J . TuHislcd every Wednesday at . ; W32s6l?. X. C., . 'i U y ri-XJ. II. SWAIX. - confined AplcIvY to; tlio Airican rto?i .Would iif)t: hey 'poor, Ii.- dian,'Vnr tl.5niin,iiViiioJ J)jto preach .'temperance from? bis pul-J m, leruim uq 11181111 nis .eio- nuence v hna:reirtrmcd ftheV Iaat l 'i.fiCIlI FTI t N ATI'S, 'Cue year . - ,Mx men 11 s 'ilucc month - Invariably Cash' in $1.00 .r0 ;30 Advance. ' ADVERTISING JIATES: " mr"m' Oneihcli. onewejf.k-'- I - 'v ftt.00 . Cive ineb&oiie morifh, a-- . 2.00 (?ne inch, three niofcttir, - 4.00 On inch: six- uicnths, 7.00 Liberal discounts will be made for Lrirjrer advertisements and for contracts by the. y ear; J : Local notices, five cents i! per'1 line for vuen -insertion. brother have . received a share some few drops at Yeast at their overflow i i. g milk of human kind n ess? W h a t w e w ri i e is h i s to ry , and their h no 'blotting---out-' the ' . t 1 : . '"I ! 'J " .1 raci inai me ianii slavery . agita tors pf England, aa. well -asYaur. keedom were, as coLsnmmate a set of hypoeritesas the Almighty ever suffered to enrse 'the earth with their presence. It is the same element in the United Kingdom r today, the de scendants of the Wilberforces and if. TJIEPUBLIO AH letters and remittances should. be hihnr k-imlrorl nirit wlm wnnlH - - 1 s i a m - - a a a . as a v w r a , - reduce the uelt to a condition iar more abject than that of the most squalid African I slave that ever LEDGER,- .Windsor, Ni,C- Wednesday Octoeer 5 1387. : ,1 . : i , IRELAND. Heretofore the Ledger has had nothing to ea: about the iifiairs of Ireland Our feilencc was not because we di n deep ,intercst ol the people of the Emerald Isle livedyea, who would' ' degrade their brethren -of Innisfail to the level of brutep ; But they should be warned in time. The hand writing U on the wall. History - . lie Vii t I'DruotiiKT if at P Tf la nflt jj leej I iiuuut . -.v j the welfare the lirst time an English -sover-:,nerald Isle. ciSn backed by a besotted und rL-4: v..... . 1 iL. . c.u stunid aristocracy, .refusins: to A II- LIIK ClMILllll V V lr: IliLVli KVK IVII I " ;,, itHSe n.r.iuly for the read tho eign8 of the times, hns hbcrty loving inhal iiants of Old lu 6"w" ,v- Erin. Believing; with the great of O'Brien and! the silencing o nnStlrt nf htimari.JihnWv. ibft U reQ speech in. the realm , are bu illustrations oii the same spirit that would make the pat riot John . Hampden pay the illegal and un- i. i drunkard in the land, and until baa succeeded le in creating a ealthicr public entimeiit, a bet- er state ot morals.'- In the mean time, the law makers shoiud make d roil ken neaa odious, by'pii nish ing the public drunkard severely. a remarkably fine mhiath re por- ruit of her diatinguiicd ances- totvTh9 State of !oith Carolnv shoald by all me uh have an ; en larged copy of this haiidftotiie por trait to liang in the Capitol build ing:;at Ilaleigh, or in the i ew Qoyemor'a mannion when fin Uhed. Would it not ho a v good Lldea to have portraits pf all of our gqTerrpra nung inline .rvcepuuu oar Heverend Brother n-ilZ da room of the last named-building? i;a 'ua i.i i,...i. Thero'u little doubt that there .1 iiu rtrirtrtiifa rvt minmtnrM nr from the political dirt there is no alt of the c,OVerners of 1 II A m a 1 - 1 w I I aouut tuat in tuis way ue win the Old Nrth State extant from best serve his r Church und his which could be made. . God. By all .means Church . and State should be kept apart. , Xt.U wtfe-t -&nacir7 1 . i. iiome tirae Mnco .some . one wilhed to know why a certain place in Orange county was once MR. w. e. cobb is our author-jcaled tCorbintown,, or "Corbin- IZED AGENT AT LEWISTON. UK . v0 tl,n nrribr na nnt roYnl- LEWISTON LOCALS. WILL CONTRACT FOK AD' ;Vj ; ' VERTISEMENTS ; -AND-IiJ V ; ; strffscitiPTioNs:- '-?;-' ''. . Last Sunday Vvas a beautiful day. . - ; " ' If the land owners would bhi?d r.postle of human-liberty, the il ; lustrous author of tli e Declaration aw liuiepeuucnce," tnac ail rum en ts d "one n d , n no n th e con .:! iii - l . c -'. eent oftl.o Governed" and that CUUBUlu!al ' .-fi'P-'""". J me.i have, certain ' inanafienable and th? eent 1martR?bert ri-hts." -ete. we can look with Emmet to the gallows. Ihe 15nt- nothing other than disfavor upon the treatment of the Irish by their English oppressors. . The role played Ijy the Tory government of the IJnited King dom is adissrrace to the civiliza : tion of the sger and ia the more . noticeable because it is enacted in a country which! has for so long vaunted its claiTS?l;a3 the chani ' -pion of the rights of man. We have always b'een disposed to be ; Heve.bnt little of . such protesta ' lions, especially when the actions u ot men do not accord with loud voicinffs. L ish crown and the British aristoc racy, if they are wise, will take warning from; the past. A slight revolution and the whole ' social 1 fabric of Old England, the work of ages of oppression, will fall to the ground in magnificent t ruius; her Crown, yea r her aristocracy, will set behind the clouds, "Like stars that fall: to rise no more." Then at la3tivill the countrymen of Torn Moore, of G rattan, of Sheridan , of Burke, and last but not least, of-Robert Emmet, the tl lect which.) If the query was ev er Satisfactorily ana wered, T never heard of it. At the' time r!nterid ed lo give the public the benefit of niy suppositions, but'the "theif - I n : . . . 1 t houses do? ens could be rented. ot 1 raG as nauw prevenieu. Juny We need more room. . , It not have been named in honor c ,t 'txt..-a' -ii of Francis rCorbiii'. who in con- Ml , r w 4. ; rtrt j hunction; with Joshua Bodley, was S430 daraaees for the railroad ' . r , . i , inennauciai agent or uuuniBv ui passinthrough his land. Lord Granville, one of the Lords Fxcursions are quite popular Proprietors of Carolina? The now, three for the past week, writer of thi has several old Friday, Satui day nnd Sunday. grants from Lord Granville which i Mr. Tom Pete Early has come are signed oy i raicia Lo-bm, as to the front wi'h a stalk of corn aent or attorney. On one occa eighteen feet three inches high. ion Mr. Corbiu was waited on by m tv: . .. . ' some of the (not then) sovereign ;l)ick Griffin, a lover of i liqpid people of the olhny, in his office lightning, came very near having -m .oienLon and fouehlv handled his light put out last Saturday. l t1;C:M bei accused'of dealing lie te.i netween tno cars wnne mfMv Wllh the tenants . of his they were in motion JNo damage ri0rlsbir). jt j3 hisrhlv probable except the loss a suBpenJer t). t !jistorv id oulv reoeAtiuer it button. . 1 I i.h in tim Rmprfll'rf X(k to il.iv. the sty It of doin business over meet Dr. W. It. Wood aud lad there being very much an the Cui- of Scotland Iseck, in our town bin order, last week. Mr. John W. Wood, ot uurnam, son or nr.- w. u. - T nfthli xvni.dHr whv it gentleman, Mr M. L. Wood, will r people are so persistent in the open a law office here soon. Mr. ? vvl,lte P?mt- 18 not ar il. C. Davis ha3 returned from the Xistic, neither is itsetTect pleasant Northern markets. Several vis- to. the eye. Nature has been very itorsfrom Palmyra and Roxobel chary in her distributiin (d white. lit I.UV uuo k ic" uu t .1 F .1 I 1 inere are lew ,wiiuu , uaiiuai uu- cunts - DYCPEFCIA, INDIGESTION VEAKfiesS, CHILLS AND FEvVb.1 MALARIA, LIYER COMPUlNT KIDNEY. TROUBLES ' 1 fiEURALGlA AND RHEUMATISM 1 laar mnd De- rCxhtful to Uke. mad of creat TaJue as Uedlcin for weak and Ailinr : Vctaca aad C&i 1 rca. - r K-afamllY Should b "is podtlyeir cacten aa a Heaacg reaidO f of wounds, imasevaiwl ppralua. - Itaacanacea tcraa tirmaea aad IX sr: PtolaE.W.'AdanaBaco.lle It gave me uaraWUterellct j ; i se -your FxpTkiirra. fmroezrcly. Jt tk-Ka pala ana soraaesana fiMUirooacs i i i r in t I 11 '- 1 II CTi a. i w ocrpiitpst nnhtjftiil . marr.vr ol the a. - woriu, nnu iaat ireeuoni auu touat self erovernment which are among It is awell known fact that hen the inalieuahie birthrights of cv. Wilberforco and other English - iinmM. - than frh' now PE11RT AV1S PAI2 KTEXEB 1 'r'nv rmtrlMl .remedr. For forty yoara itiHksTvikAn in constant ase andtluM who luire used it the lonsresc are o o jyimc t t ta anr.Mii ii mfifefu becau ox iu menu Stnc HiIm Killer xtm first Introduced; XiifLdfid of Bew-niodivJaka lim-re ooxne azid con, wixile Uvday tKia meilin is more i hbr. Ererr family snotiitr bare TImier5idiJbrt Staeh pain andheary doctors' bfflr ma.oIcn djai by prompt apsllcatlba of tho-Cato lier. ncw 1 4il-.fciiar Try It- one tnoronsraJjv and it (xrim fia-oe Ma -rtUne. Tonr.'droiIHAaa tt .k 9 w.roa. udeiXOMr.boiUv V: FCattY DAV13 6 fi'OK l!foprloo. Prorideaoo. C a '"Bin.. eaae at Hnd mailed, toreS.t: CONTAIN 3 no hurtful Mineral, Is com posed of carefully selected Vegeta ble Medicines, frill. naVtn- a V inm.,..;"1 Bafe and Fleaaant V . Hcliotypcc-! Remedy. on receipt tl O m not kwp TOUU rUHJMAL, rm'J, i.VU, lJiTZ,' StUriUUMBSiirKrl.iU Voliai Drug and Chemical Coapu,- - BAITIIOKX.U. t. I a, 11 THE GREATEST ANDTHEBESTt The Large Double Weekly, " Religious and Secular. NEW MSBEWE. W that FALSE STOIUESBOUT CO TTQN. facta in any landscape. I woiil.rj The members ot tho Cotton 'n-gwt tlmt our people pn?ut their Exchange are miich provoked bv dwellh.3 in, pretty, attractive astorv now being ;. industriously eohirs, and use white pcint otAy circulated throughout the South 'nfcn 'nejr t aweiungsare ur- ronnueu uv trees, n is a preuy " CEstabUalwlUa) UNDEKOMniATIONAL, EVANGELICAL, UNSECTARIAN, AND NATIOIUI .. A Safe Paper for the Family. THE NEW YORK OBSERVER CAN BE TRUSTED. It Stands by tho Old and Tried Truths . la Religion, Morals, Educa- ', lion, aad in all Public . " . f and Private- '." ; . Matters. It Is Conservatire of all Grood Things. . Xt steadily Opposes EtU and Sin in erery form. The OBSERVER is tho veU-kao-wn enemy of " ' , " INTEMPERANCE, INFIDELITY, . AND ROMANISM. It la a paper that has opinions, and can defend them: which has a faith, and holds to it. The NEW-YORK OBSERVER is a living ana truwtactuwei CURE s m mm IEOK BITTURS act like ;! charm on the digestive organs, removi:' all drspepuc STmptoms, such as tastu the looa, beicning, neat in Lao Etomr ! heartburn, etc DMDIGESfiilO a3 4 IKON BITTEKS are IM recommended for all diseases requiri a certain ana eia.ci.eiu ionic, HAGlI 0? HJHiBli anUslaveVy .agitators. were mak. denied to the libertv loving eons for tho purpose of injuring , New; biiianon i"vhite hon with ing Pari lament hot with their of the EnierSd I.le". ' . York as h cotton : rnarket. It is grceir biindaV'blcniliiig Jhnnoi,i. -.loud moiuhings and igoiug into ' ':W f t : . that beginning September 1 there ously with tile green of the 'trees. ecstasies of jjrief over the condi- . PROHIBITION. tion ol the sleek and well fed Af- A friend of the Ledqbr did not ,rican .daves of ihe British Indies, jike the recent criticism in in its. rcolumn8 of Bishoo Gallowav. who blood of Anglo-Saxon ; England it seem. ha3 aimost run wild 01l in London and in other large cit- the subject of Prohibition. We 4.i:u.tii .caHi,wei;ei u.?u.uglyttt fenftw nn hotter wfiv! to answer ptember 1 there ously will be -a discount here of a ouar-1 Under other circumstances the fAr nonr a Tminrl nn nntinn in effect 9 had upon tbcTeje. A per- IRON BITTERS enrich i blood, strengthen the muscles, and new life to the nerves. LOSS 0? 8utH:3I UtON BITTEE3 are the c Iron Preparation that -will not blac ii c ;,An l loony unite uu cui uu vawuccu bales ofless than 4Q0 and over . . ' . . v ! plain produces an intense g.are 350 pounds, and of a half cent a an(ler a 8ummer sun, whie it 3 - l j? l : a1 nti ' pounu on oaiea oi less man aw g,vcs one the shivers to look at it pounds. There is no truth what- on a cold winter moonlight night. bound on bales of less than S50 ever in tne story, -uoiton is cot- a ereat manv neonle think that ton, whatever the bate weighs white paint is fashionable.- No . . ... A? . it -it-J. uying bcarvauon anu uie euecw ftnr frl d tKan nnotft the follow- M Snnerintendent Powers nnt it i "!!:, i " . , . i -vr - . -i - - i - , - i r ' " r- - i irrHHiHr IIHHU1K.H i:i ill ill im iiiiLiiH. ol exposure in the streets. Lord . M D - , , t the vesterdav. New York Herald. Tf i nnlv A;nWhrwU contains all the News of the World; the Best Thoughts of the Ablest Authors and Cor- respondents ererywhere; Poetry, Book Re views, Notes and Queries,' Departments lor . . Teachers, Students, Business Hen, Tana- j ers. Parents and Children. EVERT CHRISTIAN SH0UU READ IT. . EVERT PARENT BHOUUD READ IT. i EVERT CITIZEN SHOtTLD READ IT. j Price, $3.00 a-yeart in Advance . . j ClerrTmen,$a.oo"a-year.' fx.oo commission allowed on Kttr Cubscritrers. Send for Sample Copy, tree. Address, NEW YQRK OBSERVER, iibw Yonir. n arSolcL by all druggists. Byron during his short career as a statesman incurred-the everlast- Bishop: 7 ii 4niRfmnr.hiRr!fl thnncrh th.,t.h lnvril mg aispieasure or Uiese magnates 0f my life for the constitution and t the that it is used to any extent. The I-l c I! - ; ' Last season the Old . Dominion towns have discarded it entirely, . - i - - I 1 .1 ' " . 1 . m ROANOICE ISLAND. 8fate iiDerues it was iormea 10 secure remains gteamship Uompany Opened UP a 1 aua lut:rt1 ? "w great r. igu ui .it -1 1 - 1 r-i ill "I 1 1 1 irii 1 1 IHLIT1 1 ill 1 ini 1 r 11 1 z t 1 1 L 11 1 a - 11 1:1 iim. iiv iiiiv" r ill ill tr bj calling attention to this Writa for th A.B X5 Book. 82 VTl r m 3 " Jzr Em tbrnX an Xron IXlters are m?a It Chesoaeal O. snl hm orcseul ted a- Brae Kaai 1 ii CT7H r rrniT. CO.' Hal timer. it-Ik' oiia ?f iuiii!rin(r 1 n nnmVAw fP rlrl man to stir up tlie Jloaso oi Lords pie, despite the pressure of wealth and tweeu this city and the Koanoke , , . . . to a sense of duty 1.0 their unfor- power, by the zeal of its underpaid min- rnarahes, for the convenience; " of I The able literary critic of the 1 1 lUTiini wiia riu vu irimu uinnir nvwinru rn i . - . - a - r tunate countrymen in 1 the slums rjenttrate unfreauented renions and e fishermen, of that saction, giv Wilmington blar, has recently Ship your and purlieus of the great metrop- tbere 4preach the gospel to the poor.' ing them a depot for ice, and di apoken in very conipUraentary j olis his Lordship used worda to this effect, tb at "an empty beer ' cask. could not be thrown into the streets of London without diaviu.a tenant in twenty-four hours." But his eloquence fell ' upon oars as deaf as are those of the dead, and his Lordship realiz ing how futile it was ioa rgue to , ears stopped by African wool sar castically exclaimed: lip that these men had been born with7 black: skins!" . . ' ! ' " - i This has been 'the drift of soi called philanthropists ever Vfcince " the Anican race has been placed in juxtaposition with any, other. The, sympathies of the worZd ?has '"'To 1 lowed then egro eve ry w h ere h e has gone. Look at the treatment of the Indians by the old Puri tana for instance, the descendants ; i of whom were too' conscientious to exist on' the same continent .it.l ' "I- '' '.1 " witn tne iurican slavery tney naa formerly instituted - and : estab -j;led. ; . r . j . ' i of the-above shows the ab insincerity . o these sol ;V philanthropists of the past. hey'beren governed by - mo jf jeal philanthropy would feelings of symnathybeeu gSSlBK rect transportation to Norfolk for terms of Charloa Ueade' be fulfilled by ink oducing politics into the outgoing steariiships. The icent noveZ " i ho Cloi?te s raagn li ter and the! demand for trahsportation prov- Hearth It U - the ooinioa i.ne loregoingis most conciu- ing so great, ine company some of the writer of these notes sive and.iV far better than any- timesince purchased a location thaVthi3 vel is one of the finest 1 . , . . . nn the west side of Koanoke TsU AW uuo " tning we couia write on tne sun- n.v nnnn tu0 mnrouna, works of fiction ever written, and ject. The Ledger cannot please andhas built a substantial wharf, "is no doiibt as perfect a picture everynoay. it is a strict con- extending out to deep water, as can be painted of the manners structionist of. the Constitution of which wil, in a few days, bo .o. an( customs of the people of'me these United States, just as i the stopping point for the steamers of diaBVal times and' especial I Sf of latter emanated from the hands of "no; P'ying Dfiiween mis city, lu0.a3tery life. We doubt that any other author handled the iptei be it ever so plausible wiU 1 get in the very'centre ot the- great Lflt;PA nnrl k-n of t.hnJ our endorsement if such runs fishing region, and the conven- (,rAilt;mia nf Wnina ' rtAtinftl tn counter to the letter or spirit of iences to the; fishermen- will be iv0 fortVer, ob at least as long as that instriiitient or to-the great nclrthat U is thought the experi- thenglish language lives. In i ;V" r . , ment will be an abundant success. nn other work nfictior can he cause of human rights, and we Korfolk Ledger - v no otner worK ot nctior can be ... s & - iv Al V x UI u ugvr' 4 i found more patho3 and more hu- wm cuuuuuB uur proicsi luuugu mnn natnrfi. in fact the whole WOOL, . W t I . - . ' WAX, . ruiv : hides; : t ' COTTON, : ETC., To H.1 DO WELL, Raleigh, W, C. the whole Church forget their sa- King Kalakau, . of .the Sand cred ballinp and nut themselves , wich Islands has invited the .. , O . - . - 4 " I on a level with the political hacks and hucksters of the' day. Shall the Ledger abstain , from criticiz ing that which is a proper subject for criticism, because a great Bishop would throw the weight and ! influence of a powerful ' re ligious denomination into one of the political agitations of the day? No, such conduct is fanatical and un-American to an intense de gree and we denounce it. Let the, good Bishop continue - to yachtsmen of San Erancisco to come and help him celebrate his fiftieth birthday, on November 16. It has beeu delicately inti mated to the jolly tars that the occasion will not be one to which a prohibitionist could point with pride. ; ; NOTES BY GLENDOWjEB; Some time ago, Mrs. Harriet Outlaw Biddle, a grand daugh ter cf David Stone, once Govern or of North Carolina and r United States Sen ator, showed the writer worK consists ot a lire-iong pam ful struggle in which the strong- . i n i- t i . I est ieeungs oi poor nnmaniry are arrayed against an equally strong Bense of religious zeal In. this work the author furnishes a more powerful argument against cleri cal celibacy than all the homilies and sermons preached - since the days of Martin Luther. As before intimated the work is one. of the highest genius, and is tho master piece of Charles Reade, as much so as is "David CopperfieldV' the master-piece of Dickens, or "John Halifax, Gentleman" tho chef d' ouvre of Miss Mulock. ;V . "For the highest market price. Also f ma In fact, an v thing m the Produce lino. i.

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