x"V' " v. 7 . h DR. E; W. FTOH, PQrciQAL AKD LITERARY EDITOR. MON DROIT, i vol. ii: 17INDS0 ARGE STOCK OF TAIL AND'AVINTER DRESS I w r r 4 bUUUS LANNELS, ,;":.--;v;-;::v'-i CASHMERES TRICOTS, : v . ETC H ROSES. R.'BERTIE C0DHTV;:H. C, I'JEDHESDAY. OCTOBER 261887. BENJ.H. SWAIN, OVTOER AND EDITOR. Fine assortment Opera and Bas- Ket flannels an onades. l OT lit' MWMMWw " i ui in i r m ink. Jti pENTLE MEM'S HATS, A& D CAPS. Notions: Mdies jerseys and jer- I sv.v t a mn?Tfl WINTER GOODS. TRIM Ml AGS, SILK GLOVES, KID GLOVES, BLACK GLOVES, ! COLORED GLOVES Excellent Hue lislb thrad hose. :HILDRENS, MISSES AND LADIES HOSE. GENTLE MENS HALF ' HOSE. Cigars and tobacco Let toe lie where the roses grow; 7Y L Let thenf their; fresh .green brandies - ; throw ; ; ; i ; "7 7- ; Atoimd my mound in the grass. Let them lift, in their fullest glow, : Their faces high to laugh and show : A welcome ta those who pass. Last year the peopie of the tTni- ing to.the value of snot-Jess ithan $100,000,000,, upon which they paid .taxes at. the customs houses HyuUuu5 iu uvfvu,uuv -xnis, NO.iO. -,v. ' V7 But let no sound by me be heard Babble of stream, or song of bird, Be stilled in the calm earth's breast. In the quiet gloom let me lie. When the tired ear and weary eye May take their well earned rest.. The day is gone, so long and drear: Sweet it is to be resting here, r , . -J, rin the long and silent night. For fear and grief away are swept: . uitrer cears are no longer'wept, - hile l wait for endless light. ' ' " ' -'' -' light to reveal the' cherished dead " In lands from which all ills have fled, And the ruins which death has mo A Lands which never shall hear a sigh, B u wuKuuuuiuig duc aeaui snail aie. And tne roses never fade, r ; '. f Temple Bar. RANDALL'S FALLACIES. There was no there could be conclusion; The heaviest impor tations into- this country have been made under the highest rates of. duty. Free .raw , materials would enahle American manufac- taA mm A. a . enhanced cost of domestic cloth- markets-nd th?nfln.n i?iry5 but. B0R0 the less sure- fabrics -wonld be sent abroad ny Doumern atatete know that The n7Jrxr rK V theypay their fnll hnrA f tax ftnH o.f.f a- Tr v 11X1 reirm wou a reduce the turaAnf itflP ?lt2Tr excessive Treasury surplus, re- keenS UD tfci .34iL &2,-JSY:- bor, ,ot needles, - f!l V . U W . Kf U liLll I LT I17M U TT1 X . 1 . . . 1 m M A 4 a generally has to .buy, .and they XnnftrvvTSSX J i pU,r vro r lde i ? forefathers than she ?S0. 0g he. cl,roate.-Forgn, touched so lightly on so dedicate a - - . ' ; " ' - -, . r AV.lDe stopacb performs its point" 'A t , - rr . Jinnctions actively and resrnlarv But what of railroad building? UZ grflffS Mkf-Wd- ndf v 8i0 -d wrhichJt the ricep1 The Southern States are imSK ' 8 5ght or ?alan8 may tical, is transformed into blood of &fMi"to?fM nZl?10 a.nu0Qri8IWnS qwltty, which fur- oDment, Knw l" 7eJ?i 2eS8 of the ejes. Dr. J.H.McLean's mshes viffor and warmth tn th or hinder; them. W .remedy to .give II 11 1 CQT7Q IVI n Unn-ll i1 . 1 I f. VUUI OUU I wuw CllC OLULI121LU1 I I IP -1 H -T - - v r ra h-oad mHea ithe C ' W 800tfhe nerves and strengthen McLean's Strengthening Cordial' io other 8imificAnftfi k.""fu mn V. fx oe Unu,i normal . . ueen increased is nnn miioa . . & J " - -" -vv4 A mmcr, o-other-signifi- 1879" or in the six years from D0X' ' selection- of to-lfiCA xt "1 . - luo owuuiar ana me merchaut fail to vote, whileTthe day laborer and the harrooro loafer are prompt at the polls, our system is not fully applied, The ballot then is over sparred and onderballasted. The analogy holds in other particulars; let the spirit of American institu tions be carried to its fullest ex tent; let the indiyidual feci his' responsibility as a citizen; let his childrenjbe trained in the com mon school; let the churches have a free field and ' no favors, let law be snBtaiherl hrfU-.J ettorts , of the beat men and wn men in: the mmmnnHt- nnA Americaja.ip.no more danger of tMouiuuuas or me spir it of the forefathers than Bhe is oi cance. in the ra Antmn- nf tvt iisQn 1000 -.. 1 . : , - KanddKofallt SPEND WISELY HEAVY WINTER BOOTS FOR MEN AND BQYS. uu 1, u! mi weu, ior toe ta8K tuo iuitteeu cost OI 6 tee I , rni a . , . KaV-.. ii' assigned to him; and that he himX i8fdirectly dae to Ae oer! CTAUANKAyT. , NotrnmUr..6pefndin self so : nnderstoo'd his role is th! ""ta The great German mannfactnr- ies o, K h T "'u mr6 , . abOUt S12 a tnn nf tha , - . U,UI goes OUt VOU Will nlwnva ht toi. Droveo hv everv wtri -m. . F' t er 01 steel anri nt (ho 1 7-. . j - UAVOl UUV I 'i'hA mA. I A. t P , mfcia noun maKincj money. iitue expenses, when they the results of the new Bort of 1 rT "ons,. ana was col- constructed for the Italian Naw it? k Vj TT . , stesmanship which regard 0 Sg 1 stMtherto S , hhaS ation as the basis of national pros, etc,: ,nto the accouut. A very f"! Thtt pece of ord- off lueTottaee. and dronbvdn pemy. 8"Pje calculation shows, then', was P'a on a special the rain comes into the chamber iThe present high tariff has been Aa"he .amount of tax paid by !way wagon for conveyance to AIMii. J.f," in existence Vince the war beaan 6 ?0U 0U UfngK article, Antwerp, where it wast pnt on 7 , V oj ,w ! Ue?a.U' ?. sk- years, was $22,500,000 board hin h o..: J. 7, , "eak but a dropa minute. When "a,BApenencea its .The iron and st effects ever since the war ended, of Pennsvlvnnia In tJit .00wc0 Vi iu were iopg Kepu . - . . a 1g I9 great waste. -In all ax-war-rates. This taxst Mr. Ran- tVIp ' " , aiIw.aJ nickf.buJlt...ex-?w things keep within compass. ioiifnni ; ' 71 wnot-BO easy to conceive pressfv for this rjurnoae. woo In clothe. while he nnt fnrfh ny. the ;peopfe of Georgia and feet long, with thirty-two wheela lasting stuff, and not tawdrv fin- ZJ iwf?w i c ingenious other Southern States shoSld take and sixteen axles; but its lentth eries.-,To be warm is . theiSn Claim that. thA Mat eiink nv nartlnnl,,- ... -..u . . ' ,cu6lu . ' v is iuo main yi w- ""' .vvuib ucuguiiD toe pro, wum iorm Dcnainps. at ir tuincri never min1 iu - V A u . w A ULiU a ft M - w m-T MVJkJ H Hill I I U k u n w " 1 . I . " - 1 A V I UlJ U1I LARGE STOCK Oil MEATS, COFFEES, j TEAS, SUGARS, ETC., ETC. Corn and Hay always 1 ' ! Bagging and Ties r Big lot Eastern Herrin Flour a specialty. on hand. CLOTHING. Hew lot of Clothing, Overcoats, riece woods, etc. Press Trimmings, Linings,Thread 011K DKirt J5raia, etc. J ' Full line of Clark's O. N. T. spool vouon, wmcn must be sold. Bring your Produce, Cotton, Peas and Potatoes. Goods in re turn at Lowest Cash -i Prices. Nowitzlcy's Indian Tea ana Victorine. Befor e J, purchasiner elsewhere call and see me. , WINDSOR, N. C. " now 19 186U a signal instance of J the benefits of protection. The South uas ueen oacK in tne Union since 1865, and has been in sore straits Qidneys are re w - - . .uw WIWO. XT .. . . Iu , or rounu curves on -wever Biretcn your less further Why thev shonld dpsIrA U tr, the line nf t.il0 j k ki 1.- . .1. 6 . UVI rAr!nJ: xt7 . "Tr . n . I " T , . M'J wr"age, uimiKei win reacu, or ana 1 ,0urier. wanom us load, weighed ninety yo? will soon ,be cold. A fool Tr J - . " 1X lon8- -he gun, which weighs may make money, but it needs a Un8U8Dected disnrrierc. nf 118 tons, ia 45 font :. I wiam mon .nn t' r . j UJb I -ww. .wue. tlUU Ala I Vf olicuu I IVU III tj III MP r J " v & vduuubiuih 1 1 if Tn nn it iu lvi iiai uai i iif.r in ii prt tt in inAKnr. I il I h f"MHii-r Tft n than to keen oi aud board, there for savin irs, bank. work hard while j ... 77. r. "& tuiutti vetociiy i Jwvt c Ulug uqu you nave a 01 014 yards m a second and a chance of rest when'you are bid T n era rf nan.ln T I. a. f 1 . m . I I WHAT WmTrnrrn, lurV.11 "P"!8-- 1. . wiy lAttiDD- ouui uau penetrate a steef armor requentiy accidents tccur . In Wiit voai' ' P,aw 00 mcnes tnicK immediate iQQ household which cause burns. ' -7T ! - I IV UL I MR itinilfh fT tha n -. J I PHtO OnPO ni nnrl ..w! . uy putting coal, iron ore. salt, flax, hemp;' jute, : chemicals, progress m certain iadustries thanks to the same beneficent agency. It was not claimed that prices are as low as they might be. but 4"Vv ft 4" Vrn mr. 1... X 1 X 1 vuai fcucjr oro iuwer luua meyi uvujj;. jutw, cuemicais. were nearly thirty years ago. Hor ury8ian8 aQd the rest ot the raw or more. It is believed that no msny years been the. con moa it Alarvk r.A V,. ; U IDaterifl S nf lahnw An Uk r.. 1 x I armOr Tll&tefl Phm ttl 4hA nm.U VnntA fflmilv famaHo been reduced in the United States with rie, fish, and certain other Uree fir?' BUcb Pow" " . . .-,t ntkuAi: jn nenesaarJoa f 7: , guuo. jxrupp a iaciory. how I . . . XlUB J'AISSi. xwuuau Knows r ; rr. "VAUS- BU annual ever. & encmo-fiH in tw' ' ia. nA kA xi' - ret hnhnn aP Coa Ann aaa mI r .... , "1"a",6 fcvu I . mi c i . i - . xo uui mo luui, uiuce iuey cave r . vi vv,wv,uuy wouiu j oi sun-larger dimenstons. Lon-I" Auero 18 B iaoie. ioia ahout a been lowered, at the same time, Pe mace in current revenue from don -News. king's garden, in which, all at m countries wuere protection jLxoecretary Manning A beantifnl f u once, the trees and flowers began plays no part. It is as well, there- indulged in no exaggeration when healthy, and toraain to pine and make complaint fore, to follow his investigation a he saidin his Treasury report of and beautiful she should take Dr. ' The oak wassad because it little further' than Mr. Randall last December that a repea? of the J- H: 'Mclean's ' Strengthening could not yield flowers; the rose- tn4- I duties on wool nlnnA oVki I tyordial and I31ood Purifier ithtno nr. u. z. u w 7.: j. . more rAliof tri i,A imparts tone and; flush to tlm u.. -. f.!. xt: ... 6V,. vuOCuuuBiur every - z Try. wuugman oi 8trenffth viQr ..wfaxox. W. I. WILLIAM S ."WINSTON & WILLIAMS, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. - , rracticc in Berbo and adjoininir coun- urrx iCiO IU itiqivauit, xN. C. I- a WINSTON. ' ATTORNEY'AT'LAm . Practices in Bertie ar.d adjo-ninj cbun- M' fell tfq HENRY P. PUQH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAl'A - -uubUIl,N. C. ' . Jntyf" COUfts '.-Mertid " ctMi liiildln- Kin-' itself . Office hoars 9 a, nvto !! p. S PUB IPS DRUG EMPORIUM, WINDSOR, N. 0. . . Drop and Oils Dra-gtsts Snndries, - riavorinSIlitracU, Soaps. Per ' fumery, vishing Tickle. , me81108 Alaska! install menU and Strings. Robert Bu:st'a Field and Garden Seed, aa VmQ of FiooStaticmery alwrtjs on ! fe!8 tfn o.w.siMreo.v; Ar. P. PjLKKaw SIMPSON & PARKKB, . DEALElJS rjf Grocerlej very low for cab. Meata, Vegetables and Provislont General ilarket Store. Til tfn R C BAZEMORE, DEALER IX Drv Goods, n cars, Sr.tifr$ Hardware, Cutlerr, Dm Caps?80' 0tS' SIl0C8 1Iats :5l5- tSUlIi-Iiest price paid for produce. .WDfDSOB. N. C. feig tfa . J ADO CMS, " DEALER IX ! Ifardvrare. Cutlery, Guns, Stoves oiltural Implements and Iimbermcn v-H r 1 Hnt3 PaIllt Oils. A full Hue of Machinery Oils. fe23 tin . WINDSOR, N. C. - 1 Ann! A - i , , wwwMuav AM flush to the kAA. A r.n:i. . ?v UWWUBWW ?"rJ I au iv t: "v"S U1 skin, strenthx . vior . "" vine was saa motanna ha ntt.nJ .t.M xL. ROnTITrv than 7ahM tU t.i.l . . ' . O 7 'O"- MUiOU.A - T J . lu'l,uvo " buuw me -r- uo wui oiood: is eauallv ndnntorlC'W li UW4UBO 111 uuu 'o. cimg 10 tne benefits of the policy he advo- rePeal of internal taxes on ages, from the babe to the ajred. wall and could cast no shadow. viso, i uo n caaucss Ul uu wllUlc I j . -.vw vnv uuuco uu WOO yttusi oqai . I -I ttlit liUfc UI, 1116. t 16381 argument may be exposed by ex- last ear did not much exceed titWkt Aim vm the world' said the oak. o.;;. fM rn S5.000.00rt tok:i " 4i W'L VI mifirbt as we dh. nno only. The reduced cost of food revenue from whiskey amounted ' I0. fix' the rosebush. andclothing, and the wonderful to nearly $70,000,000. The whis; . Jt, 18 not just, to the trustworthy world1: saioreine. progresm railroad building in Key u went int the public 1U8UIUU0DS ana mflaences of Then the king saw a little nan- me Doutn, were particularly in- L4cauiy me) support or the .rr , u w ignore or to ae- ify, waicn an tnis time held up sisted on. ixovernment, and the duties on Prepiaiene actual work they are u? ,aa onSah ad iresn lace, The reduced cost of food need wool . grievously enhanced the domS in the real naturalization of Kf Lr10 w. were sad. bediscussed at length. Food cost, of: "clothing,; flannels and our ahen populations:' We have ?rS0-r d rod need on " th ? farmo ond ui xf 1 . Ul . r r., ... 7 v makes you- so fresh and fflad. r, - u iaiul? uu oiantets to every fami v in thA piantea ; ourselves upon a trreat whilft thft rt use in not. is Droduced on theiaVms and m 1 Ws-uew- ..!,.uf vo makes you-'-'eo fresh and glad, Z-ZZZTZ-t oianfcets to every family in the Pla"ea ; ourselves upon a great while tha rest uu emim 01 wie jrrotecuoniSt8, r . , " ii,ur:t.7i , ...T.r'lw.r .. w when it suits their purpose, is l" 'Vz - .u--fi' -7 F""' ever reacnea i -a uiougnt,; saia tne pansy, that the nrice of all farm nrorlnnta With; the repeal of the 1 duties D J a nation, to wit, that if a man tDat you placed me here, because is enhanced hv thA onorationa nf on- raw materials a substantial is treated like a man he Ta liVMtr K011 .wan.ted mc and so I made - . I - . ; ? .I . I ... . -v , J - tee lann. ir ia flntnniAnt. tnr the .uuvwua w uuuca vuuiu a purpose of anspering one of their on manufactured articles " ciass,! at least, to set the one claim cessity without any detrim hvor omt'nsf American- indnatriAH. - n v i vx hxuiuui VUlCli & . J WW. .XX.WU V W American ; indn8trie8f-iind7thid oi iieaaer,.are you like tne oak, , Aiuwti,j uuuci ww, cycu upon -me I mo ruaeuusa ana me vine doin? unatean'his reference to the re enues to the probable amount 0f:yyy xne lawless, noming oecausaou cannot do j r - , , .... mon nnn aaa n . i ou lar we nave everv rpflstn tni wnnt nthpra in? "han Mi,. u aucea cosiot ciotnin&r. Jlowever v)vwwwuw uiurc-' ai-is saia, AAfl u,. ; v , i-i .r ' u -SV "vww hnwflwr . rto o n., , congratulation. We are achieve like the nansv. and do vonr ht wodVtaMoCiot ties would stimulate imports - and onderfu sncce.8;' and the iq that little . spot; where . God's tor one oDstacle, and that obsta- l(UU8 vauBe au increase oi reven- xftryr ,0" ; "l" r r i A - - x:.-!:xi, uesfrom" vftnftt.rtm-.r pt tern Jiaye come from a too lax MILLI.VERY G00D5T k A specialty at the old stand, BALTIMORE MILLINERY. M.ss lizzie Bridge has returned ta J indsor with a lull and c'loice stock of Goods. MiUInenr, Notions and Dress uoods. A fresh lot of those R. IL Sail or Ilate, also all the noyeltie In shapes 1 Udl? children StrW an.lTelt HaU,. VelretHaUaad lio-i-neLs made to order, city work and style" at low prices. UiwUe. Hambirss, IIo sicry, Gloves, Ladies xMerino VestTcor- Cufld, Ribbons Velvets, llushes. Fea thers, Plumes. Ornaments, i Flowers etc., etc. Ladies from a distance visit m?, W Sd?.or wiU fied !t Ulelr interest to call. Fohte attention and conveniences for ladies. Terms cash. Quick -sales and small profits. . ""AMERICAN HOUSE, - WINDSOR, N, 6 lel affords. Har snnnliedjwith ct.nim Win cm rt. uors, Cigars and Tobacco. - The onlv f5rst-plAJi. rirm rvT(V A7 and comfortable hotel in the citv. I X f X . 1 .... . . . . i iorges me njat luijcr. Rooms recentlv dows cat down to floor. Doable riazzi around the hotelj j Private sitting room for ladies up stilrs SSTFree Hack to meet SUsmicrf CSTclegraph office attached. . J.'R. MOODY, Prop. fel8tfn ior one oosiacie, ana mat oosta- ruven- . - . nAmft TrXr 1-1 c!e is our high protective ' tariff. ?es from customs.: Experience; ?vr rro.m a t00 lax; - 7 ,P ycuytj war. however. does not wariTant thiJ and not from a too rigorous en Subcribo to the Ledger. GRAND EilFOUIUir OF FASHION. ' Mrs. R. C. TLirrt fin Irraf rnt,,.l from New York with an elegant line of Spring roods. Consisting of nxillinery of a . v mxw. w xvr A MVJ KJ L Litn season in Hats andBoonets. FANCY uuuua iier ionons are unsnrpajsed. dress r;nnn5u-Thp. i.ttit nnr.H;M in styles and shades. Trimming tn respond. Elegant line of Beaded Trim mingsand Panells for Silks. . ' Fine line of Silks in- patterns, handsome Velvets. Everything that pertains to beautify the prices and styles shall suit the moat fas- ""iuiw. x uuu& ijij irieuua ior past patronage and hope to see my old custo- - w - - w uXUX W X VA X V T WUJ C VilCt come all, and 6e the handsomest line of good in Windsor. ..B.M.BATCHELOIU j: (. ft.. . V U - r- : ; '"V . f.--. . . .."

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