t f ' int 11 IJAiiic PRICE: $1.50 PER YEAR WILSON, N. C, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1923 Vol. 27; No. 2,4 Peking Government Must Answer For The Capture Of Americans1 UADfl MP CApr J i huL THE PRINCIPLES SERIOUS SITUATION Reports from Shanghai Are to the Effect that One Ameri can Was Killed When Ban dits Held up a Shanghai-Peking Express Train and Car ried off 150 Passengers; a Large Number of American Tourists Were Captured; the Women Captives Have Been Released it is Reported WALL STREET UPSET BY WORTHLESS CHECKS NECESSITY FOR MAKING OECSSION' Says Southern States Will Lead In Reform IS PUT 70 TEST BY Washington, May 7. A situation apparently regarded as seriously menacing Bond relations between the I'nlted States and tho Peking government in China was described today ly American Minister Schur inan in tho first ttfBi-ial report to reac;h i he stale department regard ing the capture, of American citizens ly handlls near tho Shantung bor der yesterday. Mr. Schurniati is said lo have al ready made demands on his own re sponsibility ii ml It Is understood he will bo instructed by the govern ment here to pursue tho most vigor ous course to secure the release of the prisoners unharmed. The report was prepared by Mr. Schurimin oil the basis of Informa tion furnished him by American cit izen who was on the spot when the bandits attacked the tourists train on which many Americans were rid. ing. Ii was indicated ho far as known none of lliu prisoners bad been harmed. Minister Schurman report waft dated midnight. May 6th, and de scribed the situation as very serious. Should any American lose bis life l!,.. (.,(,. ilnhiirtmiMil iu f.tu.lv ', '. . .. a' i... r...i. i home lli,ei.e tiguiuun ui iiiflnun uii me; j ci- ing authorises for restitution. Not only will suitable apologies bo re quired but Indemnity must be paid and those responsible must be pun ished if good relations between the two governments are to continue. In any rase the Culled Stales will insist that more effective steps be taken In the future to protect Amer icans who are in China on legiti mate errands. New York. May 7. Prices oil I lie New Yolk stock exchange wen: sent tumbling today by read ion of heavy buying started on a flood of orders which it was disclosed was hacked by worthless checks drawn on I'eiin. sylvania Hanks. A number of worth less checks were received by Wall Street. One was for $l."i.O0U drawn on the Keystone National JJank of Heading, Pa., to cover buying or ders in Wostinghnuso, Heading and American Car and Foundry. Others accompanied orders to buy New York Central slock. Keporis from Philadelphia and lioston said brokers in those cities had received similar bogus orders. Tim checks in almost cverv case forged ceiiilicalse which tricked i some of the brokers into executing buying orders for large blocks of slock. Selling operations started when the fraud was discovered sent ; prices down, practically the entire list being curried to new low levels. DD FELL W ABLY DISCUSSED TENNIS MATCH nrniirru nnmp REV. J. E. STUART, DLlllLLll UlUDO There II is Been a rrom the Cruel Executive Who Timidly Awaited Ad vice of Party Loaders in Con gress Before Making Any Important Move. Change Friendship, Love and Truth, the Three Links That Bind the Hearts of People, and Are the Foundation Stones Stones of Society, the Church and State. New York, May 7. Posloflice in spectors this afternoon when on the. trail of a band of check forgers who soul out. over the week end over one hundred checks aggregating more than a million dollars accompanied by letters to stock brokers of New : York, Philadelphia, Iloston and j Chicago ordering large purchases of! slock. illy Da mi (Copyright lie;: Tim Washington, M. Harding is a i h..i nave tn en the e ; the minding I or it may Inn of the I'm I tin 1 I.; by The Daily . ( Wi Hive s,- the his pn WALTER BETHEA IE WITNESS DIED V ICC live lias a lone mnk KILLS A NEGRO MYSTERIOUSLY he ami been a i liuticc Utile who paci( awaited the a ers in Coni: res.) iiiiini'laiii i.iuvi wliu Initio 1 1 : : 1 lac k of fur, ly set mil ol hern I w iili all kind i.iu-l lake lie I'fi n c Ii may 'til l I of siiii'iiiy g 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 i nl ad mit ia- Shot Him Saturday Night on Was on His Way to Testify in Honda Convict Investiga tion; His Wife Believes That He Was Poisoned. Farm of Mr. Benaia Scott Four Miles From Lucama. Claims in Self Defense Kxi icily, leaih any dent of a erali llis jllllglllell tales and tin diviiliialisin in '(ingress wo Mr. Harding wn; 1 1 1 1 1 in when Secretary of Siate ca me to him with tile win recommendation. "I do not oils bill there loin the Chief iy, allium lim vice of parly before making to lie, pivsi r tlie criticism ulii'x has (lidih li" President as Rev. .1. E. SI uarl . pastor of t lie ristian church, delivered a very aide anil eloquent sermon yesterday morning. II" was inspired by lb" presence of the Odd Follows of Wil son and the singing class from Hie orphanage at Ooldsboro that filled of the regular choir and tin: music of tho service efficient and impressive the chairs conducted in a very manner. There was an American Killed. ShiiiiKliHi, May 7. An American was killed by the bandit who held up a ShanKhai-Peklns eprcan train near the Shantung border and car ried off the 150 passengers early yesterday according to a message from Nlsliii but all of the women cap tives including Miss Eury Aldircli, sister-in-law of Jobu 1. Hockefeller, Jr.. have been released. The men still held aru said to be in great danger. The message said Hie bandits had notified the authori ties that all the men among the for. eigu captives would be killed un less troops were withdrawn. Waller llethea. col., is in the jail here charged with the murder of il'ele Fields another negro of near l.iieania. The murder occurred Saturday j0 might about eleven o'clock at the iioioe oi iiciucas iiiiuer. ii.. li. i.e llica. on the farm of Mr. llcuaja Scott. The following story of the encoun ter is told by llethea. It seems that lietliea and a negro named .lames Stevenson had an argu ment snniolimc ago, and Fields and a crowd of negroes met Hellion at I.ucama Saturday night and tried to get him to light, and lie! lien wal ked away from the crowd and went to his father's home. Stevenson and Fields followed him and Fields had a gun, and followed him into the house. When Fields walked into lite room, P.ethea walked into a back room, and Fields still followed and jumped on him. When he did llethea shot and killed him. The case was tried as two o'clock before Magis trate! YV. C. Pearson this aflernoon. At. this writing we have not been able lo interview any of the witnesses. Itellin went to Rocky Ml. alter Hie shooting and was caught there yesterday al the home of his sister Mary Wiggins by Officer Lloyd Lucas and an officer from Rocky Ml. Walter lielhen, colored, charged witli llrst degree murder was given a preliminary hearing this afternoon before .Magistrate W. C. Pearson anil Tallahasse, May (!. .Jerry -np-1 to pass upon I ho noli, oriiicinal witness against two! of this." is what Suite. He didn't con Henry Cabot l.od the Senate l-'orcii-.ii miltee, nor Sena, or nor any of Hie oilier leaders. He went ahead on his own judgment of1 what c m i 1 1 1 to ho done. I 'Since thai event .Mr. Harding has had this independence of mind j hroiighl home to him in a friendly though critical spirit by some of those who feed intimate enough to discuss these matters with him. One ma ii who is sa id to Ii of some of I lie pa ;au Miss McFadden and Miss Corralli bound over to court w ithout bond. The lirst witness to lake the stand was tjitecn Kll.i May McDonald, who testified: "I saw Pete Fields sIhiiiI ing in Hie door of the room, where the other folks were: dancing. Tin next time I looked nl Ihi' door Wal ter had IVti' by the collar and had a gun iu llis hand. Pete was pleading with Walter not to kill him hut to leave him alone." "Walter was cussing and linally pulled Pete into the room and shot ihiin three limes. Walter limn left London, May , A Reuters (lis- h(, r(Him , s.W )vi, ur(,r h W()S patch from Shanghai says tho follow-1 sl() ,,,, , ,,.. ,s ,,.,. ing Amuricuns wore on the train j someone took the bodv out of the hold up by Chinese bandits near t he ,.,., uu, didn't see it again." border. A. I,. Zimmerman, V. Haim- Eddie Mitchell, the next witness. ovili h, 1. Friedmann, J. A. Ifi'tiley. jstati-cl: "I was iu the room where 1,. Solomon, Mr. and Mrs. l'iuger and they were dancing. Polo stood in the wore released with Miss Aldrich the report uddoir. Troops were pressing Hit: bandits on both sides al latest uihicea. Peking, May 7. Robert Scripps, the American newspaper publisher,! is reported tun our the captives tak-j en by (ho I rain bandits operating on. theShtinlutig border. , Leon county officials iu the inves. i clared to ha ligation iu the death of Martin Ta-.1"'1'" is w':"" bert, of Munish, North Dakota, al-M'ign Policy leged lo have died in a private: con-: Without vict camp in Florida as the: result I Hoover of ll of brutal treatment, dii'el at. Quill-! any of the cy. Florida, last night, it was learn-! Cabinet win ed here today on the arrival of Mrs. reconcilable'' Poppell with llis body. Mr. Harding Poppell's death was due to apo-iale the lolte plexy, Dr. It. F. (loddard. of tJuin cy, ( lie of the attending physicians told the Associati'd Press tonight ov er the telephone, Mrs. Poppell, how ever, said that, shortly before ho died lie luiillereil that he was poisoned and she called attention to the fact that he carried with him a bottle of moonshine whiskey, of which he drank freely. He had had the liquor for several days. Poppell was en route lo Pensacohe to testify before a federal grand jury in connection wit ha peonage case developed during the investigation of Tabi't't's death. Circumstances surrounding Tu It erl 'a death were tile subject of an exhaustive legislative investigation. As a result of the inquiry Sheriff .1. It. Jones was ordered removed from office by the senate, while Gov ernor Hardee lias recommended sim ilar action be taken against Judge it. F. Willis of Hie conntv court. idiity Mrs. Poppell said he rhiisbanel was stricken suddenly just outside of Quincy Friday night al a phec" whi't'e they Intended to camp for I he night. Suddenly lie fell from the running board of the automobile and exclaimed, "I'm dying." accord ing lo Mrs. Poppell. llis features swelled, she said, his mouth curling to one side as if paralyzed. He wasieffecl. what Mr. liar taken to a hosnilal and throughout having remarked. " ycsliTilay vcimitecl given substances, Mrs. Poppell said. He: was unionsci. ems most of the lime, according to the' widow, hut in one lucid Interval inulloreil Hint he was poisoned. eunsi'ioiico clie lu'dieniy and in- Id wish. the test Hughes III court attempt edit ical expediency 'Jr. Hughes is ele- 0 said in substance "but 1 believe A nierii an for. -.11(111 1(1 he." consulting Seet'eta ry lo P'o-li agile element or oilier members of the i lean toward tile "ir ' side of the argument I rain-milted to the Seu r of the Secrelarv of ult Senator chairman of Relations Com Junies Watson li Unrein! a ware I lard -e few! 'ill to would point, the s im pa i ience i President of rgod wiih I lie foreign policy :. and roe omoieiiil proiocols for the Senate lo act upon he should have to submit each step lo the parly load ers for I heir ad, iee 1 1 1 1 1 on the I rea lies themselves hut Hie political ex pediency thereof. "I'm tired of bi'ing lobl I consult this man and thai," Among ing s speec days befor New York ing thai lie w, of the men in think annul il. President iwea with the idea t the I'nileil Stat. i.-aaes in Mr. tlie eel i I ens ; 1'1'esidelll wc rkeil to Mr. Sldeteil what the Senate A I this clia of devol of the I'nil ing treatii Veloplllg II d St.-lio.., should In shall b" two children, J. P. Powell, Major Allen with Mrs. Allen and child. Miss L. T.vAldricli, Miss McFaclden, Miss SchonTierg, Messrs. F. and 10. F.lias and li. Oeiisburger. ;e REVISED LIST OF RELIEF DIRECTORS There Will be a .Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Wilson Relief Association This Evening at Eight O'clock. doorway and he and Walker was talking I coitliln'l understand what they said Hut Waller grabbed Pete and pulled him into the mom and shot him three limes. Waller left the room and stood on the porch a few minutes then disappeared. "Some of the folks hail been drink ing, but i don't think Pete and WaHiron ter mm." i stale vi:.tni:i:. For Noil 1 1 Carolina, lair loniglil ami Tuesday, little change in tem poral uri', gentle variable winds. nCUT.VIJOX TAX ox ii:ox oi;i;s. I llis, that on." On still anolln who on ios l he President bin w ordinate po-iiinii purl moiits asked w ore true I hat with Secreiari or Willi Poslmasle Now before Ii" mai commit him. -ell in hug I I'm t uri and llelil led must is in quoted as Id if I eio if I eln and so I rain, ed an head. sum ellee man. I he sub-' Washington, occupat ion lax May 7. on (he Minnesota's valuation of There will be a meeting of tho board of directors of the W ilson Re lief Association this evening at eight o'clock in the Chamber of Com merce rooms. Kvery member is tx pocled lei attend. The following; Is a revised list of the mumbera of tho board: Klder H. H. Donny, President. Messrs. Elmer Octtinger, V. Pres. Edwin Warren, Treas Mrs. J. 10. Ilarretl, (ieneral Sec. Mrs, 11. E. Pillars, Recording Sue. Messrs. T. A. Hlnnant, Cily Clerk, K. F. Killed. Mayor, A. N. Daniel, Chairman City Hoard. J. W. Dalley. J'res. Chamber of Commerce, A. It. Carroll K. M. llrldgcra, Pres.Kiwanls Club, l')lck Grantham, l'res. Rotary club, Mrs, A. A. Basye, Pres. wom an's Club, Mrs. V. A. Lucas, Pres. HusinesB and Professional Woman's Club, Mr. J. Edward Woodard, Mr. Thomua J. Hackney, Mrs, AV. T. Clarji Lester Harris teslilied: "I had a truck at the house and 1 heard some-; one say there was going to be a big' fuss so I decided to leave. About the: time 1 got Ihi' truck started I heard a couple of shols tired. When we reach-' ed the road somebody hollered for us to wait for them. One of lite boys on the liacU of the true:k said it was, Walter lietliea, lie got on the Irucki and told mo lo take him to Rocky Mount and get there as quick as I could, that he wanted me to gi'l him there before sunrise. 1 told him I didn't, have any gas and couldn't take him there, but, ho said Ink" him as far as I could. 1 tried lo pull the primer to stop the truck hut it wouldn't work and I tried again and linally slopped tin: truck. Waller got out and went on down the road and as soon as he was gone I turned a round and went back to Luciiina." The next witness was Ed. Lewis, who stated: "I heard Walter cussing Pete and then heard three shots tired quickly. When Pete and Walter were fussing I'ete had llis hands In his pockets. Several had been drinking but 1 don't think. Pete and Waller had, at least they were not drunk." John Richardson said: "I heard a yellow man offer Pete: a gun when Pete: first came up to the house, about ton o clock, the shooting no cured soon afterwards. I heard the shots tired but didn't see the shoot ing. I saw I'ete after he was shot." Several other witnesses were put on the stand but their testimony failed to bring out any other facts. ores mined or produced in Dial w as declared const il lit ional and valid today by the Supreme Court. lie of llle de ll ihe Pre: idelll if il lie had not consulted s Weeks and Donhy (loneral Harry ' up his mind lo 1 1 1 e world court The President replied ni" and that i he lirst of his Cabinet knew of except ion of Secretary wlon the Idler to the the world court was i;X(il,AXII IIISAPI'KOVIOS p.i ;p. i:tiox proposals. London, May 7. - Croat llriiain will dispatch a nolo to (lerniaiiy with in .'!li hours expressing disapproval of the latest reparations proposal and urging (lerniaiiy to present more practical and liberal solution of the problem. Wll.l. IX I'.STKiATi: DEATH OF MIT. NESS. Tallahasse, Flu.. May 7. Kepre scnlnlive Fn'd Davis of Leon slated today that he would introduce a concuring resolution iu Ihe house' this aflernoon looking to an autopsy on the body of Perry Popell, slar witness in the Tulii-rt Investigation, who died suddenly at Quiiicy Satur day night. I proposit ion. that, il was I the members ! il Willi the Hughes was Sen, He about given to I lie pre--.-, j "And wh should I consult these j men." Ihe President is reported to ;hnve said. "I esleein Hiein highly but I wouldn't he apl lo consult the Secretary of Navy or the Posi master (li'lieial on some development in Hie ! Deparimonl of Sialo and I do lie il see i that there is anything unseemly in j relying on each cabinet, ollicer (or ! rei'oin meiiiia I ion-- on llle mailers in his department." ! The answer lo Hie lor 1 course, is i bat Hie w oriel I posal is mil simply a I )! egoitlg, of court prn- iniliinnl of State affair but alfecls the Republi can parly politically. If llieu the Cabinet is lo render political advice, tlie President erred in failing lo consult bis colleagues. To admit that the world court proposal is a political subject is somel liing Mr. Harding doesn't relish, lie has felt (Continued on Page ol STAMPS SOLD I'OK CHARITY. Vienna, May 7. The Issuance' of posluge slumps for charity, having proved successful, is to be tried again. The postal department has brought out a limited set of charity stamps, In denominations from Kill to 1. (MI0 crowns, printed on Japan pa per signed by the designer and the engraver, mounted in a handsome album, and for sale to collectors at six times their face value. CLUB WOMEN IN ATLANTA Atlanta. Ca.. May 7. A cling of the hoard of directors of the Cioni'ral Federal ion of Women's Clubs, delegates lo which are gather ed here for their miil-biennial coun cil was held today. The delegates rep resent a membership of about two million women and are from all over the United States. also ihe regular com munion and the service was most saiislailory and, one 'of tliouc: in which il seemed the heart of Cod and man met as we looked over Ihe little ones bereft of parents, eared for by the sturdy Christian men of the world. Mr. Smart paid his respects lo Ihe Odd Follows who have under ilieir care the orphanage at Colds hoio, where the children left alone in Hie world have been placed by Heaven in good hands to rear and ediieale, thai they may become use ful men ami women, the very besi work and the very best service lo which any man or any organization can devote their time ami attention. Mr. Smart began his sermon by saying that he personally, and every nieirtlier of the church were delight ed lo have the Odd Fellows will) them and also the class from the or. plumage, anil that Hie class would have charge of the song service. The music was very fine under the direc tion of Mrs. Taylor accompanist from the orpha nam. Mr. Stuart spoke generally from lite litis chapter of Hebrews, a won derful chapter on faith. II describes the way lh.it Abraham, Isaac and Jacob David and others had failli ill Cod and ri'i'eivecl llis blessings. He used this lo illustrate Ihe faith that the Odd Fellows hud iu Cod and iu their institution, which en abled 1 1i c -in with an eye of faith to see tin result of their effort, and iu their vision lo see those splendid boys and girls making useful men and women, an honor to Cud, the church and the state. This is an im mortal monument, which will last through all eternity he said. Dr. Stuart said that his opinion Willi reference to organizations bad greatly changed in the past few years. At one time the though! the church should cover the work of service, anil helpfulness bit! since lie had Holed Ihe splendid cffnrl put forth by such organizations as the Odd Fellows ami others, and filled places that Ihe church could not possibly tfll and said he wauled In give I Inn. Hi" praise In which tiny are justly due. He then went into Hie nioaiiiur. of the symbols, Ihe "All Seeing Eye" and Hie Ihreo links, "Friendship.1 Love and Truth." The All seeiim eye of Cod which Ids nothing e.-cape Htm. lie make up llis cslimale of men and of groups of men, t heir designs and purposes, and rewards according lo the way in which Hieir hearts un moved lo llolde deeds. The basic commandment, "Thou shall Love Do Lord thy Cod with all thy heart and soul and strength and thy neighbor as Ihysclf" is taken care of ill Ihe splendid work of lliis great organ ization. The symbol of llle Ihreo links that bind our liearls togdher, with Hie central link, "Love which holds t ll i 'in logelher, and makes men of one: common brot lo-rhood. was very interestingly and eloque.'inly stress ed. lie gave a number of illustrations to prove the value of such an organ ' izatioii. Ho recalled an iiii idoiil in , (he life of a man w ho had a ifc , ii ml three children. The man lost his w ifc, and I hen became ill, and losl his position, and the home vas niorlgageil, and later be died, and the children were lltrown on the resources of a cold and cruel world, but not so. He was a member of an ; organization like this ami Ihe mom lieru slaved around his house, waited on him during his illness, comforted: him and ministered in his wants, and i when he was uneasy about the chil-i dieii, Ihe members said, "Don't worry about them, we have an in-1 t icm . st it ul ion in which they will be cured I Tin for. Could any thing be finer than this'.' Could there be a filler -spirit than this. Is there anything that will appeal at a throne of grace, more Ihaii this he asked'.' He proved it. by quoting from the scriptures. He thai glvdli a cup of cold wa- ler in my name, who visits the widow anel the orphan, will ho not receive his reward. The scriptures accent uali this in no little, degree.! Take the work of the good Saniari i,ii, e,, u-1,1,,1, el,,, UuvIm,,,, i,i.,,..ifi ,,,,,, ,,, ,,1,111, ,I1V. 111 IIIOL-I I. referred. No man can live by himself alone. The people and the n&ttuna of the world are so intimately associated in Messrs. Arthur Ruflin and Bryce Little Will Represent Kiwanis Club, Rev Love, Mr. Borden or Mr. Patrick Will Represent Rotary. The tennis teams of tin- Rotary and Kiwanis clubs will hold a tour nament al lie- f 'mi ii I ry Chih Wed nesday alieriioou al l:.';u. The KL wanis Club will bo represented by Messrs. Arthur Rnllin and Hryce Lillle. Two players will be selected lrm Rev. F. S. Love, Messrs. Syd niii' Honleii or li. L. Patrick to re-pre'-ent Hie Rotary Club. Mii'-h interest is being shown in this muloh and doubtless are large numbers of Rolariaus. Kiwanians anu oinor lriencis will he present lo witness the game's. Repiesenialives from the Lions. Kiwanis and Rotary (Tubs will form baseball loams In play "inter-club games here. It is understood the teams will ho ready for play next, week. CONFESS TO KILLING GIRL Detroit, iMeh.. May 7. Max .No vak. 111. and Edward Trzybylski. 17, confessed loday the police announcc 'tel (hat Ibcy killed lleln Vesh 17, in a vaeanl lot hero late Saturday night choking her when she their advances. They an girl on Ihe said lo have street. resist i accosted the (.Oi l I RS OATH PR AT PI V Ell I P.ST. EXPERT ON PRISONS Dr. Hart Will Probably Take Part in Investigation of Pris ons in North Carolina; Sweeping Reforms Have Been Instituted in a Number of Southern States Accord ing to Dr Hart; Conditions in Mississippi Are Said to be the Worst J Wlm,. Plains, N. V., May 7. Pre diction of a now era in which the: Sunt hern .-tales would lead the coun try in Ihe humanitarian treatment j of prisoners was made today by Dr. Hastings Hart, a member of the lttts sell .Sage foundation and former pre sident of the American Prison Asso ciation iu announcing that, he j might accept an invitation to in vestigate prison conditions in North I Carolina. I Mr. Hart who has investigated ; prison conditions in various south ; I'm slates notably Alabama, Mis souri, West Virginia, Florida, South i Carolina and Virginia declared that in a large number of these states there had boon sweeping reforms. Alabama and South Carolina have : clone more in the last few years to : hot ler condii ions I han any two stales iu the union. 1 Tin North Carolina slate pi'iiiten. Hay and the jail at Durham lie said i are about the average. The convict lease system recently at lacked ill Florida is the result, of the novei'tv i of the soul hern states after tho i war. Slaves Dr. Hart continued were: 'treated by the nwnirs like valuable! 1 horfes but tin attitude under the : convict lease system js if Viill cine convict we can get another. .The , road cage one of ihe greatest evils lot' the lease system, Mr. Hart said , is fast disappearing.' It was in this cage he added that convicts spent the night and conditions closely rn- isenibling those of Siberian prison1. , camps. Conditions in MississippiV were worse than other stages he had : investigated. j There. he; dei 'lured murderers wl'ie? ! hud been sonle'iioed for life acted as 'guards and were armed with hich of these mur- I'iu. hiir.-l, .May li. -Colters lreini country clubs of the two Carolinas are assembling here tonight for the annual loiiriiamonl of the Carolina Coif association. Teams from most nl 111" North lat'oliint edlllis sincl llnmoreil rilled If no iii me iiiiei- .-Mima ( aroiina cluiis ! cierers killed h fellow convict who armed during the clay and thelwas trying to escape the murderer emu lesion, v., team lieade'i ' tiv Lii'Uleiiaut Commander E. K. Pat ton is expected ill the IllorniiiL those who registered to day are .Miss Dorothy Fred M. I'axion, both o and holders respectively man's and men's lilies. iotg"t- and Charlotte, of the wo- COLORED MAN WAS INJURED Alh.-ri Kim., colored, an employe of Hi" Express Company, suffered severe injuiies abnui noon today whdi he atlompted i jump from an Allamic Coast Line iiain near the stalion here and fell under he was granted a, pardon according '1o Hi. Ha.fl. Dr. Hart said the New Kilhy penitentiary at .Montgomery is in better condition than Sing Sing prison. At Columbia, S. C, are two prison farms, a state industrial school for whites and a negro re- lorm .school he said. Since ho dueled an investigation there years ago I hey have been ported by the slate and nmg to pay liac km results the mon ey expended on them. con-two well sup- are begin- I A THKIl I OR THE WEEK. Raleigh, May 7. For Smith At lantic and East Cull' Slates: Cener ally fair with temperature near or slightly below normal. llis h I h" n fool was ha hod injurm: 1 1 1 ' crush about the After hrd il pliysii ia Ihe man y .Mount. is had roudei' was taken i ! UNCI E JOE HAS His Eighty Seventh BfrU.day is Celebrated by His Final Homecoming from Congress; Will Rest F ern Now on Wilson Was Being Favorably Considered as Next Meeting Place of Federation, But Raleigh Was Anxious for it. Wil'ou almost suci led in .sc ouring Hie next meeting of the Fed eration of Women's Clubs which will convene next Spring. The invitation In the Federation lo meet next year in Wilson was extended by Wilson at Ihe last session of the Federation eonvi'iiiioii which closed Friday iu Winston. Salem, am( cine recognition was given the invitation. However. Raleigh was especially anxious lo, entertain the Federation as Mrs. Palmer .lermun of Raleigh had jusl been elected preside!! I , and Wilson delegates approved Raleigh's in, na tion and this invitation was ai'cept ' 'il- Put il was generally n ndersl ood : lli.it hlid il no! been thai Raleigh I'Xii'tided a special invitation Wilson 1 would have been la-lecleil as the next, itii'i-ting place for the Fedora Wilson delegates lo the Fed eration have returned home. These; delegates were Mesiliimes Eugene Davis, president of the Wilson ilnhj P. I,. Woodard, It. H. Pal lerson, IP C. Connor. Jr., .1. ,1. Clark, ami Miss Mary llaclley Connor. j Danville. III.. May 7, "I'licle Joe" Cannon w ho serv-d Congress through two goncralions wiih a record and display of personality that lias made bis name ami black cigar as well known to se hool boys as In politicians today is ci'lehraling his S7lli birthday and his home coining from his final session of Congress. Joseph Carney Cannon for years autocrat of ihe Republican party as speaker of Ho house is going to rest for the remainder of his life. Ho is going to sotiie down in Danville, ait back in an eas chair in his homo and let a younger man take his placo in politic-. r 'I'lnliT Joe'" bn his return homo from tin, last sc'Ssiwi said, "! am tired. I'm gning. lome to rest..,".- I'RHCEAM roi: Tin: EVEMNU. ', every way thai I'd. Wc cannot a shell siti.l kiiv'i til (lo Willi III we must be intorcsl- draw ourselves into we will have nolhing rs. We must help them and comfort them, and place the orphan children on a level with those more fortunate, otherwise we are not doing our duty to them, and this is what these God blessed Odd Fellows are doing. ') ,. Mis. I.iiIh l,ovci.,;:'l Shop, bard il Salt Lake ltj, I tali will speak tonii-iit lit K ''' (lock at the Mist, Methodist chui'cli on "Tho Mormon Menace." The boa ci I of directors of the Wilson Relief Association will meet this ivriiiii(j t eight o'clock in the Chamber of ommci'ce I'oooi.s, Program, ul the Wilson theater, Dorothy Phillips in "Unci icane inl;" a, l wo reel comedy ; ITank Cornell's vaudeville company. I'rogi'iuu nl. Princess thea ter, Eugene O'Brien In "Worlds Apart;" "Around the World In Eighteen Days" featuring W'ni. Desmond. ' ' t A. K Ml.