1, VolIV. TO". N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH ?, 1899. -. V ,i' VllSgf No. 4 ' ' W DIRECTORY. i , ' DEPARTURE OP TRAINS. LOCAL TRAINS S if' .. N. Bound. " ' ,kS. Bound. Between Florence and.Weidon, No. 78. ' No. 23 . 2:35 P. M. Leaves Wilson, 1:58 P. M. Between Wilmington and Norfolk : No. 48. No. 49. 1:16 P.M. Leaves Wilson, 2:35P. M. ,'$hoo Fly" Wilmington to Rocky Mount : No. 40. No. 41. 10:20 P. M. Leaves Wilson, 6:22 A. M. THROUGH TRAINS : Between Florence and Weldon : No. 32. No. 35. 11:85 P. M. Leaves Wilson, n:15 P.M. No. 15 3:45 a. m. SOUTHERN TRAINS! No. i0 2:7 a. m. TOWN OFFICERS. ALDERMliN : J. D. Bulluck, "" ,.- 3 st Ward, J. A. ClARk, " 2nd " ,1 13 Far.mhr 3rd " johu Y. Moore, 4th " J. Ed Woopard, 5th ' P. B. Deans, Mayor ; Ino. R. Moore, Town Clerk ; W. E. Deans, Collector, police: W. P. Snakenberg, Chief. Ephriam Harrell. James Marshbourne. Frank Felton, Geo. Munford. COUNTY OFFICERS. board of commissioners : Geo. D. Green, Chairman Nathan Bass. Jas. Raper W. D. P.Sharp, Sheriff. f. D. BardinClerk of Superior Court. W. B Barnes, Register of Deeds John Barnes. Standard keeper L O Hayes. Coroner Jas Tayior Surveyor CHURCHES. St. Timothy's Episcopal church, Rev. Thomas Bell Pastor in charge Services: Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7 30 p. m., Sunday School at 3 p.m., Week days Wednesdays and Fridays at 4p, m. Holy days at 10 a. m. Celebra tion of ' Holy Communion on 1st Sunday in each month at 11 a m other Sundays at 7:45 a. m. Methodist Church, Rev. J. B. Hurley Pastor; services at 11 A. M. and 7:0 P. M. Sunday School, 5 P. M , J. F. Bruton, Supt.' Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 7:0. Christian Church, Rev. H, II. Melton, Pastor ; services every Sunday 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting every Thursday night. Sunday School at 3 o'clock, P. Ni., Geo. Hackney, Supt. Presbyterian Church,- Rev. James Thomas, Pastor; services on the First, Second and Third Sunday in every month and at Strickland's church every Fourth Sunday. Sunday School at 5 o'clock, P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Baptist Church. Service as follows: Preaching Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and at H p. m. Rev W. H. Reddish Pastor, Prayer meeting Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock. Sunday School at 5 p. m. D. S. Bovkin, Supt. Primitive Baptist Church, preaching on 2nd Sunday by Elder Jas. Bass ; on 3rd Sunday by Elder Jas. S. Woodard; on the 4th'Sunday and Saturday before by the pastor, Elder P.(D. Gold. Ser vices begin at 11 A. M.' LOIMJES. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon Lodge No. 117 A. F. & A. M. are held in their hall, corner of Nash and Golds boro streets on the 1st and 3rd Monday 1 nights at 7:3o o'clock P. M. each month. J. C. Hales, W. M. Regular" meetings of Mt. Lebanon Chapter No. 27 are held in the Masonic Hall every 2nd Monday night at 7:30 o'clock P. M. each month. W, H. Applewhite, H. P. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon Commandery No. 7 are held in the Ma sonic hall every 4th Monday night at 7:30 o'clock each n-roinh. W. J. Boykin, E. C. Regular meetings of Vvjlson Lodge K. of H. No. 1694 are held in their hall over the First National Bank every 1st Thursday evening at 3:30 o'clock. P.M W. J. Harriss, Director. Jr. O.U, A. M Meets every Monday evening. All Juniors invited. E. T. Peoples jCouncilor. 'Post Office Hours. Office opens "S.oo a. m. and closes at sunset. Mails 'at day close for North 1 p. m. ... ... " West 1 p. m. - " " " " South 1:30 p.m. Mails at' night for all points closes at J9. 'IU. ' j , The Public Printing Raleigh, N. C, ''February 28.-The bill of Mr. Currie, of Moore, introduced iu the House today provides for the sale of the Atlantic and Nortu Caro lina railway to W. J. Edwards, for $."00,0'.i0 upon his signing a contract to construct 100 miles in four years through Wayne, Johnston, Harnett, Moore and Montgomery and then in the direction of Charlotte, Salisbury or Coucord, and deposit $100,000 for faith ful performance of the contract to build this extension. The public minting is given to Bai ties Brothers, of Raleigh. The law as o (his mailer is clear, and when .'his firm appeared before the commit- (ee loJyy, ar.ned with credentials of 1 fc-i oof lOiniv, mere was noining to no - lf to repoi-l favorably 0.1 their bid. 1 his bid is: "Flam composition per 1.00D. '?0 cents; rule and figure combi na ioii per J , 000 ems, 40 cents; token of 240 impression?; 11 cents: binding law sheeting per volume 03 cents; one-half law sheeting per volume, 14 cents; for binding every 48 pages over GOO per volume ,'4 cent." This is 33 1-3 per cent, lower than Edwards & Broughton, aud considera bly less than Nash Brothers and Uz zell. ' The Senate committee on Educa tion decided unanimously to favora bly report the Clurkson textile school bill. This afternoon the joint committee on corporations considered W. F. Ed wards' proposition to biiy the Sta'a's shares in the Atlantic and North Caro lina railroad. Several persons from Wilmington a id New Berne who are familiar with the road, testified that it needed repairing, and that its rolling slock was in bad condition, Walter Borden, cashier of 1 he Bank of Wayne, Goldsboro, said aha res in the road are selling a !;.:'! to $iV Kd wards offers to pay the St:Ue this amount for the shares. The commit he will very prob ably "decide in the matter tomorrow nighf. The Democratic caucus tonight se lected James R. Young, of Vain 3 County, commissioner of insurance; 11. B. Lacy, of Raleigh, commissioner of labor, and C. C Cherry, of Edgecombe county, keeper of the Capitol. Young was select ad on the fiflli ballot, the vote standing: Young 00, W. It. Kite-bin ti. C. Smith "I. Kilchin led up to the last ballot. The select ion of railroad commissioners is deferred until Thursday night, an Senator M. H. Justice, who is in Kutherfordtnn, wished to be present. Col. Car's Ulli to the University. Important Tax Question. Col Carl's great love for this seal of learning again manifested itself yester day, when he added $0,000 to the gift of $10,000 that he made in 1S91. It was a fortunate day for the University and that institution and the young men of the Mate were placed under a deeper debt of gratitude to one of the most liberal Sypns of North Carolina. It was a most fitting compliment of the board to name the proposed building in hon or of the generous donor. The matter of electing a Professor of Law to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the lamented John Manning was a matter of great importance and the election of judge James E. Shep herd was a most admirable selection. He is an eminent jurist and pure and upright citizens and contains those qualities so necessary for the responsi ble position which he will occupy. Madrid, February 28. The Govern ment had a narrow escape from defeat iu the Senate today on the bIM author izing cession of the Phillippines to the United States. The , measure was passed, but the Government had a majority only two, the vote being 120 to 118. Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 28 The State Treasurer makes inquiry as to the right of a sheriff to levy for taxes upon per sonal property on which there is a mortgage. The attorney general re plies : "The case of Woods vs. Jones, in the 113th N. C, reports has been in effect overruled by the revenue Met of 1891. A mortgagee's lien is subject to the lien for taes and he must pay them if the mortgagor does not, and he is barred by the sale of the land for taxes without notice from the sheriff. The purchaser of land under mortgage for taxes gets a good title." A petition is being circulated among the legislators asking the Governor to pardon a while ma.i named Pearson, a no'orious character in Burke county, who is serving a ten yea's' sentercefor running a "blind tiger." Setia'or Travis, of the penitentiary exec.'iive bca'd, w.:s;sked if any ha e of : ite peuil jnti:v: v fainis wouid be ma-.ie To the cultivation of sugar beets. He said not ai present, (tlid added that no regular pYoposiiion for such use of the farms bad been made. For nearly two years a man named Hilderbrand has had a contract for making shirts by convict labor. He will tomorrow transfer his contract to a New York firm, which will employ more convicts, he says, The peniten tiary has not made any money out of this contract. Before ludge Brown at chambers here the suit against W. H. Day, involving his title to the office of superintendent of the peni'entiary has been heard. There is yet some inquiry as to the case that is whether if the courts de cides iu his favor Day will retire and let the Governor appoint some one else to succeed him. The failure of a merchant at Rocky Mount recently has caused W, E. Caw thorn and J. R. Jones, Jr., to go into bankruptcy. Naaman Baker, of Wil son, has also gone into bankruptcy. It was thought best not to entangle the franchi-e amendment, to be voted on ne:; t .year by the people, with the pub'ic school book question and this is openly staled as the reason for post poning, until 1001 al least, the question of State adopliou. In speeches 'yesterday members of lite Legislature said they did not know when the Legislature will adjourn. Of course many bills will die on the cal endar, but 'here are some 300 which It is desired shall pass. Almost 500 have been ratified. The bill of Representative Allen, of Wayne, to establish the office of com missioners of railways, insurance, banking and building and loan asso ciations is knocked out by the decision of the Democratic caucus last night that there shall bean insurance com missioner, and that there shall be elected three railway commissioners. The insurance bill is drawn in such a wy as to show that there would be an iustirance commission. The creation of the latter office will reduce more than one-half the emoluments of the Secre tary of State, who for the past thirty years has had charge of the Insurance companies. The fish hatchery will be established near Edenton by the Government. The site has . already been purchased. wc.eK in I4egwatur?.,tf4cd in Wilson county Last Thursday a message' was vre- ceived. from the Governor noniinaling; the following directors for the, Central Insane Hospital, at Raleigh, for. a tferm of six years: W B Fort, of Way he nd Dr R N Speight, of Edgecombe,' for a term of six years, beginning March 2,1 189'J; J D Biggs, Dr R H Stancill, ; of Northampton, and J B Broad footpf Cumberland. They were all cou-' u firmed. Another communication was received from the Governor, nominating the following directors of the West.srn Hospital, at Morganton: For a term of two years, beginning March 2, 1899, J H Sawyer, of Duucombe; P Cald well, o!' Mcckleubtirg; J G Holt, of Caldwell; for Ihe hnn of sis yetus. beginri.i March 1, l';')r), Isaiah J Davis of Bir ke; Joseph Jacob8, of Forsyth and C H Armfield, of Iredell. Thes nominations were also confirmed. On ' rid ;y a n es' :ioe from Governor RussellVas read nominating the fol lowing directors cf the Slate Normal College at Gresnsboro, and tbeyvwere confirmed; Fifth district, S M Gattis; Sixth, J F Pot tsr; Seveuth, W D Tur ner; Higth, RD Gilmer. The Governor also nominated for directors of the Eastern Hospital, at Goldsboro, Dr Elisha Porter, of Pender; Dr D W Bullock, of New Hanover, :' tllitiburaday morning ses sioy wuse was spent in consid- eratfoi;te. Revenne act. ft was adot()lij$'tp section U4. The tax Mf' bridges aud toll gates WduefQ.per cent. Each horse antf'muteBpt'for hire is taxed liftv Lojiiw. 'eaclviis months, with an an- ,Buu&r.puM,e ja.01 vs on persons selline.- . .-i "if ' -! It.JJp.fVt'in'erant dealers in any kiud of pnzesmu inBscn.-CQunty; billiard or D09I tahs, or bojvling alleys, each, if fiqiioir jssolfi on the premises, if not. Wrjijorlicu'sebfone per cent, on p.ilfcfc)es miist 'al,so be paid by a dls pensav., "SecticHi 2 imposes a gradu ateiriftejiseoii mercliauts (doing away a 1 tii he obnov.ious purchase tax) be gin :v:. with A on (:"00 capital and so ' O'i'u.1) . I'd'. --10 ibafc.'.i.O.OMcaoit.ai nava v'0,C00 -rys! ' $J0,0..3 pays f;2l, c'.', T.iis aiunigod at. the in- . niic -r nieicbanis and wr.s perfectly a.vedile t- !bem-the merchants' p.i vi : .0 I j 'Mus 47,0C0, and tins' ii -.t e ta:; iu was estimated will yield , s 0,00ft. The license tax oi) liquor ' dealers is $100 annually; and coUuty ' commissioners may issue license. Each dispensary in the State shall pay an nually into the State treasury the fol lowing franchise taxes , Each dispen sary for a town of less than 1,000 peo ple, $50; each dispensary for a town- -ship in any counto, $D00; each dispen- : sary for a town of over 1,000 and not ,' exceeding 8. 000 people, $200; each dis-f' pensary for a town or city of 3,000 and f notexeeedins 6,'00, fe'foO; each dispen- , 12" 4 " ' -" 7- .. v 4,- , . ' I - f If 1 Molineux Is Indicted. New York, March 1 Roland B. Mol ineux was today indicted by the grand jury for murder in the rirtt decree in causing the death of Mrs (Catherine J. Adams. The finding of the indictment does away with a hearing before, the coroner, and Ihere will be small chance for Mollneux's counsel to take any steps in his behalf until tbe case ac tual'y "orues to tilal. The case of Molineux was placed on the calendar for pleading, and he will be arraigned before Recorder Got! to morrow. He will, probably then be remanded to the Tombs without bail. Washington, MarcL 1 The bills for erecting public bulid'ngs at Winston aud Elizabeth City arevWw jaws. That for Durham will probably fill in the House 4hoough. Jack of t'oae to con sider it. ' ! i and DrJ E Grimsley, of Greene, for j sal'-v fo1' a towa or city of over 6.000 ' ... .,1 ,0 t, , u;upie, ane 11 suaii ue lue uuiv 01 ' six years, beginning March. 1899; Dri ,, r ,. . , J v I all managers of dispeusaries to pay to Albert Anderson, of Wilson; Shade I , tue county treasurer for the benefit of Wootten, oi Lenoir, and W F Roun- ' the school fund of the county in which' ' 5 tree, of Craven, for six years, begin ning March, ISOf). These were- con firmed. The special order for the eleclioti of the trustees of tbe University was taken up Saturday. The joint com mittee made the following nomina tions : Kem'p 1' Battle, Orange county; C M Stedman, Guilford; F II Busbet, Wake; II pay Wai1, Kichmond; IJen ehan Causfron, Durham; John W Fries, Forsyth; Jas S Manning, Dur ham; Robert M Furman, Wake; tt'ui A Guthrie, Diiiiiam; Thos S Kenan, Wake; James A I.oekhart, Anson , R II Lewis; Wake; Jas 1.) Murphy, Bun combe; J L Patterson, Forsyth; Fred Phillips, Edgecombe, I A Roebhng, Buncombe; Henry Weil, Wayne; Win T Whitsell, (Juilford; lij Hale, Cum berland, C Al Cook, i'ranklin: terms to expire ly0;i. Thos J Jerome, C 11 ion, in place of A lj Gorrell, deceased. Those with terms expiring in 1901: Henry E Faison, auipsou, in place ot It D Gilmer, October, 1001; Thos B Pierce, Duplin; James Spruut, New Hanover; L Julian Picot, Halifax; Jos P ''aid well, Mecklenburg. Those with terms expiring November JJn, 1899: H A London, Chatham county; '-'rank Wil kinson, Edgecombe; E. R. Outlaw, Bertie. These nominations -were con firmed by the Senate. The following bills of m irethan local importance were introduced in the Senate: To make an appropriation for the Soldiers Home; to purge the pub lie schools of certain histories. (This bill declares it will be a misdemeanor to teach history in this Slate that styles the civil war the "war of the rebellion," or that calls Confederates "rebels.") The fol'owing bi Is passed their sec ond reading iu the Senate: To incor porate Goldsboro; to charter Mount Olive; to increase the permanent school fund of the State by devoting about $lo0,000 in four per cent bonds for the term, to establish dispensaries at Bethel and Clinton; to increase the board of trustees of the colored A. &M. College at Ureensbora(adding six more tmstres); to Increase the number of commissioners in Edgecombe county; to change the time for local option elections from June to August; to au thorize the commissioners of Rocky Mo(int and Tarboro to issue bonds for water works, to provide separate cars for the whites and blacks; to incorporate Town Creek, In Wilson county; to in- Jnty i such dispensaries are located, all I be taxes herein imposed on such dispensa ries. : . The following "bills of more than lo cal importance were passed in the House: To encourage education among the masses by authorizing the State Treasurer lo duplicate subcriptions to any public school in an amount nol less than bi5 or more than To prescribe certain books to be used at the I'niversity and colleges of the State: providing that "the rise and fall of the Confederacy," by JeSerson I uvis be used as a text book: to estab lish the Bureau of Printing and Labor Statistics. To amend the charter of Wilson; to change the election law; to reorganize the Department of agriculture; to bet ter govern the A. & M. College; to plaee 200 old soldiers and widows on State pension rolls; to appropriate itK,coo to the State Guard; to extend the no-fence law in Creeue county, i, Hi W I 1 i, 1 t Charlotte, N. C, March l.-S. W, Cramer has been awarded the contract for the machinery for the new cotton factory at Chapel Hill, which is to in clude 5,000 spindles and to cost $75000.' He is also to equip the Pe; De- Mill No. 2, at Rockingham, which isnepriug completion, with a complete equipment of machinery for 7,000 spindles." "This mill is lo cost about $95,000. ; ' ' ?' t A Ca.;in Trust, Cleveland, Ohio, March ? A Brec al to the Plain Dealer froth Upper San dusky, Ohio, says: ' , A gigantic casket trust rs now form ing, and should expectation be realized one dying three months after this date will do so at a greater expense ' than now. i .'.';v.,-v " ; "' " Many of the'faciories have been 1 un ning with little or no profit, because of cut rates, it is said, and prices will be raised immediateJilwr Org.-. izalion ; , of the trust f;,: '"'V, -' ; 'i"'. ',V V "vi v.v? Greensboro, AUiFeb;2s.-William Morrison, deputshgrlfl, to day went . ' to arrest Zeke' Van Home, a farmer Van Ilorue's wife took part injBesis, tunce that wa9 offered and, jSred on theoffioer.: The deputy sheriff thee , ; abbt tbe woman in thireaillln ' her instantly. , ZKe showed flhtO C r, A ilionfflrnp BKiit him In the thiirh. " '.$ aim v vmuvt y o f t, dangerously woaodrng him. r-'-:'y''H'.v v 1, nr.- -vj !'..- f