$1 A YEAR CASH IK ADVANCE. "LET ALL THE ENDS THOD AIMS!' AT BE THf COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S AND TROTHS." BEST ADVERTISING 'JEDIUII- VOLUME XXIX. WILSON, X. C, MARCH 2; 1899. NUMBER 8. v -"""' - ' , POPE LEO BETTER. News From His Bedside A Large Cyst Was Removed. Rome, March i (Special). Pope Leo XIII passed a fairly good night, and his physicians , pronounced him better after an examinationthis morn ing. : : : 1 Dr. Mazzini has just performed ' a most successful- and delicate opera tion, removing a cyst from the left thigh, the aged patient bearing the operation well! ' The Pope- has long suffered from this cyst, anj the unfavorable symp toms of yesterday were due to this. There is no trace of fever this morning, and the doctors think that no complications will result. - Some morning papers asserted that the Pope was suffering from, rheumat ic fever, following a chill, and feared that pleurisy might supervene. Spain in An Uproar. . Madrid, March i (Special). The Spanish troubles in maintaining the present government came to a head late yesterday, and premier Sagasta felt compelled, to hand to the Queen Regent the resignation of the entire ministry. Difficulty will be encountered in organizing a new ministry, and a min isterial crisis is expected, as it is be lieved that the cabinet was convinced :of. the impossibility of ayjpidingde- feat on the final. vote on the bill mak ing a cession 'of the Phillipines to .the United State. They realize that on position may increase while the gov ernment cannot hope to gain a single additional supporter. Yesterday the government majority was only two votes. - Gaudaloupe Bombarded. Manila, March 1. (Special). First Batallion Volunteers command ed by Col. Smith, embarked on the transport St. Paul lor the Negros Islands. The Negros commissioners are returning home on the same ves sel. During the bombardment of Gua daloupe this morning by the cap tured Spanish gunboat Laguna De Bay and Lieut. Scott's battery of Sixth United States artilery, fifty in surgents were killed, and private Parks of 1st California wounded in the picket firing Advices from'lloilo say that Chap lain Leland of 1st Tennessee died there of smallpox. - Rebels are very active in Caloocan, Malebonj and they evidently intend - mounting a battery, as they can be seen throwing up earthworks. Hot Language. Lima, Peru, March 1. (Special.) Tiempo, semi-official organ says editoriallv : ' "We consider it useless to send delegates from Peru to the Philadel phia Museum Congress in view of the unfavorable result to negotiate a commercial treaty with the U. S, on account of the rasping, imperative, monopolizing tone - of Yankee com rnerce Hart's Emulsion ol Cod Liver -wuii creosote and the Hypo- phosphites, if faithfully used, is a specific in the treatment of Weak Lungs, Consumption, Bronchitis, etc. Leadinnr VvU. i.' i- . , jjuyaicians recommena it. bold by B; W. Hargrave, Hot in Manila. Manila, March 2, The hotest day of the season and many volunteers prostrated. Fortunately all quiet in side and outside the American lines, the majority of the men being kept in the shade. ' The transport Morgan Gity arrived to-day but the wives of officers and other women passengers were not allowed to land, the authorities con sidering conditions ashore too un- ed. The Spanish Newspaper Union Iberica was suppressed yesterday on account of objectionable N utterances; among the statements being one that the Filipinos hold over a thousand American prisoners. The State Guard Gets'$l6,000 Annually. Raleigh, March i. The House to day voted $16,000 annually to the State Guard, and arranged that only white troops should compose the Guard. The Ad tjutant General is to be commander olthe brigade in addition to his other duties, with $ I, ooo salary. The Quartermaster General is to re ceive $500. Every company in the Guard will get $250 yearly, and the Guard will consist of three regiments, twelve companies to the regiment, and eight divisions of Naval reserves. The enlistment is for three years and provisions are made toxompel mem bers attend drills. The Pope Passed Good Night. Rome, March 2. At midnight the Pope took a little soup and brandy, and shortly after fell asleep, Ins fever increasing somewhat during the night. Dr. Lappeni says this is usually the case alter such an operation, and his sleep did most to restore his strength. He passed a good night altogether. Dr. Mazzoni dressed his wound this morning, and does not consider the condition ot the Popegrave. Cardinal Oreglia and Cardinal Sel schowski, who will govern the Papal See ad interim in the event ot the Pope's death, had a conlerence this morning. Today is the 89th birthday of the Pope. The Pope Suffered. Paris, March 1 . A special- from Rome to the Figaro says that, before yielding himself to the surgeons in yesterday's operation, the Pope had strength enough to kneel and offer a short prayer. During the operation he suffered severely and his piteous cries could be heard in the adjacent rooms. Af ter the operation, turning to Dr. Lap pom, the Pope said, in a tone of pa ternal reproach, " What a hard heart you must have to make an old man of ninety years suffer like that!" Agoncillo a Coward. .Y. Tobermary, Scotland, March 2 The steamer Labrador, while off the Scottish coast, came, in contact with a rock and appeared badly damaged as soon as struck. Agoncillo, the di rect representative of Aguinaldo, the Philippine leader, was on board the Labrador and showed great coward ice. The panic-stricken passengers rushed for the boats and Agoncillo headed the rush. lYSPEPSIA is the cause of un told suffering. By taking Hood's oarsaparilla the digestive organs are toned and dyspepsia I S C U fl E D. In the House To-day. Washington, March 1 (Special). The House will have disposed. of! all great money bills to-day. it the General Deficiency )ill passes, as ex pected, under the suspension of the' rules. The House will then devote the balance of the week in considera tion of the Senate amendments. The principal matters still unsettled are the Army bill and the River and Harbor bill. Action on both is ex- pected to-day. The House Commit- tee on Military Aftairs were conbid ering the Army bill this morning and is expected to report sometime to day. Later The House Committee on Military Affairs . disagreed to Senate amendments to the Army bill, and decided to report to the House, and under suspension of the rules to move nonconcurrence and submission of report to a reference conterence com mittee. The conference report on the Na- val Personnel bill came before both houses to-day. The Senate to-day passed the $20,- 000,000 appropriation which goes to Spain to pay for the Philippines, as stated in the peace treaty. Conference has been ordered on the Sundry Civil bill. The House has adopted the con ference report on ih. General Claims bill. ;;:V-'- " v . -. - -ir-- Rudyard Kipling Better. New York, March 1 (Special). Drs. Janeway and Dunham, the physicians of the noted English au thor and poet, gave out their bulle tin this morning saying that Kipling had a better night, arid his symptoms showed marked improvement. His delirium was replaced bv natural sleep. He is still seriously ill, and - his fever, though less, continues Six Men Will Settls Its Fate. Washington, March 2 Nearly all business before Congress till Satu r- day noon- will be clone in Conference Committees. The fate of the Nicara- gua Canal bill is thus in the hands of six men representing the two 1 1 r . . . Drancnes 01 congress, and unless the compromise suggestion yesterday is accepted by the Senate Committee a conference argreement on the canal proposition is not likely to be reached. Terrific Snow Storm. Leadville, Col., March 2. For the last twenty-four hours there has been a terrific snow storm raging here, which was preceded by a furious blizzard. The railroads west of here are blocked by the snow. Families in the interior live on one meal a day, consisting of Dread, potatoes and wa ter. No coal can be gotten, and tim ber is being dug out from under the snow for fuel. Transports to Leave Today. San rrancisco, March 2 bpecial The transnort Portland is sched- r m m- m I r uled to sail today at 3 p. m. and the VblIo Q,r, k ,v ;c ,u to await the arrival of the officers de- laved East bv the snow blockade. Porflnnd'c rirnrn inMiirlpc 1 -a rrrf quantities of drain piping to be put down in Manilla in order to improve its sanitary condition. TELEGRAPHLETS. Reports from coal mining districts in western Arkansas indicate that the expected miners' strike has begun Freedmans, who controls the New York base ball team has offered, his control for sale lor $65,000. The police in Paris o-day searched the residence of many officials, mem- bers of various leagues and also that of Baron Legoux, President Bona- partist committee representing Victor Napoleon, and found many import ant papers. The monitor Monterey sailed to day from Hong Kong lor Manila. The gunboat Castine left Suez fdrT Aden by way of the phinipines Senator Hale presented the report of the conference committee on the Naval Personnel bill.which was agreed to in tfie U. S. Senate. . . ' , In an explosion of gas in the Kings- r ton coal mine at Wilkesbarre, Pa., ' . , . , . - ' last night, two miners were killed, one fatally burned and another severely . . , y ' ' Representative-elect Sibley, who went to Harrisburg, Pa., yesterday-to take part in the Senatorial struggle, was taken ill' last night at a hotel. He grew worse during the night and pneumonia is tnreatened. The vote to-day for - U- S. Senator showed no change. "A " speciah" tx'bmHdn KTong sa'ys that the U. S. Philippines' Commis-, sion left on the, U. S. cruiser Balti more lor Manila late yesterday Today the U. S House of Repre sentatives passed bills appropriating half a million dollars each to the Buf falo, N. and Toledo, Ohio, Expo sitions. f The conlerees on the River and Harbor bill have agreed to allow the forty foot channel now in New York harbor to stand. The House con ferees contested the Senate amend ments every step. Tha old Board ot Directors of the Mullet road refuse to turn . over the road tp the new Board and keeper of the Capitol Burns refuses to give up his job to the new keeper, C A. Cherry, saying he has two years more to serve. The Edwards deal in trying to buy the A. & N. C. road for $300,000 has struck a snag. They .don't offer enough for the- State's stock. Good judges say this is worth $500,000, the full value of the road being one million dollars. The Edwards party want another offer allowed them, but the committee has about concluded not to deal with Edwards: Lord Herschell Dead. Washington, March 1 (Special). Lord Herschell, High Joint Com missioner for Great Britain, died here this morning at 7 o'clock. Several weeks ago, while out on the street, he fell, on account of a slippery side walk, breaking some of the pelvic bones. This fall, it is thoughtis the probable-cause of his death. Why allow yourself to be slowly tor- ,,a at tho ;take of disease ? Chills tuitu and Fever will undermine, and eventu al'lv break down, the strongest consti tution -FEBRI-CURA'V (Sweet Chill I TYmlr nf Tron) is more effective than 0uinine and being combined with Iron ;c or. Wrpllent Tonic and Nervine Med I 1 C1I1C . it i nleasant to taice. is som - I 1 . mn rnnr pp TO PI 1 it lit A k ir ,f - money refunded. Accept no substi tutes. The ,,just as good" kind don't effect cures. Soldby B. VV. Hargrave WHAT IS HAPPENING IN AND ABOUT RALEIGH. News of Interest Picked Up By Reporters and Sent Out to the Four Corners. Raleigh, N. C, March 1. The Election Law has passed the House and is now in the Senate. ;T Yesterday the following-important bills were passed by the House: The Insurance bill, providing for an In surance Commissioner, a bill reor ganizing the Department of AgricuU. ture and getting rid of Jno. R. Smith; a bill to better govern jhe A. and M. "college. . 1, i i The Atlantic & North -Carolina railroad matter was up again yester day before the Senate and House committees. The testimony showed the roadbed to be in good condition. the equipment to be poor, but .the buslness on the increase. A stormy fight is being made to sel1 lhe road to private parties. In case this is doneCol. J S. Carr gives - aSSUranCe that an PYtPncinn tr PVior- c , , . t lotte, Salisbury or Concord will be bujjt wnr r ' ' William Watts, ol Garner, N. C, yesterday became a naturalized Amer- ican citizen. He was born in Eng- land and came to North Carolina in 1876 ? The Railroad Commission in ses- sion here to-day established an agen- cy at bharpsburg, on the Atlantic Coast Line between Wilson and Rocky Mount. The Commission . meets next on March 15 Raleigh, March i, 1899. Judge James E. Shepherd . was to day unanimously elected Professor of ; Law in the University of N.. C, to fill the position made vocantby the death of Dr. John Manning. ' Dr. Alderman reports 640 students on the University roll lor 1890,-99. The joint committee on printing to-day awarded the contract for the State printing to the firm headed by Guy V. Barnes, a Populist, the low est bidder. There is much criticism on the action of the committee. Only 7 votes were cast, 4 for Barnes and 3 against, two members of the commit tee being absent and one not voting. It is said that Mr. W. E. Faison, of Raleigh, is slated as Assistant Commissioner of Labor and Printing. He is a practical printer. To night.' Capt. B. R. Lacy was named as Com missioner by the Democratic caucus, and J. R. Young, a well-equipped in surance man, was named as Insurance Commissioner. Mr. C. C. Cherry received the nomination for keeper of the capital. He was a brave Confed erate soldier, lost a leg in the war, and is now farming in Edgecombe county. Ham Jones, Republican ex-sherift ot Wake county, fractured his leg on Sunday last. No more of the R:ivay Commis sion. Its been aboli-- and the N. C. Corporation Commie-ion takes its place. "" American Soldiers Killed. . Jackson, Tenn., March 2. News has just reached hereof a disastrous railroad smash-up near Tupelo on the Mobile and Ohio road. Six" coaches of soldiers were overturned and two killed and six seriously hurt. ; " The blue-bird is hailed as a'harbin ger of Spring. It is also areminder that a blood purifier is needfed to "pre pare the system for the dilitating weather to come. Listen, arrd jtdu Lwiir hear the birds singing: "Tatcq Ayer's Sarsaparilla inMarch, April, May.' : 1 - u . f - I -: i . It

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