SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 A YEAB. WILSON, N. O r FRIDAY, AlPEIL 28 1911. VOL. 17. NO. 123, WHERE IntHE O ft WILL WIN AN AUTO. PIANO, DIAMOND RING, A SCHOLARSHIP AND A GOLD WATCH CANDIDATES SHOULD NOT OVERLOOK SOLI CITING BUSINESS FRIENDS. EVERY EFFORT SHOULD BE PUT FORTH BY SATURDAY NIGHT WIN THAT 500,000 B A L LOT AND "CINCH" THE AUTO DEAD ONES TO BE DROPPED SATURDAY. ' . Booster votes due tomorrow. All candidates who have not turned Into this office by tomorrow niaht 100,000 votes or more, will be dropped from the list. THE PRIZES. Grand Prizes: Reo 1911 Automobile $400.00 Dayton Piano. A " District Prizes: 4 Diamond Rings 4 4 Scholarships 4 4 Gold Watches 4 By C. B. MARSHALL. Every person has heard that old saying, "Where there's a will there's a way." The lady who means to win. one of those prizes offered by The Times not only realizes the truth thereof, but are putting it into prac tice, and any lady who will take the full meaning of this precept and will act on it cannot help but win. ' V After this contest is over there will be the usual number of "I told you sos!" It is always easy - to -tell the result of any election after it Is all over1 to explain why so-and so was defeated. See to it that you will have nothing of this kind to reproach yourself with at the finish. Put forth every endeavor and tell your friends how muchtheir help will, add to your chances of success and what a bitter disappointment it will be to you not to win one' of these prizes and don't overlook the special -500,000 ballot that we. are offering for the coming week. important. Votes issued on all subscriptions coming to the contest department dur ing the remainder of the contest will be dropped in the ballot box 'and printed to the credit of the candidate for whom they- are requested for, unless we have instructions to make them out and send them to the contestant.-!, v Don't Overlook Anybody. , A number of subscriptions arebe ing overlooked each day because the candidates show timidity in approach-' ing a person for their subscription who are high in their profession and on this account you are a little nerv ous. Your request , will be met with courtesy at least, and in the majority of the cases the person that you ap proach will gladly, help you and they may become so Interested in your race that they will suggest places where other subscriptions may . be secured. Do not be discouraged . be cause some one In your district ap pears to have a great number of votes. Be determined and do not let, a lot of false rumors have any, influ ence over "you, and your turn to . lead will soon come. ; Perhaps your friends have not as Quickly caught the spirit of. the affair as have the friends of the other con testants, but they will if you persist, and when they do. your score will skoot skyward, too. Perhaps you n h h hi iv- n iiiiii 1 1 1 r ninno nnin i A WAY T have not asked your friends to help you. If not -do so at once. Do not be afraid to ask for votes and sub scriptions. ' Show your friends that you are thoroughly aroused' and intend to win, and they, will help you -get busy and pull your score up amongst the lead ers. Ee a leader in your division if you possibly can. The prestige such a position gives you arouses the in terest of those who are watching your progress. Once you get your friends interested in your welfare there is no ending of surprising de velopments. Your friends will win the auto for you if you Impress on them Just what the delightful pleas ure this means to you.' Don't hesitate to call on the con test manager for any information that you may desire, as he is only too willing to give it to you. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. At New York I ' Boston 3; New York 6. At Brooklyn Philadelphia 10; Brooklyn 3. LAt Cincinnati , Chicago 10; Cincinnati. 8. At Sti Louis ';r, Pittsburg 2 ;";"' St. Louis 1. ' 5 . .-. American League.. At Philadelphia , : '' .y Washington 2 ; Philadelphia 7. At Boston New York 8; Boston 11. At Detriot ' fl ; ' Cleveland 6; Detroit S. At Chicago Game, with St, Louis not played. - Virginia League. At Roanoke : Roanoke 2; Norfolk 2. (14 innings; darkness. At Danville Danville 2; Lynchburg 1. (11 in nings.) At Petersburg--'.Richmond 5; Petersburg-4. College Games. A. and M. 8; Catholic University 4. Carolina, 3; Georgetown 0. STATE SUNDAY . SCHOOL ASSOCIATION High Point, April 27. A prelimi nary session of the North Carolina State Sunday School Association Convention was held here yesterday afternoon, a large audience neing present. After song and devotional service, conducted by Mr. and . Mrs Charles Butler, F. N. Tate,-mayor of the eity, delivered the address of welcome, saying that he spoke for every citizen of the town. E. S. W. Damerson, of Burington, delivered the response. He represent ed" the Sunday school as an import ant, ally to the church in . the State and in the home, one object being to Dlace the bible In the hand of every manT woman and child-in. the State. Rev. R. M. Andrews, of Henderson, followed with the annual address as president; His subject was "ThTe Val ue of a Vision," showing the im nortance of vision in attainment to a better and higher life. He showed that transferring the power of vision, which expels evil, developed good manhood and, womanhood. Vision necessarily! lifts up humanity above Hi a thinsts that discourage. Rev. C. W. Byrd, of Asheville, was the speaker of the evening session WANTS SEN ATE ABOLISHED BERGER, SOCIALIST MEMBER OF CONGRESS, OFFERS RESOLlt. TION TO THAT EFFECT USELESS, OBSTRUCTIVE "Washington, April 27. Declaring that the United States Senate has run its course,- Representative Victor Berger, the Socialist member of the House, introduced a resolution today calling for the abolition of the upper branch of Congress. The resolution says that the Senate has become a useless and obstructive body, a men ace to the liberties of the people and an " obstacle to social growth. Many of its members, he says, are represen tatives, not of the State or the peo ple, but of certain predatory Tiombi nations. PULLMAN BURNED ONE DEAD AT ROCKY MOUNT Rocky Mqunt, N. C, April "27. One passenger was suffocated to death and two trainmen were badly hurt when fire destroyed'a Pullman car on the -Palmetto Limited, ' north-bound train of the Atlantic Coast Line here today. r The dead , man is J. Drobstein, a travelling salesman ; of New York City. ;rv' The injured were : Flagman B. C Russ and Mail Clerk W. E. Ireland. The Cre started when the flagman approached a leaking gas tank with a lighted lantern. The resultant ex plosion injured Ross and ignited the car. . - r7- ' . - Irftland was burned In .helping ten other passengers from the car.. Several firemen sent to the scene were overcome but not seriously in jured. DIG FIRE AT BUFFALO TODAY Buffalo,-N. Y., April 27. Two hun dred and fifty thousand dollars dam age resulted -from a fire which prac tically destroyed the plant of the Buf falo Gas Company at 96 and " 98 Seneca street, early today. The loss was first estimated at' one " million, but was later, found that most of the stock could be salvaged. . MAY TAKE FIGHT TO gTHE SENATE FLOOR Washington, April .27. Dissatisfied with the action of the committee on committees yesterday in the manner of appointments to Senate commit tees and the action of the caucus which followed, and which endorsed the assignments made by Senator Gallinger, . the insurgent Senators to day held a secret' conference to decide whether or not to take their protests to the floor of the Senate. Washington, D. C.fc April 27. Sena tor La Fbllette and Senator Cummins may carry , the dispute over the Re publican committee -. assignments to the floor of the Senate. The demands of Senator La'. Fol- lette to be made a member of the Committee on Interstate Commerce, and of Senator Cummins to go on Fi nance, constitute the rock upon which the Senate- Committee on Committee has split; Their demands have been flatly refused. ; WILL HAVE QUICK TR ALLEGED DYNAMITERS OF LOS ANGELES TIMEF LANDED IN JAIL MCMAMARA RECOGNIZED Los Angeles, April 27. All . ar rangements for the speedy arraign ment and trial of J. J. MeNamara, secretary-treasurer of the Structural Iron workers, his brother James, and Ortie McMahigal are completed by Prosecuting " Attorney John . D. Fred ericks. ' - Mrs. D. II. Ingersoll, of San Fran- Cisco, who- will testify during the trial that James MeNamara stopped at her rooming house under the name of James Bryce, called upon the pros ecuting attorney yesterday and herd a long conference with that official. Prosecuting Attorney Fredericks promises a fair and impartial trial to the accused men. "We have no quarrel with organ ized labor, and we only want to see justice done," said the prosecutor. Lef all suspend judgment until the men have had a fair trial under the laws of the . United States. We only seek to punish those who have com mitted crime, and none others need fear - Los Aicgeles,'- t?alf April-27. John J. MeNamara, secretary, of the Inter national Bridge and Structural Jron Workers Association ; , his . brother, James li. MeNamara and Ortie E. Mc Manigal, accused of activity in or knowledge of the . blowing up .of The Times r.ewspaper, plant last October, when 21 men were killed, are in , the Los -Angeles jail.; They are in sep arate cells, surrounded by extra guards. All three are charged with murder. Los Angeles, April 27. The arri val here in irons of MeNamara and his associates from Indianapolis and Chicago, signalizes, the beginning of a desperate legal struggle. Thus far, however, no . definite arrangements have been made for their defense! District Attorney John D. Fredericks, who said that the State was ready to go to trial at once, announced that the formality of arraignment would now await the convenience of the de fense ' The alleged conspirators arrived at the jail from Paradena in automobiles after running through two - crowds, which, in their eagerness to get a glimpse of the prisoners, bore down more than a score of detectives and deputy .sheriffs. . As James MeNamara entered an au tomobile to be taken to jail he was seen . by Mrs. D. II. Ingersoll, a San Francisco boarding house keeper with whom J.. B. Bryce stayed before the explosion. " James MeNamara, according to the detectives, is held as Bryce, the man alleged to have laid the infernal ma chines that blew up the newspaper plant. Mrs. Ingersoll peered into the face of -MeNamara as he , entered the machine. The man was shackled to an officer, but he kept his hand before his face. . In spite of this, Mrs. In gersoll declared afterward that he was Bryce. - -.- Wreck On. B. & O. To-Day.- Parkersburg, W- Va April 27. A passenger train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad crowded with people coming into Parkersburg to witness a circus production today, was wreck ed near Petroleum, 20 miles away. The engineer Is reported killed and a number of passengers .injured. - A special train carrying physicians and nurses was despatched to the scene. " - 1 CUNT rpT n on or ULUUJ OBIITffi IT JUDGES' NAMES' WILL BE AN NOUNCED MONDAY RULES OF THE. CLOSE OF, THE CONTEST ANNOUNCED. The last night of the contest has been changed from Saturday, May 6th, to Friday evening, the 5th, and all the subscriptions that are sent into the office by mail will not be counted .unless they . arrive at this office, before 5 o'clock on May 5th. Checks will not be taken unless they are certified the last day of the con test. So be sure that you have the cashier O. K. all the checks that you have to turn in. It has been arranged to hold the close of the contest in the Lyceum Theatre, where an entertainment will be in vogue for the contestants and their friends who have come to see the close. Tickets will be mailed to all the contestants in a few days, which they can give to their friends, as no person will be admitted thai does not have a ticket. To all those who through curiosity wish to see the close an admission of 25c. will be charged, the proceeds of the sales from these tickets will be turned over to the Board of Charities. Tho voting for the contest will close at The Times office at 6: 15 on Friday night, when the contest depart ment will move? to the theatre, where he will receive all votes in back of the stage. The office there will be open from 7:15 until the close of the contest. Immediately after, the "close of the contest, the judges will commence their work of counting the votes. This wi!l be done on the stage in full view of everybody ' present and will be conducted under the supervi sion of the contest manager, thus as suring the contestants that, every thing will be done In an open way so that every person will see for them selves that no unfair means will be employed. It. Is earnestly requested that all the contestants and her friends will be present the last night to receive the prizes at the close of the contest. - The Judges. . iris very important that every, con testant that is active in the contest send in the names of the judges that they wish to have the last as soon .as possible, as the management of the paper will make their selection from this number on next Monday. Rules of The Contest. ; , The management can throw out any name entered as a candidate for cause. :- Any question which may come up before the contest manager will be decided by him, and that decision will be final. " v .No votes will be issued on pay ments for less than three months to th'e daily and one year to the weekly. No agents commissions will - be al lowed. - - Votes cannot be transferred. When once issued to one contestant . they can not be voted for another. " Cash must accompany list of sub scriptions. If you have any checks that .are not certified .; will; not be counted and will cause the name to be cancelled on the list. All. reserve votes will have to be turned : into the ballot box 1 before 9 o'clock the last nighL . Each subscription must contain the amount, name' and correct"' address and how many . votes each will en title the contestant to. : TOE VEATDER Showers To-NIght. .. ... Washington, D. C, April 27. For North Carolina : Showers tonight or Friday. Moderate east to siutheast winds. - ' ' . : ES MAY 5TH AT LYCEUM THEATRE 1 !;5l!;t35IZ NEWS ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST HATTERS OF IMPORTANCE! HAP PENING THROUGQOUTiTUE COUNTRY Durham, N. C, April 27. -In th Recorder's court yesterday, Leander S. Rochelle, father-in-law of Brodie L. Duke, was convicted of retailing and sentenced to six months on the roads, from which judgment he appealed. . Trenton, N. J., April 27. Governor Wilson has signed the Walsh bill per mitfing New Jersey municipalities to adopt the commission form of 'govern ment with the recall, initiative and referendum. . Lexington, N. C, April 27. Lexing ton Camp, No. 28, Patriotic Sons of America, are entertaining today th first State meeting of the order More than 300 delegates and visitors are present, and 100 new members will be initiated into the local camp. Washington, April 27. The confer ence of the private interests involved In tho potash controversy between the tJnlted" States and Germany, which Is designed to settle the mat ter, will' be held at Brussels on May 15th, if the German government rati fies an agreement to this effect which has been reached" between . the State Department and Count Bernstorff,' the German ambassador. REAPPORTIONMENT BILL UP TODAY pin r- f ' I Washington, April 27. The House interrupted the debate on the freetHst bill today in order to take up the re apportionment measure. Some of the members wanted more time to pre pare their tariff speeches and it was decided that the House might mark time on the free list bill and pass the reapportionment bill in the mean time. TODAY'S MARKET COTTON. New York, April 2. Cotton open ed easy' with prices shading off. May was off one point and July, and Octo ber 3 points each. Liverpool cables reported spot quiet with prices un changed and futures steady. The opening was: January, 13.19; March, 3.29; May 15.11; July, 15.17; August, 14.93; Oc tober, 13.29; December," 13,21. At noon the market was still lower. March, 13.20; May, 15.01; July, 15.13 J August, 14.88 ; October, 13.21; De cember, 13.13. At three o'clock the market stood: May, 15.04; July, 15.20; August 14.85; October, 13.17; December, 13.J)7. Spots in Wilson, around 14.75 for best, grades. Receipts in Wilson, 6 bales. NEW YORK STOCKS. . New York, -April 27. Canadian Pa cific was the- strongest feature of tha list at the opening of the stock mar ket today, an advance of one point being scored. The opening was only moderately active,: fractional gains being shown in Reading and Lehigh Valley.- Steel was active at" 74. Much of the trading was of a professionaf nature. General Electric was also strong. . . . ' ' - . ' . - Mr. Will H. McDonald, of Rocky Mount, was here last night. i ...