I - - 1 ' 1 i'' rs. " ta es ? CHARLOTTE'S PROTEST POSTPONED FOR A DAY TRY-IT AND SS Choice of the Choicest Tobacco None but the best leaf, cured By the natural ac tion of sun and air, and aged by time in storage, finds its way into a plug of BROWN & WILLIAMSON'S JN-CURED CHEWING. TOBACCO It reaches you almost as nature made it, and it is natural to find it sweet and fragrant. It is thoroughly chewable, and skilfully Lended with an amount of flavoring that seems to make it suit the taste of the average man. Men take to the convenient "break" plug, which just fits the pocket. Try a plug for your self to-day. BROWN & WILLIAMSON TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. Sfella-uitae Washington, Oct. 2. The sched uled conference at the war depart ment yesterday between Acting Sec retary Crowell and a delegation from Charlotte was postponed until toduy because of fhe Inability of Senators Simmons and Overman to get away from the senate yesterday afternoon. The senators, with Rep resentatives, will make a final ap peal to the war department today to make more use of Camp Greene and to station a larger number of sol diers there. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DRS. THOMPSON ft HOOKA Dentiata Offices In Grady Building Phone 94 a- p. DICKINSON Attorney-AtrLaw Office: Fidelity Building Phone 297 DR. W. & ANDERSON Eyea. Ears, Nose and Throat Office Honrs: 9 to 12 a. m. 1:30 to 8 p. m. BS. EDMUNDSON ft YELVERTOJ Dentiata Carolina Office Building Wilson, N. C. coffin salt. - . Quarantine your cough and. aneeaes behind your handkerchief. Warn your friends and fellow citi zens wun a quarantine sign wner your home Is Invaded by a commun icable disease. ". Play the game on the square, Help to save health and lives. Stop Itching Eczema' Never mind how often you have tried and failed, you can etop burning', Itching eczema quickly by applying a little temo furnished by any druggist tor 85c. Extra large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the moment zemo is applied. In a short time usually every trace of eczema, tetter, pimples, rash, blackheads and simitar skin diseases will be removed. . For clearing the skin and making It vigorously healthy, always use zemo, the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not a. greasy salve and it does not stain. Wbfcit others fail it is the one dependable treafr ment for skin troubles of all kinds. The E. W.Rose Co., Cleveland, 0. Office H. D. BROWN Life Insurance Upstairs, Cor. Nash Ooldsboro Streets and "HE MOORE-HERRING HOSPITA1 (Incorporated) I MOORE. M D. B 8 HERRING, M. D. W H. ANDERSON. If. D Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores vitality and energy by purifying and en riching the blood. You can soon feel Its Strength ening, Invigorating Effect. Price Sic. It stirs every American heart Who was not thrilled to read of the American soldier who supported a wounded comrade, and fought his way with the little detachment back through the Bodies to the American lines? That is only one deed of heroism among the many happening every day and looked on as a matter of course by the boys fighting for us over there. It shows the stuff that's in them. They are our own sons and brothers. Is the same stuff in us over here ? We have the opportunity at home to show our patriotism by other deeds of valor. We can fight and we MUST fight. And we must WIN, no matter how heavy our burdens may be. Out former habits are the Huns we've got to battle with. We can't go on living as we used to. We can't go on spending our money for things we like. We must set up new stand ardswar standards and stick to them loyally. From now on there can be only one standard for those of us tvho fight behind the lines by saving and tending : We must buy bonds to our utmost vooooooooo This Space is Contributed to Winning the War by woooo THE WILSON DfiUG CO., Tarboro Street. THE GUARANTEED TONIC FOR WOMEN Stella-Vitae has been In micces f ul use in t he treatment of those diseases peculiar to vomea for tcoro than a third of a century. For nearly ten years it has been sold under a plain, positive guarantee to benefit. Less thiui one bot tle out of every cne tliouiand sold has been refunded for, and every claim for a refund has been satisfied. ThoOTsndsof letters like this praising ! Stella-Viteo and tolling ct beneut la Buffering women have been received. firs. E. n. Russell, of Mill Hprings. N. C, gratefully writes us as follows: "I was in a moct wretched condi tion; had palpitation cf the heart and would swell and bloat in a most distressing way. When I began using Stc!!a-Vltae I weighed 108 pounds. Now I weigh 135. I am more thankful than 1 can ever tell you for the great good this won derful medicine has done me." Mrs Russell was at tnat critical period, the "change," and her sincere gratitude for the blessed relief will be understood and appreciated by every woman who reads her letter. Stella-Vitae has proved a boon to suffering womanhood, to young girls approaching their nrst vital period, to women approaching the anguish of childbirth, to women approaching the "change of life." Stella-Vltae strength ens the female organs and promotes regularity in the monthly function. No risk of loss is taken by any suf. forinar woman who tries Stella-Vitae on our guarantee of the first bottle. Ail dealers ecu stenu-vrtae ana win return your money if it does not bem h you. Don's put off a trial. For salo by Turlington & Morrison. PROTECT YOUR COMMUNITY HEALTH A quarantine sign is a member ship card in the Golden Rule Club. It tells the public that you have something In your home that you do not want, and that you do not wish to spread. It is a badge of honor signaling that the germs of some particular variety are within shooting distance, and to beware. It is a wireless; telling of the sub marine disease. It Is a flag indicating danger. It should he hoisted at the first Indication of danger, which means when even a "suspected" case of communicable disease occurs. The suspected case should be quarantined as the surest and safest and easiest way of proving loyalty to the neighbors. The disease rate of the soldiers both at home and In France is only about one-third of what it was for the same men before they became soldiers .that time not so far back when they were Just private citizens. This is true because diseases that are communicable are not allowed to run at large In the army. They are Isolated, and so one man does not become the murderer of his fel low fighter Quarantine works the same way in a civil community. Germs are more deadly than the Germans. One careless cougher increases AMERICANS ARE FACING STIFFENED OPPOSITION With the American Army North west of Verdun, Sept. 20. (By As sociated Press.) 8 p. m.) Tna enemy greatly increased his resist ance all along the American line to day adding his stiffened opposition to the unfavorable weather which Impeded the advance by making Ma son difficult and transportation pre carious. The opposition was heav iest on the right and left yet the American extreme left made good progress despite the stiffest kind ef fighting against machine guns. The units to the right, likewise had to contend with heavy machine gun and artillery fire from east of the Meuse. Reports indicate that the enemy Is bringing up reserves, which will be in a position to op erate in the Meuse-Moselle sector and is concentrating heavy artillery in the woods west of Romagne. Prisoners say that heavy machine guns are being placed along the Kriemhelld defense line and in oth er sectors in this neighborhood. The Germans are believed to be now using their reserves for rein forcements, but notwithstanding this the American attacks continued all day. At the outset of the attack the line ran from the southern edge of Brieulles and Cierges, from which the enemy had not been entirely ex pelled; thence to one kilometr south of Exermont, down to Apre mont; thence southwest to a point opposite Blnarville and from there westward to Blnarville. It' remain ed approximately the same at the close of the day. M. Clemenceau, the French pre mier, was reported to be vlBiting th army in this sector today CHARIX)TTE WANTS REAL CAMP Washington, Sept. 30. The city of Charlotte Intends to make a final attempt to persuade the war depart ment to establish a real army camp at the Camp Greene site. Prepared to argue that they prefer no camp at all to the one which now lies Just outside Charlotte, a delegation of citizens, headed by Mayor Frank Mc Nich, reached here today. They ar ranged to go to the war department tomorrow afternoon. Senators Sim mons and Overman and Representa tive Webb will accompany the pro testing delegation to see the acting secretary of war, Benedict Crowell not CE Have you read the ads. today? APPLICATION FOR PARDON OF ERNEST S. LUCAS Application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Ernest S. Lucas, convicted at the May term of the Superior Court of Wilson County for the crime of larceny, and sentenced to the pen itentiary for a term of eighteen months. All persons who oppose the granting of said pardon are Invited to forward their protests to the Gov ernor without delay. This the 23rd day of Septembers 1918. HILLER LUCAS. i . Wif Of BJ. 8. Lucu. on Completion of CLARK BROS. New Building at 116 and 118 Tarboro St. A. H. STILES will open one of the largest and most complete Music Establishment in Eastern North Car olina in their new addition handling the world renown JESSE FRENCH PIANOS TALKING MACHINES AND SHEET MUSIC Will Order Any Thing in the Musical Line or Sheet Music for you if I Haven't it in Stock WRITE US OR CALL FOR PARTICULARS 116 and 118 Tarboro St. X I mm I i! ! 1 iEERimi T

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