I - I ' . - . ! 9 "Our Aim will be, the People's Right Maintain, Unavced by Povcer. and Vnbribed by Gain." WILSON. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 28. 1889. V0L VIII. NO. 23 ; : ' i ADAM'S ALE. IJIF ;!-IIBE1VED BEVEBAOE FOB rotation Brluffit a Blessing and ot a tnrse, for Only Virtues Doth K jfure. , We cannot improve upon the refreshing and invigorating and thirst-allaying bever age furnished by nature? Here it is Adam's ale-about the only gift that has decendeds undented from the Garden c Eden! Nature's common carrier not created in the rottenness of fermentation, not distilled over guilty fires! Virtues and .,.;ic mmmninns T)ois t muse rc' vice aw .vrf - drunkenness, disease, death, cruelty to wo rr.en a-J children? Will it place rags on the person, mortgages on the stock, farm and furniture? Will it consume wages and income in advance and ruin men in busi ness? No! But it floats in white gossa mer clouds far up in the quiet summer sky, r.d hovers in dreamv mists over the merry faces cf all our sparkling lakes. It .veils the woods and hills of earth's landscapes in a purple haze, where filmy lights and shadows drift hour after hour. It piles it self in tumbled masses of cloud domes and thunder heads, draws the electric flash from its mysterious hiding places, and seems to i-hock the wide air with vivid lines of fire. It is carried by the wind, and falls in rustling curtains of liquid drapery over all the thirsty woods and fields, and fixes b God's mystic Eastern heavens his beau tiful bow of promise, glorified with a radi ance that seems reflected out of the heaven itself. It gleams in the frost crystals of the mountain tops and it dawns the val leys. It silently creeps up to each leaf in the myraid forests of the worlds and tints each fruit and flower. It is here in the grass blades of the meadows, and there where the corn waves its tassels and the wheat is billowing! It gems the deptsh of the oceans round the whole earth, and roars its hoarse, eternal anthems on a hun dred thousand miles of coast! It claps its hands in the flashing wave crests of the sea, laughs in the little rapids of the brooks, kisses the dripping, moss-covered, old oaken well buckets in a countless host of happy homes! See these' pieces of cracked ice, full of prismatic colors, clear as dia monds! Listen to their fairy tinkle against the brimming glass, that sweetest music in all the world to one half faint with thirst! And so, in the language of that strand old man, Gough, we ask you , brothers all, would you exchange the spark ling glass of water for alcohol, and drink of the very devil himself ? HOME. SWEET HOME. The Rlest Asylum From all Care. Heme! It is a charmed word. Through that one syllable thrill untold melodies, the tighter of children, the sound of well known footsteps, and the voice of undying affection. Home! We h-ar in that word the n?r''C of meadow brooks, in which knee kep we w aded, the lowing cattle coming u? fro:n the pasture, the sharp hiss of the scythe amid thick grass, the crceking of hav-rack where we trampled down elcad. Home! Upcn that word there Ps the sunshine of boyhood, and the shadow-of tender sorrows and the reflec tion of a thousand fond memories. Home! when we see it in book or newspaper, that wd seems to rise and sparkle, and leap, aa- thrill, and whisper, and chant, and rrar, and weep. It springs up like a foun It thrills like a song. It twinkles a star. It leaps like a name. It T o'Ows like a sunset. It sings like an angel 'vnc. if some lexicographer, urged on by a spirit from beneath, should seek to cast foi that word from the language, the children would come forth and hide it un r garlands of wild flowers, and the wealthy would come forth to hide it up '-th diamonds and pearls; and the kings ou!d hide it under their crowns; and after "erod had hunted its life from Bethlehem t0 Eg.vpt, and utterly given up the search, a:e bright, warm day it would flash from jnong the gems, and breathe from among flowers, and toss from among the coro-re- and the world v.ould read it bright, fair, and beautiful, and resonant asbe-IOre- Home! Home! Home! WOMAN'S WORTH. Ciod'S I'at Beat Girt to Han. In the day dawn of youth, when the kindling vision sweeps the plains of futu rity and sees only the blazonry of hopeful promises, the -oung man weds some dam sel on whose tender cheeks the dews of morn are still a-tremble. Then comes the year's of toil and labor, the cares and the worries, the joys and the disappointments. Man is prone to selfishness and is too near sighted to observe the hand that bears the cooling chalice to the fevered lips. But to woman he is all in all. She. has not a thought higher that his dear head, for that is, to her as high as heaven. And there is more strength and support in a pair of those soft white arms than there is in braces of iron and girders of steel. There is some thing in her very presence, something soothing and refreshing. And her voice is dearer to him than all the melodies of earth and sea and sky combined. Anticipating his smallest wishes she teaches him to ex pect all that is best in life through her ten der hands. The man who is incapable of that pure and lofty appreciation of woman s love, is incapable of feeling the thrill of that noble intellectuality which is but a foretast of joys that are to come in a world where the souls c these pure and tender wives and mothers shall shine with a lus tre unequaled by the concentrated splen dor of a hundred suns. ABOUT 1,450,000,000 The human family to-day consists of about 1450,000,000 individuals; not less, probably more. These are distributed over the earth's surface so that now there is no considerable part where man is not found. In Asia, where man was first planted, there are now approximately about 800, 000,000, densely crowded; on an average 120 to the square mile not so crowded but everywhere dense, and at all points over populated. In Afrfca there are 2x0,000,000. In America, North and South, there are 110,000,000, relatively thinly scattered and recent. In the Islands, large and small probably 10,000,000. The extremes of the white and black are as five to three; the remaining brown and tanny. Of the race, 500,000,000 are well clothed that is wear garments of some kind to cover their nakedness; 700,000,000 are semi-clothed, covering inferior parts of the body ; 250,000 000 are practically naked. Of the race, 500, 000,000 live in houses partly furnished with the appointments of civilization; Sooo.ooo oooinhutsor caves with no furnishing; 260,000,000 have nothing that can be called a home, are barbarious and savage. The range is from the topmost round the Anglo-Saxon civilization, which is the highest known down to the naked sava gery. The portion of the race lying below the line of human condition is at the very least three-fifths of the whole 900,000, 000. t SATISFIED. As flowers lean outward to the light, I' lean to thee; The one who makes the darkness bright; The North Star in the moonless night Thou art to me, As children trust and know no fear, I trust in thee; Heaven, in thy presence, seemeth here: Where thou art, whether far or near, Tis sweet to be. As travelers long, when worn and tired, Their home to see, To my heart wandering far and wide, Finding its goal, Is satisfied To rest near thee. a noi sER. "My dear bretheren," said the minister, leaning forward and speaking very earn estly, "in the excessively warm and op pressive weather I can excuse drowisness during the sermon, but I do wish that you would try to keep awake while the collec tion is being taken up." THE THREADS. A little girl was eating green corn by gnawing it from the cob, when her teeth got entangled with the corn-silk. VOh, . dear! she said, impatiently, "I wish when thev get the corn made ther would pull out the basting-threads." A MIXTURE. EDITORIAL ETCHINGS EUPHOICI OI7SI.Y ELUCIDATED. XYnmerons Newsy Note ana Mtnj Merry Morsels Paragraphical!? Packed and Pithily Pointed. The Sulli-vanty of Bostdn has had a fall. Kentucky has a mail carrier ninety years old. In Chile the street-car conductors are all women. The word "and" occurrs 46,227 times in the Bible. A man in a peck of trouble Is in a measure to be pitied. A man runs and gets warm. Butter gets warm and runs. Philadelphia is to have a new church for colored Catholics. Srange to say, the only way to kill a law is not to execute it. Can I help your heartache?" "Yes, if you'll my heart take." After all the milk of human kindness is the best Elixir cf Life. A mountain of pure manganese has just been found in Colorado. ' No matter how industrious the baker may be, he is at best a loafer. Nations move by cycles, says Emerson, Boys move bicycles, too. Human sacrifices are still quite common on the East African coast. Prudence and religion are above accidents, and draw good out of everything. In Chicago 1,324,000 hogs were packd this year against 1,557,000 in 18S6. Mrs. May bricks death sentence has been commuted to imprisonment for life. We usually learn to wait only when we have no longer.any thing, to wait for. If some men died and others did not, death indeed would be a most mortifying evil. The Georgia Legislature has passed a bill prohibiting the sale of cigarettes to minors The soul without imagination is what an observatory would be without a telescope. Crop indications throughout the country point to the largest yield of oats ever re ported. If some men were half as big as they think they are, the world would have to be en larged. In Tennyson's "rosebud garden of girls," it is supposed there were no widow's weeds." We believe in supporting the dignity of the bench. But liberty is worth more than dignity. A British Syndicate is said to have paid $5,000,000 for an American patent medicine buisness. Morals must be vindicated. But the sanc tion of crime defense of morals is a ridiculous humbug. Mr Parnell has a surplas of $100,000 after paying his legal expenses before the Commisson. The new French army law extends the age of liability to service from forty five years to fifty. Despise not advice, though even the mean est. Gabbling geese once preserved the Roman State. When a great man stoops and trips, the small men around him appear larger than they really are. The three Presidents who died on July 4 are John Adams, Thomas .Jefferson and James Monroe. Nagle, the slayer of Terry has been re leased by habeas corpus proceedings and is Now at liberty. The American mosquito has appeared in England, and the people are vastly excited by the discovery. The Indian squaws of the past were; very romantic. They always took their bows about with them. It was a barber who remarked that it took everything he could 4rake and scrape" to make him a living. A pair of elephant's tusks of average length weigh about 200 pounds, and are worth about $500. British people drink annually five pounds of tea per head per annum. The French av- ; erage is only half an ounce. It is against the city ordinance In Castile, N. Y., for a donkey to appear on the streets unless accompanied by a man. The descendants of Rebecca Nourse, who was hanged as a witch in 1622, had a reun ion In Danvcrs, Mass., recently. A mine of soap lias been discovered in California. Now the question might be asked what use has Calfornia for a soap mine? A ton of rope made of the hair of devout women in Japan has been used in building a $3,000,000 temple to Buddha at Kioto. An Indianapolis man muzzled his wife with a base-ball mask. She couldn't bite, but her tongue could, as he soon found out to his sorrow. , With what an air of calm superiority a hen will gobble a worm after the rooster has scratched it up! There are lots of hens in the world. Mulhally, the artistic liar who used to wire those Texas wonders some time ajjo must have transferred his field of operations to Alabama. The American exhibit at the Paris Ex position is all right now. Edison, the "King of Light," is there. All Europe combined can't match him. A cloud-burst in Nevada the other day dropped enough water on a region two miles square to form a lake of ten acres in extent and ten feet deep. "I do think that thirteen is an unlucky number," said a pert young miss who liad just entered her teens. "It's too old for dolls and too young for beaux!" Ex-U. S. Treasurer Spinner is in Florida, where he has been for a long time the vic tim of cancer. It is not thought he can live more than a few weeks longer. Some fellow not long ago fished up some pearls in a Wisconsin river and now the in habitiants of the Badger State are out by the thousand combing the bottoms of the rivers. An Iowa Justice fined a man 50 for kissing a girl against her w ill not because he had no right to do it but because he showed such poor taste in kissing such an ugly girl. ...... Senator Ingalls believes that "public offi ce is a private snap." The Greensboro North State has come to the conclusion that it is "a family roost." Just now the p. s. and f. r. are disturbing the peace of the g. o. p. It is said the Republican party of Ala bama Is going to gather up its fragments and put a State ticket in the field next No vember. Gen. Chalmers wants to run for Governor, but some of the colored leaders don't take any stock in Wm. "Is there any opening here for an intellec- tnal writer?" asked a seedv, red-nosed indi vidual of an editor. "Yes, my friend," re plied the man of quills, "a considerate car penter, foreseeing your visit, left an open ing for you. Turn the knob on the right." Miss Buchanan once rallying her cousin, an officer, on his courage, said: "Now, Mr. Harry, do you really mean to tell me ou can walk up to a cannon's mouth without fear?" "Yes," was the prompt reply, "or to a Buchanan's either." And he did it. A Tuscaloosa (Ala.) man has invented a machine which spins yarn direcly from seed cotton, dispensing with the process of gin ning. It is said that the yarn spun by this machine is eqnal to the best qualities of coarseryarn and would make the best grade of coarser goods such as duck, sails and bag ging. 1 A Tennessee editor .vants to know how people can expect him to get out a real new sy paper when he is twelve miles from a railroad, five miles from a river, millions of miles from heaven, two miles from the devil and only two hundred yards from a gin mill This is laboring under difficulties that might disconrage even a Tennessee editor. " Gov. Gray, of Indiana, has entered the ring as a Democratic competitor of Dan Voorhees for his seat in the U. S. Senate. They are both popular men and -it is said the tilt between them will be interesting. Voorhees is a hard man to get aw,v with in Indiana. He is a hard man to get away with any where. Mr. Ingalls, the gentleman from Kansas, could testify to this. A writer in the St. Louis Republic tells of two authors who published two novels on which they worked about a year, one of whom realized only $S.5o an J the other $39.50. Why do they fool their time away on novels when there is such a wide feld for genius and opportnnities for the acquire ment of wealth in the Journalistic profes sion. We say this by way of encouragement to poorly requited book makers. STATE NEWS. FROM THE DEEP ELITE SEA TO THE GRAND OLD JIOrXTAIX. An Hear Pleasantly Spent With Our Dellffhtrnl Ex chances. A roller process flour mill will be built at Wavnesville. A white woman eloped with a negro man from Charlotte last week. It is said that 15,000 negroes have left the State since last November. A new opera house to seat 750 people has been contracted for at Hickory. A Baltimore company will establish a crockery factory at Wilmington. Matthews Gibbs died at his home in Cen tre recently of old age. He wasjoS years of age- A bar-keeper at Asheville advertises that he will sell liquor to no one of intemperate habits if he is informed of the fact. The citizens of Windsor last week reques ted A. J. Pritchard.mayor of the town, to re sign because of prostituting his office to per sonal ends. A Raleigh negro who went to Mississippi last spring has just walked back. He says graveyards are as large out there as cotton fields are here. A movement is on foot among the dissat isfied negroes of Mecklenburg county to or ganize a Republican party independent of President Harrison Rev. Jarvis Buxton, a former resident of Fayetteville, but for 40 j'ears rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Asheville, has resigned his charge. Col. W.J. Gieen left Saturday las for an extended trip through the Southern States, during which time he will spend several days with'ex-President Davis at Beauvoir,Miss. The Mount Olive Telegram has enlarged from a six to a stfven column paper, and has very much improved its typographical ap pearance, all of which we are glad to note, for we still have a tender feeling for the in terest of Mount Olive. The Board of Directors of .the newly organized Board of Public Charities, stands thus: Dr. E. Burke Haywood, of Wake, Chairman ; J. B. Sawyer, of Burke. W. A. Bobbitt, of Granville, Lawrence. J. Haughton, of Chatam, Dr. Charles Duffy, Jr., of Craven. The North Carolina teachers were pre sented to Queen Victoria and they presented her with a hiddenite stone set in gold tobac co leaves with "The Old North State" en graved on it. Major Harrell got on his knees to kiss the Queen's hand and the Princess Beatrice laughed at him. President Gray estimates the damage to the Cape Fear& Yadkin Valley Railway by the" recent washouts, between Greensboro and Mt. Airy, at about $2o',coo in round numbers. The trains are expected to be run ning on schedule time from Bennetts ville to Mt. Airy by the 26th inst. North Carolina Insane Asylum: Capt. Octavius Coke, Chairman; Dr. George A. Foote, of Warren ; R. 1 1. Smith, of Halifax ; Jas. S. Amis, of Granville; Dr. John Mc Cormick, of Robeson; Broadfoot, of Cum berland; Kirby, of Wayne; Womack, of Chatham, Biggs, of Martn. W. K. Perry, the aeronaut, who received severe injuries by falling from a balloon 700 feet high at Mount Holly fair, near Charlotte, ten day ago, died Sunday night from internal injuries. Perry leaves a wife and two children, who came to Charlotte from Birmingham, Ala., a few days ago. Opium & Liquor Habits Cured Without Nerv ous Shock or Distress. Oar Double Chloride of Gold Remedies for the Cure of the On cm and Liquor Habits. have been on the market for 10 TEARs,durinp which time they hare never failed to make a Core of either Habit, where they hare been jriven even a meagre chance. We will Care On I'M Patients at their own horae in f ro.n 4 to 6 x reeks, painless! v, and without loss of food, sleep or occupation. Ve easily Cure Drunkenness inIde of Three Weeks. Fall proof of the above furnished, and Literature for the Cure cf either Habit sent free on application. Address, THE LESLIE E. KEELEY CO., DwiGirr, Lxvrxcvrox co., ILLINOIS. s 7 J i