f rUIOEpE DOLLAR PKR YE A R, IN A B I AM 1 Y-1 N ADVANCE pURioiTO:VDit:u jst iioN Dnoi r:(: H ENJ.5 II. S W A I " n vj vp ; vi t r, t V -. VOL. II. "V URGE STOCK OF FALL ANDMVINT.ER DRESS I GOODS FLANNELS, worsteds,? - ; ; cashmeres; : - TRICOTS, ETC. Fine assortment Opera and Bas- GENTLEMEM'S HATS, AND CAPS. Notions: LADIES JERSEYS AND JERf sey jackets. winter goods. -! trimmings; - 7 ; silk gloves, KID GLOVES, BLACK GLOVES. COLORED GLOVES excellent liue lisle thraD: hose. CIIILDREXS, MISSES AND LADIES HOSE. GENTLEMILNS llAUb1 hose.. : Cigars and Tobacco jriEAVY W INTER B 0 OTS I?0 R MEN AND BOYS. -; LAltGE STOCK OF MEATS, " COFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS, ETC., ETC. Corn and Haj always on Land 1 Sagging and Ties Big lot Eastern Herring Floor a specialty! CLOTHING. ew lot of Clothing, ; Overcoats, Piece Goods, etc. res8 Trimmings, Linings,Thread Silk Skirt Braid, etc. ull line of Clark's 6. N:T.; spool cotton, which must be sold. ring your Produce. Cotton, Peas uu rotatoes. ttoods in re- ; turn at Lowest Cash. Prices. Nowitzky's Indian Tea and Victorine. Before 'purchasing elsewhere call and see me. WINDSOR, N. C. RECEIPTS 'AND DISBURSE' ' I -n - - - . ' -' ty ? i a at Hilt COUNTY FOR TRE in accordano.R w.Mi nVin iq o vuiuuxea oi me jode,i I herewith annex a comuleti Rtafntrmr; xr - . - m. - vv.ui.nu KJl HIC sv. cvwj ouurce ana aisourse- r"v"u; u" ?VBX account made by CountV for flip turbl fi vai-w luuuuia cIlLUUor I IAAtYtKAM 1 00T 1 . v.v.ci, 400 vsnowmg tne name c v ury mumauai whose account . . luuuuu, unuweuana tor what purpose. ... . GENERA L i ORDERS. DECEMBER G, 1886. --5. "W i $M ont81(e Por house, 3;oo 3.00 4.00 6.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 j-iauuy j.uuK.t:r. same. uryan Wynn,v Abram Phelns. Emcline Meyera, Winnie Ward- Hester Reddick, " Juan Speller, J3i. Deiiipsey, Steven Brown, Tattv Williams: 2.00 : Lydia Peterson, ' 2.00 2.00 Aggylh-ompffon," E. E- IIollomah, " . 3.00 2.00 M. Wilson. HarVev Outlaw 2.00 Vina Mebane, .3.00 10.00 Abby Butler, AggJ Cherry, Wm. Bvrom. 400 '9.00 .15.00 J no. Caetellotr. " Eliza Har.-eli, Eraeline HarrelL -2.00 ' 6.00 liarnet Hobbius, u Cufl'CasDer & wifa 10.00 ; 6.00 Hettie Millef. - 3.00 6 00 3.00 3.00 3.00 . 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 -10.00 5.00 - 10.00 6.00 4.50 Lurinda Tillery, " ! Dolly Lawrence, ' Jtose JLioon, " Laura Boon. " Esther Askew, u I'risciIIa Cooper, " ' Tempe narrell, " Matilda Cooper, " Aug. Mizell, " Chancy Williams" . - lhos. Brogden, - Mary M arc! re. . Matilda" Outland. a 1 Jesse Browniwife Celia Newbern, Cherry Outlaw, Daniel Hasins. 4 . 3.00 3.00 44 Matilda Burden j " 5.00 Amelia rhelps Joshua Bo wen, Larrv Clark. 3.00 (i (i 5.00 5.00 Blunt GiifBn&wife 5.00 Peggy Bazemore Jas. Thomas. (t 3.00 3.00 3.00 Ishmael Cherry, Martha White, Winnie Dunlow Sylvia Phelps, Rachel Ruffin" Jas. Carter. ' . 2.00 '2.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 Clarissa Outlaw, ? 300 Arthur Gillam Robert Jacocks. 3.00 4.50 Winnie Robinson, Henry Peel e. 3 00 12.00 12.00 J. A. P. Lane, atten tionjetc. to W. L. Hurst, ILW Cherry: services as poll holder, 3.00 3.00 Wright Cherry-same J. W. Green " - v G- N. Green services 3.00 4.98 3.00 2.00 4.80 12.91 2 65 as registrar . ... J. A. Pritchard serv- ices as poll holder DECEMBER 7, 1886, James Borul examin ing- Sheriff's books A.' J. Dunning J. P. cost . : State vs Charl es White J. S. Mitchell, Sher ifi's cost Stat e' vs Geo. -Vaughan . Stokes,Lyon & Gray cost State vs A. J. Sim mons . . . ..- . . . W. Canehart .1 P. cost State vs Jno: Mizell 3.35 4.15 1.95 15.00 ; 16.37 42.61 ;13.48 77-73 -9.50 23.00 . Geo. Gray constable cost State vs Jos. White C. L. Northcott -con-" stable cost State ' vs A. Wynn and M; 7C ; White' H. C. Fagar coal for jail Chas. Bond J. P's cost in State cases V -ii! J. P. Rascoe & Son mdse for poor house.-- J. P J Rascoe & Son mdse for jail H. J. Godwin board ? for prisoners - : H. J. Godwin -waiting -cn'court and jail .; : . Jno. Ht Collins sol id-, itor's fees ' -; 9 : Thos Gillam Jr. Clerk m i. ! oy pe nor uourt tces: v . 13G . j. K. Outlaw SherifFa fees ; - - :; ' . 4 4 Wrc vi E;Mrtcheirj.Ect insolvent cases J, E Mitchell services at' election ; " - R 'Askew sariiQ A. J. Cobb : v A. J. Dunning " ! ' v j Aug. Rbbbins 4; ' J Leo Bond 1 v- '' ' ;: : T. C.fBond ? V D. C.: Outlaw ?r ' ' J: S.' Grrceri r ' " " Wnu T.:IIeckstnli u'r 1(J- the , of has 4.41 .2 Q0 . Unas. Bond . . Frank Kn J. B. Outlaw P. C. ,Cooner ' : ( T. '.Gillam Jr. nnrl T B. Stokes the same tl . J. C. Freeman " 1 Noah Cherry Jr r' : : DECEMBER 13, 188G. Jacob WvijnSO.rvinAo ' at election1 V- 1 Rich'd Williams samo A. II. Allen - . E II. Walke . ' ' Edw'd Bazemore ' W.W.Tyler et als G. W. Cobbl:: ; A. Jenkins . . ' . : J.R, Moody board and , lodging for jury ". . , Jupiter -. Bishop " ar resting Hacty Bowden , John Turner coEn fur pauper y : ' ; P. O. Jenkins same Drs. Dunstan. Pnh 12 345 13 1 00 3 00 1 . 3 and'Gurley post mortein . 10 5 vAttiuujauuu x;r.. rayne Dr. II. V. Dnnstan expert. State vs Dr. E. ITT r f . . . - w. .riin , W. F. McGIenhan ar- , restini: and brini?iiic rn jail Jno. Mizell 2 K. B. Outlaw building Conaritsa bridirc 5 ; . JANUARY 3t 1887. J. U. Li v ey i 1 1 j 2 pa n p e ra to l U. . II.J.Godwin attention 5 12 56 16 72 3 -. 3 to court house 1886 H. J. Godwin board ing prisoners W. B. Harrison coal lor county , II. V. Danstan -medical attention to jail, oic. Lyon Bros bbnki for C..S. C. andrRcg.:Deeds J. H. ; White services as poll holder . ' ; CL. Northcott serv ices a tid fees' constable George Gray sanie J. A. Harrell blanks for Clerk S u pen or count 4 W. L. Lyon: clerk for . board canvassers: i v J. P. Ra9coei & ; Son -paper and ink for grand jury : . , ; " H. C. Hollcy services as poll holder-- E. R.;Outiaw error in settlement ::.y r r -Thos. Gillam Jr. re- cording election returns -T.jH. Bazemore sarao ' : T. H. Bazemore servr ices.as Register Deeds ; : : Edwards, Broughton k Co., blanks for Sheriff L. D. Holley services -as poll holder . N..;Y. Minton services as constable ; John Hughes services and fees as coroner J John Hughes services - 2 4 2 ! 1 3 31 4 00 . 4 00 17 80 2 83 4 00 i - 60 18 oo 17 oo and fees coroners jury FEBRUARY 7, 1887. , WR) Smith errorinVV i taxes for 1886 :, . H C. F. Byrum same . Qninton Pierce ' Thos. G. Byrd Joshua Liscomb' J Geo. Simmons ; Lawrence Brooks .''J Chas.Hynian 4 -Wm. "Win born 4 r Jno. L. Conner ! ;: ". ' .. Marcus Mitchell4 , ' 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 Hester ; Morris - help outside poor-house : r . 2 Aueiiue vv iiiiaras same , , 3 Marv Ann Harris 4 II. White: coffin ; for 2 pauper 'r . " 3 Abram Burden "ser vice as poll holder , ;.. v 3 o . W . Uherrv same Jos. E. Kicholls 4 ' D, W. Cowaud 4 E. B. Outlaw' rubber 4 5 3 oo 1 79 stamp ; , r ;U WrXyon service as -clerk of. Commissioners 1 il J Godwin service as jailor 26.50 xa.xv as county commissioner 10.10 Peter IJiinA Bo.- 3.00 ----'www OUIUU J B Stokes r. ' Peter Jlnscoo collect ing insolvent taxes v J B Stke3 same ; J L'Harringtou ' scrv- 3 00 3.00 4.00 I'-N 'Minton una . X.UUI l.t.rtn T?- LI' . 2.00 lor officers - - Edwards, Brouirhton-. & Co. blanks lor'C S C ' Edwards, Broughton & Co. record of d .3.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 ' J O Blair stationery for Remstpr nf llaorli " ' "0 1 . l r Tort.,u . for court house lot ':' A J. Pritchard; build ' 4 72 . 7o oo "47 300 ing wading place bridge . JIannabal Ryan error in taxes: - -.; MARCII 7," 1887. Wi nnio Rascoe hfiln 3 00 3,00 3 00 3 00 00 3 outside poor house xxymi vvyon ; samo Abram Phelps&wife 1-1 . 00 -meiine Mvers" c Winnie Warfl Hester Roddick Lye i a Peterson ; Agiry Thompson A bby Butler Billy Tyler t wifo Frankio Leo : Polly Butler. r Mary Mirdre Aggy Cherry John Ca8telfow Wm Byrum Harriet Bobbins Dolly Lcwrence Rose Boon ' . Laura Boon Esther' Akew Priscilla Conner'-' EiiZa Uarru!l: Winnie Dunlow Tcmpoy Hasacir lle3tcr Roddick v Matilda Cooper Aug Mizull Thos Broirdcii ' 00 lo f 4 00 00 15 00 00 00 00 97 05 00 75 ..- 00 - oo '2 o no 3 on 3 oo lo lo Matilda Outland Jeso Brown &wife Celin'Nev, brmo Cherry Outlaw 4 Daniel IlairiiH " 4 -6 4 a ' Matilda Bunleir .A inelia Phelpa , Fcrebv-Outlaw Joshua, Bt)wcu I - Larry Clark , - 3 3 00 00 75 00 ; 5 Blunt Oiiffln & wife 4 ! 5 Peggy Bazemore .Ishmael Chcriy Martha. Whito Silvia Phclns c, t c a 3 . Rachel Huflin Jkuics. Carter 15 Clarissa Outlaw 00 50 Arler Gillam . Kobert Jacocks Steven Brown ; Minerva Casper Tatty Williams Freeman Cooper r NelsoirWhito ; T Juan Speller ; . Mariana WiUon Harry Outlaw ' Enoa Mitcliell- Willis Thompson E Demp?6y ; r HestcrMorris 1 1 Hvnry Pealo - Winnto Robertson y James Thomas Lurinda Tillery t Emeline llarrelP ' o - - 5 2 - - - o - 1 v! 3 b oo nudae for School Board oo J 'P. Rascoe & Son t oo mdse for jail 8 oo J P. Rascoe & Sou oo mdso for poor house oo LoVi Harden error in oe taxes tor 1886 - Isaac Pierce same. ' OO i C E Cowandirdiltf f.ir 4 , 2 oo public road . . : 152 .Lewis Donate cm cbfiiu 06 . W E Copelandi coffin oo tor JNancy Tucker - ' oo : W "W Butler i coffin oo tor Vina Mebane; II J Godwin. rai tin cr oo on court etc ' - . . ;.4V board for prisoners oo W'L Williams lees as 17 Solicitor r 49 :Dr E W Buqh expert oo at inquest ot Dr Ifayne Harrell 8 rnnt jllouso blanks for Sheriff . 0 - . . .... ..,.. 4 oo I T J Hcckstnll services " as Sunt, poor house 274 SO A J Pritchard repair ing Windsor and j 7Q Cr.J 42 86 quist bridge " services as J P Cba Bond sumo ' L'O OO 16 oo J I J , W Manning cn.j 11 25tveyinir priioneni'to jail UtJ II Brett ;arretiug - 4 oo! rrances Hop-nrnnl rr 4 oo uco limy scrvcus as cor stable G Gray and IIP Pugh constable and Mayor ' W L Lyon blafikf for O S C and OIC J " ftervico ng CSC IT Gillam Jr amo E R Oatlaw service as Sheriff i 1 : ' John Hughes services 4 3o 6 5o 8 25 lo 3o 116 3 15 as coroner s : Bryant-Easbu tixca for 1886; old ago , " : John Cotton taxes for 18S6, infirmities " Jos L Bbwtn'nnejialf double tax for 1886 ! ; 10 Jas E V 3oo Geo W Simpiou4 5 oo t ounuerilil Jos K White" 4 ! ' Jonitcr Bishon "orr- 6 ool 9 oo 3 oo ices cs consrablo ' ' ' j oo woo uray : game ML oo h C L Northcott V CL Northcott 4 2 oo oo ' W A CanehartscrvicG 3 oo as County Conimi-jiioncr o f 3'oo H J Godwiii' ecrvicu 3oo "3 jailor ,! - "69 G Thoj Gillam Jr: 4 o ice as CI C : . V! oo JnoE Tyler bOr vices 9 oo cs poll holder ' J II V hito the if.inn 3 on W II Sir.ithw.cL nr- 3 ot veyiug pnnr houo land 3 oo J'.tlicnde k Brooks' 3 ool coal fur county, oi o 3 on Nornrui ; , tt Kverutt 2 uo irk fur poor Voihc 05 Vyuhia btcam Navia tinii Co. frei-.'ht on same no Cashie & RunkoTf!. Ck message to Troujif r 1 1 suu.e from ! oo oo APRIT, H. 13S7. Albemiirlo Knnuirer. l.f.-mL'A 5 oo ccnt'J. C. Freeman, scrvicM 15n CoUlitV Cuminisi.Mif.r R . - Mr J LSiiiii.biitiiiie-liaII dii no tax tnr 18S J. 3.1..: Mi I-.Mlh. 5 OO Gra, one" half "double in- f. oo 186, 3 2.; Mm JIairi,.t a4tCf oi half double tax lop 1336, 1 61: oop Janiaca-cel. unc half.. ff.i.ili'H on tax for 1886. 3 o3: Mi M oo HoMis, one !i;i!f double lax oo lasu, l.HJ; W 1) Todd, one oo doublu tax "for. ISS'j, 2.oo 2oo .MAY2.1m7.. ' v ; ; ;3 oo Rtablo,,72o;WiNDcoii Public Led. mm " " irintintr notices to J 1 i.v On I I, j)a.Vl(Hnn. britirrtiif t.Prt.,.,,,. oo jail, 4 5o; Edwards, Brou-hton yii, civil . issue docket 7 on; El wards, Broughton k C.; blank w lor-v; O .J U U air. hUnk - oo I . v . . "1 J: ," viu.iu- inn nropos.io. v . , .s . o Oo I "i "T r . II.' .i. n " on jail cxpcniC31 61 :J; Z TyW, re 9 pairs to. Kieo mill Iaui: 3!oo; D C uuuaw, couoctm . insolvent tax, oo 5 oo; JW Spivej..focs nz J P oo 2 oo; 4 JedS4 Flood, coffin for a oo uoor child. 1 r.n . ,! f;. - I t - 1 - .-f T"'WHV.IJ .WMinton, CDneyini; priiouer to oo iad. 2 5e: 1IB Brnwir .ni;I. :fr "1 w oo Lizor Leo. 3 on R IT XrHnt . OO I Vil'fd fiA noil lirtirl.ir 1 r T.. - " , w . . . , w ,.. AUU9 lirown, neip outside p wr. hoiuo, t oo: , Go Clarx. hcin- onrsidn oo pour house, 2 oo - -. , o7 JUNEG.1S57. Uj 3 rift Byan Wyn i name 1 5 oo Ooo 0 oo 3 oo 3 oo 2 oo 2 oo . V innio urd t-.f I Ilettr Riildick Lydia Peteraou C Aggy, 1 horn pa oil , Abbv Butler. lo Billy .Tylr and. wife Frankiu Lee . ; 4 m 3 oo " o OO 3 oo "O i O 4 oo 15 o 9 oo 5"o 3 oo o o OO 3 oo Polly Bullor. . . 4 -Mary M;ird to 4 - Ajrgy'Cncrry. -4 John Castrllow - i ; Wm Byrum , 4 : Harriet Robbins 4 "Dully Lawrence - 4! Kose'Boon Laura Boon . 4 )0 K0. 19. WINSTON !, WIM.ia.ms ATTORNEYS AfiD .CCMsaicas AT 21 no I WlXfKQlt. X. c. !. c-Winston; 7 ATTORNEy-AT-LAiy, ..8o t:e3. ' -S 2 83 A TTORfJEY-ATtAl, U'fVIWi... . .. 4 ;5 j i Vol WINDSOIL N. f 5o on 2'ncLVt5 b all ti.e cru '"Hi . Co fcli t.'a n o j PtGH'S DRUG EAFpYmim . WINDSOR K n ' ' WINDSOItN. C Uhcrr 3vu enn find d or p-..lft FnnT n,ji;lir,d'J iGanlcnJ. n!l hnconiaeStallonrn.lv..:, MnVq - MPSCNpAHK:rfi. - " oJ.'ALHR-i IN- Oencr.dM.ukct SJorr. fclg & 2 oo 2oo 2 32 2 35 2 co 2 io 2 on 2 4o 1 8o 5 ro 3 25 wixrsor? X. C- r oo 53 17 ' - BAZEMORE, IRAtaiK I.V o M U ""nmarc. Cut err. Dm., 5' oo ! .iri,irt price palj for rrn.4 . WfNDs i:. v. r 6 lo 15 - i.jaco?::?, o o oo n ' n !.:. . j wr" ... miALr.u i.f , Hroran. i;!.cj Took naniAs 11 S I;?,.,!?unl:,,ini . lie or:i.v.n rrv CJ;!. f'Uf i MILL IN CUV GOOU.r A jKcLilty at i!ico!JsL:r.I, BALTIMORE AflUhVERK ? i. :v 1 a ,a" or lfMl. Miirn...-- v. .: .. . iliK - nJie Mr - f..r hulf ok4?. a frui i lot or fj-M, p.. IL Sr cr Hats n!j4 nil t!!e n vcl:ic ia Iv and cu unj i,, hldul ntU in wlc to onlcr. c;:y nu sUlm h !Vi,,o:i- cIv-. Fca Uir.s ilu.iu-. Or,i.imcar.. Fibers f.iv IJlI:,t:s rpMl ' f:tiui5 vlvt icrI,4,Iil7; Itrnn ca.!u CuU:Vc lc andsnull io:lu. . fc c ... k ,i Windsor; VI, M t asfonN. lUr mi;:.::c1 i:Ti ci.' . l'hc only f:rtlaM. h ):u.;-!.l-, frx -n1 onjf.rtible hotel Li t!.r r-?y. choice cbirA. nre ncd4Hlft. . ioms really. rcnovAle.1 ar.-I w'n. doii cat lwu to iloor. DocLIo p jza ruind Uio hotel lniite iitiii room Tnr i -. ttTl-Vrc Hack t me-t. Steamers. J. It. MOODV. I'n.p. 1M;-;.i Gil AND KMPOUIUM OF FASHION. , , ilrn. 8. C. Uarrtt Im jnU ivtcr.;c 1 frorj Ne'v VorV w'.tJ na ch raiU J -i" Nn-mh U. Co u ; s : In ; c T 1 1 . ;! : r. rr v c f nil kin(U The Ulct n-Tr'ti. t . oo DIJI-SS GOODS Tr. l.ifrtt , . v,'. in Hxl .v. 1 ?l;.i!e:Tr;;rin,hi- t r.-. rrp n.l. ill.-nt i:.-.,. vf j;c , . j Tr, -xn:nr-n-l ,.J::,-:UrrS.,.k. Fl: r . 'IKV 111 i :trr!) ' ' h.ir..'-onr. ' I i:vi-ryth;n ;;.it lu-rt-i'.n i. l-- i . 1 1 IaI;. i,iv- ui call, niil -u-.Knt ti.ii--).!. f t.'i-r.k srv Y.j.!, f-.r "; I'ltri't! a:l In.;., n ? . :..y r.: 1 tv;-r. r . : r . " .!-.- .. . . i . . ...... . . . . : i, w It... , , r ' ' ' . f Ucrl Ccntiaiicd fo;:r:li 1 -.

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