- X . . ' . iuai . . , L V 1 THE. WILSON DAILY TIMI3S, AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM THAT GETS DIRECT RESULTS FOR ITS USERS, FOREIGN AND LOCAL. THE TWO EDITIONS OF TIIK "KV fl WILSON" DAILY TIMES t OVKK J EVERY SECTION" OF EASTERN Y A xout,! rAuo,iNA- Five O'clock Edition Price: Five Cents ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES WILSON, N. C, SATURDAY, FEHRUARY 21, Jao VL. I(S NO. ltd Daily JL HE -JUSTICE-BAILEY FIXES BOND OF WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST AT $10,000.00 WHEN ATTORNEYS OF I THE SHIPPING BOARD ALLEGED THE LOSS WOULD BE MILLIONS IF SHIPS WERE NOT SOLD AT ONCE. RONAH BATY PLEADS ACCIDENT THE FARMERS . OF AME RCA WORKMEN HAFy Serve Notice That They Will Notwithstanding Actively Participate in Pol itics and Candidates Must Washington, D. C, Feb. 21 Asso ciate Justice Bailey of the District Supreme Court today fixed at $10, . 000 the bond to lie given by William It. Hearst in the injunction proceed ings against the Shiping Board to prohibit the sale of thirty German liners. At the request of the govern ment attorneys, Judge Bailey decid ed today to postpone the hearing on the original injunction until Tues day, that counsel might have time to consider the questions involved. In the Shooting of Sheriff Zach ary of Yadkinville Who Was Raiding A WHISKEY DISTILLERY DECLARE THEMSELVES AnniinAiinry ftWUnftplQ rveiuiv jl. SOME POSSIBILITY OF ACTION Roads That Whatever plaints Have Been Mad RAILROADS COST WILL BE CONSIDERE1 Former Soldier Gets Photo of Own Grave. Bristol, Va., Feb. 20. Four times reported as killed in action former Sergeant Enoch Lawson, late of Co., H, ,117th United States Infantry, to day received three photographs of hs grave. These photographs mail ed to the father of the ex-overseas man, plainly shode the grave in which the records of the American Expeditionary forces report the body of Sergeant Lawson as now buried. 1 Winston, Salem, N. C, Fern. 21 Ronah Baity, who was arrested re cently with two accomplices charged with the murder of Sheriff J. E. Zachary, of Yadkinville, confessed today according to the police. The sheriff was killed by the accidental discharge of Baity's pistol in a) struggle, according to his statement Baity exonerated h's companions, the officer said. The sheriff was killed after a raid on the moonshine still, on February 13th. President Denies any Agreement Washington, Feb. 20. President Wilson flatly denied today in a com munication. to the Senate that he had any agreement or understanding with British officials regarding dis- Washington, D. C, Feb. 20 With the appointment of a committee of seven prominent farm organization leaders to draw up a "platform", the American farmer as represented in the National board of farm organiza tons served notice today on present and prospective candidates that he in determined to purtcipate actively in the coming campaign. The plat form will comprise questions design ed to bring out unmistakably the attitude of each candidate upon mat ters which agriculturalists consider cf paramount importance. C. S. Barrett, of Georgia, presi dent of the National Farmers Union was named chairman of the commit tee. The conference adopted resolutions Asking the early appointment of an American delegate to the inter national Institute of Agriculture at Rome," to succeed the late David Lu ton; approved the ' Capper-Herman bill restoring to farmers the right of collective buying and selling; ex- pressen confidence in the federal Trade Commission in connection with the imminent investigation of Washigton. D. C, Feb. 21. As surances were given the railroad or ganizations of Brotherhoods today by the Railroad Administration that the return of the railroads March 1st would not effect negotiations now pending as to the interpretation of the various wage agreements made with the various labor groups during federal control. Director General Hines announced that while the discussions of oper ations and labor as such would be discontinued March the first. the representatives of the railroad ad ministration would continue the con siueTation of all questions at issue. THE GOVERNMEN 000,000 Above Receipts WWi,shh,Kl,,n- ,,Vh -1 Il" 20 X 1 $6k wch OF A: A V ulni ne i V T OVER THE PEACE TREATY ON WHICH DEBATE WAS STARTED ONE YEAR AGO TODAY. FIRST MEASURE TO BE VOTED ON AS AR TICLE 10 RESULT AWAIT ED WITH INTEREST. Chairman Esch Says ust Be Charged WAR LOSS Cotton Market rf position of the fleet of former Ger man liners around which, since they that body, aand petitioning Congress were offered for sale by the ship-l to amend the farm loan act to in- Bill Provides Large Sum for Camp Bragg Washington, Feb. 20. The bill to authorize sale of three large army camps and to provide for fulfillment of wartime contracts for purchase and equipment of numerous other military posts was finally agreed to in conference today and the confer ence draft was agreed to by the Senate. The House is expected to act within a few days. , In its final form the measure di rects the sale of Camp Taylor, Ken tucky, not later than June 30, 1921, and of Camp" Gordon, Georgia, and Camp Eustis, Virginia, subsequent to that dajte. Among the projects for completion of which appropria tions are made are: Real estate and construction at Camp Benning; Geor gia, $835,000, and real estate, roads and buildings at Camp Bragg, N. C, $1,173,000. ping board, has raged a controversy into which congress, courts and gov ernment agencies have been drawn. RAIX AND WARMER Itor North Carolina: Wanner in The New York markets are closed today on account of holiday. Spots, Wilson market, 3S cents. Washing railroad a paced the during the railroad to the 000 according 1). C. Feb. 21. The btration estimates ost to the government federal eontrrtl of the untry at $636,000. the statement of portion tonight and Sunday; prob ably r-ain with gentle southeast to east winds. Godsboro Gets Booze Shipment. Goldsboro, N. C, Feb. 20. Miss Virginia Sheftall, of Savannah, Ga said to be prominently connected in that city is critically ill at a local ! hotel where Wednesday night she was stricken with influenza short ly after regsitering at the hotel. jPneumona developed yesterday and today little hope is entertained for her recovery. The young woman's mother arrived here last night from Savannah. Five barrels of government bond ed whiskey consigned to a local hos - pital arrived here yesterday under guard of two government agents from Baltimore, where it is said the fluid which used to blink and bub ble behind the bars was purchased. Fifth District Physicians Meet Red Springs, Feb. 20. The mid winter meeting of the fifth diistrict North Carolina Medical Association, was held here today in the auditori um of Flora Macdonald College. Dr Vardell welcomed the visiting phy sicians and offered brief opening. prayep The address of the day was delivered by Dr. Francis E. Stewart drector scientific department of the H. K. Mulford Co., Philadelphia, his subject being "The Use of Vaccines and Serums for the Prevention and Treatment of Influenza and the Pneumonias." George Washington Birthday Party, We beg to acknowledge an invita tion to attend a George Washington dinner party, which will be given by Mess. Consolvo and Overoneyer, hust ling good fellows, who are behind the Builders' Supply Corporation of this city to their friends "In appre ciation of p'ast favors." The dinner party will be givein in the din room of the New Briggs Hotel, Tues day evening, February 24th, at nine o'clock. crease the maximum loan from $10. 000 to $25,000. The invitation of Sir Horace Plunkett, as representa tive of Irish farm organizations, that a delegation be appointed to attend an international congress on agricul ture 'at Dublin during the, present year, was accepted. Senator Pomdexler of Washington addressing the conference at the af ternoon session; characterized farm ing as the greatest industry of the nation and congratulated the na tional board upon its decision to erect a permanent home in the capi tal where its members could keep in close touch with the government. An experienced farmer should be se lected to head, the department of ag riculture, he said. and farmers should be given that freedom of ac tion necessary to obtain-the greatest possible legtimate results. Maurice McAuliff. president of the Farmers' Union of Kansas, said the nnnnprntivp adventures, of farmers in the United States already handled business of one billion dollars annu ally and should easily increase to timoo that" ficrnre whin a decade Ol A I. - k i.--- . He and other speakers warned of the obstructive tactics which would be made when this activity began to "make a dent in the business of the wholesalers." STOCKS. New York, Feb. 21. Icreasing op position fly labor to the railroad bill and utilities rose from faactons from change from yesterday's high point were responsible for the irregular tone of stocks at the opening of to day's market. The rails held better than any other division. A few material additions to recent gains were reported. The Oils, Leathers and another reaction in foreign ex 1 to 1 12- points, but this advant age was torteitea wnen several oi tfie motor and equipment issues fell back. The market was better after the first half hour. Chairman Esch orihe Interstate Com merce Commission before the House touay in opening th debate on the conference report or the railroad reorganization bill, "Jhs $36,000. eei A. - 1 . A. uuu musi u cnargea oi as a war loss," he said. "But thinoney was well spent. It was worthho price Without the railroads of tliftountry It would have been impssible v, have supplied our troops abroad." u paiiisnu wrangling over tin- pi-ac i treaty begun just one year ago today there wchi liulii-aliiilis t!i;il act mil progress towards the disposal of ttio pact was about to be matte. The lirst vole on t lie League of na tions subject will lie adoption of Article 10 ami the interest in the re sult is deeply manifested as showing the strength ot the lines i: drawn. While it is not expected the contest will find tlie lines drawn as tightly as some assume the voIch on the va TfOus reservations will demonstrate, yWTt is felt that the vote on article 10 will disclose the relative strength of the two factions on the various reservations. . s Admiral icolus ll.lliey Regent of Hungary . Basle. Switzerland. Feb. 21. Ad miral Nicolas Ilorthen .commander of the Hungarian army, is reported to have been made regent of Hun gary by the National Assembly.. Flying Parson Here Yesterday That was Maynaml, the ''Flying Parson," over the city yesterday, be I tween eleven and twelve o'clock, on his way to Fayetteville. He came) verv close to the earth and dronned ' propaganda about the army and its! Washington. Feb. 21.- Many day ronit: Cvcm I Wilson's reply to the nole of After sailing around the city a Question of Treaty Involved. number of times, he went on hs way to Fayetteville. where he arrived about 1:30. He was compelled to make a forced landing at Aulander, and while over Wilson the engine of his big DHaviland was back Airing. Badly Hurt. Today while arguing over a land transacton, regarding the transfer of some property n South Carolina, Mr. F. S. Langley, so we learn, struck Mr. Merl Holderby with his fist and a Ptle later Holderby struck Langley with a piece of iron on the head hurt ing him right badly and necessitat ing takng him to his home. It is alleged by Holderby that Langley let him in on a half interest in the property, and later Langley sold his interest to Mr. C. P. Clark. The contest, we learn, was to compel the giving of a deed to Mr. Clark. The papers were fixed up today by At torney Dickerson and after they were made out the trouble occurred. John C. Dockery Dead. Rockingham, N. C, Feb. 21 Jno. C. Dockery, 41 years of age, die here early this morning of pneumo nia following an attack of influenza. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning. Mr. Dockery was one of the most prominent business men in Rockngham county, he served as his father's deputy a nusibv the A'lied power. on the Adriatic question is almost ready for disp atch antl will probably leave Amer icas late this afternoon. Official" do not regard the situation as amte nor do they regard negotiations will take such a turn that the United States will be forced to consider whe ther it could become a party to the treaty of Versailles should the al lied council stand by its decision to grant Italy concessions on the Adri atic at variance wit hthe opinions ot the United States. t Ifoey KtaartM Boom For Marshall Washington, Feb. 20. Represen- ot tative Clyde Iloey, North Carolina's years ago, when his father, who was youngest member in the House, start the late Henry C. Dockery, was United States Marshal at Raleigb. DELAXO IS EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT A. C. I It Is an inspiration to see repre- Funeial of Mss Daisy Bryant. The funeral of Mss Daisy Bryant was held n Maplewood cemetery im medately after the arrival of 80 from Benson, her late home. The following pallbearers officiat ed: Messrs. C. A. Thompson. Dr. E. L. Strickland, Sheriff B. E. Howard George Stanton, J. T. Willams. S.'G some property in South Carolina, Mr New York, Feb. 21. The Atlan tic Coast Line railroad announced worHnv that Lyman Delano, who has been Federal manager under the j dy and John Forbes administra-; unitea omica - i uQ. knci-DQc TYifn hnnorinz the'., nmo executive vice- i Mr. C I. flicijean Father of their ..Country, and thus ident upon the return of the Mr. Charles B. McLean of this city . ... ; : : T-Tia i hn la talrinc a niKU smu-i in wnen the stuir arrived here it wasi bringing tne peopie io a. .-iu.auuu SyStem to private manaeu":'"' - -unloaded by the agents and quite a of the superb leadership and states- J h"eadquarters will be in Wilmington, crowd witnessed its removal to thelmanship and the patriotic impulses c other officers of "the railroad Democracy of American Citizens. Boston, Feb. 20. A student in an American university can be suc cessful in study, sports and social life even when compelled to sup-1 port himself throughout his college career, accordng to the findings of an inqury conducted at Harvard. Poverty, the investigators report, is not an insuperable barrier to stu dents who have initiative and cour age. The inquiry showed that some self supporting students earned $5,000 or more in their four yeais at the university and that it was not unu sual for a student to earn $3,00, stand well in his classes and be a leader in student activities. His i who is taking a high stand studies at Wake Forest is business the staff of the "Old hospital. Raleigh Raises Ban on Influenza. Raleigh's quarantine against influ enza which has been in operation since February 7, at 6 p. m. will be lifted at midnight Saturday, allowing churches to hold their regular ser vices Sunday and all business to re sume its normal course Monday. This is the result of action of the city commissioners in their meeting yesterday afternoon when the clos ing ordinance was repealed. The ac tion was upon the advice of health authorities, Dr. W. S. Rankin, State Health Officer, and Dr. Percy Ahrons county health officer, concurring The commissioners repealed the or dinance effective Saturday night feeling that their original action placing a ban on all public gather ings and closing the schools, had a wholesome effect inj checking the Spread of influenza. Carter Glass Will be A Candidate. Richmond, Va., Feb. 21. An nouncement was made here today by friends of Former Secretary Carter ed a nice little boom in his office this morning for Vice-Tresident Tom. Marshall but at quitting time today not one of the other nine members of the House or either of the Tac Heel Senators could follow him very fu Mr. Hoey, talking it over with the newspaper men said the Vice-President has more sense and a better grade of democracy than any man he knows. Not one of the delegation would commit- himself to Herbert, Hoover although several expressed preference for William Gibbs Mc Adoo. Both the senators favor uninstruct ed delegations, as does NatlonaL Committeeman McLean. -i.epre3en- tative Claud Kitchin, who is known to be favorable to McAdoo, would not positively commit himself and some of the other members followed suit. that moved the Great Washington m ai unchanged. They are: Invfna- .. f rn T. rlu f .nn T1TM TlPi LlC?S UD" ' -r u k o i Q n Cif the. on which the Constitution was build- ,"5 nf directJ,rs. with headquaf- the school and devoted to the best B-.,:Z.:-"tm ,R- Glass, now United States Senator. uom anu - - -- virni that bis name will be sued weekly by the student body oi ; I ed. I tAra New York: J: R. Kenly, presi They cannot do better as they con-, dent; R A Brand, vice president in tinue to build a great business, and . ' . George B. El- uwa. t v in that way contribute to the growth liott, vice president and general of the best town in the country, to cQunsel all with headquarters at emphasize the opinions neid oy w.lmill.tn. and H. l. Borden, vice interests of the institution. Charles got his first taste of news n9ier work when he carried the i"i,v' Daily Times, as a boy in short pants. He was a bright boy then, and al-Tx-oc alert and on the job. He had oratie convention at Roanoke May 19th for endorsement for the Dem ocratic nomination for President of the United States vl4.i, t, stood the test ot. wummsiuu' . IiW In,ir verv best wishes, for we know lufewu nrpsident and secretary wuu "au- - .. i j i . n . 1 vritn Trie " I V . ta Tr r i TYi a fro tihiiii ill uaiiu, . - growth and development of this com munity and remain ever the pillal and grounwork of this great; Re 1 quarters in New York. Mr. John Bruton is up flu. Took Boy to Greensboro Mr. Leonard, welfare man for this county, yesterday took Johnny Dunn a waif of Eilm Cty to the Choldren's Home in Greensboro. Contributions to the Memorial Tablet. Mrs. J. W. Quinn, J. W. Quinn' "-tha Mary Gray Quinn, W P. Anderson, trom tne farmer" F. B. Deans, C C. Powell. They are coming slowly but sure- ly; "is your name written there If not see that it is come across. We only want one dollar. Send dollar for each member of your fam ily James Dempsey Bullock. that he will make good in everything he undertakes. Admiral Sims at University of Mary land. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 21. Ad miral Sims will appear today at the University of Pennsylvania to cele brate the birthday of George Wash ington. In his address he criticised Folks Out Working Roads. Mr. Homer Anderson, who was a Pine Tops yesterday.found the folks, I the tendency of the present age to eriticsm on the prominent ousuess men auu ixai nut workine the roads. They are conduct of military and naval activ determined that, the roads shall re I ities of the country, so different main passable and the busness of I from earlier times when the Father thA onmmunitv held together. Tie of nis country was crii,t;iSCu. auu people of that secton finding they welcomed criticism as a guide for im couudl get no relief from the county provement and check up on our mis went after the job themselves. takes that were made. Governor Stuart Not a Candidate. Washington, D. C, Feb. 21. Pres ident Wilson today withdrew the nomination ot H. C. Stuart. ex-Gov ernon of Virginia, to be a member of the Interstate Commerce Commis sion. Governor Stuart declined the appoinntment. Elder Pickett to Preach. Elder S. S. Pickett a prominent Primitive Baptist minister of Or mond ,Fla., will preach the Lord willing at Harnett. Satur.1.- and Sth Sunday In February; Mingo, Mon j... -let- niar.k River, at day, iuanu ..?., Dunn, March 2d; Benson, March 3o;' Oak Forest, March 4th; Four Oaks, March 5th; Smithfield. March 6th and 7th; Bethany, March 8th; Bea lah, March 9th; Upper Black Creek, March 10th; Wilson , March 11th;' Elm City, March 12th; Upper Town CreeE, March 13th and 14th; R-cky Mt, March 14th at night; Falls, the 15th; Raleigh, March 16th; Coc.fr. the 17th. A V V J") f f k -1' - -