r Times WILSON Subscription $1.00 A Yeai WILSON, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1911. VOL. 18. NO. 24 DESTROYED THE STILL YOUNG GIRL'S SCHEME TO PRE VENT TROUBLE FOR HER FATHER AND BROTHERS INSURANCE COMPANIES error. Currie vs Seaboard Air Line Rail way, Bladen, new trial State vs Jim Leak, Richmond coun ty, no error, Wilkes vs Miller, Union, affirmed Richardson vs Edwards, Union, no error, Currie & McQueen vs Seaboard Air Line Railway, Moore, no error. Austin vs Lewis, Union, action dis missed Dorsett vs Atlantic Coast Line Rail way, Lee, no error. Sinclair vs Teal. Anson, reversed State vs Rochelle, Durham, no er ror. Kime vs Southern Railway, Ala mance, new trial Ace Cement Plaster Co., Wood Fi ber Co., Guilford, no error, Warron xra A JR. V Rgilrnad ITml. TJ TIT T -Tt: 1 " " " utaieign, r. iov. 111 connec- orT. va tii Pn r,in. . til. il n t i. j x I ' - ' nun wim m jviuuic uuuiiiy lair jusl i ford, no error. cioseu ai v,aruiage mere comes a uu- standard Mirror Co., vs Casualty mafl ui Bimjr luulis youcneuiw COf Guilford appeal dismissed m me axiipii. boil ot way. ia After spending the afternoon and daughter of a well known farmer had evening opening and considering the for a long While protested to him h1ns fnr lhft erection of fhe firo-nrnnf against his operating a blockade dis- State building to be erected facing unci " mau yeisisieu. tne south side of Capital Square the Revenue Officers had never "trapp- state hnildine- mm mission announced ed" him, but the daughter who has at ten 0'ci0ck last night that the bid developed into young womanhood, of the Jno. T. Wilson Co., of Rich lived m constant dread of an invasion mond, Va., had been accepted. This by officers of late that would send bid was $197,000. the building to be her father to prison and bring dis-jf0ur stories, the walls of Indiana grace on me iamny. ne induced tne limestone reinforced with inner walls Wnoie tamiiy to make plans for spend- of brick and with reinfnrred con ing a day at the county fair at Car-JCrete floors. And the whole structure tnage and then suddenly persisted to be of fireDroof construction. There in excuses for not going herself. She were twenty seven bidders from many was left at home for the day and sections of the country. The Jno. T. stole down to the blockade still and Wilson Co., successful bidders, erect- cut it up as completely as any rev- ed Watts hosnital at Durham and enue omcer could do it and when the have recently built the Virginia Trm father and brothers came from the Co.. buildins: and Thalheimer build fair and found their distillery wreck- ing at Richmond, the latter thirteen ea tney were lea to believe that the storoes. Mr. Wilson and E. G. Holli revenue officers did it and the of- dav were here for the company in ncers wno nave beard of the affair the contest are seeking to keep the father in ig norance of tne part his daughter had! Thompson Ireland. ju me destruction or tne plant. Ana she is understood to be striving to Faison, Nov. 2. At St. Gabriel's keep members of her family from re- Episcopal church in Faison. artisti newed violation of the revenue laws, cally and beautifully decorated with estate commissioner ot Insurance, Southern smilax. ferns evergreen James R. Young, is sending into every plants and white and wellow chry- SITUATION FITTING ESPERATE CONCLUSION ITALIANS COOPED IN CITY BE- TO HIS CONTINENTAL TRIP AS SIEGED BY HORDES OF PRESIDENT REVIEWS AMER- TURKS AND ARAKS : ICA'S GREAT FLEET DEMAND FOR SURRENDER HE SWELLS VITII ; PRIDE Tripoli, Nov. . 2. A formal demand I New York, Nov. 2. America's for the surrender of Tripoli has been J greatest naval demonstration came to made to the Italian forces by the I a climax today with the review of the Turko-Arab desert forces closing in I majestic war fleet by the President on the city. It is understood the de- and officers of the navy on board the mand was promptly refused. Mayflower. The inspection of the line Berlin, Nov. 2. Officially confirm- of war fleets stretching an even mile ed dispatches were received here to- j along the Hudson was a fitting close day from Constantinople that the I to the continental journey of Presi- Tuirko-Arab army attacking Tripoli I dent .Taft. Taft was met at Jersey had captured five forts outside the! City by the Mayor and together walls and drove tne Italians into tne boarded the Mayflower for breakfast inner city, where they are now be- The President showed pride in the sieged. great armada which is the biggest The Italians are fighting valiantly, ever reviewed by a president of the put tney nave oeen unaDie to stem i United States. the ternhc onslaughts of the Moslem warriors. Justice Says Wickersham Sugges- i-rtjuuuii, rsov. a. Agaiu me uaiuv tlons Too Limited in wnicn tne Italians are desperately i ngnung to noia tne city ot inpuii Greensboro ,Nov. 2. Mr. E. J. Jus- sdxust im, uvxvviieiiiiiiis diiiij- tice, who went to New York to ap Turks and Arabs raged fiercely, ac- th United gtates Court on Irl bT; r ; T . T. behalf of the tobacco growers of ... . . ' . , .North Carolina in the case against miral Aubrey, which is anchored offl.. . . , the city of Tripoli, is supporting the TVi,. company, re defense by hurling shells inta the turned, this 'morning ; Mr. Justice stat desert where the assaulting forces ed lfc was doubtful if the court would nro ari nth of tho ritv announce its decision as to plan of The silence of the Italian Govern- dissolution proposed by the trust for nt relative tn tho snorts from several aays. ine saia Air. vvicKer CnnstantinnnlA and Trinnli that the sham's ' suggestions were 'good but Turks are steadily -gaining is regard- did not believe they went far enough ed here as hiehlv significant. It i? evident from the tone of the dis- f Oldest Man in North Carolina Dies, patches that the fighting: about the city is of a desperate character.the Henderson, N. C, Nov. 2. Mr part of the State renewed warnings Un nth pmnms at. 10.S0 a m.. Tuesdav. Turks and natives showing all the Names Journeygan who it is claimed X j.t i - I . . . , . I j - 'Ai - lit I -nrn 1 rt -.1 I , . -f rt i y-. as to tue operation or unlicensed com-1 October, 3lEt, 1911, Aliss cnariotte ; n?nng courage 01 tneir waniite a-i uiuwi man m mis panies in North Carolina and the Trland. the charminer. cultured daugh tures. , I died Saturday at his home at Epsom aangers or losses in premium pay- ter of Mr. and . Mrs. James D. lre- ments and in claims that may devel- land, was unted in marriage to Mr. op tnrougn nres in patronizing un-1 William I. Thompson, a prominent licensed companies that cannot be merchant and business man of Fai- The Italians are now cooped up in Jin this county. He was 107 years the city and are , menaced by lack I old and was a veteran of the Mexi of drinking water, as tne supply I can war and also of the Civil war comes fiom outside the walls. I He matied at the age of forty years sued in the courts of the State for son. Before the bridal party entered J TI.& . -uly JtUkrns success so., far land -mildest -child is now, sixtv. the cntj!.- t . this .: wlt.h. . givps .him I . rL Ji. g.n, r.5 v RECOGNIZES REVOLUTION NATIONAL ASSEMBLY REQUESTS LEADER TO SUSPEND HOSTILI TIES-IMPERIAL ARMY Morgan's St ig Grip. Washington, D. Nov. 2. The New York finanL i newspapers, all of which are Wall street organs, are still complaining about the activity of the democratic investigating com mittees. They profess to believe that these investigations are being carried on solely for what they call he pro cess of making "political thunder" for the approaching campaign. These newspapers regard every move which threatens to isturb the Wall street barons while they are eneaered in their present little occupation of coupon clipping, as little short of treason. In the meantime, information has been coming to. light lately, largely as an incidental result of the Stanley Steel committee's work, showing the details of J. P. Morgan's grip on the industrial and financial situation in tnis country. Tms information shows Pekin. Nov 2. Th Nntirmni o. J.1 A . ..... 1 ' ' M- up tne tremenaous power weuaed Dy sembly has formally recognized the wilt, uue mail in sucn a manner mat revolution in a request to LI Yuan cue wmuciau m congress see more Hong the revolutionary leader to mT if , ir I,r8ram suspend hostilities. win u vmuicatea u it accompusnes Shanghai, Nov. 2. A massacre by n.w " iirrC r s,rc-r, !?e imperial troops is in progress in ' .r . D1"61C mu "u.ua' Hankow. uwus ii m iiis power to say wnetner Dusiness snail be good or bad; whetn- if i Kill l in rminp inrriTr'n er the times shall be those of panic MANILLA 10 I IJIIlA I LULU J. P. Morgan controls more than half a billion dollars of nther peo ple's money and he has it in his A MILLION DOLLAR FIRE THREAT power to do with this tremendous ENED TO DESTROY THE PRIN- KILL PEOPLE OF HANKOW sum as he sees fit. Not only does he hold the cash but he holds it in such a way that its trusteeship gives him control of practically all the big CIPAL CITY OF OUR PHILLIP PINE POSSESSIONS SAVED BY UNCLE SAM'S SOLDIERS. Manila, Nov. 2. This city is threat- railroads and industrial corporations, ened with total destruction by a fire This one man has it in his power to which caused a million dollar losa. regulate by the wave of his hand, or At noon it is thought the entire city the nod of his head the course of WOuld go. Later soldiers saved the the estremendous enterprises on city after a hard battle with th wnicn minions or people depend ior flames. a living. Vletanel Cmmlltee br?ught Reported That Coast Line Will Build idti. LuaL nit? CiiuiC wBu Into Charlotte. amounting to upwards of seventy-fiye In question before tne T le millions of dollars was on deiosit in at the pregent Ume ,s that of PdJrct the office of J. P. Morgan & Co a railroad connection with Cuarlotte. private banking concern, not subject or some other large city. Men who A.1 . A X tu tuc ruwmuu m i auuu " - are in touch somewhat with th ui ay o uw couHuiuiiouai auiuoniy. railroad fok say that the bet route T uiiu wmi.iu of the Raleigh, Charlotte & Southern v v,: v.i is by way of Troy. These men point rvp uciidi ' t T out the fact that there is already a Z . -T tT" "J " , " ' I road from Colon to Mount OJlead ..r: u . " 1U1; and that the Durham & Charlotte wi up lowaiu me imn uiinuu ma. : would be glad to sell jn acldition to .ims y iVlult u J" the road already built, it is pointed whom he likes, and he can refuse to . iT,of , , , . .... ' , ... out i that the most direct route to leiiu w vviium lie u.s. mureovi. any failure to comply with their con-j the church Mrs. Weatherby sang soft-1 recorded is the capture of two light! The remains were buried Monday in tracts. The commissioner is also lv and sweetly, "I Love You True, field guns from the Turkish and Arab I a little cemetery near his home. sending out summaries of the State accompanied by Mrs. Annie H. "With laws as to requirements for insurance erington at the organ, whose beau agents and the transaction of busi- tiful wedding march later announced ness through them when duely licens- the coming bridal party and the soft ed by the State. The circulars treat strains of the organ added sweetness non-resident and resident agents and to the happy occasion and pleasure their regulation and all the phases to the friends who packed the church, of their business relations with in- Messrs. Turner Ireland and Ross surers. Giddens, the ushers, entered first, fol- There are railroad prognosticators lowed by Misses Mary Emma Giddens in Raleigh who believe that, although and Charlie Westbrook, the brides President Jno. R. Mills and his as- maids, dressed beautifully in white sociates in various railroad ' enter- marquisette, over satin, with white prises refuse to affirm or delay, that picture hats, carrying large yellow there is a movement in the making chrysanthemums. Then, came Miss for the ultimate establishment of a Bessie Ireland, maid of honor, lovely line of road that will give direct in real lace, over yellow satin with through service between Raleigh and white picture hat, carrying a bou Sparta, Alleghany county and. most quet of white chrysanthemums, fol probably extend on into Virginia for lowed closely by the little ring bear a most important connection with er, Carlton Weatherby, in pure white the Norfolk & Western. Mr. Mills and yellow chrysanthemums, thus and his associates are. how building carrying out the lovely colors, roads to Elkin to Sparta and Lilling- Handsomely attired in a becoming ton to Sanford and by connecting: up sroinff awav grown of novelty suiting other links between Winston-Salem and carrying a bridal bouquet of and Elkin, Winston-Salem and Thorn- bride's roses and lilies of the valley asville. via High Point, and one or came the charming bride on the arm two other links of only a few miles nf hcr father Mr. James D. Ireland. there could be a throuerh run to Ral- Thev were met at the altar by ' the eigh via Islington, Sanford and Troy groom, accompanied by his brother Benton, j nomasville, Winston-Salem, and best man. Dr. C. A. Thompson, Elkin to Sparta and then there could where they plighted their love and he the westward extension into Vir- linked their lives in holy wedlock, ginia. Reports to the effect that this the clergyman, Rev. Mr. Williams of is a well defined plan arid that a re- Clinton, solemnly pronouncing them ported negotiarion for the Durham husband and wife. and Charlotte road which would have With the glad wishes and congra- to become a part of the line, is a tulations of their host of friends, Mr. part of this plan, are credited by and Mrs. Thompson left immediately many here. It would be a great factor, p.fter the ceremony, amid showers of ior developing a wide and at present rice on the 11 a. m. train, for their largely isolated section of the State bridal trip to Washington City and . Within the next day or . two there New York. After several days, they will be an award of. the contract for wni be at home in Faison to their the erection of the quarter million many friends. dollar fire-proof State building and An elegant home reception was ten- the work will be gotten under way dered the bridal party and immediate before the new year. The State build- families by Mr. and Mrs. James D. ing commission, Hon. Ashley Home, Ireland on the night before from 8 chairman and -W. E. Springer, of to 12 o'clock. Wilmington, secretary. The building Many handsome and useful pres- is to be four stories and jwill front ents were received by this popular Fayettevilte, Morgan and Salisbury couple, attesting the appreciation of streets on the south side-of Capital their many friends. Square. Among the out-ofTtown guests, who Raleigh is. as a result of the elec- were present, were: Dr. and Mrs. M. tion held yesterday, to retain the old l,. Smoot, of Salisbury; Mrs. Dr. central market and municipal build- Fearrington, of Winston; Mr. and ing on Fayetteville street instead of Mrs. Frank Giddens, of Morehead doing away with it through sale and City; Mrs. W. S. Loftin of Bowden; either having. no central market at Mr. Ross Giddens and Miss Mary Em ail or lecating it on the square back ma Giddens, of Goldsboro; Dr C. A. of the old market.. The city is to un- Thompson, of Wilson; Mrs. Kate der the provisions of the order, to Thompson, of Sampson, issue $35,000 bonds for making the Mr. Thompson is a brother to Dr. market thoroughly sanitary and mod- c. A. Thompson of this city. ern in equipment and also to remodel , as far as may "be deemed expedient 4 b'4&'4& &fc'!& the entire building. Raleigh is to have v - jgt opportunity to provide for the - en- tire State a thoroughly modern mar- ket that will be seen at close range jgt by all visitors to the city. And it is expected that this" will be done. & The North Carolina Supreme court j disposed of fifteen cases on appeal this weekly delivery day. The list follows: hordes. v . - I Several children, grandchildren and The searchlights of the Italian I a number of great grandchildren sur- warships are kept playing constantly j vive him. Old age was the prin- over the desert to the west and south I cipal cause of his death. searching for the positions of the enemy that they may shell them. Tarboro Items. Rome, Nov. 2. The reports which I Miss Myrtle A. Tooley, and Mr. have been spread in foreign coun-JJ T -Hagans were married here . at tries-that the Italian troops at Tri-jfour o'clock yesterday afternoon at poli have practiced extreme cruelty! the residence of the bride's mother, in the war against the Turks and 1 Mrs. John Tooley. The wedding was killinsr women, children, the aged I a quiet one only a few of intimate and infirm and non-combatants, have I friends of the families being pres caused intense indignation through-1 en t. out Italy. I I he Rev. Euclid McWorter per These reports have already been of-1 formed the ceremony, ficially denied, but Premier Giolitti Mr. and Mrs. Hagans left for a took occasion aeain last nisht to em- short bridal trip to Maury phasize the denial and to make a Yesterday s session ot tne superior statement in behalf of the govern- ourt was entirely occupied witn tne mpnt nnd nation i case oi fonerroa v. tsatue wnicn was "If anv renroach is admissible," on trial Tuesday. The case was still hf said, "it can onlv be on account unfinished when we went to press of MPPss of hnmanitarianism. We Judge Jacob Battle and Congress- ftave perhaps, through , exaggerated man ciauue Kitcnin represent tne o,.,lc cnaroH tlio livps utiH nvnn- ueieuuitii- aim ouuu auu opium aiiu v.. jy.v. i I tt - ri : n : c i! erty of the enemy and in so doing "ljr dlB l LUC A"1" to grave I tiff. have exposed ourselves "This, however. , we have been M8 visiting the family of her brother j x A i,4. Q t. tn. uenton. yieaseu to uu to yiuve iuai c civilized and human. Perhaps what Mrs. R. F. Weaver of Whitakers Mr. D. Litcheustin formerly of Tar- is the hountv of the strong may bel., ... . " i nici ci-Ti a i t ron due judged as weakness. "The acts of treachery were partly to the efforts of about 15,000 of whom migrate at this QIne fc. moming. Mrs. W. B. Crawford sf Wadesboro Vr, h a X o ttot. AT TXnotw by this route tha bv any other. And firs in the matter of nesie'natinEr I .. . ' . . j alter an. railroad promoters are where their money is to be loaned. "... t f rr.r ric t ,i0ci.0 Q Tvi o n hunting the route that will pay best. or group of men, to get a hold of Then there is another story and T.ta j i I V 1 L1X DXJlllKT iUUUUdtJUU, LWl, r O Llir AT TT Ttnfh wnih -l Mrrl-rv An ATI- I L v, effect that the Seaboard Air Line is from being loaned; regardless of how JleKUn ?ULee "f tb? uurham & Charlotte vuh the pur pose of running its through trains by way of Henderson, Durham, Troy, good the security may be, or how worthy the enterprise. ,Vo fL ZX " Norwood, Monroe on to Atlanta, sav v,c a i ,QOhng some 75 mile- in mileage from cc, ? the North to the South. It is known T:Ti, I,loyuw l" curing a straighter route through the about its abolition This policy has aroused a storm of protest from the financial journal ists who gather up the crumbs that fall from Mbrgan's table. THE MAD DOG STORY State. The latFt report is that-it Is th Atlantic Coast Line that will take over the Durham & Charlotte and that this big syFtm will enter Char lotte by way of Troy. Six Persons, So Far As Known, Have Been Bitten. Five Certainly by a Mad Dog. (Fpyetteville Observer.) Engineer Was Instantly Killed. Washington, Nov. 2. A phone mes sage was received in this city thl3 rJeuOUins, I , T r ninn..n tt -f vn- season of the year from the interior to the coast for the date crop TheyA NorfoIk Southern Engine is Ditched WEATHER. Frost Toniaht. Fair tonight and Friday. Colder to night ar.d on the coast Friday with frost tonight and moderate to brisk Russ vs Harper, New Hanover, no northerly winds. formed a kind of conspiracy with the Turks and succeeded in persuading the Arabs who had already declared themselves our friends to rebel. But indeed the Arabs were ready to take up arms against those they consider ed weak, at any moment. This is shown by the fact that many of the habitations, when set- on fire, ex ploded like powder magazines, so great were the quanties of arms and ammunition hidden in them." Peking. Nov. 2 The War Ofilce has received a report that the Im perialist forces have recaptured Han kow and Massacred the population. The panic among the people of Peking, which ensued after the issu ance of the first imperial edict, has been largely dispelled and the news papers are beginning to sum up the results of the seventeen days rebel lion. The Daily News considers that the appointment of Yuan ihi Kai will change the entire political com plexion, restore peace, inspire the people with confidence, command the respect of foreign countries and place the empire on a sound basis. Reports received here state that Yujnnan?-Fu, Anking and several smaller cities in the province of Yun nan, Anhwei and Fukien have gone nver to the revolutionists. The sol diers in Northern China are avowedly awaiting the action of Yuan Shi Kai. The government troops and the Shan-Si rebels are encamped not far apart. Apparently they do not. in tend to fight for the present at least. New Bern, Nov. 2. A message re ceived in this city late yesterday af ternoon stated that engine, No. 24, pulling a combination train, on the Plymouth Division of the Norfolk Southern Railway had been ditched near Plymouth and that the conduc tor who was riding in the cab at the time and whose name could not be learned had been severely injured or killed by being caught under the i engine. The wrecking crew which is sta tiined .at New Bern were immediately sent to the scene for the purpose of raising the engine. There were a number of passengers on tne train, but as near as is known, none of these .were injured. Washington, D. C, Nov. 2. A. num ber o applications filed by various railroads in the South were granted by the Interstate Commerce Commisf sion today. The Carolina and North western was given the right to make tariff rates which will put Newton on an equal basis with Charlotte, States ville, Mooresville and Shelby in the matter o shipping cotton goods pro ducts. The Norfolk and Western was per mitted to fix rates for the transpor tation cf cotton towels from Durham N. C., to Kilby, Norfolk, Suffolk, Richmond, South Richmond, Peters burg and other Virginia cities.which will afford equitable rights to ship pers of these products at Durham. Thev fnlinwin rrKj wPrp' fW.Tiit- morning stating that Mr. John Wilk ten in our citv last week: Charlie iT1KS- formerly f this city and en Maloney. son of Mr. John J. Malonv, ployed by the Norfolk Southern R Will Graay, son of Mr. Jesse Grady, road as engineer on a train running a Mr. Baxley. in Campbellton. th between Columbia and Mackey'a child of a negro named James Wynne Ferry, met a horrible death about 12 a neero woman bv the name of Sa- o'clock today. rah Walker, pnd a negro who is a His engine turned turtle, throwing" cook for Mr. Q. K. Nimocks. It is not him out of th cab window. It. fell known positively about the case of on him, literally crushing him to Charlie Maloney but it is certain that oeatn. wiimns' at tne .time was the other five persons were bitten b shifting cars near Roper, and the the dojr which PoiicemanBritt kill- cause of the overturn is unknown, ed on Friday. Will Grady wa? bslv but it is thought to hare been due to ;tten by the animal (a femals point- a rail spreading. er) shortly before it was shot. I Mr. Wilkins was a young man of After the shooting Dr. J. V. Mc- about 34 years of age, of good habits Gcugan and Dr. A. S. Rose held a con- and highly respected. He leaves & sultation and decided to send the dog I widowedmot her and several sisters. to Dr. C. A. Shore. , state pathologist at RalP'ch. The time was short, so COTTON TODAY. A "l T L 1 X J. C . I t uu .uuu io cut uu. New York, Nov. 2. Jan. cotton neau, dui me enure ooay, wane yeu , ,-., warm, was put in a box and carried opened at 9.0u, March 9.13, May 9.23. by Mr. Jesse Grady to Rale'gb. anr July 9.32, Sept. 9.25, Dec. 9.25. reached there in the night. Dr. Shore I At 11:45 Jan. was 8.88, March 8.98, wired bnck to Dr. McGmican that hp Mav 9.09. .Tnlv 9.18. could not possibly diagnose, that night Liverpool closed with "".Tau.-Feb. b'.it would do so early "next morning j 4.91, June-July 4.98 1-2, Aug.-Sept. Saturday rnornms: Dr. McGoitgan re- 4.99 1-2, Dec-Jan. 4.90. ceived the following telegram:. Spots Wilson market 8 1-2. Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 1. 1911 1 At 2 o'clock JaB. cotta as 8.9S. Dr. J. V. McGougan, Fayetteville. N. C. Dog was rabid. r C. A. SHORE. All the persons mentioned above as being bitten were sent to Raleigh for the Pasteur treatment. Mr. Maloney returned from Ral eigh last night after carrying his son there, and reported that all the pa- Mar. 9.07, May 9.17, Add prov At 2 o'clock Dec. wheat was .8 5-8, corn, Dec. .62 3-4. STOCKS. New York, Nov. 2. C8fHd-it9i gas was one of the RtroBgest issues traded in at the opening et the stocle tiontc ' inri rM-pivpii trpatmpnt. and. I market advancing cue point.. The were doins well. It will be necer" I ron of the market was irregular for them to remain there under treat-1 w'th a tendency toward 3 lower lev- ment for twenty-one days. I e Steel common jej pfr 1-J? and th T.-refffred gained 1-4. The curb is Richeson Resigns. I crenrally unchanged. The London Boston, Nov. 2. Richeson today re- mnrVet is firm. signed as pastor of Immanuel Baptist church of Cambridge. PROVISIONS. ' M'-ago, Nov. 2. Wheat ooenc.d Gun C!ub Shoots Friday. Iw.rf Dec. .95. Corn, De. .3. ' The gun club shoots are held every I At H:30 Wheat was 9G 1-8, corn, Friday afternoon at three o'clock. I Dec. 3. . 1