VOLUME XXIX, WILSON. N. C, AUGUST 24, 1899. NUMBER 33. III DREYFUS' COURAGEOUS COUNSEL IN COURT THE AUDIENCE ACCLAIMS HIM. DREYFUS' WORDS Hill THE URGE AUDIENCE They Applaud Him Tumultuously A Dynamite Sent to Labori's Room- Prods the Witnesses. Box With Labori Rennes, August 22.-Maitre La bori, the leading counsel ot Dreyfus, who was wounded in the back by an assassin's bullet, has so far recovered that he appeared at the opening ol today's session of the court martial. He walked briskly, holding his hand to his side to ease his wound. The audience wildly acclaimed and de manded a speech, to which he re sponded cleverly. Labori immediately began the cross examination of Gen. Mercier. His first question caused a great sen sation. He asked by what right Mercier had in his possession the secret dossier, a state document, when he was no longer a member of the cabinet, nor of the Government. Gen. Mercier grew red and confused, he stammered a moment, then de dined to answer. Replying to charges of Col. Mourot to-day Dreyfus thrilled the audience, crying, in a shrill voice: "I love the array." The audience "was magne tized by the sincerely of his tone and applauded tumultuously. Labori Prods Mercier. Rennes, August 22. One of La bori's questions to Mercier referred to the Schneider forgery. Mercier refused to tell how he got it. Car riere tried to help Mercier by claim ing; that it was a secret document, but Labori said the prosecution had in troduced it and hence his question was admissable. ' To Dynamite Labori. Rennes, August 22 Two bombs have been found in a box in Labori's room. It .is believed that they were sent in pursuance of a plot to take his life. . WEDNESDAY'S PROCEEDING. Rennes, August 23.- M. Labori looked very much stronger this morning. M. De Breull testified that he met Dreyfus at a dinner party at the house of M. Bodson in Paris in 1886. Bod son told him that he knew enough about Dreyfus to get him" kicked out of the army. Labori pulverized him by showing that he knew nothing that he could substantiate by evidence. Insinuations Against Plcquart. Rennes, August 2-. Capt. Lerond tended Esterhazy by saying it was impossible for him to know about the hydraulic brake mentioned in the rdeau. then he related how Pic quart had assigned him . to watch Esterhazy. He made insinuations against Plcquart, which that officer repudiateg1 and disputed several times. Esterhazy 's evidence in the Court ot Cessation was read. Letters from ernazy were read stating that he -..wu uiai uenerai. raures in tervention following the receipt of "iese letters to have led to Picquart beig sent to Tunis. Gonse Denies Statements. Gen. Gonse denied the statements terhazy reflecting upon the gen al staff. - T , 1 Don asked Conse what, in his eyes, could excuse the villainous acts taken to apprise Esterhazy of his danger from Picquart's investigations. Gonse refused to admit that any im- 1 proper means had been taken. When he was asked it he would accept the responsibility for the acts of De Clam, Gonse answered evasively. Dreyfus Has a Word. Du Breil, being cross examined by Labori, hinted that Dreyfus was a man with a black past. v Dreyfus excitedly said : "It must be made known here who is lying and who is spealffng the truth." I D AN UNCENSORED DISPATCH FROM MANILA THE INSURRECTION GROWS. BEAT THE BRIDE. Inhuman Conduct of a Brutal Father Officers Off With a Shotgun -Drove n Rffl 10 1 Raleigh, N. C. August 23. Young THE ENGLISH THINK THE TIME HAS COME CARRY FOOD FROM MANILA TO REELS OUTSIDE Mr. Smith of Middle Creek Town ship, Wake county, married Miss Pope, of Marks Creek Township while her father Bryant Pope was away. When he returned he beat h& wife THE BOERS THINK LIKEWISE. VOLUNTEER REG1SEHTS OFFER THEIR SERTIGES. Forty-five Tons of Rice TaVen In Small Parcels severly because of the marriage and I The Boars Are Gathering to Do Battle The -Insurgents Immediately Re-enter Towrns Abandoned By Americans. OCRACOKE A WRECK. Hotels, Houses and Churches Blown Down Terrible Struggles for Life. Manila, August 19, via Hong Kong, August 22. The Filipino rebels appear to retain much more fighting spirit than might be expect ed after their defeats recently at San Fernando and the drubbings Lawton gave them in the South. They have an army of several thousand in Cavite province where it Washington, N. C, August 22. Ocracoke Island is a wreck. Thirty- three houses and two churches are destroyed and two people killed. The was believed the revolt had been sup wind blew at seventy miles an hour Pressea and waves twenty to thirty feet high broke on the island, the storm begin niner last Tuesdav. VhcrWnrT A wm; nfWH Hundreds of Filipinos enter Manila then crossed the river "and finding Smith cut him with a knife. Smith fled and the irate father took the bride home tied her to a tree and beat her cruelly, using a plank on his own wife also. Warrants were sworn out lor Pope's arrest and a posse went after him. Pope barricaded himself in his house and opened fire on the officers who retreated quickly. Yesterday Pope came to Raleigh and surrendered. He will have to answer a number of charges. Clash of Arms May Soon Come in the Transvaal. RECENT AMERICAN VICTO RIES HAVE BEEN EXAGGER-ATED. RUSSIANS ARE FRIGHTENED. Rumor that the World is Coming to an End Frighten the Uneducated Classes. St. Petersburg, August 23. Re- London, August 23. Offers are reaching the war office from every volunteer regiment in the country expressing a willingness to enter the service at the Cape in the event of war with the Transvaal. ' The Boers Prepare. Cape Town, South Africa, August 23. The Mafeking horse regiment is mobilizing rapidly. Several hun dred recruits have arrived here fully equipped and have joined the Vivians camp. Every train is bringing in fresh recruits. It is reported that three hundred Boers have formed a terribly beine driven on a shoal last daiIy and return to the rebels lines ports from southern Russia say that league on the border. Wednesday. After heroic eftorts all of the party aboard except two were rescued. From Wednesday till Sat urday they were without food. The people on the island suftered awlully, all expecting to perish, and the ball room at the hotel became a place of prayer. Many vessels along the coast were wrecked and everywhere in the vicin ity of Ocracoke immense damage waT ateo, abandoned for the third time done. after its' recent caotu re bv the Ameri- a a a --v I rortsmoutn sunered like ucracoKe, cans. having houses blown down and horses and cattle drowned. From all the seaside comes a tale of terrible havoc. with food and other commodities, a current rumor of the annrnachimr American Ammunition'Wanted. . i r The guards reported that five thous- end of the world is causing a panic Birmingham, Ala., August 23 A and passed through the lines in three among the' uneducated classes. firm here has received an order days and carried out forty-five tons Workmen are leaving Kharkov in for fourteen million Mauser car of rice in small parcels in ten days. large numbers, wishing to spend tridges for urgent delivery to South The American troops were with what they consider their last days in Africa. Secrecy is observed regard drawn from all that part ot the coun- village homes. Factory owners ing the exact destination, but -it is try which was half cleared of rebels have asked the police to stop this said the Boers alone use Mauser rifles oy me expeuiuon 01 rvmencans in emigrauon in oraer to prevent ruina- in mat territory. tion of business. June last' . X ;. ,. ; , The rebels have returned to San BULLET IN THE HEART. ? .POLICEMAN'S GOOD AIM. A FAMILY FIGHT. DEATH IN THE STORM. Fourteen Fisherman Drowned On Friday The ' Los3 Of The Mystery. Beaufort, N. C. August 22. Dur ing the storm of last Friday, sixteen fisherman, camping on Swan Island, near the mouth of the Neuse were forced to take to small boats to get to the mainland as the island overflowed. All the boats but one capsized and fourteen were drowned A aave large families at Piney Point in Cartaret county. It is reported the schooner Mys tery, ot Beaufort, Capt. David lones, is lost oft Harbor Island. The cap tain and crew of- three men were drowned, and the vessel, with her cargo of salt, is a total loss. MORE WAR TALK. Transvaal Reply not Satisfactory England To Send an Ultimatum. London, August 22 The reply of the Transvaal government is unsatis- actory, and it is reported on good authority that Chamberlain has ready the draft of an ultimatum which he intends to forward to Kruger, de manding immediate action in remov ing the franchise grievance. It the ultimatum is not complied with war wili follow. GUERuT ATTACKED. The Infantry Lay Siege to Hia House. Prow Reports Censored. . Paris, August 22. An attack has begun on Guerins house by a detach ment of infantry. No one is allowed to approach the neighborhood, the eavalrv rharjyiner fiercely all crowds that assemble, of show any signs, o disorder. Severity of press censor ship prevents fuller dispatches. Brother Brains His Sister Then the Other Brother Kills Him. Chattanooga, August 22. : In a family fight last night in Etowah county, Alabama, Sallie and Joseph Ward were killed outright. The latter, who has just served a term in the penitentiary, struck his sister on the head . with a churn, braining her. Her brother, John, interposed, and the two fought' a duel in the road. Joseph was shot dead and the other is badly wounded. Kills Two Negro Thieves After They Shoot At A Married Man and a Girl of Fifteen They Had . '"' , Eloped. Urbana, Ohio. August 23. The Coronor held an inquest over two ne- New York, August 23. The bod- gro thieves to-day shot by a police-- ies of a man and a woman were found man ten miles south of this -city, this morning in a vacant lot in Har- They stole some harness from Mayor lem, each with a bullet wound in the Johnson and the officer chased them heart. They were identified as Jose- ten miles. The thieves fired upon phine Engel and John Landovver. the officer but the latter fired with Landower's age was thirty-five and better aim. the girl's fifteen. They lived in the same house and he was married while she was single, and they had eloped. TROUBLE WITH THE DUTCH. RAILROAD SMASH UP. A Serious Wreck This Morning Engineer and Fireman Badly Injuted. Syracuse. August 22. There .was a serious wrecic on tne iew Yom A Mob Does Mad Work Cavalry and Infantry Do Service. Amsterdam, August 23. The dis turbances at Hilversum were contin ued last night. The mob stoned the troops occupying the town. The cavalry charged the rioters with drawn swords, and finally the infantry Burglar Shot Dead. Englewood, N. J., August 23. Caretaker Peterson of the Creighton and Farrar Boarding chool shot dead a burglar after a hard fight. When he was discovered the burglar dropped everything and attacked Peterson with a pair of skates. AFRAID OF REVOLUTION. . 1 - French Securities Seek Hiding Places London and Brussels Banks Loaded. Central this morning. A long train fired upon the mob killing one and of cars are oiled ud as the result. A. The engineer and the fireman were taken out of the wreck badly injured. The section foreman, Long, is still under the engine. , 1 This is one of the most severe wrecks caused by a freshet in years. Seveial breakmen were thrown a wounding two. Quiet was restored about midnight. $60,000 DAMAGES. Suit Aglnst the Southern Railway A Brake man Lost a Leg. Smithfield, N. C, August 23 great distance and severely injured. Complaint in a suit for $60,000 dam age was filed here yesterday for Too Much Whip. : Thomas Vance Holt, whose leg was crushed off a year ago while in the London, August 23 The banks -are receiving large deposits of money and stocks of valuables on French account. The banks at Brussels are being similarly loaded with French deposits. Fortune To 60. T? oloinrVi M I Alioriict 11 ft a reported that J. B. Fortune, clerk of the United States District Court at vvasamgion,, August 23. runner employ of the Southern Railway, wuagu ims wxu- iuoiw tu icaiu complaints have been received at the This he claims was due to the neg- y Judge Purnell, and that Geo, Department ot Justice of whipping of ilence of that company, for a hand Green, of the United States Court at Federal prisoners at the North Caro- hold gave way as he was coming New Bern will get the job which pays lina penitentiary. Previous coin- down from a rear car and the train fe5 a year, and that Green may plaints resulted in the government's went over him as he fell to the track, also be made circuit clerk which pays ordering that no s more convicts be sent there, and renewed complaints may eventuate in those there being removed elsewhere. '-? r ''. The treasury has paid to North Carolina 'about $13,000, her expendi tures for equipping troops for war withSjpain.!.r::!-::ir' ; t;':. Want Him a Day Sooner. r New York, August 23. The Dewey Committee this morning adopted a resolution asking Admiral Dewey to arrive here on September 28th instead of the 29th. $1,000 more. Senator Pritchard had Fortune put in but Purnell has never been satisfied, so it is said. Jha Kind Yob Hats Always Bought Bean ths J)