) .. 7 J 6. ) ' V ' U HL DAILY TIMES rMfeed Every Afternoon sixcefi Sunday , By the r. B. GOLD PUBLISHING! 0 JOHN D. GOLD Editor SaWcrlptton . Per Year $5.00 lx Months Three Months ?5B One Mon'h O&e W eal. .10 Entered at the postofflce at Wil son,. North Carolina, as Second C0Sb Hall. Hwiber of The Associated Press t he Associated Press Is exclusively untitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches In this paper n4 also the local news published therein. LIE IT. DUNN WRITES The following letter from Lieu tenant William H. Dunn to his mother, Mrs. Wiley J. Dunn, tells of his expected return to America, Lt. Dunn who was commanding Co, K. when wounded has been in a hospital since Sept. 30th. He was wounded in the battle that broke the Hindenburg line. London, Eng., Dec. 5, 1918 My Dear Mother: Just a few words. I received a letter from you today along with several more from home. They were the first I have had for some time. I have not writ ten to you in about a week, for we have been expecting to go home ev ery day but we are still here. The last report is we are going Thurs day week (Dec. 12th). I will come back to the States as a stretcher pa tient, for not only can't I walk but I have to keep my foot up all the time. I will be glad to come back to the States any old way, I am tired of this country. I will have to have another operation when I get back to America, so the sooner I get back the sooner I am right agai. I will be in the States any way, if nothing happens from now on. Tell everybody not to write to me any more unless you hear from me again. I will wire you just as soon as I get in hospital in U. S. A. With lots of love, WILL. SERVICES First Baptist Church. J. M. Kester, Pastor. Owing to the abatement i of epidemic, Sunday school will the be JUST KIDS And The Big Game h SatuAay By Ad Carter held again. It will open at 9:45 a. m. At 11 a. m. morning worship will be conducted by the pastor. The ser mon topic wtMf hn "Tha-, Imperial Christ." jymy-J- : " At 7:30 p. m. the pastor will preach a special sermon to young people. Song service will begin at 7:15 p. m. All young people are especially invited. Pender St. Baptist Mission A. J. Ford, Supt. of Sunday School Sunday school will be held at 3 p. m. At 4 p. m. a short sermon will be preached by Rev. J. M. Kester. IX MEMORY OP MRS. W. M. MEACHAM Woman, as well as man, that is born of woman, must die. In the creation of the world the Lord es tablished a time for all things a time to weep and a time to rejoice, a time to be born, a time to live and a time to repent and a time to die. Sunday, November 15th, again ve are shocked and our hearts made heavy when the sad news reached us that mother good wo man had taken the wings of ascen sion to the palace of God, prepared for such as her from the foundations of the worid. i Near noon on tliat great day set Second Baptist Chu.-ch (Five Points) W. C. Richardson, Pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m. E. J. Barnes, Supt. Preaching by pastor 11 a. ni. Topic: "The upper and iiether Springs." Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. SjVhftW ABOUT THB CARPtT,"V , , SHhM) CLEANED LOT WElKj llaftftOw3gS5H i " 'mL. 4 jlr fyi I KNOW T TH- it oorti if"1 X' 1 ( A I !?J. r"f ONTHt Lit EMU.V SAWUDAY 1 Vtti SJ 3 f iS IJ2l2,H " IHIE CAN fcT ATTHtrt V Mf Xl til JXl (7 k JMtN. AN " Ht WORKS HAR HE OOSHT L4f f ?A XAy i FINISH BV SATURDAY NIMT-THIN Methodist Church W. A. Stanbury, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:45, conducted by Mr. Spiers, the superintendent- Public worship at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., conducted by the pastor. At the morning service .the subject of the sermon will be "Let Us Pray.' At night the theme will be Lessons In Dlscipleship Brother hood." ' The public is invited to attend all services. First Christian Church The church after being closed by Influenza epidemic will be opened tomorrow. The Sunday schools will likewise open. There is great Joy on the part of our people that condi tions permit us to open again. Let all church and Sunday school-going people attend tomorrow and express their Joy. The Sunday school will meet at 9:45 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Subject of the morning sermon: "The Flight of the Years." The evening subject will be: "The New Year, the New Condition What Shall We Do With Them?" You are cordially invited to worship with us. J. E. Stuart, Minister. St. Timothy's Church. Rev. Morrison Bethea, Rector. No Sunday school on account of the epidemic. Morning service and sermon 11 a. m. Evening service and address 7 p.m. Primitive Baptist. Services at 11a. m. Preaching by apart for rest and worship, while Elders Monsees and Adams. the church bells vere ringing, call- 'iig the living to prepare to meet their Cod, the sou', of this good wo man, companion, friend and neigh bor, tbo true and faithful wife of cur friend and faithful officer, left Imr body to the dust and her spirit answered the chimes in a temple in of Presbyterian Church. Rev. J. B. Massey, Pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Public worship at 11 a. m. and 30 p. m. Preaching by the pastor. . Subject morning sermon, "The First SALE OF VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND Monday, December 80, 10! 8 Between the hours of 12 M. and 1:00 P. M., we will offer for sale to the highest bldde.' for cash a valua ble tract of land consistng of 12 acres on which is located a small dwelling, 9 acres of this land Is heavily wooded aud 8 acres in Or chard consisting of apple, peach, cherry and pecan trees. This tract of land is situate in Taylor's Town ship, Wilson County, North Caroli na, adjoining the lands of the heirs of C. W. O'Neal et al and bound ed as follows: Beginning at a stake in C. W. O'Neal's heir's' line and Thos. Montgomery (now W. W. Montgom ery's) corner, and runs thence W. 62 poles to a stake on the run of Driving Branch, thence down the run of said Branch to a stake, Thos. Montgomery (now W. W. Montgom ery) corner, cornering thence run ning N. 58 1-2 degrees E. 100 poles to the beginning, C. W. O'Neal's heirs' corner, containing 12 acres mere or less, being the very same lard conveyed by H. T. O'Neal and wife to Thos. Montgomery by deed dated April 19, 1901, and recorded in Book 58, page 169, Wilson Coun ty Registry to which deed reference is hereby made for a more definite description. TERMS OF SALE: Cash, There is an indebtedness on this property of J500.00 covered by mortgage, held by J. R. Barnes and FROFESSIONAL CARDS MS. EDMUNDSON A YELVfiBTOR DwIWi Carolina OflM Building Wilson, N. O. DBS. THOMTteX HOOKA Offices in traay Bulldinf Pawn 94 (V 5. DICKINSON Attoruey-Afc-Law Office: Fidelity Building Phone 297 DR. W. S. ANDERSON Eye, Ears, Nose and Throat Office Hours: I to 12 a. m. 1:80 to 6 p. m H. D. BROWN Life Insurance Ofle Upstairs, Cor. Nash and Qoldsboro Street! CHE M003E-HXR&ING HOSPITAL (Incorporated) t, I MOORE). IL D. B. & HERRING, M. D. W a ANDERSON. M. D Drs. TURLINGTON UNDERWOOD DENTISTS Treatment of Pyorrhea (or RIggs Disease) a Specialty Work done at Night and Sunday by Engagement Office over Carroll Gro. Co. Corner Tarboro and Nash Sta. this claim will hn mnn m,f Office Phone 691 Night Phone 754L rHIM VUK v L nig money derived from this sale, said of sale is made with the consent said J. R. Barnes. Samuel L. Winborn and wife, Elizabeth WTinborn. A. O. Davis, Auctioneer. D-28-ltd SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS Place Cards for Dinners FREEMAN SIGN CO Over Nash Street Pharmacy ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator no- the Glorious K'narcom of Peace and i Christmas. eternal rest. Sl. was, invert nrt ho. Subject of evening sermon "Hap loved bv all who knew her. In Ufa Py New Year." she was a model woman, always at all times ready to respond to all dis tress. Sympathetic, kind and gen tle. She rejoiced with those who rejoiced and wept with those who wept.-, To you who are near and dear to PRICES TO ADVANCE By buying Simond's "History of the World War" NOW you get it at the pre-publication price, saving $5.00. Mail your order TODAY for the her, rejoice in the thought and the Ave superb volumes, three now ready, ' hope that some sweet day you will tlie otner tw0 as soon 33 complete meet her at the portals of the New,history of Peace adjustments can be .Jerusalem, where the lilies of the PPerly prepared. Price in durable valley never fad and the fragrant and beautiful cloth binding, more Rose of Sharon forever blooms. D. D. N. A CARD Of THANKS I take this method to express my heartfelt thanks tr.d appreciation of the many kindnesses rendered me In my sickness and in the death of my wife. To you all, I shall always be thankful and grateful. W. M. Meachom. than 1,000 Illustrations and maps $18, $1 with order and $1 a month J. T. Norsworthy, 914 Austell Bldg., Atldnta, Ga. D 28 ltd ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE . Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Wiley Love, late of Wilson county, all persons having claims against said' estate are here by requested t,e present them for paymeat on or Before the 27th day of November, 1111, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to xske Immediate paymeat. This the 27tb day of November, 1918. j J. H. LOVH, Administrator. -H.. J. Barios, Attorney ." N BO one a wk 4 wks MR. LEATH'S ORANGES A fresh supply of Mr. Leath's or anges received today by Carroll Grocery Co. Prlca is always for gotten when you eat the fruit, ltd Marshmallow whip, pie filling, Egg No and easy whip at Carroll's, Order freely for the are time and money savers. D-28-lt JUNIORS TAKE NOTICE There will be a meeting Tuesday night, Dec. 31st at the Hall at 7:30. All members and candidates that have not been initiated are request ed to be present. J. P. Batten, D-28-2tD Counselor. Another lot of brown sugar at Carroll's. , D-28-ltD Nash Street Pharmacy Open Sun day. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix L J , ! ,G,?r - B0y6tte' ot Dempsy R. Haynes, deceased, he Phv noH ; . rri.' lce I. hereby given to all persons iY - - . I , c""'uo "aYlus , having claims against his estate to ZT, 7 . Pre8ent Psent them to the undersigned for :;:rO.r..D I0r6. ne' Payment on or before December 12, nM . ,. "uOIT, ' r inia IS". this notice will be pleaded notice will be pleaded in bar of re- , ,i v uv in uai ui re ln bar of tuejr rec0yeryt All persons ... ..... .indebted to said estate will make vuuH muooiea 10 saia estate payment to me, .o .oijucaiau iu watte immeaiate payment. This the 27th day of Nov. 1918. WILLIE WHITE BOYETTE, Administratrix. E. J. Batnes, Attorney. N 30 once a wk 4 wks This Dec. 12, 1918. D. D. HAYNES, Admr. D 14 once wk for 4 wks Whiz Autl-Free.e Compound. Welfare Auto Co. D 27 3td OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY TREASURY DEPARTMENT Wusliingtoa A MESSAGE From the Secretary of the Treasury To the Insurance Men of America Almost thirty-seven billion dollars of Life Insurance has been placed by the Government upon the lives of our soldiers and sailors, and the premiums have been paid through allotments from the salaries of these men. Several million men are soon to be returned to civil life, and liberal provision is being made for the continuance of their Gov ernment life Insurance policies. They will need advice, and the insurance men of America can now render a great service bot to the Government and to the men if at every opportunity they will urge upon discharged soldiers and sailors the benefits to be secured by keeping their policies in force. Methods of conversion and plans for premium payments will soon be-made public. No argument from me is needed, I am sure, to prove that the continuation ot this Insurance is of Immeasurable benefit to the Government, to the soldiera and sailors who have offered their lives, and to the institution of life insurance. The Treasury will deeply appreciate your patriotic co-operation. W. G. McADOO, Secretary of the Treasury. This space is contributed to the War Relief Bureau by J. L. Atkins, State Manager National Life Insurance Co. Lamm & Applewhite, General Agents. Saving ;can be practiced in morethan one way. When it comes jt:o clothes for iboys,Tthebest way we know is ,.a!ways to buy YTRAGOOf)' s There's more value to tne square mcii intone of those suits than ;anylqther we ve ever, seen; 7 THE SEASON'S GREETINGS To all of our good friends who have helped to make this Christmas so happy We Wish A Merry Christmas and A Hapy and Prosperous New Year We appreciate the valued patronage extended us during the past year and we wish to take this occasion To Thank You At. the same time we heartily solicit a continuation of your valued friendship during the coming year. May the JOYS and PLEASURES of this Holiday season be yours in abundance. "The House of Quality and Service" 32EI i n i i J i twi r WILON j Patterson Drug Co. Open Sunday. NEW SERIES OPENS JANUARY 4 With twenty-nine years experi ence and assets of $240,000.00 The Wilson Home and Loan Association offers you another opportunity to take stock in Series No. 68 on Sat urday, January 'fourth of the Wew Year. This Association is purely mutual, pays tax on all stock issued and at maturity your investment nets you slightly above six percent. Ernest Deans, Secretary. D-277tD Coat Suits, Cloaks and Dresses at abont half price now at Fulghum' D-JMtD . . ; ii i KOTICB On Dec. 14, 1918, a man bought a horse at my barn at auction and gave check; has no account at bank. Signed name W. L. Langley. Re ward for any information that will lead to the guilty party. J. D. FARRIOR, D-27-tf Wilson, N. C. Just received a large shipment ot Whiz-Antl-Freeze and Denatured Alcohol. Welfare Auto Co. Dee 27 3td Coat suits at about half value at Fulghnm's. D-a7-8tp