X i" CUE DAILY TIMES FaMined Every Afternoon Except Sunday .1 JOLD PUBLISHING CO. J fjlTTW D. GOLD Editor ffatofcon 79 r. . iu S "Sear 15.00 (S&cfilonCks $2.60 jCSSosca Months $1.25 , 3tBM Month . .4) ( (Peek xO JEatered at the postofflce at Wil fltiau North "'arollna, as Second Class jACeinber of The Associated Press. ' Associated Press Is exclusively jjftsiitlad to the use for republication ps all news dispatches In this paper ftjjbl also the local news published gfeccaia. v 1 If"' jjBIS THE YOUNG WOMEN OP AMERICA ' Jtx. message from Dr.. Anna Shaw .Awoss the seafrom France , with wf.ery closing day of the heroic strug- gf$is.ot our.figltllng men.t here comes ' rfaaiore Imperative call to the women d&Z .America So assume their full - gOtoiTt of asponsibility in winning CJttic. wotti war for the right of men, mWnH -T"i nations to live their own 0n..ani determine their own tor fgnnes. 'Xrvere -exists now an extreme need C6BTjat3east 25,000 women of charac taeri "intelligence and education to fill Cb aps in our hospital staffs caused tpvlie. calling of many thousands of 3tijed nurses to the fighting front. ."Jjaere is only one way to fill these f'M:'- By keeping our hospital train eHf ...schools supplied with students, (tj&jt. are not only preparing for ser vos abroad and at home at the end rff tfSieir course and at the same time gtm equipping themselves to earn Ctoneir -UvjijLg in me of the noblest of z gjinolessions, but from the very out cast of their course are serving their jcfrtratry as well as learning. '. Tr.lm.Surffeon General of the JLTnit t$E States Army, the Surgeon Gener al Cl the United States Public Health fiferVice., the American Red Cross, the Cftwwal .Medical Board and the Wo tsian's Committee of the Council oi' jSTfcticnal Defense therefore unite in SSflc earnest appeal for 25,000 young -$r3Sufn bttween the ages of 19 and '33. .!tP.enr.oU in wliat shall be called t2'JUila States Student Nurse Ra irtsrwe. '-Tie enrollment began on JfaS.T V 1918. Those who register -5fc.fJls volunteer body will engage r tfcl-lipid; ?hfemselves in readiness until J-' jf XvV 'I. 1919, to be assigned to ri JfTiinJng -schools in civilian hospitals Vi6"C 'tJ,..Mie Army Nursing School a:ii their course of study and ac tS'vr .student nursing. " 7.1'i service which we are asking - csajls Jur the best that the woman ' Ijeiod of .America can offer in cour- ptffc...' deylioo, . and resourcefulness. V TJl "e .fan uot go forward to victory ov 'vacv'ia if the nives and families of our "'Scatters are not sustaiuei ii: Ljait.-. ' s'sS .strength, if we can no; rrotoc. MSS" workers against the liacrils o; xessr Industries, if we can not defeat MH&'fcSent and disease, our enemies at frOES-e. Upon the health of the Amer- people will depend the spirit of fjie5r ixes in the field. - utetlng o the urgency of the need, aindersiguM have asked the Stat:: 1 . Turlington & Morrison j lowing are the Southern States from which the white men now called will come, and the camps to which each quota Is assigned: Alabam, 850 Camp Gordon, Ga. North Carolina, 4,500 Camp Jackson S. C. South Carolina, 1,400 Camp Jackson, S. C. West Virginia, 1,500 Camp Greenleaf, Ga. Georgia, 2,750 Camp Gordon. Florida 1,300 Camp Jackson. Oklahoma, 7,000 Camp Pike, Ark. Texas, 4,000 Camp Travis, Tex. Other assignments to Southern camps follows: ' Camp Greenleaf, Ga., 2,500 from Connecticut; Camp Wadsworth, S. C, 4,000 from Illinois; Camp Jack son, S. C, 2,800 from Massachusetts; Camp Gordon, Georgia, 6,400 from New York; Camp Lee, Va. 10,000 from Pennsylvania. Negro registrants are called as fol lows: Virginia 651, Camp Lee, Va. North Carolina 2,738, Camp Greene, N. C. South Carolina 1,848, Camp Jack son, S. C. Tennessee 1,266, Camp Greene, N. C. Mississippi 2,000, Camp Shelby, MiS3. Texas 1,750, Camp Travis, Texas. Louisiana 897, Camp Pike, Ark., 250 Camp Travis, 2,000 Camp Beau regard, La. Georgia 1,152 Camp Jackson, 2,000 Camp Gordon. , Florida 1,000, Camp J. E. John ston, Fla. Alabama 1,994, Camp Taylor. Other assignments of negro regis trants to Southern camps follows: Camp Lee, Va., 457 from District of Columbia and 892 from Pennsylvania. the undersigned assignee will, pur-1 suant to and under cue terms of the power of sale contained in said Con ditional Sales contract, ,at chattel mortgage, and under the laws of the State of North Carolina 'on SATURDAY, .THE 10TH DAY OF August 1!)18 Between the hours of 12 M. and 1 1". M., Sell at the Court House Door in Wilson County at public auction, to the highest bid der the following described personal property: J') One new'JtBdebaker Four Cylin der, one-half ton express mofoi truck, 1917 model, being serial Num ber 107,367 and Motor Number 9, 186. TERMS OF SALE: Cash, unless otherwise agreed between the pur chaser and the undersigned at the time of sale. This 17th day of July, 1918. Commercial Investment Trust, Assignee of Edgar G. Lee, Mortgagee. F. S. Hassell, Attorney for Assignee. 3 lilUlllilU IUIJ llUliUllllUi 1. 1 WE ARE receiving every day shipment of FALL GOODS HARD ON ANIMALS The hot weather Is certainly hard on animals as well as people. Last night the veterinary surgeons of this city were being called for from far and near to go out and treat horses and mules that had been overcome by the heat. The city was hard hit last night. Out of three horses stricken it lost two a valuable mule and horse de spite every effort to save them. CLASSIFIED MS. DO IT NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE Take out your Pack House Insurance protecting you against loss by fire. James S. Whitehead, or C. T. Harris, Agent. J-26-tf FOR SALE: 1 iron safe at a bar gain. Paige Motor Car Co., Tar- boro street. A-6-3tD-eod h mm MM E F OUND BEING FOR RENT: Two large unfur nished rooms with use of hall and bath; suitable for light housekeep ing. Apply 215 W. Vance St. A-7-tt WANTED WANTED: Your House, vacant lot or farm to sell, we get results. Geo. A. Barfoot & Co., Real Es tate. A-8-6tU Daughter Had Suffered All Her Life. Now in Splendid Health Trou bles Gone and She Plays All the 'J line. '"You ought to see what a won derful change Tanlac has made in my little girl, why, she's like a diff erent child," said Captain T. M. Har rell, residing at Ingleside Georgia, who was for twenty-five years a conductor on the Seaboard. "The child was never strong and had suffered ever since a baby," he continued. "She complained of headaches most all the time and her kidneys gave her no end of trouble. She had no appetite and what littlo she ate soured on her stomach and would put her In misery for hours, 4fctelons of the Women's Committee so that she could hardly sleep at atSfike Council of National Defense, j niht. She was weak ana nervous t&tse&gh. their local units, to enroll and could not play like other chil "fta 55.000 women needed. We ask , dien .although sha wanted to. We ' women of America to support us' gav-; her one thing after another, (fcy .cur further effort not to lower " anertcan hospital standards, and to - jjffte vus the practical assurance of gkeSx suj-port by going to the nearest fMHROltlng station established by the Xtfifsnoxfi Committee of the Council tfr?"Kational Defense on or after July ""W S3Pol enrolling in the United States sfJJjBflent Nurse Reserve. . ' Anna Howard Shaw, ; tfDfoaJrman, Woman's Committee, . Council of National Defense. 31gned by W. C. Gorgas, Surgeon Cfneral, United States Army; Rup rt Blue, Surgeon General, United gFXates Public Health Service. 2PRAFT CALL FOR AUGUST ISSUED 110,207 Draft Registrants Qualified For General Military Service Washington, Aug. 8. Calls for 22&207 draft registrants qualified tbx general military service to Join fgon colors before the end of August rt-xe issued tonight by the Provost Igffttsnal General. ' 1 &B9 feundred thousand white reg fSsfcncJs from forty-three States are jtaKkral entrained between August W2 and-A-inrt th. Twenty-one $HSU3. f "V. . &54th. fad (.0.1, I. t ,., Tv,f.yt of Columbia it; ' '1 .10,207 ne , "J.'nin August t; ' c number of I r i '" r: to aiinm , v' .- .. 1 Hrd but nothing did her ny good. "I found the right thing for her, though, when I started giving her Tanlac. She began picking up right soon after she started taking it. Her strength has been built up wonder fully, her kidneys don't worry her like they did and she eats and sleeps like any other healthy youngster. Tanlac has given her health and hap piness and she's now going to school and playing along with other chil drf n ns if she d never been sick at all. Tanlac Is sold in Wilson by Tur lington and Morrison. WANTED: Several women to op erate machines. Apply ready for work. Carolina Laundry. A-7-tf Many Special BARGAINS for Saturday trade. Come in and See The Store that sells for less for KNOX IHIATS 1 CASH ,ee-Henry NASH STREET WANTED: : To or three rooms for light housekeping. Address H. E. Dallas, Care J. A. Spiei'3. A-7-tf LOST AND FOUND LOST: In Courthouse, open face gold watch. Finder rewarded if returned to T. D. Teford or Daily Times Office. A-9-3tD NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Round Trip Fares to PORTLAND, ORE. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. occunt Grand Army of the Republic Tickets on sale August 1 to 17 SUMMER EXCURSION FARES TO Virginia Beach, Va. Cape Henry, Va. Morehead City, N. C. Beaufort, N.C. Nagshead, N. C. Tickets on sale daily until Sep tember 30, 1918. Final limit October 31, 1918. ROUND TRIP TICKETS to all points on sale daily at double the One Way Fares.. To save trouble and Inconvenience Buy Round Trip Tickets. Don't forget to buy War Savings Stamps. SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the terms 01 a certain conditional sales con tract executed on the 14th day of November, 1916, by C. R. Swinson trading as Swinson Furniture Com pany, to Edgar G. Lee, which said contract, or chattel mortgage, was duly probated and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wilson County, North Carolina, li Book 105, at page 291; the contract, or mortgage, together with the sever al promissory note3 thereby secured, having been negotiated, transferred, assigned and set over to the under signed; and the said C. R. Swinsou having made default In the payment of several of said notes so secured, and the personal property therein delivered to the undersigned assignee pursuant to Judgment entered in the the Superior Court of said Wilson County, at the February term, 1918; lnnnnrinnnnnnrip lUUUUuuLJuUHuOl From Food Adv. Eat what you can and can what you can't eat and eat it later. In this way you can help win the war. Plenty of Sugar for canning or preserving. Your grocer will have certificate for you to sign. This is the space of We Sell War Savings Stamps PROFESSIONAL CARDS DRS. THOMPSON & HOOKS Dentists Offices in Grady Building Phone 94 O. P. DICKINSON Attorney-AtrLaw Office: Fidelity Building Phone 297 DR. W. 8. ANDERSON Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m. 1:30 to 8 p. m. ORS. EDMUNDSON & YELVERTON Dentists Carolina Office Building Wilson, N. C. H. D. BROWN Life Insurance Office Upstairs, Cor. Nash and Goldsboro Streets CHE MOORE-HERRING HOSPITA1 (Incorporated) '. 1 MOORE, M. D. B. S. HERRING. M. D. W. H. ANDERSON, If. R 1 Copyright His Iba Houm o( KuBpoahtloMt DSpperiheimer (Slothes ' Known as the Best The Best Known Manhattan Shirts, Corliss Coon Col lars, Interwoven Sox, Boyden's Smart Shoes, Keith's Konqueror Shoes, Mansco Underwear, Roxford Underwear, John B. Stetson Hats, Headlight Overalls. $10.00 Palm Beach Suits $6.95 $12.50 Palm Beach Suits... $7.95 $18.00 Kuppenheimer Suits $15.00 $25.00 Kuppenheimer Suits $18.50 $1.50 Men's Dress Shirts $1.15 B. V. D. Underw,ear (Suit) $1.00 "oThes for boys 7 m 26-23-220 NASH WILSUKNM. iiiMiiiy'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiuiiJiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiimn! Music a Real Necessity in in Time of War. AVE AVE H SAVE SAVE FIXING THE PUMP The hot days and nights together with the thirsty crowds that gathev on the courthouse green and all who use water out of that famous court house wtl made it necessary today to look after the pump and fix it that it might continue in actiox OKFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Train Schedule as Information only, not guaran ed. Trains leave Wilson; 4:5 A. M. daily for Raleigh an joints west; Sleeper to Raleigh. 10:00 A. M. dally for Raleigh anc intermediate, points. 1:35 P. M. dally for Raleigh anrt .toints South and West. 8:05 A. M. dally for Washington Elizabeth City, Norfolk, New Bern 'eartfort, Morehead CJty. 4:05 P. M. dally for Washington 'iuetowt , Belhaven 11:35 P. M. daily for .Norfolk and joints north and east: sleeper to Norfolk. K. O. WINSTEAD, Agent,', ' Wilson, N. C. "Not only to thre man at the camp, on the ship, at the front, come times of loneliness and discourage ment. Those who must remain at home to go about the daily task, heartsick at the spirit of brute force which ha3 wellnigh overcome civilization, and at the overthrowing of ideals in which they trusted, have their share of the world burden. And to them must we bring constantly the refreshment of soul and the in spiration which come from contact with the highest forms of music." This is what the President of the Symphony Society of New York said in a recent report to the Directors. Music has justified itself as a factor of real service in this hour of trial. The government recognizes its value by encouraging singing in the camps. It is no longer considered a non-essential luxury. You need music in your home. The New Edison will give It to you the world's best music Re-Created by the world's lead ing artists. Othed devices imitate but this marvelous instrument Re-Creates, so perfectly and completely that no human ear can distinguish the artist's living voice from The NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" This has been proved hundreds of times by our famous tone tests in which the artist Bang in direct comparison with the instru ment. Call at oar store for a demonstration. . "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY AND SERVICE." tctveti V fMsTiTilvS illl.k M:lnsil LUAI2 1 "' 1 l 1 t '.'iLihWn' f.

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