iff r i r ... i . .. - . M "- ' .."':"' -" .,:!.,.. . ..." ' .... v. THE DAILY TIMES PmbUshed Every Afternoon Except Sunday 1 By the D. GOLD PUBLISHING CO. fOHN D. GOLD Editor telephone 79 Subscription t Year &00 u Monttia $2.60 x.iwi Months Sl.25 aa Month -i! no Week l0 J -It Turlington A Morrison j ttntered at the pDstofilce at Wil .m. North ""arolina, as Second Class 1L Mr. Ned Uawlings is buck froia Camp Greene. Mr. E. T. Griffin of Sp.ing Hops was in the city today '.it COLORED WOMAN TO H in i.ii!i,;rrv loan dh; Washington, Sept. 17. The Na tional Association of colored women will participate in the Liberty Loan drive in Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina and other south ern States the National Colored Wo man s Asocmtion announces tod EIRTHER INFORMATION' AND ADVU'E UKUAItDlXGjAJ'X. A boy under eighteen may enroll in the S. A. T. C, but unless Uncle Sam inakej some new arrangements must meet all his own expenses and pay his coliegj fees uutil his eigh teenth birthday. A boy of eighteen joining the S. A. T. C. October 1st, will probably remain nt Atlantic Christian Col lege u;.tii ne::t June and should make hi;- p'.uiio accordiiialy. A o:n:s ni.'.n cu twenty, or l '.veil-ty-ou.'. may expi to le .a'.!td u ''.;' j in J VALUE 0 I TEST S3 Hi Hi OWADAYS M limber of The Associated Tress. The Associated Press is exclusively titled to the use for republication ? all news dispatches in his paper. a.1 also the local news published: ronn'H LIIJERTY LOAN, SEP. 28 .rm -Mr. H. G. Connor, Jr., and Mrs. ; i; ranch, County Chairman, attendod KO.SUi; M.Aw l'Ot' tiii.M). -0.la cunfereiice in Raleigh called by in another column appeals Uie uH Mr. Jas. A. Drown and Miss It. 11. iiouaeemeiii ihat iao nouui . Lafliam, i.Uate Chairman. Mrs. , v For clothes, as for anything else, you nnv more nowadays. And when vou T.'c::Ci-SlSr-i fe pay more you cannot afford to get. less for the money. This is the big thing nowadays value. siit lal tiuwn mom is at Atlantic Chr.'i..i.ui CoIk-i.M and be trars;eiT ed io a lvijuiur a:'iny camp i:i .;ir:i. A high cchool student c' .lat'i age ready tor the senior year of the liig:ii school is adviued by the gav ernuH ut to iv-emer the high school and by in'ensivo trsiiiing endeavor to jui.i a C'uikse S. A. T. C. hi Jaa-iiaiy. tU3 war eilt- tMM-vi;y won by t'i:ou count iirst to go over the io; ia tin savings saur.p drive will be P'' u with appropriate ceveuony Sat urday aiternooa. Chairman V. F. I'eiias whose in d. i'atigaiiie peracwre..ce ;...a atten tion to the matter coupled with a splendid organuatieu which iVa iKred him iuvalaalle and devoted assistance made possible lU-.' resu.t which made Wiisa cjaai.v the cyn osure of ail eyes. Mr. I'e'.tus is now working on his prgoram and as so.;u as it is an iHMiueed it will be published in the Times. LaV Saturday t-wninB ltev. .). M. ICester, pastor e: First JUp'.isi ciiurcii of ihU city unit od in mar riage i'iiss Ama.r.da Vt'ebb aval Mr. Clifton liarnes, the Jnttcv cntier on, rotite luiiiiber live u'om this ciiy.j T!:e many fri.mds of tiiis popular i eounle e'ttend their coagnitalaiious! ia this consummation (it their hap piness. l!r;iueh anueuaces her committee a. i follows: Publicity Mrs. Victor Stuart. M-.-s. S. H. A'.idersosn, Cap;ain. :.U-s. W. A. Lucas Mrs. A I vis Patterson -Airs. John Leach Mrs. P. A. Tarkonton Mis. Will Travis ."diss Porothy Whiteheaa nii-s Shcppy Prtincli. Mrs. E. A. Pardcu Cajdain Moses Iiussey T. M, Washington C. E. Kersey. John A. Corbett V.'. !). A,!,tms A'ance Tuvhman C', a d: t; A young man of t'.venty-ona or ov- ho is prepared to pursue cer- n Coi!eg: courses, but has not ,'e!:i units io enter as a re,;u-.-'I'nt. may, as t'oruievly, enter a ": pecia! Ktn.lent " not a C".n!l- " (or a degrej. This priviieg? vevc , wiil be guarded move eare ihan ever it'. drr the present :a;:. irnces, atul applicanls fa!! drt'iils fo their high ad business expe- SUPPENHEIMER CLO TF Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. ::i ov'd giv i:oo! training nco. The Coi!?gj w;Ii lie T1 S haven't moved an inch from their old I quality standards. . Whether this is due to large or- ganization with correspondingly large powers of j purchase and';production, or to the fixed superiority of Kuppenheiiher design and tailoring, matters little, g The poxnt is that for any where from ft lies a life, custom .1, and 3 changed necessari ly, in some respects. The College is r..r.v a Military-ntr liectaa! caiup; it- s:ndi:its arc n.Maal soldie-.-s n- ! dor .isilitrry c: :f'pi"i8. Its fac'ii- oi .1 I u. v :.! ;:c.p.t( :i:; in i.:e Ptlols A';-,:a.t of L ,n Aiito- to . pal .:!; in i hi- i ' ust 1 '. 1 1 ai.v. v i.ppro-.(! by th hi i v.-i! at ;, :" break this !:.:.! sec;ecy was is. 'rs v e:e ail:: we. eeiuLu). rvc.J 1 lj ' ii's. C. V.'. :.:; -,vd '.'irs, .7. vr. v,'. Tlicnipton r'rs. (. E. Plotint Mrs. J. K. Edir.il lulson Mrs. Iloscoe Fleming M:s lUia Wiiiiams Miss Virginia Williams. Mrs. John F. Uruton, CapfaJn: Mrs. Sam Ilierson Mrs. Louis Tomlinson Mrs. John B. Cruton Mrs. James Whitehead yrz. V.'.- ::h.-.on Mrs. J. J. Clark -Miss Virf iiiiii Davis. T.iiss. Ella Ilarkney, Captain Mi:.: 3!;;tie Ibirnes :.fi,s L-ihy r:c:acy ?.;:! i:th,l War re n - Mary Cnrrow Herring M:s. Frank Davis Mrs. ,!. Chesuham Mrs. Fred Washington. . ii s S'.al 'Asourc.s are for the .Ta devo'.ed io ": iiring yuan, r e..,,e t ssn ir i.i the ai ;,: a.; vy. .. any e::e .! ; army iire. er:.y h; . .. ,.i;:; as we:i., i, : :.) i.d. !:: v.i'1 hu arsi ;i;a; t.a's in the c'ul:-. the military i.uhu; iiice ihe goveriiu'.e la.rviag a::u di-veiopii -o no need e: iti. : -ieiis aiid :.i' k. to: e men .V3 e nay or tot !;r(p::reii a.'s. am: na i.iai st-y ai 'led to their dormitories By i IV.. i til," If L,1 u' 1 0$ 4?? gp 14i J!1 i-itr.s are c vol yd ay. n to have all of his every detail' made (he opening day. Give you get more value in these clothes jjj more quality, more distinctiveness, more wear. And a u if we had nothing more than this greater value to S offer, a trip to our store would be worth your while, p But we have more to offer. . f m Knox Hats, Boyden . Shoes, Manhattan I SI if net, ' ' 'act ;:gj and previous trainiiir; a.' iiiry !:;.- for whom you seek ad vi' e or iu.mmmiio'i. .VI! weak dune rr.der t lie new pro ';r,' u i: saecesf fu'.iy completed, will e::si..t '.)'.,.,:d a future degree. It is '.'Oped iiiat by ne:;t September tile v, ;i! lie over '.irI that the nation !." as taster!." lok'ni; for leaders in pence its it is no.v for officers and experts in war, ( ii.'l li.Ptoa U i: i i el A-aii Piiil.:. . il.il ii. . i 'me ' v; l o.'.i "sr hiss hiil it: i.ii'eC'L s ia the solatio.i of mur i a iviaUd the story of s wife in ihe po- e today. E.e said that C'h.'.piti in their apart-!;- it iailed to end his a iiute which wa-. hinting at his Vor Ch.tpi:!, Oh. tii iiif a:i. i its.; report, i tier l.iysitr th.e shoouiiy of lie j court !;(".' he shot Mi meats and own life, lie wro afu rwards iuuml. own cuicide. lie gave as his excuse tor the terrible dved the insistent demands of his cred.tors. !:H:SSSLET MUSIC BRIGHTEN THE lound dead v.i.'i a ballot wound in her head i:i t'ej bedroom of the Clia j'in apartment in the iiotel Cumbei l.w.d here ii.'.e y.steiday. i'lsicovciy of Wis. Chapin's body followed lcceiin by Don i-eiiz, busi li'.as maiiiifcor of the Evening World, Oi a letter si;;r.ed "Charles E. Cha pin," ia which Um writer hinted at suieidj and added: "My wife has been such a good pal I cannot leave her alone in the world." The police immediately began a search for Mr. Chapin, but up to a late hour last night he had not been found. At the offices of the Evening World, it was said that Mr. Chapin has been In falling health for sever al years arid that for the past year ho has buen constantly under the care of a physician Mr. Chapin has been city editor of "the Evening World for twenty years . and is one of the most widely known newspaper men in the coun try. For ten years before coming to New York he was connected with newspapers under the Pulitzer ad ministration in various other cities. being at one time night city editc: of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Hi is: lfi mi 1 Shirts. 7 2I6-2ia-220 NASHZT. IYILSUN, IZ& IB CLOTHES FOR BOYS I IS iii TOWS TAXES DUE This is to "notify all that the 1 9 1 8 town taxos are now due. Pleaso at tend t this at once. , S-13-tf ( LIVES OF YOUR CHILDREN After all, it's not the school training but the home atmosphere which mold3 the child. Children brought up in a cultured home betray that fact during their entire lives. It leaves a lasting imprint. A home with any claim to culture is a home in which good music is enjoyed and understood. A child whose interest in music is fostered will become a man or woman who possesses a resource which makes for lasting happiness. You want to give your children every advantage. That is just one reason why you want EDISON "The Phonograph v.ith a Soul" This wonderful instrument brings the best music right into the home; Re-Created by the world's greatest artists. No mater where you live you and your children can have the same musical advantages that'you would possess If you could take them to New York for the opera season. Call at our store for a demonstration. And bring the children; they'll enjoy it too. "The House of Quality and Service." mmmm WAV, SAVINGS IIONOU FLAG DAY Wilson County, the first in the State to raise its quota in the War Savings Campaign, is justly proud of this fact, and the Honor Flag will be presented at the Court House next Saturday afternoon. Patriotic music and a good speaker will ba provided and we hope everybody will come and rejoice with us on this occasion. The name of the speaker and the hour of the exercises will be an nounced a little later. II WANTED: Situation by middle aged woman as assistant in office work. Rapid, legile penman not a typist with good idea of gen eral business. Have had four years experience in postoffice work. Call D, phone No. 397, Imperial Hotel. S-17-6td CASUALTY LIST TIES. SEPT. 17 Killed in action 28 Missing in action 166 Wounded severely 109 Died of disease 6 Died of wounds 9 Wounded degree undeter- . mined 17 Prisoners 4 Died from accident and oth er causes .... 1 Wounded slightly , 3 343 Daniel W. Allred, Randleman, N. C, wounded severely. III! WILSON t,C "Food is the weapon with which America, must maintain ft position la this war long enough to win. Baring wheat la the best personal contrl- bution-wa) caa make." . V; v. MR. BOOKER STILL SICK We regret to announce that our linotype-machinist is still sick and that we are still handicapped in the publication of the paper and the in sertion of the usual amount of mat ter. We hope ha will soon be at his post again anil then matters will run as smoothly aa heretofore. IE if- Hi o !fi ffi F o fsR 31 My kirfiw L E S S F 0 R C A S H Third Floor And a very good tinie to pick, while the pickings are fine Ready-to- Wear Second Floor Now Showing New Coat Suits, Coats, Dresses Come in and see Extra Special for Monday in Dry Goods Department Good Quality 36 inch wide Bleaching Special at 23c One Day Only LEE-HENRY CO. BEST STORE FOR LADIES Nash Street r Wilson, N. C. ) B . ' " - c j fir " ? " "? "? rj n n n rajMOip n nrsnntzrr Ima k mi m mm m tmm m k tmm taa m ta imi lai imi twm tmm mi m W"1