Our Aim will 6e, the People's Right' Maintain, ... VII. WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1888. no. 3o fHE SUNNY SIDE. SIMPLE SOBER SERMON. is as nearly like the nettleweed as it can be. or like anything else that grows in gloom and darkness. A cheerful Spirit is one rf the most valuable gilts ever bestowed upon humanity by a kind Creator. It is the Sunshine ana its sweetest and most fragrant flower of th Spirit that constantly sends out its beauty I Jtfu and fragrance, and blesses everything - morning as we reluctan.lv left the within its reach. It will sustain the soul 7 - A MIXTURE. .r'a Blewed Uesplendent Blessings. EDITORIAL ETCXXIXCS EUPHONI OUSLY ELUCIDATED. ... a AcWfrhts and comforts of our I in the darkest and most Armrv nlarpe'nf .rflS"uw o I J t w 4 rerous Xewsr Nates wt Mmxy Kerry Honeli Paraarrapufeally Packed and Pithily Poitaed. excellent boarding place, and stepped this world. It will hold in checkTthe de- Sash street we noticed that almost I mons of despair, and stifle the power of : f il- - I A . j 4.1. I . . . M 1 . V. 1 one was on uic tuuyj iuc, auu ia.- uiaiuuiigcmciiL ana nopeiessness. it 'is vantage of the blessed comfort of the the brightest star that ever cast its radiance ! ij SUIibeams that came so cheeringly over the darkened soul, and one that sel irt from Heaven- The few who walked dom sets in the gloom of morbid fancies C a. shady side, shivered and suffered and foreboding imaginations. Cultivate, Cid the chilly shadows, while those, who J then, a cheerful spirit, and cheerish it as 1 .1 A UnnoAn I Gfn0fKff1or o O r-l IV.A iV. - - I I uon wnbeans fell in all their comfort giv I "Rejoice ever more, and its light and f-beauty and radiance, dashed along with blessedness will ever fall upon the path lrancy an elasticity of expression and way like sunshine from Heaven. I Jement that told of that joy and vigor There Sball be no Xiffbt Tbert. L alone in the happy wedlock of bright- t feelings and perfect health. And that 'rjhas suggested this train of thought. It . . x cunnv siflf In all tViinorc Je feel the wisdom of it to-day. And yet see some who remain on the cold bleak ind walk shiveringly there, while the i-fering could be so easily mitigated by other side. It is strange but - that of all animated creation man is jsonlv being who does not always take 2 sunny side. He is endowed with in. gence and reason, which should make a best promote his own proper enjoy - ass: but the instinct of the lower crea- X3 fives them a philosophy that man's ason often denies to himself : and man hanniness. with greater onnortuni- is for its posession, than any of the other " . ' oniy recreation 01 arainai uiorons. nnrt forms and trades of life. The I J w"- n " J i ju . u . j u I your craaie ana snine upon our grave, ana to owl and the mousing bat and the K , .. . . . tiiiit watcii you ait 111c wajr uciwcca, pan "And there shall be no night there." And there will be no need of any, because there I is no weariness in Heaven, and none ever long for darkness to fall so that the heart ache may be relieved by unseen tears. But what would become of us in this world were it not for night? Night is all that renders life endurable to half the world. j They are able to bear the day, to drive through its heavy laden hours only by the sure knowledge that night, blessed night ! draws on. The keen, hard day ; the blaz ing, blinding, unmerciful day would drive them distracted if it lasted longer than it does; but just as heart and flesh are failing, Daily on the racks Hats. . - A misgiving A wedding. Popular lays Hens' eggs. Moody, the evangelist, is fifty -one. General Harrison wears a No. iyz hat. Next to nothing a dude's undershirt. General Sherman is a famous diner-out. err . stale bread the crust of the earth. . The rubber boot now covers a multitude of shins. Always over head and ears in business The driver. Nothing-strikes oil more effectively than light-ining. Only whisper a scandal, and its echo is heard by all. Pleasant recollections collecting a bil t he se cond time. . There are 2000 music teachers in New York and its suburbs. The Prince of Wales has learned to make speech in Magyar. We may not like hotel keepers, but we have to put up with them. P resident Carnot's tour through France a down rolls the soothing, solemn, shielding will cost the nation about $50,000. night, and ail are comforted. The stars Walking is the favorite and almost the avigc beast shun the sunlight and make iiness hideous with their weird and scordant language; but there is not a weet bird of song, a beautiful flower, 1 fragrant shrub, a fruitful tree or plant of earth, or vrarbler of air, or sportive inhabi tact of brook or sea, or other thing that re- xsds to the kindness of man, that does not take the sunny side of life. Most of all ismanywoesof men are created by them- and a vast preponderance of them R provoked by shunning the sunny side cd studiously wading through the sha ows and the sloughs and brambles which could and should be avoided. The sturdy cakof the forests reaches out to the sun its latest branches and greenest-verdue, and 1 sober lichin and scars point to the chilly swth. The creeDino- vine that clinrs to o o ft trunk and branches throw all its varied rauty to the sunny side. All of nature's Fiadeur. from the shrinking daisy to au- ann's gorgeous panorama of gilded rave and mountain, are the pictures of "te, and the dancing dimples of our bab 2g streams are the pretty playthings of tling light and shadow. Every rising a b greeted with eratitude bv all that the world brighter and better, tman; and he, the lord of all, to whom e created thing are made subject, often sthe song of thanks from heaven's Masters in listlessness or clouded forget- ss, and the flowers which gratefully fme the air whence , he draws his life, ently, like the eyes of angels. And the moon, sweet, pure moon, that never scorches nor blinds vou, calms and cools you with her soft light that falls like conso lationon the spirit. There is melody in in the words: "No night there," but well is it for tired and hnnted mortals that there is night here. The new Jopanese Minister at Wash ington is a man of uncomman culture. The proposal to have a London beauty show is being put into a business form. Mrs James K. Polk, wnidowof the Presi dent, Is now in her eighty-seventh year. Suftant Muley Hassan, of Morocco,. is a handsome man. with a calm imposing man New York stands at the head of the mo- iocco trade in the United States. During he busy season, 10S0 goat skines are daily turned into morocco. Gen. Mahone and Senator Quay threa ten to appeal to the courts, to prevent the issuance of errtlflcatesto the Democratic electors of Virginia. There are 133 industrial establishments in the city of New York, wichgive employ ment to 227352 persons and the value of the output is $427,926 437. One thousand million steel pens are us ed every year m the in this country. Most ox mese are no me made, ana tner are better than the Imported pens. Vice President elect Levi P. Mortonpent Wednesday in Washington for the pur- STATE NEWS. rsoa the deep nLUE sea to the GRAND OLD XI OUST A IX. Hoar Plcasaatly 8pat XT 1th Ovr DlifftitralJExebanff. , Wake Forest Cblleg has 202 student. Salisbury has established a Knitting fac tor with capital of $12,000. One hundred and fifty -eight new pot- offices were established in North Carolina last year. The latest proposition noted in railroad circles is to extend the Roanoke Southern railroad from Winston to Charlotte. pose of inspecting his new apartment house The vote of the socalled third party in tht now in the course of erection. State feU ghort ol expectation. It is now The Reading Railroad Company has thought that it will not go over three thou- notified its employes that they will be sub- I and. ject to dismissal if they fail to meet pe-1 Granvilie county has now seventy-four cuniary obigation which they incur. miles of railroad. There was not an inch Anthony J. Drexel, of Philadelphia, who o track in the same territory less than ten is considered the richest banker in thf I years. ner. My Love. You'd know what she is like the one I call my love? - Ask me an angel to describe-the sun, the stars; The calm sea's evening smile: tha silv re winding stream, Athwart whose bosom fall the new moon's golden bars ; Like unto all of those, nay, like a dream Is she my love. Hnu-sinprs mv love, vou ask? I know not - o ' - how, but when Her voice is mmsrled with the evening - - breeze, the birds Are silent! Ave. is hushed the rustling leaf; All listen to th' harmonious cadence of her wdrds, Whose melody could wake the heart that died of grief Thus sings my love, How laughs my love you'd know? How laughs the sunny brook How a n h.u: - ' - . "lUCn SPrn1-frc 1 nrnfucinn nf hplllttf Wl. i-tirraH H ir rtfi'miic hrPPTP f his pathway, awaken no praise from J laughs the waving corn to whom all the beautitudes of earth When kissed by smilling skies? When soft F: tribute. It is not wholly poetic li- winds breathe upon that has eivhk us that nalnful reflex Mow lauorhs the vellow grain in autumn's t I r - " in inp rtrr nnnrpn nur nine rrrinn mornr & res in thi rn nnntprl hit little Jed lines, which tells us of nature, that rer7 prospect pleases and only man is r,ie- The man or woman who always or safelv throup-h life in snite of y 0. ... opposing power. Smiles will ban- ftedarkn ess that gathers about every Wh and the snnlight vtill fall 'upon r- y, wnerever a cneenut j wo. Thp sunlvams will melt the , 7"? and dispel the darkest night that ( rooded spirit fc. aess rf u. -a. j 1 s 1 - uuaiaauj, ana onug imgui.- over the world, and so a sun- will scatter the coldness and inrt ki i . , . i t ii uicing 10 tnose aooui iu it jj. arything repulsive about a human it is a fretful spirit and a sorrowful ' I there is anything utterly . repel and disgusting, it is the sour-visaged -lQo,Who cannot smile or wear a cheerful who continually broods over his rtunes, and so keeps on the shadowy w-ver,vthin Go's sunshineis not1" '4V ' an-V more than the sunlight of tVlS l the PiMnous nettle-weed un- How laughs the purple vine when bathed in rip'ning sun ? So 4aughs my love. Nay, ask me not the light of her soft azure eyes Fenimore Cooper's only daugnter still lives at the novelist's home at Coopertown, N. Y. A Kansas City girl has committed sui cide because she thought herself too ugly to live. Since thevar of '70 France has spent $1,541,000 besides the "ordinary esti mates.' Prairie fires in Dakota have caused heavy looses to farmers over a wide extent poet's of country. Samuel Normen, the millionaire Wash ington bank President, was once a Govern ment clerk. The CrownPrince of G reece dislikes pub licity, and often travels in the third-class railway coaches. ' Mrs. Burnett's works sell better than any othar of the woman writers Charles Eg bert Craddock next. Alderman Whitaker, who will be in stalled Mayor of London next month is a fan-maker by trade. , The King of Belgians hates tobacco, never wears gloves, and goes bareheaded as much as posssible. Emperor William of Germany has in timated his intention to visit London be fore the close of the year. The last census of India indicates a pop ulation of 68,982,000. There are 6,000,000 more males than females. Millionaire Flood was once worth $40, 000,000, it is said, but his present fortune is estimated at $15,000,000. Lady Dudley ,the famous English beauty United States, is a man of extraordinary modesty, and is rarely seen in public places. There is a report that Senator Gorman, of Maryland is manuceuving to have Presi dent Cleaveland appointed President of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad after his term expires. An Industrail Home for Girls, at Chilli cothe. Mo., will be opened in the fall. It will be conducted on the family or cottage plain and will receive girls from seven to twenty years of age. The largest salary received by an Amer ican bishop is that of the Bishop of N. Y, which amounts to $10,000 a year. The iJisnopoi Aiaine, wno receives 31300 a vear. has the smallest. President Cleveland has written Captain Anson of the Chicago Club a letter, indors ing baseball as the national sport of Amer ica, and the letter will be used in advestis ing the game in Australia.' The Baltimore & Ohio Company s is hav ing a heavy engine constructed, which will The head and chief of the anglers, in and about Elizabeth City is Gip Sawyer, a deaf mute whose business and support is fishing with hook and line. - 1' The converts in the penitentiary, and on the various railroad, turnipkes etc have reached about thirteen hundred There are only seven womon among them. A full-blooded Cherakee Indian was last week put in the penitentiary. He is Tom Chiabilla, and he both murdered and robbed another Indian. He gets 20- year at hard labor. On February the iSth, 1S89, the doors of the State University will be opened to teachers who desire to take special courses instructions. For further particulars ap ply to Hon. Kemp P. Battle, President. During the ministration of Rev. Sam Jones in Durham, the citizens paid him $2,- 000 in cash paid the leader of the tinging $100 and gave $400 for "Sam Jones' Orphanage," besides paying $400 for the expenses of the meeting. A large force of laborers is rapidly lay-' ing steel rails on the Atlantic and North run from Washington to Baltimore, a dis- Carolina railroad between New Berne and tance of fortr miles in forty minutes, mak- Morehead City. In ninety days at most ing three stops on the way. the w ork will be completed, and the road Montreal, Conada, has thirty boot and wi'l be in better codition than e er before shoe manufactories. Four thousand per- Silk cnlture is an occupation peculiarly sons, all over fourteen years of age, are suited to the industry, patience and mani employed. Wages average $12 per week pulatlon of the deft hands of females. It for men and $7 for women. has made some progress in our State of If the Republicans in Coneressor aanize late Jears' and U is omething tt merit a o C7 earnest consideration. Fowle's majority 13,444. The legisla-, ture stands as follows: Senate 37 Demo crats and 13 Republicans. The House 83 Democrats and 35 Republican; 2 Indepen dents. Democrats on joint ballot 125, Re publicans 4S, Independents 2, Third Party o. We learn that the names of Mr. A. Lea zer, of Iredell, and'Hon. C. M. Cook, of Franklin, are already prominently men The aureole that hovers 'round her saintly has insured her life for $5000,000 for the beneht 01 ner youngei cnuaren. Henry Villard says he attributes his suc cess as a railroad man to his knowledge brow To paint to draw the graceful lines of that dear face. The sweet, proud curve of those chaste lips, when mutely bow The mases, lost in contemplation of grace Of her my love. Consumption Surely Cured. the Ww of the slimy rock, or dense His dwarfed and selfish spirit To the Editor-Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have- been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy eree to any of your read ers who have consumption if they will send me their express and post office address. Respectfully, T. A SLOCUM, M. C, S i3i Pearl St., r-nr York. of human nature, gained by newspaper work. Ella Wheeler Wilcox -composed her beautiful little poem: "The Land of Nod," while rocking her baby brother to sleep in the cradle. There manufacturing of shose, in Lynn Mass, is decreasing because of the cheaper production in country towns where less wages is paid. It is stated as a positive fact that Mrs. George Hirsh. Navarro county, Texas, has had six children at one birth. Four are boy and two are girls. The mothers is 27 vears of age and had previously had three children. The new arrivals are all alive and doing well, but the father is almost a maniac. tne next House ot Representatives, it is more than probable that the Speaker will be a native North Carolinian in the person of Joseph G. Cannon of Illinois. Reed of Maine, prominent for Speaker, says "if there is any surplus" when the 51 st Congress meets the Tariff will be re- duced. l hat saving clause "it will pre- entlhe credulous from believing. The richest widow in this country, if not in the world, Is Mrs. Moses Taylor, Uoned in connection with the speakership whose fortune is estimated at $40,000,000. cf the House in the next General Assem- She lives in few ork, Long Branch bly. Either of them would make a most and several other places, as the mood suits J excellent presiding officer. 4 a iiui iiiwiii gviiiivwvii w av www a wasv Harrison voted and spoke against the at bouthern Pines More county, says he is Blair bill. He also spoke in favor of the preparing land at that place for the purpose Civil Service bill and voted for it It will of testing the culturs of grape for raisins. be interesting to watch and see what he will He feels confident that the climate there do with the Blair bill when it comes up for lis adapted to the growth of this grape his signature, and how he will execute the I and its manufacture into raisins. 0 Civil Service law. Miss Florence Nightingale is now a con firmed invalid, and is a patient at St. Tho mas's Hospital, London. Her services during the Crimean war injured her spine. and she has never recovered from the ef fects thereof. This illustrious philanthro pist is nearly sixty-nine years old. There will be four ex-Speakers of the The provisional board appointed in Sep- 1 tember last by the Christian denomination of North Carolina to locate their college. has chosen Graham, Alamance couhty, as the site, that place having offered the best I inducements in the way of an eligible lot. t The building will commence earlv next spring. The 58th session of the Baptist Conven tion, which closed in the city of Greens- House in the Fifty-first Congress provided boroon Saturday last, was the most bar- they all live and get their seats to which niou and successful ever held in the they are elected. They are Carlisle, of history of that denominatkn. It was found Kentucky.Randall of Pennsylvania, Banks that the BapUsU now marshal the vaU of Massachuetts, and Cox, of New York. arm of I5o,ooo white members in the There are . three others living, namely sute of North Carolina to war against Grow, of Pennsylvania, Blain. of Maine, ignorance and vice and for God and hu- and Keifer, of Ohio. manitr. According to the New. York World's The jury in the case of Mr. J. T Edm- newsfrom Indianapolis, Harrison is to play mundson against the R.& D. Railroad for the part of national healer, and therefore, I damages by reason of injnries sustained in nei'her Blaine nor Sherman will be asked to a seat in the Cabfnet. Harrison thinks, so runs the special, that their selection would not tend to allay factional discord. From Augusta, Maine, the news is that Blaine really desites to be Secretary of State. - , the Rifles railroad accident while on route for the State Guard encampment at Ashe ville three Summers ago, and which ha been on trial at Klnston court since Thurs day last, returned a verdict yesterday afternoon in his favor for ten thousand dollars.