling across the J mers all their supplies at cost, Dakota border has been discovered. Emperor William's tour The estimated strength of the Brother- has aroused I hood of Brakemenis 140,000 members. Its great enthusiasm throughout Germany. cash receipts for the year were $145405, of will meet at New Bern on the 28th of Nov ember. Bishop Granbery, of Virginia, is to preside. He is one of the most schol arly of the Episcopate and his published sermons are indeed excellent. John White, colored, fireman on engine 128, W. & W. Railroad, fell dead on the engine, Wednesday of last - week between Whitakers and Enfield, As he fell Capt. Lawther, the engineer, caught him in his arms. His death was caused bv hemmor- Straw show which way. the wind blows, which $2,123,006 was paid out for benefits. rh h; The body was buried at Wilming and so do the tornado and the hurricane. To have our friends despised is as bad as ton. There have been 206 new lodges instituted during vear. I The farmers of Chatham have tut in a to be despised ourselves ; sometimes worse. Bady Bunting, the famous Chinese good oat crop, and they ire now busll v en . la . ..a I The Queen of Italy whose teeth are fane horse, is on exhibition at the liote gaged in housing their corn and seeding . - ! . - . I - - ... .. - w . . I 0 sympathised with the girl but soon came to keeps an American dentist always at court. Museum in tne city or wew x one. He is tneir wheat and picking out their cotton. love her. Heaven alone knows how dear- Tt ls feared that the Mikado of Tapan has the smallest horse In the world thirty-two The corn crop is very short. The fall croo I It t 1 ; i . u t. Ia. 1 I - - . - ly. Then I exerted my utmost efforts to contracted a pronounced habit of alcohol- mcnes m ncigm, cxgui uuny-uuicpouzius, of clover and grass was very poor, and gain her affection. How futile they were ism. and is six years old. rongh food will be scarce the winter is V.I There is now no lumber in the Candian I General Joseph E. Johnston, the, ex-1 gn.e market. All of next season's cut has been Confederate leader, is living quietly at the I A buisness house In Fayetteville which sold. I Palace Hotel, San Francisco. He Is the last J has for many years been shipping large Tom King, the once famous England of the officers of the Confederacy to bear quantities of green hides to Northen deal- pugilist, who defeated Heenan and Mace is dead. v'Ko no though do iot & n you curse me, ig man. ttenry . interposed Mr. Wilson solemn you hope to be forgiven by your eniv ri - "ceno? i -Wilson' he began sternly, ft,. unscnipulously deprived" but at .eno he beheld a look ot m Sile Zny imploring him for tier' S lieart melted, he suddenly and stepping to the bed-side, took and v ltnin nis own' Pressed l whispering; "I forgive you old V mav heaven be as kind." that you know." "You tarnished youth and blighted man hood all because you lacked strength of character4" muttered the old man almost inaudible. "One, two, three, four, five, how time flies my darling," said Henry to his wife years later as he ascended the steps of his iWiitifnl western home. Read this letter Alice. "Oh! sad so sad" she sobbed resting her head on his shoulder. There were tears in his own eyes for the fate of his young friend still in the flush of manhood, - The letter was from Uncle Wilson and ran as follows: "The consciousness of guilt and the sting of remorse goaded his very soul and J have never seen him smile since the unfortunate event except while he was dying. Zeno died yesterday at one o'clock. "Can you love and trust me always?" said Henrv to Alice raising her head from his shoulder and unconsciously repeating the wods of ten years ag6. "Yes." "Then," he replied kissing her fondly; "We shal always be happy." THE END. good manners is a woman in the Consumption Sorely Cared- The worst breach of for misfortune to stare face. True generosity remember, benefits C7 received, and forgets those it has con- r w ferred. , Remember that valuable as is the pift of soeecii. silence is often more o - valuable Poisoned candy is being sent around Canada by some unknown person through the mail. We may learn something by everything, and make a benefit out of all misfortunes and evils. The decree forbidding tne sale of Dr. - Mackenzie's book In Germany has been rescinded. President Cleveland says the foolish British Lord Sackville must be sacked. He will go. R. Gunner once Emperor Maximillian's 9?a is now keener of a news stand at Dallas, Texas. estate and railroad stocks and bonds. He I ers, having, in fact, almost the mononolv Iw- - - r of the trade in that section has recently When Jim Blaine took after Post-master P"1 ever? hide bought on the Generaf Dickinson in his usual stile of - umuciy au 6w manuwex- personal denudation and recklessness he OT? in Randolph county and receiving woke up the wiong passenger. Helstrucka shoes in payment. y Knight who was better armed than he and Matthew Gibbs, who lives near Moores- bore an invulnerable shield. "Thrice - is he vilkf is a io3 years old. He is the father 1 . . . armed who has his quarrel iust." Not 1 of twenty children and has been married since Ben Hill squelched the peripatetic liar and slanderer from Maine has such biting excoriation been applied . to the hide of the American Fallstaff. The language of General Dickinson Is none the less severe and vitriolic because it is flowing and &omewhat classical. The present Emperor of Germany is said to be an admirer of Gen. R. E. Lee's mili tary genius. He stated recently a school twice, his last wife being the mother of fourteen children, and is eighty seven years of age. He has in all 145 children, grand children, and great-grand children. His oldest son is fortyeight years old and the 3 oungest twenty-six. Dr. J. W. Dunham, of New York will be at the Rocky Mount Fair with a whole tribe of wildjlndians. They will give a free exhibition every day inside the mate that German officers every winter grounds, consiting of war dances, shooting, lecture imon the orincioal battle I coo King, anu in laci meir moae ana give of our civil war, and that attended such lectures. great Generals," said the Emperor," on the Confederate side whose careers I have followed with much interest Lee and Stuart." Stuart's cavalry operations were To the Editor-Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy eree to any of your read ers who have consumption if they will send m UcW pmress and cost office address. - - l A. Respectfully, T. A SLOCUM, M C, 181 Pearl St., "tt York. man- t If? fl A. 1 ?1 I m M. . ... he himself had I ncr UI vuig wuu siaie. lnis win You had two Sve OUI Pcopte ai opportunity of seeing something they never saw before. The North Carolina Presbyterian Synod has closed its business work. All reports were made and showed that the Church mentioned by the Emperor as being es- I In. rorth Carolina Is In a state of growth. A shortage of $40,000 has been fourd in pecially instructive to German students of There are in the Synod 122 ordained min the office of the Public Administrator of 1 the millitary art. In this connection it I isters, of whom 90 are in active work New Orleans. will be of interest to note according to the I There are 261 churches and 22,553 mem - Tfmn wrtuld Icnow one ot the minor I i- 4www.tv w" I . J secrets of happiness, it is this cultivate Lce at Staunton, Va. the excess of the the whole Synod Is about $800. During cheap pleasures, The registration in New York City in 1 53 was 2T14.36: in 1SS4, 240,807. This year itis 2S6.547- The King of Denmark will celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of his on November. 15. Federal troops over the Corfederate num-1 the last year about $444,500 was raised for bers in the seven days around Richmoud benevolent purposes, about $9,000 more 14,238, at the second battle of Manassas 25, than during the year previours. There are 501, at Sharpsburg 51,907, at Fred- 51 vacant churches in the Synod, of wftich ericksburg 21,772, at Chancellorsville 75, the greater number are In Concord Presbv- 000, at Gettysburg 43,000, and in the tery. Fourteen churches have been built reign I campaign from the Wilderness to Peters- J during the year. There are 58 manses burg 77176. ' valued at over $1x2,000. "n as Zeno was brought home