i i 1 i n TUESDAY, OCT. 28, 192 1. THE WILSON TIMES IL G avis Record of His Voting on Public Questions; the Demo.; cratic National Committee, Publish Photostat Copy of the Way it Appears at Labor: Headquarters. Wn-hiiis'nn il' .' -i tin -i"f i ' : :i- ilr.Mil 'T..I ! i l: 1 1 : i. v.'S tin- -i: f l -- . l ish 1 1 1 ill I !t" !".' '.'.': .'. Ii.iv i- f. t ii. !. ons:.-- lm- -I t . i iv s ii -tat. -im :' : i I'lllni'Va 1 ti Na : ii'li.i i I iii iii'w tiiii-' his inl il.'li'i-ni .11. -.1 i" i r. iila. v nl I. a Fi'lii ' ii p;t i t ilis. :n I . .r:u. i ' : llii.fclinat.'- in i : .v.- . t inn. !,. '"j aiar ' l,. legislative , , : ...it I .1 , ill 'il : I j ' I j V ' I n ' ih. if union- "I 1 ' i! ri'. i'i'.l w a - si , . :; ."' i a i; t in.'t! a iim i'.'i! i ii i iia ' i.'ii I could li" -lupin il It n;i- :ii Mini Mint ail i- n '' 'i.'ii'. . till y a lniiti s lii" Hi. 'a 1 - it -lltill'llll.'lMls IllH lill- i- .'' lift Keep I .t n I it. "A - main- 1 . r- n- i.ih . : !. its in- rai!"'.;nl n. I..;. e. in . I Wii-hinsl.ili i'.,l is . all' .1 lilt' X., limit L si-l.ii i " ami I n fi ri-.n ion , iiri'iiu. II is -;iii"ri' il l' I i f.i-ir j "(il lii'l lluiiil-, a in! i: - pa ri i- 1" ii ti-li lici-la I it'll i'l r.ii.t: ri-- - ami fi an f "li I '"liii .'--nit'ii i' 'i fci'.'ii, f tn lii.. in!.' !'. 'S ,. iai'".- ' ipi'i iiillv ' !:"-' i'l' I'a .' :n pi.') - . cipi'i'ii i ii i ii - an' ri'iisi.i. i! - ' i 'i - j irtaiil that a i i. " : : i t n' i. ! li . nt lli'l ltituti 1- . "ll -1 a 'a ; !'. I'll .I ';' a ' lis lnn'fa n 1 i li. A a i. ! i rant! I'liii'!'. fi.r ' Kiiaiiift-r-. A r- i ; uir .1, l.nvt'll. 'i. ! 'f. s i ii" ii I . I'.'i' ( it' Kii'i'iii'.n a inl I'in -i ii- iii' n : V. li i ItirK. 'it'f I'l'. -i'l' in. i..r r"n- i ii't.irs. i,ii, v. N I ..,.!,. Vi. " I'i't -i- i lit . fiir tin- Kaii ''. a 'I'ra ililnrli A li : , I llt'S" II II i i M - ' "'l '''!'' Ill'"' il"!' tiil in' Triiiti:-! ': '''li''. in I In i r lliiil'lmi: 'lii" la. k nt' i "in ' : tf s m l nt I h In ! h ""li ' ii'' 'I'ra in - M anil lli' ii' I'i i i li:'"ii is iinli. at.'i! Ilii' I'tinii"!' s in. i inl t mi ni't' nf "f ! (Is at I nl II. SI S K. 1 .".Ni'Vi'i't li.'l"-s, all lour i" "ii'l'.il' I li" I'liinl lull- nl' I Ii" !'"- i-la! i V" ' I iiit'iii'inat imi Itiiri'iri. Sum" of In ti i t i 1 1 n - a.'' la "i ' I n" a it. I a r I l'i.'il nil liv t l. l'ks. I ill" ..!' t ii. -. ' ' til llllll.i' I1JI li," I'.'ttlt'll i'l' ('nil- I t'ssiiii'ii Willi r.l'.'i'"ii.'. !" !ali"i' tun t licit vnt.'s on lulls in ( '' uir I'i's -I Imt w him n I "ii "; ri'.-sina n is a Y nil iilati' di- t'l'-.'l.'i'i nni, ,,r l' "' n ii y j lifi'. his. ai I il inl" ma v lir put li. - j ri' tilt' mi ions am! Ill" pu M a:. A - rililiBly. '.'.'li"ii .l"!in W. I'a'. i- ii- j i niinai"il for I'r -al' tn I." !t- ! 'inoii'iit n ."iiv.'ti! a. n. Pi- Iai...;- t" ! inl in ( iiiil i'"-- itm-Ma.-i. it :i -iilai' ,'iiiii' .,. ,v 'in N'.it i-ip. 1 la - i - li I nt'nr ma I l"U Ilill'ii'.l a:,! I'll in lii" n-iia! way n i' i. 'i.r nil "M r I li.. signal nr. , i.f il.'s-r-. ills, laivt'll, I'lark am! I Mm I,. S'lll'Mllill lll'l'tll'tl. 'Tltf I'l'llll'll. I I III" -l.,lll.l','t- nlilov ft! Ity una.!,, ii i " I 1 1 il a I 1 1' -oil I lull-- ;i. "Il" llllli.il il p"l' lit mioil. 'I'll' I" V..I-. I".! a -i:r.:l' il.- ill I 'in. -i i'-s la. ' I a -. i- wliit I: as i ri! i. i-.'il li l.i i. or 1 1 a- "V Ii I Iff lliaii t li" ;' i ' i'i of .Mr. i .a .llli'tti'. Tlmrr -"" il 1" Hi- i 1' !'!- )lo,o .Inly i; v, a . I,, prrpal', -lirli ; 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 s mi j" " i'il" i'"a .on li ii itiiilil not uii ii.riii i" I'lr ni'.'iili'T ' tlif unions iiiiil ill" inrili' S" i' as -on I mi ' to -"Hi" i " us in '..!' - at- Wii-liinc-mi ai -i "i"; ail v I iv rai I vva y lii'll I la' up ' ,i P;.ii I f t h" i lin ks ii,. pr, pal ".I :i ii ; IIS ill... s".'ll ,,. ! . l .i I.'. W.ll I'' li S i oil". .. -i.Ii lll I 1 anoinoi i v " liirmii'i'i'- ami Mr ollf ililil plans l'i.'il iii'1 11"! I'i' in it h a hrot liorlio'iil iinloi'-i'iuriil of j f. Iiavl- Mr S'"i!.. was i "tiitnit i "i! I !l" I. a I-' 'I '"I '" r il is tl I .Lii i a :ai i n t i 1 1 1 in li.iv I'M t!i.. Li'"' ii"i'-I mis -tipi"it i' li wiiilil ii"v.r vof il" in liavo tlio .Vdtiimul J.i-;:i. liw and 1 nfnrimit ion Piii-'aii pui ns III" hull niai'l; of iipptVival on r. I ia vis' record "So Mr Si ime hurried down I " 'ash ins Ion a ml . a. r. ual i ns to trust ortliv accounts, visited' tie.- la'Sis- I ive anil Informal ion ItuVeaii in a J ale of considerable a user, i.lf w ish 1 to know wliti was '. . sponsible Mor iMeredIerves ady Says She Was In a uesper-1 ate Condition, But "Now In Splendid Health" After Taking Cardui. , . , ,. , , . Da e, In .-"About hroe yen ro." says Mrs. r nra Robert.s, of this i E?e, "X had the 'flu', which loft me in' desperate condition, l nail a nan ough. I went down in weight lo little - ver one hundred pounds. I took tin-! BROTHERHOOD i MEN SUPPRESSIN erent medicines -did everything, but. fwr. .ludKe ( onnor has been able n lOthirg seemed to do me any good.! dispose 0f some mailers in chamber hurt so badly in the chest nt "times , since his sickness b' sau last July, would have to go to the door to get i L liy breath. -'I would have the headache and . . . rms to weak I felt like 1 would just ,v to sink down and stay there, i "My nerves were shattedv I Jooked or something awful toij happen I rould tremble and shake ai a noise. "My mother said, 'Do try Cardui', ,nd my husband insisted till I began ti use. I used two bottles it Cardui . and noted a bipr improvement in !- - ,.-. , , ' f-, i Fd wenST80 now r,! blendid Health -sure am a urm oe lever in Cardui, for I'm satisfied it Hd th work." After a .WAnVeninir illne.s9 a tonic il "& (Telp regain lost rtrentrth.h1 pa mi.-.; : In' i . port , v i;o had : nl " ; ! a lid vM; v " The -1 ,t ' M. . -tlhol- ..! i! only it t-I v ih.it they : ;tr, il i !f r.'.fri in i in- . oui'-c ft fir r.-Mil.ii p -. i!...- ; ! t . - y h.itl .! ! t . iimi.1 I IT... t:, . ;nil i ' if i;,. ; niv. n 1 lifi't in M-ff .1 r .or..)!... m;!! ., i v . 1! ..!-:. .in ..r.liliS -i-o '. . n ,;. i .-.i : '!. . oi I'l.-u ;:. ; t ! in' i .; .'i 1 mi Mr. !.!" : ti ;.vi it w :'!- - I;.'! - Ml .H.' i,i lli'' L ". t i .111. ln'l' .liilr I -..tn ti:.- i''..ail 'in. - h h.tt! I"'' II -' 111 I'll! ' 1 ' I ''I ' Ih !.ml l i .1 ' 1 Si 'llll' i' I in in j .in' Mill in outsit!" hands, i 'I'iii' I' . M - s ins I, liter I'.-, old nl' Mi' , i'.i. i- j " ..: - ii. .'! !' ill.. i. 1 1. t- X. I !. s.-l. .!. It 1.,'il Mli'l'l't' I Villi. ii, il I.. -ui-I.H i i' .in.! Inlm tnnii.ut ' r.iirt-;iii in t; lot lit. i! of l.ti. ttnitti ie l-insi-iiffi tl III ht'l IkiihI III l.occtltol i f lll'llll'll ii in t I nuiiit'itirn t'-ilt-r tit l;.iil.i I ointui lot s I'.l iillit i hood i.l Kailio.ol Trainmen .i-linmlnii, II . I .tin. i I . 1 1 i. I I'm. .III... . l.i is. IN HUM I. It. l-t l'i-ll It I est its.iiii.i. scivitc: li'Jn.l I t.n- T; I'.lii Vo !. -ii.. r I-1 M :. -u ;'. V. ;i -At- 'IV. 1. - LaOol''- ii;.r KW Vfii l.ii- ; iir-ni.-I'.;!i' .11 : '".I", l'.i"r. ! 1 ' 1 M.',,-i;i !v; i S. I! .. 7 . . !- V,,'. , - A'li' i.i . I'.;.'i'' i! . :. ! ; I 2 ! Limn., Men ill,:'.'" 'i V..;. I r-.. All Ii:. Ml 1J - !"..-lll". I '. .1! 1 . 11, pt ; I'min i:ea ul. ii ion Vol,., N'ol 'Ma ; - l.ai.or s Au.imI... I"av ,.i ft! IM' ' -:-l!- : Mea-iir. . Iniiiii-r," .11 IPii. . . I - : v lo i - Vol", I Yea Mi ' A'i "mi". !"... op .1. I '..".. i-l-l: i.'- r.'iu'i i.-. Mr. is;; inn - V. Work . ,1 V. a - .!"., '- Aliunde l'"a.,;'".l. 1 iai a "I 1 .MiM.-iii'". Am i-Trusi . mpi ton i ail. r v.ao i - v'oi.'d Yea l.aiii.r'- AiMiii.I". I': vol', , I. !'. '" ' - ! 11 Al.'a- ui'' . To -ink" .' !..!;.. T"-i liiiiui. I'.ili X'oi.'.l v i. a i."!'' . Al : ml". I i'po-.'.i I'..'". :' I-'. ! M ..-ill.'. I'a--. i-i 1 ..imo.-r.it a,., !,ji A'ni.'d Veil aiior - Atiitu.le. I'm hi til. I'..i", :i 1 1 I Measure. I't.i.vu t I ..i s AiMiioii', I'.ivor.'il. I.' : l-IT-I I .Mmisiii". To in-'.-' appro, i ' h I i.l rial '- liuriiiu P .; V. .i I -:i Inn 's Ail ii mi" l-'avni - '" K.1.1 I ."il.-a-u r. . Clav ;..i I i"l A"i ..i.'.i -i i . u-'s ml" IM, vm ".I . i 'i s 1 I - a-ui e. Cnllf'T io p.a'i mi I 'laylnii Art Yoli'd Labor's AMi'ml" l-'a m ired. lie. M :, 1 '. .M.'iisiii ". I'onf 'r- Ki nt'l mi Ir.iiniiii'a! ion I'.il! . .v..l Vol iii I. aiior - Al lit mil; I'.'" 2 11.". m IM11 iai'.,' i" : Ai'H"'i it. '". 2-11- . a-ni". I in in i-ra-ii Voted Yea !V"1'".I, M.'.'i-iii''. t'hilii ii-- Aiiinpl" li-a v "f d . Tile i'oii'-oiiiL' i- a t'iii of Hie -'- i of III" vol iiis feiori ..f 1 1 "iiot' ii,' 1 "Im W, I 'id ! us ! I i- i i on I'lli'il "in i 'i" C"ii-re-sioual Ki'i or.l ami pt ... I'M- olliee. II !'. Wilis. A--i-:,ii!' il!'ami Ch a f . ' . ',,,'t i la -d i- la I li i 1 l;.'p; e-t n'a! , "!' L, L Ai ' bur .1. I."V"!i. Xai i,.n, il la -;--! i'" Li'iii'i" i I . i ; 1 1 i e, II. of I,. !'. ami W M . Clark Mm;.1 I.esislali Vice-I'residi nt. Na llfpresenlal ive. I ' i: i , W X I ma k. Xalioiial 'i' - niaiiV". I',. o 11. 'I lasi-lativi US! , . , , 'The leUimony in the Case of Those Imolicated in Base- ball Bribery Charges When ii Will Serve a Useful Pur pose. Cm a so. i in . 2 1 I ..mm;- -ion u I .ii ml i sa id t oil. i v I !l;:l i lie I s! i iiiiim nf Co..- I lola n a in! .1 i in in m ! i'( ' .1 n I! i 1 1 of ill" ( lia ill ' in v. ;i veil in t lie l.rik-n -' .illilal volllil !" 1- it ! i i i v. 1 . 1 1 "l Lis .iliiisiiii'til it would s.'fv" ; i-efiil purpose iu i I' lirlns up the si; i.aii'in in bi.se'oiill. it ix. i: (.iioMii; ro inn. ii "-'"' ' " i '-' ! Paieisli. li I . 2 I.-- .1 ll.lse II. Law r-iioo Croner of the Kasiern liistrit i nf Virsiniu will bold fiderai coin I v 1) ii li will coiiv, ne lu re on Mon day. Nun nibcr 2 1. il was announced vrsi iu ilav hv court ollicials .Lpl.se lleni v .;. Connor. ,!;e r-i . , , ." ,8','' . 'j . " v-l 1 1 "- ' " "" " lliiu' il,lvls,-,t ""'"" llis ""' u !"'"' oi-h a so,,,. ,,ow- FOR OVER 200 YEARS haarlem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, ! UldUUtl UiaUIUVta, HH.U..-H. . lumbago and uric acid conditions. COMMISSIONER AMfllQ Tfl PUP. M nnuu iu i uuli THE DESIRE FOR LIFE SO STRONG That No Man Commits Suicide Because No One Would Buy Insurance for the Purpose of Killing Himself to Get thei Money. Uuloi'-li. li. t. j:; Tin- Siii . nil' "iirt oi Nun Ii Carolina . -i.'fi!a . :.i i 'us' i i." o i in "if ti' .ti ,i. i ion" ; ' ; at: ill-lira'lri I'.'ll. y till litis sill, l.. I'.l ' 'aa! I'l" I'll! .1.11 ! Iipoll tllo Itl- i .aio.' p. my lo provn ili.tr a ' 1 1 i ' i io'i'l i ii.n -a. ii a I'r In v who kill- .1 I. i in , : f 1 1 1 ' ' inl"t! io iiu so. In 'lo lit-" lii't.-rntii'i'il suit was ''.'f-h: i.v liii;.!, .'ti, v. I'.irK.-r. .'I'ltii-iraiiiv of Kouit I.. I'.-irkt-r. - I 1'.'. u I "UIO to t'.-t'OVi'f on il ' ii, v v. i 'i 111" N"W York I. il'o Ill s' I'"., lii.vhis til" I'l'll'uviii: I n Mi - i i i to of - . If M' si i'in I ion is I he ' i 1 -1 I v. o iii-ura n,.,. , ;, t -.ii-U' ! -ail" or in-ane. Mm ill- i in " a m. ' t hi- puli, slui II p.. i "piii'l 'o ih" pi'-niiunis ihi'i'i'oii li luiv" Ih'iu pa i.l to an,! i-oi-ehnl Mi" . "in pa a " ': in-ii i aia " i .'inii i in iu-ist, , I a- no in-a".' man .an , ouiniii ii" II'.- wof.liim ,,; i'i.. ;i.ii.y --;i : i! v i 1 ii'on., ' i .1 iiiti iil . ! low -r .lii.l-" I'i. ink A Hani. is. w im -ai. 'I a I ' !'." ' rial. I i'i l-' il lo -llh-.ili : "I" has' ii "ii . ,.f ,,.. a ' i"ii . .'. ii i. Ii was .oi in il If! ;i n! ;ol pro!.i.ui,.Ii ,! i im loliowiiii; i-- Hhi al oi ' in.'iii'e,! ui" o i'l Willi illlellt o is own i omnia Th - i -ii" and I lie t liarse t hat ' i io ih - ii " for life i- si i ureal in all ii. ii k in. I tliai th. re i- no presiinip 'It ' lia' a man ,'oiiiinit- suit iile ' :.' upio'l.l hv ill" , oil rl . Tl'."!'! Wit- -n:le eVilletlfe to .UO 10 ' Mi" iiiv. slight Im' siitlii'ie in ilia: Hi" miHi'v was a, , idi'ti I a 1 . " sjiys .tus r i f ' ' ( l.t I'ksoii w fit ins id,, opinion . "Tile w a - a t ii"s ion tor the jury." I'ol low ii. opinion ha utli il ilow n ' ' '' f"k. ' li" i ourt semis Iho k for I ' I "I W I !'!.l I I ll" tit 'I' ,,' 1 lit' Sell! illnte i'' "-l.il. i'i I'o . asainsi .Inlin I' . ! '''ha-'oi. whita ' II I'"!' -!"'! HIV"!', tl oil il Hole ! dd ill violation of Me lllm' Skv law. I'll ii" Con nor. w ri ; i n s ilie opin "ii "!' Ilie court, holds thai Judse M i.!." i.. i rri',1 in not ml mil i ins ev i- i 1 -1 " t"iolins to sustiiin iillesat ion of ft a ml u lent representations that Mi" , , .mi.. my was payins 1 I per cent .liv iiit mis and thai il was to Imi til u in. Ham ilnli.ir plain in Kah ish. , S"l I llllS 'll" lleS! im, Ol W ill i lief I ill" ll'ue Sky law applied io dollies I if as well as foreisu coi'iuu-a t ions. .! il Mice Con nor sa vs , 1 "A rolist I'll. I ion of I 111'-' s.t pes I i'n ' o";, lile io corpora i i oi - and their' I ' 1 1 h s; It ';- lilt 'II W llll ;, ', oaS' V to ' ;. v ol' I'" I'lVC . cf--;'v, , "111 mi --ion - . ii -li. noi lo b" adopted in t he onri- r.iiher the courts should . ous; rue i h"s,. s' a i lie- -o thai i !,.". v lessen the evil and a;l iini e I he 1 ' Pleo v." 11" al- of tl i nth li' ld i Imt "oniiiii is srow-i ':! nl in ' - V, hith ;d e I II de- il unlaw iiil l.y -latinos will toil ti ,'io-.'"'l in I ilis State " '! lo . our' declined to inn rv, tie in ,i al ii s.-io, -ii,.,. of Ia n Walton, a -i'o iiinii.i.'il of iln- murder of ' ' ' 1 'ast li'I'll l' . a w li il" ma n. 11 Walinii, I'loyd Waliitn and i'i- I'.' I inn , til re" o: her nes roes. ' ail ' inly ill I lie Sta le Prison, fol--' ins ,-o!i i. t i, ui as a, cssnries. W ail. ill li. il Ule Stale before the .1 v., is a re.-. lfi in I'.iif- X V Til" appeal ! - based i ui Ha ni'la-mn in evidence of ai "I .less,, , e neslo mill." to SIliT- u ii.i-ar 11. Mi. ,,f ll,,!,.- inuiit'v f,t ; I li- conn also affirmed a iiu day 'il.l .-' litem e inipiisrtl upoll M S"V- noitr Chain!;!..,., well known Zebu '"i it i.'' n .v ' it ''ii in-. l!iipi. r. '''"li' "f Wake Con my Superior "Hi ' . ami w hi. h had be, i, ptvvioiis ' 'fii'in. , hy .Imls" llmrv A. Ci'ailv. j Chainbl... ,i.,.,.,i f hetween ! - 1 ..... t , ainl sI.iiiio in ,.u iu abso-' Mite violation of an order of t he ' It fk in siippleiiientnrv pro, linss' l.ioiislil hv the P.auk'of Zeliulon. i hirli liobls a -2 ! iudsment ! r-ain-t Chanihl"... V ill l ord 1 S Pierre i I al. Herl i I." error. S. in i n 1 1 1. Phosphate ( ii. vs John- ' -on. Wayne, new trial. nlholiv .Vi- Thomas is Am II v K.M.r.-s c,,.. pin. ,. enr Parker vs X, V. Life In Craven, no error. llallk vs Chainidee, Wal,e I'.l. siaie s Calloway anil Kverelt. New Hanover, no error. Siaie v.- Luilci'loh. New Hanover. no eiror, t Siaie vs Witlioii, llnkc, no error. liicobi llardwai'e Co. vs Jones Col- ,,, ,- x,.w mmY,.r affirmed. I First Xal. Hank of Spartanburg i i- Monroe. Ciimberlaild, new trial. I King c al, vs Taylor et al, Ctlin-I berland. petition denied. Stale vs Durham. (Manse, no or- ror. Stale vs llrndshaw, Person, no ci- ror. Itay vs Veneer Co., Alamance, no error. Vickers vs Viekers. llurhaiii, af- firmed. Hill vs West I.enolr. nrr ciii-iam. iudnmcnl affirmed without written ,...is.ii.i "Pinion. OR OL, TuU'l on tat OLD AND TOUNO Livor Pills act kindly v on u aeucua lenuM or umrm j old aj s upon u vlioroui iu, I. TALKS FURTHER OF THE T OF BOOKS 1 :;. liii. ; v ii ii'.'k ins i w:!i only lilkf ; lilll" lilllo of vm; I Mr, REPLIES TO IKE MEEKJNS i-ui.n. u, aw nus ttiii'm ioK-.r , i ' : mil' ii" ii i iiiinty. 't in n if .inn itiu- Make a Local Application of l""'" n "tnl, li k.- in ml.l this .-x-the Price- of Books and Show r 'w ' M'-hm. to , i( hoot That to Furnish Free School . V,'' 'I T ''" "" '!""' Books it Would Mean the In. ,,,, ,,,.. .. ..... ... ,.,,, ,.,.,. cresse of Ten Cents Property Xax. . . l'.!it..r Tim. s. I li ar sir- ihirilli! l!n I'.:-l I'.t Mill- llleiits. i', n of ,iv" -ihool h....ks has hern 'at'nii-hl to piihl!.' ailftiiiou every vtn v nr- l.y I'.'l'-i'lls who I'lo-l fir- : i li : v !i.,v" h.nl III' i" t inn I'Pfioti of i i. . ... .... .. . ....a . o .; t,. ...1 .o' t'.,, , , , ',',.;','! I ,ij....l, to; m,v. r v. Im savs In wall .r.. :h" 'h'lilr. ii lia r -, hool Iiooks. ,f i.. i- oi oil I" Ilial ullii-e in Xo- ,,llll.,'l. Wh.-ii the propl" nr.' really to am ih" i'.ildM iona 1 -.linnl lax wliielt v.ill l. r ouii".! lo lurnisli five -, ho . liiml. . I Ion,' no doiilu ih".v ,,,n 'jet "iri, hook-." Iim no one of il;.- ' !r." I i,-" aiho.iiiis hiis .er -.,r lit io 1,11 ih,- p. ople iu - ti what ii;r ihina (,.. aiivoriilis woiilil iik. l' i o-l II" I- usually roiitenl lo iiiihilt.. in ' Hi'1 i1 "tl. iit'il" nil'. li itiiv I hiive iak. it a few lulu- , ii.'i. off lo try to Iiiul out just what ' .lames l.ainni 1'erkless tlri'Mni; ;iu Troe I, oi.k.-" on I.l likelj have , ost ! '"'"oliilo $l!'.2a. Appeal and hond W'il-or. ...uiity on lii" lia-is of I he was fixed at $:!u.nii. himk i.'loptioti wiiiih went into op- - - - ." at inn in S. pieinlier 1 ! tl.'l'e life a" !;.!-. as-nnniiii ilia! ' I ref notiKs III". til- a eollll'il 'e -et nf I.OokS for ""i v . hi!d i nrolleil in the sev.ei'nl rail. . of our Wilson ,nuuty eleiuen- ' IV I. I o-l (or liilo ( liil.li i n i' i'ii..ii'eii-i;ri'dt ro-t-Totiil i.isi i ii 7 I hp l s I.". $.10.1,1. IS 2;i2'1.7n I 1 i'u. Us 122'i. l I .ll'lli.sl t tut. i'.'i . I.; .2 I V !i ', !l. I ". 1:1 1 oiai liii IT 2 Mili 2. (ill ; 2. Cost I'oi' Coloi'eil ( liililirli i Ci-.i'l" Chiltln ii lirade cosi-Total c"sl 1 2 I HI li-.-!. ii-.' 157 I 1 1.2s :' ".! 2.7.1 2HS7.2.1 :: .11.1 il.ti! 1!I2u.:!ii I ::sl .1.2 1 llUfi.ll 2ic: l-'.2,s 1 fill.li I .; I ill s M7 llsl.ii.1 ; in i; ii. i.i itn'i.711 Total i;u:; 171-l0.iii! It. Toliil I'lisl Cost for ii" 1 7 While Children JL'StiiiJ.llii 1'or Ml f i :! ('nl. Children 1 Tli'.'.i.li'i Total l'i"i - i;2"2.:!2 The l.iMilde ialnaileii of all the property of Wilson county is a iit- Me 'i-i than $ I T.iiiiii.iimi. In ortler tnnfb' 2 s : 1 1 m k irv. ( iclobt r :;u Win to raise $ I t;.2u2."2 the school tax sl on -Salem 1 tiiniini; Mot'saulon, would have had to be increased nt I November 1 inisliii. least l ii cents the first year on eiicli I Mr. (iurdlier has nlreiidy spoken Inn to have put tile "fvef hook's" si heiue into operation in Septeinhi'i' 111 2 2. I ll may be possible now In use Ilie' old books already ill the hands of the children, if the free hooks plan j i- adopted in the midst of the five war adoption period. Il tuny also he possible for W ilson county to i set the In per cent publishers' tlis-'-'tun ! on the above prices now allow ed 'lie book dealers for handlilit, the hooks. I'm, if fro,, books are adopt-j "d. i!-oti county will have lo linn- ! ,11,. the free books. No one can say; w In-Ill' T llisil can I"' done by Iho j "'""' tit 1" I"-'- ll'"1' ' am ""'""" i ''' '" "''" '' (,sl ll'1' t'Ollllfy, !!" I"''- '" ,';"-1-.v ,llt', Iree books" business i "''. ' 'i ' 1S ni"""er eiciueni .vim ii must he taken into accoinn . j y will win t he president inl "bet ion' i "" i"' wo.it-.us. i iiimmi utei. low Ions- will ti free school book I was made lotiitht by John W. Davis. :"v J-i 1 1 1 loss plants now operalin'-', ast .' If W ilson county had boiisht i ),.,, riii ic nominee for ppjd,.,,!. ,' lian t here were lw o years ;:ko, it was cry oi f its children a set of upon his return here from a final i I'oii.ti'd out that the plains have .li lt w I ks in Sopleiuber 1H22. how t aiiipaisn tour of middle weoU-rn J-ti'K'-d l Ind'u improved t heir I0112 won 11 liiose free botdis have j lusted'.' No one call say what the ilo- pret im ion will be on "free Iiooks. " However. I tint KifsshiK that our u i1'"" "I'1'1'1' hook" account would look about like Ibis, diifins: Urn life "'' l''---2T atlopliun. if we had n'lopled Hi" "fref books" policy. 1. On'smal Cost $lfi.2ll2.:!2 ' V. ..,..(.. ...v.. ,s- .....1 r... placements !'.2ln Hi'"'" " "" .'. '"' i.-.,,,,, in. rr.ases ,l i Democrat "will conlral ConsressM 1'' plan incuts I. Total a your cost illi.lilll.M Nil, llll. Ill each 1 ii.i;:!2.s:i Net nvorasa' cost ear ;., Co.. I am assuinins. thai Wilson couu :y cull hantlle the hooks for 111 per affirm- rem hence, iho above fisure.- arc i based on tile present retail prices "' V . school Iiooks, I tic lisures. Mo refore. iPi'lnd" co-t of bandittis'. I So I fisnre thai "ft'ff books" j would liice cost Wilson coinily at j 'mast fliipi:;:', on Ihe nvorase for 1 ""'h of tin' live years ol Ilie lite ot Hie present hook iiilopiiou. 1H22-2,. '' 'f had that policy in operation, incri'iisc tins would ineaii m arly 4o more on tint averasc for ' "'"'h year. ' i it "in monn even a j bis'her lax rale increase if my guess I that a "free book" will only de- i '"''' h"'' 2" per cent a year duritis i tliis live years adoption period is in- coi'f'i't. I have not. seen many five vear old usable hcIkioI books dur- i ti-m hiim cxuei lence. Hence, I think it is hardly possible that I l-e' books-- will last as Nine as 1 1 lli,ve indicated above. Sly figure ! only provide for a one tilt It replace ment for each of the four years of the life of the present book contract after the initial installment of the plan. And that one fifth must also take care ot the normal increase In enrollment. I am confident, . Uiore fore,;that I have not ovl-restlntattid' hq vtree books' for onej. !! is ;i y fit r n.l.'i-i' till I.f in li i h Illol,. wisi-ly sp, nl l..li ny ! ilfhisli i-ii; ii'.-o iiooks i ih-. tiiiiiiti'ii. oi,)' s hoo!-. I'l'fiiiin l ii li la ni t- 1 1. i,l ii at -tiers. I.t, r ili-ita' 1 1 i; , tiifiit . anil iiu nift mis ,. ill. : l.iii'f n iti,- i,i-t .io..... ::o!i- ' f- t tiaii i . o hunks."' l'.u j; air. f ilf I a n li '. -ua lo ti tl I", . ino'ii: nt v.l.t ii-,;'i ; "fr. I.....U-" .;s ;in I 'il.i' ii! in;,: 1 ; inai-cii ju- vii;ii th.-u Ii.m.i lions.-s. ,m wilt liav,. i ex- ii-' in.- lor -aviim I hat rate your : i il. o at im iai i ii 1 1 1 1 i .-in i away Mow n I'.'I. .t Hi" iuii'llkeii,',. ., iu.:, - l i' tit' luoioii. ll.lll.KS I.. CIIUX. M. ,1- oi. X. ('. : ' ' . -U. 1'iJ I. - M HI'S ( I H I; I", MiHi.r In. -is ... ,!,.. r..l low iim ea-i s this tnofiiins. Xaiuiii llrov.ii liavin liiiioi' for llm purpose of sale. f:,T, I :i i 1 i m to I'l.v 'his fill" silo was sent I,, for ninny days, 'l'm Harri-ll drunk m: th,. sireet n- fitietl . t ." . " .". . Williniu ( 'uley ilru n k on t lie ! r"'l ''-- t.oniiie lieans tlruiik on the - ii'fft s I ". . 1' .". . l.-n I'tntler tlruiik on Hie .r-t 1 -- . ' 'mllir il I'll lik iiiul iliiviuu' niiton. oliilo 1.2.1. r-. .. . - , i , Figures Up to 9:30 o clock This Morning Shows a Ma- jority cf 30,137. Toroiiio. (lei. 21 lleviseil lie- is in the Ontario flebiscile up to' 'I Mln today su ''" a majority of an, 1 f!7 fur the I em peril lice act. The fiillles, --in tn ti tonlinucl lo froin the rural sections . . M (. VIIIIMlt: M lvl(. M.WV I'AIITV SI 'l-il-it Ill-iS I'. Max Cardner. of Slo-lbv. ha- j desire It. (.; y til ONTARIO VOTES FOR DRY been in heavy dtMnaml ilurins the nut'se power rcquiri'd lit operate , courasinu anil the various loinmit closins days of Iho liemocralic cam- ht il"-f'asi'! j (,.,. of spotisorins organizations ex- puiKii n ml on account of ninnv mllsi upon Ilis lime has mad,, his own en- is liook"tl Chairman Dawson Wednesday re ceived and iiiade public the follow ing schedule of ensiineinenls for the remainder of Ihe ranipnuu : Albe- l oiiconl, llisli I'oinl and Chai'- lotto t t'ok. That the Democrats Will Win' in the Coming Election, and That the Partv Will Control the House of Representatives Xew York. (let. 2 1. fl.ii stjiteineiit that Iho I leinot ra I ii' imf- slaes. Mr, Iluvia ill a fonunl slatu- tnent declared fiirlber the personal , ..i.i, .i. a s.rn.'ed thai Ihev will not i-Ncuso , bo corru ii ion a i it 1 1 1 a i a u i u 1 1 1 1 s i ra i ion thilt has prevailed al Washington dnriiiK Hie it .flit years of Itcpubii - can misrule." It was also positively asserted i litii. in addition to the victory h ..i.. : I ...... . i : I ;. .1... I litis llisurius pulling lino eiieei out i pi'oinised reforms just as soon as j legislation to that t nil can be I'ra mod and passed." j Anions, the "reforms" promised by Mr. Davis are revision of the larilT. j reduced taxes, international co-oper-j titioil, improved inland waierwavs I and I a rill legislation. j : :.......'.' ifforta of his political opponents i,ist(.r up their cause hy slimiest-1 jM ,iim!er of Iho election Koins; in,0 house, Mr. Davis said, had1 l(.(. invest ilii'ted with the resulll J . t li si t "inoi't.'" Iliaj the necessary 2(.ii voles to elect me I'l'csidcnt already i are assured." That atilitniiicenienl was supported, ho dot'liu'ed. liy the "drift in the west and central west." POLES PAZO OINTMENT instantly Re lieves ITCHING PILES and yon can get restful sleep after the first application. AU druggists arc nuthnricd tn refund mWy if PASO OINT MENT fails to Cure any case of ITCHING, 4 DUND. BLEEDING OAVIS MAKES THE STATEMENT NORTH CAROLINA ADVANCE GREAT Along All Lines of Industry Says if J. Bryan Grimes Were According to Report cf Com. Alive He Also Would Advo missioner Shipman Which c--Je Bill. Will be Presented to the 1 I k r.ono-i-al t;.ll"i-ll. t'ft. If Cololl.fl J. Assembly in January. Kalt-iiili, X. ('.. Hit. :.'. Xorili rii't'lina t nil' nun's its aiivaio.' aioii i omninrr iai ami jinlu.-i rial 'n-. nil is takiim li-iiilina posiiio:! in the various inaiiiifai I tire? sllown hy Die hirlllliiil report of tin' I i"p;. I ' mi III . 1 1 I .ii Io ir anil J'l'inlin wlii. li ('oinliii-sioner M. I.. Sliipiiian is now prepiinim or presen unoii io ,, , ,, . lile iioyifiiot' anil I tif ceiienil asseiu- ,. a . .. , I. . - in ;i i ii i'n i I u vi s now In ins i nrried on t Mensively and whitli has arown . on-itlernlily in the last two ei.rs i- ll''' 1 II I'll i I U ' ind'isl ry. Tlio iiiiiiiuiiiel lire of liirnitiii'.' ill V.il'tli t ':, la ,1 i tl i, in; . mil tt: , t'e. I uilh nil ' o'h. r fn i-i i i t nr.. in ; ii iil:i 1 ii t-i ii slal s of tlio t'uioii is said to rank lentil i in miiiilu r of esiiihlisliuienis; eisht in Iho ii v. t'liue iiiunhei' of wane earn- el's; li nth in Hie amount paid wnire fit no is; eiiilu in cosl of material : , noiili in Ih" value of its nroiliii'ts and t'til!i in value atldt d liy in, mil ium;'". Cuilforil. llaviilson. ami Calthvell are aivi'ii us the Itiidiiiir t'Oiinti"s ill ih,. si ii li- ill wliieli llio niiiiiufiit'Uii'i' of liiiniliire is now livins; nlrriod on. The ( ity of llie.li I'oini, lieing IH'i renter of this ludusiry, has heeonie ; Will be Observed Thioughout known in eiivles of. tliis: indusiryi the United States on Satur .hroimhout tl. I'nitfd St.u.;s Mr.!".'. November 8th, next Un. snipniaii ji'Tiliule.s llu pioxinnly ol i .. c i r .. raw mineral a.s one f the maim der the Sponsorship of the urodiiiis i'oi- the rapid Kiowili of iiie War Mothers and the Amer. iiiisiiiess in this siaii'. ican Legion. Capital simk invested in the nian-i Ufa. lure of fiifiiiiiiri' in North ( nro- Kuleisli. Hi t. 2.1.--- National I'or iina in 11121 was nivcn ns J 1 2 .7 '. I ' 1 i"l-Alt'-Nol Hay will he ohservi'd s.!i lor the im fiietories ripoi'tiim tlirnimhout the Vnited States on Sat- i while in 1H22 lliei'e were ln7 faeor-1 ' it s n portins: wiih an invested e;ipi , ? r. . t . at. ini n ase ol : almost liny per ,ent in the past two, years. The present value of the !Ci i plains is assessed at 1 1 iiu.mi.I.vI ; while the value of the ln7 plants I wo year-i ipso was sivcii as .fS.iLs 1. - .i-".l'. ''he viairlv oiltput of the coinbin- 'ed pi'iuliicis of t hose fiiclories is now increase of tiiuic lli'ii eleven million1 dollars ,lurins the past two years ns : Hie value of I he yearly output ill 1H22 was -how n to be ,:l,2SS.7tli; n,,,ls '-''-'-l siciiui, eic - l;'"ll.v 1111,1 Wll,"r P"-''t'. I"tul ln"- I't'-'-1 '" ";ls (iivftt ns lt.nii coinpiir.d with 12.7H1 ill 11122.' Tho i in pltiy in. nt situation is a key to ihe sri.wih of the industry in thi -Pile. In 1H22 the In? factories r poi'lins employed Vi''H7 persons, oi which number v:Cil were men. 27 1 wa re women, and Ml were chil dren. In I H2 I w il h eislH fss fiic lories repiirl ins lb" uutnhcr of em ployers was set nt 11.1M of wliicll number lu.71!i were men, 2s" were women and 121 were children. This show s an im lease in employment of 2.121 nun. 1 1! women mid "t'i iliil-l ilreii. j I ll in l' unlit ill inns of the Sl ow Ml of Un' f u in it u i-i. inauulactiiriiit; in-j il list ry in Xorili Carolina are shown j in l he increase of pay, The lotal , annual pa rool is now $7."ti!i,!Hi 1 while in li'22 il was 1. 1 G7.H 1 I . The pay per day in I ''22 for men was .fa hishesi and 1 . !. 1 lowesl : for women jj.r.s ami It. is while loday the pay i-r day for men '. 1.71 hishesi ami l""'-"' '"' v'"""'n III . 1 1 e-1 ii un - i . a . low c s i , According to Commissioner Ship - : ii I i t-i' iuilusti'v Willi its ''. i'""- - "''i;'""''' "''-. i mi'tlmcls ol niunuliiclurt' unit liav '"'come more nsnl in the selection ol i th" inaleriiil for their I'l'otliicls. Fur- ! " ' "'-'- '"on, (he fai lories of North Caroiiioi is now known ..n nil 1 1, o .. .... .... , j t Im mil t'lo'ts of Ilie country and titles ; i,s I'1'"''' hish in conipclit km with ' Hi" older esiablished mills of well known fiirnit lire slates of Ilie Cnion. " 10 SPEAK HERE Nolcd Alabama Senator Will Speak at Hih School Next1 ; ., .. t. I lviontn; nas ncen nere De- fore on Speaking Tour. Squalor llell'lin, noted . speaker t emu Altibaina. will br In this city next month and will deliver an ad dress at llisli St hool auilitoriuiu. The Seuaior is loinins here uniler Hie auspices of the City Schools. H" has lieen in Iim tily on other speuk ins: tours, and lias iiianv friends hero. It is expected thai a law. ntimher w ill lie in al tendance to hear the senator, as he lias played a promi nent part iu national politics for a number of years. 66 is it prescription fur SENATOR HEFLIN El I'.ry.'nv OflirtfS wVro aliVf today no 'loily wiinlil lit1 ii sti'(iiii;i r ililvoiali' lliaii lit' of tllo poll t it 111 i tl il lx meas ure, saitl II. K. I.aty. Suite Treasur- i'i. i'i ili'ili'riii'j own pOitilion on Hi" ni"asiirl' now i niMuini; Hie alleli lioti of all Nml Ii Ciii'oliniaii.s. Mr. I.iti y Is very pui) Ii in favor of I'n lisialilisiiinoiil ol1 Stale oivni il anil operated port faeilit it s. lie sahl: "1 am for th.. leriin'lial liill mnl , . , . . , slni ote lor it wit i a pp-a (fa . , ,. , 'III plensiii a'. M ii n v veal's ami ( ololicl Crime-, one of (lie eliisesl Iri, 'nils I ever had. i-oiivitiei d mo of Up. hene liis that would aeeiue lo tile slide if it eo'.ilil gel liniit faiilities for liastiru Xorili ( iirolina. If lie were i'ir.,' today there would he llohuily '''" "onlil ive this stron.mr ami i l"'i"'l -"I'l1""- '"' 'vory on. ! 1 """ h'"n ln'' '"v.- for N"Ml1 Ci.i'olniu anil tils ability. I NOT DAY ni'ilay. November N next and pliilis untifi wity in tlust ily and others "H nv-r ,1,,. slal" to make the day il'i your stute-w i.l in every respect, 1'nder I he sponsorship (1f be War Mollnrs. I he , miliary of I he Aineri- tiin l.'sion, the Amoriean l.ecion. ' th" liisabled Veterans of Ilie World .War iind other patriotic orsaniz.'i- ""',s' ''"''l mi' mils will be sold I V" s,ri',s "H lt 'In.v and the "i"-'! Hit' aid of the needy rx-ser- vicc men of ilie World War, who do not draw lonipensai ion. Last year (he sales in North Car olina were said lo be very cn- , press Ilie belief thai till, colled Ion will be srciiicr this year as they In tend lo carry the observance of the day into the smallest of villases (if Ihe state. l-or-(b'l-le-Xol day lias always kiiil the support of the presidents of tlie I'niled Slates since Ihe day was founded, il was said, Itolli the bile President Hardins and Mr. Coolidse who succeeded him have hfi'ii supporters of I ho cause. Clemson College Students are Disciplined and Dismissed for Their Recent Conduct; CI 'in son Colb'L-e. S. C. Oct. 2.I.- I'liiiisliiiieiits ransins from outriithl dismissal id measures of inleriur ; am,.i,,n,,,. ,,,.;i,...i ,, ill ' i'..l... " ' I ... , Mil t. I 1 Mudeiils of Clemson Colleee who j part icipnlcd in last week's walkout hy Ihe hoard of trustees, which Hindu public ils findinss late today. Columbia, S. ('., Dei. 2a.--About lmi students Clemson Colk'Ht' were hiispViidcd todny l'i tin- Hoard of Trustees, following its five-day invi'sl isiil ion of last week's walk-out I"'' Portion of the student body a,- i cord in s to I ii I or in it t ioii received here lasl r.lsht by loin; distance telepliiie. Xo oilier details of the board's action were available. tll'eenville, S. ('., del. 21. Cletn hoii's student body sisnetl a written is fee in en I two days alio to abide by Hie decision of the P.oard of Trustee-', made last nishl, Imt scores of Ihe cadds plan, in view of Hie trus tees' wholesale dismissal of stu dents, to ask for honorable (lis ihni'sis, aceordinf- to a long dls lanet telephone iiiessaj,'e from the Collect' tollik'llt. ll was also slated unollii daily that ""lv if'shmeii strikers were taken '"" j1, Th'' , w said to be tiholtt 1G5. STOCKS New York. Oct. 2 1. ---Stock prices displayed a (Inn tone ut the opcniUK of tlio market. The features were a selected list of copper, oil and Motor Shares. American SincltiiiK . rllnilicd one and half points to n rec ord for 1921 high al, 79 'i and Max well .Motors A and li. touched Oli"i and 2 1 Vis respectively. TREASURER LACY R PORT I NATIONAL FORGET HUNDRED STUDENTS ARE SUSPENDED yNE ORiNrjv. v ( 5tt'W-Afrs r. E,'D. Harbour, firmtrlj '.'S