THE WllbS K MffiEOB.. ' i i - . . . - ' ' " " ' - - ., Owr itm f7I 6e, fte People's Right Maintain, WILSON. NORTH CARLINA. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1888. NO. 32 A BLESSING. Editors. Once linnn 'n t!mo ,Kf tlj. S?EBF co,JXTENAXCE- an unusual occurrence. Editors rarelv ever die. TVipv ronerti.r k--..-- l? m miUionaires before that Au&picious event winds up their earthly . ......In, itnia Is fn tVi I Career. But in thi InttnnrA a fool ctwoV. ' i C()Uilkwliiiww io fcv vnw uiu i - w, oaiw- i k kaonfifitl nrA 1-,-t- I in-. Hvfnf. hrfltllln cr (rpnnlnp r??f nT- rvoU wersl or the roseate and crimson and the debt of Nature Oh, how his other ted colorings to the skywhen some creditors did envy Nature! Well, a few ' . V,,tk .Ian- tir. daVS after th -funeral tl-i .(jana o i ....... 5 nulent glories to gild and beautify w "P suui, ana prepared lor ms nnai . i..j., v.-f li'a i-. I iournev to his allotted nhrH nftr awhilo isles oi ciuuus ""- - it - ' ' - !ocean of space. It is like the songs of he drew near to the outerjgates of Hades. their orecious strains come rip- Here he knocked loud and long. Finally AHUV" i ' I '.'in weetest wavelets from throats Gov. Nick came to the gate and aked Himself did ttme to glorious notes what was wanted. The editor told him "I I 4 1 l 1 1 1 1 . j r sness and of gladness, it is like timt "c "au ocen evicted irom me upper jd and mellowed and chastened radi- woria 0X1(1 wanted a home where rent xs 0f a cloudless moonlight night, when lree ana tuel cheap. . 1 he devil" eyed him .hadow wears on its bosom that suspiciously for half a minute and then ' ..... ... cl-ad Um iUnfk.J f i tf ;ilverv lustre which seems like .muniau uccu piuicbsiun up jrri t '...tenins eleams of radiance flung laoove. 13 ' . I ' nr.:..i.. M i j ..r Heavenly splendors. Yes, next luur ajciy, taiu our iner.a, -i am I!J.U ' , I -r-. ... - . B cnnliht of heaven is the sunlight of an tflIlor- or years l have been " face. There is no mistaking "You can't come in here, then," said his e bright eye, the unclouded brow, the "j- FiwFoc ' emiie all tell of that which dwells conunue so- -an 1 Jou see inai vour Who has not felt its electrifying aaveni insiae mis gate wouia De aai - I t i j: ji. t t. ? One glance at this face lifts us 8CIUU4 luc Pcatc u uigiy my sud- .Mrrpnutof the arms or despair: oat oi "" w " J-"',,' I v u : i i -,T'Vj and shadows, away from tears U1U" l lllc" FaFcl ulc " I1C,C au into the beautiful realms of puu "uulu "ut uc ilcir a wc5 UCM,reJou would commence dunning them, and would cause dissensions, discords, and the final disruption of my kingdom." "But if I promise " "No, sir! you can't come in here. Go joyous: rerr A MIXTURE. EDITORIAL ETCHINGS EUPHONI OUSLY ELUCIDATED. "Physician, heal thyself !" is an injunc tion promulgated centuries ago, and now some of the older practitioners are pretty well heeled. Ex-Gov. Albert G. Porter, of Indiana, is a partly looking gentleman of medium STATE NEWS. mow THE DEEP BLUE SEA TO THE GBAXD OLD MO TNT A IX. Numerous Newsy Notes nd Many height, with a well kept grayeard and the An Hoar Pleasaatl j Spent Wth Oar Merry Morsels Paras;rapbleally Packed and Pltntly Poltned. it. London contains 120 hospitals. A great tail-bearer the peacock. From pole to pole A clothes line. A circus tumbler should never be full. A bov that is lost is a waif from home. If a ship arrives a second late they dock has been The deed record con- air of a banker. a tracK ot land containinging 1,000,000 acres in Aroostook county, Me., sold for $1,000,000. tains 25,000 words. Eza French; engineer on the northen Adirondack, left his engine for an hour one day on a recent trip, and on returning brought a fine deer, which he had shot. There died In Havana recently, at the ae ot 114 years, a nesrress. Nercelinal Compos. She leaves a 90-year- old son, and a 1 2-year old great-great-great-grandson. Uncle Elias Gibson, of Kilbourne, Ills., who is nearing his 90th year, has -the dis tinction of having killed ninety-two wolves The temple of Diana was four hundred feet high. Gout has good Lord Tennyson by the foot again. Bismarck has a mania for getting weigh ed frennentl v. I ma tU. 1 1L.1 ii since me ai, n icturu LiutL no uuier 1 he poei w ho is always a musing is not jUinois man can even aDDroach I necessaniv iunny. goose 1 r rt je. One cheerful face in a household rikeep everything bright and warm ricin. Envy, hatred, malice, selfishness, fcpondency and a host of evil passions avlurk around the dobi, thej' may even It has been found that a poose can Many an old book has to be ' bond over stand the weather until the thermometer . y. it, : . 1 tufcCCH uicpciLc. . troesto 6 ders helnw 7Prn ThPn hr The Koran says all flies shall perish, feathers w'on.t save her. Wild ducks save one, the bee fly. can go 12 degs lower and come out on Alexander Dumas is said to be the rich- top. est writer in the world. More that a sixth partof the land of the ciuriiCu ai me raie ot i,ooo a day. 1 mi Saratoga is famous for spring water and Slobe and nearlVa part of the popu- Ane n was above the average. Dells; tit fa 1 Exchanges. Some farmers in Stoke are feeding their- hogs on tobacco as a preventive of cholera. The Cutchbent machine shops of New Berne were burned last week. Loss 2, 000; insurance $1,000. Mr- J. W. Reilly, formerly connected vrith the Catholic Mirror, is now on the editorial staff of the Charlotte Chronicle. The Star say the white leaders of Re- pnblican cohorts in Wilmington are already caucussing over the division of the loave and fishes. At Kenansville last Thuedav Mrs. Rebecca Brown, one of the most prom inent ladies of the State celebrated her hundredth birthdav. Capt.Will Dobson, of the C. F. & Y. V. Railroad fell from a box car on to a flat car yesterday near Fayettexille and was seriously and probably fataliy hurt. A small mill run was made at the Mann-Arrinton mine a ftw dm I it it i.s J .1 .1 :i :: i . . . . I tVo rolocti'il fit-tr i(fVir mil 'ill find 11 friie there; the cheerful face will put v,v ";w,v- " " all to shame and flight. It may be a ?our Pa3'mS suosencrs ana no aeaa- rr plain face, but there is something in "unuiucrcyuuuu uu m pcac He feel, we cannot express, and its ano ine neart ot tne eaitor was giaa. deery smile ends the blood dancing joy tuny ne turned asiae irom ine gate, tough our. veins for very jo v; we turn wended his way up the golden stairs to Sirard the sun, and its warm, genial influ- enter upon his just reward, where unpaid ccerefreshes and strengthens our fainting bills troubleth not and delinqueut subscrib- Ah, there is a world -of magic in ers never come. cheerful face : It charms us with a spell of eternity, and we would not eicfee it for all the soulless beaut r that ou think you need a wile, young man, erergraced the fairest form on earth. It do you ?" said Mrl Kajones, as he looked at be a very little face : one that we nestle "e agitated youxn wno was suung on uie renour bosoms or sino to sleen in our edge of a chair and nervously twirling a gets. pain. A Lougr 'Want. Niagara for fall water. Lawyers ought to be good poets ; they write lots of "versus". Rosenthal, the Romanian painist of note, came over on the Aller. The places of Rome, each accommodat ed about 350,000 people. iviany a man has a pale appearance after leaving a bucket-sHbp. Mary Anderson arrived at New York from England on Saturday. lation of the world are under the control of I The Supreme Court ha sustained the Great Britain. Russia ranks second in ludgement of the Superior Court In the territorial extent and the United States murder case of "Bud" Anderson, Wayne third. county, and he will therefore be handed Without the House of Representatite I Henderson captured part of the tobacco the Radicals cannot carry on their high- exhibit at the Richmond Exposition last ' handed deviltry, aud cannot dragonade week. Mr. John D. Cooper was awarded ! the Sonth as in Grant times. If we only first premium, S250, for best fancy bright had the Senate, Harrison wpuld have to j cutters. behave himself. ti n CW C: .vm 1 .-a AITS .& At . L number of her big factories are working without a nogro in it. No darkey- is allowed at night. Winston began work early in hat, "and my daughter would fill the bill, would she ?" "She would, indeed, sir," replied the voung man, wii h a ghastly attempt to ap- t household, binding each heart together Pr at. ease. "As the men who start a tenderness and love and svmpathy! newspapers some times savin their pros- Shdows may darken around us, but some- pectuses, she would fill a long went fault t t-r u. a I mean, of course, a weng lont felt or " una CVCl blllUCb UCLCCII, clliU lllC I ' ns with a low, sweet lullaby; but it is sea a bright, cheery face ! The scintilla of joyous spirits are. flashing from fverv feature. And what a power it has in ;ag is so bright that the shadows can 3t remain, and silentl v they creep away io the dark corners where the cheerful & is gone. It may be a wrinkled face, tt it is all the dearer for that, and none lesss bright. We linger near, it and e tenderly upon it and say, "God bless a happy face!" We must keep it with rather a long lent wait no, a wrong font Welt indeed she would, Mr. Kajones, per sisted the bewildered youth, "though should have said, of course, a feng" "George," interposed Mr. Kajones, com ing to his relief, have you said anything to T oo vo3" liUUl j WW "No sir: I thought I ought to speak to "515 !nnr oc t- uv Uca I VOU first." father, kindly, "take myadvice if you can't get that prospectus untangled before you see her again, you'd better send a more experienced canvasser.' Cuchof its brightness when the sweet faec 5.e. And after it is gone, how the re nounce of it purifies and softens our ard nature. When care and sorrow snap our heart strings asunder, this kled face looks down upon us, and the tension grows lighter, the way less j - o . - - o w 7, the sorrow less heavv. . , - . y The vain man wears tight boots and to stoP there. All the servants are white, the season and has been working full forces W hue girls are hotel and house servants. I all the summer. Itis called Cullman, is a German town Mrs. Fannie Morse. of South nnrt 'i,,. mainly, and is in Alabama. snf t th .p... . f. tr:i,: ,r. w w it ii llllllLUil JUtS" senger a sweet notato that weicrha nil " - a i must acknowledge the corn. It is regarded as a death warning in Ger many to hear a cricket's cpv. A real, live princess keeps a millinary store in Fifth avenue. New York. tngiana-nas experienced since 1079, and pounds and measures 24 inches in the coolest since iSoof In most Darts of circumferenre Mr. KODertionnerpaio.ur. vviman the country the sun did not shine more 1 r 1 I 'll ll- A T 1 O I v anueruiit u.uuu iui ..iauu o. th avera-e of four tn four and a half English papers are particular wrathful hours a da v. In Scotland the daily aver over the Lord Sackville's dismissal. I are was about five hours. W. S. Gilbert, the English librettist, has At the hrst election of Mr. James Madi dramatized George Eliot's "Komola." SOn he was beaten in his own State of Vir- The State Grange of North Carolina Patrons of Husbandry will meet this year in annual session in Kinston, Lenoir coun ty, begining on the second Tuesday, the nth of December. Mr. W. T, BlackwelL the fou ruler of th The Tapuya Indians in South America ginia by Mr. Pinckney. At the election of Blackwell Tobacco Cbmoan v and the nri-. say the Devil assumes the form of a fly. Mr. James K. Polk he was beaten in his natoro the Durham BuI1 gmoking tobacco Ti,icicMn.,-K;n, r-otiVi own State of Tennessee by Henry Clay. uj -..,i it , . m t ir.t.v., 1. 1.-. kunivutu uiiuci nnr miniiry Allege urc liic uun iiimuul in our iiiv Waman. Xot Oansrerons. "Julia, perhaps I am staying too late. that your father tapping on the floor ! "es, Arthur, but don't so vet. He v mn until Vi crnce. tfnr- 5 alonar the 1-mll ViHr nn trio nld Tautological. Teacher What is tautology? Repetition. . - sacner Give me an example. We are going to have sheep's head J tinner, and my sister Elsie's beau is to dinner, also. cher-Gouphead. Newspaper Obituary.. e following is an extract from the Ty riOt?f o V--- -aircna-pr m another paper of the same Th -1 ne pen is silent; the otlice scissors The stillness 'C rAn 1 tf 1 iaia away to rust. UBlll. - . DrPVlflac. .1 -. nfmvntioro nce the hoarse voice of the devil C0Py!' or whatin'thehellisthis- As was want to resound. The paste- SOlir4 1 . . 1 . 1. ttiaM w me wnat-not: ine cou.- toiier 1S eatinS the composition off the t$I?ndthe blue-bottle fly is dying in ueds of the printer's towel." True, she can not sharpen a pencil and outside of commercial circles she can't tie a package to make it look like anything save a crooked cross section of chaos ; but, land of miracles ? see what she can do with a pin! She can not walk so many miles around a billiard table with nothing to eat, and nothing (to speak of) to drink, but she can walk the floor all night with a baby. She can ride five hundred miles without going into the smoking car to rest (and get away from the children.) She can - 't i. .1.S enjoy an evening visit wunuut smuMJig half a dozen cigars. She can endure the distraction of a house full of children all day, while her husband sends them all to bed before he has been home an hour.- A boy with a sister is fortunate, a fellow with a cousin is to be envied, a young man with a sweetheart is happy, and a man with a good wife is- thrice blessed more than them all. Consumption Surely Cured. - To the Editor-Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy eree to any ofpour read ers who have consumption if tfiey will send me their express and post office address. fiRespectfully, T. A SLOCUM, M. C, 181 Pearl St.,. Y-v York. This old-fashioned china, for practical purposes, is not what it is cracked up to be The loy who was kept after school for bad orthographv said he was spell bound. In China the highest recommendation a man can have is the fact of his having a wife. A prescription is something that the druggists puts up and the patient puts down. George Meredith ig greatly enamored of verse in his old age and has just put a long poem into print. Kaiser William has given orders that the public celebration of the victory at Se dan should cease. M. Paul Bluent, "Max O Rell," is pre- narin- a lecture on amencans for a tour x - of Great Britain. Robert J.Burdette the Humorist,has been licensed to preach by the Baptist Church fo which he belongs. An endliss railway train, consisting of 400 platform cars, is to be one of the attrac tious at the Prais exposition. Dective John' Lowenstein, of Chicagot was fatally shot bv his wife in a quarrel caused by jealousy yesterday General Boulanger has resumed his dai ly receptions in Paris and the agitation in his behalf has been recommenced. Capt. Samuel Brooks, of the Arizona,has made 600 trios across the Atlantic, and has sailed 1,830,000 nautical miles. Frank Halt n, the ex-postmasUr Gen eral, has drifted into buisness as the Wes tern agent for a newly invented store. Father Schleyer, the inventor of Vola puk, is dead. A fund for a moment to his memory will be raised by his followers. Cheif Justice Fuller is far from tall, but his new grown of office took more silk In construction than the dress of a society woman. The buisness portion of the town Deland, III., was destroyed by fire Wednesday. The losses aggregate $35,000, with a little I insurance. tory. Sam Jones received 743-06 for his eight davs' work at Nashville, Tenn. A coll ection was taken up to purchase the build ing in which the meetings were conducted and Sam gave them $1,000, or $258 more than he received. In other words, he gave them eight days of labor and S258 in cash. of Rev. Sam Jones at Durham. John W. Graham, trustee of the sink ing fund of the North Carolina Rail road, gives notice that the mortgage bonds of the company which matured November 1 st will be paid promptly at Burlington. Tne New Bern Journal says that sports men in that vicinity are out hunting every day and seldom fail to bring back quan- It is stated on pretty good authority mn of wiId Same and in Sreat variety. that Sir Charles Tupper will succeed Lord A gentleman living in that city has recen- I A 1 1 1 ? ' 1 1 Sackville as British Minister to this coun- UJ one on inree "unung cxpeaiuons ana try. Lord backvule has been formally cut off from diplomatic relations with the I The capacity of the Eastern Asylum administratien and will probably return to I for colored insane, near Goldsboro, is be- England in a few days. He is worth $100. ling considerably increased. There is a 000 a year and will probably be able to find I noticeable increase in the number of col- consolation. oaed insane, particularly in the central A Calvinist in the N. C. Presbyterian section ot the State. The addition to the thus gives his impressions of Sam Jones, asylum buildiug is almost completed. He says he is totally ignorant of systematic Last Sunday was a T)ig reaping day for theology, he is totally devoid of fear, he is the Durham churches. -The Plant reports chock full of fun, he has a tender sym- as follows: Members "received at First pathy for the man who is down, he can en- Baptist 39 by baptism, 10 restored, and force the claims of Christ with wonderful 4 by letter total 53. Blackwell' Baptist, power. He knows every evenue to the hu- 8 baptism. Total Baptists 61. Episcopal man heart; and especially he knows the 15. Presbyterian 45. .Carr Methodist, 29 importantance of keeping his audience in a by profession, and 8 by cretificate -total good humor. Rather than not have them so 37; Trinity Methodist, 9S by profession he tells anecdotes that would be more appro- and 8 by letter total 106. Total Methodists priate in the circus ring. But while their 150. Total of other denominations 121. hearts are merry he will put the most ten- We it announced that george 11. IVan- der and earnest piea tor tne Master. A rather servere writer in The Satnr- day Revi w Jcondemns the modern Eng lish eirl in the following terms: "Neither derbilt, grandson of the old Commodore, has invested largely In real estate in and around Asheville in this State. It is said he owns about one thousand acres on the 1 the moral nor physical training of a modern I Swannao river, a mile frm that, town, English girl is such as to justify the hope it is said that he intends tp establish an that she will be invariably above reproach, indutrial and mechaical school for the The lives they lead, the aim set before training in useful pursuits of such young them, all lead to degeneracy and deteriora- people as are without means to pay for tion. They are permitted, as they grow their own education. Civil engineer, and up, to develop all the vainer elements, o landscape grandeners have been employed study to show off, to traffic on their charms to lay out and Improve the grounds, for charity, for popularity, for notoriety, Rooms have beon secured atone of the and their ambition is to become professional hotels at Asheville for William K. Van beauties or something equally poor and ob- derbilt and faimly, who will accompany iectionable ultra fast land fashionable George to Asheville in March for a stav women. of two or three months. v

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