, Wit u 1 1 : i ! r j 1 ft ii r HE )AILY TIMES Pt'dirkM Every Afternoon mtent Niinday By tfle' D. GOLD PUBLISHING CO. - v , i 1 ;r rr,':7rTT".;7- ; .."-"" "TT k - i . J..r -'-,-7 ' 1 , " 1 T i ', .. . , , ..... y ..-j-, rr I -4 -1 it. V"l ?u D. GOLD Editor "nhone 79 Subscription Year $5.00 - Mentha $2.50 fhree Months One Month ne Week . T 25 N. C.p died of rV 45 John N. Ne .10 seriously. William Keeee, liiCKoiy, (llbU Oi UlSOUbO. vauce it. Suiuibiui, Wati 1'imns, is'. C, U0v(. v. niu" v'eekviHo, N. C, ucu u ui-i.b-, John Henry Walker, tou-iou, i-. - died of diseuse. Dewey R. llourk, A-luaud, Uieu disease. Charles Lee Drewett, Soauouici, . C, died of disease. Edmund L. Walton, Beuiauvi.. died of disease. Neal, Louisbuvg, wouiui. Entered at the postomce at Wil eon, North Carolina, as Second Class (ember of The Associated i'ntifi The Associated Press is exclusively 'mtitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper and also the local news published therein. KAWDLY lilXO-UlAti The answer of the German gov ernment to President Wilson this af ternoon shows the forces of democ racy are at work in that country. Taj Reichstag lias been clothed wuh great powers and uie people have sprung suddenly into new lib erties and into a new high ground of freedom. The German people will yet call America blessed. MK. A. L. DU.KEXS The death of Mr. A. L. Dickens, Chief Police of the city of Wilson, which occurred yesterday at twelve o'clock noon at the residence of his brother, Mr. W. It. Dickens in this city following an r.ttack of influenza w.is heard w'th profound sorrow for lie JiUa, during his liri-jf career as an olltoer and hue;1 succeeding Chic; Wii'.ga, endeared himself to the poo pit: of Wilson and by his manage mniit of his oillce demonstrated rare powers of diplomacy and a method of securing results along the line of leaist resistance. Handsome, courteous, obliging, wiili manners deferential but not cringing, stern in the enforcement of the law, and uncompromising in principle where it was involved the Chinf made himself felt in all dr oits where the government of the cty was involved. He will be greatly missed and our pt'0il9 mourn. He was 32 years of age and sin His remains were taken on SO to Kn field where the interment oc curred this afternoon in the family c Miicte-ry. The services were con duced by the Baptist minister there, assJf.tud by the Odd Fellows of whii.h organization has was a devot ed member. He leaves a mother and brothers to mourn his departure. Oiu; of them, Captain Dickens, is in .Fraud! and the readers of the Times hawt read interesting loUe-'s from his prtn. Percy Parrish, wounded seriously. Edward Yates, wounded seriously. Durham, N. Raleigh, N. C. Have you read the ads. today? CASIAI1Y LIST l OlI SI' X DAY The following casualties are r.' ported by the commanding genera of the American Expeditionary fore es: Killed in action HI Missing in action 78 Wounded severely 260 Died from wounds 88 Died from accident and other causes 7 Died of disease 65 Wounded; degree undeter mined ..140 Wounded slightly 3 Died from aeroplane accident 2 Total 754 Marine Corps Casualties The following casualties are re ported by the comanding general of he American Expeditionary Forces: Killed in action . . . 17 Died of wounds received in in action 7 Died of disease 8 Wounded in action, severely 3i Wounded in action, slightly.. 2 Wounded in action, degree undetermined 10 In hands of enemy 2 Missing in action o Total 130 The following North Carolinians are included in the list: William H. Springs, Marshal, N C; Isaac Phillips. Chatham county K. C, wounded severely. Evan Hickman, Lumberton, N. C. wounded degree undetermined. 1. 1,000 GERMANS ARE INTERNED IN HOLLAND London, Oct. 21. Fifteen thou sand retreating German soldiers have been interned in Holland after WILL NOT OPEN WARMHOl'SKS The decision not to open the to bacco waresouses this week, which was reached after a conference of the proprietors of t':e warehouses lr. eas'Jjrn North Carolina after con ference here Saturday n:glit will be applauded by all rght thinking cit izens whether tney are pecuniano interested or not. The fact that the affected more than anyone else. viewed from a financial standpoint shows that they realize the danger of the- situation and are not com plaining atall but are meeting the si'iialion in a generous and broad minded way. The situation, according to Dr. Smith of the health board today, is that conditions in thecity are im proving, but that in the country es , D'ciallv n those sections where beiiifj cut off by Belgian troops there has boen very little, ia that moving northward to from Eeojoo, 't, py are ba(1 This means l!lat the accurding to reports from the fron- enidemie is simnlv finding new ma- tier leaching Amsterdam and trans- 'terjai 011 which to feed, mitted by the Exchange Telegraph I T!, nero:,, Work of our b a'.th do Cutiipiuy. 'partment and of our noble women UcJgian soldiers took charge of the nas kept the disease from doing as Dutch-Belgian border last night and 111U(.i, damage here as it otherwise w-'iv received enthusisutieally by pl.'.-llljlCO. the KVii.'CK OK I L LT K E.ll'.M K T r PRISONERS IJY (iEP.MAXS cap in .' nine AH.-Ki'ic i'ui'l. Oct. 21, ", aften ten month-' confin- :n .man prisrm ("iiep ; ;,y a d.ir a; piignma lialia ii :!. Bat' l'er .; n and a 1-5-nl-lit across liar..!, Privat-: i:! ' 1 .Mi f'.ia - :'- ,1 - !,,.!' in r.1 1 . i! ! I: 1 " inent in e- diil not ; ;;rc on a.:. I ". onp ' .M.) Of fr mm hun !:.l. and he ." to 11". when he linally escaped. Ai(;.DAVS C a:.t I 1ST Washington. 1). t'., Oct, 21. The following caruali.'es arereported hy the coniinauding g(eneial of the Am tu'iean Expeditionary Forces: Kill. id in action 179 Missing in action 219 Wounded, degree undeter mined 365 Died of accident and other causes 9 Died of disease 216 Died of wounds 124 Wounded severely 476 Slightly wounded S45 would, as is evidenced by the publi cations in other papers. The decision to continue to close the Cotton mills which was agreed lo bv the proprietors is a good thing A!1 recognize that the conditions which have obtained at tin; rot tor mi:!s and obtain now, while iinproa ii!:-', vj-iSd not he rondusive to the health of that section if the mill remain open. VI" ii, ;..;n to open tic- stores (hi,:ir: he enMr.' day is also com Mem'.ible fo;- iherenson Hint all the , ' j.: ..: ! ..'! ii-.c trade is congested ,-t.' ' are tlrown logedioi v : to I- waited on. T:i - s':i.. .:' ;,'!! :i the stores quite lk i. . v i;;nr.v:; t'. " ejiii' te;j lh cr ,. i. i ':. 'i i;' it was haiiiUe.. tliir iisi; j ; "i . :! "m of time. Tli-' i lo:i !: inre : " r!"S i. acc.i mai'ivei is in tae e Ten s t.l-. a v.-;.-,. d--('jndi' ions in the town ;.' hut in t!in seel ion of the I'm1 :'ty wl'.ere the lias heen none of ll.e tvonbla it is spreading, suit ing new material, It would, there fore, spread the disease around.. r; oi i 'l;;;')n iiou. e improvi; , i. ( 3 A "Having suffered from nervous indigestion jor sevcm years, 1 find after using Dr. Cahki'cll's Syrup Pepsin that I am as well as I ever zvas and ecu now eat anvthina without fear of consequences."'1 (From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by Mrs. John K. Aloore, 516 No. 27th St., Richmond, Va.) Indigestion and constipation are condi tions closely related and the cause of much suf fering. DnCaldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a mild, pleasantly effective laxative; it quickly relieves he intestinal congestion that retards digestion id has been the standard household remedy .a countless homes for many years. DR. CALDWELL'S Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by D ruggists Everywhere 50 as. HZ) $1.00 A TRIAL BOTTLE CAN BE OBTAINED, FREE OF CHARGE. BY WRITING TO DR. W. B. CALDWELL, 459 WASHINGTON STREET, MONTICELLO, ILLINOIS for the Junior Order and I wish to hank them for their attention to this settlement. I would have re ceived the check some time ago but 1 have been out of town. Respectfully, Mrs. Howard M. Rowe. Wilson, N. C, Oct. 21, 191S. O-21-ltD TOUR FACE IS TOUR FORTUNE A thousand people look at your taao while one glances at -your feet yet- you spend money to keep your shoes In condition and neglect your face. kED CROSS Shaving Lotion (tha after-shaving luxury), makes old faces look young and keeps all faces in the pink of condition. This and other RED CROSS toilet articles eold only by Wilson Drug Co. NEW OMIT J mm a ui DRESSES AND United States Railroad Administra tion . G. McADOO, Director General of Railroads NORFOLK son HI I? RAILROAD Train Schedule Corrected to October 1, 1918 As information only, not guaran eed. Trains leave Wilson: 4:45 A. M. daiiy for Raleigh ana .ofnts west; sleeper to Raleigh. 10:00 A. M. daily for Raleigh and ntermediate points. 5:35 P. M. daily for Raleigh and lnints South and West. S : 05 A. M. daily for Washington, --Hzaheth City, Norfolk, New Bern, i 3uaufort, Morehead City. 4:05 P. M. daily for Washington, ('lnetown, Belhaven. 11:35 P. M. daily for Norfolk and points north and east; deeper to Vorfolk. K. G. WINSTEAD, Agent. Wilson, N. C WOMEN WANTED: Salary ?24 full time, 50c an hour spare time distribcting guaranteed hosiery lr wearer. Permanent. Experience unnecessary. Apply Guarantee Mills, Norristown, Pa. Oct. 1-1 2tD once-a-wk. FOR SALE: 65 acre farm four miles of Stantonsburg,, one mile of Saratoga; 2 good tenant hous-. every description are corriDlete. You Are Cordially Invited. We take pleasure in an nouncing to our friends and the public that our new store is completed and regret to ad vise that we cannot have our openng at this time on account o fhealth conditions as we de sire to cooperate with the health board in every partic ular. But we cordially invite you to visit our store during the hours that we are open as our 3tock of fall merchandise of es, outhous..-, pack house and six room dwelling, in good neighbor hood. A mile from 3 churches and good high school. Phone or write R. E. Bynum, Stantonsburg. 0-21-4tD Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic destroys the malarial germs which are transmi '.tea to the blood by the Malaria Mosquito. Price 60c Have you read the ads. tedayT Here's hoping the war. the Kaiser and the influenza will all go out together. Yours to serve, CLARK BROS. Wilson's Shopping Center 116 and 118 Tarboro St. 26-28-220 NASH St a mils man. . " ? I ' WG Auction Sales TOWN TVEN DI E Tins Is to notify all that die 19U: town taxes are now due. Please at teod tc tl Is it once S-1.3-ii Jl'MOK ORDER I havethls day received from the treasurer of Wilson Council No. 40 Junior Order of Wilson, N. C. check or One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) n pawment of benefit on life of myj lusband, Hheriff H. M. Row il follow! nr North Carolini- was a member of this order, clu4e4 ia the list: tusband always had a high -VV. ; . City, Suburban Or Farm. Pro IlanJi F jr Farms and Town i per ty i ty J.i lJut Intq Uux- Pr And Profitable Disposal. Id C::!;: Satisfaciicn T3 Buyer , 7 TPt JIO 1 .': Three principles that have male lliis orjani;;uion tl:e Invest ami most in demand fur the quick selling of farm, city or suburban property. Wa Have Endorsement Letters That Emphatically Ex press The Customers Satisfaction Glad To Show r. Thera To You. : Our contract for sales is reasonable one tliat enables you to make a liberal profit while the strength of our organization produces results energetic publicity otiic ials, accurate surveyors and expert auctioneers. We Suddivide And Sell At Auction All Kinds Of Property No Mutter Where, How Large Or What Your Property Is Let Us Sell it For You-Write For Pull 1 -as Particulars. " - FARM SALES OUR SPECIALTY TERRITORY UNLIMITED Atlantic Coast Realty Company ThtNamt That Jiutifits Ytur ConfiJtnct Refirtnc0i Any Bank in Gntnvilb, N. C. or PiUrsiurg, Va. PETERSBURG, VA. OFFICES- GREENVILLE. N C Your Home Needs Music Why Not Get a New Edison? Now that Thomas A. Edi son has perfected this mar velous instrument a home without a New Edison should be as rare as one without a collection of books. Literature feeds the brain but music feeds the soul. And in the New Edi son you get music real music not an imitation. Music is an absolute essen tial to a home with any claim to culture. The New Edison Re-Creates the artist's voice or in Irumchu with such fidelity ' 'l ii 'man ear can de fect i shade of difference between the two renditions. The famous Edison tone 'ests I; ,e proved this con- 'sively. Cull at our store mid satisfy yourself about the iuuliy of The NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul." "Tho llotiso of Qunllty mid Service." r . - . sT M w m M muimt WILSCM.'MfiiM. V V

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