r MffiKOK. A' "Our Aim will be, the People's Right Maintain, Unaiced by Power, and Unbribed by Gain" VOL VII. WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 26. 1888. NO. 41 THE DYING YEAR. rfr, soLEMX REFLECTIONS BY 1 ' HEXBT BLOUNT ..iie Broods fdald ot I'a8t O'er tbe Grave of tbe of Scenes tbat fteyear is approaching its end. In a jtnore-davs it will be a thing of the past, jefore another issue of the Mirror it will from the ramparts of time and pass out the ocean of the eternal by-gone. And r here to-night in our quiet room, aud .Jin" o'er the still cpmfofting embers t - nnrp n oinwircr anri manner vwww t, o quaint ligures uegm 10 creep across i coals: and as they thus sor slyly come 4 .m thev bring up scenes tnat never will score. .They: dig open tne grave ot tne t,and p s come forth too sweet to last. JanjOrV Ura illUUHU tut uv,ai tuimnuuiun T. We are again with those who made e bright ana neauuiui.v e icci uic ciasp i tjieir vanished handw Y e hear again music of loveful tones. We feel once innocent smile and that precious prattle of baby-t6ngue, which is such music for mother's ear. Some hearts have been di vorced bv the decree of death, and have been forced to wear the agony-threaded crepe of bitterest mourning as they stand upon the bleak shores of that cold Norway of desolation, and hear in the sobbing and the wailing their own sad hearts are mak ing, echoes of the moaning waves that break 'upon the ice-covered rocks of that frozen - coast that sleeps in everlasting snow. Others, with all their strings of affection gloriously attuned, and with every note of endearment striking and meeting and mingling in harmonious rythm, are now pouring forth those dulcet tides of rapture which flow over and bury all! of those recfsof cares and troubles beneath waves of joy am; happiness as bright and as radiant and as beautiful as those Heaven sent waves'of bliss that break in everlast ing ripples of enchantment upon the blessed shores of immortality. And so it will be seen that thej millen nium has not yet come. Death and sorrow and suffering and bereavement, like dark clouds upon the sky, still obscure now and then the sunlight of joy "and happiness. -ore the rapture of the fond embrace. We I and tell us that there is nothing perfectly e that look of endearment in which all he thrilling ecstaciesof Paradise were pre yed and seeing and feeling all thik we .'oat far away from the shores of the Pres ent, and he basking in gladdest sunlight of jvceet delight, 'as we go floating on tjiose j-trht waters of joy that once broke in ach musical ripples upon the beautiful xean of the Past. We float in precious nature bv loveliest isles of happiest fru- 4 idon,from which are wafted agaiu to our enraptured sen ses the delicious odors of :hose rare flowers of hopes and dreams that once did bud and blossom and bloom, and which had given -us -all their God-given wealth of perfume and of beauty. Yes, we have been most sweetly dreaming to-.night peaceful and perfectly beautiful on this side of the grave, and that to be forever at rest we too, like the old 3 ear, must die and pass away, and find its balm in -endless day. Wtutten For The Mirror.) A DREAH OF CHRISTMAS. By the pleasant fireside sitting In the dusky hour of twilight Leon watched the glowing embers And the flitting, dancing firelight, Misletoe and hemlock branches, Making on the wall weird shadows. Grotesque forms and figures elfin, Overhung the curtained windows. Festoons made of fragrant cedar -dreaming of scenes that once were Sweet Flecked with the departing sunlight nd bright; dreaming of those on that bright Woven in with light and shadow 'bore, where loved ones meet and part no From the wavering flickering firelight,. acre. Yes, the closing year is indeed most w And the wreathing sprays. of holey at for such reflections, for it belongs to Brilliant with their scarlet berries, memory and to tears. We lore to dream Seemed to whisper of the woodlands o'er the hallowed past, and we always 4ike And the haunts of elves and fanes. Did he then believe in Santa? Yes indeed! for he could tell you We had seen him really seen him In the moonlight, from his window. Once upon a former Chfistmass When the people all were sleeping . He had stood behind the curtai.-.s And his watch for Kriss was keeping Soft and white with snow the roof was, Very mild and faint the starlight, Wreathed with snow-flakes all the trees .were, Lingered over ali the moonlight. Very soon he heard a prancing As of reindeer, with a clashing Sonnd of sleigh-bells, and Kriss Kringle On the housetop then came dashing. And he looked so very jolly. Wrapped in furs behind his reindeer. They were crowned with dainty snow wreaths r Forming such a graceful head-gear. We had come from the dear North-lard Come directly from. his palace, ! Whose bright crystal towers were lighted By the bright borealis. - '- . ' ' ' Then the reindeer stopped so proudly As they all came prancing onward, Stopped and shook their silver sleigh-bells, Ilurlinjg showers of snowflakes downward From the branches of their antlers, 1 While Kriss Kringle, very busy, Quickly now was making ready To decend into the chimney. Leon looks in consternation ; Did his youthful eyes deceive him? Vanished in the fading moonlight Shadowy outlines of the vision For, as if by sudden magic, Changed at once to utter darkness All there was of lingering brightness, Nothing was then left but blankness. For with watching being weary We had slept, and had been dreaming- But the vision bfTKriss Kringle Looked so real in its seeming That he still insists he saw him Byjlie mild uncertaintarlifffo " ; Saw him there with all his reindeer From the window In the moonlight Mrs. A. E. L. Kennedy. The Natioal Farmer's Alliance is in ses sion at Meridian, Miss., re-elected Col. Polk first vice-President and Capt. S. B. Alexan der the vice-President for North Carolina. Senator Beck, of Kentucky, is coming South, "making it a point to seek those places the climate of which will prove the most beneficial to him." "Wilson would be proud to have him as a guest. It is reported at Washington that Presi dent Cleveland will appoint Gen. W. R. Cox, of North Carolina, to a position on the Civil, Service Commission made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Oberly. It looks as if the first business of the new Administration, if it is "not to be worried into its grave, will be the making of not less than 20,000 new offices. The clamor STATE NEWS. mOM THE DEEP BLUE KEA TO TUB GRAND OLD MOUNTAIN. An Hoar Plesmatlx Hpcat Wllt Oar Delljcntfal ExchB(et. Bishop Lyman,' who, as bishop of the American Episcopal Churches in Europe, has been making visitations to his charges, will sail for home Jan. 2nd. The death angel visited Mt. OUive on Tuesday of last week at 6 o'clock p, m., and took the soul of Dr. D. A. Smith,-one of its best citizens, to the spirit land. The Goldsboro Rifles held a very impor tant business meeting in their Armory last of patriotic hosts is borne on everv breeze viucr unpurum that blows from Indianapolis. ' ' business that was transacted was the deci- sion of the members to have the "regula- In obedience to a request from Cleveland 4 n 1 tion overcoats. Dr. -White of Columbus,' Ohio, has exam- ined the condition of ex-President Hopkins The State Guard ot Norlh Carolina is of the Fidelity National Bank. As the an essential department of the State Gov - result of the examination, the docter now ernment. Twelve years ago it wasan unsup- J :j:rr i i 1 reports that Hopkins cannot live another F"" "lu,uc,cm,J vrKdmcuanu """ monh. :o call up the events of the year that is dnn"-, and live over again in our musings sir joys and their sorrows, their hopes and 'heir disappointments,- their sunshine and their clouds, arid all the varying lights and shadows which that checkered canvass held. It does one good to review the past. It hallcws our love, it purifies our affec tion, it strengthens cur devotion it inten sifies our feelings, and it makes us bttter All these wreaths and hanging festoons Twined by deft and skilltul fingers, Dropping from the dark mainscoting, - Over which the firelight lingers, Tell an oft repeated story Tell of scenes returning yearly Hearts aglow with expectation And of preparations early For the Christmas time was coming - . . i i wd purer-for we are made to see, in all "n "s tesUve scene 01 gwunebb, their deformitv and ugliness and repulsive- And the Chaistmas bells were chiming, ses?,the little-prejudices and animosities Leaving out all .notes of sadness. which would now and then embitter our Joyously their music sounaeo, natures-and degrade our manhood. And Ringing in melodies rhyming seeing them thus with the lens ot memory, From the belfries and church-towers, Md viewing them in their own true light. To the merry carols timing we resolve to live nearer like that sweet Singing of the listening shepherds ffifi gentle and forbearing and charitable On Judea's hill-side watching .Ose whose natal day all Christendom is Tender flocks at night reposing - sov preparing to celebrate with hosannahs Distant strains of music catching aid glad rejoicings. Hearing "Glory in the Highest, But wejlid not intend this strain when peacc Qn earth,to men good will" began. We intended to make a few Wafted by the angel voices Sections upon the vear that is now so Aw thp ClnY.im hill". . I V- . ' , ! The Vermont Legislature, having re fused women the right to vote in munici" pal elections, certain women have sent in a petition declaring that taxation without lepresentation is ttranny," and asking to remnant. To-day it numbers twelve hun dred active soldiers, actuated by a splendid esprit d corps, well officered, disciplined and equipped. The death of Dr. P. II. Wright, of Ma con, Ga.. the father of Mrs. W. II H. Cobb have all taxes removed from property and Mr. E. A. Wright, of Goldsboro caused owned by women. The engineers and the House Committee on Rivers and Harbors agree that Savan nah can have a 26 foot channel in her har bor at a cost of $2,000,000, while a 28 foot channel will cost $6,600,000. The com mittee will recommend that work be in augurated looking to tite 26 foot channel. The Augusta Steamboat Company has increased its capital stock by $12,000. The universal regret anong the deceased's friends and relatives here. Dr. Wright, was in former days a resident of Goldsboro and a physician of high reputation. He waji a good, true and faithful Christian gentle man. The News & Observer says a gentleman from Dunn told us' that they had bought 6,500 bales of cotton1there this season, against 2,500 same date last year; also that . , . , .. , . . I there would be a large hotel built there Phrnn r p rnmmpnfls the action and wishes l"lc ww, the company continued prosperity. It is hortly. 1 his town is only two years old calculated that the steamboat com ppnv and is situated on the Wilson & t ayetville saves fullv $200,000 a year for the mer- Short Cut road, twenty-five miles from rhants of Augusta in the lower freights I Fayettville. w o n The scenery of Asheviile is remarkably fine but its climate is very rough. The French spoliation cases are 5,509 in number, representing $30,000,000. Opium smuggling on an extensive scale into Michigan and Minnesota is reported. Make some friend a Christlnass present of twelve months subscription to Hie Mirror. The reason why a sailor is called a tar is because he is constantly pitched about by the ocean. secured since the running of the boats on the Savannah river. ' On the 9th inst. the Northern Metho dists celebrated the death of Rev. Charles Wesley, which 'occurred just a hundred vears aero. He was born in 1708. He was educated at Oxford and was eighty years old at his death. His brother John lived to be some eighty-seven. Charles was We have received the beautiful catalogue of Oak Ridge Insikute, and are glad to note its continued and increased prosperity ; 235 students were enroled the past year, representing seven States and two Territo ries. The school has now regular graded courses of instruction and is one of the institutions of the South and is well worth the patronage of our people. Dr. Rondthaler will visit Europe next rtntpA fnr his noetic nifts. and srave the world 7.000 hymns. Of these but com- Vr to attend the Moravian Synod, which ra.nt!.W. W survive He was nrobabiv meets every ten years t,. ......... j - i j rapidly nearing its close, and to point out time of its scenes and events tnat now rise B? to our view like those little isles Of -kaaty that sleep on the bosom of the ocean ftey He hugged in the loving embrace of p;Ppling billows. The vear has been an eTentful one. It has had its storms and its m ; Us clouds and its sunshine; its sor- and its joys. To some the flowers of pe bloomed most beautifully, and sweet- Ringing out the well-known story Of the birth of the fair child, With a manger for his cradle And a virgin mother mild, And his neighbors were the oxen Standing meekly in their stalls, Where a bright and heavenly radiance Shone upon the frowning walls. Then the wise men journeying thither tned life with the richest perfume of a glo- Brought myrrh, frankincense and gold fruition. To others the fateful frosts Signs of richness, sweetness, sadness achillful disappointment fell in cruel Mystery which was to unfold. K and tenderesT petals died amid the Leon thought about the Magi, shadows of one dark night. Yes, some And the star whose Eastern splendor roamed amid those tropical flowers Led them to the humble birth-place luYnr-i-.nl. . r-.Iiora -rv hrpp7 Of -.nt- nU- T.orl nnd Savior. - WUL 9UUd.9a . w.r.j 1 v- W , m. -w ' 1S ntrmuitol ..-UK rr)rc rt thrift, nnd I v . . tK r ' , But not only of the wise-men Ttre the warm gulf-waves of pros- ... a ..flnr, lr4 . . . .. . . I tlWlll l"""v' , liy seit out- their nppnng waters 10 wkle in richest - brilliancy as they broke Sweetest murmurinps of happiness and 0 ,ught upon hearts that never felt the &oni of ray less night. Others have been to the Siberian wastes of iciest dis intment, and there amid the wintriest Elation of the blackest December orde . Pa"ir, they are forced to gaze in shiver- anguish upon the snow-wrapped skele-, ns of hopes that perilled and dreams that Some hearts have been made dark d drear and gloom v bv the shadow of , tn; others have been made bright and be; liful and sweet and melodious bv the With their gifts of gold and spices And their offerings of incense Were his thoughts but of Kriss Kringle. And an eager expectation Filled his brain with fancies as he. With a kind of fascination, Watching red flames shooting upward. Heard the ringing and the chiming Of the silver-toned bell's music And the saintey corals rhyming t He imagined the great fire-place ' Hung with stockings filled with treasure- Painted toys and sugard dainties At a Montana wedding: Justice '-arise! Grab hands! Hitched! Six dollars. Cash up; no trust." " A vfave on which many a poor fellow- hps been carried away is the wave of a lace-edged hankerchief. Senator Riddleberger has forwarded to Governor Lee his resignation as senator, to take effect Jan. 1st. Congressman McClammy is of the opin ion thai Harrison will make a clean sweep of the Democrats in office. Rebecca Collins, aged eighty years, has been a minister in the Friends Church, Philadelphia, for sixty-five years. Claud Lespenard, who was kidnapped in Brooklin in 1873 and has been mourned as dead ever since, found his way home. Federal aid has been asked to assist in suppressing the inhuman and illegal prac tices of the Chesapeak Bay oyster pirates, It begins to look like Gen. Harrison is going to form a cabinet to suit, himself and not one at the direction of Blame and com pany. An impudent fellow 6ays. Show me a the dresses a women has worn in the course of her life and I will write her biography 11 ' 1 rum tiitiii "You have heard a cat purr. I suppose?' asked the Judge. "Yes," replied the Major. "But outside of poetry you never heard a Cowper." We are glad to see the White Caps o Ohio have jbeeu run to cover, and we hope that they will be made to suffer for their recent devilment Mrs. Jay Gould had $8o,ooowhen she married the Wall street wizard. He inves ted if for her and now it has grown to the amount of $200,000,000. This is the reverse otthe course usually pursued by husbands the best of the religious lyrics unless some later ones can compare -with him or sur pass him. It is no longer a s-ccre. that Mr. Blaine desires and expects to be called to the pre miership of the Harrison administration. The fact tint Blaine's friends are active, even aggressive, in their efforts to haye him chosen by the new President, proves that Harrison isn't frantically impoi tuning Blaine to accept the position; and it clearly indicates that .the appointment of the Plumed Knight is only possible and not highly probable. The very recent edito rial deliverance on "Blaine Bluster" m the ndianapolis News, edited by ore of Harri son's most trusted friends and advisers, was not likely inspired by Harrison, but it is quite unlikely that such a pungent and summary dismissal of Blaine's pretensions Lo the premiership would have appeared in The doctor is pas tor of the Salem Moravian Church, and some of his members desiring to do some thing for him as evidence of their appreci ation of his services, have raised for him an amount sufficient to meet his expenses for a trip to the Holy Land and-while in Europe , . The Goldsboro Argus states that the greatest hunt on record in the State is be ing aranged for in that city, to come off in the country around Wilmington on Christ mas day. The Arlington-Gregory pack of hounds, with Messrs. Will Hunter, Geo. D. Bennett, J. W. Lamb, E. G. Por ter, Jos. E. Robinson and others on deck are going down to join a party of Wilming ton gentlemen and "make the welkin ring." Rev. Dr. Charles E. Taylor, the hard working and faithful President of" Wake Forest College, appeals most earnestly for - 1 1 1... 1 . that journal if his appointment w as within 5.ooo aaaiuon3i ior us enaowmeni. ne the range of probability. says that if this money is not furnished the , , , . ,,. college will be cramped m us work ana Prof. Ehsha Gray has so far perfected his b . . 1 , , I mino thinrre nerpsearv to r nnnp will nave invention known as the tel-autograph, he . , , , m , . . , . , ... , j 4 to be left undone. The college is now claims, that he will be ready to intro- f f -Ui -... A gh a New York I f - 0 company that has been formed within a h .... '.. . . , .TTi.. . I means lu uc a- uiu iifcui 111 aiiu uiuuiuui. few weeks. He has at present a wire run-j J r r ning from Chicago to Milwaukee, on which We are requested by Hon. Jr. M.SIm; he is experimenting, and has been able in mons to annonnce that a competitive ex. the last few days to send from Chicago a aminatian of applicants for appointment to message which appears at the Milwaukee the vacant caaetsnip at tne west roint end of the line in fac timile, an almost Military Academy from the second district exact reproduction of the handwriting of viH be held at Rocky Mount on the 27th the professors at the other end. The dif- day of December, 18SS. The examination ference between the oiieinal and the re-! WU1 oe wnauncu uj 1 rei. jowpn ivu, produced copjr is prevent long-dis Of which Kriss w ould give good measures. who marry $So,ooo just enough, he claims, to iance forgery, and yet so nearly j like the hand of the original as to be an exac reproduction for all practical purposes. lie expects the invention to snpersede the telephone over long distan ces and where accuracy is required. It will also be used in telegraph offices at once in the despatch of money orders and the like, w here accuracy is especially required and where the intervention of third parties is undesirable. The "machine, h claims, will also transmit over the wires anv life J drawing or picture. of Lenoir county: Mr. Ellas Carr.of Edge combe, and Dr. Robert Stancil, of North hampton. Consumption Snrelj Cared. To the Editor-Please Inform your readers that I have a positive remedy forth above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been perm an en th ou red. I shall be glad to send two bottle of my remedy eree to any xf your read ers who have consumption if they will send me jtheir expiess and post office address. Respectfully, T-A SLOCUM. M. O, Si Pearl St., -v York. S 7

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