"Our Aim will be, the People's Right Maintain, JTrtntrorl h .v,wvv v avwc, vtc4 cyiui ucu ITUCn VII. WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 5. 1888. NO. 33 ADVICE. fO YOUXG IIUSBAXIS BY HEX BY BIjOUNT. -mmrM-mm gff t ana oiissiui jjucu. THE FADING LEAVES A Short, Simple, Solemn Sermon. number of our young friends have re . ,v,irkid unon the love-lit sea of Unony, and favoring gales of honejf- -dearment are now wafting them on . i XI i 1 L allows Ot rapture iu iuc gwuuus uar- jfLove's own full fruition in that sweet -vie and mellow lusciousnessof feeling is born in happy wedlock. These rvoun0" coupies mm, row mat me till alwavs be calm, and that the wa ;iri!I ahvavs be radiant and glimmering , ; 1 4 it ri irthe snimmenng guuncsuj. muse iai- . r it :',- . ::,i. COIl'.V; lliVJVlili H 14 ill llllllllllg irers from cloudless skies of devotion. hr do not see the shoals that smiling i conceals; they heaf not the mutterings :h the storm cloud of dissension may, anow.be nursing; 1 they dream not that ows of strife may jjAme sweeping across 'and wreck forever eir life boat now sp gloriously and bhss- v freighted wityall those precious ar- bsies of love-bought dreams and raptures. r m t-that is our reason for offering these rig h5baric advice. We had rather e them ikdvcp than money. It is easier J more hai'Jy. And besides, in this in sce, it i wdjjc.Ii a great deal more; for if Leu and fafi'fully followed it will save ;ir wives from many J. care and heart- le, and .drive from Jheir now sunny Nho-ile terrible clouds of neglect -which di isarkened so many lives. And our E is be as tender and kind and.consid 9and devoted and loving to your Avife lu were to vour betrothed, and flood V existence with the same sweet, soft, siay light of affection's ministry as you 'ii ia the hours of blessed courtship, and t: word for it, the current of your life, armoniously mingling, will ebb away as xautifully and as sweetly as the musical flings of some' transporting dream. Sives need petting. They are bound to JeiL Endearment is their atmosphere. Iter crave it as flowers do the dew-droDS. Ed without it they droop, their beauty es, their glory withers, their perfume fc- Yes, wives starve to death" without toe, and by love, we mean love expressed iawordsand honey endearment, and not iere!j fat as is too often the case. Mar- &i tne: so ofcen lose sight of those Reacts of attention and kind notices, fMchare so dearly appreciated by the r-eand Uough they love just as well they son tq tank thev may take it for granted, W hence t is we see so many homes &k aad rayles. If husbands would only theirfeJings speak out in eloquent sioncf demonstration, memories now 16 wcred ti those dear old hours of "woo- winning," would come back to their and brighten their lives with Hea borrowed radiance. A husband's ex on of iove is to a woman a glorious J1 of raiiture, and with no forbid- fruit in its bliss fringed borders, "ghit re forever flowing those rip 5 brooklus of murmering joy which life awnvin a -.thrilHncr anrl fl bea-if - o - jed enduhnents is to her of all things 05 the t -nVlerest, the holiest, the pur Jthe Kti .jit is the very soul of peatmen' affection's ministry and sunny ,a. I ; ? .J rn4Mtan Anwl of the ar.a U eer slipping from its rich- if . ; i - eled? ' ..rrs;those precious sfems of Dlen it t nrmrsr mtlrAC VlAailtlflll .s gi-and paradise of home. for these ezhibitions of af- ife's ministry will distil for - ve h usband a thousand sweet :r , like the growing and :r !n Spring, , when wooing issing its blushing face and foiii newer and fresher leaf- cwg itfullv ladened with richer eeter fragrance, her heart that ever uU e, erjexpanding nower ox ai hen ho right kind of season is o na . tWvlo it will iinfrtlrf its - V fl AAA Mwaw lent in rosier tinting of ja periume wnicn wiu flits ot trials and duat- Nature is a book of parables. If its laws are not identical with those oi the spiritual world, its analogies illustrate that world. The morning mist quickly disappearing, the rapid flood, the evening shadows, the grain soon cut down and the flower wither ing, are obvious emblems of the brevity of life. So also is the foliage of Autumn: "We all do fade as a leaf." All leaves fade; of the mighty oak as of the fragrant rose as of the nettle. Kings and rulers perish with the humblest of their subjects; those who tower high above their fellows equal ly with those whose lot is the most obscure and who win no praise. The leaf is beau tiful in structure, form and color, yet it fades so does the human body, still more wonderfully made. What varied changes does the leaf undergo! A tiny bud uafold ingits silken softness; glittering in the bpnng sunshine ; breathing the fragrance of the blossoms; listening to the music of black birds or thrush nestling in its covert; then matching the blossoms fall; scorched by the Summer sun, smitten by the thun der-storm, drenched by the rain; then bruised by the blasts of Autumn and nipped by the frosts of approaching winter till it fades, and falls ! Even so the life of man unfolds from infancy, is arrayed in the flowers of childhood and the hopeful blos soms of youth, is worn and wrinkled by the cares and labors of after-years, by seasons w:hen the heats are scorching and there is little dew, and showers are rare ; when storms of disappointment burst on it, and the leaf trembles and sighs to be released. Life often ends prematurely. The cater pillar devours tho bud, the frosts of Spring kill the tender leaf.the lightning-flash burns it up, the haif bruises it,or, long before Au tumn-time, it yields to the long drought and the hot, hot sun! A MIXTURE. EDITORIAL ETCHINGS EUPIIONL OCSI.Y ELUCIDATED. The discovery and utilization of natural gas has proved a powerful stimulus to the manufacture of iron pipes and tubes in this country. There are now 2,300 miles of mains in the the United States for convey ing natural gs. France is in a bad way. There are many official scaudals that threaten ruin. There are wholesale charges of bribery in Alump sum The coal dealer's profits. the interests of De Lessep's canal, and the The warmest season Cayenne pepper. Goyernment itself is in danger from Bou A rank deciver A - visiting foreigner langer and his Republian fatten. Numerous Newsy Notes and Bfany Merry Morsels - Paragraphical), j Packed and Pithily Poltned. with sham title. Judge Ruker has sent a challege to Sen ator Blachburn. The billy-goat wears a beard because he is a goat-he himself. What is the board of education?. The schoolmaster's shingle. What sticketh closer than a brother? A postage stamp, by gum. The lady who is reputed to be the most beautiful woman in San Fracisco is the mother of two children, and althought 30 looks like a girl of iS. She indulges a sponge bath every morning and talks a brisk four mile walk after lunh. It may be considered as settled that Sen ator Quay is not a possibility for a cabinet position in Harrison's administration. He is consumptive. All his family were sim- STATE NEWS. FBOM.TILE DEEP BLUE SEA TO THE GRAND OLD MOUNTAIN. An Hoar Pleasaatly Spent Tfltn Oar Delight fnUExeh an rs. It improbably the attendtion paid it which ilarly affected and he has to spend his win- makes the weather-vane. ' We are glad to announce the elction of Senator Morgan of Alabama. If a young lady's maiden ahn is success ful, she has no maiden name. Writing for the magazines is a business that always yields big returns. The case Cross ?nd White will be pass ed on by the Supreme Court of the United States. Moore county is Democratic for the fit time in twenty years, A negro at Maxton last w eek drank a level quarrt of whiskey at once and still lives! It is said that Charlotte will have a knit ting factory in operation by the first of Jan uary next. ' Mr. J.J. White is elected Senator from Moore and Randolph counties after all the talk that he was not. Mr Wade Harris, formerly local editor of the Carlotte Chroniele, has severed his con nection with that paper. Gov. Fowle has appointed Mr. John S, Cunningham, of Person county, to the position of Aid, with the rank of Colonel. Mr. M. Makeley, Representative elect mill "Leaves have their time to fall. And flowers to wither at the north wind's breath; The stars to set but all Thou hast all seasons for thine OAvn, O JJcath. Highest liridare in the World. Lord Sackville West, late British Min ister at Washington, and his party, took their departure last Saturday. The Board o Trade of Chicago have re solved to continue to demand a reduction which, it is said, will be one of the highest of the tariff. Right, they are in the world. The bridge will extend from The farther ir-law of General Harrison the end of the bridge spanning the Missis- Rev. Dr. William H. Scott, is a clerk in sippi river at St. Paul across at the flat to the pension office at Washington. the ton of a hteh bluff. There will be ters South on account of weak lungs. The Rev. Dr. Talmage says that Gen eral Harrisln has daily family prayers at his home, and that few laymen can deliver more devout or impressive praters in - 1 ... . jti. household worship than he does He will from Hyde county, nas soia ni maintain the same habit of the White property to a Northern syndicate for $100, House. o00- The Winnebago Indians at Red Wing, On February iSth, 1889, the doors of Minn., murered a vounsr irirl last week as the State University will be opened 10 . , , In Rrrifir to the Hreat Snirit. whom thev teachers who desiee 10 iae special wur 1 nose wno nave stuaiea me goose none r ' . rarrfnllvRni' thaMr nmmlsM 11ft n lmagmeu mubl uc cuutuuucu ucwusc mc - UniMvncAn Kaon Kirl TKo nffirarc I T M.f tVio orrfln(TmnK arf HinT "Winter I llwltAt'l& oaouit uau i--v-1 uau. . wiuwvi 1 11 is 1 ivu '-" o mi. t 1 . rr t ... i I of the law are nursum? the Indian who I made to build a railroad from Ciarksvinc ine rvnigms 01 iaDor at ineir national r 0 ... , convention declared for restricting hnmi- KUiea ine Biri- 10 mue n, ing aim 0 Mr.Joseph Chamberlain, who has just menced m 30 days. Bishop Lyman is in Rome, Italy and tnaaried Miss Endicott, has an income of Confederate pensioners will hold a meet nhnhl v nrearherl in the American rhnrrh $i50,ooo from his factories in Brimingham. ing in Raleigh during the session of the I t t 1 1 1 a. 1 j ru:ui I -r 1 4i. w.,wnma rf cArnrinor there last Sundav 1 lie nas an eiegianu iiou&c m . iauiuuauc bcgisiaiure wr mc wi'v w t .V c a . .J prat of London, besides a mansion and fine broader recognition. greenhouse at uirmingnam. lie is nuy Over 40,000 pounds of tobacco so:u at years old, but looks as if he were not more the Roy Mount warehouse last week at than forty. an average of over $25 per hundred, all They are making preparations 'ion a around. It cant be beat in the State. grand scale for the inauguration of liar- pne Elizabeth City News nominates risoh and we understand that the in- GroVer Cleveland for President and Hen- aueruration of Governor-elect Fowle will ,., nrAv rr Vice-President in 1802. The probably be quite brilliant also. A mil-1 uiisboro Recorder fovors Vance and Car- Gen. Harrison. They will then make up the Cabinet slate. An injunction has been granted against the lease of the Tennessee road by the Richmond and Danville. The Keystone Bridge company has a contract to erect at St. Paul a bridge lisle. itary display is proposed which will show the fctste uuard to nne advantage. Danbury Reporter suggesU to far- Again we have a live Duke with us. mcr8 to try the experiment of raising rice His Grace of Southerland. He is to spend or thejr taie USCf i not for market, New some months is Florida, which, he says, ground js considered the best adapted for nas me nnest cnmaie in mc woria. nc i cr0p hasn't Deen much in norm Carolina, ne u tUed in Rc. The caroet manefactures trust hava and is one of the world's richest men and has . Tunrn P Deveruer about 20 spans, 4 of which will be 250 feet vanced prices five cents a yardon o- large railway and landed interests in this succeed F H Busbee as United States each in length, one about 170 feet and th, the stre ht o Horrison elestion. country. . ' 'm 'dhtrict o Nortli IAbbVl JW J w - - it is now said tnat JYianton xvisrDie, urgea 1 Carolina. remainder from 40 to 90 feet. The ends of the spans will be supported on trestle bents, some of them being 1 50 feet high The bridges is to be of iron and steel, and the work will be especially heavy. enght What is the differencebetween a soldier and a pretty woman ? One faces the po w- on by Henry Watterson, pursauded Presi- Democrats o ampson compliment der and the other powders the face. Still in Dispute. in ret nthe !ftchh "each The election of all four Congressmen in West Virginia seems to be disputed. The State went democratic. The Supreme Court of the State was appealed to take some action in view of alleged frauds. The court seems to have entertained the motion and then adjourned over for the day. When the majorities claimed are to be counted Colonel Daiel Lamont, the President's private secretary is going into the insur ance business in the city of New York. What is the diffeience between an en gineer and a school teacher? One trains the mind and the other minds the train. Day is not easily discouraged.' Al though it breaks at its very start, it keeps right on just the same as if nothiug had happened. dent Uleaveiand to write his iamous tann . . 4 ... , ,TW,t- uv rr-d- snd appreciate uwu -j icMgcf o..Uwkcw r,rinn vrlth making two hnn to his cabinet Secretary Whitney was .-the fa dnr ing the late campaign Hurrah for the Old North only member who opposed He took the ground that it was an inopportune time to make the issue Sidney Bartlett, who was granduatcd at Harvard College seventy years ago and is over ninety years old, argued a case before the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachu setts last Wednesday with marked success Mr. Bartlett has been engaged in cases State. She comes out head again. North Carolina took 13 prizes on hne tabacco at the dam - ville Tobacco Exposition last week. The premiums taken amounted to $1,150 in all. Mrs. Mary Garrett, window of Charles The terms of 75 Presidential portmasters wJth 8uch men as Demuel Shaw, Rutus W. Garrett and owner of the Modoc Vine on the fingers, it would not be remarkable exPire before March 4th, and will be filled 'Choate and Daniel Webster and has long yards, a most estimable lady and proml if enouch illegal votes were unearthed to b Democrats. Among the number is outlived them all. nent member of the Episcopal church, died Ss o . y-, ...... m I ILL oncora, xn. . TcoKn, RAr ui.., ut.r f suddenly at her nome near ivingw wu w nil aos wvr ft a a vww y obw w a What a pleasure it is to have bright sun- tne late Henry Ward Beecher, hopes in morning, shine and pleasant weather, instead of the an interview to see the day when we shall The report from the Manufacturing Re snow and blizzard the noth and west are have a woman President of the United cord, shows that out of a total of 280 new now experiencing. States. She has evidently something in roads and 5,690 miles of new track the Now is the time when a man take whis- her mind like Bulwer's Coming Race for South had 00 roads and 2,083 miles of track The official court of the board of can- ke tQ warm himself and ice water to cool she says: "Them the whole Eglich speak- iargly over one-third in both cases and issers in Virginia shows that two republi- the whiskey The reason of somethings ing world gill be ruled bp-, women There of this number North Carolina builds 11 is past fiinding out. are not a few who will '.asseverate that roads and. 204 miles. The trusteec of Columbia College, New woman mile the world already. Prohibition paper will soon be start York, have thrown open its dcors to girls, A 1 in Wilson country, Texas, ex- ed in RaWgh under the editorial manege and abmit them on the same terms and to perfmented last season by planting cotton ment of Mr. W. G. Burkliead. The paper the same classes with the other sex. different widths. Most of it was plant- will be owned by a stock company with aa Mr. W. S. Henry, the founder, and un- cd the usual width, but he planted invested capital of $10,000, to be raised by change the result. One of the republi cans, McGinnis, it is said, claims a majority of 9 over Alderson. Mighty Close. 4- vassers cans were elected to Congress from that State Brown in the 1st distrtct,and Bow den In the 2nd district. The democrats carried 8 districts. Cleveland's vote was 151,977, Harrison's 150,438.. Four years aero Cleveland grot I4S,4Q7. and Blaine theirs more than 20,000. Consumption Barely Cared. tiAp WMT fVi dcinnmU increased "" - I !1 -.nftr fVi nnrtAiirinr nf the Pharlntte I fiva 4mc u-lth (Iia mws eitrbf fee in.irtl...L.:lnfi TK mm n( the naner hi their vote 6,500, the republicans increased - y " ' " " TT"";-!:.": v r-r- VnroniCie, is now m;iiucv.icu " " wi ana inc wucr uiu uui ic4; gtuwiug nit i not yet OCcn aoopveu- tne largest puuiibuift iiuuo m ..6w. esurc year, UC6Uufi t w.rrt Xr flHmer. of Cumber- France delines to give England and Ger- the middles. He says the cotton planted pitt"county, published in the Wash many premission to search vessels sailing with rows 8 feet apart made twice as much n Gazettc Hcnrj, Jju:kjonf a ten- underherflagonthe African coast aud lomcacrpuu, ant, with two mules, made this year 40 bar- snspected of being engaged in the slave Jefferson Davis' home at Beauvoir, Miss., nU o 13,220 pounds of lint cot trade, is a model of the old time architecture of ton firgt picking, and the crop U now Harper's Weekly says that of all the the far south, ine nousc rests on large TtzAy picking American girls who have married English-1 brick pillars, eigntecn ieei aoove uic carcn, men. Mrs. Chamber lain is the best typeLnd is surrounded bv deep verandas sup- Won of end utr,and ,, naHth- He Went TSh the distracting marks vJ'lne!8,and pake earth seem a vesti- 10 To the Editor-Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I 6hall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy kree to any of your read ers who have consumption if they will send me their express, and post office address. Resper tfully, T. A SLOCUM, M. C, 1S1 Pearl St.,y York. Every bodr will sympathise with Cal Par- . . .. T I 1 L. A Jt. .1 it,. fin.et nm1,,rt nf Vow Enflnnd ctr- v Tnn nill.rc WMc crlacc i nsh Ot the limSDOro XS.CCUIUCI I" ilizrtion I doors open into a hall that is twenty feet "rucuon ui w7 - .. . , , ISJ,. nnU tVi oK hnno I tal loss, and we learn little or no insurance in itto me esumatea vaiuc i r --f . nA to other buildln. and .,c too nno ooo. This is I to the latticed verandas mine rear, un t3w r - f 1 1 - I .... ..... I , fWrurtive one Tfor lllllSDOrO. t 1 i - r u.. nrm tKn tot. I K rrii-kt inrfc thei e t& a wl'ierarrt- and in tne I nearly aouoicinaioj. wucAt, ... , , . . i-t., tM times that of eold and silver, and forty beautiful garden grow orange and fig trees 71 - timev that of iron ore. - 1 and all kinds of tropical flowers. disaster.