( fob. vvltOM JLiMta.-. J THE -;0 i TULSUAX. auu. U. Price $1.50 Per Year Wilson, N, C, Tuesday, August 12, 1924 Vol. 28. No. 2). Legislators Anxious To Vote On Ship Bill DELAYS ARE UNNCLSSARY Senator Giles Says Everybody Has Already Decided I low He is Goinfi lo Vole on the Measure and tlie Legisla tors arc Chafing Under the Delay. lialcigh. the mrmlirr (.etieral ,;t those in thi' Aug. 1 1. Notice Ih U nf III" North Carolina s4mii lily iind particularly senate were chafing im iv getting the disposition llT the del nf till' purl nniinissioti hill mill r way was served mi I lie water Iran I lie pi'itation roinmiitor which has charge nf the nii'iisiii'i' today. Seiinliir Miles intt'iiiliiceil a mnliun in the senate rotiuiring Hie commit tee tn make a report of the measure not later than tomorrow night al eight thirty hut later withdrew i'. H" tolil the senate he hail taken thin action to warn him the members were chafing nniler the delay, that every memher knew how he was geing to vole and delays were nil fair. Senator (liles gave notice shortly After the session of the senate open ed that he would put the motion he fore that liody at the proper lime. "We hae liecn here one fourth of our time already. Kvery memher knows how he is going to vole on these hill... the port commission hill and the east and west railroad re Hol lit ion. It looks unfair lo every memher to delay this affair inde finitely." Senator lirown terposed wilh I he of ('oliinilius in Mitemenl Ihat the lominittee had issued notice of u lieariiifj tomorrow and several linn ! llred prrsoiis expeelo.l to he pres-' ent elc. Willi a heariiif; , heinn ln'I'l tomorrow afternoon and proliahly lie (iiiilinued over until Wednesday it will he Thursday hefore we call i pet this hill" Senator (Mies coin in-, lied. "We will dehale it t , n or llneo days and il will he Monday or Tiles- (lay hefore il fii'ls to the house. I Itills are hoiim inl roduced here' that never would he touched hut fori the delay. I don't see why it is nec-j essary lo hold a four or five liourj hearint; tomorrow wln-n the nieni-l hers know already Imw Ihey are Ro-j iliK to vote." I After he had served notici ator (Mies conferred hriel,ly. Seii-j with I Senator Itrowii and was sent In the clerk ed that Hi" coininill after the hill '. desk il ask er hn direct id (Continued on page 4 ) Will be Tried nt Nash Super- j ior Court Which Convenes 1 September 17th. liocky Mount, Auk, ham K Mills, Krnesl I la'C, the tlliee neproe; 1 1. -Cheat-! 1 and Tom iroiiiul whom the chain of evidence for thr ni1"'- der of Arthur I., .loyner, llollislev t s x i driver, ahout leu days ao, is heitiK sleadily ivoven, will in all pro hahility In- tii.-d al the term of Nash county Superior court which con ,venes in Nashville i'-ept, 17 wilh 'Judge lievin. of Hxl'ord. Inforinalioii to this effect was oli tained from t It-- oili..- of Sheriff ('. 'L. Johiisiin at N'ashvillr today. De puty Shenlf llriltin. in chaise of Hie oflic". staled that Sheriff .lohii fon ami Sheriff lloii.-.e, of Halifax, jlmd held a reu-nt conference and Unit tin- time and pl.no lor the trial :had he.-n practically decided upon jthen. Mr. (Millui staled thai he had jheard Sheriff .lolinsoit say llial he juas goinu lo is: lie warrants formal- iv iiiaii'.iiiK in. ' .-i .-- -1 .- j . . is i. .. ( (the murder or Mr. .loyner. He was, 'nf the opinion llial the warrntils' were Issued or that if they were not in t that time Ihey would he in the1 'near future, , County oliicials of 1ml h Nash and IHalifax have continued to wkrk on! Ihe case and follow up every avail aide clue in connei I ion with the' .immlor. As a re.-ult, it was learned today, additional evidence has in'en lisiovered which Hie officers rie htre will draw the striiiRs still iRhter around Hie three negroes, Evan:; and the two I.ce hrolhers. Karlirr in the week the authorities ,eari hrd tin. home of Tom l.er where fhey say they found a newly wash ( ii"d tiuill iind a juniper jacket on (vhicli al'e lielieved to lie Idood stains jl'liese arlicles have hren turned over Jo Sheriff .lohnson who is keeping hem for exhihils at the trial of the ill'-geil shivers. The officers helieve lint Hie f ii f 1 1 was ns"d lo wrap up he hody of Ml', .loyner lifter the Iriver had heen iniirderrd in Kvans' ard and the remains were lieiiiK 1 aken and thrown into the creek ere they were discovered. To suh-. lantiale this belief, ofheers claim hat parlicles of flesh. Iielleveil to i franinents from the wounds on 1 lie murdered man. were tound on he iinilt. The iuilt. still damp and i a had state from wear, and jump-1 i- were found linnsi"3 ' fl,u l'""1-'1 ( Tom Lee. I OYNEliS SLAYERS FACE TRIAL SOON ! IWU KALtlbH NltN .r x.-stw K: v. .., ARE DEAD, RESULT , P ..7 1 OF AUTO ACCIDENI k , i -M &.M j ik&Ltt a -.jirn r.. , .Mf tunnriurn tr m nti rino .... 11Ai 1 lulu UCI ivULl' .tl . Hie smile I, i.; "-.!: I.o.n Up lacs of ill. ah I'd I ...!. a a 1 :,,t-:.() i.,..,;,,,!-!, J,-.. ,!;;V.,. , i-,,;,:,, -. ,; , - rainniV ,,'-lis ;;. h-:i i;ip ln-'il lo save them from Hi,. R;,uVv M:ir'-.. tile i.n. yi.tuh I: :V- ... . h:;Ui,. f"ftjjn The Two Younfj M:i Were Riding on a Motorcycle Which Collided With a Cir in Which Mr. Underwood, of Wilson, Was Riding; ti e Injured Were Rushed to n Raleiph Hospital Where They Died. li.'ileinh. Auk. 1! Il.'l liel t 111 ov, lllesr.eliu.'r for 1 S years old. a spe ' the local posioliicc M '', l!l, di,., lit and I, mil local liospjial here early today from injuries re- j ; i eiv.-d when a lif.ht toin iin; car ran ' ; into a niolon ycle t n v were rivlins I near the city. Drew's skull was j crushed and hut Ii Moore's arms and lei's were lirokeii and he received in-' ! lernal injuries. ( Harvey I'nderwooil driver of the i iiiitomohili. that struck I lie youths': claim they were n the wrmm side of tho road, ii deputy sherill' wlin i investigated Hie acr-ideiil however asserted inl'orination he Klean.-d in ; dicate.l the iniloiuoliile was on the i wrotiK side of the road and the driver would he arrested. Moore was on the staff of Slat" : Motor Supervisor .1. C. Sawyer and lie motility ol the two VOUIIK men was estahlisheil throimli a note in j Motor's pockrt to remind hi in of an; .rianii he was lo perform for the' secp-lury of stale today. Hi. -hard rnderwooil, aRed 7, son ; of John rndrrwooil of liurhain who; with A. I), rndrrwnod of Wilson i Was w I I passrlifjef in the nilloniohllr : lii'htlv injured. ! Aci ot'dins lo a report reachini; : this eily the three rmlerwood's were ridiim in their car ci sahed into tin- . niotorcvcle on which th" iwo unid.-n-i tified men w.-te ridins near ihe Neuse river. II was also slated thai Hie motorcycle which carried a , side car had only one head HkIiI and was on the left hand side of Ihe, road. The rndrrwooil party claimed they turned from Hie rij;ht side of Hie road to tin- left to avoid crash ing into the oncoming vehicle, at which time the other machine swijived lo thrir right crashing into Ihe o n I . . in . . 1 1 i I head on. The side car was completely demolished ill Ihe crash while lillle damage, was done the automobile. The injured men were rushed to IJ.'ileigll, whole the occupants of the automobile had their injuries dress ed, duly a few i ills and bruises of a minor nature were sustained by the i'nderwooil party. A. H. I'nder- w, i;. an ,,niployee of the Atlantic Coast l.ine llailwav in this r-ilv. F i The Round the World PUnoi May Not be Able to Continue Flight Now, Hard to Find i Base for Scout Plan"-.. j b'eykji'vik, Aug. 1 I. The i'. y, S. I cruiser Kaleigh exploring Hi" east i coast nf (Ireenlaiul in sean h of a i landing place today reported to Hear 1 Admiral Thus. .MacCi'iidor thai she was in a dense log ninety miles east southeast of Angmaksalik and Hint she had encountered many lloaling ice hummocks. While the vess'-l was iitleiiipling to gain the sea clear of ice a lium- I Injured Were Kushed to n wvaiwaaw 'W S US 1 SS S 4S W tESyr a g I U Ui 51 1 U IU ! HSU I t. , , ... TRIG ARD TO ND A LANDING mock toiiclird it, sliglilly damaging j , .ties. Consumption, h" explained, the starboard forward propeller. hud inn eased in (iertnany, ironi I:1 In a Blatcinent this morning Ad- billion in 1 : t : I to L':i billion in 1! .!'.. in i r nl Maelirudor said il was doubt-1 The increase in other louniri.-s ha fit! if Angmaksalik could be used as , eu proporl lotnil. Ainei icaii pro a base hy the tii-nut planes w hich ' dm-rs aiii.nl :i: peneni ol Mi' are home carried by the cruiser lial eigh 'and Hiclimond to explore the1 must. A plan bad been considered ; whi't-ehy these planes would carry I fuel for the round Hie world planes ov.-r the ice plains. IKKI.AM) (mVUS SCI5SIMIKS H)K TIIKKS I'l.ANTKII ; Dublin. Aug. 1 1. I.nst year th 1 Free State government planted (, I mill. nun trees on l.nns acres of land i and proposes this year lo plant l.nmi I acres. The minister of agriculture d - scribed Ireland as perhaps the wntst wooded country In the world Th" establishment of peasant proprietary has helped to deforest tin- countrv. tl was said in the Pail that the fir-i think a farmer did no getting his land vested was to cut down thr timber. , LAUGHED TWO WEEKS AGO -NOW THEY'RE WORRIED iii.iv tki' n i '"" ". . ' "" ' "" ' ' " ' "''" M-xv Ml.- . i ; !.l ILiUl V Ill'Uller. ' ' 1. ... 1 I,, flail;! nf flrlmimclnn milPTIi 010(01 1 l Ut I t I II Dai4 Bill Re DoAnfi W.m CMlPirw uii mu m iimzmnm mmwi mi c ROVED ROADS OVER CONTINENT AID TO TOURISTS DRIVING 15 M UCIi LA. ''!'.. Lven OUl.ilioinn and South Da kola Noted for Their Bad Roadr. are i'dil-liiif; Good Roads and a Trip Aero.-,.-, the Continent Can he M ule Plea santly and wilh Compara tive SpcJ. ''!iira;:o, An:-. 1 !. South Da'.oia, t wo the past hy auioiiinl t it--i I- I. n i-.i.hIs. are lin-.mvavi viMi the Oklahoma and I ales nol.-d ill ih- loiirisi ; for iiieinliii", their result thai in -nigh tlirm will I li" Inl me driving 1 h r- he better and easier. 'lk'ahoihii a.nit.iu-ici miles of hard mirfac-'d lug bull! and liu .os i-rain, live In-, wii'i ii thai road., a ' of Hie b: i-i :;, pro will 'each ;'i,!.:.:i,ii.i.i. t-.w-i eval aid p.-.ijei-'s i ailr mile, of con. -role hi.'lm of I I m 1 1 ;,-' h.-ia by Mr- slat.- highway Mil : com I oi'i hi i -.-l-av, I Twenly nine sh'.-ii-ii. ivav totalling :!:::: : lii-.h ing tin- aid of the l.d.iral g-e, men' and eosting $ l.nl l.oou, ni ale being laid. Th" commission "-li' " in ; l;i i spending belwe. n s . i .nun and J 1 n nun. mm annually or six v.-ars. Three con n I ie ; u ill vol e .villi in I Ir next month on road bonds lolalling more than .$ ;'.iinii,i.i.ii. Financed hv Tn p.irrnl of a mo. lor Vehicle license lax and Ihr en Hie pro. .Is Ironi a Iwo coin lav. on gasoline, the il.nsii mil. tnnil highway ly.a.-iii of .-iouth llakola. b"giiu in I'HM. will be apprxo'iua le - I t ( 'on mi ip-d on page 1 Bills Intro Hous e 1,1 KOI'i; AIMil'TS SMolvlM. oi mi;i;k A mi; ( o W;i.-liiiii;ion. Aug. In. American ingenuity, in ib volnping Hie Kuril ' pi-au last'- away lioiu 'I'll rK 'sM oraiiils of lobaci ii in lavor ol I !i AniHiican product, lias developed a 1 great Meld for Ihe sale of American lobiuco in Inreign eouiilrios. T. I.. Hughe,, chief of the lnhacci 1 sei lion of Hi- common-" department , in a stat.-niciil sii m manning bis oil serval ions on a n-ceul tour of II Kn ' ropean coiinlries, said he found a 1 Igreallv increased ilemaiiil lor cigai-' world's t ni it I tobacco crop. ,, h i ( (i i:m ions lil .M I' ll HV 1(1 UK ! Cetieva, Aug. I I. liolore ih World War and as a result of genet aliens of effort, only Iwo interna tional labor conventions had bee adopted, but since Hie war 1 h ml national instruments have In elaborated through th" niachiii: , . "ly. of the 1 1) 1 1 -1 national labor oilice ,n the League of Nations. The two pre war conventions en' ered Ihe iuo-Mnns of tiighl work for wont'-ii and Hie us-- of while pin. pliorus in tile maiiii lad ii re of mali'lles. lircenl weeks have shnwii a marked increase in Hie number of ratifications of conventions adopted hy the various post-war intertialion al labor conferences, the total nov being ISO. i M.-ij-n ily of 'ilirrc- r I'ljiir VSLL. S 0 IU!flU!lUH in ti'.c Sen;;!": M i r I'in- '" "'I a' A( Ji.i.i Krvive j 'lalk of lify H 'tpramiie. I.'ah- C. the : h. Au ad in Ii i I I. II loll III luii- lie pori bill S nnlllleil 111 i in i ii a I ion sp Ill. .li 1 Ol I : it. 1 1 Th. l-.-ii.-r el-'li.l- r.-l.-r. Hani maib- li the atlornev III". I ol III.- gov - provi..ioii lor a hi i '! ('has. :, an el fort ivill h i "ii a : n . lit m . Inn ;i n ii 1 1 1 1 n in i.iinti I .ml. Tl Mi la v. il :.lri.-k.-n dllceil hill v. as HI;, hy I '.row I eiiatori 1 :d Hiiinn .los.-i h A. I lei la in y. Tin- H i. panion mi. ci-ealili-.; a a-.-k by b Mull ill III and Yaili.i o llllf. In. Il ' colli In ii-n. hi lo slora , .-,.;!, J-iilll re. com in iss; dure i he i Sp. I I pi ll Ilieilll'Clell fall 'alb y r.i'ir I a i a- or i miii !iiiioi;s line, ot it, lo in-i'.ol iale for il I report lo a suh..eiiie;; general as..'-mhly. i'ii''-;ii-iiib-nl failing in Hia lilllrliase, mil -.-ssii n ol In "The hill I have just s.-nl fiirwan was prep Manning morrison s.diali-, r 'lie. "II a red by at Hie i " Senal ferring eon lain l II tele Allorney (leu. -ta .-ll - I of Hoveriio or Harris told la lo Hie purl till', I.: s a secliim provid iiiluin. I want I in lor a not i lor id my mil ni 1 1 ' il I'd n a I ors that i nro.vi- " W'll IP-lla i nr.- a tin- i Ir- - Is Inch i ii i - 1 1 1 i t ion I Ills hi d M bill by .Di viding lor S'-nalor coin in i 1 1 1 -.- king oin ihat a rel'-ri'iidiim." I la i ris is i ha irin.i a of tie on I. r rita.aiorl n t ion - bill, and th aiuicipaled i v.-hi. h will nsid-r so il 111' in b'-l .,h i p : will in- l-.-porl wiilionl Hi.- r d back In Hi riial i ion I 'Tend ii iii pr ll.-ai iai- I" lin e begin Til'-slay a Sponsor.-. I The l.o-l ...! . tSin-e or lour in Ihey are hopi h amended bill Hit - He- . oil! mi' lee a I ii-riioon . Claim Majority : i laini a uiajoriL. III" I ni I'lial" eel : : O I ! I lllg 111 nir.h that ( Colli lllll'tl mi p. l-'al i w in- Oil' C IV. . ' 111! I: ( 1 I . "I.I. hll ol in in Hi Sai or I" -nl ali v iir.ii i li ; ad K.ra., II and Hoi. luns I ro:.' i ali. In ir '; I :,ii.niili wol l 11 i mil-: for Na di cnnnly. 1 1 II ., I I'.ra.well ami llobbin ; i aiilhori.' .Nash county In i -sir 'londs 1 1 1.: : a ll'i ml :l:lllle so I tin coiilil ;.- hi: build a il ins J.n llyd" To ol th.-.- of drug.: and hY Ihe tale si apply la fnr: ' shall to llvib n i.-i. Hi- Hvde All a o- Viil" i i. lule l ...al lav collimi d I It .'I'm pu hi i n n ni li.-r uiilv Irom live I' Hi n cl to tin ki ln Hickory the roa1 Nu I Ha i n ill Khili a ciiuiri III!-:.:. him: un 111 iss o prohibit Hi of Currit in-1. wi'lioul a vol. nil in y oitni y ol Hie noinr bond.; II i II ople HI! ..ii Tn ilini" 'anc for a coiiniv .1 'i per is s To an bonds nr.- i iiori:-. bonds III', point Ta) lor of nn. loan'.' Vane. Tn a 'I In i ss in- pi,d Taylor of Vance bill imial .Mist ice i To M' f pea Van lor Homier, county. il lowinliip ill MM. 1,'e. olll deal II '.I- - Wllil.lker of .lolle- .on ol r.-sp". I regarding t In ii (lam!" K il i hen . Iale con - gn -sniaii and llial wln-n Ihe llom-e adjourned today it he in memory in him. Passed unanimously and s"ii' to Ihe Senate under suspension of (Continued on pago -11 duced In Saturday ' B C! TTft Tf!f. BrtnnOI II Ttade ( ( A ' .f If t ! T Y wri'-. T '; Di.'.lii'.t Soc'c-'tv tn llol'l iveu !;ir Quarterly Mertip-r li-re temort ev; 1'inr Prat.'ni ha;. Px-cn Arrr Re;idinr; oT pcfS nnd S I.r.lte Par);. nfrid, ':n!u-irtl Itii:in litnt Pa-ik'-.j'.m- ,-v I .Sjiver ii ii't v 1--11I ' i I v Ko rih I di I So ,. fill c I lis I tel l lll'ltTou i 1 1 hold il i in I hi; si i ordinr. I li is 111 c i- ii -on Coiinl' "iin on a :i ; a no'in. -! : by olln ia! i, -di.nl Si'i-ict;.. ilebl in the Tee rooms al ,v afternoon. In-. I-:. S. lain Sldl-lll iif I lie side over till W i I eel ill'.' will r of Com ... I; 1 1 1 in i ir- Cliainle to e. ol llo. ky .Mount . Hi , Hi. I So. ielv will llle-'lillg, lollowillg "U County Society wh Hie Will will en! bene a Silver I .icve;- I la in I lie nd fried ake Park il illl'-l-e- Vi. s hi.l.en lo a suppi sir a I ! ures have meeting. g fen n ii'i I ii l- d for one whii liiila.-il Soeii'l ', h Ihe n fa!-. -is stall. I w be read. I hot "Iii follow.-: Hiazo lie,- I loll an I" i-.inosi ; f Typlmid I'i'vn" In d. Ihool.s of Klin Cilv. i s ilia l riil in;-. 1 1 1 I'lilviuoi nf Kiiiii'-iuii- l-inri -pha I il is" b; T. Su-iili of l!oi l: Mount. lorv of the Tliroai" by Hi W ooilnrd of Holdsliorn. lr. report nl' clinical rial other mailers ol ! ascs great d by and leu tain Socii -i y The In ; i M v. . i i i w ill le- discii s a I stfi i lis I h'-ir iin I mg I S-ici-iy is c nv. ! I -imorr nn pos.'d "i oi ! Ufa .v.. a mn- Kdci nub i -di. ". 1 1 Nor! in n I : ;r. lie John .lo i .11. and ill. w Wil ir n JiU Uif Mooi,o n Rie.hl 1 1 Ander Signed hy l.rcal M-iiilr. Salui(ly; Yim:ster Pitched Leciir Ccllrj-p to Slate Champion- .-.li'p. I '1 1 cil'.-r M oo::e. I .I'lloi:' College's sn nii.-r right-hander, who is now iiiii hn:g for Wi Idon hi s been signed nv lo. al moguls and will report t lore iii-M season fur spring trainings' according to aiiiioiiin euieiit maib' ' 'inlay. Moos" placed his cognomen to a ling contract when piesetiled In local officials. Moose is one of the most prom isitu ol North Carolina college pitch-, is, going Ihroiigh Ihr re-enl college i a on wiiliout a deleal then join- Olg i'lIC ,v Ii : lii- Ibr ll.-d Weblnii a, ;r regal inn having a number of games, all "i Ii ha in victories for club. Moo-.o prncllcallv twirled 1 ile- la noir ag'tregalirti to victor, cer all : tale i'oes in the college hampioi! ship in eo last sprijig nnd A,i,. i ini.nili'i ."I as a 'miracle man.' ( VMHHA I I I 111! HUV. ciiia ii in nbAiii. Sioux Kails. Iowa. Aug. I I . n-liew- s. Anibrniu lien'oiiatic nomi nee in- gouTiior of South llakola was greet ni id f w ypi inf w y pctn I w ypu was gored to d'siih early toda ill his Sioux lal in Kail- Ibiriv inib unh of vn i! i'', m m;s ' in:v -i; i n Am borage. Alaska. Aug. 11. WiHMii a week iiaiui" accnmplished whai a corps of deputy niarshals and dry agoiils fai.-, tn dn in many limn:!.:. Tan inp'.-l tires started by moon. bin" slills practically annihil ated Ihe industry in this region. Kor. st raugcis, report thai Ihey have come across a dozen slills destroyed by the tin tnes. In some instances the owners barely escaped ) ith their lives. I E PTCHER an Doctor Admits Little Is Kuown Of Pienal Gland SI'i I II 'I'll. I. lit: ItliiMIl rST. 1 "li,, II. 1 1. .. . .oi-lii ... l li'lin XV. I'nis ll''in',.ii j,. nominee which i:i In .1.-1 i e,e, in l lai ksliinu. N . a., luiiilii vi ill lie lii oniliast lal lolls in New Vipi I,. Si llcnec. '"li .ilel ether stations olhrials of die radio coa.p.tiH ainioiini ei. Mi. I'.ii. :l! hiin ..peaking at i-ifjhi o'i'Iim k lonilil. SE BETTER BUSINESS METHODS ule Comminr.ion Ap-Co-Opciiitivc Cost ... An;:, la. Th.. l-'.-d, mi iii i.- sum a tif.rov. ro-op- eo.-i liu. ling and cost a. g by le H ade as-social ion o -.riant indu.urv. in the mibli 'Mnii hen- today nl a h-ll.-r of III. i'nio ,i T-. poih.-tae of America, In leriialimial Association of luasle plsnl.-i- -Si in ii II aneoitsly with il piihli.-ation. sen l.roughl in Ihe I', s ('ii. ail Court of Appeals hy the a , airiaiion again.-t Hie l-'ederal Trad ' oiuini. i.ion was dismissed. The a. lion is i.-garded in iuduslriitl i ir cb-s as a vhiory for brllrr biisines nieilioils and slahiiizalion of indiis i ry. In lis pari : let lei- the , omniis iioti says in i "t I w as not I In- intention of t le i comini-sioii to disturb in any win Ihr educational work which th" as: o. ial ion w as insliliiting in I h" j field of cost ai-i-oii nl ing. Tin- coin ! mission has a number of times goii" on record as approving I lit- effor's . of trad" associations lo inculcate in j then- uiciuhcrs a recognition of Hie ii'.-esMty i, proper cost nn-eounlirr; -as ess.-nlial lo the ennd rid ion of i business, and endeavored i.n making i ils oriler in Ibis iase lo Irave the! cost acioiinling work of I, he l'uile-1 , Typoth.-lae of America in ils edu- - - :ilional phase, wholly undisturbed.": -j'l,,, agaiusl the cJiininissiou ; WJ(; ;tn oiitgrowlh of a "ceas" and i of seveial dr.-dst" order brought a.gainsl Hi" tubers of, Tvnolholne in August . 1 !):!!!. after '-' 'lln'ce m-iirly live year-, of litigalion. lie "ojeci and Moving that its i osi accounting v oi k -.as b gal and vitally necessary for Hie slahiiizalion of the printing 'idu..t r mil to modify pre! il ''mod. I lie asai-ialioii hi-oiight npi-l Hie . oiiiinission to its order for Ihe , or ai le guidance lo inlet all con- TOIt( ( ll IS I.IKIIvIM; liliTTliK (lly II. W. Mcl'iiilaml) l-'aiimonl , Ani;. II. i'ln-rr un less nondescript (ji-nilcs on njiIi-s today than sincr Hie. opening; of Htr tobacco lliarkrt. Tobacco selling; for fifleen ilollars per lion, deed up. Stronger than dnsim; l iida. Tlie official .-irei-iice to day is S'JO. 1 1 pre hiiiidcril for rutin- s.-ilrs, "ii:ti,.mi I'oriland. Tti lluvolt KHHM'II lire.. Aug.' It I'ln- .latiile -ordered Waldo ( I' .loan of Arc hv Klein i.-i last January by l.ii . Ilenr.- "". of thi : cilv. III be pl.l.." in park liei-" a.- a I ri I.n I to H who helped to set' i completed iii Par f K. Harbedienn crouch pioneer: l In-null, lias he. il Ihr foumlrv anion, easier of Inon, aicordin o l ii loriii ;i I i mi r iveil hire. Coolidge Says Colored Man Has Right In Primary V.'a - hn to a bit s.ndidai-' Pal.--. ('. Stale Pr. pressed ;i gion. r of ol a ni I', re: Aug. 11. Iioph in protesi against t h" I m gro for the I'niied : Ironi New York ' , n. nit Cool iilg,- today e-( - ma ..in "lit at the suggestion Hut lie nilervciie ami reaffirmed his' iniiii'ion of administering the i-nu .titiiti.ni which h" pointed out 'gnat a litres e. iial rights to all oiii-t ' iii.eiis w ithout din riniina'ion on accounl ot race or color. " The letter made public at I'm hileliouse was w riMep lo ('has. p. Hardner of Kott llainiltnn. N. V Mr. llainiltnn hail sent n newspaper "lipping concernini; the candidacy of I negro ior a seal in i ongr-ss ironi j N'ew York and suggested "repeated j ignoring of the growing race prnb lem does not excuse ns lor allowing encroachment ." "Heaving nil Hie consideration Ihe manifest impropriety of the Pre sident intruding himself in a local contesl for nomitialiii." Mr. Colidgo ! wrolr in reply, 'H am iiliiazed to re ceive such a lei tor," "Ouring Ihr war rnni.tiuii colored men and boys were called in the draft, not one of whom sought to evade it. Tlioy took their places -wherever assigned in defense of the ' nation o which they are jutt as ATTACKS GLAND II1LORY Dr. Huelbrrt Admitted That it VViis a Qurr.lion in Hie Medi cal World Whril rl. l,uth a Gl.ind F;xir.lod; blntf Will Offer Ali n;3li as Witnesses in tho Cnsr. ( In. a: todav al r ii in.-1 d Ulillld; I- ii ... in l-M II i Ill , a I ha li Ml., la. K.-.l i and. I: a i up ; US pie rill ,, l.eoio.. Am: li In- Hi.-, of Hie siianlav 1 he stain "IV of fuue " i ii li iii lens v hv the de ini'iya'iou of -I l.-eh anil " kidllllppill a for Hi. Imi .1 r. . I .mi! niiird i" 1 1 ii ' i rinc i.al .11 -. I . ' 1 1 1 . i i ,'iank ,. r of ih in l"'"iir.lil out in II S. HurlhPrt I alienist t'lie- to MllM- l .1 Hie i.-in.l v. i 1 . I In rlll CI- I. in v Ol C, , ;,g,,. "l who used X I. liat- w hat be l' i iin-d "I'1'-:., Holing Ho- ;ily -laii.liilar dis oiils. pienal. pit i iiv cud ailr-iials. Il"l" ii i-i. i lo-.ve. late'., at'oinev upon cro .s i....a m iua I inn a ked I ir I lu.-l li.-ri for inli'iiuaiioii as to tins fun. Hon ol' tin- pienal gland and when told it r-giila'.-l th- hahim-a of the other itldorl lette glainl., askd if il were not a fa. I in- li- a I men a a L'lioip know nothing pi act i. a II v of tin- fun. -Honing ni the pienal gland and there was : onie .inesiion of il being a gland ai all. lie le-.-iii-d an al l irinal ive reply. Mr. Crowe a. uglii lo inipegi Ii Dr. Iluelbeii's testimony hv hi inging out thai mental pa ihologi.-t s bad been tn busy to iiiake s"iue of the numer ous Irsts and had lo rely on the words of o! liel .;. I he wit ness sa id lie 11 many murder cases maib and such extensive test 1 d not in so many is in this case. Mr. ('roue':-, liocri.-lie gland In the noon p-i d"lving into the in-thei'i-v was. cut short i ess. It a -, indicated Mill rest ils case soon the i.-sl by In. Huel dolonso would begin nini'iiiy including the the defense w slier finishing ben and Ihe its -eliuiial I. pr. illation . moral nlionM- as I iiesses. Two r.rnncheri of the AsS9mb!y Mad Pefore Them a Hun dred Cilia Saturday. , Kalrigh. Ml ;h I 11 : Assembly 1 Tiiuralav l d'd not sis N. c. ' North did noi in il:, i it Ih" b i'riday. v a Mu g- Aug. 11 Al Caiolina (jensral n'.'i'i until last Vila :,"ssion and ' -i 11 ': of li'Kislat lle Uleilbnls Will aiiiouni nf busi icte.l when they or Hie fourth day session. Tin Sen r way a I 11 o'- I ing until I hr faced by ! ness to p. ! gat h'-r tonn I o th" iwen ' ate will -:. clock tolll' I Mouse will al night. Moll, In bills lo ilea trans mow ! tv day I li n 'I . rrow del-IV iii'.inin and th man until S:SU bad in I'm e lh'.n i the session ('"in in ission will Th- K' bill w P. i iii- h"arnc: - Ho- s. II be l -n-n Id .'. b aft. I'- I . II. but a pub y the com k 'litesd-.y Hint ti!'i begin act r. Its torn- 111 III "I in I lis I ge .1 ll'ti l noon ainl iiulM 0 will mil b" p" - 'il ive '.-.orl. on il mi th panion bill, a p. .ml ni ion endorsing tlie Ship and I" pill I !"COll Ule an i ;i a ami w. i ; in I he hand.. Tin. Hou.e v -"pol I , on the (('oulinii Wax r n dm g d i aili nf III" a : to .ill. lie Commission s i. nu i it ion of oad line also cm in it f pp. got favorable igm-d to ciir- I on page 4 ) 1 truly i ii i.-n ; T,r; nnv others hn thought of denying them m any measure their lo'l polilbal mens '"e lo -in-li a great group of our popiilaliou as the colored people, is one whn h. howeier it might, be re coivi.l in some other nuaiters, could not possihly he permitted In one, who feels a re.-ponsil.ilivt ol li-;ii up in the traditions of the Repub lican party. "Mur constitution guar.uitpen "iiia rights to all our citizens. L have taken mv oaHi lo support that constitution. It is the source nf your rights and my rights. 1 propose to regard it nnd administer ii as the rights of all the people whatever their belief or race. A colored man has as lunch right lo niter a party primary as any other citizen. Ths itnaiioii must be left in hi, t-on-ditnotils. You have suggested in some fashion I should bring in fluence to bear to prevent the possi bilitv of a colored man being nomi nated lo r( engross. In reply 1 quote my great predecessor Thrpdore Unnsrvelt, 'I cannot consent to take the position that. Hie door of hope thr door nf opportunity is to be shut upon any man, no jiiatter how worthy, surely upon the groundo o race or color.'" . " eS !': ; if f: -J