u1 THE WILSON TIMES, WILSON, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVTMIUK 1!,, Vi'.O lendid Armistice Day John I, I iixi u. Mrs. I. ,l Hia-wi-ll, Miss Itubv r i ,i '.vi-1 1 . .Mi,. i Wells. Ml-,, l.illje I'llilg.-li an, I Ml ; William Liiuglcv. II El Program Held At The E'iwtics, Prr'.iiiui I ,, Id-itlu! nnrl Otliri New, J'.iicfs 1 High School Last Night Parties, Personals, Deaths and Other News Briefs I., ni .: I i , p,,.ui : in i i l; ! i 1 1 I 1. 1 ' . Miie, . n'i i; 1 1' STANTDNSBURG NEWS DR. CONNORTALKS II 300 PEOPLE PRESENT i' fy Supper with Ices Served py the Ladies. entire Hssmihlau' lose to He iiiiiI greeted hi'r with applause. Number Inc udcH F.x..Ser. ... ... " inn oi v rnsses oi ine Jesse rv mil lies 'cemen, War Mothers and Camp of Confederate i t ra iim. whs lcinbers of the Auxiliary inn-minced ly Mrs. Mnttio Woodard, nd Guests. Delicinti TMr.l"'sill,'m ,lf ,lir rl,ill""r- 111111 I11"- srwrii (IC I MSrillU IMII'll ,-H'IWCi- ('ri)sscs, and made a statement re Barini; these. After descriliiim these Hfji lit i l"n I crosses, mnde up of the colors of the Confederacy, inter twined with those of the Cross of Honor and the Crusader's Cross of the late war, she said that these cross" were intended lor the de srendeiits of Confederate soldiers who served during the World War. The local chapter would he pleased to have a list of thoes who were en titled to receive them. Thirty seven have already been issued, Mr. I - nard liullook. World War veteran ami son of the late Mr. Ilcniictt liul lock, a hrave Confederate soldier, was presented with one i.-nt oveiiini:. cnr 1 1 1 1 . 1 - an increasing of CX-S.TV icemen enjoyint; sitiK. tie- i-ond cheer, and Pit it I it y m ihe War Mothers iie-nilei- of the I.c-ion Anx- were altoi'eiher last evening : rue haiiiiuet hall of the .. Coon IIikIi School at least "iviic men and fifty ladles' d quests, niakint; in all linn ; dnu n io a bounteous! feast ; .'. and oilier nood things, v tin- dainty fingers of the I emselves, with a wealth of 1 'hi of pleas, for the I. .Mrs. I-, ihe War M at heini; aide oys, enianalini; I. Cn.urt, Presi thers, and Mrs. fotnander .lam over I he meet inj! various numbers, clay, chaplain of the Invocation. Commander introduced Mr. Oliver hand. s Roberts presided mil introduced the liev. John P.ar the Post delivered Huberts i ho was r. . s i '' inpsev. I'resldeiit of the l.e-A-iMliary. The followinK menu :o lo show how delicious was : as usual eloquent and gracious in an iipper. ami will also imlicale in : expresslo not' pleasure voicinn the -mall way the enjoyment of ; sentiment of the lenionaires in their "is in pai'lakini; of same. I appreciation of the fine way in which i-t turkey ami dressing, ltrnwn the War Mothers and the Auxiliary cranberry sauce. candied had shown them every allciiiion, and cold sliced ham, cold slaw, hot referred to their love and attention lit, coffee with leal cream, ice j during the war, and since they re made cake, cigarettes. ; turned homo, anil that every cx- i any lady call look this over and I serviceman looked forward with uni" how much work is involved j pleasure to the Armistice I'av and I1; undertaking like this, hut it j its celebration. a matter of love and affection, Itev. John Harclay, Chaplain to i!- ladies got just as much pleas- the Post and pastor of the Christ inn i .ii t ot it as they did when they church van also forceful and olo " knitting socks and sweaters and iiuent in the way he presented the litis cigarettes and tobacco and present situation regarding peace i- nice things to the boys while, which the world so greatly desired, were fighting for their country : He sai din part: lie various halt le lines. I You have come to the 11th anni- !i" program was also very (In- j versary of the war. We were prom- s n 1 . There were no long speech-j ised hy Mr. Wilson, Ihe newspapers but they were short and sweet. and the speakers that it America ic from Mrs. Co.art, the com-1 brought the war to a successful con- ,tc!.T. as we stated before breal h-i elusion, and you soldiers did it, the highest, appreciation of re-1 three things would be accomplished, id lor the bnys and the great, work ) Klrst. There would be eternal . v did for their country, when they; peace anil the end of war. ihe world free from the grip of Second. The world would enjoy I" rial tyranny, and raised the a democratic form of government. lige of America high above the and the people of the nations of the 'tons, until we are looked upon as earth would decide their own quos- country mid nation to direct and lions. In other words we were fight ,1 the destinies of the world. Mrs. lug the battle of Democracy and for .ot spoke its follows: a government by and for the people. I "iiiniHiider, members of the Hold. Third. We would he relieved of Anderson l'ost, Kx-Servlce Men: the terrible burden entailed by war It is a debt or gratitude that we for the building of battleships and " you boys for this Armistice Day, the keeping ot men in service. Hut lav of rejoicing only made possible what have we, he asked? There von r sacrifices. May the mystic havn already been since the signing rait memory, from the World or the armistice a number oi wars. tTofleld and graves in foreign 1 We nave raiseil a crop ot dictators to mis unite us in a unison of service displace voustitutional monarchies, ' our country and work for Peace, and burdens of the world lor aimn- N'otleed at the National Conveii- mollis have decreased but little and ion at Louisville. Kentucky, a bill the nations are haggling over the iitrodueed fie outlawing war. No terms of the disarmament afraid thai anther but fould rejoice, but such one will be in a belter bill wrald nil be passed for without 'than the other should war ' . i.i 1... I...I.. U'n .j,- um.mlii..- Hit'.,,, US OI cioioiise we wouit. ne iiciji- ... .. -i .... . In ease of invasion. j amount for war we spent advantage come, times the in l!H:i. At the Defense Meeting at Wash- Mr. Harclay spoke of the ph sure ington Where I went as a represent!!- ! that the Legion is giving the world mo ot North Carolina, where 1 listened to the numerous Senators . a the Cruiser Hill, felt that if Kng i ind and Amoriro would scrap their iiilferenc.es they wouldn't have to rap their ships. It is at the bottom of life we must i.egln and not at Ihe lop. No race nut prosper until it learns that there as much dignity in tilling the soil us In wriVg a poem. It is not the artist who paints a picture that has done as much for humanity as the man who tills his fields and helps to iced the nation. Learn to glorify lommon labor. Drudgery is as accessary to call out the treasures of in standing lor peace. 1 In great, factor in promoting peace, hut there is little prospect of having peace If we stay 'prepared for war. jf we want war we should prepare for it, but if we want peace he could not see the consistency in preparing I for war. I He urged his audience lo work for I peace, to endeavor to iiitlueiicc our I representatives, that the drums of war should forever be silenced. ; There were . number of interest ing features on the program. The jclrawing of an (itteiiilunce prize, the singing of Miss Virginia Hufty, "The Sweetheart of the American Legion'' t ho mind as harrowing and planting i who not only gave a number ot songs ihose of the earth. A new era is i which greatly pleased, Iml also had dawning in Ihe world, an era of use- the boys sing with her. a number of iulness... Your sole contribution to, the pongs they sung in camp. This the sum of things is yourself. 'was a very delightful ft-atmo of the It has been a nunareu years since , occasion. ' .'illiam Pitt, i he great friend of: American Liberty made his appeal tor the preservation, on the basis of; nislieo- to all Knglish speaking na- usefiilness tin forces now- dedicated to destruction The world must accept that message and not until then shall we have peace. We must have Ideals and live them. Ideals are like stars. You will not .cceed in touching with your hands j it like the seafaring man on the ?sert of water, you choose them as I.. our guide and by following them you reach your destiny. I thank you. Another good talk was that of Mrs. .1. C. Dempsey, commander of the Legion Auxiliary. Mrs. Dempsey expressed the greatest pleasure and satisfaction relt by the ladles of the Auxiliary in doing all they could for thetomfort and entertainment of the tx-ouivlic m"ti She wanted all the adles In town to Join the Auxiliary, "he organization will put on a drive ext week for new members. Ihe ues are only $1.10 per year, hvery Cold. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas i oiidon id Winston spent Sum!, iv and Monday with Mr. and Alls. ,1. K. Condon. Mr. Cotoloii is cashier of a bank in Win ston and they nl served Arinii liec Diiv with a holi Dr. and Mrs. II. II. I'ow daughters spent Mini lives in Auburn. .Mr. and .Mrs. .1. proud parents ot a llnth unit Jut and along nicely and at ill Kinston. Mr. James Appl Sain Tyson had a nanow ox-ap. fro death Friday night between v dell and Kaloigh when the Chi. si lo.id-iter they w.ie driving ran in 1 big truck loaded u ith tobacco. Th I'm k bad no !' ., i In hi a lid ! he -"- n.u HOI See n iiuiii 1 1 1 - Were nt' near al t hi nisc lamia cars .Mr. visitors of Kinsloa Sunday. .Mr. and .Mr- W. T. Condon. .Misses P.ynl ami Kliza l.-et h Harden spent the Week end ill JonetllOio. Mr. ami Mrs. IS. II. Davis ami fam ily spent Sunday in lialeiuh vis. tin.'. iilives. Yelvertoii and end in I'riine- verton's mother, es and young men's ass will meet Moa ning with Mr. James Apple s ho-t. At this ni'iting a no derided upon I Professor at the University f North Carolina Will be Prin cipal Speaker at Patiiolic Exercises for Oeilicalion of Fence Around Caswell Cemetery. I M ' I 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 l i I I. II I I i II M l I I 'i Mr. and .Mrs. family spent t Ii toll with Mrs. Y Tin: OUH4 la Sunday School day i w h i 1 1 name class. M v. er. Miss president retary. a n IV i- l i i-,. ... Whitley are the Muslim, Nov. I.: lAl'i Pi l(. . .... ,, ... . .... , ten pound boy. I'. W. Connor, profe ;s.,r of l;i-i,,iy Vv ,,,, ., , . , . , n are getting ""' Cniveisity nl North Caridina. ,,,',!,,i in the hospital be the pnm ipal speaker c, in 1; . , uesilay a I iat riol ic exen i - e le i !e- , ( s; ( , , Khlle ami Mr. t'1"' dedica'ion ,,f a new imp fine , r ( 1(l around Ml,. Caswell l e j j , ' t e I -,- I ,! , .. j - , ,,. miles west of Ihe city oil slat.' h::-h- , Vi I , : 1 way nunibi-r en. A larit n'iiiil"-r of , , j ,,', . , , I,, townspeople and iitor,- are -.M t- ,., ... .. x, , , . "d here i'..r tin- day. y- . . , . . : l-'ol lo win" a n address on 1; i-. it. They were i nt badh 1 -x"nn i aronna, ny nr. i umnu , ., Hi.,!,- i, i ,,i,,i ir, i '.. a local tlical r. the muruiiig .-"fr:ni. i. but alter a lew siihhes ami 'H '"' r.isiiitiite.l al lie- c ine-, ,,. I ;es they are aide lo 1 1 , The I'1"'. which will l" preseii!-,; i tic 1 ere very badly dam; 1. Kin-ton liauch-eis :h- Aim n a-i 5 and .Mrs. .1. II. Whitlev w.-ie lt'vlH Uu iind ill m. -w- missioiiei s by Mrs. (a, h.-l W.tt: !. E lovte-r of the land. !S A riMhi -oi-v.ay in i1,, pi--: li then by Mrs. Watloid a u,l I'. .!. L no 'I.- . en ,11 .1, "I ic ... I .." ' -I r will ). a,ii-.:ed I,,,, .'. nl- !' l.v Mis. Chare's It Whiiai..-,. -: 1 Tile Miiscl- , -ll.'i-j hi . ha p: i s. 1 1. A !Sj fc.J ;1 I'al-la.lt. la-ellUy ! .' . .1 II l i.il' i. -i. 'I Kj M'jfHfC . V in I lie "Id cellli'eiy. which up i,.'l! blZji' & n-'--'- -i A. I.. WcSlbl'IM.k is leillll- """ "e.l .11111 III r-S t&mmjiv'Kr.- Martha l.aglev Velvertnu I'1"1- W "b the finain'lal "l''-'-"WB tnd Mr. San. Tyson is sec A.....r ........ly e'.mm.--.....e,-.. ii..-y R had an al I rm-l ive liiie k inn. l-i 19 W SUV Y ei i'i i"i a rou mi Mm eemieerv , h,-iv m m H ii Caswell ami many i-ela'ive-s 11- 8 x'j ' '"'"J ' i governor id North Cai'olina, a i-i-oi-d ?, Jj, J ELM CITY NEWS mT: 4 August ::. I . 2!l ami ileal in I , . :4 I . birth ami ihe llmh anni in . a i y n: t Parties, Personals, Deaths hj . m wi and Other News Briefs ffl iWl1 M l!S. SI tl.l.lMiS IIMSI I.SS 11 ," .Mrs. falwaial T. Slallm:-. . v... h . KJ VI ess lo iim in lot of her l.i ii !: , I ii i -." .' m w-r-sviCjESL'-A 'in last iTiil.iy evi-iiiii.-,. I i.v . 1 KM Rty& JTcTON while and yellow i hry.-.i nt In iin: in - Hj 5i(jX formed attraelive , I. -con Tin M reii.il ""I I I"' color ' i lii o I u I i ml vi'l low. High .., i.ri, pi ie iv-m J) lo .Miss Nell Wellon :. si i I hi Jl In g Miss Cnra Hell Ives ami low to Mr S Cllllon lieasli'V. A sal nl ami . - M 'I'll" club mi mlier s pre -in w u- J Misses lielta Mania. I.ail.ili Knnl.ii M Slevi'li-on, Ai'il . iu.ii :. l,m in- ua y .Inhiisi.n. l.mile roller, Coi a I tell m AEj, Ives, and Virginia I'ih-I.-'I. oi Siniih JM tEks li.'ld, Knl.i-na Spi-i s , .-..-lin ,. II- jj Vs';'7vV. I; ss 1 1. II. Itnl' iil , W. C Wil WS ' WV.V son. Ilal Wnila II. A. M C.,1,.,.. sV3u Oifl. in Ilea-lev. L. K. W.il-nn. Jr. !) V. ,,. K. Wats,,,,, Sr.. ,,. Smi.h.iM and M $ TO?ife.v t in lili-ll- yi lllilt o I Scotland 'i.,. (lilnr -w.il giiesls were Mis. .1. C. Delllp "V. Mr- S I nil childri'ii, w. H. sharp and -Mi-s Xm-.-i sa.allim-s. MM wiu'iMrs. J. I'lll! SAI.i; IK7 Mill-: I'MIM. To ai-lis ,.-,,re,. IMI 111 " pa-llIM;, M o is a inc,,. with hoe ,., ,..,,, nrainw ami no - Faculty of "'iiant mel-,-. Id-ai ,"0.,.,-o laini. Km .veek-eml Here -"" unt Mrs. Ilaltie Clinion. Sa in p -. m Coi.ni.v. t mi kal .,! ... , I ... I I .,,1 Ufl r in ,- i'V sni'ii t lire ies. leuns mi sum " tea l visiting their Ii. Cartel-. IV . 1 rium. S C I l;i ii M '- A ' t s. i i ; i.l 1 1 i: M H i,' iM I i i iM I I.I i: I ! U I I II t Hll &!&MZW28E23nio$To:i shoe store IJSCTSasra' 1 a j JUt -ii V Jm f'W ' ' ' fj 207 S, ah T,.ocro ?t. V. II. SON, NOR IV. C M N ' g Nt X; iO V lt,!! VhOc" i le t:., i ,V. . 3 ia-:':..jsxsi.,i.: xsmi-vxsmmvrxii&'Ztnn W i 1 7 V M. ii OUR PRICE RANGES FROM 95c TO $2.95 ireih Mr. Carl llinnant as a black face i comedian tickled Hie ivories and ,gave a number ot improvised pteco- which greaflv pleased. Ihe latest lions. ' A' plea lor all IM.gi.sn speiiK- feme gossip created niilcli ing peoples, whether under the iau(.,ter put on bv Mr. Speed Wil norHiern star or the Southern Cross ja,s unite iu a league, which by insuring-; CommiM.der ltoherts announced justice, pronioling peace, a world 'tnat ,),,, i,,,gion desired to express its wide federation that will make thanks to the following for services the possibility of a past age and turn r(inr)(,r(1( Mrs M(irv P chureliwell. to work ol usetiilness the eniu mouB : . Myi,P.,n Kx-.Mavor Silas Lu- Ichs, Klder S. I!. Denny nnd Mr. J. D. eet IMHTIKS l-'OR MISS ItXNKS Miss Hyacinth earner will giv. tea at her home on Hroad Stt' Wednesday a Iter noon. Mrs. Carey Hauler Hanks will en tertain at a bridge party Thursday af!"t'iionn. Miss Frances Dailey will give a bridge party al her home Friday afternoon. IMI'ltOMNti Little Hobby Tl tiesdale. son of Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Truesdale, is get ting almiK nicely after an operation for the removal of his tonsils and adenoids. AHMISTK K IMV OUSKISVKH Ity IdN .XI, TOHACI OMSTS Armist..o llav was otiserved bv to- 'ember of the auxiliary enjoyed the , .accul,iHta t'le joi al tobacco niar- JI'K una ine service iney Hie. ieii-ike, thjs m()rlIinK l,y a ten-iiilnule firing the boys wno nave uono ho i ()f sliU,rt .,,, lo r,5 ln ) uchifor their homes and country, 11:(l5 0.,.o,.k ,, first minuie of t.lianne wmura in.ie.s u ,.i,,.nlc wll(,h wag rievo,d l0 dlvent prayer in this work because she knew they would get a great deal of satisfaction out of It. At thU point, a rising vole of thanks, OB motion of Mr. James Anderson,- wag given the War Mothers and th Legion Auxiliary for the de lightful' dinner, and the many acts of kindness and loving interest the ladles kad shown In their organiza tion,' , The War Mothers were presented, and were given a rising rote ot thanks and much applause. Mrs. W?8. Anderson, mother of Lt. Kob Mt Anderson, ln whose honor he post Is named, was presented, and the Camillo Winstead, a student nvillo Training School, spent -k end wiih her parents .Mr. and Mrs. John Winstead. Miss Nora Mae Jinnies from llaileys spi nl the week end with her mot her, Mrs. ... L. liarnos. Miss Kvelyn Cohb, a student front (ireenvillc Training School, spent Ihe week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. (iraliam Cobb. Miss Jaseniine Haines from Speed, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. J. L. Haines. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles K. Watson, Miss Alice 'Watson and Florence Mc Kay Watson, spent Sunday in Oxford with Miss Florence Loonani. Mr. Jack I'eele of Plymouth spent. Sunday here with friends. Mrs. W. II. Dixon, Mrs. J. M. Ilras well, Mrs. John L. Dixon. Misses An nie Morris Dixon, ami lluby llras- petit last iiiond. Virginia. M rs. Leonard .Ionian Leonard Jr.. and Miidi week end ill llleenville I'.l'i Miss Clem P.ridgos, wh ier of the High School tlrei'liville sii'llt till with her mother Hridges. Mr. and Mrs. ,;. l Sunday in Kinston daughter. Mis. Dixon Hood. Miss Norma Shipp spent th 'ml in Franklin, Virginia. Miss Camillo staton spent week end ill Bethel with her parci Mrs. W. C. Iliiiswell is visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. K"nl Aberdeen, N. C. Mrs. Veiling Hart who has In visiting her inoiher Mrs. Lillii gen returned to her home in loite Sunday. The friends of Miss Mari" !!il.v will be rlad to know she is Improv ing iimi an altai-k of chicken pox. The t i-i Is of little Furl Harrison will be sorry to know he is ill w ii Ii chicken pox. The Klin City Woman's Club held its regular meeting. Thursday after lion, November 7th. The club room was decorated with Fall flowers in blending colors. The meeting open ed with the club collect after which .Mrs. W. C. Ilraswell. the president, led the devotional. Itrporls were given from all the depari tneiils. Mrs. Frank Carter read several exlracls from Ihe Club llulh tin. The fol lowing coniinittee was iiani"d lo so licit subscriptions for the ( 'lull Hui letin; Mrs. 1, iliio Pridgen. Mrs. Ida Pridgeii. .Mrs. 10. It. P.iinkley. He ginning November Ihe Kith will be Hook Week. The program this month was on "Health." Two very interesting papers were given, the first on "The Cancer Situation in North Carolina, bv Mrs. Duke Wil liams, second on "Tuberculosis" by Mrs. H. V. names. Sixteen nieni liel's were present. Mrs. Veiling K. Halt was the honor guest al an enjoyable bridge luncheon given bv Mi.-. K. II. Haih'y at the Woman's (Tub mi Friday, No vember Mh. The spacious club rooms were lovely with decoi-ai ions of chrysan themums, nasturtiums ami autumn foliage. These aiilutiin shinies being further carried out in tallies and table decorations. After several interesting progres sions Mrs. V. C. Pleasants held high score and was presented with a bot tle of perfume. The guesl of honor was c ven an attractive silver nriiige Child? MS. t rT- Ul : ?i r'r SchooU " GOOD SOLID LEATHER Women's Uji To D:lc Slippers And Oxfords S1.D5 And Ui CRAMPING SPELLS Men's .SIhk s ai-fl 0fm!: ant! VV ork Sliocs All Solid l.e.-.lliei-Suli.'.lai l ititi Guar. 'i n tec: I $1.95 To $2.95 XOTS&lMiTOll !mnTJaMHBBtfSBHafflaM I K If, !.', if" " SHOES 1 AND UI I - in m w y if Pi-id-Char- Mississippi Lady Tells How She Suffered Until She Had Taken Cardui on a Friend's Advice. BP sfKk. A Vi jam .s. 1" 8 111 Giwnvllle. Miss. In dtRrribing liow she suffered several year;; ago, Mrs. Mattio Dalum, of 112 recall Street, tlus city, recently wrote: "I vuld cramp, ami my hands and fret would draw, so I came rirar having convulsions. I would have to stay in bed, sometimes a week, and when I would fret up, I just dracKCd around, and did not fix! like doing my work. I suffered u great cical with my back. "A friend came to toe mc and r.a'.v Low I suffered. She told pie to try taking Cardui, which I did. I aii'med to have more strength, afu-r my 1 ir.-l. bottle. After I had taken about four bottles of Cardui, I saw a groat improvement. "1 quit having such bad spells, nni was stronger and better than in a long time. I gained in weight. I took a few more bottles of Cardui, and felt so well that I quit taking it. "I certainly can recommend Car dui, for I know what it is to suffer, and I know that Cardui helped me." Thousands of women have written to tell of the benefit Cardui ha.j been to them, in helping them to build up their health. Having helped so many others, Curdni ..lion'.d hrlp ynn im .'-n-i I QU NLXT DOOR TO WILSON WilOI.LSAI.L CO., Iiu. Si ISSilSSSS BOSTON s;ok sr ), i i2Ejm22BgE2m& XSEJTEjmEIBTLlliEJltt i ii.-.. .;-.s.i yu: i.i In'v HI v, ,1 :i I lii r I -! C . I"' 'Ill i. 'Hll 10 V ! C'.i.H' t.. !) it.,. - i -IU.II... (in a I .'-. a-.:- iii! liiiv's i. Iiitiini-. Vi- tli tint vi i ll I.. It' l mi.. li, li.i s.hiii' j;j .nrnev -. afl ,-avi- yi.ii i.(..-ii ti. :;!().(lt! tj $17.50 Coats Only $12.50 rJ.98 Coat;. Only kI AM tin "i' Coils oie tin- V TV I.alcsl Slyl'-s, f IiiiJ an;! I in ll iiiui!'. (I W : ; ',i'. t i i jirr'! with heads bowed in memory ot thone who gave their all tor Demo cracy. Officials or Ihe Tobacco Hoard of Trade announced that they were unable to suspend sales through me . . , . . , . ,v day owing to the vast amount of ,()W ll(llv,,r wrilt t M,s. V. M. tobacco on the market which had YV'ol Ih. been left over from last week. More a "two course luncheon was than two and a half million bounds temjitinglysei vod m Mrs. Veiling Is. of the bright golden leaf was offered ii..,., nr ('harlott''. Mrs. K. (I. Coth- today by growers and indications were that a million and half pounds would be sold. It was estimated that today's average would be hi the neiu'lihorliooil of :'S.ijii, ran of Raleigh. Mrs. S. C. Flowers of Zebnlon. Mrs. P. T. Kuuiito, Mrs. W. C. Hrnswell, Miss Lucille Moore, Mrs. C. M. WinstAad. Mrs. .1. . Heme's, His. V. C. Pleas-n u's, Mr-. We pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICES HIDES,0" FURS All kinds of scrap metal, and we buy your old automobiles. L, ARNER Phone 882 Wilson, N. ( j DRESSES ',l ,i ,',, ,; ! ii, ,i. , .jii en -, . . fi. ! ...i-i .-11 1 ; i'- Coy's Ciolhin:' ii ti ion - iiu - . i - Ml S.i.iki -.oil'. llnl 1 1 A T S Don I h'i.lri-n' I 'ni"ii S t)u,-ihl-. 'hi!'. 49c ;i it. ' .-'. , (lin il (cit i! 49c I'iinlii'ii :ni'l l.a!ie St-c ' Dii'ssi -, .'J.i'ii iialiiv. On'iv i 98c ! u. ' I'M'' nt Ini ii I ic ! - $3.98 l,.-nle . ,.:h 1).-,- -,'. 98c W'l.l.li.W Sll.-li!'',-, (Iiuiii (J'lalllV. Onlv 49c tl DEMPSEY BULLOCK'S STORE fj 127 S. Taiboro St. "The King of Low Price.-." Wilson, N. C. I1J '- fci UjiX. XX

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