I BIH IIFEKE ! BEGAN ITS SESSION IN WILSON THIS HORN ! I NG WELCOMED TO THE CITY. ikes thefc more delicious and whol (18 U URGE .AND INTERESTED AUDIENCE PRESENT WOYAt BAKWQ POWDER OQ.. wgw YORK. - I Oil S;J fil:. F.. rsn HEWS OF THE WEEK. ( i AND DKUYEEY. t . v. .ta" Ou'-stiii In Ssirli -TIJK FURY OF THK STORM. Its Violence Was Grnt at Southport Lift etl Vessels to the Xand. Many Ladies Are Out To Hear The Discussions Meets Again Tonight In The Court House. Miss Kate Barnes who is visiting TT , , 'j. e . , in PfUHi, , ! Health Conference began m the A m boutnport has written to her moth- . ' . . iourt i-iouse yesterday morning and there was a goodly sized audience of St S, er a most graphic description of the An interesur.g. question was pre- terrible power and destructive' effecls-l seated in the trial of-' Pender vs. Ay- of the violent storm on Monday night cock belore j uc.ge unubt. eier- - and luesday morning on the coast. ! day. S papers the very best people in Wilson pres- j eet to hear from the prominent phy j sicians and members of the State 'from this letter we are permitted to b j . TT . . , . . , , , . . f-"hcu iu Board of Health their ideas and sup: j. V..und V. B. make a few extracts. out claim and delivery ! prefitinn? nn flip crt-pat ni;pstinn of Such a storm has never before. ! . , . ; sanitary laws. )r a-cow -in the possession of been known at Southport, and-some a t , - .; . ' ' tne nouses are c omplete wrecks, beine ' r i L Pender and (.brained 'Incite to secure any ! water was standing three and four Caroline Pender brought suit on the - feet deep and some cottages lie flat bond given jn the case, and on trial on the-beach. . The steamer South iudge Lancaster held that the defend- . port is on dry land way above the ants (Aycock.s) could not prove title- pavillion, and the tug Blanche is near in the cow-in question, and as they it, being lifted "high over the wharf! These were added to by the presence of the faculty and students of Kinsey Seminary. It was a thoughtful act on the part of Prof. Kinsey . to ar- range for his pupils to hear the dis- is Ili8 Only naov -Eaual .to this Qbsfiiiati Disease. There are dozens of remedies recommended for Scrofuls, some of them no doubt being able to afford temporary relief, but S. 8. 8. is absolutely the only remedy which completely cures it. Scrofula is one of the most obstinate, deep-seated blcod diseases, and is beyond the reach of the many so-called purifiers and tonics because eome- thinsr more than n. ttiata trmin in iwiniinvl fi 8 S is equal to any blood trouble, and never fails to cure Scrofula, because it goes Gown to the seat of the disease, thus permanently eliminating every trace of the taint . . . The serious consequences to which Scrofula bu1v lAads should impress upon those afflicted Trith it the vital im portance oi" wasting no time upon treatment which can not possibly effect a cure. In many cases where the wrong treatment has been relied upon, complicated glandular swellings have resulted, for which the doctors insist that a dangerous surgical operation is necessary. Mr. H. E.iThompson, of Milledgeville, Ga., writes : "A bad case of Scrofula broke out on the glands of my neck, which had to be lanced and caused me much suffering. I was treated for v. long while, but the physicians were un able to cure me, and my condition was as bad as when I began their! treatment. Many blood remedies were used , but without effect. Some one recommended S. S. S. , and I began to improve as eoon as Ihad taken a few bottles inn. for these nnestinns nf health had failed to secure a judgement in and set down. Every small boat on I , frt , r, , , , , . J ' 'apply to young and old alike, and the hiT suit, tney must return . the. . the river is gone ae .well as the steam I ; , - " , "., . (1 , . v. oi i instruction just as valuable as that row to tiie party irotii whom it was launches, and every wharl except that ' - ' , . ' j. . i i A A J W IV-i V WLil 111.' IV V i V X ocurs. ,1. f'l f'V rnn'fi .'-('t iin title. ' t the nntmfnmorr A k1, Un. I , , . , , ' tms morning in. the courthouse. i: "Cl: V v ' quarantine is on tne Deacn. Many, Dr Albert Anderson opened the inent i.i i vn pnm, .y"uv. : puuics anu cows wasnea over irom Pende r. j Caswell Life Saving Station are dead . The plaintifl was represented by j on the beach. From some houses to improv Continuinjr'the remedy. I was soon cured np.rmRnpnfW and have never had a sign of the disease to return." , Swift's Specific & Mr. C.-C. Daniels and the defendants by Mr. jno. E. Woodard, who took a:: appeal. " This is the first suit 'of this charac-. children had to be carried out by nurses in boats and in men's arms who were up to their necks in water. Nothing worse in the shape of a T:ilkiiiir About "l rth. ter brought' in this county, so-far as r .storm can be conceived, and it raged we know i. and the decision of judge j at its . worst for nearly three hours, Lancaster and the Jesuit of the appeal with the Waves washing on the beach considerable interest to j mountain high. The men at the j quarantine station were in great dan- 1 j ger, not a boat fo get away and no i way to send rescue. At five o'clock Tuesday morning only the top of the quarantine station could be seen. The wind knocked people down and limbs as large as one's body were twisted from the trees. Houses on the wharves and beach were, "The Man With The Hoe" is be ing talked of as a great poem, but what people should think of oftener is the man with the tooth. The man himself, il he has the toothache, t thinks fit thp Mihiert and with sharn i ti'l cV art imiiT (ra r-t i 1 f-'o trrirr- N, i, r t-v 1 ajiiu away. vyuv. xi x li l o tvuin ext he thinks of Dr. 1 . . . .J . ... f has done what it will take years to pain likewise. R. V. Joyner, a dentist, of wiom this -whole section knows, for he has been in Wilson- for years and his dental work is of the best. He is expert, careful and considerate, and bis art in putting in artificial teeth is equal to the very best. If there is any work needed about your mouth call and see him, for you will receive the very best advice and treatment. You know where his office is, on Tarboro street, where he is ready to greet you. ( ' replace." Miss Barnes was in the midst of the storm, being at the home of her aunt, .Mrs. Kate Stewart, where the wind and the waves did terrible damage, the water being deep all over the lower part of the house and every thing devastated. In her letter she says no los" of life has been heard of, but it is supposed that some has oc 'Unclaimed Letters. The following is a list of unclaimed i Otters remaining, in the post office at Wilson on October 31, 1899:' v hhza J Adams, LC Bishop, John Brewer, Wm Thomas Barnes, Miss Naney Barnes, J E Coles, Benson Drake. W ft Davis'' Miss Charlotte Davis, Mrs F Farmer, Miss Louser i Joiner. T H Lee. Tosenh Lane. Ino K ' ' ' J Moore. R L TrMi11an Mrs Ahha Ruffin", Jno J Rose, Josh B Smith, Miss Mariah ' Speight, Johnsum Tay- lor J W Turner. Charlie .Wright, T r Wilson. Services In The Jail. Religious services were held in the M on Sunday, under the auspices of Epworth League. The meeting conducted by Rev. T- B. Hurley. ere were a number of ladies pres !ft( an several songs were sung. he League Will hold another meet- IB.. ' S at the same place next Sunday aternoon, and hopes to be of aid to 4e unfortunates. ' : Arnong those who listened to the Service was Jefferson, now under Sentence of death. . . IJeatli of H. C. aioss. - Mr. H. C. Moss-die Siturdayaf- Iternoon about half past' two o'clock at the family residence on Nash St. For the past three weeks he had been confined to the house, the dread disease, consumption, being the cause. He was a young man of twenty-five, and has an excellent business record, being at the head of the firm of H. C. Moss & Co. : The funeral services of Mr. Moss took place Sunday afternoon at the residence at four o'clock. A large number of friends were present to pay the last , sad tribute to the worth and excellence oi the young man whose life has been as a straight line. The solemn funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. H. Reddish of the Baptist church and after these the body was carried to Maplewood cemetery where it was interred. There were many handsome floral re membrances of sympathy and these were used to bedeck the grave. The pall bearers were Messrs. Cicero Cul pepper, W. W. Simms, C. E. Blount, W. A. Finch, J. A: Corbett, J. T. Peele and C. W. Gold. meeting and Rev. J. B. Hurley led in prayer. At its conclusion Dr. Anderson introduced Mr. C. W. Gold, who on behalf of the city of ficials and the citizens extended a warm welcome to the physicians who were to speak for health and the im provement of Wilson. The pleasant introductory re marks of Mr. Gold were replied to by Dr. George G. Thomas of Wilming ton, President of the State Board of Health, who returned thanks for the welcome, saying that he and his as sociates came to aid in matters of health and that hence it was a great pleasure to be greeted by so many ladies, as they represented the homes where sanitary laws must be put in practice. - After stating that the plan and ob ject of the meeting was by addresses and answering questions to give the people a better understanding of the laws of health, Dr. Thomas intro duced Dr. J. L. Nicholson, of Rich: land, who read a paper on "Old Age and How to Obtain It." This paper was full of interest and discussed the question of avoiding disease, and thus with a healthy body .to live to a ripe old age- The va rious points were strongly put and the suggestions made were wise ones. It was discussed by Dr. Anderson, Dr. Lewis and other members of the Board. Dr. Geo. G. Thomas, the Presi dent oi the Board next discussed the L Health Laws of the State now opera- tive and why they should be earnest Iv suDDorted by the people. The speaker told of the loss of his manu script, the servant having burned it up, and then proceeded to show that he needed none by the able handling of his subject. is the enly remedy which can promptly reach and cure obstinate, deep-seatsd blood diseases. By relying upon it, and not experimenting with the various so-called tonics, etc., all sufferers from blood troubles can be promptly cured, instead of enduring years of suffering which gradually but surely undermines the constitution. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, and never fails to cure Scrofula, Eczema. Cancer, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Boils, Tetter, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers, etc. Insist upon S. S. S. : nothing can take its place, i xuu!vm on uioou anu sxm aiseases win oe mailed. Iree to any address by the vvift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. CutthU md. p4 send to uk with tl.W, .! v rJl!;n.i j"n UxhKV. ly:4ir-X'. J';-lV ISP&OrXl JLKKS J'AKlltt OlMUN, i-y rr5i-t ('. '1. )., subject O f .z3YJVXT?g&y& liaxlxlon. You out oml:if It t y...i:r :!-rf.-5 : -jii-'ht dvprit, t j- : .fs jjc , -'3 SJiCtlf "tn.-l 11 7 rvlT'-viitiii. t-i uIVHrS r ', t'fay'-'fr'Mi'Sjl s .i V i.v! rttall ' T5.0 to 1 VO.On. '..'i-.- ;:.- ;.:.. I vaii':e yvj everfaw arid vT! j'Vf.'i ?.wvj!6-V!A-t U far teller than orfu dYWi.il l-y n liers M move, money, pay A I Msjl ftSVi?'1'!' S3I.75 IS OUR SPECIAL 90 DAYS' PRICE 8 ot!..-is. Suelt mi o!i'T ntt r.evcr uimic before, t&&g4 frWiiiV: (Sl T.V A C M P" O U SEN is ono of tbsmoit DUautKAXB S?TE2TFS fXWmASi:' iX-rn h-Ksruu-Mii -r Vrom tlie iUastration pbov.-rs. wlJ-A fiiif ttWS Vi-J W I.i. :.t;.-.!. d:r'.-t Xror.t a r.iioioftraph,yon .'. ioi-ansoniuidt.-aoriw -S;:iSfe'v' J?- 2j :::;ul uyeani.!;.;-e. la.i. fwa olUi Kwurtee smveti . r fXKtSilr;i Sfi i;it . '- .-'.; .t vie. TK Al'JIK tiVKVS is; i j .;et 5 inches Wfrti, ,-, i; i I: invhos Mii? and -.veitrr.-.; jiTA-nonces. Con- Js.rr:?sV4-irr? ' -. 11 w f'.Uovs: I! it IVjacS.ta', :iivp!yiZ.C''r:P j . ".-'fi!-.. Civtcwrr., la-s i:;:W, 'irfUs V'';' yf, . 'J-'.rIvV-. ;,! ' .,:;! -, .;-."i'n I't-Hf ami "is Jt'ji:iai:a; S OctAVA ,''tltr, 41 '.' ' .-r : .-J. y ' , -1 I '.'." S'-!i, .3 !..-.:..Km:an SwelJ. 4 K1 Orehceirsl Toat-4 V iS ..-. -U. I S. t -i,Ari.s5neir UriUiaai tl? HeeI, 1 Set or i fS-m-t'ti 2 Ki. :. v..n.v S!. n Manila H--U, i Srt o. 2t rie6sjs hnsifK giVSg.-l JV-i'i U-t; -..ns's:...r t.:......,i.j!.rnt.N UKr4.TrJi5chareojily LS-1? - tv!...r.-rfM,...k :,.l r.r.rst, lather in vai-05. THE ,V : V, O : " J : ;s fr. riils..el v. ith n luxU leveled 'JTC'lJl .):.,...., .-.n. .ni..: :! Ht orcan Jnrtru, ti..n 'oo-jk pnMlsJisd. t-tHM'JlS 1 H iv : :. .-ri::-:: .:!..i::T S."i-v-a:--K"iTii:.r. bytftS - i3sJrt'''':'T :.- ...'.i..irJr-. i f y : '-n inojita iu:A lVt-' ... . .;. ?.Mir,::w.y if you a- 5J,-.t pctly. ,f JgfeHS ..ki.kk A r o:,n; 5-r lki.ay. ;K; NSoRjfeg!. 0JJ 1 . . c L I .'. 3 1 L IT Y 13 SSI A3LISHED ' 3"ou .h; about ys.writ.j MpSirigmgarnriinH J.ot I'.-iUt; v. l:U -n f.-:.- cemj-ar-y in Chicago. VVc a-tii..l cf oxer 5700.000.00, occupy entire ono of the largest business blocks in . Cliicsgo, and employ nearly 2 m t n our own biuMins-. WK SKLL 4T S.OO and np; PIASOS, $115.00 acJup; also everj'thiiis musica.1 :i:siri!n:r-nt3 at lowebt v.-holesalo prices. Write ror free special organ, piano &r.d mu jieal inatroment catalctae. Address, ( Sears, Kotbaet S$ Co. aro thocghly reliable. Editor.) SSAK2? RQESUCK. & GtJa UncJ, ta'.ton. Cesp'aines find W&yntan Sts.( CHICAGO. ILL. 1 ; V ''THE NORTH gAROHKA G0LLE6E Ml i .. ! , , . OF - ! AGRI ULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS I Still Reaching Out. L905C OUT for the first signs ot . impure blood Hood's Sarsaparilla aieguara. it -win purny, and vitalize your BLOOD. Strike in Wales. Cardift, Wales, November i. The engineers strike in tne Welsh coal trade began today. Twenty five thousand collieries are affected. Messrs. Hackney Brothers received a rush order recently for two of their best buggies to go to far oft Texas. One goes to Waco and the other to Hico. This is not their first shipment to far oft points. Sales have been made to Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania and other points this year. . , uch in Little Is especially true of Hood's Pills, for no medi cine erer contained so great curative power in so small space. They are a whole medicine .i i - . .. - - nn chest, always ready, al ways efficient, always sat isfactory;, prevent a cold or fever, cure all liver ills, sick headache, Jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Offers a thorough practical education in all branches of Agriculture, in Cotton Manufacturing, in Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering; in Architecture and in the In dustrial Sciences, Chemistry, Biology and Physics. Regular courses, special courses, short courses, Total annual expenses, including board, . fuel, lights, etc., $118.50- - One hundred and twenty scholarships carrying free tui tion and lodging are open to needy boys. Appointments made by any member of the Legislature. ELEVENTH SE SIQN OPENS SEPTEMBER 6tli, 1899. Candidates for admission may be examined at the College in Raleigh September 5th, 1899. For catalogue, address PRESIDENT GEO. T. WINSTON, WEST RALEIGH, N. C. y I JMI1T Iff v y The cheapest school lor the advantages offered. Base bai5 t:id foot ball encouraged. Excellent athletic grounds within one-quarter graded track. Standard of scholarship unsurpassed in the South. SEMD OME DOLLAR trithin 700 miles of ChlMgo, ei r "d TOP BCGGT BT fRSMUIT C.O. D. SUBJECT TO KXASMATIOX, e ezaalae It t year tnlghl Pf V PKRFKCTLT 8ATISFACT0ET, KXACTIT AS KZPRSSKSTKD, JCAt TO JC0GU3 THAT RKTAIL AT $60.00 to $71.00 THi G2AN0EJT IASQAIM TOBEYEB SAW, p., the freight asa OUR SPECIAL PRICE838.9Qf and freight charges, less the tLOO sent with order. WE MAKE THIS TOP BUGGY "ffF rZ"t makers put In CI&.OO boggles. Latest Style For 1899. Bay, CO Vlirrh i Rubber Heavily Lined, full side and back curtain. Pmid, Guaran teed eg S38.90 IS OUR SPECIAL PRICE tor ,,Vrttr??1l ""W'" proa, carpet, wrae, aUnUle mad ahafta. GUARANTEED TWO TEARS will last a lifetime. Fr Barries at 11. 9i i4 p, write FOR FREE BCGGT CATALOGUE. YOU CAN MAKE $500.00 This Tear Selling QTJR 333.90 BUQOIES. OBJJEH ONE TO-DAY. YOTJ OAK SEXii IT FOB S60.00. DOKT DELAY. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), CHICAGO, ILL. Bean the Signature' of - BTOHIA. .The Kind You Rave Always Bocght o Sears the Signature cf STOHZA. The Kind Yea Hats Mrays BoJiit i ; 1 V